[freenet-support] Bug report

2004-01-15 Thread Victor Hammersley

Using build 6441, and fred said:

Waited more than 200ms to dequeue, 15 in queue, 6701 millis since enqueued 
last item, 291589 maximum waits so far - could indicate serious JVM bug. 
Please report to [EMAIL PROTECTED] along with JVM and OS/kernel.

Waited more than 200ms to dequeue, 6 in queue, 2047 millis since enqueued last 
item, 345291 maximum waits so far - could indicate serious JVM bug. Please 
report to [EMAIL PROTECTED] along with JVM and OS/kernel.

java version "1.4.2"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2-b28)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2-b28, mixed mode)

Linux 2.6.0-0.test5.1mdk #1 Fri Sep 12 05:22:50 CEST 2003 i686 unknown unknown 

hope this helps
Victor Hammersley R.,  vhammer en iname pto com
counter.li.org user #293717
"Las armas se deben reservar para el último lugar, donde y cuando
 los otros medios no basten." -- Maquiavelo.
Support mailing list

Re: [freenet-support] Request for including your software in our database

2004-01-15 Thread Troed Sångberg
On Thu, 15 Jan 2004 19:56:22 +, Toad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You may redistribute, repackage, and modify freenet as much as you like
under the terms of the GNU General Public License;
I've thought about this since yesterday's mail debate regarding signatures:

Freenet will fail its purpose if there isn't a secure way of retrieving  
official Freenet versions. Allowing anyone to host Freenet clients for  
download only makes it more likely that at some time someone will host a  
Freenet client that actively compromises anonymity - for the user of that  
client, and maybe, networked together to perform traffic analysis and  
compromise others not running that client.

This is a problem. If the Freenet CVS isn't secured enough to only allow  
core developers to submit, that need to be fixed. If it is - there's no  
problem. No one asks for releases personally certified by Toad or Ian -  
but a way to _know_ that the Freenet client comes from the Freenet project  
and not Joe Doe. I must confess that I would assume no Freenet client is  
released without someone manually checking the submitted code against  
privacy leaks, new developers shouldn't be able to submit code otherwise.

I played with the idea of mailing this list, with a spoofed from (Toad,  
client update) and a link using a few well known Internet Explorer tricks  
that hides the true URL, and see how many people I could get to download a  
fake client. I didn't, though, since I guess more than a few people here  
might be all too upset by such a little scam.

The easiest solution is to give out Freenet-links to the new versions,  
right? I'd still like to see a full blown digital signature solution, but  
in the mean time it's "good enough" if people already running Freenet know  
they can update their client within Freenet, from a well-known key.

http://troed.se - controversial views or common sense?
Support mailing list

Re: [freenet-support] Request for including your software in our database

2004-01-15 Thread Toad
Thank you.

The actual version of the software was 0.4. We are way behind 1.0, let
alone 4.0.

The current officially released version is 0.5.2, which you can get from
http://freenetproject.org/snapshots/freenet- (for *nix), or
http://freenetproject.org/snapshots/freenet- .

The windows version is normally installed via the lightweight installer,
which will download other required components:


If you want to include the other required components for a particular
version, rather than depending on downloading from our site, they are:

NodeConfig.exe (from http://freenetproject.org/snapshots/NodeConfig.exe )
freenet.exe (from http://freenetproject.org/snapshots/freenet.exe )
The README (from http://freenetproject.org/snapshots/README )
freenet-ext.jar (from
http://freenetproject.org/snapshots/freenet-ext.jar )
freenet.jar (from
http://freenetproject.org/snapshots/freenet-latest.jar )

The official download page, which I suggest you mirror rather than or as
well as the Cnet page you current mirror is at:


You may redistribute, repackage, and modify freenet as much as you like
under the terms of the GNU General Public License; simply, you may do
whatever you want with it apart from preventing others from doing so, or
removing attributions. IANAL though - check the GPL itself, which is
included in the source, or from the FSF (fsf.org), if there is any

Thanks for contacting us and good luck with your project.

