[sugar] Human Interface Guidelines (update and hosting)

2008-12-16 Thread Eben Eliason
Hello everyone -

The Human Interface Guidelines [1] have been stagnant for some time,
and I'm starting an initiative to remedy the situation.  This effort,
as I see it, has two components: 1) update the contents of the HIG and
2) tease apart OLPC guidelines from Sugar guidelines, and adjust
hosting accordingly.

UPDATE: The content update is something I'll spearhead myself, as I
wrote most of the current guidelines.  Assistance is certainly
welcome, however, /especially/ in amassing lists of holes that need to
be plugged; I'm sure there are countless implicit guidelines we all
follow that should really be laid down clearly and explicitly.
Ideally, we should be able to answer any noob question about visual or
interaction design by pointing to a sentence in the HIG.  In that
regard, there is a component for the HIG in the OLPC trac system, so
tickets are welcome.  As I mentioned, a small bit of the HIG (mostly
the input methods section, but perhaps others) are XO specific.
I'll attempt to tease this apart as well.

HOSTING: The second aspect of this effort is transitioning the HIG to
the sugarlabs wiki, which seems a more appropriate place for the
(Sugar) Human Interface Guidelines.  I foresee this as a relatively
large task, given the size of the HIG and the set of templates, raw
HTML, and nested transclusion which makes a quite navigable but
relatively complex page structure.  I'm not a wiki pro, myself, and
I'd be quite grateful to any who have the know-how and are willing to
assist with, or even take on, this task.

PARALLELISM: Finally, there's a third implied complication, which is
how these two efforts can happen simultaneously (or not).  Should we
a) transition the HIG to sugarlabs, and then update/edit and move any
XO specific pieces back to the OLPC wiki or b) perform a complete
update in place, teasing XO specific parts into separate pages, and
then move it to sugarlabs when we're done or c) come up with a way to
work in parallel?

Thanks for your assistance!

[1] wiki.laptop.org/go/HIG
Sugar mailing list

[sugar] Sugar Design Meeting REMINDER (Now)

2008-12-04 Thread Eben Eliason
Here are the details:

Apologies for the late reminder.  In the back of my head I thought
that was automated now, but either I'm wrong, or I failed to set it

- Eben
Sugar mailing list

[sugar] Announcing a design roadmap meeting, tentatively scheduled for Wed. Nov. 26th, 1500 UTC

2008-11-24 Thread Eben Eliason
Though it's not part of our usual biweekly cycle, we'd like to hold a
meeting this week to lay out a loose roadmap for Sugar in the OLPC 9.1
timeframe, taking into account the discussions from SugarCamp last
week.  I've posted additional details, including a loose agenda, on
the wiki:


In order to have a productive planning discussion, we really need all
key sugar developers to participate.  If the time or date conflicts,
please suggest alternatives.  As Thursday is Thanksgiving for many,
we'd like to find a time tomorrow or Wed.  Thanks!

- Eben
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] Reducing activity sharing boilderplate code

2008-11-07 Thread Eben Eliason
Subclassing makes sense to me (though I'm just a designer, so don't
give me too much weight.)  It seems that we could create a
CollaborativeActivity subclass, and perhaps even subclass that if
there are several common types of collaboration with different
setups.  The easier it is for someone to get started with a
collaborative code base, the better, in my opinion.

- Eben

On Fri, Nov 7, 2008 at 7:41 AM, Morgan Collett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I want to push some of the code required for sharing into
 sugar-toolkit, for example:

def _list_tubes_reply_cb(self, tubes):
for tube_info in tubes:

 If I put this directly into sugar.activity.activity.Activity, then all
 activities will gain the code which might impose some overhead.

 Alternatively I can subclass Activity to SharableActivity or something
 like that, and add the telepathy/tubes helper code in there.


 Sugar mailing list

Sugar mailing list

[sugar] NO (formal) design meeting this week.

2008-11-06 Thread Eben Eliason
Hello all -

I apologize for the lack of organization of the biweekly design
meetings as of late.  Unfortunately, I'm going to duck out this week
as well, as I need to focus heavily on a deadline for next week.
However, I will remain on IRC following the sugar meeting and will be
more than happy to discuss any thoughts or ideas that are brought
there.  I just haven't had time to prepare any visuals or set an
agenda myself.

So, if you have something to say, please say it!  The informal meeting
is in #sugar-meeting in about 30 minutes, at 15:30 UTC.  I look
forward to getting back on track with planned meetings on the 20th,

- Eben
Sugar mailing list

[sugar] Consolidating the Feature Roadmap

2008-10-29 Thread Eben Eliason
For those that aren't yet aware, a Feature Roadmap [1]  has appeared
in our wiki recently, its goal to lay out a long term strategy for
prioritizing software development on the XO.  It's tied closely to the
Feature Request [2] page, which contains verbatim requests and
requirements by country, to be consolidated and referenced when adding
to the roadmap.

At the bottom of the Feature Roadmap you'll currently find a
priorities from engineering section, populated with valuable
feedback, requirements, and other information from all of you folks;
some organized by topic, some by suggester, some not at all.  We need
to formally add all thoughts in this section (and those below it) to
the feature roadmap [3].

Please take a look through the information listed there and attempt to
consolidate and organize into features by next Wed., November 5th.
Please also remove the content from the bottom section once it has
been dealt with.  Any remaining content in the priorities from
engineering section after that date will be dealt with as best I can
manage, but your efforts to reduce the load are much appreciated!


- Eben

[1] http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Feature_roadmap
[2] http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Feature_requests
[3] http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Feature_roadmap#Adding_to_the_roadmap
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] 9.1 proposal: Language learning on the XO.

2008-10-28 Thread Eben Eliason
On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 7:46 PM, Chris Ball [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm learning Spanish at the moment, and I wish the XO made it easier
 for me.  I don't have any knowledge of what the right way to do either
 conventional or constructionist language learning on computers is; if
 anyone has much experience with either, I'd love to hear about it.

 I have some obvious candidates for software that could be produced in

   * A method -- similar to Scott's recent GtkLabel overlay for allowing
 strings inside Sugar and activities to be translated -- that does a
 dictionary lookup of a word on the screen and overlays the
 translation of that word into a local language.  This should be
 activity-agnostic, if possible.  For bonus points, translate
 phrases instead of just words.

OSX has a really powerful built-in dictionary/thesaurus, which works
in a similar manner.  It's only available anywhere there is selectable
text, but even that is invaluable.  Here's a sample:

You could imagine offering dictionary/thesaurus/translation all in a
similar manner.

- Eben

   * Perhaps some kind of Pronunciation Activity that gives you words
 in the target language, speaks them to you, explains what they
 mean in your local language, and asks you to speak them back,
 perhaps grading your response?  (All but the last part is already
 possible to do manually in the Words activity, but not in a
 structured way.)

   * Is there any free content that matches iconic images to words,
 so that language vocabulary could be taught even without textual
 translation to a local language?

 Feel free to come up with questions/ideas around language learning on
 the XO in general in this thread, and they'll make it into the
 conference talk.


 - Chris.
 Devel mailing list

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] 9.1 Proposal: Control Facility Improvements

2008-10-23 Thread Eben Eliason
I can sympathize with this perspective.  Traditionally, software
updates only update software which is already installed. In this
perspective, I could see one expecting all those activities already
installed being selected by default, and others left unchecked for one
to select as desired.

On the other hand, I appreciate that our primary use case is for
deployments and entire schools of kids, where the set of activities
chosen for the update has been carefully selected by the school, and
might include a handful of new or customized activities for the
upcoming school year, for instance.  In such a scenario, selecting all
by default is clearly desired.

I'm not sure what the answer is.  Offering a flag with the activity
pack somehow could work, I suppose, but makes the idea less pure.
Maybe adding buttons for select all/deselect all and select
installed would be better, to make managing the selection easier and
more exposed, could work.  Or, perhaps better, we could offer a
smart activity pack in the list for Installed activities which
then presents a list of all installed activities (checked by default,
just like the other activity packs).

- Eben

On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 9:09 PM, C. Scott Ananian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 9:07 PM, genesee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
 One more? Software Updates defaults all available Activities pre-selected.
 Their boxes checked, in other words. I would rather choose the updates I
 want than de-select the ones I don't. Some of the Activity Groups are huge.
 It's a hassle clicking on the many not wanted to download a few.

 Right-click, unselect all.  Voila!

 If only all our 9.1 features were already implemented. ;-)

 ( http://cscott.net/ )
 Sugar mailing list

Sugar mailing list

[sugar] 9.1 Proposal: Clarifying the zoom levels

2008-10-22 Thread Eben Eliason
We've never fully implemented the zoom levels, and since we're going
to have to pay some attention to that area in order to provide
scalability in the short term, we should ensure that their design
offers long term scalability as well.  For the purpose of this
discussion, I'd like to restrict focus to the Groups and Neighborhood
views.  Finally, note that I want to clarify the direction for 9.1;
aspects of the design may not be implemented in the same timeframe.

Current Approach:

Groups: People and activities around me or on my collaboration server
who are my friends, or members of a group I'm in.  A filter in the
toolbar allows me to select which group I want to see specifically, or
I may see all at once. A mechanism for creating and naming new groups
is provided.
Neighborhood: People and activities around me or on my collaboration
server.  Though I can see everyone, I still have a groups filter here
as well.

Alternative #1:

Groups: People and activities around me or on my collaboration server
who are my friends, or members of a group I'm in.  A filter in the
toolbar allows me to select which group I want to see; I must always
look at a specific group. A mechanism for creating and naming new
groups is provided.
Neighborhood: People and activities around me or on a specific
collaboration server.  Here I can see everyone on the server (though
scalability may only show me a subset by default).  A filter in the
toolbar allows me to select which neighborhood (server) I want to see;
I must always look at a specific neighborhood.  By default My school
or My Neighborhood is seen, though I can select School in Peru if
I want to.  A mechanism is provided for registering and nick-naming
new collaboration servers.

Notable differences:  In the alternative model, the Groups view is a
subset of the Neighborhood which I'm currently viewing.  Therefore, if
I'm looking at School in Peru, I'll find a different set of Groups
there.  This could be confusing.  On the other hand, this model gives
us a way to branch out further and switch collaboration servers in a
way friendlier than the control panel. Also, the alternative provides
a useful differentiator between Neighborhood and Groups, whereas the
current approach makes them nearly identical, except that the largest
set of people I can see if Groups is everyone in a group I'm in
instead of everyone in my neighborhood.
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] 9.1 Proposal: Report cards on XO

2008-10-22 Thread Eben Eliason
I'm not sure that such an idea actually requires a special activity,
or a report card template with preset fields. It seems to me that
the item of importance is the ability for the teacher to give each kid
an immutable object which they may then view on their XO, and take
home to show their parents.  This object might be a .pdf, or it might
be an image, or it might be something else, but the teacher could
create such an object in Write, or in a spreadsheet activity, or in
whatever suits their needs best.

It seems to me that the more interesting part of this problem is the
distribution method.  Unlike a homework assignment where the teacher
could share an activity, or (in the future) send an object to everyone
in the class group, there is need to distribute files individually to
the kids by some unique identifier.  Perhaps this is the place where
an Evaluate activity does have it's place.  If done well, a fresh
instance of the activity could provide a way for a teacher to fill out
evaluations (or import in their desired format!) and identify which
kid each belongs to.  Then, upon sharing that single evaluation
activity with the class, each kid would receive *only* their own
evaluation from the shared instance.  That instance would then, every
time they open it, simply be a viewer for that particular evaluation.
This is a good example where the master-slave (usually discouraged in
Sugar) would actually work.

- Eben

On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 11:01 AM, Yamandu Ploskonka
 Following with the Printing support thread, I found out that the
 only item that _needs_ printing in the conventional school setup is
 the report cards.

 Since I militantly believe that XO-supported education we should not
 depend on printing at all if it were possible, I would want to submit a
 proposal to have grading information be accessible through the XO.

 While that is a simple part of student management software that
 doubtlessly will be part of the server, and thus accessible as a web
 page, still there would be a need for that information to be copied
 _into_ the XO for those kids who would have no access to the server from
 their homes.

 Thus, in its proposed incarnation, the Work Report activity would
 exist in the XO, be fed its information updates from the school server.
 The child and family would have that info as an available reminder of
 the teacher's feedback and child-specific suggestions.

  From a security standpoint the server notices via mac address the ID of
 the child's computer to upload info to.

 There would be an associated activity, Teacher Reports, available for
 the teachers' XOs, where the teacher can comment on student work.
 Simple fields, what is good about this work, what needs improvement,
 other suggestions.

 While I personally would avoid there be a grade field, I am aware I
 will be overruled on this, so I concede.

 In most cases anyways the report card follows a definite format and is
 already pre-printed to be filled out by hand.  I am sure that
 improvements on this are possible, but since this is very much a
 nationally-defined format, it might not make sense to worry at this
 stage.  Last time I was there in 2000, Uruguay High Schools printed
 reports on dot-matrix plain paper already.

 Sugar mailing list

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] Clipboard errata (patches)

2008-10-20 Thread Eben Eliason
Thanks for the reviews so far!  While updating my jhbuild I came
accros a couple other related patches (attached).  I'm building again
as I write this, so I'll try to rebase all of my patches today.

The first is just visual, the second is a change to sugar-toolkit
which is required to support the highlighting of the tray on drag, and
the last just makes use of the go-up/go-down arrows which have been in
the them for some time, but never referenced in the tray code, which
was using left/right instead.

On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 6:05 AM, Tomeu Vizoso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 7:06 PM, Eben Eliason [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 12:48 PM, Tomeu Vizoso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 6:11 PM, Eben Eliason [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is a set of patches I worked on recently, and need to rebase on
 the latest jhbuild before I post them officially.  I wanted to expose
 them for comments before I put in that effort, since there are no
 doubt other things that will need to be changed upon review.


 - Eben

 PS.  I just noticed upon attaching that the first isn't actually a
 clipboard patch, but it was part of a sprint on clipboard and
 drag'n'drop in general, so I include it.

 [PATCH] Lock cursor to center of icons in favorites view on drag (#7408)

 Looks good, you can as well calculate again the hot point from the
 pixbuf in the context, instead of adding two private members more to
 the class.

 Oh really?  I didn't see a way to pull that back out.  Could you give
 me a pointer?

 You are right, I expected that gtk.DragContext would have an accesor
 as well as a setter.

 [PATCH] Add descriptions to clippings (#5751)

 Not sure if we should do the formatting in model/clipboardobject.py,
 that looks to me more like a presentation issue so should live in the
 view classes?

 I debated this back and forth.  My decision to put it in the model
 meant that we could simple return a description easily in the correct
 format given the clipping type. Otherwise, the view needs to special
 case based on the type of the clipping.  It seemed to me (ignoring the
 details of implementation) that I really just wanted description to
 be just a string in the model, which the view could call up at any
 point.  From this perspective, it's natural for the model to return an
 appropriate string, and for the view to color, size, position, etc.
 that string as it wants, right?

 I'm ok with the concept of a single-line description of a clipping
 living in the model, but the _MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH value seems to me
 like a UI decision. What about moving it to be an argument of

That sounds like a good idea.

 +if key == 'STRING':

 I'm not sure all text clippings will have the STRING target, I would do 

 +if key in ['STRING', 'text/plain', ...]:

 (I'm not really sure which are the most common targets that contain
 text, I would check the logs after a paste, these are printed in

I'll take a look, thanks.  I was always unsure about the best way to
get that info; I just needed something that worked to get the rest up
and running.  I'll look at your previous patch to similar effect,

- Eben

 [PATCH] Prevent duplicate clippings on drag within clipboard (#8606)

 Sounds good as a temporary measure, but I think that Gtk+ has support
 in its trays for reordering elements with DnD. Or it may be some
 extension to gtk+? Worth investigating.

 Yes, that's the long term solution.  I just wanted something to clean
 up the behavior to prevent confusion in the meantime.  There is a TODO
 somewhere in there where I mention we should be rearranging instead, I
 think.  It might be the case that doing it right makes the rest of
 this patch obsolete, but I'm not sure.

 Sure, I think that your solution is very good in the meantime.



From 7049b8ffc5adee08afa78033cd56e894996154b0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Eben Eliason [EMAIL PROTECTED](none)
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2008 20:36:46 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Size and position clippings correctly when dragged

 src/view/clipboardicon.py |   11 ++-
 1 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/view/clipboardicon.py b/src/view/clipboardicon.py
index c5b6ae7..43f7a6a 100644
--- a/src/view/clipboardicon.py
+++ b/src/view/clipboardicon.py
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import gtk
 from sugar.graphics.radiotoolbutton import RadioToolButton
 from sugar.graphics.icon import Icon
 from sugar.graphics.xocolor import XoColor
+from sugar.graphics import style
 from sugar import profile
 from model import clipboard
@@ -106,10 +107,10 @@ class ClipboardIcon(RadioToolButton):
 self._icon.props.icon_name = 'application-octet-stream'
 child = self.get_child()
+child.connect('drag-begin', self._drag_begin_cb)

Re: [sugar] 9.1 Proposal: Printing support

2008-10-20 Thread Eben Eliason
Peter Krenesky (CC'd) from the Open Source Lab at Oregon State has
discussed some printing basics with me, and may have already begun
further research in this area.  There is some info in the wiki on the
subject: http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Enabling_CUPS,
http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Printing_Design, but I'm not sure how far
along any hacking has actually gotten.

- Eben

On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 4:24 PM, C. Scott Ananian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 We should consider adding basic Print support for 9.1.  In the past
 this has foundered on questions like, what brand(s) of printers?
 what connection mechanism?  It seems impossible to support every
 printer and every connection mechanism in a reasonable amount of NAND

 *But*, we should be able to:
*  Print postscript (or pdf, or whatever, just pick *one*) to
 school server via CUP (IPP?), and install a decent selection of
 printer drivers on the school server. Control panel for 'default
 printer name', fixed to 'XS' by default.
* Add basic printing support to Write, Read, and Browse; set
 PRINTER env variable.
* for future, add support to Paint, Record, etc.
 for 9.1.

 Again, I can give a quick talk just restating the above, and hopefully
 spurring a discussion about how much work this would or would not be
 and whether we can afford to do this for 9.1 (or can't afford not to
 do it), but I'd love it if someone would volunteer to 'own' the issue
 and make a more concrete proposal, present a demo, investigate other
 issues involved, etc.

 ( http://cscott.net/ )
 Devel mailing list

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] Clipboard errata (patches)

2008-10-20 Thread Eben Eliason
OK, I've pushed all of the patches except for Add descriptions to
clippings, which I want to think through carefully before
resubmitting.  The changes pushed take into account the suggestions
here and discussed in IRC, where Tomeu unofficially r-plussed them.

I'll take a closer look into adding descriptions tomorrow; Tomeu's
effort in this area is already in master, so a very close
approximation of the final behavior can already be seen.

- Eben

On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 9:33 AM, Tomeu Vizoso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 3:19 PM, Eben Eliason [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks for the reviews so far!  While updating my jhbuild I came
 accros a couple other related patches (attached).  I'm building again
 as I write this, so I'll try to rebase all of my patches today.

 The first is just visual, the second is a change to sugar-toolkit
 which is required to support the highlighting of the tray on drag, and
 the last just makes use of the go-up/go-down arrows which have been in
 the them for some time, but never referenced in the tray code, which
 was using left/right instead.

 Look good, just some nitpicks:


 +context.set_icon_pixbuf(pixbuf, pixbuf.props.width / 2,
 +pixbuf.props.height / 2)

 Named parameters can give very useful info to the casual reader
 without making the code much more verbose. I prefer to write this

 +context.set_icon_pixbuf(pixbuf, hot_x=pixbuf.props.width / 2,
 +hot_y=pixbuf.props.height / 2)


 Cannot we just use gtk.Widget.drag_highlight and gtk.Widget.drag_unhighlight?


 I think you can push most of the patches unless you need to do
 substantial changes.



 On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 6:05 AM, Tomeu Vizoso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 7:06 PM, Eben Eliason [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 12:48 PM, Tomeu Vizoso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 6:11 PM, Eben Eliason [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is a set of patches I worked on recently, and need to rebase on
 the latest jhbuild before I post them officially.  I wanted to expose
 them for comments before I put in that effort, since there are no
 doubt other things that will need to be changed upon review.


 - Eben

 PS.  I just noticed upon attaching that the first isn't actually a
 clipboard patch, but it was part of a sprint on clipboard and
 drag'n'drop in general, so I include it.

 [PATCH] Lock cursor to center of icons in favorites view on drag (#7408)

 Looks good, you can as well calculate again the hot point from the
 pixbuf in the context, instead of adding two private members more to
 the class.

 Oh really?  I didn't see a way to pull that back out.  Could you give
 me a pointer?

 You are right, I expected that gtk.DragContext would have an accesor
 as well as a setter.

 [PATCH] Add descriptions to clippings (#5751)

 Not sure if we should do the formatting in model/clipboardobject.py,
 that looks to me more like a presentation issue so should live in the
 view classes?

 I debated this back and forth.  My decision to put it in the model
 meant that we could simple return a description easily in the correct
 format given the clipping type. Otherwise, the view needs to special
 case based on the type of the clipping.  It seemed to me (ignoring the
 details of implementation) that I really just wanted description to
 be just a string in the model, which the view could call up at any
 point.  From this perspective, it's natural for the model to return an
 appropriate string, and for the view to color, size, position, etc.
 that string as it wants, right?

 I'm ok with the concept of a single-line description of a clipping
 living in the model, but the _MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH value seems to me
 like a UI decision. What about moving it to be an argument of

 That sounds like a good idea.

 +if key == 'STRING':

 I'm not sure all text clippings will have the STRING target, I would do 

 +if key in ['STRING', 'text/plain', ...]:

 (I'm not really sure which are the most common targets that contain
 text, I would check the logs after a paste, these are printed in

 I'll take a look, thanks.  I was always unsure about the best way to
 get that info; I just needed something that worked to get the rest up
 and running.  I'll look at your previous patch to similar effect,

 - Eben

 [PATCH] Prevent duplicate clippings on drag within clipboard (#8606)

 Sounds good as a temporary measure, but I think that Gtk+ has support
 in its trays for reordering elements with DnD. Or it may be some
 extension to gtk+? Worth investigating.

 Yes, that's the long term solution.  I just

Re: [sugar] Announce: Screencast activity.

2008-10-17 Thread Eben Eliason
On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 3:08 AM, Chris Ball [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I started work on a Screencast activity tonight.  It's a frontend to
 recordMyDesktop, which is the program Scott used for his screencasts.
 Having a program on the XO that's capable of preparing shareable
 tutorials could help out a lot with support, by allowing walkthroughs
 to be prepared by children, teachers, and the rest of us.


 The activity is (barely) functional now, including Journal integration.
 The UI is entirely unpolished.

 Large bugs:
  * When you're resuming a screencast from the Journal, you have to
mouseover Resume and choose Browse from the dropdown, rather than
just clicking Resume.  Is there a way to tell Sugar that I don't want
my activity to be an option for opening the video/ogg files that it
creates but doesn't know how to play?

It seems that the activity might actually create both a Screencast
instance as well as a resulting screencast movie file.  The former
would be resumable in Screencast, the latter in the default activity
for video.  As to the usefulness of resuming, it might be possible to
add support for callouts (boxes, or arrows, or highlights, etc.) for
accentuating a specific part of the screen, or for adding textboxes to
the flow either as description aids (if no mic is used) or to break
the screencast into short, named chapters, etc.

If there truly is nothing that makes sense to resume within Screencast
itself for now, we can simply store the artifact instead.

  * Recordmydesktop is using /tmp as an intermediate location, which
means that a long screencast runs the XO into OOM (or worse).

  * It reuses the icon from Words.

I'll think about this. I can see a 4:3 rect with a tiny XO in it being
a good starting point, perhaps with an offset record button in one
corner. Any better ideas?  I can hack an icon together if we get
consensus on something reasonable.

