Re: uncheck

2010-09-04 Thread Ed Mullen

Don B wrote:

I just found where I had to go to change the setting.

Ok, so let me see.  You posted a problem.  Then you replied to your own 
post, didn't quote a single word, told us you found a solution to your 
problem, but didn't tell us what it was.  Did I get that right?

Did you find that at all helpful?

Ed Mullen
A waist is a terrible thing to mind.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: BBC web page validates, but displays badly

2010-09-04 Thread Rickles

Ed Mullen wrote:

Rickles wrote:

Paul B. Gallagher wrote:

Rickles wrote:

WinXP Pro, SP3 with Security and Critical updates. SM 1.1.19 with
Mulitzilla and IETab.

If you go to, near the bottom is a highlight
area called 'Special Reports'. In my SM display, that Special Reports
heading, photo and accompanying byline is always superimposed on text
that is displayed immediately above where the Special Reports area is
supposed to be placed. If I view the page in an IE Tab, everything
renders as it would appear the webmaster intended.

Checking the RUL against the W3C Validator site reports that the 
page is

completely XHTML 1.0 Strict compliant.

I am not a programmer, so have no idea how to de-construct a web 
page or

style sheet. Can anyone suggest what might be the issue here?


Have you specified an unexpectedly large minimum font size?

Font size is set to 100% (original size) on the View menu. Far as I
know, I haven't made any changes to either CSS or chrome to change how
the pages render. Only such changes I've made have to do with Mail/News
views, not the browser.

Doesn't appear to be a font size issue.  Try it in Safe Mode.  It's 
gotta be /something/ in your profile or some extension.

An update to the behavior:  roughly a third of the way down the page, 
there's a black  grey box called 'My News and Weather Location'.  There 
are 2 'tabs', one for UK news, one for World.  The first selected is 
always UK.

First, I deactivated all extensions including Multizilla and restarted, 
but this made no difference.  Re-enabled everything.

Second, in a brand new profile with no extensions installed, the initial 
view of that page is completely normal, but no location is selected 
since it's the first visit.  Selecting a location updates the page, but 
also scrambles the items in the window, and displaces the 'Special 
Reports' item lower in the page, same as the original, existing profile.

Can applications from other profiles affect new profiles?  I use 
Multizilla and IETabs, nothing else, and both are installed to the 
original profile only.  I've reached the end of what I understand about 
chrome and content and overlays.  Any suggestions about how to proceed 
would be appreciated.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Problem with E-Mail Address Book

2010-09-04 Thread denewton

Daniel a écrit :

denewton wrote:

Daniel a écrit :

denewton wrote:

Daniel a écrit :

denewton wrote:

Robert Kaiser a écrit :


Hello A little problem : I rebuilt a profile while it has a bug (with
the download list). This bug is out in the new profile created. to
rebuilt the messages in the inbox ... no probleme (copy/past old
files to the new file. Ok BUT : To rebuilt the addresses book (I have
11 différent addresses books), I copy/past the old abouk.mab over the
new and so the history.mab. I create each addresses book with the
same procedure : create in Seamonkey, then under windows, copy/past
with rename eventualy the old book file to copy). Tree times, the
title of the books are lost, but not the addresses they containt. (I
close seamonkey after each copy). But I lost any addresses. What
append sincerly Bertrand

Bertrand, this should really be in the group
rather than the group, but I'll give it
a go

Hello Daniel
I don't understand your answer

Bertrand, when you set up your new profile, *DO NOT* copy the old
address book over the top of the new address book. Instead, start
SeaMonkey's browser, then on the top menu, select Bookmarks and then
Manage Bookmarks. Then, in the Bookmarks Manager, select File then
Open Bookmarks file and then point to the location of your Bookmarks

I don't have boomarks file command. I have marque-page but no
fichier de marque-pages or any thinks analogous. The file for the
marque-pages in frensh that correspond to the bookmarks.html file.

Or, in the Bookmarks Manager, select Tools then Import and again
locate your original bookmarks file.

I don't have.

I have cross=posted this to moz.s.seamonkey and set the follow up
as well, so if you reply, Bertrand, your reply will only appear in the
support group.


For the addresses-book, carnet d'adresses in frensh, the first of
is the personnales addresses-book (adresses personnelles) and the
corresponding file is abook.mab. the first new addresses-book file
created is abook-1.mab and so on... The first imported addresses-book
file is named impab-1.mab (or impab.mab) and so on...