On Thu, Jan 15, 2004 at 03:43:07PM -0500, Dr G P S Raghava wrote:
> Dear Sir/Madam
> We are maintaining a database of free softwares for general purpose
> (www.imtech.res.in) which are available free of cost for general user
> and academic community. The aim of this project is to help the scientific
> community in distributing these software. We are a academic institute
> are not charging any money from users who wish to download these
> software from our site. we have found your software to be useful for
> general Information Technology professionals, general computer users
> and others also. We wish to include your software in our next database release.
> We already have a copy of software from web. In case , you do not agree please
> initimate us, for removal of your software from our database. presently your
>  software will be available from our site i.e. Freenet4.0 (software name)
> at www.imtech.res.in/fsgp/. whenever you are not interested
> to distribute these software from our site , please write to us . We will
> remove your software from our database. Initially we plan to provide a link
> to the original software but later we have realized that a number of
> software are not available from net or their original site is not accessible
> or some sites may close frequently. As well as some users do not have 
> internet connections particularly in developing countries , 
> so off-line distribution will help them. Thus, we thought we
> should keep one copy at our site and also provide a link to 
> original site for downloading these software. We encourage users
> to download software from their original site rather than from
> our site (We clearly mention on home page of the database).
> This way user will get latest version. We also mention clearly
> that user should read terms and conditions and copy right statement
> laid for users.
> Regards
> Dr. G.P.S Raghava , Scientist & Co-ordinator 
> Bioinformatics Center
> Institute of Microbial Technology, Sector 39 A 
> Chandigarh-160036 , INDIA
> Phone : +91-0172-2690557
> Fax : +91-0172-2690585 or 2690632 
> Web : www.imtech.res.in/raghava/ 
> ___
> Support mailing list
> http://news.gmane.org/gmane.network.freenet.support

Matthew J Toseland - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Freenet Project Official Codemonkey - http://freenetproject.org/
ICTHUS - Nothing is impossible. Our Boss says so.

Description: Digital signature
Support mailing list

[freenet-support] Request for including your software in our database

2004-01-15 Thread Dr G P S Raghava
Dear Sir/Madam

We are maintaining a database of free softwares for general purpose
(www.imtech.res.in) which are available free of cost for general user
and academic community. The aim of this project is to help the scientific
community in distributing these software. We are a academic institute
are not charging any money from users who wish to download these
software from our site. we have found your software to be useful for
general Information Technology professionals, general computer users
and others also. We wish to include your software in our next database release.
We already have a copy of software from web. In case , you do not agree please
initimate us, for removal of your software from our database. presently your
 software will be available from our site i.e. Freenet4.0 (software name)
at www.imtech.res.in/fsgp/. whenever you are not interested
to distribute these software from our site , please write to us . We will
remove your software from our database. Initially we plan to provide a link
to the original software but later we have realized that a number of
software are not available from net or their original site is not accessible
or some sites may close frequently. As well as some users do not have 
internet connections particularly in developing countries , 
so off-line distribution will help them. Thus, we thought we
should keep one copy at our site and also provide a link to 
original site for downloading these software. We encourage users
to download software from their original site rather than from
our site (We clearly mention on home page of the database).
This way user will get latest version. We also mention clearly
that user should read terms and conditions and copy right statement
laid for users.


Dr. G.P.S Raghava , Scientist & Co-ordinator 
Bioinformatics Center
Institute of Microbial Technology, Sector 39 A 
Chandigarh-160036 , INDIA
Phone : +91-0172-2690557
Fax : +91-0172-2690585 or 2690632 
Web : www.imtech.res.in/raghava/ 
Support mailing list

[freenet-support] Stable build 5061

2004-01-15 Thread Toad
Freenet stable build 5061 is now available. The snapshots have been
updated. Get it via the update.sh script on Linux, BSD, or OS/X, or use
the freenet-webinstall.exe utility to update on Windows, or get the jar
from http://freenetproject.org/snapshots/freenet-latest.jar . All stable
branch users should upgrade.

