Re: eml messages - copy including photos ?

2010-08-10 Thread Paul B. Gallagher

David E. Ross wrote:

On 8/9/10 11:53 AM, Ray_Net wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

I get all sorts of jokes and political E-Mail from my conservative
friends which I
want to pass on to those on my mailing list.

Often they are eml types of messages.

When i have a mail with an eml attachement - i open it then i do 
Message - Edit Message As New then i add some text if needed - then 
i put FW: before the subject and finally i put the recipent adress and 
send it.

When I receive an E-mail message with an eml attachement, I read the
message and then trash it without looking at the attachment.  If the
attachment happens to download, I trash it without opening it.

I get already get many jokes in text form, jokes that don't require any
graphic enhancement.  I avoid most political messages on advice of my
doctor, who nevertheless had to prescribe medication to lower my blood
pressure.  :)

But some of the stuff that comes out of the conservative wing is so 
hilarious that you just have to forward it around. You know, stuff like 
we have to trim the deficit by giving huge tax breaks to the rich, or 
it's all Obama's fault that the Bushies destroyed our economy, or the 
records clerk in Hawaii 50 years ago forged a birth certificate because 
they knew one day the baby would be a Democratic president.

You just can't make some of this $#!+ up...

Returning to the topic, isn't there some setting that tells SM whether 
to include images themselves or just link to their remote location?

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Opening links in Seamonkey

2010-08-10 Thread Paul B. Gallagher

Beverly Howard wrote:


Having participated in e-forums for over a quarter century starting 
with dial up bulletin boards through pre-internet compuserve, then 
nntp and now web base forums, I _know_ that full quoting was born from 
the needs of primitive software, slow connections and terrible nntp 
readers such as outlook express.  Full quoting has, unfortunately, been 
preserved by the fact that many newsreaders, email clients (mozilla 
included) and web forums _default_ to full quoting in their composer 
settings. ...


I find full quoting a convenient first draft, and I'm competent enough 
to select and snip the irrelevant material. I assume others on this 
forum are equally capable, but they don't prune because a) they can't be 
bothered; or b) they think they're not supposed to. The latter view is 
probably from dealing with tech support staff elsewhere, who demand that 
every message contain the entire top-posted thread.

I don't have a link off the top of my head, but I seem to recall that 
the organizers of this newsgroup have established a policy of pruning, 
for the reasons Bev stated elsewhere in her post. And I'm happy to 
follow it. There's nothing more annoying than to scroll down three or 
four screens of quoted quoted quoted quotes to a single line of new text 
saying, Yep, I agree.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher
support-seamonkey mailing list

Possible to send email in the background?

2010-08-10 Thread Dave
Hi all,

is it possible to make Seamonkey send emails in the background rather
than having the window pop up indicating the status with the server?
This is irritating when sending large emails.

Many thanks!
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Desktop search solution for Seamonkey email under Linux?

2010-08-10 Thread Dave
 Anyway, recoll 
 does this well. I do an advanced
 search on my mailbox folder and it will pull up any messages with the
 search word/phrase etc. Click on 'Preview' and it does a nice job of
 just pulling up  displaying that single email.

Once an email has been found in Recoll, is there any way to have it be
opened by Seamonkey to get access to attachments etc.?

I tried right-clicking and hitting Open Parent document/folder but
this just opened up a different email in KMail (even though Seamonkey
is set as my default email client).

support-seamonkey mailing list

Helper Applications

2010-08-10 Thread W3BNR

I have two 'helper applications' that are identical listed in 

Powered by SeaMonkey:

Mankind will never see an end of trouble until lovers of
  wisdom come to hold political power, or the holders of power
 become lovers of wisdom.-Plato (427BC-347BC)
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Wondering about Firefox and Seamonkey comparison

2010-08-10 Thread WLS

JeffM wrote:

Norvin wrote:

I would suggest that you check out the useragent
and make a change to it.
Notice the NOT Firefox/3.5.6 which is the key as I understand it.

The NOT part is for *a human* that looks at the site's logs.
OTOH, these idiots who are sniffing improperly[1]
won't know what to make of that in their logs
--even if they actually do look at their logs.

...and *permanantly* altering your user agent string
will give *inaccurate* information to the **good** webmasters
which hurts SeaMonkey, your chosen browser.
ONLY change the string *temporarily*
and ONLY if you absolutely *have* to use one of these crapped-up

When you do alter the user agent string,
REPORT THE PROBLEM to the site owner.

...and the best solution to this is to
find another site that offers a similar product/service
--a site that isn't run by idiots who don't know what they're doing;
a site that hires competent workers/contractors.
[1] **ANY** sniffing is actually retarded
--it's not necessary; see the page David linked
Tell the idiots running the crappy site
to just make STANDARDS-COMPLIANT pages.
Like this
NOT like this

Also, you might want to contact them and direct them to this site.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: eml messages - copy including photos ?

