Some Portable Folded-Paper Flat-Dials

2019-11-26 Thread Michael Ossipoff
I'd just like to say a few more things about the portable folded-paper
flat-dials. What interests me about them is that I like the Regiomontanus,
as my favorite portable dial, and the most easily-built sundial of any
category. But it's of interest how easily-built can be a portable-dial that
doesn't lose accuracy near noon.   ...because that could matter for modern
urban applications, where public-transportation departures, appointments
and events might be near noon.
I spoke of a 1-fold dial with a Horizontal-Dial on one surface and a
vertical Polar-Dial on the other surface. I said that it wouldn't work in
the manner that I'd described. I'd expected it to work with the top-edge of
the vertical section as the gnomon, when use tipped-up as a Polar-Dial with
both surfaces as polar-dial surfaces.
But it would work fine using a nodus at the middle of the connecting-thread
(the thread that secures the right-angle fold). In that manner, it could
work as a Horizontal-Dial and a vertical Polar-Dial, or, tipped-up, it
could work as half of a Box Polar Dial.
A 2:1 paper rectangle is folded at the middle of its long-dimension, to
make two mutually-perpendicular square surfaces. A thread connects the
middle of their outer edges, and that thread has a nodus at its middle.
I call it the "corner-configuration" or "half-box configuration"
With one square horizontal, that square would have a Horizontal-Dial, and
the other would have a vertical Polar-Dial.
Or the dial could be tipped up to make both surfaces polar-dials.
To summarize the 3 folded-paper dial-configurations that I've described:
These 3 configurations each forms half of a right-square-prism, cut in half
by a plane through its axis (analogous to the half of a
right-circular-cylinder comprising a Cylindrical-Eauatorial Dial.
With the 1-fold configurations, the user's thumb, resisted by the
connecting-thread, can hold the 2 surfaces apart at a right-angle.
...which worked fine for all of my corrugated-cardboard Tablet-Dials.
Orientation about the vertical axis is by means of the declination-lines,
labeled by declination or (preferably) by the approximate date for each
1/12 of the year's ecliptic-longitude variation.
1. Corner-Configuration or Half-Box configuration:
As described immediately above.
With one plane horizontal, it mignt not be necessary to have a plumb-line
for leveling. With both planes polar, a plumb-line could orient the dial
about the NS & EW axes.
2. Box-Configuration:
A 2:1 rectangle is perpendicularly folded-up a quarter of its length from
each end.
A thread connects the middles of the top-edges of the up-folded ends. The
nodus is at the middle of that thread.
The 3 folds complicate things for a folded-paper dial. the matter of
holding the up-folded ends perpendicular to the base. That adds a whole
qualitatively different design problem to a folded-paper dial.
Potentially convenient use, by its resemblence to Cylindrical-Equatorial
and especially to a Box-Polar (...which is what it is when tipped up as a
Orientation with respect to EW & NS axes is as for the corner-configuration.

3. V Configuration:
A 2:1 or 1:1 paper square is folded at-middle into a right-angle V.
...hand-held, with the fold-crease in the plane of the meridian, with the
two dial-planes tipped equally from the plane of the meridian.
As with the Corner-Configuration, the right-angle is held by a thread
connecting the middles of the outer-edges of the two sections. The user's
thumb holds the two planes apart, resisted by the connecting-thread.
Each of these 3 configurations can be used in either of 2 orientations:
One plane, or at least some of the edges, is/are horizontal.
All of the planes are polar, parallel to the Earth's axis.

Those combinations of configuration and orientation make 6 possible
portable folded-paper flat-dials.
I'm not claiming that others aren't possible.

The 1-fold configurations would be much easier to build, given the problem
of keeping the box-configuration's two up-folded ends perpendicular to the
plane between them.
In the horizontal-orientation, the corner-configuration looks easier to use
than the V-configuration, because the corner-configuration has a horizontal
surface, giving it easier leveling even without a plumb-line.  (My
Tablet-Dials were all 5-minutes-accurate without a plumb-line or
Especially for the polar-orientation, the V-configuration has appeal.
...though, even there, the corner-configuration might be easier to orient
about the polar-axis, due to the ramp-like orientation of one of its planes.
Of course, for the dials in polar-orientation the line-construction is much
easier to explain. In fact, it practially doesn't need any explanation.

