Re: SM2: Mail Folders Pane Re-sizing

2009-12-01 Thread Stefan

u...@domain.invalid skriver:

art skriver:

In SM2, the hot spot to horizontally re-size the mail folders pane area
is quite small. Unlike hot spots for other panes, this one seems to be
only 1 pixel wide, making it rather precise to hit the target with the

This seems to be unique to the Default Theme 1.0. The Modern Theme 1.0
appears to have wider and more consistent hot spots for pane resizing.

Is there a way to make this wider in the Default Theme ?

Yes, you can make it wider with the following style rule in your
userChrome.css: #folderpane-splitter { width: 5px; } or, if that doesn't
work, #folderpane-splitter { width: 5px !important; }.

You might want to do more since that will just expand the width of the
splitter (it doesn't look that nice). Style rules affecting that
particular splitter can be seen here:
and further down.

Basically, the above rules overrides the default rules starting at
(that's the "old" look).



Forgot to mention that you'll find the userChrome.css file in 
Support/SeaMonkey/Profiles/xxx.profileName/chrome (rename 
userChrome-example.css to userChrome.css).

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 2.01 not opening home page with browser startup

2009-12-13 Thread Stefan

Margo Guda skriver:

Martin Freitag wrote:

Margo Guda schrieb:

This also happens when I start SM in safemode. I am running Windows 7

Define "settings are correct". What did you enter?


In my preferences, the startup preference is for the browser to open the
group of tabs defined as the home page. If I click the Home button on
the toolbar these are all opened normally. But starting a new browser,
or opening a link from within another program, does not open that link,
or the home page tabs. I also noticed just now, not sure if this has
anything to do with it, that the text in the status bar showing what's
under a link I mouse over has disappeared. I do still see it in the mail
and news window, though. Just not in the browser.

Note that there is a pref for opening new windows/tabs as well.

What happens btw if you try to open a local file (by double-clicking the 
file) in SeaMonkey when SeaMonkey is already running?

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 2.0.1 vs 1.1.18...again...

2009-12-25 Thread Stefan

Rufus skriver:

Then there was the whole of the new default "more Mac-like"
interface...I was only able to tolerate that about four days, then I
replaced it with the other "Modern" one. And I'm a Mac user...I do have
to say, the folks on Thunderbird did a way better job making a Mac-like
Mac presentation - kudos there.
I guess it's obvious, but you have seriously failed to communicate what 
you actually thought was so wrong with the theme changes.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM2: Problems With SeaMonkey Default Theme 1.0

2009-12-25 Thread Stefan

art skriver:

1) In the navigator window Personal Toolbar, the rightmost bookmark item
will occasionally overlap the dropdown menu icon depending on the
overall window size. This appears to be unique to the bookmark list. The
location edit box does not exhibit this behavior (it does not overlap
the history dropdown menu).

If I'm not mistaken, there is a bug filed for this. IIRC it's an old 
problem - I think 1.1.x also had this issue.

2) The show/hide icons for the toolbars, address area, etc. at the left
side of the window are not present in the mail, compose or navigator
windows. The only way to control them is via the View:Show/Hide menu.

Oh, you mean the grippies?

"toolbargrippy {
  display: -moz-box !important;
}" in userChrome.css should get them back.

Beware that it doesn't look that nice, though ;-)


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM2: Problems With SeaMonkey Default Theme 1.0

2009-12-26 Thread Stefan

Phillip Jones skriver:

Stefan wrote:

art skriver:

1) In the navigator window Personal Toolbar, the rightmost bookmark item
will occasionally overlap the dropdown menu icon depending on the
overall window size. This appears to be unique to the bookmark list. The
location edit box does not exhibit this behavior (it does not overlap
the history dropdown menu).

If I'm not mistaken, there is a bug filed for this. IIRC it's an old
problem - I think 1.1.x also had this issue.

