Re: [sumo-user] Error TraaS and getCompleteRedYellowGreenDefinition

2019-03-12 Thread Jakob Erdmann
Yes. Thanks for pointing this out. It's now fixed in the repository. You
can rebuild TraaS or wait until tomorrow.


Am Di., 12. März 2019 um 16:19 Uhr schrieb Jose Monreal Bailey <>:

> Does this have to do with it?
> TraCI
>- Function *trafficlight.setCompleteRedYellowGreeenDefinition* now
>accepts *name* as an optional 6th component when defining phases.
>Function ''*trafficlight.getCompleteRedYellowGreeenDefinition* now
>returns *name* as the 6th component when defining phases. Custom
>clients must be patched to handle this.
> Is this updated in TraaS? it's not working on the version I am
> using: d4618041118a355586673e41e9e442ecf4025a28
> On Tue, 12 Mar 2019 at 15:02, Jose Monreal Bailey 
> wrote:
>> Hey everyone,
>> When I execute the command getCompleteRedYellowGreenDefinition for a
>> traffic light, I get the following error:
>> Error reading byte, invalid list position specified for reading: 1068
>> Where can I check the correct inputs for this command (Hex codes) ?
>> Best regards,
>> Jose
>> ___
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Re: [sumo-user] Edge or Lane association to Phase

2019-03-12 Thread Jakob Erdmann

Am Di., 12. März 2019 um 13:14 Uhr schrieb Jose Monreal Bailey <>:

> Hey everyone,
> I am trying to build a hashmap association of edges to the correspondent
> green phase.
> I can get the program definition form the traffic lights, but what is the
> best way to get the edges from the program, or from the phase if possible?
> Best regards,
> Jose
> ___
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Re: [sumo-user] question relative to TAZ

2019-03-12 Thread Jakob Erdmann
If you wish to model demand time lines that vary among the OD-pairs, you
will have split your matrix along the time axis
(one matrix from 0-1 o'clock, one matrix from 1-2 o'clock etc...).
In this case, the documentation regarding timelines becomes irrelevant.
You then have to run od2trips multiple times and load all the generated
trip files into duarouter (or directly into sumo).


Am Di., 12. März 2019 um 15:27 Uhr schrieb :

> Thank you Jakob,
> i have another question relative to this point.
> In the picture down you can find an picture of a excel file
> In this picture “+” is source and “-“ sink.
> As you can see there I have to for every edgeID a different timeline.
> My question is to know the O/D matrix have to know the corresponding
> timeline for specific edgeID.
> Also for me is at the moment not really clear how to define in the same
> timeline file, different timeline which correspond to different edgeID, and
> how we have to do the corresponding of this information in the O/D matrix.
> Because the Absolut number of vehicle for every edge have to be define in
> this. So based of this value the percentage in the timeline can be
> calculated.
> Is the some more explained example?
> I got some overview here :
> But this example is not more detail in the explanation. Because we cannot
> see how The file Name (TGw2_PKW.txt, etc. …) are define.
> Please could you give me more hint ?
> Br
> Christian
> *Von:*  *Im
> Auftrag von *Jakob Erdmann
> *Gesendet:* Montag, 11. März 2019 14:13
> *An:* Sumo project User discussions 
> *Betreff:* Re: [sumo-user] question relative to TAZ
> You can use the same TAZ id for FROM and TO to describe traffic within
> that zone.
> Am Mo., 11. März 2019 um 13:53 Uhr schrieb :
> Hello Sumo users,
> i have a question relative to the description of TAZ File.
> Normally after describing an TAZ File we have to write the Matrix Cell. I
> am using the O-Format, which is given by the form:
> FROM and TO are both the TAZ id.
> We can also use Differentiated Probabilities to describe TAZ .
> So we can give in the same TAZ id many tazSource and Tazsink. My question
> now is to know, if I just have one TAZid which have the complete definition
> of Source, Sink and their weight. How should I describe the O-Format Matrix
> cell ?
> I mean normally I have to put the TAZid Source (FROM) and TAZid sink (TO).
> But now all the source and sink are located in the same TAZid. How should
> we do ?
> Br
> Christian
> ___
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Re: [sumo-user] Error TraaS and getCompleteRedYellowGreenDefinition

2019-03-12 Thread Jose Monreal Bailey
Does this have to do with it?


   - Function *trafficlight.setCompleteRedYellowGreeenDefinition* now
   accepts *name* as an optional 6th component when defining phases.
   Function ''*trafficlight.getCompleteRedYellowGreeenDefinition* now
   returns *name* as the 6th component when defining phases. Custom clients
   must be patched to handle this.

