Re: [pfSense Support] New to pfSense, need some advice

2010-11-07 Thread David Burgess
On Sun, Nov 7, 2010 at 10:19 PM, Neonicacid wrote:

 My main issue with how it is set up right now is that File and Printer
 Sharing does not jump across the subnets, so none of the computers can

 Does anyone have any advice or solutions for this problem?

If you want all your computers to have access to each other then why don't
you throw them all on a common LAN switch? Do you have a reason for having
OPT1 and OPT2 interfaces and 3 routers?


Re: [pfSense Support] New to pfSense, need some advice

2010-11-07 Thread Neonicacid

I don't have a single switch big enough to support all of the devices that I
currently have on the network. The routers help with that by providing extra
ports to connect devices with. The BEFSR41 is set up essentially as a switch
(DHCP disabled) so that it can be used to extend the network further. My
reasoning for the multiple interfaces was that I was expecting it to work
somewhat like the Linksys boxes, where each port is assigned from the same
address pool. I thought maybe there would be a way to do this in pfSense, so
that's why I came here to ask more experienced users.


The modem does DHCP to forward the WAN information to the pfSense box.
pfSense provides DHCP on the LAN (, OPT1(, and
OPT2 ( interfaces. Yes, one of the machines ( runs
Samba to share files across the network. However, it does not jump over the
subnets, so I am forced to use tools like WinSCP to get files from that
machine. The print server, or rather the machine that hosts the printer, is
wireless through the router.

My eventual goal is to have the network completely on one subnet ( or, so that these machines can all cooperate
with each other. I'm just not sure how I would go about accomplishing this
task at the moment.

Re: [pfSense Support] New to pfSense, need some advice

2010-11-07 Thread Chris L
On Nov 7, 2010, at 9:19 PM, Neonicacid wrote:

 What I am not sure about is how I would go about having both LAN, OPT1, and 
 OPT2 interfaces all using the same addressing.

You probably want to bridge all the LAN ports, but why not just use a cheap 
switch?  You already have one in the WRT54G.

General Rule: Router ports are expensive. Switch ports are cheap. Layer 3 
switching helps.

Hint:  You don't have to use the WAN ports in those wireless routers.  Put 
everything on the LAN side and assign BS interface addresses to the WAN side if 
you have to to satisfy the router's software.  It's really too bad the 
commodity WiFi router vendors don't include an Access point/disable WAN port 
mode in their products.
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Re: [pfSense Support] New to pfSense, need some advice

2010-11-07 Thread David Burgess
On Sun, Nov 7, 2010 at 10:43 PM, Neonicacid wrote:

 I don't have a single switch big enough to support all of the devices that I
 currently have on the network. The routers help with that by providing extra
 ports to connect devices with.

So the simplest way to accomplish this is to

a) get a switch with enough ports and attach it to the LAN, or
b) disable dhcp on both the wrt54g and befsr41 and just use the LAN
ports, effectively using them both as switches, or
c) bridge all the OPT and LAN interfaces on pfsense, or
d) some combination of the above.


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Re: [pfSense Support] New to pfSense, need some advice

2010-11-07 Thread Neonicacid

I've set up the WRT54G as a switch and assigned LAN, OPT1, and OPT2 to
BRIDGE0.. Can you give me any assistance as to what I do now? How do I make
it so that the bridged interface is DHCPing from the same address pool?

Re: [pfSense Support] New to pfSense, need some advice

2010-11-07 Thread Neonicacid
I was able to get the bridging figured out, and now everything seems to be
working fine.

Thanks for everyone's help, I really appreciate it! :)