2003-08-26 Thread Travis Stevens
I am trying to represent, in a UML class diagram, a certain 
architecture.  How would one represent an object, that is placed into 
session scope.? The object is used by Action clasess.  I kinda want to 
use the composition relation, but the object really isn't a property of 
the object itself.


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2003-08-26 Thread Travis Stevens
In the composition case, I think it would be
Action MyObject because the Action contains the 
object.  But my question is should I use the composition relation here, 
or something else?


Yansheng Lin wrote:

I think it's



-Original Message-
From: Travis Stevens [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: August 26, 2003 9:31 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: UML

I am trying to represent, in a UML class diagram, a certain 
architecture.  How would one represent an object, that is placed into 
session scope.? The object is used by Action clasess.  I kinda want to 
use the composition relation, but the object really isn't a property of 
the object itself.


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Re: relative links and the html:base tag

2003-08-22 Thread Travis Stevens
Use the
html:link / tag.  This will take care of everything for you.

Fumo, Vince wrote:

I'm using the html:base tag in all my jsps so my images and css sheets get
correctly referenced. However, when I add refs to my action mappings, I have
to add a ../ before them for them to work. 

For example A will get me the follwing error: 

	The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect (Invalid
path /pages/help was requested). 

Hoever, if I use A HREF=../ things work as expected.

Fyi, the mapping is as follows:

path =/help

I would like to write my jsps without having to preface all the hrefs. Is
there a simple way to deal with this problem?
dir stucture is as follows

  |- pages
|- images
|- common
  |- WEB-INF
|- classes
|- lib
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flow question

2003-08-21 Thread Travis Stevens
To reach a goal, I need many different actions.  One is to select a 
record, then choose elements in that record and so on.
The select a record actions has actions within itself.  Display search 
criteria, display results.

Is it acceptable to have a single action as a controller, delegating 
request to each sub action, or is better to go sequentially from one 
action to another.  I guess the problem with a single action, is that 
one can only use one type of ActionForm.

Any other thoughts on this?


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ForwardAction and modules

2003-08-14 Thread Travis Stevens
I have a module in which I have a forward action, and it seems that I 
have to add the module name to the parameter of the forward page.
(actual example)

I would think that the ForwardAction should take into consideration 
that the forward page is in the specified module:
(envisioned example)

In my example there is an admin module and a file: /admin/adminIndex.jsp.

Any thoughts on this?


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2003-08-14 Thread Travis Stevens
I need some help with authentication with struts.  I have been looking 
into filter validation, having a directory /publicAction and a directory 
/privateAction each containing public and private actions.  The 
interesting thing, if the action mapping is /privateAction/* and 
/publicAction/*, then two two different urls can acccess someAction, 
both /privateAction/someAction and /publicAction/someAction.

I could have two directories, one /action/public and the other 
action/private.  But here, the mapping would be action/*, and the 
struts-config.xml paths would have to me something like: 
path=/private/privateAction, which seems a little messy, especially if 
a privateAction is to become a public action.  Any ideas?

I can't use container managed authentication.

any help would be great!


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modules, somethings missing

2003-08-06 Thread Travis Stevens
I am doing something wrong with modules, and am not quite sure what.

Basically, the rui requested is always being routed to default.  Here 
are my settings:

When I request a url of: context/public/someAction i get this:
Thread-4 DEBUG util.RequestUtils - Get module name for path /private
Thread-4 DEBUG util.RequestUtils - Module name found: default
any ideas?


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Re: modules, somethings missing

2003-08-06 Thread Travis Stevens

If you wanted you could the URL mapping for *.cool or something and
you will see Struts append that to your path.  That way people would
not know you are using Struts (maybe to fake out hackers).

I think i'll us a *.asp, althought that would probably not deter hackers 
very much.


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Re: modules, somethings missing

2003-08-06 Thread Travis Stevens
I cna't say that I really understand why my way didn't work.  I really 
don't see a problem with having multiple
mappings to an ActionServlet, at least on the tomcat side of things. 
Now that I think about it,  struts accesses
the web.xml file for some configuration information, maybe struts itself 
only looks for one action mapping when it
does its internal configuration.

Anyhow, I changed the mapping to *.do and everything works great, thanks 


Bailey, Shane C. wrote:

I believe the problem is that you can only have 1 URL mapping to the Struts
All you have to have is your first servlet-mapping.  Struts will then take
care of everything automatically from then on out.  The thing you will have
to keep in mind is that if you are in the main module to access you link
to module actions by doing html:link action=/public/someAction and
html:link action=/private/someAction  or if you want to go to an action
with the same name in the main module you just do html:link
One you have linked to the desired action and JSPs served up by those
modules will then be accessed like such html:link action=someAction but
Struts will automatically figure you are in a JSP served by, say, private so
it makes the URL
When you are in say the public module (meaning in a JSP which was served up
by an action within that module) and you want to get to a private modules
action then you do something like this:
public module struts config:
forward name=privateHome contextRelative=true
then inside a public module JSP you would link to the private area by doing
html:link forward=privateHomePrivate Home/html:link
To be honest with you I use the .do instead of /do/* (meaning like your
/nmmr/ prefix) so that part is kinda sketchy with me as to when you need to
add /nmmr to the front of the action link etc.
But you should get the idea I hope.