Bertrand, are you talking about the file that stores the email addresses

Yes it is and addressbook.html is unknown in my PC.
or are you talking about the file that stores the website

addresses (addressbook.html)??

I suppose that this file is named bookmarks.html : In this file are all
the website addresses.

I thought you were having problems with the web address file!

No ! it isn'nt. I don't know what it is.

(and Bertrand your English is a whole lot better than my French!!)


When we aren't not Seamonkey to read them while the profil is deleted
whith the files, if you have make a savefile, we can create a new
addresses-book and we can copy/past by a other addresses-book file made
by Seamonkey that must have the same name, of course. I do that many
times without crash.
My remark is during the copy, the addresses-book module lost sometimes
to times, the name of many addresses-book created before but the
contents isn't lost.
Excuse me for my english.

Daniel could you explain what you are understand about my problem ? We
don't speek the same language.

All right, lets had a problem with your e-mail profile, so you
made a new profile and, rather than importing the abook.mab from the old
profile into the new, you copied the old file over the top of the new
abook.mab file, but this didn't fix your problem.

Am I close, with this, Bertrand??


that is true, I copy the old address book over the new address book that 
I create (abook.mab over abook.mab, abook-1.mab over abook-1.mab and so 
But the address book seamonkey'program lost during this process some 
times to times the name of eatch addressbook that I create (not the name 
of the file abook.mab or abook-1.mab...). That explain that I don't lost 
the addresses.

Thanks for your messages
Sinserly yours
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: eml messages - copy including photos ?

2010-09-04 Thread Daniel

Evan Davidson wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:


Don't get me wrong: OE is not my preference, SM is. I only use the
technique I described when I can't use SM to do what I want. When the
jokes are worth forwarding, the whole process isn't really too tedious.
I'm too anal to pass along the ugly multiply-forwarded notes that are so
common. At least when they pass through me they get properly formatted
and cleaned-up.

Evan, every time I receive one of those emails that have been forwarded 
on thirty-nine times to everyone in the posters favorites folders, I'm 
left wondering how long it will be before someone starts a legal case 
because they got hit by a virus/worm/trojan/whatever because their email 
address was on an email that got sent to someone who was infected, if 
you get what I mean!!

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Problem with E-Mail Address Book

2010-09-04 Thread Daniel

denewton wrote:

Daniel a écrit :

denewton wrote:

Daniel a écrit :

denewton wrote:

Daniel a écrit :

denewton wrote:

Robert Kaiser a écrit :


Hello A little problem : I rebuilt a profile while it has a bug
the download list). This bug is out in the new profile created. to
rebuilt the messages in the inbox ... no probleme (copy/past old
files to the new file. Ok BUT : To rebuilt the addresses book (I
11 différent addresses books), I copy/past the old abouk.mab over
new and so the history.mab. I create each addresses book with the
same procedure : create in Seamonkey, then under windows, copy/past
with rename eventualy the old book file to copy). Tree times, the
title of the books are lost, but not the addresses they containt. (I
close seamonkey after each copy). But I lost any addresses. What
append sincerly Bertrand

Bertrand, this should really be in the
rather than the group, but I'll give it
a go

Hello Daniel
I don't understand your answer

Bertrand, when you set up your new profile, *DO NOT* copy the old
address book over the top of the new address book. Instead, start
SeaMonkey's browser, then on the top menu, select Bookmarks and
Manage Bookmarks. Then, in the Bookmarks Manager, select File
Open Bookmarks file and then point to the location of your

I don't have boomarks file command. I have marque-page but no
fichier de marque-pages or any thinks analogous. The file for the
marque-pages in frensh that correspond to the bookmarks.html file.

Or, in the Bookmarks Manager, select Tools then Import and again
locate your original bookmarks file.

I don't have.

I have cross=posted this to moz.s.seamonkey and set the follow up
as well, so if you reply, Bertrand, your reply will only appear in
support group.


For the addresses-book, carnet d'adresses in frensh, the first of
is the personnales addresses-book (adresses personnelles) and the
corresponding file is abook.mab. the first new addresses-book file
created is abook-1.mab and so on... The first imported addresses-book
file is named impab-1.mab (or impab.mab) and so on...

Bertrand, are you talking about the file that stores the email

Yes it is and addressbook.html is unknown in my PC.
or are you talking about the file that stores the website

addresses (addressbook.html)??

I suppose that this file is named bookmarks.html : In this file are all
the website addresses.

I thought you were having problems with the web address file!

No ! it isn'nt. I don't know what it is.

