Re: Missing? URL at: Browser Top Menu - Help - About Plugins - Learn More (fwd)

2018-03-04 Thread M.Ross

Re: Missing? URL at: Browser Top Menu - Help - About Plugins - Learn More (fwd)

Thu, 1 Mar 2018 19:09 -0800 NoOp wrote:
On 2/28/2018 8:13 AM, M.Ross wrote:

Missing? URL at: Browser Top Menu - Help - About Plugins - Learn More

Am I missing something? No Webmaster? So, why advertise it?

Via Linux Seamonkey v2.49.1 on Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS

You might want to upgrade to 16.04.2 LTS:
Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS (Precise Pangolin)
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS reached its regular End of Life on April 28, 2017. No
more package updates, including security updates, will be accepted to
the 12.04 primary archive.

I doubt this old Ubuntu to be the problem I report on. And I am aware of 
12.04 LTS demise. Quickly - and being Off Topic, I will stop here.

I tried upgrading to 14.04 LTS shortly after it released, years ago. Not 
workable on this Lenovo R60e Celeron. So forget 16.04/or better. Most 
errors that occurred over the years since I installed 12.04 LTS proved 
to be graphical - according to Ubuntu -- Not Debian nor Ubuntu Linux 
code errors. Mostly desktop problems.

I try Lubuntu and Debian LXDE now. Maybe I can upgrade Linux that way. 
Unity unnecessary; Gnome Classic not really the problem, nor is Nautilus 
v3.4 FM. Cinnamon and Mate tried and failed -- overloaded -- over-coded 

I need a good Linux Forum, similar to this one for Seamonkey. Something 
that welcomes older X86 laptops. But DSL too limited I think.

Anybody tag me direct, off list, with Debian/Ubuntu/etc Linux Forum List 
ideas. Include "linux4ross" in subject line. Thanks!

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Re: Missing? URL at: Browser Top Menu - Help - About Plugins - Learn More

2018-03-01 Thread M.Ross

Re: Missing? URL at: Browser Top Menu - Help - About Plugins - Learn More

On 2018-02-28 11:13 AM, M.Ross wrote:

Missing? URL at: Browser Top Menu - Help - About Plugins - Learn More

Am I missing something? No Webmaster? So, why advertise it?


Thu, 1 Mar 2018 08:50 +0100 Frank-Rainer Grahl wrote:
Correct. I know about it and a few other cases too. I can spend time fixing 
these or real bugs. Same for the other devs and maintainers.

My original post was not to start a complaint thread, nor be rude. So 
this will be my last post on this.

I hope you understand I was just pointing out something I discovered 
that did not work. Constructive critique to help is all.

I understand for years now the operation, dedication, and limits Mozilla 
Org volunteers work under. I started using Mozilla browser as soon as it 
was released; ver 0.98 or something? Beta?

I Understand Completely the problems and limits. I don't expect a fix 
for this anytime soon, for the reasons you give. Priorities must be set, 
time is limited to 32 hours a day! Maybe. And competent code volunteers 
able to help are needed.

I just wondered if other users realized this bug existed. Or is my 
system here, buggy once again? And made other comments, maybe wrong.

My access to the inet is extremely limited, and only recovered last fall 
after 20 months doing without. I now mooch inet wifi from a neighbor out 
here in the Florida Everglades. Very limited service, outside.

But my Knowledge, Skill, Ability to code is not competent anymore. A 
young, or at least a sharp mind, is required.

I am convinced however, that if the Seamonkey Browser w-Bookmarks, and 
maybe the old Composer, were pulled from the Suite, and being a forked 
development - continued, the problems that exist would subside. Problems 
that exist often due to the "large scale integration"; the Suite with 
Mail, News, Address-book, Chat; too much in one package.

Seamonkey Browser suffers enough trying to deal with all the varieties 
of code from webpages. The plug-ins are proof. Past language problems 
another -- complicated by email and news.

I wish I were able to start a new fork to pull the Browser and run with 
it. Firefox is not it! Seamonkey(since old Mozilla) is worthy, the only 
GUI browser I can, most of the time, depend on. But I use Links2(as text 
and GUI), and Dooble, as backup. Not a joke. Chromium nor related, 
Google nor Microsoft anything, none are options for me.

As long as no people stepping forward and actively help out it will be a 
dollar short a lot of times.

