Re: Comments to Annalemic-Equatorial Sundial Page

1998-06-15 Thread Arthur Carlson

Pete Swanstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>   I do want to specifically respond to Dr. Carlson's reply... he is
> absolutely correct in his statement that nearthe summer and winter
> solstices you can not simultaneously determine both the date and the
> time from this sundial, if both are unknown.  ...
>   However, I do disagree with his statement that you would be doing well
> within these periods to determine the date with an accuracy of 1 week. 
> On the first and smaller brass sundial I built, with an 11.5" radius (an
> equatorial scale of 20 minutes/inch) the date may be determined to
> within +- 3 to 4 days during the summer solstice, to within +- 2 to 3
> days during the winter solstice, and to within 1 day most other months
> of the year.  On the much larger park sundial, with a 32.75" radius (an
> equatorial scale of 7 minutes/inch) I can easily determine the date to
> within 2 days around the summer solstice (if I know the correct time,)
> to within 1 day around the winter solstice, and to within 1/4 day during
> most other months of the year.  Knowing the date within these two
> solstice periods, on the park sundial I can still easily read the time
> within 20 seconds (on my home sundial the time can be read to within the
> minute.)  Today for example, when I checked the park sundial, I could
> still distinguish today's date exactly (June 7,) but I was a little
> disappointed to note at 1:57 this nice sunny afternoon that it was 8
> seconds slow in indicating the correct time ;)

The one week accuracy refered to the case of trying to find the date
from a dial without knowing the exact time.  Since the rate of change
of the Equation of Time at the solstice is 13 sec/dy in summer and 30
sec/dy in winter, if you know the exact time and can read the dial to
+/- 20 sec, a realistic value if you have an excellent instrument and
excellent eyes, then the error in determining the date should be no
more than one day all year around, or possibly two days near the
summer solstice.  Even near the equinoxes, the error in determining
the date will be greater than 1/4 day in leap years and the years
preceding them.  In principle, a larger device isn't any more accurate
than a small one, though it is possibly easier to manufacture and

Have you considered replacing your analemmic cut-out with a solid of
revolution?  It simplifies the manufacturing and operation of the
dial, but it does introduce errors of up to 1 min 30 sec because the
exact analemma is "tilted".  This type of dial was apparently invented
by a man named Bernhardt.  I independently reinvented it, but that
doesn't count.  :(

Near sunrise and sunset, atmospheric refraction displaces the image of
the sun by about half a degree, which should show up as an error of
nearly 1-1/2 min, dial fast at sunrise and slow at sunset.  I would be
interested in hearing if you can measure this effect.  I suppose the
20 sec accuracy you reported was for measurements taken when the sun
was reasonably high in the sky.

>   My appologies if I appeared to oversell the result on my web pages.  As
> an engineer, and not a mathematician or a physicist ;) I am usually
> thrilled if I am able determine a solution to any problem within 40%,
> and then I multiply the answer by a safety factor of 2x or more.

In plasma physics, that's the sort of accuracy we usually have to be
happy with, too.

Art Carlson

Re: Comments to Annalemic-Equatorial Sundial Page

1998-06-16 Thread Pete Swanstrom

Wm. S. Maddux wrote:
> Dear Dr. Carlson,
> >Have you considered replacing your analemmic cut-out with a solid of
> >revolution?  It simplifies the manufacturing and operation of the
> >dial, but it does introduce errors of up to 1 min 30 sec because the
> >exact analemma is "tilted".  This type of dial was apparently invented
> >by a man named Bernhardt.  I independently reinvented it, but that
> >doesn't count.  :(
> It is possible to use two half figures of revolution, one for the vernal
> half of the tropical year, the other for the autumnal.  I.e., make two
> lathe turnings, divide them bilaterally and reassort, pairing the
> enantiomorphic halves.  (You get material for two gnomons, one to
> use, one to spoil.)  You mount this "optical cam" with the division
> plane declined from the vertical, and offset laterally according to which
> side's shadow is to be used for reading.  Rotate it 180 degrees
> about the polar direction at each solstice.
> I don't know who first did this, but I've seen a published description
> some years ago, perhaps in "SKY & TTELESCOPE."
> Bill Maddux
> P.s. I independently reinvented this asymmetric dodge, but I too was
> anticipated, and my invention doesn't count either.  : <


Add me too, to the list of disappointed reinventors.  My first design
approach was to try to use a solid analemmic gnomon shape, but I
couldn't think of an easy way to manufacture it or to support it.  My
big "AHA!" came when I realized that I could use a rotatable plate with
an analemmic cutout.  I felt this was easier and cheaper to mass
produce, it required much simpler support, and it could easily be
labeled and read to also indicate every day of the year.