2010-08-10 Thread Ray_Net

David E. Ross wrote:

On 8/9/10 11:53 AM, Ray_Net wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

I get all sorts of jokes and political E-Mail from my conservative
friends which I
want to pass on to those on my mailing list.

Often they are eml types of messages.

When i have a mail with an eml attachement - i open it then i do
Message - Edit Message As New then i add some text if needed - then
i put FW: before the subject and finally i put the recipent adress and
send it.

When I receive an E-mail message with an eml attachement, I read the
message and then trash it without looking at the attachment.  If the
attachment happens to download, I trash it without opening it.

There are no attachment in the eml mail - the picture is embedded.
You may trash what you will ... i don't care.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Possible to send email in the background?

2010-08-10 Thread Ray_Net

Dave wrote:

Hi all,

is it possible to make Seamonkey send emails in the background rather
than having the window pop up indicating the status with the server?
This is irritating when sending large emails.

So you will never know if mail is sent :-)
support-seamonkey mailing list

empty extensions foloder

2010-08-10 Thread Rick Merrill

folder is {92650c4d-4b8e-4d2a-b7eb-24ecf4f6b63a}

and is empty in
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\Mozilla\Extensions

ok to delete?

support-seamonkey mailing list

form history

2010-08-10 Thread Rick Merrill

how can you edit the form history?

(and delete the mistaken entries I made)

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: form history

2010-08-10 Thread Jens Hatlak

Rick Merrill wrote:

how can you edit the form history?

(and delete the mistaken entries I made)

In SeaMonkey 2.1 you'll have the built-in Data Manager for that 
(currently an extension).



Jens Hatlak
SeaMonkey Trunk Tracker
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: form history

2010-08-10 Thread Rick Merrill

Jens Hatlak wrote:

Rick Merrill wrote:

how can you edit the form history?

(and delete the mistaken entries I made)

In SeaMonkey 2.1 you'll have the built-in Data Manager for that
(currently an extension).



Thanks - glad to find this out before the list got too humongous!

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: eml messages - copy including photos ?

2010-08-10 Thread Evan Davidson

DoctorBill wrote:
I get all sorts of jokes and political E-Mail from my conservative 
friends which I

want to pass on to those on my mailing list.

Often they are eml types of messages.

I copy the message by highlighting and Ctrl-C, but the photos or 
graphics do not

paste into a new mail frame.

I tried copying the eml attachment itself and pasting, but the graphics 
gets lost.

I even tried pasting the eml into WORD and no graphics.
Pasting w/o formatting does not work either.

Is there some trick to this w/o purchasing some expensive program to 
handle eml ?


I have experimented with this problem in SM and the only reliable and 
editable solution I've found is to use File-Save As-File to save the 
note with images as a *.eml (type: mail file) to my Desktop. I then open 
it in Outlook Express (or WinMail) and I can now edit it to my heart's 
content (strip out headers, delete Blockquotes (using Source tab) and 
reformat it to my liking (using Edit tab). Then I Send it from OE as a 
completely cleaned-up original message.

EML (Encapsulated MaiL) is OE's native file format and it will reliably 
text-encode all the images and include them. TB and SM know that 
embedded images are in their mailboxes so you can always see them on 
your computer but they don't encode them and mail them out as a 
multi-part message in MIME format. (The latter was created by 
Microsoft.) Images that have links to other servers or if they're 
attachments will be sent out properly by TB and OE. You can also save 
each incoming message image separately (using the Image Zoom add-on, ) and use Insert 
Image to embed it in SM and TB. It will then be sent out as an EML message.

SM and TB seem to read, save and sometimes create EML messages but 
forwarding an incoming message with embedded images is problematic from 
my experience. Unfortunately, the workarounds are unwieldy. (If you want 
a seamless process, using OE is the answer.)

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: eml messages - copy including photos ?

2010-08-10 Thread Stanimir Stamenkov

Mon, 09 Aug 2010 10:45:10 -0700, /DoctorBill/:

Is there some trick to this w/o purchasing some expensive program to
handle eml ?

Yeah, one should be able to handle .eml (message/rfc822) attachments 
pretty much like native messages - copy to folder, reply to or 
forward them:

In the mean time one could install the ImportExportTools extension:

Save the .eml attachment to disk and import it as a normal message 
into some folder, then do what you wanna do with it.

support-seamonkey mailing list

sm thinks I'm a scammer

2010-08-10 Thread Jim
I used SM mail to send a web page (send page option) in an email to some 

When I look at my sent folder, it says SM thinks this message may be a 
scam.  Why would SM think that something I sent was a scam?

support-seamonkey mailing list

Question About Synchronizing My Palm w/SM??

2010-08-10 Thread Samuel S


I have a palm 755p and am looking to change phones to a different 
manufacturer and want to sync the phone to SM before getting a new smart 

Is this even remotely possible? I have a calendar, address book, and 
memo pad on my current phone.

I can save the info in palm files for the most part, yet wanted to find 
out if there is a SM function for each of them which I can transfer the 
info to and retrieve?


support-seamonkey mailing list