  * I think the Totem plugin might be having a scaling issue when playing
back a screencast.

What res do you store the final movie at, out of curiosity?

 Missing features:
  * There should be a checkbox for whether to include sound from the
microphone in the screencast, which should pass --no-sound to
recordmydesktop if unchecked.

Great idea.

  * Limits on how long to record, illustration of disk full percentage,
progress meter for encoding stage?

All good.  The first seems quite necessary. Ideally all three of these
things would a) be visible all the time while recording b) not appear
within the screencast output.  I'm not sure that either (a) or (b) is
possible, sadly.

  * i18n, icons for the buttons.

  * Find the optimal FPS setting to use.

  * We should avoid having the activity itself be present in the videos;
perhaps by minimizing it immediately before starting recording,
and then setting up a globally-bound keyboard shortcut for stop?

I'd recommend transitioning immediately to the Home view when
recording starts, so that screencasts always begin from the same
familiar place.  This is a natural starting point.  However, is it
possible for an activity to trigger that event?

I'm even less sure about stopping.  Ideally a stop button would be
another piece of ever-present, non-recorded info on the screen.  A
keyboard shortcut might work, but can you bind it globally even if the
app isn't focused?  Another option is to offer (really basic)
cropping, with a simple bar beneath the video with two endpoints which
can be dragged independently, to trim beginning and end of the
screencast as needed.  If kids didn't bother, at worst they'd have a
2-3 second part at the end where they focus the screencast activity
and press a stop button.

Another alternative is to automatically stop recording when the
activity is focused, but a) you'd still see the action of selecting
the activity again and b) this would prevent any screencasts of the
Screencast activity from being made.

 Would anyone be interested in owning this activity?  I don't have time
 to finish it off properly at the moment, but I'd happily work with a
 volunteer to answer questions and propose changes.

I wish I had time or experience to be able to, but I don't yet.  I'd
be happy to lend some graphical assistance, such as layout, button
icons, etc. to anyone who takes this up.

- Eben

 There's source here:
 and a bundle here:


 - Chris.
 Sugar mailing list

Sugar mailing list

[sugar] Clipboard errata (patches)

2008-10-17 Thread Eben Eliason
This is a set of patches I worked on recently, and need to rebase on
the latest jhbuild before I post them officially.  I wanted to expose
them for comments before I put in that effort, since there are no
doubt other things that will need to be changed upon review.


- Eben

PS.  I just noticed upon attaching that the first isn't actually a
clipboard patch, but it was part of a sprint on clipboard and
drag'n'drop in general, so I include it.
From 08d4c23ff0cd0e48842c189711ef1dd7d3a05c05 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Eben Eliason [EMAIL PROTECTED](none)
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2008 11:36:22 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Lock cursor to center of icons in favorites view on drag (#7408)

 src/view/home/favoritesview.py |   12 +---
 1 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/view/home/favoritesview.py b/src/view/home/favoritesview.py
index 0a7f0b3..7449b4c 100644
--- a/src/view/home/favoritesview.py
+++ b/src/view/home/favoritesview.py
@@ -75,6 +75,8 @@ class FavoritesView(hippo.Canvas):
 self._pressed_button = None
 self._press_start_x = None
 self._press_start_y = None
+self._hot_x = None
+self._hot_y = None
 self._last_clicked_icon = None
 self._box = hippo.CanvasBox()
@@ -221,8 +223,9 @@ class FavoritesView(hippo.Canvas):
 # TODO: we should get the pixbuf from the widget, so it has colors, etc
 pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(icon_file_name)
-hot_spot = style.zoom(10)
-context.set_icon_pixbuf(pixbuf, hot_spot, hot_spot)
+self._hot_x = pixbuf.props.width / 2
+self._hot_y = pixbuf.props.height / 2
+context.set_icon_pixbuf(pixbuf, self._hot_x, self._hot_y)
 def __drag_motion_cb(self, widget, context, x, y, time):
 if self._last_clicked_icon is not None:
@@ -235,11 +238,14 @@ class FavoritesView(hippo.Canvas):
 if self._last_clicked_icon is not None:
 self.drag_get_data(context, _ICON_DND_TARGET[0])
-self._layout.move_icon(self._last_clicked_icon, x, y)
+   x - self._hot_x, y - self._hot_y)
 self._pressed_button = None
 self._press_start_x = None
 self._press_start_y = None
+self._hot_x = None
+self._hot_y = None
 self._last_clicked_icon = None
 return True

From 3f25f0e4701ea485621af7e663388a9c4d16483d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Eben Eliason [EMAIL PROTECTED](none)
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2008 11:56:56 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Title clippings appropriately eg. Text clipping (#5751)

 src/model/clipboardobject.py |   10 +++---
 1 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/model/clipboardobject.py b/src/model/clipboardobject.py
index a4cd388..2f494d0 100644
--- a/src/model/clipboardobject.py
+++ b/src/model/clipboardobject.py
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import os
 import logging
 import urlparse
+from gettext import gettext as _
 from sugar import mime
 from sugar.bundle.activitybundle import ActivityBundle
@@ -39,9 +40,12 @@ class ClipboardObject(object):
 def get_name(self):
 name = self._name
 if not name:
-name = mime.get_mime_description(self.get_mime_type())
-if not name:
-name = ''
+type = mime.get_mime_description(self.get_mime_type())
+if not type:
+type = 'Data'
+name = _('%s clipping') % type
 return name
 def get_icon(self):

From 1fea17a5fd980048d74f90dd83dd5591c11fcc32 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Eben Eliason [EMAIL PROTECTED](none)
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2008 12:17:30 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Add descriptions to clippings (#5751)

This patch adds support for descriptions for text clippings,
showing a preview of the clipped string in the primary palette.
In the future we'll want to add meaningful descriptions for
clippings of other types, perhaps by noting what activity they
were clipped from to provide some context.
 src/model/clipboardobject.py |   27 +++
 src/view/clipboardmenu.py|7 ++-
 2 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/model/clipboardobject.py b/src/model/clipboardobject.py
index 2f494d0..5ecec38 100644
--- a/src/model/clipboardobject.py
+++ b/src/model/clipboardobject.py
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ from gettext import gettext as _
 from sugar import mime
 from sugar.bundle.activitybundle import ActivityBundle
 class ClipboardObject(object):
 def __init__(self, object_path, name):
@@ -48,6 +50,31 @@ class ClipboardObject(object):
 return name
+# TODO: This only handles text clippings.  We should provide info about
+# where a clipping came from for other formats, eg. Clipped from TamTam
+def get_description(self

Re: [sugar] Clipboard errata (patches)

2008-10-17 Thread Eben Eliason
On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 12:48 PM, Tomeu Vizoso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 6:11 PM, Eben Eliason [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is a set of patches I worked on recently, and need to rebase on
 the latest jhbuild before I post them officially.  I wanted to expose
 them for comments before I put in that effort, since there are no
 doubt other things that will need to be changed upon review.


 - Eben

 PS.  I just noticed upon attaching that the first isn't actually a
 clipboard patch, but it was part of a sprint on clipboard and
 drag'n'drop in general, so I include it.

 [PATCH] Lock cursor to center of icons in favorites view on drag (#7408)

 Looks good, you can as well calculate again the hot point from the
 pixbuf in the context, instead of adding two private members more to
 the class.

Oh really?  I didn't see a way to pull that back out.  Could you give
me a pointer?

 [PATCH] Title clippings appropriately eg. Text clipping (#5751)

 OK, you may want to add a TRANS comment with a hint to translators.


 [PATCH] Add descriptions to clippings (#5751)

 Not sure if we should do the formatting in model/clipboardobject.py,
 that looks to me more like a presentation issue so should live in the
 view classes?

I debated this back and forth.  My decision to put it in the model
meant that we could simple return a description easily in the correct
format given the clipping type. Otherwise, the view needs to special
case based on the type of the clipping.  It seemed to me (ignoring the
details of implementation) that I really just wanted description to
be just a string in the model, which the view could call up at any
point.  From this perspective, it's natural for the model to return an
appropriate string, and for the view to color, size, position, etc.
that string as it wants, right?

 [PATCH] Highlight clipboard on drag (#8604)



 [PATCH] Prevent duplicate clippings on drag within clipboard (#8606)

 Sounds good as a temporary measure, but I think that Gtk+ has support
 in its trays for reordering elements with DnD. Or it may be some
 extension to gtk+? Worth investigating.

Yes, that's the long term solution.  I just wanted something to clean
up the behavior to prevent confusion in the meantime.  There is a TODO
somewhere in there where I mention we should be rearranging instead, I
think.  It might be the case that doing it right makes the rest of
this patch obsolete, but I'm not sure.

- Eben



Sugar mailing list

[sugar] Design-meeting REMINDER (Thursday October 16 2008 - 15.30 (UTC)) --- irc.freenode.net, #sugar-meeting

2008-10-16 Thread Eben Eliason
Hello everyone -

We'll be having an open design meeting today.  There is but one topic
on the agenda: Journal.  We've spent some time talking about it
recently, but it's a big part of the UI, and one that's been sorely
neglected. In particular, we'll be discussing a plan forward given the
work that both Tomeu and Scott have put into it.

For background:

Tomeu's new datastore:
http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg08412.html
Scott's new Journal: http://dev.laptop.org/~cscott/journal2-talk.pdf

- Eben
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] Design-meeting REMINDER (Thursday October 16 2008 - 15.30 (UTC)) --- irc.freenode.net, #sugar-meeting

2008-10-16 Thread Eben Eliason
Since we don't have everyone we'd like for proper design input, we're
going to hold the meeting from a slightly more technical angle, to
determine possible ways to integrate the work being done.

- Eben

On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 10:56 AM, Tomeu Vizoso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Would work with me.



 On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 4:51 PM, Christian Marc Schmidt
 Hi everyone

 Unfortunately I'm travelling today and won't be able to be on the call. Can
 we do this tomorrow instead?


 Sent from my iPhone

 On Oct 16, 2008, at 9:26 AM, Eben Eliason [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello everyone -

 We'll be having an open design meeting today.  There is but one topic
 on the agenda: Journal.  We've spent some time talking about it
 recently, but it's a big part of the UI, and one that's been sorely
 neglected. In particular, we'll be discussing a plan forward given the
 work that both Tomeu and Scott have put into it.

 For background:

 Tomeu's new datastore:
 http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg08412.html
 Scott's new Journal: http://dev.laptop.org/~cscott/journal2-talk.pdf

 - Eben

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] code contributions to Sugar (was Re: Sugar Clock)

2008-10-15 Thread Eben Eliason
On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 4:30 AM, Tomeu Vizoso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 9:27 PM, Benjamin M. Schwartz

 P.S. I think this is a good example of why contributing to Sugar is
 necessarily hard.  Many small technical contributions from the community
 require significant policy decisions by the leaders.  When Sugar's
 subsystems are as mature and rationalized as the kernel's, then perhaps we
 will be able to add small components without needing big decisions, but
 that point is still years away.

 Anybody has ideas about how we could improve this? One thing that may
 help is the recent refactoring that Marco made in the shell. Adding a
 clock widget to the frame is now a matter of dropping a .py file in
 the extensions/deviceicon directory. What else needs to happen?

Are you sure that's all? ;)  We should likely support dropping in a
directory as well, so that an icon can be packed in along with the
.py.  We don't want every extension to require the author to hack
artwork also.  Icons should only be in artwork if they are a) part of
the core OS or b) potentially useful to many activities. Extensions to
the devices, the home layouts, control panel modules, and anything
else that we'd like to support should include all necessary components
in a self-contained way.

But this is a great start!

- Eben


 Sugar mailing list

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] Tagged Journal Proposal

2008-10-15 Thread Eben Eliason
On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 6:03 PM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 a few random observations that i had today, prompted by scott's

- while people don't tend to name their jpegs (today), they
do tend to group them into folders (e.g. vacation_pix).
the equivalent of this in a tagged world would be bulk
tagging.  i assume scott has thought about this in his
UI, though i don't recall noticing it.

His prototype did sport the checkboxes for the creation of multiple
selections.  When such a selection exists, a toolbar with any actions
which can be performed on multiple objects (delete, tag, copy, send,
etc.) will appear.  There are certainly some details to work out. For
instance, I expect that we might need a way to show only selected
items via a filter, so that managing the selection is easier.  We may
also need select all so that it's easy to apply actions to the
entire set of results in a search.

- likewise, removing all the files in a directory, or moving
half of them elsewhere (imagine rearranging the photos
you just pulled off the camera), implies that there
should be equivalent tag operations for doing bulk tag
removal, and bulk tag editing.  (note that this need is
independent of the path-component-as-tag feature -- these
operations are simply required of any system intended to
replace hierarchy with tags.)

Good point.  I've been envisioning the tagging UI as a space with
current tags (editable), and with tag suggestions (clickable, to add
to the current tags).  In the case of a multiple selection (made in
any manner discussed above), the current tag section would only list
tags which apply to all of the items in the selection.  The suggested
tags, of course, would naturally include many, or all, of the tags
which apply to only some of the selected; their frequency would
determine which are most important to show (if we need to limit the
suggestion list).  In this manner, I could select a dozen photos I
took in order to tag them all vacation; I might also notice that the
photo tag only appeared in the suggestions, implying that some (or
all) of these didn't contain that tag.  Clicking on the suggestion
would then apply it to all.

The current tags could also be edited (or removed) directly.

- jim made the observation that he found himself using tags
less and less over time, once he realized that the
full-text indexer he was using made traditional filing
unnecessary.  i've found the same thing (i index my MH
mail folders with mairix) -- but i do still use folders
(i.e., tag equivalents) to make it easy to retrieve
things for which i think i may not remember the right
search terms later on.  and of course i especially use them
when the tags (folders) can be assigned automatically
(with sort filters).  all of which is to say that i view
tagging as an extension of full-text search, not a

It's certainly an extension in many cases. It is a replacement for
most non-text formats.  Of course we can hope to depend on some
automatic metadata as well, but as we've seen already from experience,
the automatic metadata we have now is insufficient.

On a related note, the current DS forgets (that's a kind word, I
think) all metadata supplied by activities, which undermines a lot of
possible advantages to activities (like storing the current page in
Read), as well as preventing them from going to the trouble to provide
any metadata which might be useful to the kids for finding things

Proposal (off the cuff, please poke holes in this): We might beef up
the HIG in the area of tagging, and even suggest a set of canonical
tags for various types of content. (Localized, of course.)  Combining
this with Scott's path-tags, we might introduce Images/, Videos/,
Documents/, and Audio/ tags in such a way that we get the best of both
worlds.  The system can automatically file things away in a
reasonable subdirectory of the Journal, but the kids can always find
*anything* they've done, in chronological order, by looking in the
Journal itself (before selecting one of these path-tags as a query).

- Eben

- we need to be mindful of erik's concern that if the goal is
to solve the problems deployments are reporting, whether
with file management or anything else, that we not
over-engineer the design in a way that keeps us from
finishing the implementation.  while our mission may be
to build something better, we shouldn't let that get in
the way of building something that, while old, is very
useful.  (e.g., if we haven't made enough progress on the
real solution, and kids would be best served in 9.1 by
a file manager activity of some sort, then we should
provide one.)

  paul fox, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [sugar] (very) Little Proposals for 9.1

2008-10-14 Thread Eben Eliason
Hi all, sorry I'm late on this thread.

On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 6:53 AM, Carlo Falciola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 during past week-end I spent a few hours playing with the 676 -Candidate , 
 mainly in order to check translated strings here  an there.
 Then let my very personal user base (My children: Nicola, 7 and Giovanna, 6) 
 to play a bit with the updated XO.

  After these user sessions we have a very personal wish list and small 
 inputs for the next software iteration that we would like to share:

 Carlo : nowhere in the default GUI there is a clock, even if, in the control 
 panel there is a panel to configure it. I think that personal watches are 
 maybe not so easily owned by kids around the word, so a standard clock could 
 be a little, but welcomed feature. (not talking about the clock activity that 
 it is more a learn to read a clock thing than an everyday tool). any 
 feedback and suggestion regarding how and where to put/show it are welcomed.

I personally would like to see this built.  I've always thought that a
clock device would fit perfectly into the bottom edge of the Frame.
I'd really like to see us rework the devices a bit so that they are
more naturally pluggable (at most, the user would only have to add
one directory at some location in the system to add a new device). In
the future perhaps we can extend this to a user-facing management of
installed devices.

Apart from the trickiness (and potential CPU hit) of dynamically
updating the clock icon (I envision an analog clock here, with digital
display and date and/or calendar in the palette, so granularity would
be on the order of a minute or so).

 Giovanna: Why not to enable shut-down from the XO icon of any of the standard 
 view? The icon is always there in the middle of screen but works only in 
 one...  (in general, maybe enabling the hoovering menu in all of the views 
 Home, Neighborhood, Group  could make sense and could be reasonably  easy to 

I definitely thought I filed a ticket years ago about making the
palettes consistent in the views.  I can't find it now, so I must be
mistaken, but I agree this is something to aim for.

I also think that the addition of a computer device to the Frame
might be worth considering, but we should all think carefully about
what it means, and how it relates to the Journal, before diving into
that solution.

 Nicola: Should be nice to have a bit more feedback regarding already running 
 activity into the home view, since now he has a more immediate approach to 
 the system and he is not, as now,  yet really interested to the past story of 
 his interaction to the system, so he do not care ('till now) so much of the 
 journal and frame.
 For his approach a visual hints of running activities (let's say the activity 
 icon in the circle to became colored and switch default click acton to be 
 resume ), maybe could be more useful for his basic approach

Have you looked at the recent designs posted on the wiki, regarding
the new Home view?  The current implementation is only half the story,
and I hope the second half appears in Sugar soon.  We should make sure
the other half, which exposes recent activities, is actually an
adequate solution.

See:  http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Designs/Activity_Management

- Eben

 I'm really sorry not to be/feel to master coding yet  enoght in order to back 
 those ideas with any code, but anyway I think it is reasonable to share the 

 grazie a tutti

 (+ Nicola e Giovanna)

  Scopri il blog di Yahoo! Mail:
 Trucchi, novità e scrivi la tua opinione.
 Sugar mailing list

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] Launching activities from other activities

2008-10-14 Thread Eben Eliason
On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 6:42 PM, Mikus Grinbergs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Morgan wrote:
 Hopefully Rainbow will grow a mechanism for activities to request it
 to launch other activities given certain restrictions.


Heh.  I really think we need this.  The current solution really is a
hack which plays nice with rainbow, but doesn't provide an optimal
experience.  I know Michael has some ideas on how to make things both
nice and secure.  How far are we from an implementation plan here?

This functionality also seems important in relation tot he narrative
topic which Michael expressed interest in before.  We need to take a
lot of steps forward, one at a time, in making information easy to
move among various activities, and this includes the ability to launch
other activities from within activities.  We'll also want to consider
how the invoking activity might get access to the result of a launched
activity (maybe we get this for free?).

- Eben


 Please include discussion of such a mechanism in the 0.84/9.1/future
 planning session that is coming up in mid-November.


 Sugar mailing list

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] scrolling the journal list view (was Re: alt-tabbing to the Journal)

2008-10-11 Thread Eben Eliason
On Sat, Oct 11, 2008 at 9:38 AM, Walter Bender [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sat, Oct 11, 2008 at 6:34 AM, Tomeu Vizoso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 5:27 PM, Eben Eliason [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 3:26 AM, Gary C Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 - Realtime scrolling so you can just grab, drag, and look as it goes past.

 Indeed.  I have never been satisfied with the row-by-row scrolling,
 but we couldn't do better in terms of performance before.  In
 redesigning the Journal, it was very important to us (to me, at the
 very least) that smooth pixel-scrolling was part of the plan. Tomeu,
 do you think we can make a transition like this for 9.1?  I think it
 would be another big boost to using the Journal.

 Sure I think we should do something for 9.1, but right now the
 resourcing part is a bit complex. Maybe Scott can comment on this?

 Is this the right place to expend effort? From my experience, better
 paging control would be more useful than fine-tuning the scrolling.

The path to better scroller, actually, is to define a proper form of
paging control, which we don't yet have at all.  A paging system that
works will make it possible to scroll smoothly through the portion of
the Journal which is currently visible, so we'll win on both fronts
with this effort.

 The main problem here is potential length of the scrolling page.  Its
 unbounded, except by space constraints, right now.  There are two
 viable options here that we've talked about.  First, we could
 introduce the notion of paging, so that after scrolling to the bottom
 of a page in the Journal, you have (older) and (newer) buttons to get
 to other results.

 Second, and my preference, we could introduce temporal section
 headers.  After scrolling far enough back in time, there might be
 sections for each month, and further back, for each year, etc., with
 each section being represented by a header only, and a disclosure
 button.  Clicking on a section would open it inline, closing the
 currently open section, thus keeping everything in the Journal
 temporally ordered on a single infinite page, but allowing one to
 dive into it in any range of time.

 Yes, I like this idea and I think it's pretty much doable.

 Eben, weren't there a bunch of sketches regarding smart exponential
 timescales we had developed early on? Maybe dust those off? Some where
 quite good.

Every time we tried to come up with an inline timeline view for a
scrollbar, we hit complications and ultimately wound up simplifying
back to a standard scrollbar.  I think there are definitely
possibilities here still, but in terms of what's feasible for some
real improvement in the next 6 months, I think continuing to use the
standard scrolling mechanisms while introducing smarter folding of
time is the better course.

- Eben


 Sugar mailing list


 Walter Bender
 Sugar Labs

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] Viewing PDFs from Browse

2008-10-11 Thread Eben Eliason
The user couldn't annotate a file they don't have.  Obviously we
have to download the bits to a temporary location to view them, but in
the normal paradigm of the web, nothing is permanently kept unless you
explicitly download it.  Perhaps an attempt to navigate away from the
page could ask if you wanted to keep it around or not, but I'd just as
soon expose the keep button and have kids learn to keep only what they
actually want.  Everything on the web is transient unless you grab
something while you can.

It doesn't really make sense to me to add annotation tools and such to
the pdf viewer in Browse for this reason.  It should remain limited to
handy viewing controls, saving the annotation tools for Read once the
document is local, I feel. (As an analogy, you wouldn't expect to be
able draw on top of or otherwise edit an image within Browse, right?
You'd be able to zoom, pan, *maybe* rotate; but you'd download it and
edit it in an activity designed for that purpose.)

- Eben

On Sat, Oct 11, 2008 at 6:21 AM, Tomeu Vizoso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 5:01 PM, Eben Eliason [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 10:53 AM, Tomeu Vizoso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 4:46 PM, Eben Eliason [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 4:24 AM, Tomeu Vizoso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 1:40 AM, Eben Eliason [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey, this looks pretty cool, actually.  One powerful addition which I
 think is necessary in order to adopt this is the addition of a Keep
 button in that toolbar, by which one *could* download the pdf for
 offline reading later if wanted.

 In a similar vein, would it be possible to create a supplemental
 toolbar like this for other media types which browse specifically
 supports?  I could see having a similar UI for images, and a perhaps
 for audio and video, too.  The ability to view various formats
 directly, yet also have a one-click means to download the file, sounds

 Hmm, shouldn't the act of viewing a PDF create an entry in the journal
 that allows you to resume this act? If so, shouldn't the viewer plugin
 create an entry in the journal by itself and that entry would contain
 the PDF?

 Well, in this new model, I'd think not, actually.  I can view an image
 directly within Browse without creating a new Journal entry.
 Basically, anything Browse handles natively remains a part of my
 Browse session.  Anything which it cannot, or which I explicitly wish
 to keep for myself, becomes a new downloaded object.

 So Browse would create some kind of entry that would allow resuming
 the reading of that book?

