Re: [!! SPAM] Re: Error Truncating The Inbox

2011-02-27 Thread Paul B. Gallagher

Richard Lee Holbert wrote:

Danny Kile wrote:

Richard Lee Holbert wrote:

I am running SeaMonkey 1.1.18 and when I turn my computer back on
after returning from work and check my e-mail, I get a message about
90% of the time stating:

There was an error truncating the Inbox after filtering a message to
folder XYZ ( Insert name on one of my folders for XYZ ) . You may
need to shut down SeaMonkey and delete inbox.msf .

This hangs up my e-mail until I click on the OK Box in the message and
when download over 2000 e-mails when SeaMonkey starts back up, it
get's OLD Fast.

I have searched for this inbox.msf and cannot locate this folder.

After I first start SeaMonkey I still get the error about once every 50
or so messages.

In Seamonkey click on Edit  Mail  Newsgroup Account Settings 
Server Settings for the Account in question. Then at the bottom of the
window is a Local Directory, listing the path to your e-mail folder on
the hard drive. You will find inbox.msf here.


Ok still there after I deleted file. An more suggestions ?

With the cursor in any folder in this account, do File | Compact folders.

BTW, when deleting any msf file, you'll get the best results if you do 
it with the program closed.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Extension on Dual Boot system

2011-02-27 Thread Daniel

Stéphane Grégoire wrote:

Daniel a tapoté, le 25/02/2011 14:08:

But isn't the code words used (whatever) for Windows going to be
different to the code words used for Linux (whatever)??

Search C: and D: in profiles.js I had it when I passed from XP to
ubuntu6.06 and I tooks months for understand what happened!

Do you have wine and ntfs3g installed?

Thanks, Stephane, yrs I do have Winereally should try it one say, as 
I've basically kept Win7 just for one program, Family Tree Maker.


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Extension on Dual Boot system

2011-02-27 Thread neandr

On 25.02.2011 14:08, Daniel wrote:

I dual boot my HP6730b Laptop with both Win7 and Mandriva Linux 2009.0
and have SM 2.0.11 on both.

Last Sunday evening, I deliberately booted into my Win7 system and
started up SeaMonkey to give it a chance to download any System and AV

Then I went looking, my SM was plain vanilla installation, so I went to (or whatever the site is) and installed about a half
dozen extensions like AdBlockPlus, BeeFree, Display mail route, Ghostery
and Mandelbrot (whatever this does???).

The installations all went without a problem, so on Monday, when I
booted into my Linux SeaMonkey, I was expecting to have to install the
same extensions, but no, they were showing up there in my Linux SM already.

At first I thought What the heck, but then I thought the Win7 SM
extensions would have been installed in the plug-ins folder {or
whatever} of my SM profile (which is, naturally, on a Win7 drive) and my
Linux SM uses the same profile, and, it would seem, the same plug-ins
folder {or whatever} of my SM profile (which is, naturally, on a Win7
drive because Linux can see Windows drives but Windows cannot see
Linux mount points.).

But isn't the code words used (whatever) for Windows going to be
different to the code words used for Linux (whatever)??

Hi Daniel,
I have installed WINxp and Ubuntu 10.04 and boot into the one or other 
(no WINE .. the Laptop hasn't enough resources).
Under WIN I have all FX/TB/SM installed on C:, the profiles are located 
at D:; I separated the mail folders out of the profile dir, so I can use 
the mail stack from any of my profile definitions. (Good also to make 
the backup of the messages easier!).

The extensions are loaded into the individual profiles as normal.

Under Ubuntu I access the (D:) partition as /media/wData/ for the 
profiles. And --as you described-- you have direct access to the 
extensions and also to the mail folders.
This is possible as long as you don't have extensions with specific code 
for WIN (like .DLL included) or Linux (I'm using 'Thunderbird Indicator 
1.1 to get 'Notify OSD black bubbles' which will fail in the WIN, but 
not a problem).

Some extensions may have data files they r/w and for that it can fail 
... as long as they don't make provision for that. (With ReminderFox we 
do that after first file access we remember the WIN/Linux notation).

Hope it helps, if you need more details about the installations, no 
problem ..

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Seamonkey crash - still

2011-02-27 Thread Robert Kaiser

Walter schrieb:

At this point, I will just live with it and hope that next SM update
will have found and fixed it.

SeaMonkey updates cannot fix Flash crashing, very probably. The positive 
side is that in 2.1 versions, SeaMonkey doen't crash when Flash crashes, 
so you'll only get a sad face plugins symbol on the page because the 
Flash plugin crashed, but the browser will still run.
You can try 2.1 Beta 2 if you dare to see that and confine the crash to 
the plugin itself.

Robert Kaiser

Note that any statements of mine - no matter how passionate - are never 
meant to be offensive but very often as food for thought or possible 
arguments that we as a community needs answers to. And most of the time, 
I even appreciate irony and fun! :)

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Seamonkey crash - still

2011-02-27 Thread Walter

Robert Kaiser wrote:

Walter schrieb:

At this point, I will just live with it and hope that next SM update
will have found and fixed it.

SeaMonkey updates cannot fix Flash crashing, very probably. The positive
side is that in 2.1 versions, SeaMonkey doen't crash when Flash crashes,
so you'll only get a sad face plugins symbol on the page because the
Flash plugin crashed, but the browser will still run.
You can try 2.1 Beta 2 if you dare to see that and confine the crash to
the plugin itself.

Robert Kaiser


Thanks for the additional information. I think I will wait for the final 
version of 2.1 and live with the crashes. The only  problem is the 
nuisance of having to restart SM again and the second time I can go back 
to the exact same page and it works OK. Aren't computers wonderful? 
(when they work right?)

You guys do a remarkable job keeping SM up, running and current. Thanks 
for your efforts.

support-seamonkey mailing list

[semi-solved] Re: [linux] SeaMonkey certificate issues

2011-02-27 Thread NoOp
On 02/26/2011 04:05 PM, NoOp wrote:
 When attempting to view:
 I get a cert error:
 This initially occured while viewing the site with a standard http url.
 Afterwards, hover the mouse over any link and the urls are https:
 I have tested in SM 2.0.12 (32bit) and SM 2.1b2 (64bit) - same results.
 Both are from the mozilla (not distro) installs).
 Build identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:
 Gecko/20110123 Lightning/1.0b1 SeaMonkey/2.0.12
 Build identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:2.0b11)
 Gecko/20110209 Firefox/4.0b11 SeaMonkey/2.1b2
 If I view the same with FF 4.x I get a cert for instead of the incorrect
 I have tested in FF 3.1
Looks like a SeaMonkey profile issue. Just tried on a different machine
 the regular profile gets the errors. Switched to a clean 'test'
profile and works fine (linux). Now
I just have to find the correct mozilla file that apparently is
still stuck on * and not picking up
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: [Resolved] Re: [linux] SeaMonkey certificate issues

2011-02-27 Thread NoOp
On 02/27/2011 01:16 PM, NoOp wrote:
 Looks like a SeaMonkey profile issue. Just tried on a different machine
  the regular profile gets the errors. Switched to a clean 'test'
 profile and works fine (linux). Now
 I just have to find the correct mozilla file that apparently is
 still stuck on * and not picking up

Found it.
security.enable.ssl2 was set to true. Reset it to false  the page now
load fine.
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