(and Bertrand your English is a whole lot better than my French!!)


When we aren't not Seamonkey to read them while the profil is deleted
whith the files, if you have make a savefile, we can create a new
addresses-book and we can copy/past by a other addresses-book file
by Seamonkey that must have the same name, of course. I do that many
times without crash.
My remark is during the copy, the addresses-book module lost sometimes
to times, the name of many addresses-book created before but the
contents isn't lost.
Excuse me for my english.

Daniel could you explain what you are understand about my problem ? We
don't speek the same language.

All right, lets had a problem with your e-mail profile, so you
made a new profile and, rather than importing the abook.mab from the old
profile into the new, you copied the old file over the top of the new
abook.mab file, but this didn't fix your problem.

Am I close, with this, Bertrand??


that is true, I copy the old address book over the new address book that
I create (abook.mab over abook.mab, abook-1.mab over abook-1.mab and so
But the address book seamonkey'program lost during this process some
times to times the name of eatch addressbook that I create (not the name
of the file abook.mab or abook-1.mab...). That explain that I don't lost
the addresses.
Thanks for your messages
Sinserly yours

O.K.,Bertrand, let me see if I follow..You do the installation of 
SeaMonkey and then want to have several lists (a list of Family email 
addresses, a list of friends email addresses and a list of business 
email addresses, maybe).

O.K., so the new installation has no reason to know of the existence of 
these other lists, so why should it list them??

Bertrand, if this is the situation, have you tried opening your address 
book (forth icon of five icons in bottom left) and select Tools and then 
import the lists?

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Correspondence Using Different Color Type

2010-09-04 Thread Daniel

Frog wrote:

Daniel wrote:

Frog wrote:

My wife corresponds with her sister using SeaMonkey. The original
exchange is in black print. The second person will select a color (lets
say blue) for their interspersed comments to the original message. Then
the first person will select a color (lets say red) for interspersing
comments made by the second person. Such exchanges will often involve
many comments (each exchange in a different color) being interspersed in
a single message. Presently my wife has to select the color each time
she moves to another part of the message.

Now my question - is there some way of selecting and holding a print
color just once so that she does not have to make the selection for each
comment she makes? I am not able to find this feature in SeaMonkey.

Thanks for any help sent my way on this subject.


Frog, I think what you might be after, to an extent, is an extension
called QuoteColors, available from the Add-Ons page at

If your wife and her sister set it up with the same colors per level,
things should work well.




Thanks again for your help. I downloaded the Quote Colors Add-On (plus
the User Guide) that you suggested and will spend some time later next
week on this subject. For now, however, I have a house full of relatives
to spend time with.


No worries, Frog, at least you know where to come if it doesn't work out!!


support-seamonkey mailing list

can seamonkey send mail from command line?

2010-09-04 Thread Rick Merrill

Would like to be able to use SeaMonkey
to send email from a batch job. Is that
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: uncheck

2010-09-04 Thread Rick Merrill

Ed Mullen wrote:

Don B wrote:

I just found where I had to go to change the setting.

Ok, so let me see. You posted a problem. Then you replied to your own
post, didn't quote a single word, told us you found a solution to your
problem, but didn't tell us what it was. Did I get that right?

Did you find that at all helpful?

He was just so EXCITED that he forgot to post the solution!

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: can seamonkey send mail from command line?

2010-09-04 Thread Beverly Howard

 send email from a batch job 

I'm pretty sure that seamonkey cannot do this.

However, there are many command line mail utilities that can do this and 
are better suited for the job... google time.

Beverly Howard

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM and iTunes

2010-09-04 Thread Beverly Howard
 I don't think it is iTunes problem since it works fine with IE but 
not with SM. 

It is a problem with the apple web page that cannot handle the fact that 
you are not running ie, so, it takes the easy way out and simply stops.

I've tinkered with this and attempted to find if it's possible without 
success and I think you will have better luck getting valid information 
from an itunes community site or tech support.

Additionally, one of the big benefits of seamonkey over ie is that 
seamonkey is designed with the idea that it should not be able to run 
executables on your pc using commands issued from the website that you 
are visiting.  This is in contrast to ie which is why that browser is 
used as a primary method to run malicious programs remotely.

 But I need iTunes to get the podcasts 

Jobs has been brilliant in making it stone simple to download podcasts 
via itunes to the point where many people think that itunes is the 
_only_ way to download many podcasts.