 Of course.  Basically, the following would happen:

 1. Child clicks on a link to a pdf (or natively supported media type)
 2. Browse displays the pdf directly, with the contextual toolbar
 3. Browse does not yet interact with the DS; this is just part of what it 

 (Stopping here would result in no Journal entry, apart from the Browse one)

 Not sure about it, if the user spent some good time reading (and
 perhaps annotating) the PDF, shouldn't the journal record this in the
 same way it tries to record all worthy interaction with the machine?



Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] journal is hard (was Re: notes from the field - Mongolia)

2008-10-10 Thread Eben Eliason
On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 8:45 AM, Garrett Goebel
 Elana Langer wrote from Mongolia:
 basically when teachers and students try to find their work (write,
 record, etoys)  in the journal it is hard for them to locate it -
 especially if it is more than a few days old. This is why everyone is
 desperate to save their projects on USB keys.

 This could be made much easier if Sugar apps prompted the user for
 tags when shutting down an application.

Yes, I think we need to assume this model.  I don't think this is
going to break the basic paradigm of Sugar, since this prompt need
only happen for *new* activities.  Anything which has been previously
kept in the Journal will continue to autosave.  It's only the first
time that you *really* need to give a meaningful title, and also then
that you might decide it's not worth keeping at all.

 I know it is a goal to require as little text as possible. And I'm not
 sure what images could universally convey the message correctly... but

 Would you like to tag the state of this activity? Y/N

 ...followed by a prompt for the user to enter tags.

We can do a little better than that, actually, by making it all one
prompt.  It can have a name field, already filled out with the best
darn attempt at a name we can manage, a tag field (and perhaps even a
list of popular tags as well, to apply to it with a click or a
drag/drop), and buttons for [Erase] (Or [Don't Keep]?) and [Keep].

- Eben


 Devel mailing list

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] [Cross Posted] High res screenshots of Sugar

2008-10-10 Thread Eben Eliason
On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 12:09 PM, Bert Freudenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Am 10.10.2008 um 18:02 schrieb Sayamindu Dasgupta:

 On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 9:24 PM, Bert Freudenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Yeah - that's what confused me :-S

 If it's too hard to educate their art department, just make a
 screenshot and
 adjust the dpi in PhotoShop to 300. They won't notice.

 But don't you think the print process will break in that case ?

Be sure to find out if they really need 300dpi to print. I suspect
they don't. Most printers will print whatever dpi you push them
(within reason).  It's likely the case that they simply request that
as a minimum because, for anything that isn't under a fundamental
resolution limitation like a screenshot, anything less will be of
noticeably lower quality once printed.

In this case, you'll be able to see the actual pixels if the
screenshots are printed large enough, but so what?  That's the real
image.  And, as mentioned before, you'll actually have their suggested
resolution for anything that's printed at 4x3 inches or smaller.

 No, why would it? It's just pixels, and this changes a single number
 in the picture file (if you adjust dpi without resampling).

This is a very important point.  Don't use any form of resampling when
you (if you must) change the dpi, or you'll wind up with a really
high res image that has blurry edges where they should be crisp. (If
there is no don't resample option, use nearest neighbor, which
means the same thing.)

 If you *really* wanted to get fancy, run Sugar inside a VNC server
 of say
 12000x9000 pixels at 2000 dpi. Sugar is designed to be scalable to
 resolutions so in theory this should work. In practice you'll find
 there are
 some things that are not really scaled.

 Fonts will probably be messed up in that case.

 They shouldn't, Sugar uses scalable fonts.

 - Bert -

 Sugar mailing list

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] journal is hard (was Re: notes from the field - Mongolia)

2008-10-10 Thread Eben Eliason
On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 1:05 PM, NoiseEHC [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 We can do a little better than that, actually, by making it all one
 prompt.  It can have a name field, already filled out with the best
 darn attempt at a name we can manage, a tag field (and perhaps even a
 list of popular tags as well, to apply to it with a click or a
 drag/drop), and buttons for [Erase] (Or [Don't Keep]?) and [Keep].

 A little better solution would be if the words in the name would be treated
 as tags and if the save dialog would offer autocomplete for those tags.

I think tag autocompletion is a definite must, to get this system off
the ground.

 Tagging via the Journal could just set words to super tags so they would
 not be shown in the name but would be handled harder than soft tags in
 searching or in the proposed tag submenu thing. If the user would type in
 the tag via autocompletion then it should be treated as an explicit tag.

I don't have a clear image in my head from this description, but I do
see the direction you're heading, and it's interesting.  I'm not sure
exactly how the titles are handled right now, but the idea of
auto-completing within the title field, in some form, might have

An interesting twist on this might be to look for related Journal
entries based on the title typed thus far, in order to provide a list
of most likely tags to choose from for the entry (tags which are also
applied to other things with similar titles, mime-types, etc.).  In
this manner, once a base set of tags were in use in the Journal,
tagging could become as simple as saying yes, these three things you
suggest actually do apply to this thing I made, and then optionally
and maybe this one other new tag, too.  In a sense, this means that
tagging is almost free, since the process of creating a good title
will provide a solid set of tags to choose from.  Tagging becomes an
extension of naming, rather than a separate task.

 I am not sure if you can understand it so here is another try from the
 opposite side:

 The problem with tagging is that it is painful to select something on the XO
 from a drop down menu (the list of available tags). (Note that developing

Right, this is why I think intelligent filtering of the list of
suggested tags is also needed.

 Sugar on a Linux PC is cheating...) The whole notion of explicit tagging is
 also a nuisance and requiring tagging at save time is painful. So this
 proposal just tries to simplify the process from the user's perspective (and
 makes coding the Journal very very hard, but since somebody other than me
 will code it I do not care...). Autocompleting, not only tags but soft
 tags too, would result in that if the user is doing some project lately then
 the system would offer him the project's name since probably it would be
 used lately a lot. Also it could be used for filesystem paths as well but
 probably I should see that GNOME UI Hackfest video first.

Hmm, I'm not sure that autocompletion on full titles is beneficial
(that might not be what you're suggesting) because we want to
discourage identical names, rather than encourage them.  On the other
hand, offering completion of words within the title based on tags is
interesting.  Would these soft tags (tags auto-completed in the
title) also appear in the tag field?  How would we make the system
evident?  Maybe it's still most clear if the title just serves as a
seed for the recommended tags (some of which might be verbatim in the
title) so that a few clicks can apply all those relevant.

- Eben
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] [IAEP] Narrative.

2008-10-10 Thread Eben Eliason
On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 1:42 PM, Gary C Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 10 Oct 2008, at 14:26, Tomeu Vizoso wrote:

 On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 3:02 AM, Bill Kerr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 12:27 AM, Michael Stone


 Here's a short dialogue between myself, Ben Schwartz, Martin
 and Bobby Powers on my interpretation of narrative as it might
 to a user interface designed for engaging children in the world of

 Do we have any proposals of changes to Sugar so it better supports
 learning in light of the reflections on narrative?

 One random thought that overlaps with some ideas on Activity help...

 What if Activity and Content bundles were one and the same. You could
 have bundles that just hold an Activity to install, or just have
 Content for the library, or more interestingly have it hold both an
 Activity and library Content.

 For a concrete example, I could see myself writing a handful of web
 pages as part help, and part guide, to viewing and understanding the
 Moon, it's phases, some traditions, stories etc. I do not want to
 bloat out the Moon Activity UI with help tabs, buttons, and pages of
 text and images formatted in some weird GTK encoding. The Activity
 should be clean and light and focused on it's function.

 All the 'narrative' material should go into the library as html web
 content (pdf's can be nice but are resource intensive and have
 interaction issues of their own). It would be great if by installing
 Moon.xo, the bundle could also contain some library content.

 Actually this is what the Mac OSX does. Applications contain what is
 pretty much some indexed html help files that the system auto adds to
 it's help engine when you install an Application. My MoonDock app uses
 this to provide a page or two of instruction about the Moon.

 I guess I could provide something similar today by making two bundles,
 one of html library content, and one of the Activity bundle. Maybe
 there are benefits to this dual bundle arrangement (separate the
 Activity from documentation translation tasks; only install what you
 need to preserve nand space)?

You bring up very good pros and cons.  I think it would be convenient
indeed if the bundle format allowed activity, help, and content
bundles to be packaged up together and handled appropriately by the
relevant parts of the system.  Making a pluggable help system like
this was one hope we had.  Maybe the right thing to do instead (or in
addition) is to extend the idea that bundles can come in a variety of
canonical forms, perhaps each with their own mime-type, so that they
can be downloaded from anywhere and then opened by the correct
activity when launched (and, better, automatically detected by the
relevant activities when needed).

We should definitely give another look at bundles and how we expect
them to operate in Sugar.  All types of bundles currently hobble
along; a precise definition for what they are and how they function
would be a big step forward.

- Eben

 Sugar mailing list

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] Home view

2008-10-09 Thread Eben Eliason
On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 9:45 AM, Bert Freudenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Am 09.10.2008 um 14:20 schrieb Mikus Grinbergs:

 So, how about removing the list view and leaving that task to the
 Journal? It's a much more logical place anyway, the list view is
 basically a filtered view of the activity bundles in the Journal,
 right? So if the Journal allowed a filter to just show activities we
 would not need the list view and remove one point of confusion.

 When I install Activities I do so through 'sugar-install-bundle',
 not through the Journal.  In this proposal, I would be left without
 a GUI listing of the Activities installed on my system.  [I believe
 a customization key does not journalize the Activities it installs,

 Well, it should. And using the command line should have the same
 result as using the GUI.

 My perception of the list view in Home is here is an user interface
 specifically suited for the manipulation of activity bundles.  I'd
 prefer to delete/upgrade/install activities through here, rather
 than through Journal.  [The other views of Home show activity labels
 only with hovering - I have way too many activities installed for me
 to try to remember what each icon represents.]

 Good point. The favorites view should be able to show labels, too. But
 the list view gets in the way more often than it is useful for me (and
 using activities surely outweighs installing/removing activities by

I'm curious how it gets in the way.  If you don't like it, you
needn't ever go there, right? Newly installed activities should be
starred by default. (I acknowledge the bug you bring up in which
that's not true via all installation methods.)

I think the list is useful for (extreme) scalability reasons, to see
the title, date, and perhaps later other information (versions,
author, etc) directly in the view, and simply as an accessibility

More importantly, the Home view is the first to receive the treatment,
but for 9.1 all zoom levels will have list views.  It's particularly
important in the Neighborhood, where the freeform layout will only be
able to show a subset of the available information.  Switching to the
list, however, will provide a neatly categorized and sorted view of
all the available people access points, and activities, which can be
scrolled or filtered.

- Eben

 - Bert -

 Sugar mailing list

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] [IAEP] Narrative.

2008-10-09 Thread Eben Eliason
On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 11:28 AM, Brian Jordan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 4:57 PM, Michael Stone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Here's a short dialogue between myself, Ben Schwartz, Martin Dengler,
 and Bobby Powers on my interpretation of narrative as it might apply
 to a user interface designed for engaging children in the world of


 My favorite part was the end:

  bemasc making content bundles work better sounds very valuable. We certainly
  don't provide nice content creation tools. I heartily agree that this
  is an area in which improvements are worth pursuing.
  m_stone lovely. now if only you weren't in engaged in pursuit of further
  education... :)
  bemasc right.

 === Highlights

 * By narrative, I mean a rational sequence (or graph) of events.

 * It's rather hard to use XOs to prepare direct lessons. By direct
   lesson, I mean a guided learning experience, usable in variable
   network conditions, which minimizes the amount of decision-making and
   navigation that the end-user needs to perform in order to experience
   'the whole thing' regardless of what software implements each
   individual experience contained in the lesson.

 === Toy Problem

 Concretely, suppose I invent a new Python trick like the ones at


 How might a prepare a slick explanation for an inexperienced user?

 * I might write up a web page for my trick, then write a Pippy bundle
   showing off the trick in a toy program, then give a pointer to a git
   repo containing an instance of the trick in 'production'.

   Question: How do I write web pages on an XO?
   Question: Do I have to be able to read in order to find and run the
 Pippy bundle?

 * I might write up a larger Pippy example for my trick in the literate
   style. I might also create a puzzle revolving around integrating the
   trick into some sample code. I might include links to 'advanced
   reading' or more examples in comments in the source code.

   Question: Pippy doesn't know anything about hyperlinks. Will my
   Question: I must either comment out my puzzle so that the example can
 run or I must provide it in a separate bundle. How many
 users would figure out how to try both the example and the

 * While not obviously applicable to this specific example, two other
   common solutions to this sort of problem include the scripted
   transitions between freeform experiences idea common to wizards and
   role-playing games and the 'build a custom but user-editable program'
   idea underlying most EToys lessons.

 === Larger Concerns

 Since Sugar is strongly concerned with UI unification, it's worth
 spending more time thinking about how well each of the solutions to your
 favorite toy problem integrates with encompassing narratives of
 reflection, criticism, and human collaboration. (None of the solutions
 I've proposed above satisfy me in any of these regards.)

 In any case, I hope this followup helps explain the motivation and
 'line-of-thought' behind my initial email. Please discuss.


 Sugar mailing list

 So, how about (1) a way of creating content bundles with journal
 content created on the XO, and (2) a way of transferring these bundles
 and journal items from XO -- XO without having to use a USB key?

We've always envisioned (1) as an activity (The Bundle activity, in
fact), which would serve both as a way of creating and managing
activity and content bundles, as well as provide a generic tool for
inspecting , modifying, or creating various type of archived format
(zip, tar, gz, etc).

Also, please note that Lewis Barnett (CC'd), a professor from the
University of Richmond, has adopted this project and is working on it
as a class initiative.  I had a teleconference with some of his
students several weeks ago to discuss initial details, and I'm excited
about what we can accomplish with them.  I haven't heard from them
since, and I'm not sure if a project has been setup for them yet.
Perhaps you could give us a breif status update, Lewis?  Thanks!

(2) Should be handled like any other object transfer between XOs,
which hasn't been built yet, but is certainly on the list of needed
features.  There is, of course, special consideration to be given to
the passing of activity bundles, a la the former discussions on
implicit sharing, trusted code, etc.

- Eben

 Does (2) currently exist (outside of terminal), by the way? Could (1)
 and (2) be done as activities?

 Sugar mailing list


Re: [sugar] Viewing PDFs from Browse

2008-10-08 Thread Eben Eliason
On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 8:55 AM, Sayamindu Dasgupta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 5:10 AM, Eben Eliason [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey, this looks pretty cool, actually.  One powerful addition which I
 think is necessary in order to adopt this is the addition of a Keep
 button in that toolbar, by which one *could* download the pdf for
 offline reading later if wanted.

 Yeah - the keep button is in my TODO list. However, something which
 might be a bit confusing is the fact that when Browse accesses a PDF,
 it creates an entry for that in the Journal, and once the user presses
 the Keep button, yet another entry will be created - which can be
 opened by Read later. Do you think two entries for the same thing
 might be confusing ?

Yes, this actually does run counter to intuition.  If we desire to
show the pdf within the Browse activity (which is certainly an
understandable goal), than we need to embrace the idea fully.  It's
just another file which gets temporarily cached for viewing purposes,
unless a Keep button is pressed to indicate the desire for permanence.
 We shouldn't be making a new entry when the pdf is viewed within
Browse at all.

 In a similar vein, would it be possible to create a supplemental
 toolbar like this for other media types which browse specifically
 supports?  I could see having a similar UI for images, and a perhaps
 for audio and video, too.  The ability to view various formats
 directly, yet also have a one-click means to download the file, sounds

 For audio/video, it's definitely doable. I'm not sure about images,
 since I think Browse has its own way of handling images.

Hmmm, interesting.  I had thought images would be the easiest to
handle.  I think the ability to scale, rotate, etc. would be really
slick to have, and images are something that one finds online quite
often.  Perhaps there is a way to override the default?  It would be
really nice to handle various media types consistently, with a short
list of tools for interacting with them, and a keep button.

- Eben

PS.  We'll likely want a copy button in addition to keep!  Clipping
media to the clipboard for direct integration in another activity is
just as valid as holding onto it as its own entity.

 - Eben

 PS.  While I agree this is a nice thing to support in Browse, we'll
 need to make this change very clear, as teachers and kids are familiar
 with the current behavior which automatically downloads any .pdf
 clicked on.  We wouldn't want to confuse them when it doesn't appear
 in their Journal directly.



 On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 6:46 PM, Sayamindu Dasgupta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It looks like reading PDF files from the web via Browse is a pain,
 since, Browse saves the file to Journal, and then one has to go to the
 Journal and open up the saved file via Read (#8330). Can we treat PDF
 files like we handle media files (oggs mostly) by means of a Browse
 plugin ?
 I took a look at this during the weekend, and came up with a hack
 which looks like
 I used mozplugger and a simple PDF viewer using the Evince python
 bindings to make my work simpler.
 Can this be a possible workaround till we find a better solution ?


 Sayamindu Dasgupta
 Sugar mailing list

 Sayamindu Dasgupta

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] Module Proposal: Image Viewer Activity

2008-10-08 Thread Eben Eliason
On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 4:34 AM, Marco Pesenti Gritti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 10:27 AM, Tomeu Vizoso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 9:04 PM, Sayamindu Dasgupta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I would like to propose the inclusion of the Image Viewer Activity
 into Fructose:

 Just gave it a try and looks awesome. Should we make it the default
 activity for images?


 I think so.

I agree.

- Eben

 Sugar mailing list

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] Viewing PDFs from Browse

2008-10-08 Thread Eben Eliason
On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 4:24 AM, Tomeu Vizoso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 1:40 AM, Eben Eliason [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey, this looks pretty cool, actually.  One powerful addition which I
 think is necessary in order to adopt this is the addition of a Keep
 button in that toolbar, by which one *could* download the pdf for
 offline reading later if wanted.

 In a similar vein, would it be possible to create a supplemental
 toolbar like this for other media types which browse specifically
 supports?  I could see having a similar UI for images, and a perhaps
 for audio and video, too.  The ability to view various formats
 directly, yet also have a one-click means to download the file, sounds

 Hmm, shouldn't the act of viewing a PDF create an entry in the journal
 that allows you to resume this act? If so, shouldn't the viewer plugin
 create an entry in the journal by itself and that entry would contain
 the PDF?

Well, in this new model, I'd think not, actually.  I can view an image
directly within Browse without creating a new Journal entry.
Basically, anything Browse handles natively remains a part of my
Browse session.  Anything which it cannot, or which I explicitly wish
to keep for myself, becomes a new downloaded object.

- Eben

 Note that all this shouldn't duplicate files any more.



Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] Viewing PDFs from Browse

2008-10-08 Thread Eben Eliason
On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 10:53 AM, Tomeu Vizoso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 4:46 PM, Eben Eliason [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 4:24 AM, Tomeu Vizoso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 1:40 AM, Eben Eliason [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey, this looks pretty cool, actually.  One powerful addition which I
 think is necessary in order to adopt this is the addition of a Keep
 button in that toolbar, by which one *could* download the pdf for
 offline reading later if wanted.

 In a similar vein, would it be possible to create a supplemental
 toolbar like this for other media types which browse specifically
 supports?  I could see having a similar UI for images, and a perhaps
 for audio and video, too.  The ability to view various formats
 directly, yet also have a one-click means to download the file, sounds

 Hmm, shouldn't the act of viewing a PDF create an entry in the journal
 that allows you to resume this act? If so, shouldn't the viewer plugin
 create an entry in the journal by itself and that entry would contain
 the PDF?

 Well, in this new model, I'd think not, actually.  I can view an image
 directly within Browse without creating a new Journal entry.
 Basically, anything Browse handles natively remains a part of my
 Browse session.  Anything which it cannot, or which I explicitly wish
 to keep for myself, becomes a new downloaded object.

 So Browse would create some kind of entry that would allow resuming
 the reading of that book?

Of course.  Basically, the following would happen:

1. Child clicks on a link to a pdf (or natively supported media type)
2. Browse displays the pdf directly, with the contextual toolbar
3. Browse does not yet interact with the DS; this is just part of what it does

(Stopping here would result in no Journal entry, apart from the Browse one)

4. Child clicks Keep button in contextual toolbar
5. Browse initiates a download of the pdf, as it does now
6. The resulting object in the Journal is just a pdf
7. pdfs open in Read by default; Read opens when the child clicks the book

Does this model make sense?  While within Browse, we're still just
browsing about within the context of the Browse session itself.  When
we keep a media object, we download that object in its raw form, and
it can later be opened by any supporting activity, but will always be
opened with the default handler for its mime-type by default. (It
won't be associated with Browse).

- Eben



Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] alt-tabbing to the Journal

2008-10-08 Thread Eben Eliason
On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 3:26 AM, Gary C Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 8 Oct 2008, at 03:51, Walter Bender wrote:

 The bottom line is that, at least as far as the XO is concerned (and
 other machines with limited memory and no swap) the list of activities
 to tab through, with or without the Journal, is going to be a short
 list, so is it really such a pressing issue?

 For tabbing, I think one frustration here is the current issue with tabbing
 where the delay is way too short before an Activity you're tabbing past is
 pulled into focus (I'd argue there should be no auto delay focus, only focus
 when alt key is lifted, allowing you to easily skip items in the stack).
 Currently in 8.2, accidentally tabbing the 'wrong way' through the active
 instances on the XO and getting shown the wrong thing (usually Journal given
 only having a few activities running) is painful enough time wise to
 distract you from whatever goal you had in mind. Example: TurtleArt, and 2 x
 ImageViewers showing some screen shots of different brick code you want to
 reference. Tabbing between TurtleArt and the images you trying to reference
 is constantly intruded upon by the redraw, and update of Journal – if you're
 just mucking around, it's less of a pain, but if you're actually trying to
 'get stuff done' it can get quite annoying pretty quickly.

 I'd love the same passion developed to some of the issues/topics that
 impact the learning. How can we make the Journal better, regardless of
 how we open it and regardless of whether we consider it an activity or
 part of Sugar core?

 I guess most interested parties on the sugar list are more technical than
 pedagogical types. Both my parents were teachers, and when computers started
 to make their way into some of their lessons/labs, way back when, I seem to
 remember they would come home somewhat bemused, having been handed boxes of
 cables and computer kit. As an ~11yr old I would set it up, get things
 going, and show them how to load-up and use the software. It's an
 interesting generational shift, I wonder what new idea is going to come
 along and be so far from our expectations that we'll be too inflexible as
 adults to really pick it up well (here already?). Maybe it's just a
 personality trait thing and not age at all; I guess I know enough people my
 age who I wouldn't trust to safely 'shut down' an operating system without
 being given a lesson or two first ;-)

 OK. Journal, and its related use, have some UI improvement possibilities
 that could be targeted (and I think a few might be targeted already for
 work), without having to solve the big 'impact on learning' type wider
 research/study goals. Some things that come to mind just now (in no special
 order and I'm sure most have been discussed already at some point):

 - Sort view by creation date, not just by last modification date. Currently
 when you resume something, even just  to take a look, it pulls it out of the
 time context of other entries it was created alongside. One click, and last
 weeks essays narrative/reflection is lost (the photos you took, the chat
 discussions you had with classmates, the audio you recorded, the picture you
 painted etc).

This is a big part of the need for versions.  What you really get when
you worked on something last week, and also today, are two versions of
that thing, distributed in time appropriately.  Sorting by either
creation or modification date is incorrect.

 - Filter view for starred items only, a single click way to quickly hide the

Yes!  I had hoped this would make 8.2, but we didn't have time to
finish it.  Right now, starring is utterly useless, apart from the
visual indication to the user that they might care about it.  Being
able to filter to only starred items will be a big big advantage for
usability of the Journal.

