[freenet-support] Re: problem downloading the readme file

2005-09-26 Thread Bob
J B  writes:

> I just downloaded and installed Freenet and am unable to download the readme 
> file to figure it out.

There should be a README file in the main freenet directory .. it's more a
collection of notes than an exhaustive manual though.

I would point you to http://freenethelp.org but it seems to be down again :/ 
You might want to check it later. There's also the new official freenet wiki
(http://freenetproject.org/wiki) but since it's new there's not a lot of info on
it yet.

> I keep getting Route Not Found and Couldn't Retrieve 
> Key errors.

This is normal for relatively new nodes. To begin with they have nothing in
their datastores, are unknown to the network and don't know which nodes to route
requests to. These things improve as they "integrate" by learning network
characteristics and to some extent develop their own specialisms (parts of the
keyspace they are good at serving.)

In other words, leave your node running for quite a long time and you should see
it improve. Ideally freenet should be left running 24/7 on a dedicated computer,
but more realistic for most people is that after a couple of days total uptime
it should be reasonably well integrated and thereafter it should work acceptably
when run semi-regularly for a few hours at a time. (Some freesite authors report
successfully using freenet like this.)

Even after this integration period, you should be aware that freenet 0.5 is
usually slow and you will still see the occassional DNF or RNF. Freenet 0.7
performance should theoretically be better once it's release quality, although I
personally suspect the darknet will be faster than the opennet, maybe quite
significantly (better routing, less churn, friend-peers may share some of your

Basic optimisations I'd recommend (some based on windows) :
1.)Make your datastore as big as you reasonably can, so that content blocks are
magically cached locally before you even know you want them.
2.)Give it as much memory as you reasonably can (edit the JavaMem line in
Flaunch.ini to e.g. JavaMem=350) because fred can be very I/O intensive.
3.)Make sure outputBandwidthLimit is set to something reasonable in freenet.ini
(read the comments). You can set this with NodeConfig under the 'advanced' tab
or something like that (yes I know, it should be much easier/more obvious)
4.)Again in freenet.ini / NodeConfig, make sure your ipAddress is set to your
external IP and that your listenPort is forwarded / allowed through any NAT /
firewall you may have. If you don't have a static external IP, use a free
dynamic DNS service like http://dyndns.org and make sure you keep it up to date.
You can tell if there's an issue here if there are never any incoming
connections on your "Open Connections" web interface page.
5.)Setting doCPULoad=true in freenet.ini (don't know if there's a NodeConfig
entry for this) is generally a good idea, if it's not set already.

If you're on *nix the same things apply except the configuration file is
freenet.conf, and you set maximum memory with the -Xmx flag in start-freenet.sh.


[freenet-support] Re: problem downloading the readme file

2005-09-26 Thread Bob

 I just downloaded and installed Freenet and am unable to download the readme 
 file to figure it out.

There should be a README file in the main freenet directory .. it's more a
collection of notes than an exhaustive manual though.

I would point you to http://freenethelp.org but it seems to be down again :/ 
You might want to check it later. There's also the new official freenet wiki
(http://freenetproject.org/wiki) but since it's new there's not a lot of info on
it yet.

 I keep getting Route Not Found and Couldn't Retrieve 
 Key errors.

This is normal for relatively new nodes. To begin with they have nothing in
their datastores, are unknown to the network and don't know which nodes to route
requests to. These things improve as they integrate by learning network
characteristics and to some extent develop their own specialisms (parts of the
keyspace they are good at serving.)

In other words, leave your node running for quite a long time and you should see
it improve. Ideally freenet should be left running 24/7 on a dedicated computer,
but more realistic for most people is that after a couple of days total uptime
it should be reasonably well integrated and thereafter it should work acceptably
when run semi-regularly for a few hours at a time. (Some freesite authors report
successfully using freenet like this.)

Even after this integration period, you should be aware that freenet 0.5 is
usually slow and you will still see the occassional DNF or RNF. Freenet 0.7
performance should theoretically be better once it's release quality, although I
personally suspect the darknet will be faster than the opennet, maybe quite
significantly (better routing, less churn, friend-peers may share some of your

Basic optimisations I'd recommend (some based on windows) :
1.)Make your datastore as big as you reasonably can, so that content blocks are
magically cached locally before you even know you want them.
2.)Give it as much memory as you reasonably can (edit the JavaMem line in
Flaunch.ini to e.g. JavaMem=350) because fred can be very I/O intensive.
3.)Make sure outputBandwidthLimit is set to something reasonable in freenet.ini
(read the comments). You can set this with NodeConfig under the 'advanced' tab
or something like that (yes I know, it should be much easier/more obvious)
4.)Again in freenet.ini / NodeConfig, make sure your ipAddress is set to your
external IP and that your listenPort is forwarded / allowed through any NAT /
firewall you may have. If you don't have a static external IP, use a free
dynamic DNS service like http://dyndns.org and make sure you keep it up to date.
You can tell if there's an issue here if there are never any incoming
connections on your Open Connections web interface page.
5.)Setting doCPULoad=true in freenet.ini (don't know if there's a NodeConfig
entry for this) is generally a good idea, if it's not set already.

If you're on *nix the same things apply except the configuration file is
freenet.conf, and you set maximum memory with the -Xmx flag in start-freenet.sh.


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