Re: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???

2002-07-19 Thread Arron Bates

We want the form beans to stay in session, so it has to be able to be
populated when build from an empty constructor (the way beans do). Enter
lists of nested objects. In the constructor you have to instantiate the
list, new ArrayList() or whatever.

So, new request comes in for monkey number five. But our list is only
just built, no objects waiting at index number five to take the items,
information is lost forever.

One way you can track it, is to store the information someplace as to
how many are in the list, and build the list in the reset method or
whatever. Not easy unless you give the bean access to the request
object... which is bad.

Enter lazy lists. When you build your array list, wrap it in the lazy
list, when you do so, you pass it the definition/means to build objects
for the lists. Your definition. Three options, pass it a class
definition and it'll simply do a newInstance() on it, the class
definition and argument details so it can call a constructor with
arguments, or for the most complex, you can define a factory impl
against an interface. 99% of the time the class def is all you'll need.

For lists within lists... all you can to do is wrap the lists in the
child objects and they'll grow just fine too.

Why all this?... because from very simple beans you can just forget
them, leave the scope as request, and rest assured all the lists or
whatever are all built and ready to go. It's just another one of those
things that Struts can do for you.

I'm going to work them into DynaBeans for my own use at least, because
then it's all marked up... don't have to touch anything, nothing has to
be explicitly handled for collections. It's not mandatory... can easily
specify a build-lists=true in the definition of the property.

Specs are great for defining minimum involvement. It is true that a half
complete spec implementation isn't a good thing at all, but I'm of the
belief that for projects like this a spec should never define the limit
of a product. Must admit Craig baffles me on this topic at times. Stuff
like this lazy list thing because it's not in the bean spec, but yet I
don't see nested dot notation properties and mapped properties in the
bean spec either. :)

The bean spec has aged a bit, mapped properties and whatever. Not that
lazy lists should ever be in it. But... Struts is in the business of
providing a cohesive, productive framework for creating applications
defined by excellence in design. It does so many things correctly and
automatically for you. Excellent. Wrapping my collections in lazy lists
to my beans was one more step in me knowing my forms beans are happening
correctly, the definition, request scope, the whole deal... one more
thing I don't have to code any longer. Less code doing the right stuff
is a good thing, hang any spec, IMHO  :)


On Fri, 2002-07-19 at 06:04, Adam Hardy wrote:
 I wonder how your lazy initialisation works. I'm afraid I didn't look at 
 the code - since you said you wanted to explain it to the masses anyway, 
 perhaps you won't mind explaining, rather than telling me not to be so 
 lazy myself. Basically, if you have your example:
 In the request parameters:
 how does your collection wrapper know what class to instantiate for 
 monkey, bunch, etc etc? Is this something that you configure in xml 
 somewhere? Presumably an extension to dynaform configuration?
 Arron Bates wrote:
  Craig, wouldn't this be fixed by getting the collections in the DynaForm
  to be wrapped by the lazy lists I commited a few weeks ago to
  commons?... then when they're being created when the request comes in,
  it'll all grow as needed and it'd just happen.
  Been missing the past couple of weeks due to bad flu among other things.
  Love to get in there and code it, but time is hard to find at the moment
  and there's other things I need to get on to, but the above feels like a
  good marriage.
  One of the things I have to do is describe the lazy collections to the
  masses. Seems a few have had list constrcution issues with request scope
  beens in the last fortnight.
  On Wed, 2002-07-17 at 12:45, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
 On Tue, 16 Jul 2002, Rick Reumann wrote:
 Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 22:04:54 -0400
 From: Rick Reumann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Craig R. McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cc: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re[2]: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???
 On Tuesday, July 16, 2002, 9:04:04 PM, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
 CRM Setting stuff like this up in the reset() method is the standard approach.
 CRM Arrays have to exist already for either standard JavaBean-based
 CRM ActionForms, as well as DynaActionForms.
  I'm still a bit confused by this. When I use a standard
  ActionForm I don't have to do anything special with my ArrayList
  in the ActionForm. A page that uses this ArrayList works fine.

Re: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???

2002-07-18 Thread Adam Hardy

I wonder how your lazy initialisation works. I'm afraid I didn't look at 
the code - since you said you wanted to explain it to the masses anyway, 
perhaps you won't mind explaining, rather than telling me not to be so 
lazy myself. Basically, if you have your example:

In the request parameters:


how does your collection wrapper know what class to instantiate for 
monkey, bunch, etc etc? Is this something that you configure in xml 
somewhere? Presumably an extension to dynaform configuration?


Arron Bates wrote:
 Craig, wouldn't this be fixed by getting the collections in the DynaForm
 to be wrapped by the lazy lists I commited a few weeks ago to
 commons?... then when they're being created when the request comes in,
 it'll all grow as needed and it'd just happen.
 Been missing the past couple of weeks due to bad flu among other things.
 Love to get in there and code it, but time is hard to find at the moment
 and there's other things I need to get on to, but the above feels like a
 good marriage.
 One of the things I have to do is describe the lazy collections to the
 masses. Seems a few have had list constrcution issues with request scope
 beens in the last fortnight.
 On Wed, 2002-07-17 at 12:45, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:

On Tue, 16 Jul 2002, Rick Reumann wrote:

Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 22:04:54 -0400
From: Rick Reumann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Craig R. McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re[2]: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???

On Tuesday, July 16, 2002, 9:04:04 PM, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:

CRM Setting stuff like this up in the reset() method is the standard approach.
CRM Arrays have to exist already for either standard JavaBean-based
CRM ActionForms, as well as DynaActionForms.

 I'm still a bit confused by this. When I use a standard
 ActionForm I don't have to do anything special with my ArrayList
 in the ActionForm. A page that uses this ArrayList works fine.
 However as soon as I try to use this ArrayList as property in a
 DynaActionForm I run into problems trying to submit a jsp page
 that was populated with the ArrayList info (the display works
 fine, it's just upon submission).

If you're using request scope beans, a new instance gets created on every
request.  And I will bet that you probably have an initialization of this
array happening in your constructor, or in an initialization expression,

For DynaActionForm instances, the default initialization of all
non-primitives in null.  That's why you still need to initialize in
reset(), or use the new initial property described below.