Some Portable Folded-Paper Flat-Dials

2019-11-25 Thread Michael Ossipoff
I'd like to correct a few errors I've made, and make a few more comments.
Just as the cross-section of a Cyindrical-Equatorial Dial is a half-circle,
the ideal cross-section of a Box-Polar Dial or the Horizontal/Polar
combination that I proposed, would be a half-square.
So the piece of paper starts as a 2:1 rectangle, with its end-quarters
folded up at a right-angle (and secured there by a connecting-thread with a
nodus at its middle).  ...resulting in a half-of-a-square cross-section.
The dial that I called "V-Twin Reclining-Declining" (could also be called
"V-Twin EW-Reclining")also has a cross-section that's half of a square.
The difference is that, with the Horizontal/Polar, the half-square sits on
one of its edges, and with the V-Twin, the half-square sits on one of its
If their axes were tipped up, to be parallel to the Earth's axis, both of
those would become square Polar analogs of the Cylindrical-Equatorial.
Any non-declining Flat-Dial (including the Horizontal-Dial) could have
those two Vertical-Polar dials added to its sides. If those Polar-Dials'
top-edges are horizontally-trimmed, on a plane passing through the nodus,
then declination will be shown whenever the Sun is up.   ...the advantage
of Horizontal-Polar over ordinary Horizontal.
Of course the same all-day hours-range is acheived with a
Cylindrical-Equatorial, if its top-edge is trimmed horizontal on a plane
passing through the nodus.
Because it directly shows solar-time and solar-declination, and doesn't
need any explanation, the horizontally-trimmed Cylindrical-Equatorial is my
favorite stationary-dial.
Similarly-trimmed top-edges would allow a Box-Polar Dial, too, to likewise
tell time and declination whenever the Sun is up.
Box-Polar Dials (Polar-Dials with added sides perpendicular to the usual
polar surface)are sometimes made universal, by having pivot for tipping the
bottom polar-surface to an angle equal to the latitude. Of course then it
isn't possible to have the horizontally-trimmed top-edges, and so such
dials can only tell time and declination from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Of course the same would be true of a similarly universal
In their defense, of course a lot of locations are shaded outside of that
hours-range anyway.
Of course then a portable Box-Cylindrical-Dial, too, could be universal,
with either a plumb-line attached to the connecting-thread, or to each of
the vertical sides, or by aligning your latitude on a latitude-arc with the
horizon or a distant point whose height is equal to that of the dial.
Similarly, just as Horizontal-Dials made for a particular latitude were
sometimes made universal by tipping, the same could be done with a
Horizontal-Polar dial.   ...the tipping being achieved as described in the
previous paragraph.
In both instances of course, with the top-edges no longer
horizontal-trimmed, both of those dials would only read from 6 a.m. to 6

In a recent post I mentioned a 1-fold version of Horizontal/Polar. It
wouldn't work in the manner that I described, but it could work. But it
would be troublesome.
My favorite of the non-universal folded-paper flat-dials is
A 2:1 paper rectangle is folded up perpendicularly at its outer quarters,
to make a half-square cross-section.   ...secured by a thread connected the
the middles of the top-edges of the up-folded sections.  ...with a nodus at
the middle of that connecting-thread.
The top-edges of the up-folded sections are horizontally-trimmed on a plane
passing through the nodus.
The dial on the bottom-surface is a Horizontal, and the dials on the
upturned sections are Vertical-Polar Dials.  Hence the name,
"Horizontal/Polar Dial".
I prefer Horizontal-Polar, or Universal Horizontal-Polar, or
Universal-Box-Polar, as the portable dial for when near-noon accuracy is
When near-noon accuracy is needed, it seems to me that nothing matches the
merit of Regiomontanus.
..except that Universal Box-Polar has easier explanation. But the
altitude-formula, on which Regiomontanus is based, is useful in so many
sundial applications (declination-lines, altitude-dials,
co-ordinate-transmormations for Reclining-Declining Dials), that it's a
very sundial-worthwhile explanation.
If universal-ness is desired for a folded-paper flat-dial, then I like the
Box-Polar Dial, adjustable for latitude as described above.
...or Universal Horizontal-Polar, made universal in the same manner.
A folded-paper (with only 1 fold) Universal Disk-Equatorial, as I mentioned
in an earlier post, would be another possibility for a universal portable
dial, but, as I said, it can be a bit awkward in winter, when it's
necessary to read the bottom-surface of the equatorial section. Having
tried it, I'd pefer the other designs that I've suggested, which can be

Some Portable Folded-Paper Flat-Dials

2019-11-24 Thread Michael Ossipoff
I should add that the Folded-Paper Horizontal & Vertical-Polar Dial can
also be made with just one fold:
A 2:1 paper rectanble is folded at its middle in a right-angle.
The fold is held by a thread connecting the middles of the top-edges of the
two squares.
A nodus (bead or tied-short-thread) is at the middle of the
For morning or afternoon, the dial is held with one square vertical and the
other horizontal. For both morning and afternon, of course the horizongal
square needs a horizontal dial drawing on it, and the vertical square needs
a vertical-polar dial drawn on it.
So, it would be necessary to have separate pairs of dials drawn on the two
sides of the rectangle, one for morning and one for evening.
That would necessitate adjusting the connecting-thread. The
connecting-thread could be in the form of a loop, so that the fold could be
reversed, using that same thread-loop. That thread-loop could have a nodus
on each of its two opposite sides, so that the noduc could be
correctly-positioned in morning or afternoon.
Of course, with both sides of the paper needed for the dials, a separate
piece of paper would be needed for the tabulated EqT, and the tabulated
decination or ecliptic-longitude.
48 Su
November 24th
2230 UTC
Michael Ossipof

Some portable folded-paper flat-dials.

