[freenet-support] Just Getting Started

2004-03-09 Thread Galen

I think I have a relatively decent idea of how freenet works. And if I 
had a nice broadband connection I could dedicate to freenet, I'd be 
delighted and I don't think I'd have problems. But for now, my results 
with freenet have been, to say the least, lackluster. I am currently on 
dialup internet and using transient mode. Any suggestions on how to 
make things actually work? I want to just explore and load a few pieces 
of content...

I'm running Mac OS X and don't seem to have problems loading up freenet 
and whatnot, it's just actually getting it to load content that's 
basically impossible. I'm more than reasonably terminal-comfortable.

And yeah, I know I seriously need broadband. Qwest just brought DSL to 
my neighborhood and I'll probably sign up pretty soon here, but for 
now, dialup is where I'm at. Really, if people are trying to use 
freenet to get sensitive information (the stuff governments want to 
censor), it's very possible they'll be on dialup also, so I don't think 
there's quite zero use for dialup, you know...


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[freenet-support] NAT & Freenet

2004-04-09 Thread Galen

One of the places where I would like to use freenet is behind NAT. I 
know all about port mapping, but this simply isn't available in this 

What is the hope of running Freenet?

I know virtually every other protocol has implemented support for NAT 
as part of (or before) becoming mainstream... if this doesn't exist in 
freenet as of now, it might be something important if freenet were to 
ever become widely used.


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[freenet-support] The Freenet Experience

2004-04-22 Thread Galen
Hi Freenet People,

I'd like to hear about your experience with and uses for freenet. I'm 
interested in those that use freenet. How "usable" is it? What is your 
setup? What kind of performance do you get? What kinds of content do 
you get on it? How often do you use it?

I ask this as one hopelessly trapped behind NAT (well, at least for a 
little while longer) and not really able to sample freenet properly.

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Re: [freenet-support] The Freenet Experience

2004-04-22 Thread Galen
I am behind NAT, but was able to forward the port, and now have 650 
meg in
Before anyone comments further on this, I am behind NAT without port 
forwarding options for right now. Lets not even go down this road...

Anyways, back to our regularly scheduled Freenet comments


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Re: [freenet-support] The Freenet Experience

2004-04-24 Thread Galen
Hm, interesting. This is the kind of thing I'd like to hear from 
people. C'mon, if you guys can support freenet, can't you tell me about 
your real-life experiences with it?

And yeah, I do know how to port map, but in my situation, I'm not 
allowed to port map anything (yeah, i have a strange internet 
arrangement - I don't control the NAT box).


Currently I am running freenet on an old P2 linux box permanently. The 
memory is limited to 100mb, but as long as I do not use the fproxy 
interface too much I can run a freenet node for more then 2 days. (at 
least that was the case around one week ago.) The CPU usage is also 
ok, I am not experiencing any problems which could be caused from an 
overloaded CPU. The linux computer is behind a NAT router with port 
forwarding set and has a extremly limited upload bandwith (7kb/s) and 
a more moderatly set download bandwith (40kb/s right now thinking of 
limiting to 20kb/s) because this way I am able to use the internet for 
other things while running the freenet node the whole time. (the 
bandwith limits are set in the config of the node - higher set upload 
bandwith caused the whole internet access to be blocked sometimes - 
using DSL). Currently the node gets around 1500 request/hour and 
finishes around 4% (thats changing often, this is a "better" value) of 
them. The node has a datastore of 25GB, which is completly used. Data 
seems to last around 3 months in it(unaccessed), but that will depend 
on how much I download. If I download not so much data it will last 
longer. Currently I am having problems with RNFs despite more then 100 
connections and a routing table of ~400 nodes (~300 node references), 
but data finding is not bad as soon as a request can be made. (The 
popular dbr sites can be fetched most of the time, only near the 
rollover time I have sometimes problems which seems logical.) To the 
usage: I am runing a second computer permanently for fuqid and frost, 
but I use only a small amount of threads for requests. (normally 
around 20 threads together)
So as you see it is really possible to use freenet with DSL and NAT.
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Re: [freenet-support] NAT & Freenet

2004-04-27 Thread Galen
One of the places where I would like to use freenet is behind NAT. I
know all about port mapping, but this simply isn't available in this
What is the hope of running Freenet?