CRM In recent nightly builds, we added support for an additional mechanism --
CRM you can declare an intiialization expression for arrays in the
CRM form-property for a DynaActionForm bean, using the initial attribute.
CRM The syntax is basically like what you use in Java to initialize an array
CRM to a set of values in a variable declaration -- for example:

CRM   form-bean name=myform
CRM  type=org.apache.struts.action.DynaActionForm

CRM form-property name=intArray type=int[]
CRM initial={ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }/

CRM   /form-bean

   What if the information in an ArrayList of beans that you want in a
   DynaActionForm is to first be populated by some database info.
   Do you need to first initialize it like a above to a bunch of
   nulls? If so what if the list size fluctuates (hence use of
   ArrayList) how do you know how many to initialize the ArrayList

That's definitely a place where loading the arrays in the reset() method
makes sense.

Having an intArray property of type int[] on a DynaBean is very much
like having the following method signatures on a standard JavaBean:

  public int[] getIntArray();
  public void setIntArray(int intArray[]);

so you don't have to pre-initialze the array to nulls or anything.  Just
set up the array you want as a local variable (of any desired
length), populate its values, and call:

  int intArray[] = ...;
  dynaform.set(intArray, intArray);

One really common scenario is that you don't know ahead of time how many
items you're going to read from the database.  An approach I use a lot is
to use an ArrayList to accumulate the values, then convert them to an
array.  Something like this (assuming you have a labels property of
type java.lang.String[]):

  ArrayList temp = new ArrayList();
  Connection conn = ...;
  Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
  ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(select label from customer_types);
  while ( {
  String labels[] = (String[]) temp.toArray(new String[temp.size()]);
  dynaFormBean.set(labels, labels);

Alternatively, you could set your property type to java.util.List instead
-- all the Struts tags that support indexed access against arrays work

Re: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???

2002-07-18 Thread Adam Hardy

I am now using nested tags everywhere and not programming my action 
forms with getter and setter methods for anything except one or two 
properties, and the nested beans of course.

Is there any reason to regard this as bad practice?

I also write my value beans with two properties for every real property, 
one is typed, e.g. Date, and the other is the string representation of 
the type. So I also have two getters and two setters.

Also again I have the validation code in the value bean which populates 
the typed property from the string representation property. The action 
form loops through the beans calling the validate methods.

It means I have all my properties in one bean rather than also in the 
form bean - easier to change when the entity changes.


Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
 On Wed, 17 Jul 2002, Rick Reumann wrote:
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 20:57:26 -0400
From: Rick Reumann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Craig R. McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Subject: Re[4]: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???

On Wednesday, July 17, 2002, 7:39:23 PM, Craig wrote:

 Agreed, that does walk into the realm of Big Brother code.  I guess
it's just going to be a rough spot for DynaNewbies.

CRM Not any rougher than it is for people trying to understand standard
CRM ActionForms :-)

 Correct me if I'm wrong here Craig, but where I noticed it was
 quite a bit more difficult is when you decide not to use Session
 scope for FormBeans that have ArrayLists with beans inside that
 also have ArrayLists (etc. with nesting ). I say this because if
 I remember correctly isn't one of the main differences between
 the DynaActionForm and the standard ActionForm is that the
 DynaActionForm ALWAYS calls the reset method (regardless of
 scope) whereas the ActionForm only calls it when in it's in
 request scope (or explicitly called?). This is where I think I
 was running into trouble, since even though my DynaActionForm had
 session scope it was always calling reset whereas my standard
 ActionForm in session scope was not calling it.

 That's not quite accurate.
 Struts (all versions) always calls reset() when you flow through the
 controller servlet.  However, if you went directly to a JSP page, and the
 html:form tag creates the form bean (quite common if the form bean is
 defined to be in request scope), Struts 1.0 did not call reset() but
 Struts 1.1 does.  In the 1.1 case, it makes no difference at all whether
 it is an ActionForm or a DynaActionForm.
 So in my case if I wanted request scope for the ActionForm I
 still would have had to override the reset method to provide a
 way to initialize the ArrayLists (and I take it the beans inside
 with ArrayLists as well).
 That is true for both kinds of beans.  In either case, you can also choose
 to make the constructor do this sort of initialization (requires a
 DynaActionForm subclass in the dynamic case, but it's still possible).
In my case however it's not too big of
 a deal that this UserFormBean hang around for a while with
 Session scope so it seems much easier to use it with an
 ActionForm than with the DynaActionForm (since with the later
 case I'm forced to override the reset method and populate nested

 That should be the case for either kind of form bean.  Can you show me an
 example of where it's different?
 This is probably a dumb question and I suppose I could try it
 before posting, but what would happen if I just wanted to use the
 DynaActionForm in session scope and then just overrode the reset
 method to do nothing?
 You'd mess up the initializations based on the initial attribute :-).
Wouldn't it still keep the values in the
 DynaActionForm since it had session scope and wouldn't try to
 set up unitialized ArrayLists, etc? (of course this would only
 help if the bean was in Session scope..but just curious if it
 would even work).

 Thanks again for all of your comments so far

 It might do what you want, but for the wrong reasons.
 I think it's time to get into specific use cases to further this


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Re: Re[2]: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???

2002-07-17 Thread Arron Bates

Craig, wouldn't this be fixed by getting the collections in the DynaForm
to be wrapped by the lazy lists I commited a few weeks ago to
commons?... then when they're being created when the request comes in,
it'll all grow as needed and it'd just happen.

Been missing the past couple of weeks due to bad flu among other things.
Love to get in there and code it, but time is hard to find at the moment
and there's other things I need to get on to, but the above feels like a
good marriage.

One of the things I have to do is describe the lazy collections to the
masses. Seems a few have had list constrcution issues with request scope
beens in the last fortnight.