I Understand.

Checkout the website code at:

File a bug and add a patch.

Set a reviewer. You can add me if you want.

I will do as best I can. Probably not much nor soon.

Only filing a bug won't get it fixed btw.

I Understood. And Thanks for everything you and others do.


The Best To You & Yours,
The 17th Amendment Does Not Apply To States That Did
Not Ratify It - Because They Did Not "Consent" To It!
See Const. Art V for "Consent".


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Re: Missing? URL at: Browser Top Menu - Help - About Plugins - Learn More

2018-03-01 Thread M.Ross

Re: Missing? URL at: Browser Top Menu - Help - About Plugins - Learn More

Wed, 28 Feb 2018 13:55 -0500 WaltS48 wrote:
On 02/28/2018 11:13 AM, M.Ross wrote:

Missing? URL at: Browser Top Menu - Help - About Plugins - Learn More

Am I missing something? No Webmaster? So, why advertise it?

Via Linux Seamonkey v2.49.1 on Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS

Select: Top Menu - Help - About Plugins -- and see:

Installed plugins

Missing something? Some plugins are no longer supported.   Learn More.

Now Select: "Learn More" for <>

Page Not Found
We're sorry, but we can't find what you're looking for.

The page or file you're looking for wasn't found on our site. It's 
possible that you clicked a link that's out of date, or typed in the 
address incorrectly.

     If you typed in the address, please double check the spelling.
     If you followed a link from somewhere, please let us know at Tell us where you came from and what 
you were looking for, and we'll do our best to fix it.

Or you can just jump over to some of the popular pages on our website.

     Were you looking for our downloads?
     Or maybe information about the SeaMonkey project?
     It might just be best to start at the SeaMonkey Home Page.

No Webmaster? I know there is turmoil in Zilla-Land, but is it time to 
take a holiday from using Zillas until matters are solved?

Problem is no worthy GUI browser exits. Firefox is too immature, and 
much of it has infected Seamonkey from the stable work it seemed to be 
when first taken over by the original Seamonkey group. Now it is back in 
Moz-Hands for a while.

Chromium is Google junk. Opera is too clumsy / buggy / overloaded / 
bloated / ... -- but it seems Seamonkey is no better than Opera now; 
over-coded or something. What? So---

Can Seamonkey Browser be easily extracted from the Suite? Just use the 
browser and bookmarks? No Chat, Composer, Mail/News/Addressbook/ etc? I 
don't use more than browser and bookmarks anyway. Alpine is still the 
most reliable and usable for mail/news service.

Separated from the Suite, SM-Browser might be easier for the coders to 
deal with, to settle down, and these Add-Ons/Extensions/etc can be dealt 
with for one purpose. Browsing!

I appreciate the efforts of the volunteer coders working on Seamonkey! 
But too much seems amiss and not solvable in reasonable time frames. 
Modularize Seamonkey, separate it into individual - workable -


So you didn't click the and ask about 
the Page Not Found?

Do you mean email: ? Like this:

Date: 22 Feb 2018 17:02:32 -
Subject: failure notice

Hi. This is the qmail-send program at
I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following 

This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.

: does not like recipient.
Remote host said: 454 4.7.1 : Relay 

Giving up on
I'm not going to try again; this message has been in the queue too long.

Is that a bad email address? Or me doing something wrong?

This might help if you are curious about plugins.


Thank You, Sir.

The Best To You & Yours,
My Life Is My Permit, My Right To Keep And Bear Arms!


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support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Missing? URL at: Browser Top Menu - Help - About Plugins - Learn More

2018-02-28 Thread M.Ross

Re: Missing? URL at: Browser Top Menu - Help - About Plugins - Learn More

Wed, 28 Feb 2018 11:33 -0500 WaltS48 wrote:
On 2/28/18 11:13 AM, M.Ross wrote:
I appreciate the efforts of the volunteer coders working on Seamonkey! But 
too much seems amiss and not solvable in reasonable time frames. Modularize 
Seamonkey, separate it into individual - workable -

Those are called Firefox and Thunderbird. ;-)

Those are Not workable for me! Thanks anyway.

With all due respect, I made reference to Firefox, and should include 
Thunderbird with that comment, though I never found Thunderbird usable 
and forgot it even exists. I need workable software, just the browser.

