Re: bad sundials

2011-03-19 Thread Richard Langley
Included in the bad sundials list should be sundials, which were  
properly constructed for the location but improperly installed or  
improperly re-installed after cleaning or refurbishment. I happened to  
notice one I think falls in the latter category on the way to the  
terminal at Heathrow Airport last week. When the Hoppa bus stopped  
at the Renaissance Hotel off Bath Road (on the airport or south side),  
looking out the bus window, I noticed their sundial in the small  
garden in front of the main entrance. This is an equatorial dial. The  
gnomon does not point to the NCP. It points to the south and looks  
like the whole sundial needs to be rotated 180 degrees about the  
vertical. I didn't have time to get out and look at it more closely  
but I suspect there are four symmetrical mounting bolts and the  
sundial installer just plunked it down in the first orientation that  
fitted the bolts. Or some such mounting problem. The picture on their  
website seems to have the correct orientation judging by the direction  
of the shadow of the whole sundial.
Has anyone else noticed this bad sundial? Or reported it to the  
hotel? Pictures taken from inside the bus available on request.
-- Richard  

| Richard B. LangleyE-mail: |
| Geodetic Research Laboratory  Web: 
| Dept. of Geodesy and Geomatics EngineeringPhone:+1 506  
453-5142   |
| University of New Brunswick   Fax:  +1 506  
453-4943   |
| Fredericton, N.B., Canada  E3B  
|Fredericton?  Where's that?  See: http://   |



Re: bad sundials

2011-03-13 Thread Mike Shaw

John Carmichael wrote:
I think Mike Shaw has a posting somewhere of horribly wrong sundials. Mike
are you there? 


Hi John and everyone.
Yes, I'm still alive and watching the list with interest.

You're right (as usual), but I think you are remembering a short 
presentation that I did at a sundial society conference (NASS I think) some 
time ago.
I give quite a lot of talks about sundials, and I often finish with a short 
section illustrating what to look for when buying an 'off-the-shelf' 

Bear in mind that these talks are for the uninitiated.

Things to look for are:
a) Is the gnomon perpendicular to the dial face and pointing in the right 

b) Are both shadow casting edges straight?
c) Is the angle of the gnomon equal to your latitude?
d) Is there a noon gap?
e) Is the dial origin on a line joining the 6am to 6pm marks?
f) Do the numbers go round the right way for your location?

These points are illustrated, using one of Tony Moss' excellent horizontal 
dials, on my web page (see below), which, I'm afraid, is sadly in need of 
some maintenance - follow the link to Buyer's Guide.

That all said, I do have a collection of photos of about 15 or so horribly 
wrong dials which display all these errors which I will happily post, 
off-list, to anyone interested.

I see that I have them in a folder entitled Crap.
These were all on sale to the public in garden centres, ebay etc..

BTW, do we still need the maximum attachment size restriction on the list?

Mike Shaw
53'22N 03'02W


Re: bad sundials

2011-03-13 Thread Tony Moss

On 12/03/2011 19:39, Brent wrote:

Hello again;

I hope I am not trying your patience with my endless questions.

Today I am thinking about all of the mistakes that I have made in my 
thinking about sundial designs. The motions between the sun and earth 
are more complicated than I first thought.

I wonder if lots of people make sundial mistakes?
I wonder if there are lots of sundials around that contain mistakes?
I wonder if there are any famous sundial blunders?

thanks again;


Hi Brent,
I have before me a picture of a gorgeous London made dial from the 1700s 
which must have taken weeks to engrave with WSW in place of ESE in the 
compass rose. I'd have liked to be a 'fly on the wall' when he/she 
discovered the mistake.

Some years ago I made a dial for an American friend with roman numerals 
running VIII, IX, X, IX, XII. He had an enlarged version of the artwork 
on his office wall for several weeks without spotting the error but did 
so *just after I had etched the plate!*. I offered to do a 'palimpsest' 
on the reverse side but the original was retained as a novelty. The same 
plate was displayed at a NASS conference where we had secretly agreed a 
special prize for anyone who noticed the error but nobody did so.