2) The show/hide icons for the toolbars, address area, etc. at the left
side of the window are not present in the mail, compose or navigator
windows. The only way to control them is via the View:Show/Hide menu.

Oh, you mean the grippies?

"toolbargrippy {
display: -moz-box !important;
}" in userChrome.css should get them back.

Beware that it doesn't look that nice, though ;-)


Use any theme other than the default theme and you get grippies. I've
Orbit 3+1 which I am currently using
SkyPilot that I can use but interferes with QuoteColors,
SeaMonkey Modern,
Venerable Modern,
Walnut which has some missing or generic icons,
and then SeaMonkey Default.
Default is the only without the grippies.

Yes, and the reason is that the default theme should blend in with the 
OS as much as possible. I do agree that you could argue that there is 
missing functionality, but I fail to see how the current toolbar 
grippies could be made to fit in nicely in a unified toolbar. Note also 
that the default theme has functionality that for example Modern lacks 
(dragging the window from the toolbar/status bar).

Get with the program please. Forget about Apple suggestion for user

And get a user interface designed for windows/linux?

They are not interested in the amount of space taken to

create the grippies and the fly up fly down ,and fly in/out window
action. Heck even the Mac Addressbook and, and Kodak Easy Share have fly
out side windows. and iPhoto has some fly-down windows with a grippy bar
of its own.
I looked at Addressbook and iPhoto and I don't see any toolbar grippies 
in those apps.


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 2.0.1 vs 1.1.18...again...

2009-12-26 Thread Stefan

Rufus skriver:

Stefan wrote:

Rufus skriver:

Then there was the whole of the new default "more Mac-like"
interface...I was only able to tolerate that about four days, then I
replaced it with the other "Modern" one. And I'm a Mac user...I do have
to say, the folks on Thunderbird did a way better job making a Mac-like
Mac presentation - kudos there.

I guess it's obvious, but you have seriously failed to communicate
what you actually thought was so wrong with the theme changes.


I did in detail, but in another I saw no need to repeat
that. I think the thread had "SM 2.0 - A Mac User's Observations" in the

But briefly, as I recall everyone had some common complaints with it -
the most common one being it's lack of grippies; and the best solution I
recall for that was to make the entire bar area a grippie for snap
open/close of the sidebar and such. That was a real convenience
deal-breaker for me using a laptop, and probably the single biggest
reason I switched to the other Theme.

Another was that certain areas of the navigation bar are not intuitively
available to right-click - some of the larger areas that seem like they
should respond to a right-click don't respond.

And I think described a number of other issues which gave rise to
particular problems for a laptop user...if you want, I can look back and
re-post here - but I've been saving all of my observations for drafting
formal bug reports.

One of the big reasons I haven't written formal bug reports (yet - I
have been quoted in the too-small buttons report thread) is that I've
become pretty confident that they won't be responded to as a result of
all the single-ended venom I've read over the too-small buttons.

I think the first (sidebar grippies) falls in the theme category. I've 
been trying to figure out how that can be solved and still retaining a 
"modern" mac look. If the whole area should respond to open/close clicks 
it might conflict with the drag behaviour. It might be possible to 
design something in line with Apple's Mail, though.

The navigation bar right-click issue is a core bug that I think is 
already filed. I think what happens is that the topmost area is still 
considered a title bar by the back-end code and thus it doesn't respond 
to right-clicks.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 2.0.1 vs 1.1.18...again...

2009-12-26 Thread Stefan

Rufus skriver:

I also noted not long ago that setting sizes for the Navigation and
Personal Toolbars is a bit strange/non-intuitive - when it comes to
setting button size. I like large buttons in the Nav bar, and small ones
in the Personal bar...but the Customize option changes both - once you
change it. There is a dance you can do to get back to where I began, but
it seems you can't right-click and Customize either bar by itself - only
in the Nav bar...same core issue?

No, you should be able to right-click in the Personal Toolbar and set 
the icon size for that toolbar (it won't affect your bookmark folders, 
though). Try right-clicking close to the Home button.