The Browser is all I want of the Seamonkey Suite. The rest is of no use 
to me - being immature and clumsy.

Seamonkey Suite is the better part of the Mozilla Firefox and 
Thunderbird work. Without Seamonkey browser, Mozilla offers nothing 
else. I would gladly return to old Mozilla - prior to Seamonkey - if 
possible; though the first few issues of Seamonkey were great; the 
browser part.

The Best To You & Yours,
The 17th Amendment Does Not Apply To States That Did
Not Ratify It - Because They Did Not "Consent" To It!
See Const. Art V for "Consent".


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support-seamonkey mailing list

Missing? URL at: Browser Top Menu - Help - About Plugins - Learn More (fwd)

2018-02-28 Thread M.Ross

Missing? URL at: Browser Top Menu - Help - About Plugins - Learn More

Am I missing something? No Webmaster? So, why advertise it?

Via Linux Seamonkey v2.49.1 on Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS

Select: Top Menu - Help - About Plugins -- and see:

Installed plugins

Missing something? Some plugins are no longer supported.   Learn More.

Now Select: "Learn More" for 

Page Not Found
We're sorry, but we can't find what you're looking for.

The page or file you're looking for wasn't found on our site. It's possible 
that you clicked a link that's out of date, or typed in the address 

If you typed in the address, please double check the spelling.
If you followed a link from somewhere, please let us know at Tell us where you came from and what you were 
looking for, and we'll do our best to fix it.

Or you can just jump over to some of the popular pages on our website.

Were you looking for our downloads?
Or maybe information about the SeaMonkey project?
It might just be best to start at the SeaMonkey Home Page.

No Webmaster? I know there is turmoil in Zilla-Land, but is it time to 
take a holiday from using Zillas until matters are solved?

Problem is no worthy GUI browser exits. Firefox is too immature, and much 
of it has infected Seamonkey from the stable work it seemed to be when 
first taken over by the original Seamonkey group. Now it is back in 
Moz-Hands for a while.

Chromium is Google junk. Opera is too clumsy / buggy / overloaded / 
bloated / ... -- but it seems Seamonkey is no better than Opera now; 
over-coded or something. What? So---

Can Seamonkey Browser be easily extracted from the Suite? Just use the 
browser and bookmarks? No Chat, Composer, Mail/News/Addressbook/ etc? I 
don't use more than browser and bookmarks anyway. Alpine is still the 
most reliable and usable for mail/news service.

Separated from the Suite, SM-Browser might be easier for the coders to 
deal with, to settle down, and these Add-Ons/Extensions/etc can be dealt 
with for one purpose. Browsing!

I appreciate the efforts of the volunteer coders working on Seamonkey! 
But too much seems amiss and not solvable in reasonable time frames. 
Modularize Seamonkey, separate it into individual - workable -


The Best To You & Yours,
M. Ross All Rights Reserved


ONLY AT VFEmail! - Use our Metadata Mitigator to keep your email out of the 
NSA's hands!
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15GB disk! No bandwidth quotas!
Commercial and Bulk Mail Options!  

support-seamonkey mailing list

SmnkyLst: Re: 2.38 default tab closing

2018-02-01 Thread M.Ross

SmnkyLst: Re: 2.38 default tab closing

Thank You, Sir, I appreciate your reply, and studied it without success.

M.Ross originally wrote:
Am I to understand that the close of a tab can be by a single click of
a tab icon "closeButton" - without right-click first? Where is the
icon? Disabled? How do I activate the browser.tabs.closeButtons icon?
Change the number 3 to what? I tried several to no avail. Is there a
trigger? A combination setting?

Wed, 17 Jan 2018 19:43 +0100 Hartmut Figge wrote:
Excerpt from browser-prefs.js:

// Where to show tab close buttons:
// 0  on active tab only
// 1  on all tabs until tabClipWidth is reached, then active tab only
// 2  no close buttons at all
// 3  at the end of the tabstrip
pref("browser.tabs.closeButtons", 3);

I ran a search of this computer drive for any 'prefs' or 'omni' named 
files, and am not able to locate any "browser-prefs.js" file, so I 
must assume you mean the browser "prefs.js" file, which I am familiar 

This prefs.js file contains nothing like you excerpted from yours; and 
it is updated when I make changes, so is the active use file.