Is this updated in TraaS? it's not working on the version I am
using: d4618041118a355586673e41e9e442ecf4025a28

On Tue, 12 Mar 2019 at 15:02, Jose Monreal Bailey 

> Hey everyone,
> When I execute the command getCompleteRedYellowGreenDefinition for a
> traffic light, I get the following error:
> Error reading byte, invalid list position specified for reading: 1068
> Where can I check the correct inputs for this command (Hex codes) ?
> Best regards,
> Jose
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[sumo-user] Error TraaS and getCompleteRedYellowGreenDefinition

2019-03-12 Thread Jose Monreal Bailey
Hey everyone,

When I execute the command getCompleteRedYellowGreenDefinition for a
traffic light, I get the following error:

Error reading byte, invalid list position specified for reading: 1068

Where can I check the correct inputs for this command (Hex codes) ?

Best regards,
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Re: [sumo-user] question relative to TAZ

2019-03-12 Thread christian.damdjowabo
Thank you Jakob,

i have another question relative to this point.
In the picture down you can find an picture of a excel file


In this picture “+” is source and “-“ sink.
As you can see there I have to for every edgeID a different timeline.
My question is to know the O/D matrix have to know the corresponding timeline 
for specific edgeID.
Also for me is at the moment not really clear how to define in the same 
timeline file, different timeline which correspond to different edgeID, and how 
we have to do the corresponding of this information in the O/D matrix. Because 
the Absolut number of vehicle for every edge have to be define in this. So 
based of this value the percentage in the timeline can be calculated.
Is the some more explained example?
I got some overview here :
But this example is not more detail in the explanation. Because we cannot see 
how The file Name (TGw2_PKW.txt, etc. …) are define.
Please could you give me more hint ?



Von:  Im Auftrag 
von Jakob Erdmann
Gesendet: Montag, 11. März 2019 14:13
An: Sumo project User discussions 
Betreff: Re: [sumo-user] question relative to TAZ

You can use the same TAZ id for FROM and TO to describe traffic within that 

Am Mo., 11. März 2019 um 13:53 Uhr schrieb>>:
Hello Sumo users,
i have a question relative to the description of TAZ File.
Normally after describing an TAZ File we have to write the Matrix Cell. I am 
using the O-Format, which is given by the form:
FROM and TO are both the TAZ id.
We can also use Differentiated Probabilities to describe TAZ .
So we can give in the same TAZ id many tazSource and Tazsink. My question now 
is to know, if I just have one TAZid which have the complete definition of 
Source, Sink and their weight. How should I describe the O-Format Matrix cell ?
I mean normally I have to put the TAZid Source (FROM) and TAZid sink (TO). But 
now all the source and sink are located in the same TAZid. How should we do ?



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Re: [sumo-user] question relative to TAZ

2019-03-12 Thread christian.damdjowabo
Thank you Jakob,

i have another question relative to this point.
In the picture down you can find an picture of a excel file


In this picture “+” is source and “-“ sink.
As you can see there I have to for every edgeID a different timeline.
My question is to know the O/D matrix have to know the corresponding timeline 
for specific edgeID.
Also for me is at the moment not really clear how to define in the same 
timeline file, different timeline which correspond to different edgeID, and how 
we have to do the corresponding of this information in the O/D matrix. Because 
the Absolut number of vehicle for every edge have to be define in this. So 
based of this value the percentage in the timeline can be calculated.
Is the some more explained example?
I got some overview here :
But this example is not more detail in the explanation. Because we cannot see 
how The file Name (TGw2_PKW.txt, etc. …) are define.
Please could you give me more hint ?


Von:  Im Auftrag 
von Jakob Erdmann
Gesendet: Montag, 11. März 2019 14:13
An: Sumo project User discussions 
Betreff: Re: [sumo-user] question relative to TAZ

You can use the same TAZ id for FROM and TO to describe traffic within that 

Am Mo., 11. März 2019 um 13:53 Uhr schrieb>>:
Hello Sumo users,
i have a question relative to the description of TAZ File.
Normally after describing an TAZ File we have to write the Matrix Cell. I am 
using the O-Format, which is given by the form:
FROM and TO are both the TAZ id.
We can also use Differentiated Probabilities to describe TAZ .
So we can give in the same TAZ id many tazSource and Tazsink. My question now 
is to know, if I just have one TAZid which have the complete definition of 
Source, Sink and their weight. How should I describe the O-Format Matrix cell ?
I mean normally I have to put the TAZid Source (FROM) and TAZid sink (TO). But 
now all the source and sink are located in the same TAZid. How should we do ?



