Re: Inbox autocompacted, all mail disappeared

2010-03-25 Thread EnorMouse

S. Beaulieu wrote:
More info: I copied my Inbox from my backup and pasted it in its place 
in the profile. It's there. I deleted the Inbox.msf file. I relaunched 
SM. And my inbox is still empty. I checked that it's said to show all 
messages, and not only the unread ones. The Inbox file is there as is 
its content (checked it in Notepad). The Inbox.msf file got recreated.

Just that one inbox from that one specific account is affected. 
Something is very wrong here.

Check the local directory settings for the account.  If they have been 
changed by accident, it could now be looking in the wrong place.

If you have deliberately changed them from the default, make sure that 
it has not created a new set of files in the default location.  SM has a 
bad habit of looking in the default location, even if you have told it 
the correct location for the local directory and if it finds files 
there, using them.  If the local directory settings for the account is 
other than the default then you must make sure that the files in the 
default location are deleted.

If something along these lines has happened make sure that any emails 
that have been downloaded into your new empty inbox are moved out to 
somewhere safe before you delete any files or else they will be lost.


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Two profiles, I only created one

2010-03-25 Thread EnorMouse

Monica wrote:

Daniel wrote:

Monica wrote:

Mark Hansen wrote:

[ goodness, please trim replies... ]

On 3/22/2010 4:54 AM, Daniel wrote:

O.K., Monica, forget the "Manage Profiles" bit for now. Just select
Tools->Switch profiles and check out what the other profile/s 

When you installed SM 2.0.x, it should have made a copy of your SM
1.1.xx profile (the .slt one) and called the new one ".default". If
SM 1 profile is still there, it will not have your latest email, for
example, but would be complete upto your change-over date. Just
check it


But doesn't SM 1.x and SM 2.x each place their profile directories in
different locations (by default)? Aren't the two profiles being
here in the same directory?

That seems suspicious to me.

Yes the two profiles are in the same directory!

So, as Bill suggests, SM 2 installs it's profile somewhere different to
SM 1, so someone changed somewhere.

Or, Monica is it possible that you never set up the Mail & Newgroup side
of SM 2, you just selected your old SM 1 profile and went on surfing??

That´s not possible since the profile sits in the correct SM2 
directory. How would it have gotten there without me moving it there?

Let´s skip the question on how the whole thing ever happened and move 
on to a solution.  Simple question (again), can I just rename my 
working profile with the .slt ending and give it the ending .default, 
and delete the current .default one?


Hi Monica - I'm back again.

In either your browser or your mail window, you will see the item 
'Tools' on the top menu bar.  Click on this to bring up the menu list 
and the bottom item should be 'Switch Profiles'.  This should tell you 
what profiles you currently have available to your current version on SM.

If you want to be 100% safe, then copy the current active profile folder 
(the one with the latest dates on the files) to where you would like it 
to be and name it for yourself - you will have to close down all of SM 
to enable you to do this.  You do not have to bother about any random 
numbers in the folder name.

Once you have done this fire back up SM and go back into Switch 
Profiles, but this time click on the button in the bottom left corner, 
called Manage Profiles and when the next screen comes up, click on the 
Create Profile button.  Click the next button and on the second screen, 
again enter your name for the profile.  Once you have done this click on 
the Choose Folder button and browse to the new folder that you have 
created and select it.  The narrative should change to confirm the 
correct folder.   Then click Finish.  This takes you back to the 'Select 
User Profile' screen and you can click on the new profile name and then 
on the Use Profile button.  Make sure the 'Don't ask me at startup box 
is ticked.

When you click on the Use Profile button SM should close down and 
re-open using the new profile.  Check to make sure that everything is 
working as it should.  At this point in time, you will know exactly 
which profile SM is using, the one with your name on it.

You can then go back into Manage Profiles and delete everyone but your 
own.  When you delete, it will ask you if you want to delete the files.  
Tell it yes.  Whichever folder disappears will have been the folder that 
it was using.  You can then manually delete the other folder, leaving 
only the one with your name on it.

As mentioned previously, there is no need for your SM files to be stored 
in the Documents and Settings folder if you are the only user on your 
computer.  You can create another folder and store them all in there, so 
long as you change the profile folder name and the location of all the 
mail account folders (including Local Folders) to that folder's 
location.  If you then want to back up your emails and SM profile 
settings, you simply copy the entire folder to somewhere safe.