To refresh - this is a Linux Ubuntu v12.04LTS system, with a Mozilla 
built copy of Seamonkey v2.49.1 downloaded and installed manually. Not 
a Source Forge or other type installation. It appears from your post 
you are a Linux setup; so we are not confusing things with Windows. 
Though something is different, or my little grey cells are asleep.

The 'pref("browser.tabs.closeButtons", 3);' entry I find in the 
prefs.js file, and in about.config, - if I change it to a '1' it shows 
in the prefs.js file. But that does nothing for altering the tabs to 
show a closeButton. So possibly something is not enabled or built with 
that feature.

I cannot find info on it in help.

Many descriptions can be found in omni,ja which is located in the folder
seamonkey, where seamonkey is installed. Not in the profile. The above
.js is in omni.ja#defaults/pref together with some other interesting
.js. Also there is omni.ja#greprefs.js.

The omni.ja file is in the Seamonkey program directory, over 19megs 
in size and not a text file, some form of data. But I opened it as 
text and no closeButton ref can I find in the file. What program 
normally opens this file other than Seamonkey?

I cannot find any of the other references you make: 
omni.ja#defaults/pref  --  only a channel-prefs.js

omni.ja#greprefs.js--  no ref

and I searched, looked back into this computers archives, as I hold 
some prior versions of Seamonkey too. But cannot find any help.

The Seamonkey top menu Help-Troubleshooting Information-Important 
Modified Preferences table showing 'browser.tabs.closeButton' option 
with the '1' I set it for. But no change in Seamonkey tabs.

Thanks anyway.

The Best To You & Yours,
M. Ross All Rights Reserved
The 17th Amendment Does Not Apply To States That Did
Not Ratify It - Because They Did Not "Consent" To It!
See Const. Art V for "Consent".


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Re: 2.38 default tab closing

2018-01-17 Thread M.Ross

Two Years ago - and far-far-away...

Sun, 27 Sep 2015 20:14 -0400 Roger Fink wrote:
In my installation of SeaMonkey 2.35 the default about:config preference 
"browser.tabs.closeButtons" is set to 3, which removes the close button from 
the individual tabs and places one close button at the far right-hand side of 
the tab row. ...

This System Linux: Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS
w-Seamonkey 2.49.1 ( DOM Inspector Disabled - awaiting update )

Ref: about:config -- browser.tabs.closeButtons  default integer 3

Am I to understand that the close of a tab can be by a single click of 
a tab icon "closeButton" - without right-click first? Where is the 
icon? Disabled? How do I activate the browser.tabs.closeButtons icon? 
Change the number 3 to what? I tried several to no avail. Is there a 
trigger? A combination setting?

I cannot find info on it in help.

The Best To You & Yours,
M. Ross All Rights Reserved


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CmnkyList: Window Top Bar Disappears On Seamonkey Only

2015-07-24 Thread M.Ross

CmnkyList: Window Top Bar Disappears On Seamonkey Only

This problem is - Bizarre?

It appears opening the Seamonkey Bookmark Manager, which opens in a 
new window, may be the cause of the top window bar(the bar with the 3 
window control buttons) - of the window holding the Seamonkey program 
- to disappear!

Only on the Seamonkey window! Not the Bookmark Manager window! No 
other program running suffers this! No other window suffers this. I 
cannot remember seeing this prior to about 2 months ago. I have been 
trying to figure out what was happening. What the trigger may be.

But who is looking for symptoms like this? So exact time it started is 

Only the Seamonkey window is effected! No crashing of Seamonkey or any 
other program, just the missing top bar! Which prevents using the 3 
window control buttons, until I minimize, then maximize the Seamonkey 
window! Then all is normal again!

I am watching this for at least 2 months now. And of course I first 
considered it an Ubuntu Linux XWindow problem. Ubuntu 12.04 without 
Unity desktop - I use Gnome!

But this only happens on the primary Seamonkey window, not a window 
for BM mgr, nor any other window. I cannot always reproduce it, but it 
happens frequent.

Any thoughts anybody!