 - Improve the 'Anything' pop-up UI. It takes me about 4-5sec of scrolling to
 get to the bottom of the Activity and mime file type list. And worse, if you
 do scroll way down, it takes just as long to get the Journal back to default
 after your search. I guess ideally this would become a custom palette grid
 of some kind, perhaps with just icons and mouse over text for the full names
 to save space. Another option could be for a short list of the most

That's an interesting idea.  In fact, we might consider something like
that for all of the filters.  They're kind of ugly as is, and take up
a lot of horizontal space that could be better used.  I'll try some
mockups.  The time popup, then, could even have a calendar in it, so
that in addition to some basic ranges, you could say show me
everything I made the month of december last year.

 frequently used N activities (or the current Home view favourites), and then
 a 'more...' end item that would reveal a large slide-out, below toolbar
 dialogue with all installed activities and file types listed. Actually, you
 could cut to the chase and have an 'Anything' button that just 

Re: [sugar] Give a Laptop, Change the World : G1G1 2008

2008-10-08 Thread Eben Eliason
On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 7:58 AM, Walter Bender [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I prefer the Sugar learning platform

+1 from me as well.  (I'm torn on platform vs. environment; the
latter actually sounds a little friendlier, to me.)

- Eben


 On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 4:35 AM, Tomeu Vizoso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 11:49 PM, Samuel Klein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The laptops feature the latest release of the Sugar window manager, ...

 I think we should be able to find a better term than window manager,
 Matchbox is the window manager used in 8.2 and it hasn't been modified
 by OLPC. Some suggestions:

 - learning environment,
 - collaborative user interface,



 Sugar mailing list

 Walter Bender
 Sugar Labs
 Devel mailing list

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] Give a Laptop, Change the World : G1G1 2008

2008-10-08 Thread Eben Eliason
On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 1:05 PM, John Gilmore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I prefer the Sugar learning platform

 And my laundress prefers fabric revitalization consultant.

 Sugar isn't about learning.  Sugar is a user interface.  It draws

I find your first statement wholly contestable.  Moreover, the two
(user interface, learning; or, stated differently, what Sugar /is/ and
what Sugar /is about/) are by no means mutually exclusive.  If any one
of us thought that Sugar was nothing more than a different way to draw
some stuff on a screen, why would we bother? The Sugar interface, as
with all interfaces (or, good ones), provides a means to an end; Our
end is learning.

 icons and decorations on the screen, starts and stops programs, and
 lets you turn control knobs.  The things Sugar competes with aren't
 learning platforms, they're user interfaces, like Gnome or Hildon.

That really depends on who's judging the competition, or perhaps,
who's even holding one.  I don't much care to compete with Gnome.

- Eben


Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] notes from the field - Mongolia

2008-10-08 Thread Eben Eliason
On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 2:11 PM, Erik Garrison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, Oct 07, 2008 at 06:14:16PM +0200, Marco Pesenti Gritti wrote:
 On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 6:33 PM, Erik Garrison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  In my mind the fundamental problem is that users aren't required to
  fully qualify names for their work.  Doing so seems to lie outside of
  one of the core points of Sugar's design (There are no files, folders,
  or applications. -- http://sugarlabs.org/go/Main_Page).  Is it
  conceivable that we could change this feature of the system in future
  releases to clarify data management on Sugar-running XOs?

 You keep repeating this and it makes no sense. As Eben said we need to
 encourage people to tag and name things. Saying that it's outside the
 Sugar philosophy is nonsense.

 I read there are no files ... to mean that requiring a user to name
 something before storing it for later retrieval is outside Sugar design

I don't think this statement is meant as literally as you interpret
it.  Obviously the system is full of files, and you're correct that a
named chunk of data is basically what were talking about.  The
intent of the no files sentiment is that kids needn't (necessarily)
think about named chunks of data.  Instead, a child might make [this
thing], and then choose to give it [some name]; naming is a natural
process that applies to objects in the real world, too.

 Named chunk of data is pretty much the definition of a computer file.
 So if we're asking users to name their chunks of data to address a
 usability problem, aren't we just asking them to engage in file
 management?  Can we do this and still abide by the no files principle?

We want the kids to make stuff.  Call each thing they make an
object; call it a thing; call it whatever you'd like.  We just
didn't want to force the definition of the term file on them, since
this term really stems from the early days of computing in which files
were predominantly text.  The natural metaphor was files and folders.
In Sugar, we want to focus on creation of all sorts of things, and
ascribing the term file to [this song I composed] or [this image I
drew] seems limiting.

- Eben

 Devel mailing list

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] naming, was Re: notes from the field - Mongolia

2008-10-08 Thread Eben Eliason
On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 4:32 PM, Yamandu Ploskonka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Obviously the system is full of files, and you're correct that a
 named chunk of data is basically what were talking about.  The
 intent of the no files sentiment is that kids needn't (necessarily)
 think about named chunks of data.  Instead, a child might make [this
 thing], and then choose to give it [some name]; naming is a natural
 process that applies to objects in the real world, too.

 My pet peeve regarding this is that the process of naming is still
 uncomfortable, and doesn't show on the desktop


 Look at y'all!  You were happilly discussing naming under the moniker of
 notes from the field - Mongolia, even though it would have been so
 simple to set it to a more intuitive name for the discussion on hand.

 Now, under Sugar you have to go to the Activity tab (1 step), then set a
 'name' there (second step). Even then the name you assigned will not
 even show up in the desktop view or to the neighborhood, only in the

The multistep process is something I very much want to avoid, if
possible.  Encouraging naming when an activity is stopped for the
first time is a big step in that direction.  Providing really good
default names even when we do encourage custom names will also be

The fact that name changes aren't immediately reflected in each of a)
the Journal b) the neighborhood view c) a shared instance of the
activity d) the activity palette in the Frame e) anywhere else
appropriate is a bug (well, lots of bugs).  (I didn't check to see
which of these do update, by the way...some of these might work.)  I
also didn't have a chance to dig up tickets on these issues.  If
anyone knows that they do or don't exist, please link them or create
them as needed!

 That is, you have 3-4 'Write' activities that you are doing at once, you
 have to open each one to figure out which one is the one you want at a
 given moment.

Yeah, I agree with you.  This is no fun, nor is it the intention.

 Microsoft Word had something that compared looks as a genius feature,
 that would set as default (editable) name for the .doc document the
 first few words of the document, which usually is its title.

This type of naming is up to the activity authors to provide, since
doing something that makes sense depends on the context of the
activity.  That said, you're right that we could probably do better in
many of them.  Opening tickets for specific activities would be quite
helpful!  Write is a good example.

 Also, by default DOS would add a number when something repeated a name
 already in the folder, thus at least we would have 'Write Activity 1',
 different from 'Write Activity 2'.

This, and the better default naming you mentioned above,  has been
planned for a while, but hasn't been built yet.  See
http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/3900 and
http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/3225 for background.

Thanks for the feedback! Keep this discussion going so we don't miss
any wrinkles that need to be ironed out.  I hope that this naming
problem (lack of naming, lack of tagging, laborious naming process,
poor default names, buggy name updates, etc.) can be nearly if not
completely cleared up in the next major release.

- Eben

 Could we have some of that, please? and be able to see the name of an
 Activity at least when the mouse hovers, if not even better right there
 under the icon?  Yes, usabilitity criteria should be more important than
 the minimalist look, which is a rather empty artistic statement rather
 than a practical, useful design decision.

 Since we're at it, let also be plainly visible with a plain old number
 which is which of the 3 circles that represent the mesh networks.  That
 would save some useless hovering around when several kids are trying to
 get on the same one.

 We want the kids to make stuff.  Call each thing they make an
 object; call it a thing; call it whatever you'd like.  We just
 didn't want to force the definition of the term file on them, since
 this term really stems from the early days of computing in which files
 were predominantly text.  The natural metaphor was files and folders.
 In Sugar, we want to focus on creation of all sorts of things, and
 ascribing the term file to [this song I composed] or [this image I
 drew] seems limiting
 When translating file to Aymara the word chosen was 'khepi', which
 usually means the wrapped up parcel, with a piece of cloth, that you can
 see in pictures of Andean people carrying all sorts of stuff, even their
 own babies, thus semantically translated as 'a wrap of stuff to carry or
 store'.  It doesn't matter what it is, when put together to safekeep or
 move, it is a 'khepi'.  Big discussion came up for folder, but that's
 another story.
 Sugar mailing list

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] naming

2008-10-08 Thread Eben Eliason
On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 6:06 PM, Yamandu Ploskonka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I hope that this naming
 problem (lack of naming, lack of tagging, laborious naming process,
 poor default names, buggy name updates, etc.) can be nearly if not
 completely cleared up in the next major release.

 - Eben

 I appreciate your agreement as to easier to use alternatives.

 I am afraid that part (or the origin?) of the naming/tagging problem is
 philosophical / ideological / aesthetic.

 There is a major current of icons only confectioners :-), folks who
 believe the typical user  is illiterate, that cannot read text accompanying
 the icons, i.e pre-schoolers.  Or they suppose localization will be easier,
 as icons don't need translation?  Or is it just the look of the thing
 overriding its use?

To clarify my position on the matter, several considerations did
factor into the current approach.  The text was kept secondary mostly
due to lack of space on the screen, and only in small part because we
thought (really young) kids might react better to less text, at first.
 Pushing the text into the palettes allowed us to make both the icons
and the text bigger, which we thought was important, both so the icons
could be read more easily and so the clickable areas were easier to
hit, especially with the imprecise touchpad.

I don't expect all kids using Sugar to be illiterate, and more
importantly, I sincerely hope that Sugar will actually aid in teaching
children the associations between word and image. It was very
important to me that we didn't simply abandon the text altogether;
Connecting the text to each object/button/whatever provided a way to
keep the interface light, while providing the additional context when

Localization certainly isn't any less needed in this modality, as the
strings still exist, but it does certainly minimize the impact that
localization inflicts upon the layout.  Some languages have
substantially longer strings for various words and phrases, which can
pose difficulty on a screen with space constraints.

Additionally, some layouts are affected by this much more than others.
 In the activities, many of the buttons are self evident, or become so
after trying them out once (we encourage exploration, and aim to make
it easy by also making it just as easy to undo something).
Additionally, most standard applications I know don't show text with
buttons in the UI (though the menu system is a different story), and
instead depend on tool-tips to reveal what they do upon hover, much
like our palettes.  In views such as the Neighborhood, of course, you
have a valid point.  The search field is a partial solution, but we
also aim to provide list views in places like the neighborhood, which
will reveal both icon and text, ordered and perhaps even sortable, so
that finding things can be approached more directly.

 Then there's those of us who believe in usability and shout fertilizer to
 cutesy-pooh post-modern fashion statements that block actual results.  (oh
 my, I will be tagged for flaming...)

He heh.  I hope my explanations make you consider the approach as
slightly more valid than just cutesy-pooh, even if you still disagree
with it.

 Anyway, another one:  a NEED (yes, I mean to shout it) is that 'file' names
 or whatever you call them BY DEFAULT carry the author / child / machine ID,
 so that when that file ends up in the teacher's machine, he can figure out
 which one of the 35 'Write Activity' that were submitted is Roberto's.

Yes, I think making this part of the Sugar default naming scheme makes
prefect sense, and also humanizes it a bit more.  Eben's Painting 1
sounds much better than Untitled 1, even if Painting of my House
might be more appropriate.  The tickets I linked to  before include
this in description of the default name.

Additionally, metadata is something that's still being perfected in
Sugar, but all activities actually store their author (and, actually,
all participants) in metadata, so it should be possible to see who
worked on what even without having it in the name.  I think some work
needs to be done to properly retain and/or expose this type of

 Now, this is one of the serious, serious missing links when it comes to
 using the XOs for actual schoolwork.  Teachers assign homework.  Kids do it.
  In a contemporary-ideal setup :-( these pieces of work are sent to the
 teacher for evaluation.  This has maybe a 50-50 chance of working if the
 teacher can follow up and figure who's who.  Otherwise, it will never fly.
  (oh yes, the /untrained/ teacher could train kids to name and tag files)

 Yes yes, in an _ideal_ world teachers do not evaluate schoolwork...

I think evaluation is good, but perhaps not in the A,B,C,D scale.
Reflection on work, and discussion of progress, is certainly part of
learning.  I wrote up some thoughts about how we might begin providing
better structure for giving and submitting assignments in another
recent thread on narrative.

Re: [sugar] adding versions to journal/datastore

2008-10-08 Thread Eben Eliason
On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 9:04 PM, Christopher Sawtell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am new around here  did not realise that the list server doesn't
 munge the addresses, my apologies.

 Anyway, I responded to Mikus thus:-

 I agree the 'effort' is theoretically trivial, what versioning
 provides is a new version number without the need to _remember_ that
 one has to create a new file name for the new version, and that, for
 many people, is far from trivial.

 Remember that in times of yore - pre 1981 - versioning was a standard
 feature offered by many O/Ss.

 These days the need for versioning has become somewhat nebulous
 because the various source code control systems allow one to check in
 and out, and to see the differences very simply.

 Whether or not children should have to deal with that level of
 complexity in order to be able to 'undo' the latest,  erroneous,
 changes to their current 'magnum opus' is, I suppose, open to debate.

We certainly don't plan on exposing them to that, unless they
absolutely want it. Instead, the model will simply be along the lines
of I messed up this picture, but it looked good yesterday before I
scribbled on it.  Let me scroll back in time through the Journal to
yesterday's entry, when it still looked OK, and resume that.
Previews and dates should assist the process of rediscovering old

Another potential option is to build versioning support into the
undo/redo buttons of an activity, such that it's possible to skip back
through old entries by undoing.  This idea, of course, has its share
of intricacies to figure out, but it could be a powerful system.

- Eben

 Sincerely etc.
 Christopher Sawtell
 Sugar mailing list

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] notes from the field - Mongolia

2008-10-07 Thread Eben Eliason
On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 8:27 PM, Hal Murray [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Here we come against initial expectations.

 The whole concept of Sugar is that the user doesn't need to
 explicitly save files.  They are automatically kept in the Sugar
 datastore, and are accessed through the Journal interface.  [In  other
 words:  Don't use the traditional hierarchy of directories to  locate
 the saved file -- instead do characterize the object with a
 description, and use an intelligent search to locate it.]

 Is there a wiki page that describes things like this?

 I'm looking for something primarily aimed at people who are already familiar
 with computers and probably have many inappropriate initial expectations.

This is the document I wrote up when work on Sugar began.  It's a
little out of date, unfortunately, but it was designed specifically to
address the target audience who has familiarity with traditional
systems.  Since, when I wrote this, G1G1 wasn't even an idea yet, it
was put in a place specifically for developers; I'm not sure how much
of this has emanated through the rest of the wiki.


I hope you enjoy it; you feedback would be quite welcome, as it's very
much in need of a refresh soon. (And has been for a year...sigh)

- Eben

 These are my opinions, not necessarily my employer's.  I hate spam.

 Devel mailing list

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] Narrative

2008-10-06 Thread Eben Eliason
On Sun, Oct 5, 2008 at 4:29 AM, Bryan Berry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sun, 2008-10-05 at 02:25 -0400, Benjamin M. Schwartz wrote:
 Hash: SHA1

 Bryan Berry wrote:
 | There is something I would like to add. Folks from rich countries (like
 | myself) underestimate the importance of narratives b/c we are surrounded
 | by libraries, online tutorials in our native language, extensive
 | versions of wikipedia in our language, etc. There's a real drought of
 | narratives for poor countries.

 I don't know what you mean by narrative.  If I were to pick a word to
 describe libraries, online tutorials, wikipedia, and other similar
 resources, I would choose information.  I go to wikipedia to learn
 facts, not stories.

 I basically mean structured information put into a structure by a
 human(s) intended to best build up concepts.

 I agree that providing information is good and important for education.

 I don't see how OLPC or Sugar lacks tools to provide information.
 Including a digital textbook into a Sugar build for XO is extremely easy.
 ~ We simply don't have the textbooks.  The problem, in this case, seems
 much more like a lack of content and translators.  That effort is
 important and worthwhile, but seems quite independent of Sugar.

 I agree on this. I don't see how narratives fit into Sugar. Michael
 Stone has some interesting ideas on this though. I think that Sugar
 should focus on collaboration and discovery and tools like Moodle can
 provide the narrative.

Actually, while I may be arguing a point that you might not have been
explicitly making, I think there are a few key ways in which we *can*
embed a better narrative into Sugar, and I think they will be very


This first of these is the Journal.  As Walter has mentioned a few
times, the Journal is meant to provide at once a container for all of
one's things, as well as a space for reflection upon those things
and the actions taken upon them.  Right now, all we have is a
container.  The rest hasn't yet been built.

The vision for the Journal includes a view of a child's things which
includes context such as when and with whom a given thing was created,
who gave it to me, where I downloaded it from, who I gave it to, etc.
It should also provide information about events which didn't
necessarily produce a tangible thing (file), such as joining a
group, making a friend, changing the XO colors, etc.  This view will
provide all of this context, as well as inline previews of files, in
essence creating a true Journal of the actions a child has taken and
the objects they've made or interacted with over time.  I think this
will provide a rich narrative space which is perfect also for

Once we have a backup system in place, as well as a system for
cleaning out older and less relevant entries, it will become more of a
portfolio than a list of every file ever made, holding on to the items
which have been starred, used the most, or otherwise considered
important in the history of the child's interaction with the XO,
further emphasizing the Journal as a place for reflection.

Finally, if we can ever get a reasonable tagging system off the
ground, it will be possible to categorize the giant stream that
represents the entire Journal into streams for various projects and
purposes.  By filtering the contents to a specific tag -- say, My
final science project, it will be possible to narrow in on a series
of actions, or a group of objects, or both, which exist within a
particular narrative stream.


Myriad concepts for the elusive bulletin board have been tossed
around since before Sugar existed.  These days, we have a revised view
which we think, finally, fits the primary need.  As an activity, the
bulletin board fits nicely within the activity paradigm already setup,
allowing kids to create as many of them as they choose, allowing them
to retain them in their Journals, and allowing them to share them with
their friends, with groups, or with everyone as a public bulletin

The bulletin board, as envisioned, provides a space for sharing
things.  A child could post photos she took, or a song she composed,
or a story she wrote.  Others could then look at, or download, these
shared objects.  Others, likewise, could also post to the bulletin
board, to create a multidirectional sharing space.  There are some
technical details to work out of course; it's not exactly clear how
these posted objects (which are clearly just references to objects
hosted by the poster, or perhaps by a server, or perhaps by other who
have since downloaded them) get resolved such that I might download
one on request. I'm sure we can do something intelligent.

Another potential feature for the bulletin board comes in two flavors:
notes, and comments.  Bulletin boards are often a space for posting
messages, as well as objects.  Support for this could be built-in, so
that it's not necessary to first 

Re: [sugar] adding versions to journal/datastore

2008-10-02 Thread Eben Eliason
On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 12:57 PM, Walter Bender [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 1 - The primary requirement for the Journal is to never lose data. I

 Say what? Maybe one could argue that this is the primary requirement
 for the datastore, but the Journal is there primarily as a place of
 reflection. The fact that the datastore has been problematic and that
 the Journal is so underdeveloped relative to our goals may account for
 the fact that feedback from the field has been so narrow.



 Walter Bender
 Sugar Labs
 Sugar mailing list

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] another response time

2008-10-01 Thread Eben Eliason
Yeah, this sounds like something that should be added to the HIG.
Activities should strive to put up a screen as soon as they can, even
if it will take more time to fully present the UI or the content. I
opened #8739 to keep track of this, when I get a chance to get back
into the HIG.

- Eben

On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 8:49 AM, Mikus Grinbergs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 as you probably installed previously the Wikipedia activity, my guess
 is that the jffs2 gc thread was taking most of the CPU.

 If I understand correctly, this raises the possibility that other
 actions performed *prior* to the launching of an Activity can
 noticeably affect the time it takes to launch that Activity.

 Would someone else please launch XaoS, and see what kind of
 response time for the launch they get?

 Tried it again, after the XO had sat there overnight (having now
 hopefully done everything it needed to, for jffs2 housekeeping).
 For me, the launch screen for XaoS pulsed for 100 seconds before
 the activity screen was drawn.  [My guess is that it is
 calculating the fractal picture before showing it.]


 Sugar mailing list

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] another response time

2008-10-01 Thread Eben Eliason
On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 2:15 PM, Gary C Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 1 Oct 2008, at 13:49, Mikus Grinbergs wrote:

 as you probably installed previously the Wikipedia activity, my guess
 is that the jffs2 gc thread was taking most of the CPU.

 If I understand correctly, this raises the possibility that other
 actions performed *prior* to the launching of an Activity can
 noticeably affect the time it takes to launch that Activity.

 Would someone else please launch XaoS, and see what kind of
 response time for the launch they get?

 Tried it again, after the XO had sat there overnight (having now
 hopefully done everything it needed to, for jffs2 housekeeping).
 For me, the launch screen for XaoS pulsed for 100 seconds before
 the activity screen was drawn.  [My guess is that it is
 calculating the fractal picture before showing it.]

 Hi Mikus,

 XaoS on my XO B4, launches instantly. No seriously, it's absolutely
 the fastest launching activity. Here's the rub, because its so quick,
 it even beats the launcher window getting going, the working activity
 is hidden behind the launcher pulse effect window, which now can't
 tell that the activity is actually already running so does its blind
 'I'll sit here and strobe for a fixed time-out because I have no idea
 what happened.'

Yes, ticket please! =)  Thanks for the report.

 Take a look in the frame and you'll see the default grey circle that
 you can switch to.

 Worth a ticket if there's not one already, it's an interesting case in
 how quick XO-1 HW really is with the right software (must be and
 absolutely massive price being paid currently for having the Pyhton
 environment I'd guess, but I'm sure there is a whole heap of
 optimisation to be made if/when made a dev cycle focus and team
 resources made available).

 Made some great strides for 8.2, fingers crossed for 9.1.

 Sugar mailing list

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] adding versions to journal/datastore

2008-10-01 Thread Eben Eliason
On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 3:54 PM, Tomeu Vizoso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Eben and other sugarites,

 I'm trying to find a simple way to add some version support to the
 journal, but for that I need to know what's the sweetest spot (no pun
 intended) between value and complexity.

 I'm thinking about making the next notable changes to the UI:

 - the journal list shows one line per interesting entry. Interesting
 entries are tips of branches and a branch is created every time the
 user clicks the Keep button or resumes an entry. Activities can also
 choose to make a branch in behalf of the user at any moment, for
 example just before the user selects Erase all in Paint,

I'm want to become a bit clearer with your terminology, because I'm
not sure that branches line up in my mind.  I agree that we
could/should have a number of incremental saves which are created
within a given activity session.  The latest of these would be
promoted to a new interesting entry should the activity crash, or the
machine restart, etc.  I agree that upon closing an activity session,
or pressing the keep button, a new interesting entry is created, also.

I'm unsure, however, that each of these entries represents the tip of
a branch, or that only the tip should be shown.  Should a branch only
be created when the user duplicates an entry or keeps a copy?  A
branch would certainly be created when resuming an old entry (not the
tip/top entry), but would you branch when the top entry itself is

Also, to clarify, in your vision would resuming a given activity
instance (always from the tip, let's assume) several times result in a
new interesting entry for each, or would you collapse it into a single
entry unless a branch is made?  While this results in fewer entries in
the Journal, it defeats the idea of the Journal as a historical record
of versions, instead making it a flat folder sorted by modification

 - in the detailed view of an entry, all its ancestors are displayed in
 a list, including non-interesting entries,

The latest designs actually include a popup menu in place of the date,
which allows one to select versions of the document by date without
exposing the whole list permanently in the view.  Ideally, this list
would include icons which indicate those which have been starred, so
that digging through a potentially long history is easier to manage.

Walter, could you elaborate on your comment?

- Eben

 - and that's it ;)

 Eben: is that too simple? If it's enough, I'll propose an API for it.


 Sugar mailing list

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] adding versions to journal/datastore

2008-10-01 Thread Eben Eliason
On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 3:49 PM, Walter Bender [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Walter, could you elaborate on your comment?

 My comment was in regard to the anticipated additional complexity we
 may run into if/when we have versioning between multiple users, as
 would be dictated by most of the bulletin board schemes. Not sure if
 Tomeu's model will work, but it doesn't seem a bad first step.

