How to stop full screen mode on Mac?

2014-06-08 Thread Georg Maaß

How to stop full screen mode on Mac?

Esc key does not help. (does nothing)
F11 key does not help. (dimms the speaker)
F11 key together with fn key does not help. (does something strange)

Quit and restart starts again in full screen mode.

How can I stop it?
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: UA Spoofing.

2010-08-29 Thread Georg Maaß
When my XulRunner applications starts spamming Firefox UA telling a lie 
to the world, I will start FF spoofing on my web sites to ban all UAs 
containing FireFox.

I hate FireFox. I do not accept UA containing FireFox, if it is not a 
FireFox but only uses the Mozilla toolkit.

It is ok, if the user can configure site by site to append that stupid 
keyword for compatibility with sites of stupid site authors, but this 
should not be the default but should be done for each site separately.

My favorite is SM, which is the only real mozilla. Where I have the 
choice I always use SM, never FF.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: UA Spoofing.

2010-08-29 Thread Georg Maaß

Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:

But what is the need to inflict your personal problems on your visitors?

Exactly this is, what stupid web authors do with UA name spoofing 
instead of doing needed feature testing.

Firefox is an enemy, because it is an egoist make a lot of unnecessary 
trouble to all the other applications built on top of toolkit, because 
there are often compatibility issues caused by changes made for FF.

Toolkit is not developed straight forward, but is developed with FF 
focus only.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: How to get Reply and Reply To to ignore my email address

2010-08-21 Thread Georg Maaß

Mark Hansen wrote:

I'm still using SeaMonkey 1.1.19 on Windows/XP. For some time now
(I can't remember when this changed) I've enjoyed the feature that
when I reply to an e-mail message, SM knows not to place my e-mail
address in the To: field, even when I'm replying to a message which
I sent.

For example, say I send a message to Fred, and Fred sends a response.
If I reply to Fred's response, it places Fred's e-mail address in the
To: field. However, if I replay to my original message, it knows not
to place me in the To: field, and instead places Fred there.

I really like this feature. I recently installed SM 1.1.19 at my
new office (also running Windows/XP) and can't get it to work that
way. When I reply to a message, it always places the sender in the
To: list, even when it's me.

Is there a user preference to change this which I'm missing?

I know this behaviour only from Reply All but not from Reply. Reply All 
is Reply all except me. I mostly use Reply All exactly because of this 

support-seamonkey mailing list

How to filter away spam in newsgroups?

2010-07-24 Thread Georg Maaß


there is so much spam in the mozilla news groups (i.e. XPCOM, XUL and DOM).

How can I tell SeaMonkey to filter this spam away (at least mark it as 

Filters seem not to work for news groups (i.e. I'm missing the run now 
button known from the eMail filters).

Mark as spam also does not work for news groups.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: How to filter away spam in newsgroups?

2010-07-24 Thread Georg Maaß

Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:

Marking individual posts never works (for email or news) as the spammers
use a different user ID (email address) for each message. You just end
up with a huge list of never-to-be-used-again filters.

I created a message filter via menu Tools - Message Filters... for

The filter is specified as:

Apply filter when: Checking Mail or Manually Run
Match any of the following
Message_ID contains
Perform these actions: Mark As Read

but no Run manually button is provided for the filter. So it seems to be 
useless. If this GUI is not designed to create filters for news groups 
the dropdown menu Filter for should provide mailboxes only. Currently it 
provides mailboxes as well as news servers, but filters on news serves 
seem not to work.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Installing an extension without secure update?

2010-06-20 Thread Georg Maaß

»Q« wrote:

I assume you already have a method for installing Firefox extensions in
SM for testing, but post back if you need help with that.

Usually I just give them to SM to let SM decide, whether it installs or 
rejects an extention. Usually it complains about incompatibility. This 
time it does not complain about incompatibility but about the unsecure 

I've now opened the install.rdf. It does not contain any entry for 
{92650c4d-4b8e-4d2a-b7eb-24ecf4f6b63a} so it seems to incompatible or at 
least not care about SM.

So in this case I'll check in bugzilla, whether I can find a bug 
requesting for first checking for compatibility and afterwards for 
secure updates, because in case of incompatibility updates are out of 

Found no such bug, so I added this one:

Thanks very much
support-seamonkey mailing list

Installing an extension without secure update?

2010-06-19 Thread Georg Maaß


I wanted to try this extension in SM 2.0.6pre but SM rejected to install 
it because it does not have a secure update:

Is there a pref to enable installation even without secure update, or 
should I complain at the author of the extension (Ted Mielczarek).

Also downloading it onto the desktop and dragging it from there onto SM 
does not help to install it.

support-seamonkey mailing list