The Best To You & Yours,
M.Ross All Rights Reserved


ONLY AT VFEmail! - Use our Metadata Mitigator to keep your email out of the 
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Re: SmnkyLst: Crash During Online Editing, Browser Webpage Redirected

2015-07-24 Thread M.Ross

Re: SmnkyLst: Crash During Online Editing, Browser Webpage Redirected

Fri, 17 Jul 2015 16:40 -0700 David E. Ross wrote:
On 7/17/2015 8:57 AM, M.Ross wrote:

SmnkyLst: Crash During Online Editing, Browser Webpage Redirected
Problem: The Seamonkey browser attempted to load a non-existent webpage,
using prior captured text, any word or phrase. This caused trouble &
interrupted any process, especially when entering data or editing a
file online.
In About.Config, I discovered the problem. 2 items set to default as

middlemouse.contentLoadURL  true

middlemouse.paste   true

I changed/reset them to false, & the problem ended. I believe default
should be "false" to prevent the problem.

The defaults are indeed "false" for those two preference variables.
When I request about:config and filter on "middlemouse", those two (plus
middlemouse.scrollbarPosition) not only show as "false"; they are also
NOT bold.  They would be bold if they had non-default values.
Furthermore, right-clicking on them gives me a pull-down context menu
with Reset disabled because they are already reset.

Only middlemouse.openNewWindow is "true", per my settings at [Edit >

Where in Edit-Preferences? I am unable to locate any ref?

In about:config - Seamonkey v2.33.1, running on Ubuntu Linux v12.04LTS 
(up-to-date), displayed(before I altered it):

browser.tabs.opentabfor.middleclick user set   boolean   false (bold)
middlemouse.contentLoadURL  defaultboolean   true
middlemouse.openNewWindow   defaultboolean   true
middlemouse.paste   defaultboolean   true
middlemouse.scrollbarPosition   defaultboolean   true

I toggled 2 entries True & they turned bold:

middlemouse.contentLoadURL  user set   boolean   false (bold)
middlemouse.paste   user set   boolean   false (bold)

I am unable to find any other option, set/reset, default, etc. I 
continue to wonder what else changed that caused this. I suspect the 
v2.33.1 update made the change, & I started seeing this symptom.

The Best To You & Yours,
M. Ross All Rights Reserved


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SmnkyLst: Crash During Online Editing, Browser Webpage Redirected

2015-07-17 Thread M.Ross

SmnkyLst: Crash During Online Editing, Browser Webpage Redirected

Random operation drove me nuts. But it became more often the norm & 
crashed online document editing!

Problem: The Seamonkey browser attempted to load a non-existent webpage, 
using prior captured text, any word or phrase. This caused trouble & 
interrupted any process, especially when entering data or editing a 
file online.

Using a laptop computer with track-point & middle button it is possible 
to scroll up & down in webpage documents. But this triggered a crash in 
edit mode online, editing a text file in a webpage - proofreading in 
this case. Every time the middle button was pressed to grasp the page & 
move it with the track-point up or down, the possibility of & often a 
crash occurred, & the browser went most anyplace based on prior captured 
text in the buffer. Even became a new webpage.

Just pressing the middle track-point button often sent the browser to a 
fake webpage.

In About.Config, I discovered the problem. 2 items set to default as 

middlemouse.contentLoadURL  true

middlemouse.paste   true

I changed/reset them to false, & the problem ended. I believe default 
should be "false" to prevent the problem.

This never happened before. Has something changed in an update, a 
default changed, another entry altered the basic operation of Seamonkey?

Is this a Bug?
Should it be reported?
Can I set, should I set, something else to end the problem?
Is my change going to cause another problem?

Any warnings, thoughts, or ideas?

The Best To You & Yours,
M. Ross All Rights Reserved


ONLY AT VFEmail! - Use our Metadata Mitigator to keep your email out of the 
NSA's hands!
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support-seamonkey mailing list

SmnkyLst: Re: Create filter

2015-07-11 Thread M.Ross

SmnkyLst: Re: Create filter

Sat, 11 Jul 2015 10:10 +1000 F Murtz wrote:
MRoss wrote:

SmnkyLst: Re: Create filter
F Murtz wrote:

F Murtz wrote:

How would you create a filter for a poster that continually changes
the email address like this poster,if you want to see examples


MRoss wrote:
I would need to see the email header involved to explain more.


F Murtz wrote:
This is not email as such it is usenet,for which I use the usenet 

I suffer limited time & cannot spare any now to start up with 

I suggest you read up on filters, experiment, & apply them. I am sure a 
filter can be set to block all/part posts from your mail, while 
allowing Seamonkey post through.