I see.  I think we partially circumvent the complexities by
restricting the notion of versions to, in the end, a flattened tree.
That is, the user isn't concerned with the details of branching
structure.  Instead, the most recent version (from any branch) I've
resumed is the one that sits at the top of my Journal.  This is
consistent with the Journal as a time-based structure, because the tip
of that new branch I created was created last in the timeline.

When you have several kids, potentially with different versions of the
same activity, they can all get back together, do manual merges, and
then continue work in whichever instance they choose.  When they all
stop working on that implicitly agreed upon true version, that then
becomes the tip, and the latest entry for all of them in the Journal.

This model does, of course, eliminate (at least with the current UI
proposal) potential advantages of a truly hierarchical versioning
scheme, but I think it simplifies specifically to the point you raised
earlier, which is that the last thing I did will be the most
important thing to me.

- Eben

PS. The one place this causes problems is when you go back to an old
version, rename it with the intent to use it as a base for a
completely different project, and then work from there.  In this case,
you really want to have a new root node, instead of a new version.  We
should discuss the implications here, and if we might want to create
a copy (a new root node that contains the contents of the copied
node) on rename.


 Walter Bender
 Sugar Labs

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] frame auto-visibility configuration

2008-09-24 Thread Eben Eliason
On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 10:52 AM, Erik Garrison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello all,

 On tabbing we are currently auto-toggling the frame.  Are we sure that
 this is necessary?  Could we include a configuration option to change

I disagree that showing the Frame is a bad idea.  It emphasizes the
purpose of the top edge of the Frame, and provides context while
tabbing so that it's easy to see where you want to get to.

 Drawing the frame animation during tabbing robs us of processor right
 when we need it, slowing the perceived transition time between windows.

Drawing the Frame does take a little effort, it's true.  Compositing
support should later speed this up a good deal.  The current
reveal/retraction rate of the Frame is at least 2x as slow as I'd like
it to be, in practice.  Additionally, there *is* a lag on switching
windows, and this is, actually, part of the reason that I think the
Frame should be shown.  Without the Frame, we are forced to expose
each window in the tabbing process, which injects delays into each
tabbing event.  With the Frame shown, we delay the actual window
switch slightly so that it's possible to tab quickly past a few
activities you're not interested in, pausing only at those that you
want to see in more detail.

 Furthermore, as the XO only has one processor the frame animation (which
 requires available processor to run smoothly) will skip a lot of frames
 if the processor is loaded.  As we're auto-saving and re-rendering the
 windows of every window we pass during tabbing, the processor is

Saving and re-rendering...could you elaborate?  As I mentioned, the
point of using the Frame is to *minimize* the number of context
switches that need to happen.

- Eben

 invariably quite loaded, and the frame draw consequently is quite

 The attached patch to sugar optionally disables frame appearance if
 the file /home/olpc/no-frame-on-tabbing exists.  This is just a
 proof-of-concept hack to make it easier to quickly enable and disable
 the functionality and observe the performance change.

 I have created a trac ticket: http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/8633

 Sugar mailing list

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] frame auto-visibility configuration

2008-09-24 Thread Eben Eliason
On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 12:37 PM, Erik Garrison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 12:25:43PM -0400, Eben Eliason wrote:
 On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 12:18 PM, Erik Garrison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 11:25:51AM -0400, Eben Eliason wrote:
  On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 10:52 AM, Erik Garrison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  By saving I mean that changes in activity state trigger
  Activity.save().  This hits jffs2 and the NAND.

 Sure, as Tomeu says, we could add a dirty bit.  Of course, it seems
 that the Frame-based solution should actually be preventing this
 (given a long enough delay on revealing the activity window, or not
 revealing until releasing alt-tab), since the activities don't even
 get focused at all immediately.   Only those you pause or stop on
 should be doing any saving of state, and even then only if needed.

 How long of a pause or stop triggers auto-save?

 We could also save on user idle.  Say, when the user is idle for more
 than 5 seconds and we haven't saved in the last 2 minutes.  Or we could
 just auto-save every N minutes.  Both of these options would decouple
 CPU-intensive actions from user intervention, with the effect of
 improved system responsiveness.

We could certainly try both of these.  To clarify my point above, the
basic rule was to auto-save at the activity's discretion (likely when
dirty and N minutes have passed, and or idle) and when switching
/away/ from the activity (and also dirty).  My point, basically, is
that we shouldn't be giving windows focus while we're still tabbing,
in which case we never leave any activity we tab past, because we
never went into it.  Perhaps we can acheive the same effect without
the Frame, but I'm not sure. The only activity which should do any
saving during a tabbing operation, really, is the one we left when
starting it.

- Eben

 Sugar mailing list

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] Tagged Journal Proposal

2008-09-23 Thread Eben Eliason
I'm paying attention to this thread, quietly.  I like a lot of this.
:)  I'll let it continue without interfering, for now, but I wanted to
point out that the new toolbar design (posted on the wiki) would make
that more actions option much nicer.  For that matter, as Eduardo
mentions, they don't mean anything until you make a selection, so we
could reveal them in a toolbar only then, perhaps.

- Eben

On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 6:20 PM, Eduardo H. Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I also imagine that the Extra options menu would appear in the main
 toolbar in the Detailed view. And aditionally, like in one of eben's
 mockup, once a entry is checked in this list view, either the main
 toolbar changes to provide contextual actions (those you placed in
 that menu, copy, apply label, etc.), or a new menu appears bellow the
 main one with these options, so as not too loose the
 searching/filtering features which can be handy to have for various
 journal entries and still have handy the search and filtering


 2008/9/23  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 c. scott ananian wrote:
   On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 5:57 PM, Eduardo H. Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Ah, so that's why you separate these legacy-hierarchical files with a
light grey slash (/) . So that a kid who only knows the Journal
tagging world can ignore it, and users who have know the hierarchical
world can understand it and make advance usage of that knowledge when
transfering from or browsing hierarchical filesystems.
   Exactly. =)

 seems like acknowledging the path form of these
 directory-derived tags might also make working with devices for
 which no tag list has been, or can be, created.  i.e., when you
 first install a large new USB stick, there will certainly be a
 delay before a tag index can or will be built.  the grey slashes
 might be black during that time.

  paul fox, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sugar mailing list

 Sugar mailing list

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] frame gets in the way when alt-tabbing

2008-09-22 Thread Eben Eliason
On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 3:14 PM, Erik Garrison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, Sep 15, 2008 at 12:59:52AM -0400, Mikus Grinbergs wrote:
 760.  Running (on my XO) a ported Linux application which puts up
 multiple screens.  As far as I could tell. I was able to access all
 of those screens by using the alt-tab procedure.  But while doing
 this the Frame was unacceptably intrusive.  For instance, I could
 not see the titles on the top line, which identified each screen.

 If I rapidly pressed alt-tab and released -- the XO would not bother
 to switch screens.  If I slowly pressed alt, then tab - the XO would
 bring up the Frame.  I would need to release and press tab another
 time to get the XO to switch to the next screen (while still showing
 the Frame).  I would need to release alt to get the XO to stop
 overlaying the screen edges with the Frame.  [And it seemed to me
 that sometimes the Frame would not go away even then - I would have
 to press and release the Frame key to ensure that it was gone for good.]


 One of the first things I did upon getting my G1G1 was to go into
 one of the .py files and __NOOP__ the autoraising of the Frame.
 That gave me Sugar screen behavior that was under *my* control.

 Now, Sugar has again started to interfere with what I am doing --
 by raising the Frame when I alt-tab.  I HATE THAT!  I HATE THAT!
 I thought the idea was to have the human in control of the computer,
 instead of the computer dictating what the human may see.

 I would like the Frame function in the Control Panel to allow me to
 optionally disable the automatic showing of the Frame upon alt-tab.
   [Let *me* decide when I want to see the Frame !]

 In the meantime, I guess I will have to go back to modifying the .py
 files in Sugar - to reclaim Sugar screen behavior that does not
 interfere with my use of the computer.

 I think the idea is to use the frame to show you which windows you can
 alt+tab between, such as is done in Gnome or other WMs.  This is, in my
 opinion, quite useful.  However, I am unsure of the utility of clumsily
 animating the transition of the frame into view, or the lack of
 configurability of this option.

 So perhaps the best thing to do is to add a configuration option to
 allow the user to enable or disable this behavior?

 Would it be better if the frame was quickly displayed instead of sliding
 into view?  Maybe generally we need a configuration option to turn on
 and off fancy animations to improve system responsiveness?

Perhaps in the short term a boolean (exposed or not...I'd lean toward
not) would suit.  The big isue is lack of composition support.  The
Frame currently slides in about 1/2 as fast as I'd like it to, and
choppily at that.  With composition we could get smooth motion and
also speed it up significantly. (The only reason it's so slow now, I
believe, is because without composition we can't draw frames fast
enough to convey the motion unless we increase the length of the

- Eben

 Sugar mailing list

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] Second pass in the 0.84 goals

2008-09-20 Thread Eben Eliason
Mikus -

You should check out the very recent thread entitled Ideas for
Journal: How Epiphany..., because we're discussing just the type of
things you bring up here.

On Sat, Sep 20, 2008 at 9:54 AM, Mikus Grinbergs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The current plan is to land a rewrite of the datastore early in the
 release cycle, using the same API and the same user interface. That
 will mostly help reliability and performance but it's also a
 prerequisite for the new design and likely for any journal UI
 improvement. It might or might not support versions.

 What is not defined is which new features we should aim to develop on
 the top of the new datastore in the 0.84 release cycle.

 The Journal concept promised to replace traditional 'hierarchical'
 access with 'intelligently filtered' data access.  But the existing
 'filters' available in Journal are pathetic.  DESPERATELY needed are

There should also be a filter for who you worked with, which hasn't
been added for technical reasons I don't fully understand.  However,
the new back end mentioned should, I believe, make that possible.

 sorting of displayed entries,

Yes, this is something that's been in the designs since early on, but
we haven't had time to do yet.  We even considered the more advanced
concept of sort by, then by, then by.. to allow pseudo-hierarchical
structure to emerge.

 filtering on 'tags',

I'm pretty confident that this should work at present.  If it doesn't,
please open a new ticket for us!  There was another recent (as of
today) ticket that noted searches don't work correctly on metadata
fields (perhaps that's what you meant?), which is definitely a bug we
need to fix.

There's also a related bug that prevents custom metadata from being
preserved across reboots.  That's pretty fundamental.  I really hope
we iron out the tagging and metadata system and search for the next
release (even if we don't get to all the fancy stuff being discussed
in the other thread, yet), but there's a lot of work to be done there.

 and stacking
 of search terms (i.e., to provide the equivalent of search within
 previous result).

This should also work fine, I think.  Terms are combined with boolean
AND so by typing additional words into the search you should
continually narrow your results.  If we ever get a tokenized
(treating completed words which match on existing tags as single,
tokenized, objects in the search field) system, it would be easy to
then go back up levels, or remove a level, by deleting specific

Thanks for your feedback; I encourage you to check out the other
discussion I mentioned!

- Eben


 Sugar mailing list

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] Ideas for Journal: How epiphany browser manages bookmarks just with tags

2008-09-19 Thread Eben Eliason
On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 3:59 PM, Eduardo H. Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 2008/9/19 C. Scott Ananian [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 2:31 PM, Eduardo H. Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ideas for Journal: How epiphany browser manages bookmarks just with
 tags (and does it nicely, with potential of improving of course).

 I made a screenshot slide-show of how tagging and the dynamic
 bookmarks menu based solely on tags work in Gnome's Epiphany browser.
 I hope this can be usefull to gather ideas for how the tagging system
 in the Journal could work. This could also be helpful if tagging in
 the future can be done within activities, so that they are easily, and
 thus more often, used.

 I show how in Epiphany:

 tags are searched;
 tags are suggested;
 pre-existing and new tags are added;
 tags are presented;
 and how tagged bookmarks are organized in a menu.

 The size is a bit big because of all the screenshots, it's 46.7 MB .
 C_scott uploaded it for me, at


 Eben, Eduardo, and I have been chatting about this some over IRC.
 What I find most interesting here is how *filesystem paths* (well, URL
 paths in this particular case) are integrated with tags.

 For example, when you type 'fsf', both 'http://fsf.org/' and other
 things tagged with 'fsf' show up.  This ties in with one of my
 frustrations with google's tag system: I have olpc, olpc-fedora,
 olpc-sugar, olpc-sugarlabs, etc tags in google, when what I really
 want is 'olpc/fedora', 'olpc/sugar', etc.  Sometimes I want to see all
 olpc-related mail, sometimes only sugar-related olpc mail, etc.

 If you accept that tags can sometimes be ordered, so that a/b is
 different than b/a (although both will show up on searches for 'a' and
 'b'), then this starts looking more and more like a way to view
 filesystems as well, for those old enough to want to do that.

 I don't follow this. Thinking in Journal terms, where currently the
 only access is through the search box, you could search for olpc
 sugarlabs to see your olpc-sugar e-mails, or olpc to see all
 which fit under olpc, i.e.
 A search which doesn't work if you follow the containerization way of
 directories, would be if you searched just for sugarlabs . This
 would give you olpc-sugarlabs results, but also would find
 sugarlabs tagged entries which didn't belong to the olpc- root
 (like a logo of Sugarlabs, or some document about it).

 To go back to the way Gmail works, or should work, would be having the
 ability to assign multiple tags to each label, i.e., make them be
 virtual folders. So in your case you would have one which showed
 results with tags olpc, sugar, another olpc, fedora, and olpc,
 sugar, and olpc, sugarlabs. Then you could still have one just with
 tag olpc which would show all of the above, or you could just search
 for olpc tagged entries giving all of the above as well.

 So I agree that some kind of containerization is needed, but not in
 the form of a/b being different than b/a, but by using virtual
 folders or saved searches which would effectively act as virtual
 folders, with specific tags, search terms, object types, even a period
 of time if you wished.

I don't mean to belittle the utility of virtual folders (I think
they're quite powerful), but you can also get a close approximation to
them by applying a sufficiently unique tag to a group of items as
well.  In fact, a basic implementation of such a feature could do
exactly that, requesting a name for the virtual folder and then
tagging the selected items with vf:Name of virtual folder (or
something similar, but you get the idea).

The real question (I didn't overlook this!) regarding the concept of
virtual folders (or, more specifically, saved searches) is whether
or not they are dynamic.  That is, does the saved search represent an
expression or a value?  My above tag idea is only valid, of course,
when they are represented in value form.  For more power (but more
complexity) one would store the search terms, filters, etc. and
re-apply them on the fly to a growing list.

I'm not sure which of these is more desired.  They both have merits.

 (Debian has had for some time debtags, which are a more advanced
 method of tagging objects originally developed for libraries, but I
 think is too formal for kids, since it would need for them to learn a
 new classification system to categorize their library of objects.)

 If you have files in ~/Journal/Music/Bach/Disc1 and
 ~/Journal/Music/Beethoven/Disc1, you can search for 'Bach', 'Music
 Bach' as well as 'Bach/Disc1' or 'Music/Bach/Disc1' if you want to be
 specific.  When you insert a USB key with files in a directory called
 'Music/Mozart', they appear in the journal as if they were tagged
 'Music/Mozart' and you can search for 'Mozart' or 'Music' to find
 them.  When I copy them to my XO, the tags come with, and I have
 operations to retag groups of 

[sugar] Design Meeting REMINDER (Thursday September 18, 2008 @ 15.30 UTC) --- irc.freenode.net, #sugar-meeting

2008-09-18 Thread Eben Eliason
Today will mark the first biweekly design meeting on IRC. I hope to
see you there.


* Visual clipboard API
* Advancing the Journal
* Thoughts on some icons

- Eben
Sugar mailing list

[sugar] Design Meeting MINUTES (Thursday September 18, 2008 @ 15.30 UTC)

2008-09-18 Thread Eben Eliason
Our first design meeting was a bit more technical than anticipated,
but we did make some progress.  Minutes can be found here:

Thanks to all that participated!

- Eben
Sugar mailing list

[sugar] Announcing biweekly design meetings

2008-09-16 Thread Eben Eliason
To the designing and implementing masses:

I'm happy to announce that, beginning this week, I will begin hosting
a biweekly open design meeting on IRC.  Though targeted at the core
sugar team and activity developers, all interested are more than
welcome to attend.  We will focus on high level design discussion and
planning, feedback and analysis of current designs (both successes and
failures), and occasional reviews of new visual design proposals.

* Biweekly, 1st and 3rd Thursdays
* 15.30 UTC [1]
* irc.freenode.net, #sugar-meeting

For more information, and to preview or suggest agenda items, please
see http://sugarlabs.org/go/DesignTeam/Meetings.

- Eben

[1] Convert UTC to your local time:
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] #7685 NORM 9.1.0: Alternate home layouts; fixed ring scaling; better modularization of layouts

2008-09-11 Thread Eben Eliason
I want to initiate some discussion on a similar topic to the one you
bring up here, regarding the extensibility of the layouts.  What I'd
like to see is layout modules which provide translation from a set of
input coordinates to a set of output coordinates (eg,
_calculate_position), which are then fed to a smooth positioning
algorithm, making it possible to transition cleanly between layouts,
and to rearrange layouts via drag'n'drop.

Let me illustrate what I mean by way of an example.  Consider the Ring
view you bring up.  If we define our translation function to calculate
a radius based on the number of elements in the list, and then
calculate the radial ordering of the elements by calculating the angle
between the center of the ring and their input coordinates
(atan2(y,x)), we can then equally space them around a ring spatially
relative to their initial locations. The beauty of this idea is that
we get drag'n'drop reordering for free.  If, every time new
coordinates are calculated, we animate the icons to their new target
positions, we can simply drop an icon anywhere we choose on the screen
and it will neatly slide into the nearest spot in the ring.

Of course, the translation function could do anything.  It could force
things onto a grid, into a sunflower, into non-overlapping positions,
etc.  All of these types of layouts require merely the list of
coordinates (since we assume equal size elements) as input.

We can make things more interesting, however, by offering further
information, both as input and output.  If we define an object which
represents an element in the layout, giving it size, position,
orientation, name, tags, and other metadata, (all of these mutable by
the translation function) it's possible to create layouts that perform
logical grouping, create sortings (even in multiple dimensions),
filter the input, etc. The visualization space is much greater (and
think of how much fun it could be to create new layouts like this for
visualizing the neighborhood view.)

- Eben

PS.  You could raise UnimplementedException, or you could simply
define the identity function in the base class.

On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 3:07 AM, Zarro Boogs per Child
 #7685: Alternate home layouts; fixed ring scaling; better modularization of
   Reporter:  cscott |   Owner:  marco
   Type:  defect |  Status:  new
   Priority:  normal |   Milestone:  9.1.0
  Component:  sugar  | Version:  not specified
  Resolution: |Keywords:  r?
 Next_action:  never set  |Verified:  0
  Blockedby: |Blocking:

 Comment(by mtd):

  I like the (sugar) patch (it's moved to
  http://dev.laptop.org/git?p=users/cscott/sugar;a=summary ), especially the
  modularization parts.  Comments on the patch are 1) there are a few times
  we do y = m*x+b instead of y = m * x + b that'd be nice to tidy up;
  and 2) I wish the RingLayout class's name could better express that it
  is suitable as a superclass to {Box,Triangle,Sunflower}Layout - perhaps
  RingLayout should be renamed BaseLayout and its _calculate_position()
  function should raise UnimplementedException, and then a new RingLayout
  defined, which implements that function as the current RingLayout does.

  If it were up to me it'd be r+ with those comments.  I don't know when it
  should land, though.

 Ticket URL: http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/7685#comment:7
 One Laptop Per Child http://laptop.org/
 OLPC bug tracking system

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] Freeform layout algorithm

2008-09-10 Thread Eben Eliason
To all interested:

I've uploaded a working demo of the algorithm, with source code:


The instructions are listed beneath the applet (sorry, Java
required...); you'll have to click on the applet to focus it for
keyboard input.  You're also welcome to modify the source in any way
and post new versions of the demo representing new algorithms.  You'll
need to download Processing (http://processing.org), an environment
built on top of Java for programming 2D and 3D visualizations, in
order to modify the demo.

I look forward to comments on the behavior of the current algorithm,
and faster and/or more accurate algorithms as well!

- Eben

On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 4:42 PM, Eben Eliason [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Renewed interest in improving the layout algorithm (for use in the
 non-activity zoom levels) has prompted me to create a document
 summarizing the goals of the layout, the current approach, and a few
 alternate approaches for consideration.  My primary goal was to
 specify the requirements we wish to evaluate the possible approaches
 against, and to clarify my (potentially naive) first attempt at
 satisfying them.  My hope is that others will see obvious ways to
 improve the current approach, or have much better solutions they can
 put forward (preferably in code!).

 Please see the attached document for details.  Thanks!

 - Eben

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] Freeform layout algorithm

2008-09-10 Thread Eben Eliason
Indeed.  There are many good layouts for Home view.  (And I want to
encourage more!) In the interest of keeping the topic clear though, I
want to make sure that this thread focuses on a particular and more
general layout problem, rather than becoming a long list of
alternative layouts.  In other words, I'm interested in algorithms for
this particular layout, and not in alternative layouts (since
placement with minimal overlapping is something we face in all views,
and only secondarily relates to the freeform view in Home).

- Eben

PS.  I'll probably start another thread on an Extensible layout
system for Home view.  I don't find the current satisfactory, so I'd
like to outline my ideas for how it could work and get feedback on
that as well.

On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 5:35 PM, C. Scott Ananian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'll just briefly mention http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/7685 (patches)
 which includes differently-shaped activity rings as well as a
 'sunflower' layout I rather like.
  ( http://cscott.net/ )

Sugar mailing list

[sugar] Freeform layout algorithm

2008-09-09 Thread Eben Eliason
Renewed interest in improving the layout algorithm (for use in the
non-activity zoom levels) has prompted me to create a document
summarizing the goals of the layout, the current approach, and a few
alternate approaches for consideration.  My primary goal was to
specify the requirements we wish to evaluate the possible approaches
against, and to clarify my (potentially naive) first attempt at
satisfying them.  My hope is that others will see obvious ways to
improve the current approach, or have much better solutions they can
put forward (preferably in code!).

Please see the attached document for details.  Thanks!

- Eben

We desire an algorithm which optimizes the placement of a collection of 
(the set E) of various sizes (and/or weights) so as to minimize overlap while 
also minimizing memory usage and maximizing speed.


We'll discuss the merits and limitations of proposed algorithms based upon 
adherence with a general set of requirements, in addition to their memory 
requirements and speed.  The set of requirements we hope to fulfill are:

 1. Minimize overlap of elements
 2. Support a suggested position for each element
 3. Support a suggested radius for each element (in a polar coordinate system)
 4. Support addition and removal of elements
 5. Support changes in size of elements (both expansion and contraction)
 6. Support fixed elements (locked in place)

Other considerations include minimizing the total amount of positional change 
incurred by a given operation on the layout (addition, removal, scaling, etc.). 
Since the goal is to have a smooth layout in which elements shift (animated) 
into place, we hope to minimize both the number of elements that need to move 
and the distance they need to move for any given operation.


The algorithm currently proposed (although it differs in several key ways from 
that currently implemented in Sugar) makes use of a weight matrix to make 
optimal placements, and uses a simple collision detection scheme to handle
addition, removal, and scaling of elements.

2.1 The grid

The algorithm is built upon a weight matrix which tracks the placement of all 
elements. This matrix manifests as a 2D integer array containing values in the 
range [0, 255].

When visualizing the matrix, think instead of an image, where each cell 
represents a pixel, and the value stored at (x,y) represents the brightness of 
that pixel. Think of this image as a topographical map of sorts, with bright 
areas representing peaks and dark areas representing valleys.