Hope that this helps.


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Is anyone else having problems with Email Filters?

2010-03-13 Thread EnorMouse

Bill Davidsen wrote:

EnorMouse wrote:
As I have in the past had problems with Junk filters producing false 
positives and in one particular case hiding an urgently needed email 
in the junk folder I do not use them.

My old main email address has been out there for quite a few years 
and the amount of junk that I receive is staggering.  To handle this 
I have created a large number of filters on this account and a set of 
junk folders into which it is transferred.

By using different junk folders for different types of junk, I know 
that I can delete it without having to review it - anything with 
Viagra or Cialis (in their many and varied spellings) in the 
'Subject' or 'From' for example.  Other filers and folders need to be 
checked, for example anything that does not have my account name in 
the 'To' or 'Cc' gets sent to a folder called 'Circulars'.  Most of 
these are junk but occasionally I will get a genuine circular where 
the Bcc feature has been used.

I have some things I just delete without ever moving, too. But I 
haven't had a problem with 2.0.x yet, and I put a bunch of mail, news, 
and RSS feeds through many filters.

So I have a lot of filters handling a lot of junk in several 
different ways.  They were all working fine before my upgrade to SM 
2. I am currently on SM 2.0.3 and the problems remain the same.

Problem 1: Sometimes when I restart SM, particularly after a power 
down, the 'Enabled' box next to a number of filers becomes unticked.  
The selection of filters that this happens on seems to be random and 
changes each time it happens, both in terms of the number and choice 
of filters effected.

Not seen.

Problem 2: A lot of the time, even though all my filter are set up to 
run 'Checking Mail or Manually Run' I find items in the account Inbox 
which will be correctly moved when I run the 'Run Filters on Folder' 
manually.  So far I have not identified if this relates to one 
particular filter or a number of them.  My impression is that it 
tends to be filters which are looking into the body of the emails.

Again, not seen. And I have a few early filters in my chain which do 
unconditionally save messages with certain things in the body.

Problem 3: When saving filers I regularly get an error box stating 
"This filter cannot be saved because some search terms are invalid in 
the current context." No other information as to which search term is 
at fault is provided. One would be inclined to think that this would 
relate to the search term just added, but even if I delete them I 
continue to get the same message.  If I continue to click on the Save 
button and OK the error message, it will normally save the filter and 
it works OK. Accordingly I rarely bother to try to identify which 
search term is at fault or why.

I have never seen that. Are you using custom header fields? I use a 
few, to catch things coming from mailing lists.

Anyone out there using filters a fair bit and encountering anything 
like this?

No, I haven't seen the problem, although I'm certainly watching for it 
now. Do you use any particular extensions which might contribute? The 
only thing I run is autofill forms, and that's a browser rather than 
mail thing.

The only extensions that I use are browser related, including things 
like Adblock Plus and BetterPrivacy.  My filers are based on Subject, 
From and Body only and only use 'contain', 'doesn't contain' and 'is'.  
I have an initial White List filter that transfers messages from 
specific addresses to my main current account Inbox and tags them as 
having come from my old main account.  Whenever I spot something new 
come in from a source that I want, I add it to this filter and by and 
large the bulk of what is getting past that first filter is junk.

The problem that I have is keeping my eye out for the odd genuine one 
and I find it a lot easier to look through a number of folders with a 
limited number of messages in each rather than a single folder 
containing hundreds.  Given that the number of junk emails coming into 
this account is between 500 and 1,000 a day, being able to strip out 
several hundred that I do not even have to think about is a great 
advantage and when everything works, it is only a few minutes work a 
day.  I just find it annoying that it does not work at times and I can 
not figure out why.

Some of the search criteria do contain slightly odd characters, to match 
the word forms used by the spammers, but I never seem to have a problems 
with my Russian filter which contains characters specific to the Russian 
alphabet and happily filers out all the Russian junk mail.

I have even redone a number of filers and split them, so that one would 
only scan Subjects, another the Froms and a third the Bodies.  I suspect 
that problem 2 mainly relates to Body filters, bu

Re: New mail accounts created in "wrong" location

2010-03-12 Thread EnorMouse

EnorMouse wrote:

Monica wrote:

EnorMouse wrote:

Monica wrote:

Bill Davidsen wrote:

Monica wrote:

I am using SM 2.0.3. Windows XP pro sp3.