The major change is a change to routing that takes what was done in 5060
in the opposite direction, sort of... if every node rejects us, we will
try the backed off nodes, but we will do it only after trying all the
non-backed-off nodes. This strategy appears to have been working for
local requests, before 5060, so maybe it will work more widely. This is
also how we use backoff on NGRouting... anyway, all stable nodes should
be upgraded as soon as possible. In practice it should improve the local
node's performance irrespective of other nodes, in that it reduces the
number of RNFs and increases the chance of finding data, but it may also
increase the overall network load.. we may have taken it too far in the
other direction in 5060. The only local cost is that it may take longer
for requests to fail.
Matthew J Toseland - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Freenet Project Official Codemonkey - http://freenetproject.org/
ICTHUS - Nothing is impossible. Our Boss says so.

Description: Digital signature
Support mailing list

[freenet-support] Re: Stable build 5060 - more routing improvements

2004-01-15 Thread Someone

I'm still getting many of these:

jobPartDone(431) on [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], identity=[DSA(*removed*)], 
chan=[java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[connected local=/*removed* 
remote=/*removed*]], peer=[Peer [DSA(*removed*) @ *removed* (1/3)]], 
outbound=[false]] but sendingPacket == null!

Got a trailer chunk ahead of our time!: message starts 73728, stream currently 
at 20480 from [EMAIL PROTECTED]: id=15563, keyOffset=73728, 
length=4096, cb=null on [EMAIL PROTECTED]: curPos=20480, 0 chunks 
pending, wantChunk=true

with Build 5060 using Sun JRE 1.4.2_03 on a Win2k machine. CPU and memory usage
is again higher than before.
Support mailing list

RE: [freenet-support] New node not working..."500 server error"from

2004-01-15 Thread Niklas Bergh
> I never changed the browser configuration when I went from dial-up to 
> cable. Then again, since it is a Microsoft product, maybe it's going 
> around changing things behind my back and exercising more autonomy 
> than it should. I'll check...
> All there is in LAN settings (which I assume will be used for 
> anything going through the network card, including cable inet) is 
> "automatically detect settings". There's a "bypass proxy server for 
> local addresses" option, but checking it would require taking off 
> "automatically detect settings" and setting who knows what else to 
> make normal Web browsing work again.

'Automatically detect settings' makes IE hail your ISP for proxy
configuration and thereafter use the proxy the ISP gives you back for
every single web page you are fetching from the net... Seems that the
problem here is that your ISP has a broken automatic configuration
script. This brokenness causes your  your browser to ask the ISP:s proxy
to fetch a page from itself and then send it to you.. A non-broken
configuration script would make your browser ask your own machine for
the page instead (and that is where it actually resides).

Not using a proxy is 'normal browsing'. 

Just untick the 'automatically detect settings' checkbox and see if you
can browse the web correctly that way.. You can always turn it back on
again if it doesn't.. This feature is mostly used in enterprises, not so
much for home internet connections.

> Why on earth is this proving to be so complicated... *sigh* No other 
> p2p software I've got has had the slightest hiccup associated with 
> the transition to cable -- the speed boost and stabler connections 
> are all they seem to notice. :)

Try accessing BearShares localhost web interface for instance.. Same
thing ought to happen

> Also, browsing locally hasn't been affected before, now that I think 
> of it. Several things on my system have documentation in plain-jane 
> HTML, notably GTKRadiant, and those render OK in IE. Seems like it 
> has no problem with static local content, only local services on 
> loopback?

Most of those documentation page doesn't come with a web server serving
The problem has nothing to do with the actual content but rather with
how it is delivered to the browser
If the url is something like file:///yyy/zz.html the files are read
directly from your local drive
If the url is something like http:///yyy/zz.html the files are
requested from a web server running on machine ''
The proxy settings in IE only applies to http server connections.