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[sumo-user] Edge or Lane association to Phase

2019-03-12 Thread Jose Monreal Bailey
Hey everyone,

I am trying to build a hashmap association of edges to the correspondent
green phase.

I can get the program definition form the traffic lights, but what is the
best way to get the edges from the program, or from the phase if possible?

Best regards,
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Re: [sumo-user] Reaction time configuration

2019-03-12 Thread Jose Monreal Bailey
Thank you Jakob

On Tue, 12 Mar 2019 at 11:47, Jakob Erdmann  wrote:

> Tau is not the reaction time. (
> If you want to model these values at runtime you need to use TraCI or  add
> your own car-following model to SUMO.
> regards,
> Jakob
> Am Di., 12. März 2019 um 12:35 Uhr schrieb Jose Monreal Bailey <
>> Hey everyone,
>> To configure the reaction time of vehicle types, the parameters are tau,
>> acceleration and deceleration, correct?
>> If I need that tau different from acceleration and for deceleration, what
>> could be the solution? Changing it in runtime?
>> Best regards,
>> Jose
>> ___
>> sumo-user mailing list
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>> from this list, visit
> ___
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Re: [sumo-user] Lane-specific speed limit

2019-03-12 Thread Fredrik Nilsson
Oh cool thanks!

From:  on behalf 
of Jakob Erdmann 
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2019 12:39
To: Sumo project User discussions
Subject: Re: [sumo-user] Lane-specific speed limit

I strongly recommend against this as you are likely to break things when 
editing the .net.xml directly (even if it happens to work for speeds).
You can edit lane speeds in netedit (disable the 'select edges' checkbox at the 
top or shift-click to inspect lanes)
Also, see


Am Di., 12. März 2019 um 12:37 Uhr schrieb Fredrik Nilsson>>:
Never mind I found that you can manually edit the net file.

From:>> on behalf 
of Fredrik Nilsson>>
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2019 12:26
To: Sumo project User discussions
Subject: [sumo-user] Lane-specific speed limit


Is it possible to set speed limit per lane instead of per edge? I can't seem to 
find any documentation about this.

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Re: [sumo-user] Reaction time configuration

2019-03-12 Thread Jakob Erdmann
Tau is not the reaction time. (
If you want to model these values at runtime you need to use TraCI or  add
your own car-following model to SUMO.


Am Di., 12. März 2019 um 12:35 Uhr schrieb Jose Monreal Bailey <>:

> Hey everyone,
> To configure the reaction time of vehicle types, the parameters are tau,
> acceleration and deceleration, correct?
> If I need that tau different from acceleration and for deceleration, what
> could be the solution? Changing it in runtime?
> Best regards,
> Jose
> ___
> sumo-user mailing list
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Re: [sumo-user] Lane-specific speed limit

2019-03-12 Thread Jakob Erdmann
I strongly recommend against this as you are likely to break things when
editing the .net.xml directly (even if it happens to work for speeds).
You can edit lane speeds in netedit (disable the 'select edges' checkbox at
the top or shift-click to inspect lanes)
Also, see


Am Di., 12. März 2019 um 12:37 Uhr schrieb Fredrik Nilsson <>:

> Never mind I found that you can manually edit the net file.
> --
> *From:*  on
> behalf of Fredrik Nilsson 
> *Sent:* Tuesday, March 12, 2019 12:26
> *To:* Sumo project User discussions
> *Subject:* [sumo-user] Lane-specific speed limit
> Hi,
> Is it possible to set speed limit per lane instead of per edge? I can't
> seem to find any documentation about this.
> BR,
> Fredrik
> ___
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Re: [sumo-user] Lane-specific speed limit

2019-03-12 Thread Fredrik Nilsson
Never mind I found that you can manually edit the net file.

From:  on behalf 
of Fredrik Nilsson 
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2019 12:26
To: Sumo project User discussions
Subject: [sumo-user] Lane-specific speed limit


Is it possible to set speed limit per lane instead of per edge? I can't seem to 
find any documentation about this.

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[sumo-user] Reaction time configuration

2019-03-12 Thread Jose Monreal Bailey
Hey everyone,

To configure the reaction time of vehicle types, the parameters are tau,
acceleration and deceleration, correct?

If I need that tau different from acceleration and for deceleration, what
could be the solution? Changing it in runtime?

Best regards,
sumo-user mailing list
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[sumo-user] Lane-specific speed limit

2019-03-12 Thread Fredrik Nilsson

Is it possible to set speed limit per lane instead of per edge? I can't seem to 
find any documentation about this.

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