Filters are just logic to include or exclude msgs based on header 
entries, or even text found in the body - if the email client is 

I am not totally fluent with Seamonkey mail & filters, as I am with 
Alpine. So I would at least need a copy of the newsgroup header to work 

The Best To You & Yours,
M. Ross All Rights Reserved


ONLY AT VFEmail! - Use our Metadata Mitigator to keep your email out of the 
NSA's hands!
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SmnkyLst: Re: Create filter

2015-07-09 Thread M.Ross

SmnkyLst: Re: Create filter

Thu, 9 Jul 2015 18:45 +1000 F Murtz wrote:
Daniel wrote:

On 9/07/2015 3:35 AM, MRoss wrote:

Re: Create filter
F Murtz wrote:
I am trying to filter out some nutcase nuisance posters on groups such as using seamonkey.

I replied to this list from Daniel's post, it was aimed to both of you; 
I was reading & focused on both of your posts at once.

The Best To You & Yours,
M. Ross All Rights Reserved


ONLY AT VFEmail! - Use our Metadata Mitigator to keep your email out of the 
NSA's hands!
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SmnkyLst: Re: Create filter

2015-07-09 Thread M.Ross

SmnkyLst: Re: Create filter

Thu, 9 Jul 2015 16:53 +1000 Daniel wrote:
On 9/07/2015 3:35 AM, MRoss wrote:

Re: Create filter

F Murtz wrote:

How would you create a filter for a poster that continually changes
the email address like this poster,if you want to see examples look at
Col.edmund J.bourke

Neither "From" nor "Sender" addresses should be used nor needed for
filters on a list like this, under most all circumstances.

Receiving filters should use the "To" & "Cc" entry to catch this list
address (). Ignore "From" &
"Sender" entries - under most all circumstances.

Everybody should post to this list with the "To" & "Reply-To" entry set
to this list address  under most
all circumstances!

That should simplify everybodies life here!

Sorry, MRoss, but are you suggesting that the OP should filter out/ignore 
everybody that posts here using the lists?? Seems a bit harsh to me!!

No Sir! That would be harsh & ridiculous! I obviously misunderstood your 
focus & need, thinking you were trying to capture my address(that 
changed a few times), not exclude it. So I suggested capturing the 
Seamonkey list address to simplify the process, capturing everybody 
that posted to it.

I filter what I want from an inbox & send it to another folder first, 
leaving the rest behind for other filters to figure out.

You obviously want to filter what you do not want from an inbox 
& send it to trash? maybe? to start with?

My suggestions work to exclude any email "Not" - "To" or "Cc" this list 

However, if a poster sends an email to Seamonkey list, under my 
suggestions, it gets through! And now I understand you do not want it?

OK, So I would set a filter to capture any "" address part & 
route it to where you want it to go; trash?!

Obviously is you want some & not all, more filtering is 
required, & email addresses must be used at some point to be selective. 
If addresses periodically change, that is an addressbook/filter update 
project to deal with.

I hope this clarifies my prior post.

The Best To You & Yours,
M. Ross All Rights Reserved


ONLY AT VFEmail! - Use our Metadata Mitigator to keep your email out of the 
NSA's hands!
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15GB disk! No bandwidth quotas!
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support-seamonkey mailing list

Unwanted Bookmark Manager(BM) Features

2013-07-27 Thread M.Ross

Unwanted Bookmark Manager(BM) Features

I am delayed finding this post, major amount of email from this list 
seems to have been embargoed, at least until early July anyway. And 
with more added since then - I am overloaded. Yet there is a lot 
missing, threads not complete. However...

On 06/04/2013 05:58 PM, David E. Ross wrote:

On 6/4/13 7:06 AM, M.Ross wrote:

SmnkyLst: Unwanted Bookmark Manager(BM) Features

I set the preference variable browser.bookmarks.autoExportHTML to True.

I accept your suggestion & set "True" for the Export, though I suspect 
it will not be used, as I believe it never was. I never saved 
bookmarks to the unique Toolbar & Unsorted Bookmarks folders, only to 
the Bookmarks Menu folder, by the old Right-click method.

I never see the bookmarks toolbar.  I went to the SeaMonkey menu bar,
selected [View > Show/Hide > Bookmarks Toolbar] to remove the checkmark,
which then hides the toolbar.

