Re: Installing an extension without secure update?

2010-06-20 Thread Georg Maaß

»Q« wrote:

I assume you already have a method for installing Firefox extensions in
SM for testing, but post back if you need help with that.

Usually I just give them to SM to let SM decide, whether it installs or 
rejects an extention. Usually it complains about incompatibility. This 
time it does not complain about incompatibility but about the unsecure 

I've now opened the install.rdf. It does not contain any entry for 
{92650c4d-4b8e-4d2a-b7eb-24ecf4f6b63a} so it seems to incompatible or at 
least not care about SM.

So in this case I'll check in bugzilla, whether I can find a bug 
requesting for first checking for compatibility and afterwards for 
secure updates, because in case of incompatibility updates are out of 

Found no such bug, so I added this one:

Thanks very much
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Windows authentication broken on SM2.1 nightly (and possibly FF nightly too...)

2010-06-20 Thread dominique


I just found that the Seamonkey nightly broke Windows authentication 
(NTLM ??? - not sure...) since build 20100617 or 20100618.

I filed this bug:

Anyone having the same problem might want to help or simply confirm the 


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[no subject]

2010-06-20 Thread Renee Lingk
Hotmail has tools for the New Busy. Search, chat and e-mail from your inbox.
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Re: email wmv attachment problems

2010-06-20 Thread flyguy

On 5/26/2010 7:53 PM, Cruz, Jaime wrote:

Jim wrote:

I cannot access wmv attachments to email messages by double-clicking on
the attachment icon. Windows Media Player opens up, and , I believe, it
says there is a problem with the path, and it cannot be played. I have
to detach the wmv attachment to be able to access it.

Same problem here. Oddly enough, if the video is attached to a plain
text message, it works. If the message is HTML, it doesn't. It seems to
be a problem with WMP, as VLC Player has no problems playing the video
when I double click on it.

I have the same problem, and had it with 1.x, too; oddly, my wife, using 
my older computer but the same version of SM, can open more wmv 
attachments by double clicking than I can. I have not found what 
setting(s) cause this.

Perhaps it's a profile issue, and not something accessible in the 
settings. I haven't tried a default profile.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Trying to ask a ? here brought up another problem

2010-06-20 Thread krazy650
First off I receive from this forum using on
Google groups so I have to go to their web page to post here. My
original question was going to be about a problem I have receiving
mail from a group on, the problem is no matter what I do
most of the mailings I get from there end up being marked as spam by
SM 2.0.4 mail client software and when I clear that, up pops the scam
flag from SM so I thought I'd send off a question about how to work
through this and tried to go to the google group here to ask about it
but when I tried to get there using SM 2.0.4 browser the page just
comtinuely tries to load showing the progress bar at the bottom of the
screen flashing about 3/4 the way across then starting over and the
address bar in the browser looks to be showing a continiuos repeat of
most of the web address. Right now I'm using IE8 to write this. I know
that most of you use newsgroups to read this but I prefer the standard
email format of the google, yahoo and multiply groups to corrispond
with forums but that's just my choice. Has anybody else tried going to
the google group (
) with SM lately or have any ideas on how to fix or what is causing my
mail or browser problem?
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