After one of the last 2-3 SM updates (can´t remember exactly which
one) the following happens when I create a new mail account; SM for
some reason puts it in a "wrong" location on my hard drive.

Before the update it put all my mail accounts in C:\Documents and

After the update it puts it in a place that actually doesn´t really
exist on my hard drive (SM creates it)
C:\Program\Netscape\Users\Netscape 7.1\tng6b77b.slt\Mail\

I don´t have Netscape 7.1 on my computer! I have even tried to 

the mail accounts that have been placed there, and then deleted the
created Netscape folder/subfolders from under Program and then tried
to create the mail accounts again to get them in the right location.
It does not work, SM continues to create that particular path to put
all my new mail accounts in.

Does anyone have a clue as to what could be going on here?

Unless you are creating them in a new profile, no. If these are 
going in

a new profile, maybe. When creating a new profile you can tune where
things are put (I'm not running Windows so i won't assume it's 

to Linux). If you ever had Netscape on the machine there might be
left-over cruft in the registry or other control location which 
has that

string and directory.

You can try creating another new profile and see if it offers to 
put it

in NetScape... Quick detective work.

No I´m not creating them in a new profile. However, in profile 
manager I

can see a profile called "default" which I do not use, nor have I ever
created it.

I tried the trick you wrote about above, to create a new profile. 
It did
not offer to put the new profile in Netscape, but under the same 
path as

my "old" ones; in C:\Documents and Settings\Administratör\Application

Could there be something strange going on with that "default" profile
(which SM must have created when I upgraded), even though I don´t 
use it?

Like Bill, I have no idea what SM is up to and have not added any
accounts lately.

As the sole user of my computer, I dislike the habit of programs to
store their data in My Documents, or alongside the program files or in
the Documents and Settings folders. I actually have a separate drive 

data and try to point all of my programs to appropriate folders on it.
This means that I can take separate backups of my programs and my data
(including all my email files).

Anyway, to fix your existing problem, copy the account folder to where
you want it to be. Go into SM and the Account Settings and at the 

of the Server Settings page you will see a box with the file location
in. Change this to the new location and shut down SM.

Rename or move to somewhere safe the old account folder - you will not
be able to do this with any part of SM running as it will have locks 
on it.

Fire back up SM and it should then find the account files in their new
location. When you are happy that it is working correctly, you can
delete the old account folder and files.

Hope that this helps.

Thank you EnorMouse, I did exactly what you wrote and it seems to 
work so far!

However, when I tried to create another new mail account...sure 
enough it went straight into the "wrong" (Netscape) location! Is 
there anything I can delete somewhere to get rid of that Netscape 
path for good, and so that SM doesn´t create it again even after I 
have deleted it?

And how about that extra profile "default" which I never 
created...should I just delete that?
I do have to be slightly careful because I have everything pointed at 
E:\Mail & Newsgroups\SeaMonkey so things might not work quite the same 
way.  I have just found out that clicking on the Profile Manager 
short-cut in my SeaMonkey menu just opens a copy of SM - there again I 
am not 100% sure that I bothered to install it, as I only work with my 
own single profile.

Anyway, getting back to what I do feel happy to comment on, yes the 
trick of moving the folders is a one off and has to be done for every 
account.  When I last set up a new account SM stuck it in my Documents 
& Settings folder and I had to go through the same procedure again.

If you have a number of accounts to set up, you can set them all up 
first and then run through the same procedure for each of them in one go.

Using Explorer, I know that the only location of my Profiles folder is 
also under E:\Mail & Newsgroups\SeaMonkey and I have a single folder 
under it with my own name on it.  I do not have a second folder called 
'Default'.  It would seem that so long as you can confirm that you 
have an active profile sub-folder in your own name, you do not need 
the Default one as well.  You might 

Re: New mail accounts created in "wrong" location

2010-03-12 Thread EnorMouse

Monica wrote:

EnorMouse wrote:

Monica wrote:

Bill Davidsen wrote:

Monica wrote:

I am using SM 2.0.3. Windows XP pro sp3.