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 2.0.1 vs 1.1.18...again...

2009-12-26 Thread Stefan

Rufus skriver:

Stefan wrote:

Rufus skriver:

I also noted not long ago that setting sizes for the Navigation and
Personal Toolbars is a bit strange/non-intuitive - when it comes to
setting button size. I like large buttons in the Nav bar, and small ones
in the Personal bar...but the Customize option changes both - once you
change it. There is a dance you can do to get back to where I began, but
it seems you can't right-click and Customize either bar by itself - only
in the Nav bar...same core issue?

No, you should be able to right-click in the Personal Toolbar and set
the icon size for that toolbar (it won't affect your bookmark folders,
though). Try right-clicking close to the Home button.


That did work, thanks. It's just very hard to target an area that will
respond to the right-click so I must have stumbled around to what you
said at random previously. Seems to actually be a bit easier to find
your target with the old Modern Theme than the new Default...but I think
you've explained why.

Interesting that you get a different contextual menu depending on which
side of the separator you click on, but once you've seen it and know
what's what, it's clear.

And on trying that, I just discovered this: when I bring up the
Customize option, the Bookmarks Items folder appears in the Toolbar even
though I'd previously dragged it out - but then is not there once I
close Customize; like it's "hidden" vise removed. But the end result is
what I want(ed) displayed on exit - have you seen that? Again, this is
with the old Modern Theme.

No, I haven't seen that. If you can find a way to reproduce it (might 
want to try with a new profile etc), it's probably worth filing a bug.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM2: Problems With SeaMonkey Default Theme 1.0

2009-12-30 Thread Stefan

art skriver:

2) The show/hide icons for the toolbars, address area, etc. at the left
side of the window are not present in the mail, compose or navigator
windows. The only way to control them is via the View:Show/Hide menu.

Do you btw ever use the pill button in the top right corner of the 
window? Just curious.


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: browser won't open html files on disk

2009-12-30 Thread Stefan

Rufus skriver:

Robert Kaiser wrote:

phillipm wrote:

major problem: Seamonkey will not open HTML files located on my HD ...
not when double-clicked, not with keyboard command, not with Finder
menu option either. The application will launch but the file is not
displayed ... just a blank screen. The only way to get the page to
display is you use the "Open File..." menu within Seamonkey. !?!??!
Very odd ... Any clues?

This is known and will be fixed in the 2.0.2 update.

Robert Kaiser

This is working for me with 2.0.1 - if I double click on an HTML file
located in a folder, it opens just as I would expect.

No one mentioned it in this thread, but the issue only happens when 
SeaMonkey is already running.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: browser won't open html files on disk

2009-12-30 Thread Stefan

Stefan skriver:

Rufus skriver:

Robert Kaiser wrote:

phillipm wrote:

major problem: Seamonkey will not open HTML files located on my HD ...
not when double-clicked, not with keyboard command, not with Finder
menu option either. The application will launch but the file is not
displayed ... just a blank screen. The only way to get the page to
display is you use the "Open File..." menu within Seamonkey. !?!??!
Very odd ... Any clues?

This is known and will be fixed in the 2.0.2 update.

Robert Kaiser

This is working for me with 2.0.1 - if I double click on an HTML file
located in a folder, it opens just as I would expect.

No one mentioned it in this thread, but the issue only happens when
SeaMonkey is already running.


And it's Mac-only (just to clarify).
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: browser won't open html files on disk

2009-12-31 Thread Stefan

Rufus skriver:

Stefan wrote:

Stefan skriver:

Rufus skriver:

Robert Kaiser wrote:

phillipm wrote:

major problem: Seamonkey will not open HTML files located on my HD
not when double-clicked, not with keyboard command, not with Finder
menu option either. The application will launch but the file is not
displayed ... just a blank screen. The only way to get the page to
display is you use the "Open File..." menu within Seamonkey. !?!??!
Very odd ... Any clues?

