Re: SeaMonkey/2.19 on Linux nuked all messages in InBox and ALL folders underneath

2013-08-16 Thread Jamey Fletcher
In fact, there is a different explanation for the mark as deleted 
approach.  Depending on how it's handled, it can even make the undeletion 
explanation untenable.

The point of "mark as deleted" was, at least originally, a matter of 
*SPEED*.  MS-DOS would mark a file as deleted in the directory, as well as 
marking the space occupied by the file as free in the FAT tables, rather 
than taking the time to actually over-write the empty spaces immediately.  
When a new file was created in that subdirectory, after a reboot, the 
system would scan the subdirectory file and use the first directory entry 
marked as deleted for the new file directory entry.  Likewise, the FAT 
table would be scanned for placed marked empty - whether they'd ever been 
written to, or not.  This is why, over time, a defragmentation process was 
a good thing - it reduced the fragmentation caused by this process, 
allowing files to be read faster with less head movement.

Likewise, in the MBOX format that many if not most mail programs use, 
simply marking an e-mail as deleted is much faster than the complete 
re-writing of the file that would be necessary for full deletion.  That it 
allows for undeletion is a happy accident, it was not the design goal.  
Compaction allows for the multiple re-writes of the entire MBOX file to be 
done as one long re-write, skipping over e-mails marked deleted.

This is even seen in database engines with fixed-size records - mark a
record deleted, and when it's time to insert a new record, use the space 
from an old deleted record to store the new one.


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: "freelance writer" in message body

2011-12-12 Thread Jamey Fletcher

Ray_Net wrote:

I did not know how the word "freelance writer" can be a spam ...
normally a spam is someone that propose his services or products ? non ?

"Spam" has come to mean more than simply unsolicited commercial e-mail. Soldiers 
even talk of spamming bullets at the enemy - just firing off blindly to 
encourage the enemy to keep their head down.

Since they're always the exact same words, I'm suspecting the real message is 
buried in the headers - perhaps the message ID.  This could be a covert method 
of passing messages used by intelligence agencies, or command-and-control for a 
botnet, or any one of a number of other possibilities.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: JavaScript

2011-09-23 Thread Jamey Fletcher

Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:

chokito wrote:

In SeaMonkey 2.4 will
"javascript:self.resizeTo(1600,1000);self.moveTo(40,10);" doesn't

That size appears to me to be a full-screen resolution. If you really
like such big windows, why don't you just press F11 while in the browser?

Instant full-screen!

Because not all of us have such small screens.  Such size gives me room 
to have other windows peeking out the ride for easy raising by clicking. 
 1920x1200 - it's getting cheaper every day.  Check your local 
Wal-Mart's HDTV section.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Send link feature in SM2.0.x

2011-04-03 Thread Jamey Fletcher

Keith Whaley wrote:

Question: Thruout the following post, URL is repeatedly shown as
'URI' or some such. The L in URL stands for Locator, and I'm
wondering why all acronyms in here show up as 'URI', even in the RFC

URLs are a subset of URIs - Uniform Resource Identifiers.  Computer
Scientists and Library/Information Science Majors work with URIs -
everyone else is just having enough trouble coping with URLs.

Call it a University vs. Vo-Tech thing.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Arranging the messages in a folder into a specific order?

2011-03-05 Thread Jamey Fletcher

W3BNR wrote:

On 3/5/2011 12:46 AM Rostyslaw Lewyckyj wrote:

Philip Chee wrote:

On Fri, 04 Mar 2011 15:11:33 -0500, Rostyslaw Lewyckyj wrote:

Is there any way to sequence the messages in a folder in a particular
order. The only way that I have been able to come up with is to move
them, one at a time, individually, into a new folder. ???
I have found a need for this, if I need to process a group of messages
outside of SM. e.g.: to decode a media file downloaded in parts.

Tag them and sort on the tags column.


So, how do I tag messages which when I look at the folder, sorted by
order received are in the order: 1,10,11,12,2,3,4,9,8,7,6,5
to be in a folder, in the order : 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12
So that I can decode the collection?

A while back a friend who was doing just that on binary news groups had
a program that would put all the msgs in order, strip the un-needed
parts of the msgs, put the uucoded sections in order and decode. I don't
remember the program's name, but I'm sure you could come up with it by
searching with Google, Ask, or whatever.

uudecode or uudeview are examples of the program you're looking for - 
the latter much better at it than the former.

Oh, and the original list looks sorted lexically, not numerically, so a 
solution on that is to left-pad the numbers with zeros to the 
appropriate number of places - eg. 01, 10, 11, 12, 02, 03, 04, 09, 08, 
07, 06, 05

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Is Seamonkey defunct?

2010-12-09 Thread Jamey Fletcher

Jane_Galt wrote:

I was looking at the stats for my small business website and only
about 2.5% of visits come from people using SM.

I don't know about you, but I can't afford to turn away 2.5% of my
potential customers.  Things are just too tight these days.  Especially 
as it's not so much a matter of having to code a special version just 
for Seamonkey, as *NOT* using the functions that have to be adjusted to 
be "just so" for different browsers.  Website designers need to get over 
the desire to control each and every damn pixel on the screen - they 
don't know what window size will eventually be viewing the page, what 
theme will be decorating that window, nor on what size monitor that 
window will be being displayed.  If they want pixel-perfect control of 
what the user sees - they should ship a bleepin' bitmap graphic with a 
map to implement linking.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Seamonkey Add-on needed

2010-11-17 Thread Jamey Fletcher

hawker wrote:

Use Image Zoom. Works great (less filling).
Mouse over and use scroll wheel to zoom

One *MIGHT* note that not all people, especially some on laptops, have 
the luxury of your silly scroll wheel.  Heck, you can't even really 
guarantee your users have two mouse buttons - or even that they have a 
mouse.  I've had a few times when I was kind of desperately searching 
the web for how the  to get a mouse working.  Fortunately, I come 
from a by-gone era when using the keyboard to do work was considered 
reasonable.  These days, I'm wondering why they bother shipping them to 
most people, as most people's typing speed would be much improved if 
they just had an on-screen keyboard to click on with their mouse.

support-seamonkey mailing list