[pfSense Support] squid package & 0.90

2005-11-12 Thread Andreas Bahr

Hello list,

today got the pfsense up but I was astonished to 
see, that the squid package was labeled as "Not 

So I'm currently in a need to install an external 
*SMALL* proxy outside the firewall and the 
internal http-proxy. The internal proxy is a 
McAfee Webshield, which allows a so called 
"hand-off host" to sent http-requests to.

Are there any works going on?

What to use in the meantime? fli4l?
Any suggestions welcome...

with regards
 Andreas Bahr

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[pfSense Support] Re: pfsense 0.90 in VMware

2005-11-12 Thread Andreas Bahr

Scott Ullrich schrieb:

You need both cables plugged in so it can fetch the package manifest
from our site.

Ok, got it up with this hint...
but then the next show-stopper came up:
squid 2.5.irgendwas not working

ah...mhh, aha...

with regards
   Andreas Bahr
(an ordinary m0n0wall user)

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[pfSense Support] pfsense in VMware

2005-11-10 Thread Andreas Bahr

Good morning list,

yesterday I mangled a pfsense into a vmware 4.5 on 
a w2k laptop. The virtual HD is 0,5 GB "large", 
the memory is 64MB. For getting the thing to the 
"Show it to me in the browser"-point, I connected 
only the lan-side via ehternet. The Wan-side had 
no cable. In a first look, i didn't find any 
package or package manager, only am xml-error was 
to be seen.

I wanted to use the squid package at first, but 
I'm not shure now, if the package is contained in 
the current live-installer-cd, or did I miss a 
download? When I understand the website correctly, 
the squid-package is an embedded package, or not?

with regards
  Andreas Bahr
(an ordinary m0n0wall user)

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