2.2 Assigning weights

When managing the matrix, we strive to make the weights assigned accurately 
represent the topology of the elements in the layout.  Given an element, e, 
having dimensions m x n, we create an element matrix of the same dimensions 
within which which we assign weights to individual cells.

The most correct approach (assuming no knowledge about the element other than 
its dimensions) is to apply weights to the cells of the element matrix in a 
gaussian fashion, such that the element is represented as a rounded surface, 
with the middle receiving the highest weight.  This method is most consistent 
with the interpretation of the table as a topographical map, since it results 
smooth gradients representing hills and valleys, with the centroid given the 
highest weight (collisions are worse the more they overlap).

However, this approach also takes much effort, since the weight of each cell 
must be calculated.  By extreme simplification, we could assign a constant 
to each cell.  This uniform approach takes no extra calculation, but results in 
a plateau rather than a hill, which poses problems in placement.  A better 
solution, which takes only trivial calculation, uses a linear gradient.  Using 
the linear model, we can visualize the element as a pyramid rather than a hill, 
which still maintains the important (for placement) property that there is a 
delta between two adjacent values.

The following example illustrates a sample of the weights for a 5x5 element.  
Note that the three examples are not normalized (themselves, or with respect to 
each other).

Gaussian   Linear Uniform

0 1 2 1 0  1 1 1 1 1  1 1 1 1 1
1 4 6 4 1  1 2 2 2 1  1 1 1 1 1
2 6 9 6 2  1 2 3 2 1  1 1 1 1 1
1 4 6 4 1  1 2 2 2 1  1 1 1 1 1
0 1 2 1 0  1 1 1 1 1  1 1 1 1 1

Finally, we define the total weight of a given element, W_e, to be the sum over 
the weights of the cells of the element matrix.

2.2 Placement

Placement of a new element is relatively straightforward given the weight 
matrix, since we can think of finding a good placement as rolling the new 
element into a valley - an area of low weight.  We define the weight of a given 
placement, W_p to be the sum of the weights of the cells of the weight matrix 
where the element matrix overlaps. In other words, if 

Re: [sugar] [PATCH] REVISED screenshots hurt

2008-09-08 Thread Eben Eliason
This seems like a decent, but lossy reduction. (Though I agree in full
that the current behavior is far less than ideal.) There are still
some ugly cases, though, which can't be fixed without compositing.  Am
I correct in thinking this assumes that the activity is visible while
keep/close buttons or shortcuts are activated?  If the user reveals
the Frame and accesses these commands via the activity menu, the Frame
will be in the screenshot.  Moreover, they might be in another
activity, or another zoom level entirely, and actually get misleading
screenshots instead of none at all.

Should we verify that the activity is the active one, and that the
desktop is not shown, before taking an invalid screenshot?  Also, when
is compositing potentially coming?  Is it necessary to do this for
8.2.1 if we'll have a far better solution which handles all cases in a
release or two?

- Eben

On Fri, Sep 5, 2008 at 12:31 AM, Erik Garrison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Attached to this email are both the original patch, which removes
 automated screenshot acquisition from the sugar shell, and a patch to
 activity.py in sugar-toolkit which adds screenshot acquisition to the
 user-directed 'keep' (save) event, so that the screenshot can appear in
 the journal when the user explicitly selects to save their work.

 Note that the keep event previously did not acquire a screenshot-- it
 was apparently assumed that it would have been acquired previously by a
 tabbing event.  Additionally, two screenshots were acquired on every
 close event (one in the Shell.py code and one in the activity.py code).

 The effect of these patches is to retain the benefits of screenshots
 without incurring their costs on every window navigation event.  Only
 user-directed 'close' and 'keep' events now trigger the screenshot.
 This means that there will always be screenshots after activities
 properly exit, or when the user elects to save data.  Other automated
 screenshot events are removed so that system responsiveness does not
 suffer during window manager navigation.

  before, screenshots taken on these events:
- frame visibility
- tabbing start
- activity next tab
- activity previous tab
- zoom into activity view
- activity close (twice)

  after, screenshots taken on these events:
- activity close (once)
- activity keep / save

 Comments welcome.  Please test and report results.


 Sugar mailing list

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] [PATCH] REVISED screenshots hurt

2008-09-08 Thread Eben Eliason
On Fri, Sep 5, 2008 at 12:31 AM, Erik Garrison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  before, screenshots taken on these events:
- frame visibility
- tabbing start
- activity next tab
- activity previous tab
- zoom into activity view
- activity close (twice)

  after, screenshots taken on these events:
- activity close (once)
- activity keep / save

perhaps a happy medium:
   - activity close (once, conditional)
   - activity keep (conditional)
   - activity hide (zoom out, switch, tabbing start)

This drops the redundant one on close, eliminates it when revealing
the frame or zooming in, and ignores toolbar switches, opting to
capture it on keep/close only if the activity is shown at the time,
and otherwise tries to grab one just before we leave the activity to
another zoom level or activity.

- Eben
Sugar mailing list

[sugar] Could someone test the Home search entry...?

2008-08-28 Thread Eben Eliason
Hello all -

I've recently experienced some very buggy behavior with the search
entry in Home in my jhbuild (master).  I want to ensure that this gets
properly tested in the upcoming joyride build (as I'll be moving/on
vacation myself), so I'm going to leave a couple test cases here for
someone to take on.

1. Switch to the list view of Home and enter 'bro' into the search
entry.  The Browse activity should turn up as the only result in the
filtered list.
2. Append a nonsense string to your search eg. 'broasdf'.  If all goes
well, you should have an empty list, though in my jhbuild testing,
Browse remained visible.
3. Clear the search entry (select text and delete, or click the little
'x' button within the entry).  The full list of installed activities
should return.  In my jhbuild testing, nothing could be done to
restore the full list.

If the above all work as expected, please verify the test case
attached to http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/7874 as well.

Finally, if this is all verified as working in joyride, it's probably
still worth testing on the master branch in jhbuild, since I can't
seem to get it to work there.  Oddly, I tried reverting both sugar and
sugar-toolkit to the last commits on August 13th (the day I submitted
the patch attached to the aforementioned ticket, at which time that
test case DID work fine in jhbuild), but the problem remained after
rebuilding.  Perhaps git just hates me.

In any case, thanks for testing for me!  If this IS broken, I nominate
it as a blocker for 8.2.0, since it's easy to trigger a search, and
impossible to clear it to reveal all installed activities, thus making
it impossible to set favorites or launch some activities at all
without a reboot.

- Eben
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] Landing patches about the network devices UI

2008-08-25 Thread Eben Eliason
On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 8:19 AM, Marco Pesenti Gritti

 we have a couple of patches that should be ready to be reviewed by
 tomorrow, which solves several issues with the UI of network devices.

 #6944 UI confuses which AP you are connected to
 #3993 The color of network icon in Home view becomes white after
 restarting Sugar.
 #2866 Network Manager GUI doesn't report success or failure
 #6995 Add a mesh device to the frame and remove mesh devices from
 Neighborhood view

 The tickets are a little confusing, so let me summarize what the patches does:

 1 Adds IP address to the mesh  wireless palettes, with associated
 changes to their model classes.
 2 Removes the Disconnect or Turn On/off entries from the
 wireless/mesh palettes.
 3 Makes both frame icons pulse.
 4 Don't show the mesh icons in the mesh view, instead show them in the frame.
 5 Fix some iconsistency in the icon states by cleaning up the code.

 mtd did quite a bit of testing on them already, but they are pretty
 invasive and there is some risk of regressions.

 My opinion is:

 2 is controversial and should be left as is for 8.2

It's mainly controversial because they don't do what they say, or what
you'd expect them to, but this can wait.  Maybe we can actually do it
correctly next time around.

 1, 5 are important and we should try to get them in.


 4 would be nice to have but I don't consider it essential.

Actually, I think this is the most important aspect of the design, and
I strongly suggest we try to land it.  This has been confusing to
many, and when we change it I think we need to commit to going the
whole way, instead of leaving it in limbo which will only confuse
people more down the road.

 3 should be delayed unless it's small and it's easier to take it then
 to refactor patches.


- Eben

 1,3,5 has been submitted for review as patch A. 2, 4 will be submitted
 today as patch B. My suggestion would be:

 * Rip off 3 from patch A if it's worth it and land it for 8.2.0 (before 
 * Do *not* land patch B for 8.2.0

 mtd has some free time today, so if we can let him know what we want
 and don't want to land soon it would be great.

 Sugar mailing list

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] Landing patches about the network devices UI

2008-08-25 Thread Eben Eliason
On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 11:27 AM, Kimberley Quirk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I don't agree with adding #4 at this time (changing how/where we see the
 mesh icons). One of the many work-arounds that we have been telling people
 in field is that they may need to choose mesh ch 6 or 11 if they want a
 small group to collaborate in a school setting without any other
 infrastructure. If the mesh icon doesn't show up in the neighborhood view,
 that will be a problem.

Why would this be a problem?  We're not changing the functionality;
only the position of the button within the UI, to be more consistent
with the device model we're following.

 I'd like to see this UI change well before it is implemented. Is there a
 url, Eben?

This was mocked up as part of my initial redesign storyboards on the
wiki: http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Designs/Frame#09.  It's important that
the mesh be recognized as a capability of the laptop, and not as a
physical device somewhere else in space.  The fact that the mesh
devices were even added to the Neighborhood view was a last minute
hack, and we've been living with it (and confusing people with it)
ever since.

- Eben

 I'm less concerned about 1 and 3 because they don't seem invasive from the
 one line summary... if they get in this week as polish that would be ok. I
 don't know the depth of 5 or 2... and I'm most worried about 4.
 If all these fixes come in one patch, then I would ask that we do NOT take
 this patch. If we can pick and choose from this list to get some polish
 things into 8.2, then let's pick a few based on the invasiveness.

 1 Adds IP address to the mesh  wireless palettes, with associated

 changes to their model classes.

 2 Removes the Disconnect or Turn On/off entries from the

 wireless/mesh palettes.

 3 Makes both frame icons pulse.

 4 Don't show the mesh icons in the mesh view, instead show them in the

 5 Fix some iconsistency in the icon states by cleaning up the code.

 On Aug 25, 2008, at 10:01 AM, Marco Pesenti Gritti wrote:

 Eben Eliason wrote:

 On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 8:19 AM, Marco Pesenti Gritti

 4 would be nice to have but I don't consider it essential.

 Actually, I think this is the most important aspect of the design, and

 I strongly suggest we try to land it.  This has been confusing to

 many, and when we change it I think we need to commit to going the

 whole way, instead of leaving it in limbo which will only confuse

 people more down the road.

 Personally I think it's way too late for invasive UI changes. I'm fine to be
 overridden by Kim/Greg  decision in that direction, though.


Sugar mailing list

[sugar] [PATCH] New Activity Launcher

2008-08-22 Thread Eben Eliason
My recent interactions with the launcher have led me to frustration.
I updated a number of tickets on the subject, and also created an
aggragator to track them all (http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/8090).  The
attached patch is an attempt to solve nearly all of the known
problems.  Testing would be very much appreciated.

The only known issue I've found with this patch is that you can't
click on the activity level button (in the Frame) while a launcher is
the selected activity (though you can click on the launcher icon
directly).  Marco understands this issue, but feels we might be better
off working in a fix separately, since it could be more invasive.
Apart from that know bug, I believe that this new launcher yields
expected behavior everywhere; if you disagree, or find other bugs, let
me know!

- Eben
diff --git a/src/model/homeactivity.py b/src/model/homeactivity.py
index fa50932..34ebda3 100644
--- a/src/model/homeactivity.py
+++ b/src/model/homeactivity.py
@@ -73,9 +73,11 @@ class HomeActivity(gobject.GObject):
 def set_window(self, window):
-An activity is 'launched' once we get its window.
-if self._window or self._xid:
-raise RuntimeError(Activity is already launched!)
+Set the window for the activity
+We allow resetting the window for an activity so that we
+can replace the launcher once we get its real window.
 if not window:
 raise ValueError(window must be valid)
diff --git a/src/model/homemodel.py b/src/model/homemodel.py
index 49f2a23..a35dcc9 100644
--- a/src/model/homemodel.py
+++ b/src/model/homemodel.py
@@ -175,8 +175,10 @@ class HomeModel(gobject.GObject):
-home_activity.props.launching = False
-self.emit('launch-completed', home_activity)
+# We only emit launch-completed if this is not a launcher window
+if service_name:
+home_activity.props.launching = False
+self.emit('launch-completed', home_activity)
 if self._active_activity is None:
diff --git a/src/view/Shell.py b/src/view/Shell.py
index 514b500..77280ac 100644
--- a/src/view/Shell.py
+++ b/src/view/Shell.py
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ class Shell(gobject.GObject):
 self._model = shellmodel.get_instance()
 self._hosts = {}
+self._launchers = {}
 self._screen = wnck.screen_get_default()
 self._screen_rotation = 0
@@ -63,8 +64,6 @@ class Shell(gobject.GObject):
 self.home_window = HomeWindow()
-self._launch_window = LaunchWindow()
 home_model = self._model.get_home()
 home_model.connect('launch-started', self.__launch_started_cb)
 home_model.connect('launch-failed', self.__launch_failed_cb)
@@ -94,17 +93,24 @@ class Shell(gobject.GObject):
 def __launch_started_cb(self, home_model, home_activity):
 if home_activity.get_type() != 'org.laptop.JournalActivity':
+launch_window = LaunchWindow(home_activity)
+self._launchers[home_activity.get_activity_id()] = launch_window
 def __launch_failed_cb(self, home_model, home_activity):
+launch_window = self._launchers[home_activity.get_activity_id()]
+if launch_window:
 def __launch_completed_cb(self, home_model, home_activity):
 activity_host = ActivityHost(home_activity)
 self._hosts[activity_host.get_xid()] = activity_host
+launch_window = self._launchers[home_activity.get_activity_id()]
+if launch_window:
 def _activity_removed_cb(self, home_model, home_activity):
 xid = home_activity.get_xid()
 if self._hosts.has_key(xid):
diff --git a/src/view/launchwindow.py b/src/view/launchwindow.py
index ee3ccfa..2c4d73a 100644
--- a/src/view/launchwindow.py
+++ b/src/view/launchwindow.py
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import hippo
 import gobject
 import logging
+from sugar import wm
 from sugar.graphics import style
 from sugar.graphics import animator
 from sugar.graphics.xocolor import XoColor
@@ -27,14 +28,15 @@ from model import shellmodel
 from view.pulsingicon import CanvasPulsingIcon
 class LaunchWindow(hippo.CanvasWindow):
-def __init__(self):
+def __init__(self, home_activity):
-self, type_hint=gtk.gdk.WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_SPLASHSCREEN)
+self, type_hint=gtk.gdk.WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_NORMAL)
-self._box = LaunchBox()
+self._activity_id = 

Re: [sugar] [PATCH] New Activity Launcher

2008-08-22 Thread Eben Eliason
On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 4:56 PM, Mikus Grinbergs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Haven't tried your new activity launcher (I wait for the binary to
 show up in Joyride), but your mentioning of the Frame reminded me:

 I have no idea of how I got there, but I have experienced a
 situation where there was a disconnect between the session that
 was being launched, and its icon in the Frame.  Basically the
 session vanished (e.g., couldn't find the executable that was
 supposed to be launched) but the icon in the Frame kept pulsing.

The new(er) launcher in my patch should partially address this,
inasmuch as it won't allow the disconnect which existed temporarily in
some builds.  In my new version, the launcher will *always* be shown
in place of an activity until it successfully launches (or officially
fails to do so).  It is possible to switch away and later switch back
to the launcher screen, as if it were a placeholder for the launching
activity.  That is, as long as there is a pulsing icon in the Frame,
there will also be a launcher window present.

 What I would like to see is for the palette on the icon in the Frame
 (while the Activity is being launched) to have not just 'Starting'
 as an entry, but also 'Stop' as an entry.  That way, if I am faced
 with a too-long-a-duration pulsing icon, I can tell the whole launch
 process -- including the icon -- to just go away.

Me too!  This is an age-old topic that I brought up a long time ago
when we were first designing the activity ring
(http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/1166).  Unfortunately, it's gone
untouched for quite a while, evidently because of difficulties in
actually knowing what process a given activity is connected with.  I
think it's something worth investigating again for 9.1, and I agree
that the best way to do this is to allow a Stop action from the icon
in the Frame, as usual.  We should also make that label read
Starting... or Resuming... as appropriate.

Finally, something that isn't done yet (but is facilitated by the
latest launcher patch and will be added  in 9.1) is notification on
launch failure.  An alert will appear within the launcher window
indicating the failure, and offer options such as retry, show
logs, and cancel.  If the launcher window which fails isn't visible
at time of failure, we'll use the notification system to let the user
know something went wrong.

Thanks for your feedback!  Hopefully some other testers will chime in
(with nothing but praises) so we can actually get the changes into a

- Eben


 Sugar mailing list

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] #8041 HIGH 9.1.0: Sugar lacks a Trash/Recycle bin system

2008-08-20 Thread Eben Eliason
This is getting a little out of hand, here.  Let's break this down
again, because I think we're all arguing for pretty much the same

On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 12:19 AM, Bastien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Eduardo Heleno [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 But my point was that, at the moment, you can choose to Erase an item, and
 it's gone forever. I expect that many kids will do this, and will at some 
 regret erasing some item.

 Yes.  This is a request that has been made here in Haïti.

The issue of deletion confirmation is covered under ticket
http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/7859.  I flagged it as blocks?:8.2.0, but
I don't think it is going to be nominated as a blocker at this point
unless there is a strong push for it.  This is, at least for now,
independent of the trash can issue itself.

On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 1:27 AM, Bastien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Martin Langhoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 AFAIK, the plan is to *discourage* deletion until the disk is getting
 full. When you are getting to disk-full, trashcan doesn't help.

 Yes it does: it contains entries that the system can safely delete
 without forcing the user to go thru the entries and sort them out on
 the fly.

This is no less true in the future Journal design.  Anything which has
been previously erased can be transparently deleted by the system
without another prompt.  The Journal should be following a
lazy-deletion strategy, making it really no different from the trash
can you speak of.  The only difference is how the erased but not yet
truly gone files get represented to the user.

 People now want deletion because the Journal is not optimal.  They want
 deletion to sort out entries in the Joural and get rid of unfinished or
 useless entries.  With too many entries, the (current 703/708) Journal
 becomes unusable.

I do recognize this.  The one detail we could add to potentially solve
this argument is a button which turns on/off visibility of erased
entries.  That is, a button which basically shows and hides trashed
files by toggling their visibility inline within the Journal, in
addition to  a way to view only those files as well.

 When you are running out off disk space, we have two cases:

  - ds-backup has been doing its job, there's a copy of the files in
 the XS, so the journal has old-and-backed-up files that it can decide
 to rm

 I'm afraid XS servers won't be of use in *many* schools.

That's fine.  The backup solution is an enhancement, not a
requirement.  Consider the possible states for entries:

1. Normal: file stored locally on the XO
2. Normal+Backup: file stored locally on the XO, and also on the server
3. Lazy-erased: file stored locally on the XO, but rendered
differently to indicate transient state
4. Lazy-erased+Backup: same as above, but also backed up to the server
5. Erased: not stored locally on XO
6. Erased+backup: not stored locally on XO, but still available on the server

States 1, 3, and 5 are the basic states without backup in the picture.
 They map directly onto a file, a trashed file, and a file which has
been emptied from the trash, respectively.  Without a server, you can
still recover anything in state 3.  When you have a server, you can
recover anything in states 3, 4, and 5 (call these the recoverable
states).  In all of these recoverable states, we will visually
represent a the entry in a way distinct from normal, present
entries, and the entries in these states will have buttons which allow
them to be a) recovered or b) permanently erased.

If we want, we can be a bit more clever about which cases require
deletion confirmation (based upon whether or not the action results in
a recoverable state), but we could simply ask for confirmation all the
time for consistency.  Or, never.

  - no old-and-backed-up files we can safely remove? Prompt the user

 I'm curious whether someone did this job of being prompted.
 How long does it take?  If you can't remember what a file contains,
 checking if it's safe to delete it by trying to reopen it might be

The Journal does (will do) better than many other systems.  The
preview is sadly underutilized at the moment, but it should provide a
hint without the need to open it.  We have a few ideas about how to
encourage naming and tagging as well, which will improve this
situation a lot.  Finally, we have the notion of favorites in the
Journal.  If we encourage their use as well (which we will in the next
version, since it will be possible to filter the list to show only
favorites, thus eliminating the unwanted entries which currently make
it difficult to find things), then it should be easy to at least
preserve the things you've already indicated in the past mean
something to you.  We'll also have true versioning in the future, so
it will be possible to prune the version tree, keeping fewer
intermediate versions the further back in time we look.

2008/8/20  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 prompt the user, interrupting whatever they were trying to get

Re: [sugar] Please help test our new 8.2.0 weekly beta, joyride-2263!

2008-08-19 Thread Eben Eliason
On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 5:42 AM, Eduardo Heleno [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 2008/8/9 Christoph Derndorfer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Thu, Aug 7, 2008 at 8:45 PM, Michael Stone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This isn't really a bug but rather a general observation so I'm not quite
 sure where to put it...

 When you're in the software-update panel of the control-panel then there
 are cancel and ok buttons in the upper right corner. However the ok
 button seems redundant as they both do exactly the same thing: close the
 panel and take you back to the main configuration screen. At least that's
 the case when the software is up-to-date. IIRC you also need to press a
 button inside the panel for updating when there's new software available
 which would again make the ok-button redundant.

 I spotted this as well. Some other wording is necessary in here, perhaps an
 Accept and Cancel buttons appear when changes are made, otherwise a
 simple Close button appears.

Actually, the intent is to make the Accept button insensitive until
changes are made, so that the options are leave without making
changes (regardless of whether or not I changed anything), and leave
and accept changes made (only available when there are changes).
There is a patch for this, but it hasn't yet been accepted.

- Eben



 Christoph Derndorfer
 co-editor, olpcnews
 url: www.olpcnews.com

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Re: [sugar] letting the user specify the mesh channel

2008-08-16 Thread Eben Eliason
On Sat, Aug 16, 2008 at 6:45 PM, Eduardo Heleno [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 2008/8/14 Eben Eliason [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 6:26 AM, Eduardo H Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I like a lot the mockup
  http://dev.laptop.org/~mdengler/6995/6995_screenshot_45.png ... I would
  add one more sugestion. Include on the primary palette as a secondary
  the word Connected. You may think that the coloring of the mesh icon
  it clear it is connected, but i think it is important to be plan ahead
  all potential users of Sugar, like those who are blind (use some kind of
  text-to-speech interface), color-blind, or even just poor eye-sighted

 Good points.  We could add, at a minimum, the Connecting...,
 Connected, and Disconnecting... states as the secondary text in
 the palette. Is this clearer, or should we use Starting..., On,
 and Stopping instead?  If we use the former, should we change Turn
 on and Turn off?

 I think the terminology should remain
 Connecting...,Connected,Disconnecting..., and the actions be Connect
 and Disconnect. Let's not underestimate kids and their inteligence of
 discernment between turning something on, and making a connection between 2

Actually, this is the very reason that the designs had Turn on/Turn
off instead.  Unlike an AP, to which a direct association is made,
the mesh simply enables a protocol of discovery, rather than
initiating any direct connection(s).  You can have the mesh turned on
and have no connection to anyone or anything at all, if no one is in
range. Hence, connected could actually be misleading.

I was actually considering keeping the terminology consistent just to
keep things simple, instead of alluding to the subtler differences
between the Mesh and AP devices. I'm still open to argument either

 In the future, one should think how this info will work with the
 notification system?

Yes, they will certainly be accounted for; Mesh, AP, battery, and
other devices are a large impetus for the notification system in the
first place.

- Eben


Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] 0.84 goals

2008-08-15 Thread Eben Eliason
On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 10:57 AM, Mikus Grinbergs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Why not let accessing of *deferred* Activities be handled by Journal ?