Support mailing list

Re: [freenet-support] New node not working..."500 server error" from

2004-01-15 Thread Troed Sångberg
On Thu, 15 Jan 2004 08:36:38 -0500, Paul Derbyshire  

Lastly, is this port  being exposed to the Internet going to pose
a security risk, or is the fproxy service reasonably robust against
the usual things, e.g. buffer overflow exploits. The only thing I can
That's something you get for free with Java - no buffer overflow attacks  
possible. I wish more people understood the importance of that instead of  
yelling the usual "Java is slow and bloated".

/me - professional Software Engineer. Extensive C++ experience, but  
appreciative of the features in Java.

http://troed.se - controversial views or common sense?
Support mailing list

Re: [freenet-support] New node not working..."500 server error" from

2004-01-15 Thread Paul Derbyshire
On 15 Jan 2004 at 5:54, S wrote:

> telnet 
> Hit Enter. When the connection opens, type:
> HEAD / HTTP/1.0

Had to blind-type this -- nothing echoed.

> HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily
> Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2004 05:43:59 GMT
> Pragma: no-cache
> Location: /servlet/nodeinfo/
> Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT
> Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0
> Connection: close
> Content-length: 191
> Content-type: text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1
> Server: Fred 0.5 (build 5060) HTTP Servlets

Bingo. Right down to the build number.

> Probably transparent proxying. Yuck. Still shouldn't affect localhost,
> though. Have you checked your browser configuration to see if
> has been explicitly defined as a proxy? If so, assuming IE,
> is "Bypass proxy for local addresses" checked?

I never changed the browser configuration when I went from dial-up to 
cable. Then again, since it is a Microsoft product, maybe it's going 
around changing things behind my back and exercising more autonomy 
than it should. I'll check...
All there is in LAN settings (which I assume will be used for 
anything going through the network card, including cable inet) is 
"automatically detect settings". There's a "bypass proxy server for 
local addresses" option, but checking it would require taking off 
"automatically detect settings" and setting who knows what else to 
make normal Web browsing work again.

Why on earth is this proving to be so complicated... *sigh* No other 
p2p software I've got has had the slightest hiccup associated with 
the transition to cable -- the speed boost and stabler connections 
are all they seem to notice. :)

Also, browsing locally hasn't been affected before, now that I think 
of it. Several things on my system have documentation in plain-jane 
HTML, notably GTKRadiant, and those render OK in IE. Seems like it 
has no problem with static local content, only local services on 

Lastly, is this port  being exposed to the Internet going to pose 
a security risk, or is the fproxy service reasonably robust against 
the usual things, e.g. buffer overflow exploits. The only thing I can 
imagine being more trouble than an exposed and exploitable service 
opening a port on my machine is an exposed and exploitable service 
whose port on my machine is reachable from every other box on the net 
except mine, rendering me blind to whatever's going on in there. :)
Support mailing list

Re: [freenet-support] New node not working..."500 server error" from

2004-01-15 Thread S
On Thu, 15 Jan 2004 06:02:22 -0500
"Paul Derbyshire" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> at in ie 6.x. I know my ISP (cable) has some sort of 
> wonky caching of web pages, as evidenced by intermittent random 500-
> series errors I never got on dial-up and the odd out-of-date page 
> coming up but not when I hit "refresh". But their webcache shouldn't 
> affect loopback, should it?

Here's a quick way to test. Fire up a command prompt, and then type:


Hit Enter. When the connection opens, type:


Then hit Enter twice. The response should look something like this:

HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2004 05:43:59 GMT
Pragma: no-cache
Location: /servlet/nodeinfo/
Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT
Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0
Connection: close
Content-length: 191
Content-type: text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1
Server: Fred 0.5 (build 5060) HTTP Servlets

The line you're interested in is "Server: Fred 0.5 ... ." If anything
other than Fred is reported as the server, then either some other
application on your PC is using port  or your browser is forwarding
every request to a proxy.