After one of the last 2-3 SM updates (can´t remember exactly which
one) the following happens when I create a new mail account; SM for
some reason puts it in a "wrong" location on my hard drive.

Before the update it put all my mail accounts in C:\Documents and

After the update it puts it in a place that actually doesn´t really
exist on my hard drive (SM creates it)
C:\Program\Netscape\Users\Netscape 7.1\tng6b77b.slt\Mail\

I don´t have Netscape 7.1 on my computer! I have even tried to delete
the mail accounts that have been placed there, and then deleted the
created Netscape folder/subfolders from under Program and then tried
to create the mail accounts again to get them in the right location.
It does not work, SM continues to create that particular path to put
all my new mail accounts in.

Does anyone have a clue as to what could be going on here?

Unless you are creating them in a new profile, no. If these are 
going in

a new profile, maybe. When creating a new profile you can tune where
things are put (I'm not running Windows so i won't assume it's 

to Linux). If you ever had Netscape on the machine there might be
left-over cruft in the registry or other control location which has 

string and directory.

You can try creating another new profile and see if it offers to 
put it

in NetScape... Quick detective work.

No I´m not creating them in a new profile. However, in profile 
manager I

can see a profile called "default" which I do not use, nor have I ever
created it.

I tried the trick you wrote about above, to create a new profile. It 
not offer to put the new profile in Netscape, but under the same 
path as

my "old" ones; in C:\Documents and Settings\Administratör\Application

Could there be something strange going on with that "default" profile
(which SM must have created when I upgraded), even though I don´t 
use it?

Like Bill, I have no idea what SM is up to and have not added any
accounts lately.

As the sole user of my computer, I dislike the habit of programs to
store their data in My Documents, or alongside the program files or in
the Documents and Settings folders. I actually have a separate drive for
data and try to point all of my programs to appropriate folders on it.
This means that I can take separate backups of my programs and my data
(including all my email files).

Anyway, to fix your existing problem, copy the account folder to where
you want it to be. Go into SM and the Account Settings and at the bottom
of the Server Settings page you will see a box with the file location
in. Change this to the new location and shut down SM.

Rename or move to somewhere safe the old account folder - you will not
be able to do this with any part of SM running as it will have locks 
on it.

Fire back up SM and it should then find the account files in their new
location. When you are happy that it is working correctly, you can
delete the old account folder and files.

Hope that this helps.

Thank you EnorMouse, I did exactly what you wrote and it seems to work 
so far!

However, when I tried to create another new mail account...sure enough 
it went straight into the "wrong" (Netscape) location! Is there 
anything I can delete somewhere to get rid of that Netscape path for 
good, and so that SM doesn´t create it again even after I have deleted 

And how about that extra profile "default" which I never 
created...should I just delete that?
I do have to be slightly careful because I have everything pointed at 
E:\Mail & Newsgroups\SeaMonkey so things might not work quite the same 
way.  I have just found out that clicking on the Profile Manager 
short-cut in my SeaMonkey menu just opens a copy of SM - there again I 
am not 100% sure that I bothered to install it, as I only work with my 
own single profile.

Anyway, getting back to what I do feel happy to comment on, yes the 
trick of moving the folders is a one off and has to be done for every 
account.  When I last set up a new account SM stuck it in my Documents & 
Settings folder and I had to go through the same procedure again.

If you have a number of accounts to set up, you can set them all up 
first and then run through the same procedure for each of them in one go.

Using Explorer, I know that the only location of my Profiles folder is 
also under E:\Mail & Newsgroups\SeaMonkey and I have a single folder 
under it with my own name on it.  I do not have a second folder called 
'Default'.  It would seem that so long as you can confirm that you have 
an active profile sub-folder in your own name, you do not need the 
Default one as well.  You might like to check out the 

Is anyone else having problems with Email Filters?

2010-03-12 Thread EnorMouse
As I have in the past had problems with Junk filters producing false 
positives and in one particular case hiding an urgently needed email in 
the junk folder I do not use them.

My old main email address has been out there for quite a few years and 
the amount of junk that I receive is staggering.  To handle this I have 
created a large number of filters on this account and a set of junk 
folders into which it is transferred.