On Wed, 2002-07-17 at 12:45, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
 On Tue, 16 Jul 2002, Rick Reumann wrote:
  Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 22:04:54 -0400
  From: Rick Reumann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Craig R. McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Cc: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re[2]: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???
  On Tuesday, July 16, 2002, 9:04:04 PM, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
  CRM Setting stuff like this up in the reset() method is the standard approach.
  CRM Arrays have to exist already for either standard JavaBean-based
  CRM ActionForms, as well as DynaActionForms.
   I'm still a bit confused by this. When I use a standard
   ActionForm I don't have to do anything special with my ArrayList
   in the ActionForm. A page that uses this ArrayList works fine.
   However as soon as I try to use this ArrayList as property in a
   DynaActionForm I run into problems trying to submit a jsp page
   that was populated with the ArrayList info (the display works
   fine, it's just upon submission).
 If you're using request scope beans, a new instance gets created on every
 request.  And I will bet that you probably have an initialization of this
 array happening in your constructor, or in an initialization expression,
 For DynaActionForm instances, the default initialization of all
 non-primitives in null.  That's why you still need to initialize in
 reset(), or use the new initial property described below.
  CRM In recent nightly builds, we added support for an additional mechanism --
  CRM you can declare an intiialization expression for arrays in the
  CRM form-property for a DynaActionForm bean, using the initial attribute.
  CRM The syntax is basically like what you use in Java to initialize an array
  CRM to a set of values in a variable declaration -- for example:
  CRM   form-bean name=myform
  CRM  type=org.apache.struts.action.DynaActionForm
  CRM form-property name=intArray type=int[]
  CRM initial={ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }/
  CRM   /form-bean
 What if the information in an ArrayList of beans that you want in a
 DynaActionForm is to first be populated by some database info.
 Do you need to first initialize it like a above to a bunch of
 nulls? If so what if the list size fluctuates (hence use of
 ArrayList) how do you know how many to initialize the ArrayList
 That's definitely a place where loading the arrays in the reset() method
 makes sense.
 Having an intArray property of type int[] on a DynaBean is very much
 like having the following method signatures on a standard JavaBean:
   public int[] getIntArray();
   public void setIntArray(int intArray[]);
 so you don't have to pre-initialze the array to nulls or anything.  Just
 set up the array you want as a local variable (of any desired
 length), populate its values, and call:
   int intArray[] = ...;
   dynaform.set(intArray, intArray);
 One really common scenario is that you don't know ahead of time how many
 items you're going to read from the database.  An approach I use a lot is
 to use an ArrayList to accumulate the values, then convert them to an
 array.  Something like this (assuming you have a labels property of
 type java.lang.String[]):
   ArrayList temp = new ArrayList();
   Connection conn = ...;
   Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
   ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(select label from customer_types);
   while ( {
   String labels[] = (String[]) temp.toArray(new String[temp.size()]);
   dynaFormBean.set(labels, labels);
 Alternatively, you could set your property type to java.util.List instead
 -- all the Struts tags that support indexed access against arrays work
 perfectly well against a List as well.
 Thanks for any more thoughts.
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Re[3]: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???

2002-07-17 Thread Rick Reumann

Craig and company,

I'll comment some more below but I want to first explain what needs to
be set up and handled. I have an ArrayList of beans. Each bean in this
ArrayList also contains an ArrayList of String object. On my JSP I'm
using the nested tag (new to using it- bannana stuff very helpful
Arron) to create the dynamically created form. ( Picture a JSP that
was to display a dynamic list of cars and for each car there would be
list of particular styles you could pick from).

On Tuesday, July 16, 2002, 10:45:11 PM, Craig wrote:

CRM If you're using request scope beans, a new instance gets created on every
CRM request.  And I will bet that you probably have an initialization of this
CRM array happening in your constructor, or in an initialization expression,
CRM right?

 Yes, I believe so. A DTO is populated with the ArrayList of beans
 and then the DTO is converted to the DynaActionForm which is set
 into request scope. (The nested tag and display of the
 information on the page is working beautifully..problem is upon

What if the information in an ArrayList of beans that you want in a
DynaActionForm is to first be populated by some database info.
Do you need to first initialize it like a above to a bunch of
nulls? If so what if the list size fluctuates (hence use of
ArrayList) how do you know how many to initialize the ArrayList

CRM That's definitely a place where loading the arrays in the reset() method
CRM makes sense.

 Ok, well what I've done is added this to the base class that my
 DynaActionForm (actually DynaValidatorForm) extends (Roman on
 this list was helping me with this) (20 is just an arbitrary
 number greater than the amount that would be displayed on the

public class UserDynaForm extends DynaValidatorForm {
public void reset( ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request ) {
ArrayList applicationGroups = new ArrayList();
for (int i=0; i  20; i++) {
ApplicationGroupBean b = new ApplicationGroupBean();
b.setRoles( new ArrayList() );
set(applicationGroups, applicationGroups);

I then still have in my struts-config, for this form:
form-bean name=userForm
form-property name=applicationGroups type=java.util.ArrayList/

The page will display the initial information fine. When I submit now,
however, the problem is it's trying to submit nulls. It's as if it
doesn't pick up what was selected on the JSP and this reset is wiping
out what was selected?

I'm sure I'm missing something simple so sorry for my ignorance. I
guess what is so odd is that when I switch to using a standard
ActionForm I don't have to override the reset and the page submits

Thanks for the help.



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Re[4]: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???

2002-07-17 Thread Rick Reumann

Actually I just realized part of the problem below is/was is that even
using the standard ActionForm I can't seem to get the nested ArrayList
stuff to take upon submission unless I give the form session scope.

I'm sure this question has been answered before so I'll look in the
archives ( although I must admit the searching ability on the archives
for this struts list is not the greatest )

If someone does have comments don't hesitate to send them.

On Wednesday, July 17, 2002, 11:24:10 AM, Rick wrote:

RR Craig and company,

RR I'll comment some more below but I want to first explain what needs to
RR be set up and handled. I have an ArrayList of beans. Each bean in this
RR ArrayList also contains an ArrayList of String object. On my JSP I'm
RR using the nested tag (new to using it- bannana stuff very helpful
RR Arron) to create the dynamically created form. ( Picture a JSP that
RR was to display a dynamic list of cars and for each car there would be
RR list of particular styles you could pick from).

RR On Tuesday, July 16, 2002, 10:45:11 PM, Craig wrote:

CRM If you're using request scope beans, a new instance gets created on every
CRM request.  And I will bet that you probably have an initialization of this
CRM array happening in your constructor, or in an initialization expression,
CRM right?

RR  Yes, I believe so. A DTO is populated with the ArrayList of beans
RR  and then the DTO is converted to the DynaActionForm which is set
RR  into request scope. (The nested tag and display of the
RR  information on the page is working beautifully..problem is upon
RR  submission).