 Because it involves an extra step or two that in practice people don't
 take. Personally, I would even go to the extreme that the Home View
 should by default open the most recent Journal entry.

I think that improvement to the Journal will make it a place people
*want* to go to.  It should be friendly.  It should expose previews up
front to make browsing easier.  *Everything* should have a preview
(right now it's often pretty barren).  We need to encourage naming so
that meaningful titles can be read and searched.  We need to get
better collaboration, and for more activities, so that the Journal
fill sup with a wide palette of colors.  All of these things should
make it a place rich in info and pleasurable to peruse.

That said, we also do have the design for allowing one to resume the
most recent Journal entry for any given favorite activity in Home
view, as well.

 I'll be the first to admit that the current implementation of
 Journal is cumbersome.  But if it is possible to add palette entries

You're too late!  I was first! :-P

 to Activity icons on Home view (for resuming something), it ought to
 be possible to add similar short cuts on the Journal screen.

 I can get to the Home view by pressing the 'Home view' key on the
 keyboard.  I can get to Journal by pressing the 'Journal' key on the
 keyboard.  For me, going to the Journal takes no more steps than
 going to Home View.  [And since Home view provides alternate ways of
 presenting its information, why oughtn't Journal provide alternate
 ways of presenting *its* information (including a clickable short
 cut listing of the most recently saved Activities) ?]

Isn't that what you get by default?  The most recent n created/saved
entries are at the top, so this is really the whole point.

- Eben

 I was speaking from the point of view of *defining* the purpose of
 the Home view.  If 'resume' is there, should 'erase' be there also
 -- what if the user mis-positions his click ?


 I'm a procedure-oriented person, not an object-oriented person.  So
 it has taken me effort to mentally construct a role for the Journal.
 If short cuts to the most-recent uses of the Activities are
 provided elsewhere, why bother having a Journal in the first place ?


 Sugar mailing list

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] letting the user specify the mesh channel

2008-08-14 Thread Eben Eliason
On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 6:26 AM, Eduardo H Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I like a lot the mockup
 http://dev.laptop.org/~mdengler/6995/6995_screenshot_45.png ... I would just
 add one more sugestion. Include on the primary palette as a secondary title
 the word Connected. You may think that the coloring of the mesh icon makes
 it clear it is connected, but i think it is important to be plan ahead for
 all potential users of Sugar, like those who are blind (use some kind of
 text-to-speech interface), color-blind, or even just poor eye-sighted

Good points.  We could add, at a minimum, the Connecting...,
Connected, and Disconnecting... states as the secondary text in
the palette. Is this clearer, or should we use Starting..., On,
and Stopping instead?  If we use the former, should we change Turn
on and Turn off?

 There is also a ticket around about the lack of information on the stages of
 connecting to a network. This could be done as a palette for the network
 icon which would only appear on-mouse-hover and during the period it is
 connecting. Users diagnosticating or curious about the connection process
 could easily see it, while others will be just happy with the blinking icon

Perhaps.  I'm curious to know what info/stages we actually have,
before specifying any design there.

- Eben


 2008/8/7 Eben Eliason [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Thu, Aug 7, 2008 at 11:45 AM, Mikus Grinbergs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  See http://dev.laptop.org/~mdengler/6995/6995_screenshot_45.png
  for an example of how I currently have it looking.
  Thank you.
  Currently, I use the presence of a 'Disconnect' entry in the palette
  as a mnemonic device to indicate to me that a connection currently
  exists.  Would be nice to keep that.

 Hey Mikus -

 In the new designs, the Mesh device icon turns on (becomes colored)
 when the mesh is active, and is rendered in white when it's off.  It
 should be even easier to tell the present state, without needing to
 dig into the palette.

 - Eben

  p.s.  For laughs:   Now that you are *explicitly* showing channel
  numbers -- I have a friend whose home AP is on channel 9.  At his
  house, I manually use 'iwconfig' to set my XO's radio to channel 9,
  to be able to connect to his AP.  I haven't tried setting multiple
  XOs to channel 9 when there is no AP -- but if mesh were
  configured to run that way, would your palette show that?   ;)

 No, the mesh channels are independent* of the AP channels; if you
 connect to an AP on channel 9, you are not on the mesh, which is only
 offered on channels 1, 6, and 11.  If you turn the mesh on, you'll
 implicitly be disconnected from an AP on channel 9.  If you manually
 set the mesh channel otherwise, I doubt it will be reflected in this

 * Note that in the future it will be possible to be connected on the
 mesh and to an AP, assuming they are both on the same channel.
 Sugar mailing list

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] non-colored activity icons in frame

2008-08-14 Thread Eben Eliason
Certainly not intended.  If it persists or appears in a joyride,
please ticket it.

- Eben

On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 8:17 AM, Mikus Grinbergs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Just tried faster-2301.  In the top bar of the Frame, the icons for
 the currently active Activities were being shown in black-and-white.
  Looked more aesthetic when they were shown in the user's colors.


 Sugar mailing list

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] Journal view flips topmost entries

2008-08-12 Thread Eben Eliason
On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 4:52 AM, Morgan Collett
 On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 00:12, Eben Eliason [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 4:51 PM, Mikus Grinbergs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My guess is that flipping of the topmost entries in Journal has to
 do with scheduling rather than with communications.  Though in

 I'm sure that what you are seeing results from the fact that the
 Journal defers updating itself until its window is shown, to prevent
 needless updates from occurring in the background and taking extra CPU
 cycles.  It's unfortunate that the single update that occurs when the
 Journal is focused has so much latency...this should really be
 happening so quickly as to be unnoticeable.  There are a lot of pieces
 of the Journal that could use some optimiation, among them the actual
 rendering of the entries themselves when a change occurs (try
 starring/unstarring and see how long it takes it to redraw to reflect
 the change! (http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/7151)).

 That said, the circumstance you describe is truly not good; in fact,
 without a confirmation alert upon deletion, this could might even be
 considered a blocker.  Could you open a ticket describing the problem,
 and note that adding a confirmation might be a valid short term
 workaround to prevent accidental deletions? (Actually, just found
 this: http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/3778.  Could you update this ticket
 with your experience and perhaps add a blocks?:8.2.0 tag so it's

 Clearly we need to this and also plenty of optimization in the future.

 - Eben

 PS.  If you truly are seeing the flip apart from the first time the
 Journal is shown, there is something else amiss.  Please keep an eye
 out and confirm one way or the other if you actually experience such
 behavior.  Thanks!

 I see the flipping - it's easy to reproduce. With two open terminals
 (named differently) if I just hit alt-tab from the Journal, to the
 first terminal, and without releasing alt I hit tab again to the
 second terminal, and then tab again to the Journal, I get a momentary

This sounds wrong (well, over-aggressive) to me.  While the Journal
does maintain recent-on-top ordering of entries, this shouldn't be
reflected at the granularity of activity switches.  Instead, it should
be at the granularity of saves.  It's quite possible that this is in
fact the case, and that these activities are saving every time they
lose focus; if that's the case, we need to implement a dirty bit
paradigm ASAP which prevents activities from needlessly saving
themselves all the time.

Better still, we might implement logic which brings an entry to the
top of the list when it is resumed (or started), and then mostly
ignoring its ordering until it is stopped again, at which point it is
brought to the top just beneath the entries for activities which are
still running.  In this manner, we can be satisfied by maintaining an
ordering in which all running activities are in somewhat arbitrary
order on the top, and all non-running entries are ordering by
stop-time below them.

- Eben
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] [PATCH] Trac #7480: Need to 'reset' the network configurations - short term fix

2008-08-12 Thread Eben Eliason
On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 4:26 AM, Morgan Collett
 On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 03:31, Erik Garrison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Attached is a patch which adds a 'reset network configuration' button to
 the network tab of the sugar control panel.  Clicking this button simply
 rotates the config file out of the way, saving it as
 ~/.sugar/default/nm/networks.cfg.bak.NNN  (NNN is the number of
 previously backed-up configs +1).

 This is just a short-term fix (hack) to resolve the problem of not
 having any gui-level method to manipulate the nm network configarion.
 Eben has noted that we would like to enable config panel level
 manipulation of the networks.cfg stanzas; but this requires a bit more
 code than this immediate fix.

 This needs testing: in some cases NM replaces the config with what was there.

 I added a different AP to my home network (in parallel with my
 existing AP). To get the XOs to associate only with the new AP, I
 thought I'd simply delete networks.cfg and then associate to the new
 AP. When I rebooted to make sure it did what I wanted, networks.cfg
 had both the old and the new APs. To end up with only the new AP in
 networks.cfg, I had to first associate to the new AP, then remove the
 old one from networks.cfg - then rebooting after that showed only the
 new one.

Hmm, meaning that the other associations were stored in memory at the
time and later written back to the file?

In other news, do you have a screenshot or a demo of this I can look
at, Erik, to sign off on the UI?

- Eben
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] [OLPC Security] P_READ_LOGS

2008-08-11 Thread Eben Eliason
On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 10:07 AM, Bastien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Mikus Grinbergs [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The easiest way to present logs, especially failure logs, is to make them
 available through the standard Journal/Datastore interface.  For example,
 we have some agreement that when an Activity fails to launch, the failure
 should appear as such in the Journal time-view, connected to an object
 representing the log file for that failure.  This log object has a text
 type, and so can naturally be opened by any Activity that accepts this
 type.  No additional permissions are required.  The user is responsible
 for determining when to provide both sensitive data and P_NETWORK to the
 same Activity.

 I find the Journal interface to be cumbersome.  I also do not
 believe the Journal ought to be cluttered up with footprints
 a kid would probably not be able to do anything about.   -1.

Agreed, but...

 I also think failure logs don't naturally fit into the current Journal.
 They are a non-desirable side-effect of an activity, not an activity per

 But it could fit okay into the next versions of the Journal, where some
 kind of pre-filtering would let the user see only the most important
 entries for him.  Failure logs would then be low-level entries, along
 with other logs (particularily mail logs, when we'll have a native mail
 client on the XO.)

...I do think they could belong in the Journal specified in the latest
designs.  The new Journal is divided into actions and objects
which adjust the perspective on the available stuff.  For this
particular case, an action (The action view is most like the current )
would be logged to say Activity X failed to launch., and containing
a reference to the log file, which would only appear as a separate
entry within the Objects view.

This ability to encapsulate several object references into individual,
higher level action entries should make the Journal much friendlier,
and provide a way to get to details like log files and other such info
without cluttering up the view.

- Eben
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] letting the user specify the mesh channel

2008-08-07 Thread Eben Eliason
On Thu, Aug 7, 2008 at 11:45 AM, Mikus Grinbergs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 See http://dev.laptop.org/~mdengler/6995/6995_screenshot_45.png
 for an example of how I currently have it looking.

 Thank you.

 Currently, I use the presence of a 'Disconnect' entry in the palette
 as a mnemonic device to indicate to me that a connection currently
 exists.  Would be nice to keep that.

Hey Mikus -

In the new designs, the Mesh device icon turns on (becomes colored)
when the mesh is active, and is rendered in white when it's off.  It
should be even easier to tell the present state, without needing to
dig into the palette.

- Eben

 p.s.  For laughs:   Now that you are *explicitly* showing channel
 numbers -- I have a friend whose home AP is on channel 9.  At his
 house, I manually use 'iwconfig' to set my XO's radio to channel 9,
 to be able to connect to his AP.  I haven't tried setting multiple
 XOs to channel 9 when there is no AP -- but if mesh were
 configured to run that way, would your palette show that?   ;)

No, the mesh channels are independent* of the AP channels; if you
connect to an AP on channel 9, you are not on the mesh, which is only
offered on channels 1, 6, and 11.  If you turn the mesh on, you'll
implicitly be disconnected from an AP on channel 9.  If you manually
set the mesh channel otherwise, I doubt it will be reflected in this

* Note that in the future it will be possible to be connected on the
mesh and to an AP, assuming they are both on the same channel.
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] New joyride build 2258

2008-08-06 Thread Eben Eliason
On Wed, Aug 6, 2008 at 7:10 AM, Build Announcer v2 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 --- Changes for sugar 0.81.8-2.20080806git0fc57309f3.olpc3 from 0.81.8-1.fc9 
  + 7495 open cp software-updater on first boot after an update

I don't want this!  I keep shouting about it and no one seems to be
listening!  Home absolutely needs to be home base, especially after an
update.  I'm fine with tossing up a non-modal alert at boot which
prompts the user to update right away, with a button which reveals the
software update control panel module, but I'm NOT OK with anything
which, unbeknownst to the user, flits them away to some other part of
the system without his/her consent.

- Eben
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] Another sugar rant (was: x2o physics problem solving game)

2008-08-06 Thread Eben Eliason
On Wed, Aug 6, 2008 at 2:08 AM, Neil Graham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wednesday 06 August 2008 7:08:33 am Alex Levenson wrote:
 Searching for X2o using the wiki search doesn't find it.  It's Called X2o!
 it's url is http://wiki.laptop.org/go/X2o for heaven's sake!  Somebody either
 fix the search or just change the search box to go to google.

Are you sure?  When I search for 'X2o' (case insensitive) I am taken
directly to the page you identified, bypassing any search results page

 With regards to using activities on the XO I've tried to be accepting of the
 sugar interface style, but this activity crystallizes things for me.  I'm now
 prepared to move to the sugar-sucks camp.  I've used many and written a few

I think nearly all of us are in the
camp.  We like it when people move from the sugar-sucks camp into
ours! ;)

 I'd like to be clear that I don't think there is anything done poorly in the
 X2o activity itself.  I think it all comes from having the sugar interface.
 The more I encounter sugar interfaced programs, the more I think Activities
 would be better off with just about anything else.

Specific examples would be extremely beneficial here.  Is it the
fullscreen nature of the window?  The toolbars? (Note, there's another
interesting design proposed for these:
http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Designs/Toolbars) The GTK theme?  There's
lots of stuff missing still, but feedback on the particulars of what's
already there would be great.

 I gave myself a long time to acclimatise, much longer than I would have for
 anything else, because the XO is really quite important.  I really believe in
 the goals of the OLPC project, but I cant use the XO effectively! My daughter
 can't use the XO effectively!

Perhaps you mean efficiently?  (Most of us would agree with you,
there.)  However, there are certainly thousands of kids using them
effectively despite the inefficiencies and bugs; the work we see
coming back from deployments proves this, and keeps all of us going
with the hope of making it far better in the future -- perhaps even
effective and efficient enough for us spoiled folk. =)

 At what point does a do-over make more sense?  I was prepared to take the
 resource usage and the slow bits and the joke that is the journal because
 they were all things that future work would have addressed.   The cumbersome
 user interface is a killer though because it's designed to be like that.

Again, without examples a rant is nothing but hot air.  What parts are
so fundamentally broken that not even future software updates could
fix them?  The Journal is a pretty good example of a fundamental part
of the system that's mostly non-functional at present, but we have
some good designs for it (http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Designs/Journal)
and I expect that, at some point, hopefully soon, we'll also have the
resources to implement them.

- Eben
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] Another sugar rant

2008-08-06 Thread Eben Eliason
On Wed, Aug 6, 2008 at 11:30 AM, Ton van Overbeek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Eben Eliason wrote:

 On Wed, Aug 6, 2008 at 2:08 AM, Neil Graham [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Wednesday 06 August 2008 7:08:33 am Alex Levenson wrote:
 Searching for X2o using the wiki search doesn't find it.  It's Called
 it's url is http://wiki.laptop.org/go/X2o for heaven's sake!  Somebody
 fix the search or just change the search box to go to google.

 Are you sure?  When I search for 'X2o' (case insensitive) I am taken
 directly to the page you identified, bypassing any search results page

 I have to agree with Neil. Entering X2o in the Wiki search box on the left
 hand side of wiki.laptop.org
 leads to no matches whatsoever.
 Searching laptop.org via Google gives the correct page as first hit.

Sorry, my fault.  I failed to realize that the enter key was bound to
the Go button instead of the Search button.  You're right, I get
no results either.  It's truly strange that it doesn't recognize the
page title direct match.  In fact, I can even click on the 'X2o' in
the text where it says You searched for X2o and get linked to the
correct page!

It sounds like a wiki bug, to me...has anyone filed one yet?  If not,
I guess it should be done.

- Eben

 Ton van Overbeek

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] New joyride build 2258 (Eben Eliason)

2008-08-06 Thread Eben Eliason
On Wed, Aug 6, 2008 at 12:30 PM, Greg Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All,

 +1 on not reaching out over the network or doing anything without user

 I'm also nervous about the software update icon in the control panel
 going out over the network and doing something immediately after you
 click and before you do anything else with the Update interface. Is
 there any precedent or guidelines on what happens first after you choose
 a Sugar Control Panel option?

These are usually implemented in 1 of 2 ways.  It may be implemented
as a menu item titled Check for updates or similar, which makes the
desire to actually initiate the action implicit in selecting it. It
can also be implemented as a control panel module, in which case
there's usually a Check now button, in addition to information such
as the time/date of the last successful update, and options to set up
automatic update checks.

In our case, we do offer a Cancel button, which would prevent this
update scenario from taking over the system/bandwidth completely.
However, a Check now button would also work just fine.

- Eben

 Has anyone tested the SW updater control panel over low-BW or offline?

 I'd rather see it land on a nice GUI that explains what will happen and
 gives you the option to click and check for the latest activities.


 Greg S


 Message: 2
 Date: Wed, 6 Aug 2008 09:47:42 -0400
 From: Eben Eliason [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [sugar] New joyride build 2258
 Cc: Sugar Mailing List sugar@lists.laptop.org, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

 On Wed, Aug 6, 2008 at 7:10 AM, Build Announcer v2 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 --- Changes for sugar 0.81.8-2.20080806git0fc57309f3.olpc3 from 
 0.81.8-1.fc9 ---
  + 7495 open cp software-updater on first boot after an update

 I don't want this!  I keep shouting about it and no one seems to be
 listening!  Home absolutely needs to be home base, especially after an
 update.  I'm fine with tossing up a non-modal alert at boot which
 prompts the user to update right away, with a button which reveals the
 software update control panel module, but I'm NOT OK with anything
 which, unbeknownst to the user, flits them away to some other part of
 the system without his/her consent.

 - Eben


 Message: 3
 Date: Wed, 6 Aug 2008 15:57:31 +0200
 From: Christoph Derndorfer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [sugar] New joyride build 2258
 To: Eben Eliason [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cc: Sugar Mailing List sugar@lists.laptop.org, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

 On 8/6/08, Eben Eliason [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 6, 2008 at 7:10 AM, Build Announcer v2 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 --- Changes for sugar 0.81.8-2.20080806git0fc57309f3.olpc3 from
 0.81.8-1.fc9 ---
  + 7495 open cp software-updater on first boot after an update
 I don't want this!  I keep shouting about it and no one seems to be
 listening!  Home absolutely needs to be home base, especially after an
 update.  I'm fine with tossing up a non-modal alert at boot which
 prompts the user to update right away, with a button which reveals the
 software update control panel module, but I'm NOT OK with anything
 which, unbeknownst to the user, flits them away to some other part of
 the system without his/her consent.


 Initially I was all for such first-boot features (especially with regard to
 G1G1 and the help-activity). But after thinking about Eben's arguments in
 both cases I agree that user should definitely see the home-view as the
 first thing when they boot the machine. Especially the Sugar-Control-Panel
 and its overlay above the home-view (which IIRC isn't used anywhere else in
 Sugar except for the Journal object chooser instead of the traditional
 file-choose dialogue) could be quite confusing.


 - Eben
 Sugar mailing list

 Sugar mailing list

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] Question about clipboard service

2008-08-05 Thread Eben Eliason
 for the clipboard is as a means to port
items around among activities for the purposes of embedding.

 14 - Can you copy things directly to a USB drive?

Definitely.  Anywhere we have a Keep in Journal option we can also
have a Keep in  External Storage menu, which allows one to keep an
item directly onto USB or SD.  This option could also be added to
items on the clipboard.

- Eben

 I hope that's not too many questions. You don't need to address every
 one, just wanted to throw out some suggestions to get to the next level
 of detail.

 I appreciate the specifying in advance and I think you are on the right

 Since the journal abstracted the file system, its not easy to move files
 between activities. I think we need an overall strategy for file sharing
 between activities, HW elements (NAND, USB, SD card), computers (XO -
 XO, XO - PC), schools (XO - XS - XS) and beyond. Clipboard may be a
 key part of it.


 Greg S

 Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2008 14:59:56 -0400
 From: Eben Eliason [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [sugar] Question about clipboard service
 To: Tomeu Vizoso [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

 There is a fairly comprehensive specification [1] for the clipboard on
 the wiki.  Most importantly it discusses the use of titles, icons,
 colors, and previews, which are the 4 elements of clippings that we
 need to support in various combination to make the clipboard

 This spec isn't word for word perfect anymore, as some minor details
 have changed, but it gives the high level picture of the API I want to
 support.  Please ask any questions you may have about what's there so
 far, and I'll try to clean up some details at some point soon.

 - Eben

 [1] http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Specifications/Clipboard

 Devel mailing list

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] Question about clipboard service

2008-08-05 Thread Eben Eliason
On Tue, Aug 5, 2008 at 1:33 PM, Gary C Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 5 Aug 2008, at 16:50, Eben Eliason wrote:

 On Tue, Aug 5, 2008 at 3:44 AM, Greg Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 7 - Is cut supported? How do you remove things from the clipboard?
 many items can it hold?

 Cut is definitely supported, and will remain mapped to the Ctrl-X
 shortcut familiar to many, however it will not retain the same name.
 Instead, we've applied the notion of cut as copy and erase, which
 makes clear that the result of the action is twofold: first it
 performs a copy action, and second it erases the item selected.  Since
 these semantics make cut an alternate form of the copy action, copy
 and erase will actually appear as a secondary option in the palette
 for the copy button itself.

 Random though; could there also be potential for a paste and erase?

This is already included in the specification, right down to the ALT
key as a modifier for accessing the functionality. ;)

It's currently discussed as paste and remove, but you are correct in
identifying the correlation between this action and copy and erase;
I think paste and erase is the correct terminology for the feature.

- Eben

 The intention being I could be reading a web article, perform several
 copy actions of separate text paragraphs I want to quote, then switch
 to write and perform several paste and erase actions to pop the
 clippings off the stack. Basically an easy way of unwinding the
 clipboard stack into another Activity. This could also go hand in hand
 with a potential keyboard modifier (Alt?) to allow a drag and erase of
 an clipping out of the clipboard in one step**

 **usually you only paste an item once, so this extra function would
 reduce the management steps a kid needs to do to erase each used


 Sugar mailing list

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] Question about clipboard service

2008-08-04 Thread Eben Eliason
There is a fairly comprehensive specification [1] for the clipboard on
the wiki.  Most importantly it discusses the use of titles, icons,
colors, and previews, which are the 4 elements of clippings that we
need to support in various combination to make the clipboard

This spec isn't word for word perfect anymore, as some minor details
have changed, but it gives the high level picture of the API I want to
support.  Please ask any questions you may have about what's there so
far, and I'll try to clean up some details at some point soon.

- Eben

[1] http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Specifications/Clipboard

On Sat, Jul 19, 2008 at 11:14 AM, Tomeu Vizoso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well, we can add some sugar API around the gtk clipboard stuff, but
 I'm not sure there's a lot of value in there, as the gtk+ API is
 already quite high level.

 The problem here is how do we extend the existing X specs to deliver
 the experience we aim for. Last we talked about it, Marco was opposed
 to use the X selection targets to pass titles and icons around.

 Eben, now is a good moment to start talking about it, can you
 summarize what is missing from the clipboard and try to list all that
 we want to do but the current spec doesn't allow to?