I unchecked the View...Bookmarks Toolbar long ago, it was a nuisance!

If I actually want to maintain my bookmarks, I ... have the PrefBar
extension installed along with the Bookmarks Manager button (at
<>).  I click on
the button to get the Bookmarks Manager.

I will check out your "tuxfamily" extension suggestion. I assume
available for Seamonkey on Ubuntu Linux 12.04.

And Thanks!

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Re: SmnkyLst: Is Gov't Trashing Mozilla/Seamonkey

2013-07-02 Thread M.Ross

Re: SmnkyLst: Is Gov't Trashing Mozilla/Seamonkey

On 06/29/2013 11:09 AM, M.Ross wrote:

SmnkyLst: Is Gov't Trashing Mozilla/Seamonkey

This forum is shut down nearly! What is the status?

Since I posted the Mozilla distribution of "Stop Watching Us" here on 
Seamonkey forum, a few weeks back in archives now, this forum all but 
died! I must wonder why?

Stop Watching Us!

I suggest everybody visit & sign up for more info from 
<> - they (Mozilla & are trying to help us 
end the 1984 tyranny under way here in America!

If you don't understand - read the book & watch the movie 1984!
The book "Anthem" by Ayn Rand is good too!

We don't need a Forth Reich over America!

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SmnkyLst: Is Gov't Trashing Mozilla/Seamonkey

2013-06-29 Thread M.Ross

SmnkyLst: Is Gov't Trashing Mozilla/Seamonkey

This forum is shut down nearly! What is the status?

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Fwd: Stop watching us

2013-06-15 Thread M.Ross

Fwd: Stop watching us

Please Read This! We All Have A Problem!

I send this for those of you unaware! I know this is off topic!

 Original Message 
Subject:Stop watching us
Date:   Fri, 14 Jun 2013 17:36:19 +
From:   Mark Surman, 


Hi there,

This Tuesday, Mozilla joined with a coalition of organizations from
across the political and technical spectrum to send a message to the
US government: Stop watching us.

We believe that technology's most important use is for /good./ But if
what we've heard about PRISM is true, then what has been happening is
the opposite of that. And the more I hear about the massive spying
program that has allegedly been collecting information on the way
millions of people use the Web, the more I worry. I worry specifically
about government agencies forcing private companies to hand over
people's data in secret — even if there is no suspicion that those
people have done anything wrong.

The information that government agencies are reportedly collecting
includes everything we do on the Web — our communication with friends
and family, the way we conduct private business and manage our money.
If these revelations are true, they confirm my worst fears about the
potential for abuse of our basic rights. But for me, that’s not what
worries me most. The worst part is seeing so many people just shrug
their shoulders and say, “Well, this was inevitable. Privacy is dead.”

It’s not inevitable. We can can change things. Privacy is an essential
part of Internet life that can be protected if we fight for it, and
we're fighting now. The first step: tell Congress to stop unwarranted
spying on Internet users and to explain exactly what's going on.

Please, I urge you to join me and so many others in telling the US
government: stop watching us.

/And if you — like me — don't live in the US, you can still sign. This
affects all of us. /

I believe in a Web where we don’t have to fear that everything we do
is tracked, monitored and logged — all behind closed doors. I believe
that the Web thrives on openness and transparency. For 20 years, we've
built the Web on these principles. We need to protect them.

Just over a year ago, we asked for the public’s help to stop the US
Congress from considering legislation — the /Stop Online Piracy/ and
/PROTECT IP Acts/ — that posed serious threats to the future of the
Web. I was blown away by the response. It was the biggest online
protest in history — hundreds of thousands of you got involved and
together we shut down a fundamental attack on the Web as we know it.
That's what we can do when we work together — when we /fight/ together.

*Today we are taking a stand for everyone who uses technology, for any
reason. Please stand with us. Don't wait. Do it now:*



P.S. — We also need your support to help keep up this fight. Please
donate $5 or more today to fund this and other efforts to protect the
Web and users' privacy and security.

Mark Surman
Executive Director
Mozilla Foundation


Read the Mozilla Privacy Policy

Have a question about Mozilla? Contact us at:

Mozilla. 650 Castro Street, Suite 300. Mountain View, CA 94041-2021
<#>. United States

Copyright © 2013 Mozilla Foundation Content available under a Creative 
Commons share-alike license V2.0

The Best To You & Yours,
My Rights Ain't Negotiable! The Spirit Of 1776 Lives!
Get Over It!
States Must Reclaim Suffrage In The U.S. Senate;
In Federalist Paper 43, An Amendment Exception Is
Declared By James Madison At Consti. Art V; That -
The 17th Amendment Does Not Apply To States That Did
Not Ratify It - Because They Did Not "Consent" To It!