This is known and will be fixed in the 2.0.2 update.

Robert Kaiser

This is working for me with 2.0.1 - if I double click on an HTML file
located in a folder, it opens just as I would expect.

No one mentioned it in this thread, but the issue only happens when
SeaMonkey is already running.


And it's Mac-only (just to clarify).

Ok - with SM running it's not working, but I'm not getting a blank page
- my Home page comes up in a new window, even though I have my Pref set
to open a new tab.

I'm also using a Macbook Pro like the OP, running SnoLep.

Yeah, it depends on your new window preference (phillipm should have his 
set to open a blank page)

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM2: Problems With SeaMonkey Default Theme 1.0

2010-01-01 Thread Stefan

art skriver:

On 12/30/09 5:57 PM, Stefan wrote:

art skriver:

2) The show/hide icons for the toolbars, address area, etc. at the left
side of the window are not present in the mail, compose or navigator
windows. The only way to control them is via the View:Show/Hide menu.

Do you btw ever use the pill button in the top right corner of the
window? Just curious.


Personally, I don't. However, if the goal is to keep the theme
consistent with skins from other Mac apps, it should be retained.

I was curious because the functionality is almost the same as a 

support-seamonkey mailing list

Mac theme (Re: Goodbye Seamonkey)

2010-02-09 Thread Stefan

Rufus skriver:

I was, and surprisingly so...I immediately liked the tabs, and
everything was where I would have expected it to be on a Mac. It also
didn't seem like I lost any functionality for what I do with TB like I
did with SM 2.x.x, and that was also of note.

It's funny that you mention the tabs, which I didn't changed when I did 
the theme overhaul. Do you think most mac users prefer north-facing tabs?

Maybe that team has more Mac users on it or something, but from my Mac
user standpoint they got a lot of stuff right. Kudos to them.

I'm interested in what you think would be "getting things right" from a 
mac perspective while still keeping SeaMonkey different. Note here the 
user interface consists of both theme (icons, colors etc) and ui 
elements (buttons, windows, drop-down lists etc).

Oh, right: Please do not hijack this new thread with non-mac stuff ;-)


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Mac theme (Re: Goodbye Seamonkey)

2010-02-10 Thread Stefan

Rufus skriver:

Most of the things that annoyed me about the new default theme had to do
with it's cursor/click "hot" areas - there was/is a lot of area in the
taskbar where I felt I should have been able to right click
(cntrl+click) that were/are that was both non-intuitive and
difficult - particularly with my MacBook Pro trackpad.

The other thing was the lack of "grippie" function for the Sidebars -
lots of chat here about the Apple standard not allowing them the way
they were/are in the Modern theme...I think the best suggestion was to
just make the whole bar function as a grippie, vice just a small patch
around the "center dot".

These two issues alone drove me screaming to the Modern theme after
about a week...been far happier using that one.

Thunderbird doesn't have any grippies. What do you actually think is 
better from a mac point of view in Thunderbird? Note that I'm not 
arguing/challenging here - I'm just trying to understand what you think 
is better in thunderbird from a mac pov.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: failure code: 0x80004002 account-mgr

2013-07-10 Thread Stefan Sitter

On 04.07.2013 16:44, wrote:


We are using seamonkey with lightning and sogo-groupware-addons
( These are made
for TB17ESR but with little customization they worked fine here in
Seamonkey 2.14.1

Using SM 2.17.1 or 2.19 the following error appears (with functionality
loss in calendar-actions).