 On Sat, Jul 19, 2008 at 5:01 PM, Eben Eliason [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I can't tell from your wording if you are implying that we will or will not
 be creating some custom wrappers for the clipboard service.  I think we
 absolutely need them to accomplish several critical clipboard issues (among
 them, specifying icons, colors, titles, and previews for clippings).  In
 fact, getting this API working effectively is high on my list of priorities
 for 9.1
 - Eben

 On Sat, Jul 19, 2008 at 4:19 AM, Tomeu Vizoso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 10:29 PM, Faisal Anwar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I'm playing around with the clipboard package on sugar and had a quick
  question. So, the clipboardservice.py file shows some basic api for
  and setting objects on the clipboard through the dbus. However, the
  add_object and get_object methods (and their variants) rely on knowing
  object_id in order to retrieve something from the clipboard. Typically,
  clipboard has some stack like structure where you can automatically
  the last thing copied to the clipboard without necessarily knowing its
  internal id. This would seem especially important fo passing things to
  activities, which can't reasonably figure out the object_id created when
  something is saved to the clipboard by another activity. Does anyone
  how to just retrieve the last item saved to the clipboard and also get a
  list of the last N items saved to the clipboard?
  Also, the gtk.Clipboard framework allows access to several different
  clipboards that have slightly different purposes. Is there similar
  functionality available through sugar/dbus or would one go directly to
  gtk implementation?

 Hi Faisal,

 we haven't reached any agreement yet about exposing a different
 clipboard API than the one in gtk+ (that wraps around the different
 clipboard-related specs used in X).

 In other words, nobody other than the shell should directly use the
 clipboard service and this will probably disappear in the future.
 Activity authors should the use the clipboard functionality as exposed
 by their toolkits (gtk+) or implement themselves those specs (as etoys
 has done). Can you add this note somewhere in the almanac?


 Sugar mailing list

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] Faster - how do I bypass look, ma - no hands ??

2008-08-04 Thread Eben Eliason
On Mon, Aug 4, 2008 at 2:05 PM, Mikus Grinbergs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Tried latest Faster -- is the small 'rodent' supposed to be cute ?


 Encountered at least two hurdles.  Would someone please answer for me:

  1)  The control panel let me get into xfce.  But HOW is one
  supposed to get back from xfce to Sugar?  I did not see
  anything like a 'Control panel' available within xfce.

I couldn't say, but I'm curious.  I know there is experimentation
going on there, but I'm not aware of a final design choice.

  What I did was to rename .xsession-xfce.  Is there a GUI ?

  2)  After the build install, I was *automatically* put by Sugar
  into 'Control Panel - Software update'.  Only one difficulty
  - I do not have wireless, and even ethernet works for me only
  after I have customized the environmental variables.

Auto-starting any activity or control panel is also against the design
intent.  I really don't want this to happen.  If we think it's
absolutely necessary to push G1G1s into an update, then we should have
an alert (non-modal, perhaps) that appears on first boot instead,
which offers to take them directly into software update.  Failing to
present the Home screen (and a new one, at that) as Home is a bad

- Eben
Sugar mailing list

[sugar] ATTN Activity Authors/Owners: Default activity icon colors

2008-08-01 Thread Eben Eliason
Ticket #7741 [1] points out that inconsistencies in the default colors of
activity icons appear in the filter of the Journal.  This is Sugar's fault,
not yours.  Unfortunately, we can't adjust the APIs as needed in order to
fix this correctly for 8.2, and so we instead humbly request that all
activity icons be bundled with the defaults listed below, to help us hide
our indiscretion until we can do so.  The appropriate defaults, for now,

stroke: #010101
fill: #FF

Note that it should be easy to fix any icons simply by hand editing the file
to adjust the entity definitions (see
http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Making_Sugar_Icons#Defining_Entities_2); it's not
necessary to export the icon again. Thanks for helping us hide our

- Eben, and the Sugar team

PS.  Note that in the future, even though Sugar will always render icons
appropriately in any context, the recommended default for icons will be a
#66 stroke (and white fill), so as to match the appearance of the icons
when rendered in Home.  This will, in particular, improve the consistency of
icon appearances of the wiki.  The script linked from the above wiki page
includes a flag to automatically render icons in the (new) defaults, for
future reference.

[1] http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/7741 (see also:
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] current network differentiation?

2008-07-31 Thread Eben Eliason
On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 3:14 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 is it intentional that the currently-connected network is no
 longer differentiated in the neighborhood view?  the outer ring
 of that network icon used to be white -- it no longer is.

This is intentional.  The colors of the stroke/fill serve as the visual
representation of the identity of the network; changing them effectively
strips this identity.  The new design does not make any indication of which
network is presently associated in the Neighborhood view; perhaps we can
find an alternative method.  Thoughts?

 it's been pointed out that you can see your current network on
 the frame, but somehow that's not quite the same (to me).

Yes, that's the preferred model.  The Frame serves as a perpetual status
element, and is instantly accessible no matter where you are within the
UI.  I'm open to improvements on the model.

i'm also not sure how to disconnect from that network -- there's no
 disconnect option in the popup anymore.

Well, that's a bug, but not really.  The problem is that there is no
notion of disconnect in network manager at all.  The old behavior used to
switch into mesh mode, which disassociated with the network itself.
 However, we now have a more direct means of accomplishing this, via turning
the mesh device on or off explicitly.  It doesn't make sense to compound
these.  The more conventional option is something like turn wireless off
to disassociate with the current network, but that assumes that there is no
other potential use for the wireless at all. In our case we still have the
mesh to worry about, so that again doesn't map onto our circumstances.

- Eben
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] current network differentiation?

2008-07-31 Thread Eben Eliason
On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 3:42 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 eben wrote:
   On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 3:14 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
is it intentional that the currently-connected network is no
longer differentiated in the neighborhood view?  the outer ring
of that network icon used to be white -- it no longer is.
   This is intentional.  The colors of the stroke/fill serve as the visual
   representation of the identity of the network; changing them effectively
   strips this identity.  The new design does not make any indication of
   network is presently associated in the Neighborhood view; perhaps we can
   find an alternative method.  Thoughts?

 i get the color thing, though those colors are all arbitrary,
 right?  but i guess you can say connect to the green/orange
 network as a means of identification, and if the ring is white,
 you can't do that.  but it still feels like the connected network
 should be special in that view.  maybe little radio waves
 emanating from it or something.  :-)

They're arbitrary, but the colors are chosen as a hash of the essid, which
makes them consistently arbitrary.  Your favorite network will always be the
same colors, and a given network will be the same colors on everyone's
machine.  It's just a hint of an identifier, but it's a lot better than

it's been pointed out that you can see your current network on
the frame, but somehow that's not quite the same (to me).
   Yes, that's the preferred model.  The Frame serves as a perpetual status
   element, and is instantly accessible no matter where you are within
   UI.  I'm open to improvements on the model.

 it wasn't until charlie came over and showed me the icon in the frame
 that i'd had the frame up at all today.  but it's certainly a good place
 to go for status information.

I hope that the Frame will see much more use as a result of the redesign;
it's meant to be a crucial interface element, but until now hasn't had much
utility.  It will help when the notification system is integrated, since the
act of connecting to a network will invoke a pulsing network icon in the
corner of the screen, which will then slide into the Frame as a hint at
where to go to find it later.

   i'm also not sure how to disconnect from that network -- there's no
disconnect option in the popup anymore.
   Well, that's a bug, but not really.  The problem is that there is no
   notion of disconnect in network manager at all.  The old behavior used
   switch into mesh mode, which disassociated with the network itself.
However, we now have a more direct means of accomplishing this, via
   the mesh device on or off explicitly.  It doesn't make sense to compound

 i'm not sure what you mean by turning the mesh device on or off
 at least in terms of the current UI.  is that the Radio: checkbox in the
 Network control panel?

There has been lots of confusion about the difference between mesh and APs.
 They're really not the same at all, apart from the fact that they both
depend on the radio.  The new design no longer treats the mesh channels as
objects in the Neighborhood view.  Instead, there will be (is? not sure if
the patch landed yet) a mesh device in the Frame, which you can turn on (and
off?) at whim.

  these.  The more conventional option is something like turn wireless
   to disassociate with the current network, but that assumes that there is
   other potential use for the wireless at all. In our case we still have
   mesh to worry about, so that again doesn't map onto our circumstances.

 i guess i'm thinking of it in traditional terms.  if i'm browsing
 available nets, i might connect to a network by mistake, and want to
 disconnect without necessarily connecting to something else, and now
 it feels (rightly or wrongly) like i can't do that.  i guess it's not
 very important, though.

I'm trying to point out that your assumption isn't actually true.  I'm not
aware of a disconnect option which strictly disconnects from the current
network.  Instead, there is usually a turn off my ability to connect to any
network, disconnecting from the current one in the process option.  This
isn't what we want, because one may want to disconnect from a network but
remain on the mesh.

- Eben
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] current network differentiation?

2008-07-31 Thread Eben Eliason
On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 3:37 PM, Martin Dengler [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 03:23:47PM -0400, Eben Eliason wrote:
  The new design does not make any indication of which
  network is presently associated in the Neighborhood view; perhaps we can
  find an alternative method.  Thoughts?

 Perhaps the currently-associated network's icon can appear below the
 XO icon, as the Journal does initially in the Home view.

Could be tricky, since (hopefully soon) the view will be fixed so that the
current activity is beneath the XO, consistent with the Home view.  There
may be other options, though.

  i'm also not sure how to disconnect from that network -- there's no
   disconnect option in the popup anymore.
  Well, that's a bug, but not really.  The problem is that there is no
  notion of disconnect in network manager at all.

 cjb suggested to me on IRC that Disconnect/Turn Off (for
 wireless/mesh, respectively) could just cut power to the radio.  I
 then suggested that this would work if the restoration of power was
 quick enough that switching to the Neighborhood view could power back
 on the radio and update the icons in some acceptable lag.

Again, I don't think this is really the desired semantic.  It's /almost/
right, and is the traditional means of achieving this, but that also turns
off the ability to be on the mesh, which isn't necessarily what one means by
disconnect from this AP.  They should be independent.  I realize this
isn't as crucial right now, since we can't be on both mesh and AP at the
same time, but in the future it's pretty clear that they need to be

I have implemented[1] and tested this behavior (as part, but not a
 necessary part, of #6995) and I believe it fast enough for further
 investigation and testing.  The only problem is that it's very
 cumbersome to bring back up the msh0 interface correctly, and would
 require some code changes in a variety of places in sugar.


 This problem (and it affects Extreme power mode too) is
 recorded in #7690.

   The old behavior used to
  switch into mesh mode, which disassociated with the network itself.

 This is much less desirable than powering off the wireless, IMO.

I agree.  That's why there's no longer a disconnect option.  We thought it
was better to remove it until it has a proper semantic, rather than
implement it in a peculiar and not readily understandable way.

- Eben

   However, we now have a more direct means of accomplishing this, via
  the mesh device on or off explicitly.

 This is spec'd but subject to #7690, IIUC.

  - Eben


 1. Some example entry points:

  (last last diff block):


Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] patch for a first boot launch of a Help activity

2008-07-31 Thread Eben Eliason
On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 11:29 PM, FFM [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Maybe somewhere in the frame (forever, thus able to provide contextual
 assistance in the future), or as a throbbing icon on the home view (just
 the first launch)?

All of our initial discussions on help focused around a contextual help
system, and I still hope that this is where we'll be taking this in the
future.  By embedding (?) icons within the secondary palette menus for
various devices, objects, activities, and even individual buttons and
controls, we can provide a way to launch into the help activity and dive
directly to the relevant info for the activity, control, etc. selected.  In
addition, I'd like to support a community driven help system by which, in
addition to the activity/olpc provided help, it's possible for kids to add
tips, tricks, images, tutorials, and other info to these sections for later
consumption by peers.

This is a noble, but ambitious goal, which is why a simple and static help
activity is the present solution, and why it's only integrated into the
system at a single point - the activity itself.

- Eben
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] Programming environments on the XO

2008-07-30 Thread Eben Eliason
On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 12:24 PM, Tomeu Vizoso [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 12:44 PM, Martin Sevior [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  On Fri, 2008-07-18 at 14:50 +1000, Martin Sevior wrote:
  On Thu, 2008-07-17 at 23:32 -0400, Brian Jordan wrote:
   The open source project Gobby also uses this sort of who-wrote-what
   text highlighting, SJ and I have recently (right before he left for
   Wikimania) been looking into getting similar functionality on the XO.
   Having this highlighting integrated with Write would be fantastic.
  OK Guys, I get the message :-) I'll look to see how this can be enabled
  by default in the most UI-easy way possible.
  OK Guys,
 Your wish is my command.

 Awesome, anybody would like to expose this functionality in Write?
 Should be quite easy, but may involve adding API to abiwidget.

The original mockups for Write have been waiting for this moment to arrive.
For the reference of any who dare to take on the task (The button being
clicked is a Highlight text by author button):

- Eben

 Thanks a lot,

 Sugar mailing list

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] Killing hung activities

2008-07-29 Thread Eben Eliason
Indeed, the need for this has been expressed in a long forgotten ticket.  I
do think it's something we should support in some fashion, and something
worth a look for 9.1.  More comments on the ticket:
(The in the ring activities mentioned are now in the top edge of the

- Eben

On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 5:35 AM, Bernie Innocenti [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 Today I was testing Paing in Joyride and managed to hung it in a
 way that hogs the CPU.

 There seems to be no way to kill such an activity from Sugar.
 Stop just tries to close the X window, which is ineffective in
 such cases.

 We'd need to fire a timer to check if the activity is still there
 after a few seconds and, in that case, send a SIGKILL.  A safer
 design would pop a Wait/Force Quit window before proceeding.

  \___/  Bernie Innocenti - http://www.codewiz.org/
  _| X |  Sugar Labs Team  - http://www.sugarlabs.org/
  \|_O_|  It's an education project, not a laptop project!

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] inconsistent identification regarding full-screen sessions

2008-07-29 Thread Eben Eliason
On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 6:49 PM, Mikus Grinbergs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 FYI - I am not writing a ticket at this time (until I can reproduce
 consistent misbehavior).  G1G1.  Joyride manually updated to 2216.

Fair enough.  It sounds like we need to tease it apart a bit first; there
might be 3 or 4 separate tickets lurking here...

 My biggest confusion arises because I __cannot visually tell__ which
 icon in the Frame top bar is associated with which running task.


 I did not want to tie up a whole Terminal session to a job which can
 peacefully run in the background -- so I normally start such a job
 (from Terminal) by appending '' to the command.  Afterwards, I can
 enter other (foreground) commands using that same Terminal session.

So, first things first:  Is it appropriate to represent each process started
from a Terminal session as a separate activity in the Frame?  There are
definitely pros and cons. On one hand, they clearly aren't activities (or,
perhaps if they have GUI representations, they are?), and therefore don't
really belong as separate icons in the Frame, which are meant to represent a
unique virtual place which can be reached through the UI.  On the other
hand, having them appear there serves as a fairly nice task manager of sorts
(assuming, of course, we actually handle them in a logical and consistent
way such that they can be distinguished and stopped.

 Happened to call up Frame.  Noticed in the top bar a NUMBER of small
 dark circle icons.  Turned out that when I clicked on one of these
 small dark icons, the frame top bar highlight shifted to that icon
 (and a drop-down palette was shown, offering 'Resume' and 'Stop' --
 but not identifying what session/task that icon was for).

 Not wanting to have these small dark circle icons in my Frame top
 bar, I clicked on 'Stop' in the palette in several of them.  Did NOT
 see any of the small dark circle icons go away.  [But afterwards, I
 found out that my background job had received a signal 11.]

You mention that the 'Stop' action did terminate the process, but that
wasn't reflected (that's likely worth a ticket).  This is likely because
they didn't map to windows which could be closed (but I don't know any
details here).  What happens if you instead press 'Resume'?  Nothing?  Or do
you wind up back in the initial Terminal session?  If we choose to support
such processes in this manner, could 'Resume' be clever enough to reveal the
Terminal and fg the process? Would you want it to?

Speculation:  After I have started the background job, I start a
 full-screen (ported Linux) application from that same Terminal
 session.  If I now enter a sequence of alt-tab presses, sometimes I
 see just the full-screen application (in its proper place in the
 sequence of session screens being shown), but sometimes I see
 __BOTH__ the full-screen application and (on a SEPARATE screen in
 the sequence of screens) the Terminal session from which I launched
 the full-screen application.  I think it likely that when two
 screens get thus shown for what was just a single Terminal session,
 the extra screen (is it the 'full-screen'?  I don't know) gets
 represented in the Frame top bar as a small dark circle icon.

Could you clarify this a bit for me?  At what point do multiple screens
arise?  Do you mean: sometimes when I launch multiple processes from a
Terminal session I get multiple icons in the Frame or sometimes, after I
launch multiple processes from a Terminal session, alt-tabbing /reveals/
multiple icons in the Frame?

If my speculation happens to be true, then I see 3 inconsistencies:

  -  If the full-screen application sometimes shows up as an extra
 screen, and as an extra icon within the Frame top bar, it
 should *always* show up that way.

Agreed.  Consistency is needed.  Either we support it, or we don't.  If we
do, we need to support the available actions ('Stop', 'Resume', etc.) or
remove them completely.

  -  If running a full-screen application can cause an extra icon
 on the Frame top bar, then when the full-screen application is
 exited (goes away), its extra icon in the Frame top bar should
 'go away as well.  [Today my Frame top bar had a considerable
 number of small dark circle icons, presumably created on earlier
 occasions when I started (and stopped) that full-screen
 application.  Yet at any one time I had run only a single
 instance of the full-screen application, plus the one background


  -  If running a full-screen application can cause an extra icon
 on the Frame top bar, then that icon should be *labeled* with
 the name of the command that started that application.  [Also,
 I normally have two Terminal sessions active -- but I have
 filled in the label in the Application top bar to distinguish
 between them.  Yet when I hover over the icons in the Frame top
 bar, both say 'Terminal Activity' instead of using my labels.

Re: [sugar] patch for a first boot launch of a Help activity

2008-07-29 Thread Eben Eliason
My personal opinion on the matter is that we shouldn't be doing the launch
automatically, but others are welcome to disagree. =)  I think the presence
of a nice, clean, question mark icon on the Home screen after boot will be
plenty for those that want to jump into help right away, and instilling the
Home zoom level as just what it is -- Home -- is equally important.
 Particularly because of the fullscreen nature of the activities (and the
new launcher itself), I actually think it would be more disorienting to be
driven directly into the help activity.
I'm not sure the decision was finalized, as the ticket you worked from
didn't make it clear one way or the other.  Thanks for your hard work,
either way!

-  Eben

On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 10:12 AM, Bobby Powers [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 5:42 AM, Marco Pesenti Gritti
  I think the agreement when we met about this was to *not* autolaunch
  the activity. Eben?

 that could certainly be.  it was a fun little project for an hour, and
 I wasn't aware a decision was reached on whether or not to autolaunch


  On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 5:57 AM, Bobby Powers [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  after talking with Seth this evening, I whipped together a small patch
  (against the current git heads of sugar and sugar-toolkit) to launch
  an activity with the service name of org.laptop.Help on the first boot
  of the XO.  It checks the user profile for a field called 'ShowHelp'
  in a category 'FirstBoot', which doesn't exist on the first launch.  I
  know this has been talked about for G1G1, does anyone have any better
  ideas of how to do this?
  Sugar mailing list

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] Activity name box is too small for localized name

2008-07-28 Thread Eben Eliason
This can be fixed globally, and really, it seems there's no reason for it to
be so small.  There's room.  Could you file a new ticket in trac (
http://dev.laptop.org/) and assign it to the Sugar component?  Thanks!
- Eben

On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 10:55 AM, Korakurider [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It seems that size of name box in top of activity tab in each
 activity is designed so that English name fit there,
 and is sometimes small for localized name.  See attached screenshot
 (Write activity) for instance.
 Is there any way to adjust size of the box of activities globally so
 that the name is completely shown,
 or do we need to ask each activity author for change?

 Thanks in advance.

 Sugar mailing list

Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] pulsing icon code move from sugar to sugar-toolkit?

2008-07-21 Thread Eben Eliason
On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 6:49 AM, Martin Dengler [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 11:49:31AM +0200, Marco Pesenti Gritti wrote:
  On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 7:37 AM, Martin Dengler
   On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 12:45:16AM +0200, Marco Pesenti Gritti wrote:
   What user visible feature does it allow to implement?
   #6995 ( http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/6995 ) - move mesh icon to the
frame, and its concomitant make AP and mesh icons pulse and
otherwise consistent with Mesh/Neighborhood view's icons work.
  Yeah, but what if we implement all of that except the pulsing?

 This is easily doable.


  Is it something we can add incrementally in the next release?



  This is also a question for Eben.


But... I cringe to think of not having this feedback.  Network/mesh
behaviors have been a real sore spot in the UI, with confusing icons,
indistinguishable states, and lack of feedback.  I really think we need some
kind of indication when these devices are connecting/disconnecting, and
pulsing is the metaphor we've used everywhere else (and is already being
used in the Neighborhood view for APs).  I'd vote strongly in favor of
finding a way to make this happen before we release this.

- Eben
Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] pulsing icon code move from sugar to sugar-toolkit?

2008-07-21 Thread Eben Eliason
::sigh::  ok.  =)

On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 11:38 AM, Marco Pesenti Gritti [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 5:32 PM, Eben Eliason [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  But... I cringe to think of not having this feedback.  Network/mesh
  behaviors have been a real sore spot in the UI, with confusing icons,
  indistinguishable states, and lack of feedback.  I really think we need
  kind of indication when these devices are connecting/disconnecting, and
  pulsing is the metaphor we've used everywhere else (and is already being
  used in the Neighborhood view for APs).  I'd vote strongly in favor of
  finding a way to make this happen before we release this.

 Let's evaluate them separately. We first land a patch without pulsing
 and then we figure out how/if we can add pulsing, OK?


Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] Question about clipboard service

2008-07-19 Thread Eben Eliason
I can't tell from your wording if you are implying that we will or will not
be creating some custom wrappers for the clipboard service.  I think we
absolutely need them to accomplish several critical clipboard issues (among
them, specifying icons, colors, titles, and previews for clippings).  In
fact, getting this API working effectively is high on my list of priorities
for 9.1
- Eben

On Sat, Jul 19, 2008 at 4:19 AM, Tomeu Vizoso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 10:29 PM, Faisal Anwar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I'm playing around with the clipboard package on sugar and had a quick
  question. So, the clipboardservice.py file shows some basic api for
  and setting objects on the clipboard through the dbus. However, the
  add_object and get_object methods (and their variants) rely on knowing an
  object_id in order to retrieve something from the clipboard. Typically, a
  clipboard has some stack like structure where you can automatically
  the last thing copied to the clipboard without necessarily knowing its
  internal id. This would seem especially important fo passing things to
  activities, which can't reasonably figure out the object_id created when
  something is saved to the clipboard by another activity. Does anyone know
  how to just retrieve the last item saved to the clipboard and also get a
  list of the last N items saved to the clipboard?
  Also, the gtk.Clipboard framework allows access to several different
  clipboards that have slightly different purposes. Is there similar
  functionality available through sugar/dbus or would one go directly to
  gtk implementation?

 Hi Faisal,

 we haven't reached any agreement yet about exposing a different
 clipboard API than the one in gtk+ (that wraps around the different
 clipboard-related specs used in X).

 In other words, nobody other than the shell should directly use the
 clipboard service and this will probably disappear in the future.
 Activity authors should the use the clipboard functionality as exposed
 by their toolkits (gtk+) or implement themselves those specs (as etoys
 has done). Can you add this note somewhere in the almanac?


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Sugar mailing list

Re: [sugar] URL and Integration

2008-07-19 Thread Eben Eliason
/me feels silly. =)

On Sat, Jul 19, 2008 at 2:04 PM, Michael Stone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 09:31:24PM -0400, Eben Eliason wrote:
 On the other hand, maybe what we need more is a forum space.

 You do realize that both forum.laptop.org and the OLPCNews forum have
 been up and running for months (years?) with thousands of replies?

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