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SmnkyLst: Unwanted Bookmark Manager(BM) Features

2013-06-04 Thread M.Ross

SmnkyLst: Unwanted Bookmark Manager(BM) Features

While eliminating the Bookmarks Toolbar & Unsorted Bookmarks folders 
is not possible for now, it is possible to hide them. Though it 
sacrifices the Side Bar for those users that like it. Example:

Open the Bookmark Manager;
Open the Sidebar;
Highlight the Bookmarks Menu;
Close the Sidebar.

This eliminates the Bookmarks Toolbar & Unsorted Bookmarks folders 
from view, & the BM is sort of returned to the older BM design - prior 
to this Firefox scheme!

But how can that be set as default, or locked that way?

Unfortunately it does not stay that way for me. Each time I open 
Seamonkey BM, it defaults with the unwanted features exposed, BM 
sidebar open or not.

The Best To You & Yours,
The 17th Amendment Does Not Apply To States That Did
Not Ratify It - Because They Did Not "Consent" To It!
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No "Send This Link" Option in Bookmarks?

2013-04-22 Thread M.Ross

No "Send This Link" Option in Bookmarks?

First - I agree with several comments/complaints I read of 
Seamonkey(SM) Bookmarks(BMs) being a problem, for various reasons. All 
true mostly it seems since the Firefox(FF) BM Manager was integrated 
into SM.

The missing BM "folder location" though, & others, are even older 
issues. And though minor, I always hoped would be fixed. That 
evolution never happened obviously.

I find the BM Manager top-menu edit-move feature helps with the 
missing BM "folder location" problem - just move it! That Does Not 
tell where it is or was - but it can be Moved that way to where it 
should be - not leaving a lost copy behind! The sidebar BM access does 
not offer a move function, that I can find!

The few improvements the SM Suite development crew added initially to 
Mozilla Suite were great - especially for the BM Manager! So I was 
happy with SM Suite until the FF BM Manager showed up! The Windozz 
v.2.0.4 SM BM system needed very few upgrades, features, changes, & 
did not need to be sacked.

Granted there are many good features in the present SM BM system! But 
the system is clumsy, possibly overbuilt, tedious, too tight or 
something. It suffers features/functions that are unwanted, a clutter, 
a nuisance, in the way, yet unselectable or unremoveable by 
preference, build, or config. I dislike FF for many of those reasons & 
uninstalled it from Ubuntu Linux 12.04LTS shortly after I loaded it 
last August. I hope no more FF is installed into SM! The same goes for 
Thunderbird(TB)! I like SM mail better! Though I see TB offers some 
form of encrypted mail.

I found SM in the DASH repository after Ubuntu installation, but it 
would not install - "does not exist" or some such notice. So I 
obtained it via SourceForge. Manual install is a headache with 
Unity-Gnome. And it is still not loaded as default for web nor mail! 
But works very well as default browser via applications.

To my prime point, I notice a feature/function not existing in the 
present SM Suite (v.2.17) that would Not be in the way nor need 
configuration in preferences!

When viewing an email or webpage in the browser (often loaded from 
Alpine email client in my case), that offers a clickable link, it is 
possible to Right Click & select "Send This Link" - for mailing via SM 
mail! However that feature/function does not seem to exist for an 
existing BM, neither in top menu nor sidebar. When I Right Click on a 
BM item, I get a menu selection - without an option to "Send This 
Link" (or rather: Send This BM).

This is something I could use often, as I write & provide URL cites in 
the text from my BMs! Cut & Paste is slow & tedious!

As a matter of fact, as I type this now in SM mail, it would also be 
useful to Right Click, access the BMs, search, select by a click to 
load a BM into this email text! Include the BM "Name" &  -

Example: "NASA Confirms ..." 

SM is lacking in features of this sort - that writers need! Businesses 
might take an interest with features such as this!

How do I drop this into the suggestion box?

The Best To You & Yours,

User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:20.0) Gecko/20100101 
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