What if the information in an ArrayList of beans that you want in a
DynaActionForm is to first be populated by some database info.
Do you need to first initialize it like a above to a bunch of
nulls? If so what if the list size fluctuates (hence use of
ArrayList) how do you know how many to initialize the ArrayList

CRM That's definitely a place where loading the arrays in the reset() method
CRM makes sense.

RR  Ok, well what I've done is added this to the base class that my
RR  DynaActionForm (actually DynaValidatorForm) extends (Roman on
RR  this list was helping me with this) (20 is just an arbitrary
RR  number greater than the amount that would be displayed on the
RR  form):

RR public class UserDynaForm extends DynaValidatorForm {
RR public void reset( ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request ) {
RR ArrayList applicationGroups = new ArrayList();
RR for (int i=0; i  20; i++) {
RR ApplicationGroupBean b = new ApplicationGroupBean();
RR b.setRoles( new ArrayList() );
RR applicationGroups.add(b);
RR }
RR set(applicationGroups, applicationGroups);
RR }
RR } 

RR I then still have in my struts-config, for this form:
RR form-bean name=userForm
RR dynamic=true
RR type=corporate.userAdmin.UserDynaForm:
RR form-property name=applicationGroups type=java.util.ArrayList/

RR The page will display the initial information fine. When I submit now,
RR however, the problem is it's trying to submit nulls. It's as if it
RR doesn't pick up what was selected on the JSP and this reset is wiping
RR out what was selected?

RR I'm sure I'm missing something simple so sorry for my ignorance. I
RR guess what is so odd is that when I switch to using a standard
RR ActionForm I don't have to override the reset and the page submits
RR fine.

RR Thanks for the help.



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Re: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???

2002-07-17 Thread

Subject: Re: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???
From: Serge Shikov [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
 For DynaActionForm instances, the default initialization of all
 non-primitives in null.  That's why you still need to initialize in
 reset(), or use the new initial property described below.
Craig, could you give some examples for nested property initialization? 
How to initialize DynaForm with nested properties like . - what 
should I specify in initial attribute for  (if any)?

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Re: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???

2002-07-17 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On Wed, 17 Jul 2002, Struts Newsgroup wrote:

 Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 10:55:01 -0700
 From: Struts Newsgroup [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???

 Subject: Re: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???
 From: Serge Shikov [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
  For DynaActionForm instances, the default initialization of all
  non-primitives in null.  That's why you still need to initialize in
  reset(), or use the new initial property described below.
 Craig, could you give some examples for nested property initialization?
 How to initialize DynaForm with nested properties like . - what
 should I specify in initial attribute for  (if any)?

You'll have to do nested initialization like this on your own, in either
the reset() method or perhaps in a constructor.  The initial attribute
only works for one-level setting, and only for the restricted cases where
you can convert the initial value from the initial string.


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Struts event sequence (WAS: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???)

2002-07-17 Thread Roman Fail

This is the very basic outline of Struts events (with some helpful comments) that I 
worked up when I was using Struts 1.0, although most of it is still the same.  
Basically I've just expanded steps 3  4 of Dan's diagram a bit.  Chapter 5 of Chuck's 
book is much more detailed than this, and an excellent resource (Thanks, Chuck!).  In 
fact I think chapter 5 might be a bit overwhelming for a newbie, and reading the 
ever-changing Struts source code is not comfortable at first.  
I've found that this little outline has helped our new Struts developers a lot.  Craig 
suggested a nice UML sequence diagram for the docs, which would be great - but I'm not 
fluent in UML yet.  Here's my document - keep in mind it's been about a year since I 
wrote this, but I'd be happy to take suggestions on updating it:
Roman Fail
Sr. Web Application Developer
POS Portal, Inc.

-Original Message- 
From: Dan Cancro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tue 7/16/2002 5:00 PM 
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' 
Subject: RE: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???

I'd like to see what you've written. 

Here's how I understand it so far:

 -Original Message-
 From: Roman Fail [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 4:35 PM
 To: Rick Reumann; Struts List
 Subject: RE: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???

 I had the same problem - after reviewing the source code for
 DynaActionForm I realized that the underlying ArrayList is
 not 'automatically' instantiated by the DynaActionForm.  In
 other words, when the controller is trying to call
 DynaActionForm.set(myField[0]) because it sees a request
 parameter called 'myField[0]', there is no ArrayList there
 yet to match the myField property.  My solution was to
 subclass DynaActionForm and just override the reset() method
 in order to instantiate the ArrayList.  (since reset() is
 called before any setters).  I think I also did this using an
 array of BasicDynaBeans, and again had to initialize the
 array in reset(). 
 Of course you don't have to do this when simply displaying
 the data, because you are populating the property with your
 ArrayList in Action.perform()/execute() before the
 DynaActionForm.get() methods are ever called. 
 Is there a better solution out there?  I don't like having to
 write a subclass just to instantiate the ArrayList.
 This is another example of where knowing the exact sequence
 of Struts events is crucial.  Has anyone ever written up a
 detailed step-by-step of what the controller does when a
 request comes in?  I've written a brief one for our company's
 developers - shall I post it?
 Roman Fail
 Sr. Web Application Developer
 POS Portal, Inc.

   -Original Message-
   From: Rick Reumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Tue 7/16/2002 1:33 PM
   To: Struts List
   Subject: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???

   I had an ArrayList property set in my DynaActionForm
 and it worked
   fine with the nested tag in displaying the information
 from the beans
   in the ArrayList of this DynaActionForm. The problem
 however came when
   I when I hit submit with the updated information. I kept getting
   BeanUtils.populate errors with no index value set for
   Sorry can't cite the exact error since I now went to
 using a typical
   ActionForm and the nested tag page submits fine.
   Is there something special I need to do in order to get
   DynamicActionForms to work with Nested tags?

Re[2]: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???

2002-07-17 Thread Roman Fail

What do you think of Arron's idea, Craig?  It would be ten times more intuitive to 
have DynaForms work more like an ArrayList - you instantiate the form, call an indexed 
setter and it just works - no exceptions.  Rick and I are merely the first of many who 
will hit this annoying, counter-intuitive, undocumented speed bump.  Rick finally gave 
up and just went back to regular ActionForms, and I came close to that before I 
figured it out.
I haven't looked into the lazy collections code yet, but it sounds like a great 

-Original Message- 
From: Arron Bates [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Wed 7/17/2002 5:28 AM 
To: Struts Users Mailing List 
Subject: Re: Re[2]: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???