In fact, almost all podcasts available through itunes can be downloaded 
directly using other methods including browsers such as seamonkey.

Take a look around for the many other options including which, imho, is the best option.

Another option is to use itunes to subscribe to and download the 
podcasts directly.

Hope that this information is of value.
Beverly Howard

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: can seamonkey send mail from command line?

2010-09-04 Thread Ruediger Lahl
*Rick Merrill* wrote:

 Would like to be able to use SeaMonkey to send email from a batch
 job. Is that possible?

You can create a mail for SM on the command line, but you can not send
it via SM.

'Blat' from does what you want.
best regards
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: eml messages - copy including photos ?

2010-09-04 Thread Evan Davidson

Daniel wrote:

Evan, every time I receive one of those emails that have been forwarded 
on thirty-nine times to everyone in the posters favorites folders, I'm 
left wondering how long it will be before someone starts a legal case 
because they got hit by a virus/worm/trojan/whatever because their email 
address was on an email that got sent to someone who was infected, if 
you get what I mean!!


In some forwarded mail, I have found scripts which I remove with the OE 
HTML Source Editor so you're right these e-mails can be risky. I never 
allow Javascript or plug-ins to run in Mail  Newsgroups -- it's a good 
way to avoid getting a STD (Sneakily Transmitted Disease).

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: How do I reset my SSL settings in SeaMonkey v2.0.6?

2010-09-04 Thread NoOp
On 09/03/2010 06:10 PM, Ant wrote:
 For some reason, SeaMonkey v2.0.6 keeps giving me this SSL problem with
 This Connection is Untrusted
 You have asked SeaMonkey to connect
 securely to, but we can't confirm that your connection is 
 Normally, when you try to connect securely,
 sites will present trusted identification to prove that you are
 going to the right place. However, this site's identity can't be verified.
 What Should I Do?
 If you usually connect to
 this site without problems, this error could mean that someone is
 trying to impersonate the site, and you shouldn't continue.
 Technical Details uses an invalid security certificate.
 The certificate is not trusted because the issuer certificate is not 
 (Error code: sec_error_untrusted_issuer)...
 I tried installing and I still get 
 that error. I tried reinstalling the crt and it said it is already 
 installed. It worked fine in old IE6, Firefox v2.0.0.20, and 
 Linux/Debian's SeaMonkey v2.0.6. I think something is broken in my 
 SeaMonkey v2.0.6. How can I fix it or reset its SSL settings back to 
 Thank you in advance. :)

Ask Dave E. Ross...

1.2. Document name and identification
It has been improved and reviewed (or will be reviewed) to meet or
exceed the criteria of the Certificate Authority Review Checklist  from
David E. Ross (DRC) and Mozilla Foundation's CA policy.

Anyway adding I then go to:
and get:
SquirrelMail Logo
SquirrelMail version 1.4.21-1.fc13
By the SquirrelMail Project Team
SquirrelMail Login

support-seamonkey mailing list

there is a user who annoys ...

2010-09-04 Thread user

... create filters but he changes usernames
is there any way to filter out a whole site

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: there is a user who annoys ...

2010-09-04 Thread chicagofan

u...@domain.invalid wrote:

... create filters but he changes usernames
is there any way to filter out a whole site


Yes, you can block his ISP or a web mail site [i.e.] with the 
From filter.  Of course, it will block anyone else sending mail from 
those sites, as well.

Is that what you mean?
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: there is a user who annoys ...

2010-09-04 Thread NoOp
On 09/04/2010 04:32 PM, u...@domain.invalid wrote:
 ... create filters but he changes usernames
 is there any way to filter out a whole site

Yes, but only on weekends and public holidays.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: BBC web page validates, but displays badly

2010-09-04 Thread Ed Mullen

Rickles wrote:

Ed Mullen wrote:

Rickles wrote:

Paul B. Gallagher wrote:

Rickles wrote:

WinXP Pro, SP3 with Security and Critical updates. SM 1.1.19 with
Mulitzilla and IETab.

If you go to, near the bottom is a
area called 'Special Reports'. In my SM display, that Special Reports
heading, photo and accompanying byline is always superimposed on text
that is displayed immediately above where the Special Reports area is
supposed to be placed. If I view the page in an IE Tab, everything
renders as it would appear the webmaster intended.

Checking the RUL against the W3C Validator site reports that the
page is
completely XHTML 1.0 Strict compliant.

I am not a programmer, so have no idea how to de-construct a web
page or
style sheet. Can anyone suggest what might be the issue here?


