Re: Missing? URL at: Browser Top Menu - Help - About Plugins - Learn More (fwd)

Thu, 1 Mar 2018 19:09 -0800 NoOp wrote:
On 2/28/2018 8:13 AM, M.Ross wrote:
Missing? URL at: Browser Top Menu - Help - About Plugins - Learn More

Am I missing something? No Webmaster? So, why advertise it?

Via Linux Seamonkey v2.49.1 on Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS

You might want to upgrade to 16.04.2 LTS:
Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS (Precise Pangolin)
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS reached its regular End of Life on April 28, 2017. No
more package updates, including security updates, will be accepted to
the 12.04 primary archive.

I doubt this old Ubuntu to be the problem I report on. And I am aware of 12.04 LTS demise. Quickly - and being Off Topic, I will stop here.

I tried upgrading to 14.04 LTS shortly after it released, years ago. Not workable on this Lenovo R60e Celeron. So forget 16.04/or better. Most errors that occurred over the years since I installed 12.04 LTS proved to be graphical - according to Ubuntu -- Not Debian nor Ubuntu Linux code errors. Mostly desktop problems.

I try Lubuntu and Debian LXDE now. Maybe I can upgrade Linux that way. Unity unnecessary; Gnome Classic not really the problem, nor is Nautilus v3.4 FM. Cinnamon and Mate tried and failed -- overloaded -- over-coded desktops/FMs.

I need a good Linux Forum, similar to this one for Seamonkey. Something that welcomes older X86 laptops. But DSL too limited I think.

Anybody tag me direct, off list, with Debian/Ubuntu/etc Linux Forum List ideas. Include "linux4ross" in subject line. Thanks!

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