Craig, wouldn't this be fixed by getting the collections in the 
to be wrapped by the lazy lists I commited a few weeks ago to
commons?... then when they're being created when the request comes in,
it'll all grow as needed and it'd just happen.

Been missing the past couple of weeks due to bad flu among other 
Love to get in there and code it, but time is hard to find at the 
and there's other things I need to get on to, but the above feels like 
good marriage.

One of the things I have to do is describe the lazy collections to the
masses. Seems a few have had list constrcution issues with request 
beens in the last fortnight.

On Wed, 2002-07-17 at 12:45, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:

 On Tue, 16 Jul 2002, Rick Reumann wrote:

  Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 22:04:54 -0400
  From: Rick Reumann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Craig R. McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Cc: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re[2]: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???
  On Tuesday, July 16, 2002, 9:04:04 PM, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
  CRM Setting stuff like this up in the reset() method is the 
standard approach.
  CRM Arrays have to exist already for either standard 
  CRM ActionForms, as well as DynaActionForms.
   I'm still a bit confused by this. When I use a standard
   ActionForm I don't have to do anything special with my 
   in the ActionForm. A page that uses this ArrayList works 
   However as soon as I try to use this ArrayList as property in 
   DynaActionForm I run into problems trying to submit a jsp 
   that was populated with the ArrayList info (the display works
   fine, it's just upon submission).

 If you're using request scope beans, a new instance gets created on 
 request.  And I will bet that you probably have an initialization of 
 array happening in your constructor, or in an initialization 

 For DynaActionForm instances, the default initialization of all
 non-primitives in null.  That's why you still need to initialize in
 reset(), or use the new initial property described below.

  CRM In recent nightly builds, we added support for an additional 
mechanism --
  CRM you can declare an intiialization expression for arrays in 
  CRM form-property for a DynaActionForm bean, using the 
initial attribute.
  CRM The syntax is basically like what you use in Java to 
initialize an array
  CRM to a set of values in a variable declaration -- for example:
  CRM   form-bean name=myform
  CRM  type=org.apache.struts.action.DynaActionForm
  CRM form-property name=intArray type=int[]
  CRM initial={ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }/
  CRM   /form-bean
 What if the information in an ArrayList of beans that you 
want in a
 DynaActionForm is to first be populated by some database 

Re[2]: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???

2002-07-17 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On Wed, 17 Jul 2002, Roman Fail wrote:

 Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 15:23:23 -0700
 From: Roman Fail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re[2]: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???

 What do you think of Arron's idea, Craig?  It would be ten times more
 intuitive to have DynaForms work more like an ArrayList - you
 instantiate the form, call an indexed setter and it just works - no
 exceptions.  Rick and I are merely the first of many who will hit this
 annoying, counter-intuitive, undocumented speed bump.  Rick finally gave
 up and just went back to regular ActionForms, and I came close to that
 before I figured it out.

Counter-intuitive to whom?  Do standard JavaBean indexed properties act
like this?  :-)

I'd possibly buy into it for java.lang.List based properties, but I'm
pretty skeptical about transparently expanding an array that the user has
already created.

 I haven't looked into the lazy collections code yet, but it sounds like
 a great solution.

Lazy instantiation is a neat idea in principle, but there is a whole lot
more to it than just nested properties.  You really want to be able to
configure quite a bit of stuff about the beans that get created, up to and
including a custom factory for beans of a particular type.  I don't really
want to go down that road until we're ready to build a bridge across the
chasm at the end of it.



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RE: Re[2]: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???

2002-07-17 Thread Roman Fail

Counter-intuitive to whom?  Do standard JavaBean indexed properties act
like this?  :-)

You've got a great point there.  You actually made me realize why it is 
counter-intuitive though: non-indexed standard JavaBean properties don't do anything 
on their own either.  You have to write the code to store even the simplest property.  

When I first looked at the DynaFormAction javadocs, I thought I was buying into 
something that would do everything for me (shame on me, I should have known better!).  
I wrongly assumed that if the DynaForm would transparently manage getting and setting 
properties for me.  In reality, it only manages non-indexed properties.  To do 
anything with indexed properties, I have to subclass, get inside the black box, and 
override reset().  I guess I don't really have a problem with that - it's just not 
documented very well.  Perhaps you could add just a bit more discussion about the use 
of DynaActionForm in the javadoc?
I'd possibly buy into it for java.lang.List based properties, but I'm
pretty skeptical about transparently expanding an array that the user has
already created.
Agreed, that does walk into the realm of Big Brother code.  I guess it's just going to 
be a rough spot for DynaNewbies.  Thanks for your thoughts.


-Original Message- 
From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Wed 7/17/2002 3:55 PM 
To: Roman Fail 
Subject: Re[2]: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???

 Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 15:23:23 -0700
 From: Roman Fail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re[2]: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???

 What do you think of Arron's idea, Craig?  It would be ten times more
 intuitive to have DynaForms work more like an ArrayList - you
 instantiate the form, call an indexed setter and it just works - no
 exceptions.  Rick and I are merely the first of many who will hit this
 annoying, counter-intuitive, undocumented speed bump.  Rick finally gave
 up and just went back to regular ActionForms, and I came close to that
 before I figured it out.

Counter-intuitive to whom?  Do standard JavaBean indexed properties act
like this?  :-)

I'd possibly buy into it for java.lang.List based properties, but I'm
pretty skeptical about transparently expanding an array that the user has
already created.

 I haven't looked into the lazy collections code yet, but it sounds like
 a great solution.

Lazy instantiation is a neat idea in principle, but there is a whole lot
more to it than just nested properties.  You really want to be able to
configure quite a bit of stuff about the beans that get created, up to and
including a custom factory for beans of a particular type.  I don't really
want to go down that road until we're ready to build a bridge across the
chasm at the end of it.



RE: Re[2]: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???

2002-07-17 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On Wed, 17 Jul 2002, Roman Fail wrote:

 Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 16:17:49 -0700
 From: Roman Fail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Craig R. McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: Re[2]: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???