I built my first brass sundial, saw that it actually worked, and decided
to do a patent search for any similar sundials.  I then came across
Samual W. Balch's Jan 19, 1926 U.S. Patent #1,570,029, which claims
exactly the solid analemmic shape that you have described.  I thought I
still had his patent beat for the very reasons I stated above, until
Fred Sawyer informed me that a sundial which looked almost exactly
identical to (mine?) was invented by Mr. John Ryder Oliver in the UK in
the 1890's.  Sigh.

Thanks.  Pete.

Re: Comments to Annalemic-Equatorial Sundial Page

1998-06-17 Thread Pete Swanstrom

Arthur Carlson wrote:
> Near sunrise and sunset, atmospheric refraction displaces the image of
> the sun by about half a degree, which should show up as an error of
> nearly 1-1/2 min, dial fast at sunrise and slow at sunset.  I would be
> interested in hearing if you can measure this effect.  I suppose the
> 20 sec accuracy you reported was for measurements taken when the sun
> was reasonably high in the sky.
> Art Carlson

I started to keep a log of dates and time readings taken from the
analemmic-equatorial park sundial after it was installed.  I watched the
sundial until the most-sharply defined edge of the gnomon's shadow
intersected exactly with a minute mark on the dial, and then checked the
time reading against my watch to see how the sundial reading compared
with the U.S. Naval Observatory Master Timeclock's time. All of the
dates and time readings I recorded are shown below, along with how much
the sundial was fast (+) or slow (-) compared to my watch, and any notes
I made during the readings.

5/04/98   1:30 pm  +- 0 secs (O.K., I got lucky once), date exact.

5/05/98   7:30 am  + 60 secs (fast), date O.K.  I was only able to take
this one reading as the sun disappeared behind a bank of clouds.
  5:50 pm  +- 0 secs to +20 secs, date O.K.  I watched the time
indicated by the gnomon's shadow vary rapidly from 0 seconds under
bright sun to +20 secs fast as thin clouds darted across the sun. Since
this sundial uses an analemma opening, more clouds = wider gnomon shadow
= smaller observed analemma shape = faster time observed (on this date
from the left side of the analemma pattern.)

5/06/98   7:10 am  +- 2 secs (I checked it twice!) Date exact. Clear

5/07/98  12:45 pm  - 10 secs, date exact. Clear sky.

5/15/98  10:53 am  - 15 secs, date exact. Clear sky.

5/17/98  12:17 pm   - 6 secs, date exact. Clear sky.

5/23/98   9:25 am  - 30 secs, 3/4 day slow. Sun behind cloud fringe.

6/04/98  (Forgot to record time) -20 secs, date exact. Some thin cloud

6/07/98   1:47 pm   - 8 secs, date exact. Clear sky.

6/09/98   5:44 pm   - 6 secs, date exact. Clear sky.

6/14/98   7:52 am  - 80 secs (slow), date exact. Clear sky with only a
minimum of high light haze. What happened here?
  2:30 pm   - 8 secs, date exact. Light cloud wisps.

So there were three different occasions when I observed time readings
before 8:00 am... 5/05/98 @ 7:30 am, the sundial was 60 secs fast as the
sun disappeared behind thick clouds; 5/06/98 @ 7:10 am, the sundial was
within +- 2 secs under a clear sky; and 6/14/98 @ 7:52 am, the sundial
was 80 secs slow under clear sky with only a minimum of high light haze.

Bottom line, I have not yet been able to accurately see the atmospheric
refraction effect you described, caused by sunlight traveling obliquely
through an atmosphere of uniformly increasing density. However, I DID
see some large time and/or date inaccuracies, which I could best explain
by refraction of the sunlight through random cloud, temperature and
humidity layers. I think Boise has too much weather!

Pete Swanstrom.

Re: Comments to Annalemic-Equatorial Sundial Page

1998-06-15 Thread Wm. S. Maddux

Dear Dr. Carlson,

>Have you considered replacing your analemmic cut-out with a solid of
>revolution?  It simplifies the manufacturing and operation of the
>dial, but it does introduce errors of up to 1 min 30 sec because the
>exact analemma is "tilted".  This type of dial was apparently invented
>by a man named Bernhardt.  I independently reinvented it, but that
>doesn't count.  :(

It is possible to use two half figures of revolution, one for the vernal
half of the tropical year, the other for the autumnal.  I.e., make two 
lathe turnings, divide them bilaterally and reassort, pairing the 
enantiomorphic halves.  (You get material for two gnomons, one to 
use, one to spoil.)  You mount this "optical cam" with the division 
plane declined from the vertical, and offset laterally according to which 
side's shadow is to be used for reading.  Rotate it 180 degrees 
about the polar direction at each solstice.

I don't know who first did this, but I've seen a published description 
some years ago, perhaps in "SKY & TTELESCOPE."

Bill Maddux

P.s. I independently reinvented this asymmetric dodge, but I too was
anticipated, and my invention doesn't count either.  : <