2019-11-24 Thread Michael Ossipoff
Some Portable Folded-Paper Flat-Dials
Paper flat-dials with one or two right-angle folds are easily-built and
easily-carried. Some wouldn't be very difficult to use.
First let me comment on one or two other portable dials:
The Regiomontanus card altitude-dial is surely the most easily-built
portable dial, and none is easier to use, other than the difficultly-built
Yes, of course the disadvantage of altitude portable dials is their lower
accuracy around mid-day. I suggest that there's usually no reason why that
would be a problem.
The Romans must have just had a shared-understanding to not expect
puncuality at mid-day appointments. No problem.
And, if you're in the wilderness, then why would you need precise mid-day
times? The important times for that application would be when sunset is
near. Of course altitude-dials' accuracy problem is only around mid-day.
And altitude dials have the great advantage and convenience of telling you
when sunrise and sunset will be.   ...especially useful in wilderness
But suppose that you want a portable dial for modern urban use, when
appointments and bus-departures often occur around mid-day?
The Ring-Equinoctial is accurate around mid-day, and is easy to use, but is
difficult to build.
There are various folded-paper flat-dials that are (at least in principle)
accurate around mid-day, and easy to build. They use a single rectangular
piece of paper, with a right-angle fold at its middle.
In a book, I ran across such aproposal, with a pre-constructed dial to
Xerox and cut out. It was a right-angle-folded paper Disk-Equatorial.
(Though the surfaces were square, of course the degree-arcs were circuar.)
I copied it and made the dial. It was easy to build, but a bit awkward to
use. It required a separate little tab, attached to the dial via a slot, to
cast a shadow on a declination-scale, for horizontal-orientation of the
Vertical orientation(about the EW axis) was intended to be by aligning the
horizon, at sea, with your latitude on a circular latitude-arc. I instead
used a plumb-line on that arc. But I also tried substituting, for the
horizon, a point that is at the same height above the ground as the dial.
When that dial is awkward is in winter (negative solar-declination),
because of course it's necessary to read the bottom surface of the
It made me feel quite conspicuous holding it up in that manner. Something
that can be held lower, as if you were using a smartphone or a book, would
be much more comfortable and convenient for me.
Here are a few such possible designs for a portable right-angle-folded
paper flat-dial:
1. Rectangularly-Twice-Folded Horizontal & Vertical-Polars Dial:
The paper is a 3:1 rectangle, with the ends folded up at a right-angle,
box-like, forming 3 squares. That position is held by a piece of thread
connecting the middles of the top-edges of the vertical sections.
At the middle of the string is a nodus, consisting, for example, of a small
bead, or a short piece of thread tied there.
So a Horizontal-Dial is drawn on the middle horizontal square, and
Vertical-Polar Dials are drawn on the two vertical squares.
It tells time sand declination whenever the Sun is above the horizon.
Horizontal orientation is by the declination-lines. On the back of one of
the squares could be a table of EqT. On the back of another of the squares
could be a table of declination.
So of course one would horizontally orient the dial so that it reads the
correct declination for the date of use.
Leveling? Of coures there have been Tablet-Dials with spirit-level or
plumb-line. But the portable tablet-dials that I made didn't have a
spirit-level or a plumb-line, and they were all accurate within 5 minutes
(one of them 3 minues).
This Twice-Rectangularly-Folded Horizontal and Vertical-Polar Dial would,
with its flat square likely be as easy to level as the Horizontal
Tablet-Dials that I made.
But it could also have a plumb-line hanging from the connecting-thread; or
have two plumb-lines attached to the vertical squares (anywhere would do).
2. V-Twin Reclining-Declining-Dial:
This would have simpler folding--just one fold--but would require drawing
hour & declination lines for Reclining-Declining Dials, which is what would
be on the upper-surfaces of the squares.
A 2:1 rectangular paper is folded at its middle, into a right-angle V, with
two square sections. The fold is held by a connecting thread between the
middles of the top-edges of the two squares. A nodus (bead or tied short
thread)is at the middle of that connecting thread.
Reclining-Declining Dials are drawn on the upper surfaces of both squares.
On the back of one square is the table of EqT. On the back of the other
square is the table of declination.
Horizontal orientation is by alighning the dial so that the
declination-reading is correct.

Keeping the crease level likely wouldn't be d