 Counter-intuitive to whom?  Do standard JavaBean indexed properties act
 like this?  :-)

 You've got a great point there.  You actually made me realize why it is
 counter-intuitive though: non-indexed standard JavaBean properties don't
 do anything on their own either.  You have to write the code to store
 even the simplest property.

  When I first looked at the DynaFormAction javadocs, I thought I was
 buying into something that would do everything for me (shame on me, I
 should have known better!).

You didn't hear it from me!  :-)

  I wrongly assumed that if the DynaForm
 would transparently manage getting and setting properties for me.  In
 reality, it only manages non-indexed properties.  To do anything with
 indexed properties, I have to subclass, get inside the black box, and
 override reset().  I guess I don't really have a problem with that -
 it's just not documented very well.  Perhaps you could add just a bit
 more discussion about the use of DynaActionForm in the javadoc?

The design intent for DynaActionForms was to mimic the level of support
that a standard JavaBean does when you do the typical sort of a property
with trivial getter and setter methods:

  String foo = bar;
  public String getFoo() {
return (foo);
  public void setFoo(String foo) { = foo;

Every brand new instance of a standard JavaBean has the foo property
pre-initialized to bar.  For DynaActionForm beans, you get exactly the
same thing by using the initial property:

  form-bean name=myform
form-property name=foo type=java.lang.String initial=bar/

Note that the functionality of the initial attribute has been extended
in recent nightly builds to support initialization of array properties as
well.  So, if your standard JavaBean looks like this:

  String foo[] = { bar, baz };
  public String[] getFoo() {
return (foo);
  public void setFoo(String foo[]) { = foo;

then you can do the same for a DynaActionForm:

  form-bean name=myform
form-property name=foo type=java.lang.String[]
 initial={ 'bar', 'baz' }/

and you end up with a nicely initialized two-element String array.

So, fundamentally, a DynaActionForm is just an ActionForm without the
requirement to write the stupid getter and setter methods.  Anything
fancier, for either kind of form bean, requires code.

 I'd possibly buy into it for java.lang.List based properties, but I'm
 pretty skeptical about transparently expanding an array that the user has
 already created.

  Agreed, that does walk into the realm of Big Brother code.  I guess
 it's just going to be a rough spot for DynaNewbies.

Not any rougher than it is for people trying to understand standard
ActionForms :-)

  Thanks for your

I think the example code, and all of the good books that are coming out,
will help address this need.



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Re[4]: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???

2002-07-17 Thread Rick Reumann

On Wednesday, July 17, 2002, 7:39:23 PM, Craig wrote:

  Agreed, that does walk into the realm of Big Brother code.  I guess
 it's just going to be a rough spot for DynaNewbies.

CRM Not any rougher than it is for people trying to understand standard
CRM ActionForms :-)

 Correct me if I'm wrong here Craig, but where I noticed it was
 quite a bit more difficult is when you decide not to use Session
 scope for FormBeans that have ArrayLists with beans inside that
 also have ArrayLists (etc. with nesting ). I say this because if
 I remember correctly isn't one of the main differences between
 the DynaActionForm and the standard ActionForm is that the
 DynaActionForm ALWAYS calls the reset method (regardless of
 scope) whereas the ActionForm only calls it when in it's in
 request scope (or explicitly called?). This is where I think I
 was running into trouble, since even though my DynaActionForm had
 session scope it was always calling reset whereas my standard
 ActionForm in session scope was not calling it.

 So in my case if I wanted request scope for the ActionForm I
 still would have had to override the reset method to provide a
 way to initialize the ArrayLists (and I take it the beans inside
 with ArrayLists as well). In my case however it's not too big of
 a deal that this UserFormBean hang around for a while with
 Session scope so it seems much easier to use it with an
 ActionForm than with the DynaActionForm (since with the later
 case I'm forced to override the reset method and populate nested

 This is probably a dumb question and I suppose I could try it
 before posting, but what would happen if I just wanted to use the
 DynaActionForm in session scope and then just overrode the reset
 method to do nothing? Wouldn't it still keep the values in the
 DynaActionForm since it had session scope and wouldn't try to
 set up unitialized ArrayLists, etc? (of course this would only
 help if the bean was in Session scope..but just curious if it
 would even work).

 Thanks again for all of your comments so far



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Re[4]: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???

2002-07-17 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On Wed, 17 Jul 2002, Rick Reumann wrote:

 Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 20:57:26 -0400
 From: Rick Reumann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Craig R. McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cc: Roman Fail [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Subject: Re[4]: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???

 On Wednesday, July 17, 2002, 7:39:23 PM, Craig wrote:

   Agreed, that does walk into the realm of Big Brother code.  I guess
  it's just going to be a rough spot for DynaNewbies.

 CRM Not any rougher than it is for people trying to understand standard
 CRM ActionForms :-)

  Correct me if I'm wrong here Craig, but where I noticed it was
  quite a bit more difficult is when you decide not to use Session
  scope for FormBeans that have ArrayLists with beans inside that
  also have ArrayLists (etc. with nesting ). I say this because if
  I remember correctly isn't one of the main differences between
  the DynaActionForm and the standard ActionForm is that the
  DynaActionForm ALWAYS calls the reset method (regardless of
  scope) whereas the ActionForm only calls it when in it's in
  request scope (or explicitly called?). This is where I think I
  was running into trouble, since even though my DynaActionForm had
  session scope it was always calling reset whereas my standard
  ActionForm in session scope was not calling it.

That's not quite accurate.

Struts (all versions) always calls reset() when you flow through the
controller servlet.  However, if you went directly to a JSP page, and the
html:form tag creates the form bean (quite common if the form bean is
defined to be in request scope), Struts 1.0 did not call reset() but
Struts 1.1 does.  In the 1.1 case, it makes no difference at all whether
it is an ActionForm or a DynaActionForm.

  So in my case if I wanted request scope for the ActionForm I
  still would have had to override the reset method to provide a
  way to initialize the ArrayLists (and I take it the beans inside
  with ArrayLists as well).

That is true for both kinds of beans.  In either case, you can also choose
to make the constructor do this sort of initialization (requires a
DynaActionForm subclass in the dynamic case, but it's still possible).