Have you specified an unexpectedly large minimum font size?

Font size is set to 100% (original size) on the View menu. Far as I
know, I haven't made any changes to either CSS or chrome to change how
the pages render. Only such changes I've made have to do with Mail/News
views, not the browser.

Doesn't appear to be a font size issue. Try it in Safe Mode. It's
gotta be /something/ in your profile or some extension.

An update to the behavior: roughly a third of the way down the page,
there's a black  grey box called 'My News and Weather Location'. There
are 2 'tabs', one for UK news, one for World. The first selected is
always UK.

First, I deactivated all extensions including Multizilla and restarted,
but this made no difference. Re-enabled everything.

Second, in a brand new profile with no extensions installed, the initial
view of that page is completely normal, but no location is selected
since it's the first visit. Selecting a location updates the page, but
also scrambles the items in the window, and displaces the 'Special
Reports' item lower in the page, same as the original, existing profile.

Can applications from other profiles affect new profiles?

I cannnot imagine such a scenario.  But, far out and unlikely things are 
why I suggested Safe Mode.  Did you try that?

I use
Multizilla and IETabs, nothing else, and both are installed to the
original profile only. I've reached the end of what I understand about
chrome and content and overlays. Any suggestions about how to proceed
would be appreciated.

The authors actually seem to be making a special effort to make the 
page/site friendly to jacking up the font size. So, that's not it.

-  Are you using a theme?
-  Do you have a userChrome.css or userContent.css custom file?

Have you tried Safe Mode?

Try deleting all the cookies for the site.
Ed Mullen
Fear has its use but cowardice has none. - Mohandas Gandhi
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: uncheck

2010-09-04 Thread Ed Mullen

Rick Merrill wrote:

Ed Mullen wrote:

Don B wrote:

I just found where I had to go to change the setting.

Ok, so let me see. You posted a problem. Then you replied to your own
post, didn't quote a single word, told us you found a solution to your
problem, but didn't tell us what it was. Did I get that right?

Did you find that at all helpful?

He was just so EXCITED that he forgot to post the solution!

Damn,that was almost orgasmic.

Hit and run.

Ed Mullen
Getting married for sex is like buying a 747 for the free peanuts. - 
Jeff Foxworthy

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: How do I reset my SSL settings in SeaMonkey v2.0.6?

2010-09-04 Thread Ant

On 9/4/2010 2:38 PM PT, NoOp typed:

For some reason, SeaMonkey v2.0.6 keeps giving me this SSL problem with

This Connection is Untrusted

You have asked SeaMonkey to connect
securely to, but we can't confirm that your connection is

Normally, when you try to connect securely,
sites will present trusted identification to prove that you are
going to the right place. However, this site's identity can't be verified.

What Should I Do?

If you usually connect to
this site without problems, this error could mean that someone is
trying to impersonate the site, and you shouldn't continue.

Technical Details uses an invalid security certificate.

The certificate is not trusted because the issuer certificate is not

(Error code: sec_error_untrusted_issuer)...

I tried installing and I still get
that error. I tried reinstalling the crt and it said it is already
installed. It worked fine in old IE6, Firefox v2.0.0.20, and
Linux/Debian's SeaMonkey v2.0.6. I think something is broken in my
SeaMonkey v2.0.6. How can I fix it or reset its SSL settings back to

Thank you in advance. :)

Ask Dave E. Ross...

1.2. Document name and identification
It has been improved and reviewed (or will be reviewed) to meet or
exceed the criteria of the Certificate Authority Review Checklist  from
David E. Ross (DRC) and Mozilla Foundation's CA policy.

Anyway adding I then go to:
and get:
SquirrelMail Logo
SquirrelMail version 1.4.21-1.fc13
By the SquirrelMail Project Team
SquirrelMail Login

Yeah, that is what you're supposed to see. I wonder why only this 
Windows XP Pro. SP3's SeaMonkey v2.0.6 is seeing the error. :(

We now go live to Ollie Williams in Channel 5 traffic chopper. What's 
scene? --Tom Tucker. Everyone looks like ants! That is probably 
because you're up so high. from Family Guy.

   /\___/\ Phil./Ant @ (Personal Web Site)
  / /\ /\ \Ant's Quality Foraged Links:
 | |o   o| |
\ _ /If crediting, then use Ant nickname and AQFL URL/link.
 ( ) If e-mailing, then axe ANT from its address if needed.
Ant is currently not listening to any songs on this computer.
support-seamonkey mailing list