> It reveals an IP address of

This does appear to be your IP address. It shows in the mail headers,
and port  is open.

> We have received a request from for subscription..."

Probably transparent proxying. Yuck. Still shouldn't affect localhost,
though. Have you checked your browser configuration to see if has been explicitly defined as a proxy? If so, assuming IE,
is "Bypass proxy for local addresses" checked?

Support mailing list

[freenet-support] New node not working..."500 server error" from

2004-01-15 Thread Paul Derbyshire
Got the windows webinstall executable and ran it less than 2 hours 
ago. Node may or may not be running ok, but fproxy is definitely on 
the blink. Looked at (without altering) the options, and nothing is 
obviously bad, such as say fproxy being turned off.


Server Error
The following error occurred:
Bad URL 

Please contact the administrator. 

at in ie 6.x. I know my ISP (cable) has some sort of 
wonky caching of web pages, as evidenced by intermittent random 500-
series errors I never got on dial-up and the odd out-of-date page 
coming up but not when I hit "refresh". But their webcache shouldn't 
affect loopback, should it?

Which suggests maybe a NAT router/firewall issue, save that I don't 
have any real reason to believe I even have one. The installer 
brought a cable modem of the Toshiba brand, and that's it. If it has 
a built-in NAT router it's less than obvious how to configure it in 
the manner the FAQ suggests, given that the sole UI the device 
provides is about half a dozen blinking lights. Of course, there's 
the network status icon in the systray...

It reveals an IP address of, and since nothing is 
firewalling external connections on weird ports as evidenced by being 
able to play Quake over this connection, maybe nothing else needs be 
configured save to manually put this in the freenet.ini. That, and 
change it every week, since it doesn't seem to be stable on longer 
timescales, even without a reboot.

Tried that and no go. So I subscribe reluctantly to Yet Another 
Mailing List and lo! and behold,

"Mailing list subscription confirmation notice for mailing list 

We have received a request from for subscription..."

66.185.what?! That's not the IP Windows is reporting. Some kind of 
NAT is going on, then. (Weirdly, this hasn't stopped people being 
able to connect to a Quake server if I host one and tell them the 
24.somethingorother IP...maybe separate addresses for incoming and 
outgoing data?)

Anyway, something needs to be done here and I'm afraid I don't know 
what. Putting the 66.whatever address in the freenet.ini didn't do 
beans, at least on its own, and communicating some kind of port 
forwarding information to this cable modem seems impossible, unless 
it can be done either by
a) staring at the blinking lights until the modem is hypnotised, then 
using a post-hypnotic suggestion that a port be forwarded or
b) somehow launching the configuration tool for the modem driver 
despite the minor niggling problem of this tool's not existing and 
the driver's also not existing, and then finding the "port 
forwarding" tab, which presumably also doesn't exist, and entering 
some numbers and mumblety-peg in it before clicking the (nonexistent, 
no doubt) "ok" button.
Any suggestions?

While we're at it, two niggling issues:
1. Once you've accessed the right click menu on the freenet tray 
icon, the tooltip status indication can no longer be made to present 
itself by any amount of mouse hovering -- I think it ran out of fuel 
and crashed into the little bunny rabbit making an unholy mess before 
I gave up. :)
2. The Web site has a couple minor issues, and a major one, which is 
that at the bottom of the tools page the link titled "here" for 
contributing ideas is a 
big fat 404. Finding and identifying the minor issues is left as an 
exercise for 
the reader.

I also want to note here that the listserv's confirmation URLs are 
too long for 
at least one popular mail client to handle correctly, forcing the 
manual copy 
and paste method that nobody likes. In future, please send 
confirmation URLs that are no longer than 95 characters. I doubt the 
one I got (103 characters) honestly needed to be *quite* that long 
and still do its job. :)
Support mailing list

RE: [freenet-support] Helping with website & a little question...