The person who 'never made a mistake probably never made anything!

Tony Moss


Re: bad sundials

2011-03-13 Thread Willy Leenders

For most errors on sundials there is an explanation.
Sometimes the cause is a mystery.
As for the special sundial in Company's Garden in Cape Town (South Africa)

(note that in the southern hemisphere the sequence of hour numbers on a 
horizontal dial is counter clockwise)

Willy Leenders
Hasselt in Flanders (Belgium)

Op 12-mrt-2011, om 20:39 heeft Brent het volgende geschreven:

 Hello again;
 I hope I am not trying your patience with my endless questions.
 Today I am thinking about all of the mistakes that I have made in my thinking 
 about sundial designs. The motions between the sun and earth are more 
 complicated than I first thought.
 I wonder if lots of people make sundial mistakes?
 I wonder if there are lots of sundials around that contain mistakes?
 I wonder if there are any famous sundial blunders?
 thanks again;


bad sundials

2011-03-12 Thread Brent

Hello again;

I hope I am not trying your patience with my endless questions.

Today I am thinking about all of the mistakes that I have 
made in my thinking about sundial designs. The motions 
between the sun and earth are more complicated than I first 

I wonder if lots of people make sundial mistakes?
I wonder if there are lots of sundials around that contain 

I wonder if there are any famous sundial blunders?

thanks again;


Re: bad sundials

2011-03-12 Thread Patrick Powers
Hi Brent,

The BSS Register has many ‘non-dials’ on its books. Some (though few) have 
other dialling interest. We used to record all except the most flagrantly 
erroneous one so that we could use the data for research but now are moving 
away from that because there are so many ‘garden-centre dials’ that do not 
work.  Plenty of dial designers make mistakes and it isn’t hard for the so 
called experts to do so either!  I’d always recommend that designers make a 
model out of paper or card before committing.  Not only that but if you are 
designing the dial commercially and have no professional indemnity insurance 
the submission of the working model can be used to secure acceptance of the 
design (and hence limit the risk for the designer) without the expense of 
professional insurance.


From: Brent 
Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2011 7:39 PM
To: Sundial List 
Subject: bad sundials

Hello again;

I hope I am not trying your patience with my endless questions.

Today I am thinking about all of the mistakes that I have 
made in my thinking about sundial designs. The motions 
between the sun and earth are more complicated than I first 

I wonder if lots of people make sundial mistakes?
I wonder if there are lots of sundials around that contain 
I wonder if there are any famous sundial blunders?

thanks again;


Re: bad sundials

2011-03-12 Thread Willy Leenders

In my province, where I know about all sundials the biggest blunder in terms of 
time difference between the indicated time and the actual time, is  an 
equatorial sundial with the hour digits in reverse order.
He may be right in the southern hemisphere.


Willy Leenders
Hasselt in Flanders (Belgium)

Visit my website about the sundials in the province of Limburg (Flanders) with 
a section 'worth knowing about sundials' (mostly in Dutch):

Op 12-mrt-2011, om 20:39 heeft Brent het volgende geschreven:

 Hello again;
 I hope I am not trying your patience with my endless questions.
 Today I am thinking about all of the mistakes that I have made in my thinking 
 about sundial designs. The motions between the sun and earth are more 
 complicated than I first thought.
 I wonder if lots of people make sundial mistakes?
 I wonder if there are lots of sundials around that contain mistakes?
 I wonder if there are any famous sundial blunders?
 thanks again;


RE: bad sundials

2011-03-12 Thread John Carmichael
I think Mike Shaw has a posting somewhere of horribly wrong sundials. Mike
are you there? It would make a great webpage.  

-Original Message-
From: [] On
Behalf Of Brent
Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2011 12:39 PM
To: Sundial List
Subject: bad sundials

Hello again;

I hope I am not trying your patience with my endless questions.

Today I am thinking about all of the mistakes that I have 
made in my thinking about sundial designs. The motions 
between the sun and earth are more complicated than I first 

I wonder if lots of people make sundial mistakes?
I wonder if there are lots of sundials around that contain 
I wonder if there are any famous sundial blunders?

thanks again;