I know virtually every other protocol has implemented support for NAT
as part of (or before) becoming mainstream... if this doesn't exist in
freenet as of now, it might be something important if freenet were to
ever become widely used.
No, they haven't. Please try running a web server behind a NAT that you
can't forward ports on. Or ssh. Or any number of other client/server
I was thinking of P2P file transfer protocols. Bittorrent, gnutella, 
fasttrack, etc. Uploading doesn't always work really great, but 
downloading is quite decent. Bittorrent seems to have zero problems 
saturating upstream bandwidth on many torrents that are 100% behind 
NAT. I classified (mentally) freenet as a P2P, but it's more like a 
server-to-server for best performance.

To answer your question, freenet stable build 5077, or recent freenet
unstable builds (60077 is current), will work a lot better in such a
situation than previous builds. However, the node will still not be a
proper member of the network because it cannot receive incoming
connections, and thus will not perform as well as it could. I don't
think your anonymity is seriously jeopardized by being behind a NAT, 
I'm not absolutely sure on that one.

Implementing a means for sending a message through the network to tell 
NATted node to open a connection to another node is something that we
might implement, but probably not before 0.6.
I've just downloaded the latest stable build of freenet and we'll see 
how it works. You'll be hearing from me again.


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[freenet-support] Freenet crashes DSL modem

2004-04-30 Thread Galen

I've got an interesting arrangement here. It appears that when I run 
freenet, it crashes the DSL/NAT (combo device) actiontec DSL modem. 
Yes, it totally freezes, no data in or out (no pings, dhcp, etc) until 
physically reset.

The arrangement is somewhat unusual, but I can reliably crash the 
modem. Every single time.

Here's how the network layout:

Qwest DSL Modem Actiontec w/NAT connected to a Netgear wireless 
router's LAN side, which creates a wireless network. Then, near the 
boundary of reception, there's a D-Link access point in client mode 
that's connected to the netgear wireless network. The ethernet cable 
from the client mode AP connects to the WAN port on a d-link wireless 
router. I then connect a variety of computers to the d-link's wireless 
network. This provides two "virtual" network with the same internet 
connection, but different encryption options, coverage areas, etc - 
exactly my goal.

Yes, this is very unusual (both the network and the behavior), and no, 
I don't want to spend much time trying to fix the problem, but if it's 
something that there's an easy fix to, I'm all for that, otherwise, 
it's just another entry for the quirky things list.


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Re: [freenet-support] Freenet crashes DSL modem

2004-04-30 Thread Galen
How interesting.

I am not the owner of the modem, and it is not causing problems for the 
owners (except those that I've caused) so I don't think I can pursue 
this issue myself. But I have plans to be bringing in a fast Qwest DSL 
line myself and I'll will most definitely keep this in mind. Although 
this looks like a bit of a problem for my freenet ambitions, Qwest has 
competitive rates and an excellent TOS (unlike, *cough* Comcast... can 
you say unspecified bandwidth cap? no NAT allowed?) in my area and I 
think we can figure something out if I have this problem. DSL modems 
aren't very expensive...

Thanks for the info. Sounds like anyone else using this Actiontec modem 
should keep their eyes peeled for this problem.


On Apr 30, 2004, at 9:05 PM, Niklas Bergh wrote:

You are not alone in this if would seem:
Someone says:  'If you guys are still having problems with your 
Call into the Qwest DSL repair center and have them "escalate it" to 
Actiontec engineers. If that doesn't work, they will bring you a new 
GT 701
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Re: [freenet-support] messageSendTimeRequest

2004-06-07 Thread Galen
Out of curiosity, is the U.S. Department of Justice interested in 
freenet? When I see from "@usdoj.gov" in an email address, it really 
makes me wonder. Might the DOJ be interested in going after people for 
use of freenet or something? Considering the level of anonymity and 
such, I don't think anything would happen. But maybe just scoping 
things out?

I could be completely wrong and perhaps someone at the DOJ is using 
freenet personally and using his government work email address for the 
mailing list, although I would tend to think that is somewhat irregular 
though who knows. Though I can think of more scary domains to be 
getting mail from... @cia.gov, @fbi.gov.

Just an element of curiosity on my part. Any comments anyone?
On May 28, 2004, at 10:13 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
My node is almost constantly overloaded because messageSendTimeRequest 
exceeds successfulSendTimeCutoff by a significant amount.  The 
messageSendTimeRequest likes to hang around 4000ms.  Now I've observed 
that the messageSendTimeRequest seems to be tied the amount of data 
waiting to be transferred so I've tried to tweak the settings to 
reduce the amount of data that is going out of my node.  Reducing the 
number of max connections, reducing the chance of cache, and other 
little things. But they don't seem to be able to bring it down.  The 
only thing I can figure is that my node just looks too good to pass up 
(I have a really good upstream), and the other nodes just really like 
to request from my node and end up overloading me.
So is there anything I can do to reduce the load?
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