 In my case however it's not too big of
  a deal that this UserFormBean hang around for a while with
  Session scope so it seems much easier to use it with an
  ActionForm than with the DynaActionForm (since with the later
  case I'm forced to override the reset method and populate nested

That should be the case for either kind of form bean.  Can you show me an
example of where it's different?

  This is probably a dumb question and I suppose I could try it
  before posting, but what would happen if I just wanted to use the
  DynaActionForm in session scope and then just overrode the reset
  method to do nothing?

You'd mess up the initializations based on the initial attribute :-).

 Wouldn't it still keep the values in the
  DynaActionForm since it had session scope and wouldn't try to
  set up unitialized ArrayLists, etc? (of course this would only
  help if the bean was in Session scope..but just curious if it
  would even work).

  Thanks again for all of your comments so far

It might do what you want, but for the wrong reasons.

I think it's time to get into specific use cases to further this




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getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???

2002-07-16 Thread Rick Reumann

I had an ArrayList property set in my DynaActionForm and it worked
fine with the nested tag in displaying the information from the beans
in the ArrayList of this DynaActionForm. The problem however came when
I when I hit submit with the updated information. I kept getting
BeanUtils.populate errors with no index value set for 'field.[0]'.
Sorry can't cite the exact error since I now went to using a typical
ActionForm and the nested tag page submits fine.

Is there something special I need to do in order to get
DynamicActionForms to work with Nested tags?




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RE: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???

2002-07-16 Thread Roman Fail

I had the same problem - after reviewing the source code for DynaActionForm I realized 
that the underlying ArrayList is not 'automatically' instantiated by the 
DynaActionForm.  In other words, when the controller is trying to call 
DynaActionForm.set(myField[0]) because it sees a request parameter called 
'myField[0]', there is no ArrayList there yet to match the myField property.  My 
solution was to subclass DynaActionForm and just override the reset() method in order 
to instantiate the ArrayList.  (since reset() is called before any setters).  I think 
I also did this using an array of BasicDynaBeans, and again had to initialize the 
array in reset().  
Of course you don't have to do this when simply displaying the data, because you are 
populating the property with your ArrayList in Action.perform()/execute() before the 
DynaActionForm.get() methods are ever called.  
Is there a better solution out there?  I don't like having to write a subclass just to 
instantiate the ArrayList.
This is another example of where knowing the exact sequence of Struts events is 
crucial.  Has anyone ever written up a detailed step-by-step of what the controller 
does when a request comes in?  I've written a brief one for our company's developers - 
shall I post it?
Roman Fail
Sr. Web Application Developer
POS Portal, Inc.

-Original Message- 
From: Rick Reumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tue 7/16/2002 1:33 PM 
To: Struts List 
Subject: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???

I had an ArrayList property set in my DynaActionForm and it worked
fine with the nested tag in displaying the information from the beans
in the ArrayList of this DynaActionForm. The problem however came when
I when I hit submit with the updated information. I kept getting
BeanUtils.populate errors with no index value set for 'field.[0]'.
Sorry can't cite the exact error since I now went to using a typical
ActionForm and the nested tag page submits fine.

Is there something special I need to do in order to get
DynamicActionForms to work with Nested tags?




RE: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???

2002-07-16 Thread Chuck Cavaness

In answer to this question, take a look at several of the chapters from my 
upcoming O'Reilly book on Struts, especially chapter 5 where I cover the 
steps that the controller goes through while processing a request.


This is another example of where knowing the exact sequence of Struts 
events is crucial.  Has anyone ever written up a detailed step-by-step of 
what the controller does when a request comes in?  I've written a brief 
one for our company's developers - shall I post it?

Roman Fail
Sr. Web Application Developer
POS Portal, Inc.

 -Original Message-
 From: Rick Reumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tue 7/16/2002 1:33 PM
 To: Struts List
 Subject: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???

 I had an ArrayList property set in my DynaActionForm and it worked
 fine with the nested tag in displaying the information from the beans
 in the ArrayList of this DynaActionForm. The problem however came 
 I when I hit submit with the updated information. I kept getting
 BeanUtils.populate errors with no index value set for 
 Sorry can't cite the exact error since I now went to using a typical
 ActionForm and the nested tag page submits fine.

 Is there something special I need to do in order to get
 DynamicActionForms to work with Nested tags?




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RE: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???

2002-07-16 Thread Dan Cancro

I'd like to see what you've written.  

Here's how I understand it so far:

 -Original Message-
 From: Roman Fail [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 4:35 PM
 To: Rick Reumann; Struts List
 Subject: RE: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???
 I had the same problem - after reviewing the source code for 
 DynaActionForm I realized that the underlying ArrayList is 
 not 'automatically' instantiated by the DynaActionForm.  In 
 other words, when the controller is trying to call 
 DynaActionForm.set(myField[0]) because it sees a request 
 parameter called 'myField[0]', there is no ArrayList there 
 yet to match the myField property.  My solution was to 
 subclass DynaActionForm and just override the reset() method 
 in order to instantiate the ArrayList.  (since reset() is 
 called before any setters).  I think I also did this using an 
 array of BasicDynaBeans, and again had to initialize the 
 array in reset().  
 Of course you don't have to do this when simply displaying 
 the data, because you are populating the property with your 
 ArrayList in Action.perform()/execute() before the 
 DynaActionForm.get() methods are ever called.  
 Is there a better solution out there?  I don't like having to 
 write a subclass just to instantiate the ArrayList.
 This is another example of where knowing the exact sequence 
 of Struts events is crucial.  Has anyone ever written up a 
 detailed step-by-step of what the controller does when a 
 request comes in?  I've written a brief one for our company's 
 developers - shall I post it?
 Roman Fail
 Sr. Web Application Developer
 POS Portal, Inc.
   -Original Message- 
   From: Rick Reumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
   Sent: Tue 7/16/2002 1:33 PM 
   To: Struts List 
   Subject: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???
   I had an ArrayList property set in my DynaActionForm 
 and it worked
   fine with the nested tag in displaying the information 
 from the beans
   in the ArrayList of this DynaActionForm. The problem 
 however came when
   I when I hit submit with the updated information. I kept getting
   BeanUtils.populate errors with no index value set for 
   Sorry can't cite the exact error since I now went to 
 using a typical
   ActionForm and the nested tag page submits fine.
   Is there something special I need to do in order to get
   DynamicActionForms to work with Nested tags?