Error: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004002
(NS_NOINTERFACE) [nsISupports.QueryInterface]"  nsresult: "0x80004002
(NS_NOINTERFACE)"  location: "JS frame ::
:: cDACLM__initAccountMgr :: line 1021"  data: no]

Line 1016-1021 :

_initAccountMgr: function cDACLM__initAccountMgr() {
 this.accountMgr =

 let defaultAccount = this.accountMgr.defaultAccount;

 let identities =

Any hints how to correct this?
Thanks in advance,

On the ESR branch allIdentities is defined as:
readonly attribute nsISupportsArray allIdentities;

On the current comm-beta, -aurora, and -central it is defined as:
readonly attribute nsIArray allIdentities;

Seems the type change was done in Bug 820377

Maybe the bug comments and the attached patches provide information on 
how to update your code.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey 2.22.1 linux + Lightning was Re: SeaMonkey 2.22.1 linux 64+ Lightning

2013-11-21 Thread Stefan Sitter

On 21.11.2013 02:21, Barry Edwin Gilmour wrote:

Lightning's been breaking Modern theme's Messaging tabs folders and data
(blank tab), even though the calendar functions are unaffected.

There is one known bug that breaks initialization of the Thunderbird 
main window. Might be possible that it breaks SeaMonkey too. Could you 
try one the patches that are attached to Bug 931492?

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: OT: Re: Is it safe to upgrade to Windows 10

2015-08-13 Thread Stefan Blumenrath
Rick & Sharon schrieb:
> S Slicer wrote:
>> stan pierce wrote:
>>> I'm using SM 2.32.1.  on Windows 7.  Is it time to move to Windows 10 or
>>> should I wait for a newer SM? Thanks. Stan.
>> I did a "clean" install of Windows 10, and the latest version of
>> SeaMonkey is running fine.
>> Windows 10:  you need to change all the security settings, as Microsoft
>> has set them to a default that allows them access to pretty much your
>> whole system.  There even is a somewhat hidden setting that allows
>> Microsoft to give other users the ability to download Win 10 from your
>> system!
> To S Slicer:
> Found an article which describes the default settings you describe, 
> except for the last one about your machine being a download host for the 
> OS install.  Can you elaborate, or point us to an article with more 
> info, please?

Look at Windows Update - advanced settings
You can disable the file sharing there.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Windows 10 and SM crashes

2015-08-13 Thread Stefan Blumenrath
Ed Mullen schrieb:
> Is anyone else seeing frequent crashes of SeaMonkey on Windows 10 Home?
> Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:36.0) Gecko/20100101 
> Firefox/36.0 SeaMonkey/2.33

I've seen some crashes until I realized SM used the Nvidia GPU (GT520M)
instead of the on-board Intel graphic. After changing back to Intel,
there were no more crashes

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Windows 10 and SM crashes

2015-08-15 Thread Stefan Blumenrath
Ed Mullen schrieb:
> Stefan Blumenrath wrote on 8/13/2015 5:38 PM:
>> Ed Mullen schrieb:
>>> Is anyone else seeing frequent crashes of SeaMonkey on Windows 10 Home?
>>> Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:36.0) Gecko/20100101
>>> Firefox/36.0 SeaMonkey/2.33
>> I've seen some crashes until I realized SM used the Nvidia GPU (GT520M)
>> instead of the on-board Intel graphic. After changing back to Intel,
>> there were no more crashes
>> hth
>> Stefan
> Please explain what you did.

In the nvidia driver settings, somehow all programs were to run with the
nivida GPU after changing from W7 to W10. It was pure random I
recognized that. After switching back to "use GPU only on selected
programs" SM was fine again.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Crash in my Windows XP Pro SP3 box. Re: SeaMonkey 2.35!

2015-09-04 Thread Stefan Sitter

On 03.09.2015 21:56, Ant wrote:
in a new SM profile with its defaults and no third party extensions.
in safe mode with the new profile.

According to those links it is a known problem: Bug 1200021, reported 
for Firefox 40 and Firefox 38esr.

support-seamonkey mailing list


2017-01-28 Thread Stefan Blumenrath
Ray_Net schrieb:

> The zoom was and is always at 100% I have used 79x79 because I have
> other "logo" on the same line, so each logo have the same height 79. 
> You can see the result at the end of this page: 

These pics at the end of the page (i.e. UPMM) are displayed here with
200x200 pixels - My resolution is 3840x2160@15", Seamonkey is set to
100%, windows scales with 250%.
Maybe these absolute px aren't the best solution.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Something missing in the UI

2017-05-15 Thread Stefan Blumenrath
no idea what happened, but I somehow lost the "thing to pull to change
the size of the message window"...