2004-01-15 Thread Herve Lefebvre
> I would suggest the project leader Ian Clarke,
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] He will most likely read your mail very soon.
> :)

It seems this email adress is invalid.


Support mailing list

RE: [freenet-support] Helping with website & a little question...

2004-01-15 Thread Niklas Bergh
> Hello,
> I'd like to help freenet creating a translated into french 
> website, and also writing so docs or HOWTO etc.


> BTW, I've already written some articles about freenet such as 
> http://www.linuxfrench.net/article.php?> id_article=597 but the 
> comments are "we dont understand 
> anything on the website" or "I cant fetch any document" etc. 
> That's why I'd like to write some french docs  and translate 
> the web site.
> Who should I contact ?
I would suggest the project leader Ian Clarke,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] He will most likely read your mail very soon.

>Who is maintaining the website ?
No-one and everyone

> Is the website maintained through a CVS  ?

It is.

> Otherwise, a little technical question. My node is _always_ 
> overloaded (due  to BW limit 128Kb/s), and my routing table 
> knows only 50 other nodes even after some days of uptime. Do 
> I have a problem with my node, or others have also these kind 
> of values ?

Nope, that is perfectly normal.. The overload issue is beeing worked on
continously and 50 is the default configuration value for how many other
nodes the node should try to route to.


Support mailing list

RE: [freenet-support] Stable build 5055 crashes under Linux

2004-01-15 Thread Niklas Bergh
I have checked to code. The file property that is used is 'last modified
time'. Can you verify that your touch modified this property on the

I have now committed code to unstable which gives a more informative
error message. Might be included in the next stable build if Matthew
chooses to merge the change.


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
> Justin The Cynical
> Sent: den 14 januari 2004 08:43
> Subject: Re: [freenet-support] Stable build 5055 crashes under Linux
> On Wed, 14 Jan 2004 10:00:11 +0100
> "Niklas Bergh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Yup. This means that the newest item in your datastore has 
> a timestamp 
> > that is larger than what your current system clock says the time is.
> > 
> > Have you modified the clock on the machine or similar recently?
> > 
> > I recommend that you locate those files in your ds that is 
> timestamped 
> > in the future and reset their timestamps to now (touch 
> maybe). Or.. If 
> > it only is a matter of minutes.. Restart the node after 
> those minutes 
> > have passes.
> Tried that.  In fact, I just went and touched every file in 
> the ./freenet filesystem, including the subdirectories.  Same 
> results. ___
> Support mailing list
> http://news.gmane.org/gmane.network.freenet.su> pport

Support mailing list

[freenet-support] Helping with website & a little question...

2004-01-15 Thread Herve Lefebvre

I'd like to help freenet creating a translated into french website, and
also writing so docs or HOWTO etc.

BTW, I've already written some articles about freenet such as
http://www.linuxfrench.net/article.php?id_article=597 but the comments are
"we dont understand anything on the website" or "I cant fetch any
document" etc.
That's why I'd like to write some french docs  and translate the web site.

Who should I contact ? Who is maintaining the website ? Is the website
maintained through a CVS  ?

Otherwise, a little technical question. My node is _always_ overloaded (due
 to BW limit 128Kb/s), and my routing table knows only 50 other nodes even
after some days of uptime. Do I have a problem with my node, or others
have also these kind of values ?


Support mailing list

Re: [freenet-support] Stable build 5055 crashes under Linux

2004-01-15 Thread Justin The Cynical
On Wed, 14 Jan 2004 10:00:11 +0100
"Niklas Bergh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Yup. This means that the newest item in your datastore has a timestamp
> that is larger than what your current system clock says the time is.
> Have you modified the clock on the machine or similar recently?
> I recommend that you locate those files in your ds that is timestamped
> in the future and reset their timestamps to now (touch maybe). Or.. If
> it only is a matter of minutes.. Restart the node after those minutes
> have passes.

Tried that.  In fact, I just went and touched every file in the
./freenet filesystem, including the subdirectories.  Same results.
Support mailing list