By using different junk folders for different types of junk, I know that 
I can delete it without having to review it - anything with Viagra or 
Cialis (in their many and varied spellings) in the 'Subject' or 'From' 
for example.  Other filers and folders need to be checked, for example 
anything that does not have my account name in the 'To' or 'Cc' gets 
sent to a folder called 'Circulars'.  Most of these are junk but 
occasionally I will get a genuine circular where the Bcc feature has 
been used.

So I have a lot of filters handling a lot of junk in several different 
ways.  They were all working fine before my upgrade to SM 2. I am 
currently on SM 2.0.3 and the problems remain the same.

Problem 1: Sometimes when I restart SM, particularly after a power down, 
the 'Enabled' box next to a number of filers becomes unticked.  The 
selection of filters that this happens on seems to be random and changes 
each time it happens, both in terms of the number and choice of filters 

Problem 2: A lot of the time, even though all my filter are set up to 
run 'Checking Mail or Manually Run' I find items in the account Inbox 
which will be correctly moved when I run the 'Run Filters on Folder' 
manually.  So far I have not identified if this relates to one 
particular filter or a number of them.  My impression is that it tends 
to be filters which are looking into the body of the emails.

Problem 3: When saving filers I regularly get an error box stating "This 
filter cannot be saved because some search terms are invalid in the 
current context." No other information as to which search term is at 
fault is provided. One would be inclined to think that this would relate 
to the search term just added, but even if I delete them I continue to 
get the same message.  If I continue to click on the Save button and OK 
the error message, it will normally save the filter and it works OK. 
Accordingly I rarely bother to try to identify which search term is at 
fault or why.

Anyone out there using filters a fair bit and encountering anything like 

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: New mail accounts created in "wrong" location

2010-03-12 Thread EnorMouse

Monica wrote:

Bill Davidsen wrote:

Monica wrote:

I am using SM 2.0.3. Windows XP pro sp3.

After one of the last 2-3 SM updates (can´t remember exactly which
one) the following happens when I create a new mail account; SM for
some reason puts it in a "wrong" location on my hard drive.

Before the update it put all my mail accounts in C:\Documents and

After the update it puts it in a place that actually doesn´t really
exist on my hard drive (SM creates it)
C:\Program\Netscape\Users\Netscape 7.1\tng6b77b.slt\Mail\

I don´t have Netscape 7.1 on my computer! I have even tried to delete
the mail accounts that have been placed there, and then deleted the
created Netscape folder/subfolders from under Program and then tried
to create the mail accounts again to get them in the right location.
It does not work, SM continues to create that particular path to put
all my new mail accounts in.

Does anyone have a clue as to what could be going on here?

Unless you are creating them in a new profile, no. If these are going in
a new profile, maybe. When creating a new profile you can tune where
things are put (I'm not running Windows so i won't assume it's identical
to Linux). If you ever had Netscape on the machine there might be
left-over cruft in the registry or other control location which has that
string and directory.

You can try creating another new profile and see if it offers to put it
in NetScape... Quick detective work.

No I´m not creating them in a new profile. However, in profile manager I
can see a profile called "default" which I do not use, nor have I ever
created it.

I tried the trick you wrote about above, to create a new profile. It did
not offer to put the new profile in Netscape, but under the same path as
my "old" ones; in C:\Documents and Settings\Administratör\Application

Could there be something strange going on with that "default" profile
(which SM must have created when I upgraded), even though I don´t use it?

Like Bill, I have no idea what SM is up to and have not added any 
accounts lately.

As the sole user of my computer, I dislike the habit of programs to 
store their data in My Documents, or alongside the program files or in 
the Documents and Settings folders.  I actually have a separate drive 
for data and try to point all of my programs to appropriate folders on 
it.  This means that I can take separate backups of my programs and my 
data (including all my email files).

Anyway, to fix your existing problem, copy the account folder to where 
you want it to be.  Go into SM and the Account Settings and at the 
bottom of the Server Settings page you will see a box with the file 
location in.  Change this to the new location and shut down SM.

Rename or move to somewhere safe the old account folder - you will not 
be able to do this with any part of SM running as it will have locks on it.

Fire back up SM and it should then find the account files in their new 
location.  When you are happy that it is working correctly, you can 
delete the old account folder and files.

Hope that this helps.

support-seamonkey mailing list