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RE: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???

2002-07-16 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On Tue, 16 Jul 2002, Roman Fail wrote:

 Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 16:34:46 -0700
 From: Roman Fail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Rick Reumann [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Subject: RE: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???

 I had the same problem - after reviewing the source code for
 DynaActionForm I realized that the underlying ArrayList is not
 'automatically' instantiated by the DynaActionForm.  In other words,
 when the controller is trying to call DynaActionForm.set(myField[0])
 because it sees a request parameter called 'myField[0]', there is no
 ArrayList there yet to match the myField property.  My solution was to
 subclass DynaActionForm and just override the reset() method in order to
 instantiate the ArrayList.  (since reset() is called before any
 setters).  I think I also did this using an array of BasicDynaBeans, and
 again had to initialize the array in reset().

  Of course you don't have to do this when simply displaying the data,
 because you are populating the property with your ArrayList in
 Action.perform()/execute() before the DynaActionForm.get() methods are
 ever called.

  Is there a better solution out there?  I don't like having to write a
 subclass just to instantiate the ArrayList.

Setting stuff like this up in the reset() method is the standard approach.
Arrays have to exist already for either standard JavaBean-based
ActionForms, as well as DynaActionForms.

In recent nightly builds, we added support for an additional mechanism --
you can declare an intiialization expression for arrays in the
form-property for a DynaActionForm bean, using the initial attribute.
The syntax is basically like what you use in Java to initialize an array
to a set of values in a variable declaration -- for example:

  form-bean name=myform

form-property name=intArray type=int[]
initial={ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }/


You can initialize arrays of anything that you've registered a converter
for, and even use strings with embedded whitespace (use single quotes
around the values if you're using double quotes in your XML attributes, or
vice versa).

  This is another example of where knowing the exact sequence of Struts
 events is crucial.  Has anyone ever written up a detailed step-by-step
 of what the controller does when a request comes in?  I've written a
 brief one for our company's developers - shall I post it?

I don't know of any such diagrams off the top of my head, so would be
interested in seeing, say, a UML sequence diagram for this and including
it in the docs.  The important method to look at is
ActionServlet.process() (in Struts 1.0) or RequestProcessor.process (in
Struts 1.1), which is in charge of the entire request processing lifecycle
for each request going through the controller.  Going from there to each
of the processX methods it calls, and reading the corresponding
JavaDoc comments, will tell you what you need to know.

 Roman Fail
 Sr. Web Application Developer
 POS Portal, Inc.


   -Original Message-
   From: Rick Reumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Tue 7/16/2002 1:33 PM
   To: Struts List
   Subject: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???

   I had an ArrayList property set in my DynaActionForm and it worked
   fine with the nested tag in displaying the information from the beans
   in the ArrayList of this DynaActionForm. The problem however came when
   I when I hit submit with the updated information. I kept getting
   BeanUtils.populate errors with no index value set for 'field.[0]'.
   Sorry can't cite the exact error since I now went to using a typical
   ActionForm and the nested tag page submits fine.

   Is there something special I need to do in order to get
   DynamicActionForms to work with Nested tags?




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Re[2]: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???

2002-07-16 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On Tue, 16 Jul 2002, Rick Reumann wrote:

 Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 22:04:54 -0400
 From: Rick Reumann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Craig R. McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cc: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re[2]: getting nested tags to work with DynaActionForm???

 On Tuesday, July 16, 2002, 9:04:04 PM, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:

 CRM Setting stuff like this up in the reset() method is the standard approach.
 CRM Arrays have to exist already for either standard JavaBean-based
 CRM ActionForms, as well as DynaActionForms.

  I'm still a bit confused by this. When I use a standard
  ActionForm I don't have to do anything special with my ArrayList
  in the ActionForm. A page that uses this ArrayList works fine.
  However as soon as I try to use this ArrayList as property in a
  DynaActionForm I run into problems trying to submit a jsp page
  that was populated with the ArrayList info (the display works
  fine, it's just upon submission).

If you're using request scope beans, a new instance gets created on every
request.  And I will bet that you probably have an initialization of this
array happening in your constructor, or in an initialization expression,

For DynaActionForm instances, the default initialization of all
non-primitives in null.  That's why you still need to initialize in
reset(), or use the new initial property described below.

 CRM In recent nightly builds, we added support for an additional mechanism --
 CRM you can declare an intiialization expression for arrays in the
 CRM form-property for a DynaActionForm bean, using the initial attribute.
 CRM The syntax is basically like what you use in Java to initialize an array
 CRM to a set of values in a variable declaration -- for example:

 CRM   form-bean name=myform
 CRM  type=org.apache.struts.action.DynaActionForm

 CRM form-property name=intArray type=int[]
 CRM initial={ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }/

 CRM   /form-bean

What if the information in an ArrayList of beans that you want in a
DynaActionForm is to first be populated by some database info.
Do you need to first initialize it like a above to a bunch of
nulls? If so what if the list size fluctuates (hence use of
ArrayList) how do you know how many to initialize the ArrayList

That's definitely a place where loading the arrays in the reset() method
makes sense.

Having an intArray property of type int[] on a DynaBean is very much
like having the following method signatures on a standard JavaBean:

  public int[] getIntArray();
  public void setIntArray(int intArray[]);

so you don't have to pre-initialze the array to nulls or anything.  Just
set up the array you want as a local variable (of any desired
length), populate its values, and call:

  int intArray[] = ...;
  dynaform.set(intArray, intArray);

One really common scenario is that you don't know ahead of time how many
items you're going to read from the database.  An approach I use a lot is
to use an ArrayList to accumulate the values, then convert them to an
array.  Something like this (assuming you have a labels property of
type java.lang.String[]):

  ArrayList temp = new ArrayList();
  Connection conn = ...;
  Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
  ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(select label from customer_types);
  while ( {
  String labels[] = (String[]) temp.toArray(new String[temp.size()]);
  dynaFormBean.set(labels, labels);

Alternatively, you could set your property type to java.util.List instead
-- all the Struts tags that support indexed access against arrays work
perfectly well against a List as well.

Thanks for any more thoughts.





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