-Original Message-
From: Travis Stevens [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2003 5:08 PM
Subject: modules, somethings missing

I am doing something wrong with modules, and am not quite sure what.

Basically, the rui requested is always being routed to default.  Here 
are my settings:

When I request a url of: context/public/someAction i get this:
Thread-4 DEBUG util.RequestUtils - Get module name for path /private
Thread-4 DEBUG util.RequestUtils - Module name found: default
any ideas?


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Design Question

2003-07-31 Thread Travis Stevens

I have some functionality in my web application that allows a user to 
select a record.  This functionality is plugged into other types of 
functions, such as combine a record or select a component record.

Steps to combine a record:
1. select a record
2. configure combining
3. combine
Sets to selct a compont
1. select a record
2. set the record as a component.
As you can see, the select a record functionality is common.  To 
implement this I would like to create action classes specifically for 
the select a record interface.  One of the request parameters would be 
the action to forward the result to.  The GET request would look 
something like this:

This would:
1. display search fields
2. search / display results
3. redirect to the finishedForwardActionPage (would it be better to put 
the record in the session for the finshedForwardAction or just pass the 
id as a parameter)

Is this an acceptable implementation, or is there a better way?


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Re: Design Question

2003-07-31 Thread Travis Stevens
Because the foward action should be completely dinamic.  The select 
action should know nothing concrete about any of the actions that use 
the functionality, otherwise one would have to edit the select action 
every time a new action is created that uses the select action.


Why not just define the forward action in the selectRecord action mapping 
element in your struts-config.xml?


Quoting Erik Price [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


Travis Stevens wrote:


As you can see, the select a record functionality is common.  To 
implement this I would like to create action classes specifically for 
the select a record interface.  One of the request parameters would be 
the action to forward the result to.  The GET request would look 
something like this:




This would:
1. display search fields
2. search / display results
3. redirect to the finishedForwardActionPage (would it be better to put 
the record in the session for the finshedForwardAction or just pass the 
id as a parameter)

Is this an acceptable implementation, or is there a better way?

I'm not saying that this is a better way, but it strikes me that 
selecting a record might not be something that you want to confine to 
Struts Actions -- for instance, someday down the road you might want to 
select a record from some other interface or even as a service from 
another application.  You might wish to abstract this even further than 
the level of Action, and make (for instance) a [POJO] class, such as 
RecordSelector, that performs this activity.

Then you can create Actions specific to your form interfaces, and when 
it is necessary to select a record, you can use this class to do the 
work (delegating the information from the Action to the class).  This is 
known as the Command design pattern (in fact Struts Actions are 
themselves an implementation of the Command design pattern, but they are 
tightly coupled to the servlet framework).

This may also spare you the process of supplying a parameter to indicate 
which Action this should ultimately be forwarded to, since you would 
just have the form submit to that Action and delegate the work to 
RecordSelector from inside of that Action.

Just a suggestion.


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messages 101

2003-07-28 Thread Travis Stevens
I can't seem to get messages to work.  My action code has this line of code:

//create a message
ActionMessages messages = new ActionMessages();
messages.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new 
ActionMessage(,new Integer(record.getUID(;

//log it
if (log.isInfoEnabled()){ saved successfully: + record.getUID());
and my view has this:
html:messages id=error
  bean:write name=error/br /
and my struts-config has:
Nothing prints out in my view.  What am I missing here?  The log message 
Record saved successfully shows up, so I know that the messages are 
being saved.  My ActionErrors work fine so I know my message-resources 
are being used properly.

The javadoc for Action.saveMessages() reads:
Save the specified messages keys into the appropriate request attribute 
for use by the html:messages tag (if messages=true is set), if any 
messages are required.

Is this my problem?  Do I have to set messages to true.  Where do I 
set messages=true?


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Re: Using XMLForms in Struts

2003-07-25 Thread Travis Stevens
This is something that I could use too.  I can see an XMLActionForm 
class as well as an XMLDynaActionForm class.
Both of these would create org.w3c.doc.Document objects based on the 
input form.

I work with metadata, specifically FGDC metadata.  There is an XML 
representation of FGDC.  For example,
the value of a title of a metadata record goes into:

and a browse graphic goes into
Our forms are created dynamically using the XML structure and it would 
be great to be able to do this:

FGDCIdinfo idinfoForm = (FGDCIdinfo) actionForm;
Document fgdcDocument = idinfoForm.getDocument();
FGDCRecord record = session.getAttribute(record_being_edited);
Might be an interesting project to take on.


Simon Kelly wrote:

It's input from html, using xml, and allows you to create a forms that are
more complex in nature than is normally handled by html forms.  I'm just
starting with it myself, so I'm not all up to speed on exactly how it works.
- Original Message -
From: Adam Hardy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2003 4:44 PM
Subject: Re: Using XMLForms in Struts

Hi Simon,
what is xml forms? Do you use it to produce xml output? Is it for input
as well?

Simon Kelly wrote:

Hi all,

has anyone tried to use the XMLForms in the struts setup yet?

I need to use it as part of the pre-requisites for the current project,

and am wondering if it is easy or complex to get it to run along side the
struts framework.

Any help appreciated as usual.



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