To make clear, what I miss, I add a picture:

How can I get it back?

Thanks in advance
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Something missing in the UI

2017-05-15 Thread Stefan Blumenrath
Mason83 schrieb:
> On 15/05/2017 22:18, Stefan Blumenrath wrote:
>> Hi, no idea what happened, but I somehow lost the "thing to pull to
>> change the size of the message window"...
>> To make clear, what I miss, I add a picture: 
>> <>
>> How can I get it back?
> Does playing with the View > Layout settings help in any way?

It helps, but gives no solution. So when I toggle the layout to one of
the other settings I get that nameless thing back, but my favourite
layout doesn't get it back when I return to it.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Something missing in the UI

2017-05-16 Thread Stefan Blumenrath
Paul B. Gallagher schrieb:
> Stefan Blumenrath wrote:
>> Hi, no idea what happened, but I somehow lost the "thing to pull to
>> change the size of the message window"...
>> To make clear, what I miss, I add a picture: 
>> <>
>> How can I get it back?
> What happens when you mouse over the boundary? Doesn't the cursor
> change to a two-headed arrow?

Right, the cursor does NOT change and I can't change the size of the
message pane back.


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Something missing in the UI

2017-05-16 Thread Stefan Blumenrath
Jim Dell schrieb:
> Stefan Blumenrath wrote:
>> Paul B. Gallagher schrieb:
>>> Stefan Blumenrath wrote:
>>>> Hi, no idea what happened, but I somehow lost the "thing to
>>>> pull to change the size of the message window"...
>>>> To make clear, what I miss, I add a picture: 
>>>> <>
>>>> How can I get it back?
>>> What happens when you mouse over the boundary? Doesn't the
>>> cursor change to a two-headed arrow?
>> Right, the cursor does NOT change and I can't change the size of
>> the message pane back.
> I'll ask the fixit question for many problems, your did reboot and
> try again?

Lol - of course!
The problem is, seamonkey didn't make any problem for the last years so
my problem solving skills have vanished into thin air but I remember,
there was a file that, when deleted, could fix most display problems...
Any hint?

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Something missing in the UI

2017-05-17 Thread Stefan Blumenrath
EE schrieb:
> Stefan Blumenrath wrote:
>> Mason83 schrieb:
>>> On 15/05/2017 22:18, Stefan Blumenrath wrote:
>>>> Hi, no idea what happened, but I somehow lost the "thing to
>>>> pull to change the size of the message window"...
>>>> To make clear, what I miss, I add a picture: 
>>>> <>
>>>> How can I get it back?
>>> Does playing with the View > Layout settings help in any way?
>> It helps, but gives no solution. So when I toggle the layout to one
>> of the other settings I get that nameless thing back, but my
>> favourite layout doesn't get it back when I return to it.
>> Stefan
> Can you not drag the divider, whether or not you see a grippy in it?

That is my problem!

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Something missing in the UI

2017-05-17 Thread Stefan Blumenrath
Stanimir Stamenkov schrieb:
> Mon, 15 May 2017 22:18:17 +0200, /Stefan Blumenrath/:
>> no idea what happened, but I somehow lost the "thing to pull to
>> change the size of the message window"...
>> To make clear, what I miss, I add a picture: 
>> <>
>> How can I get it back?
> Does pressing F8 (once, two, or three times) help?  That's View -> 
> Layout -> Message Pane.



support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Something missing in the UI

2017-05-17 Thread Stefan Blumenrath
Frank-Rainer Grahl schrieb:
>> there was a file that, when deleted, could fix most display
>> problems...
> xulstore.json in your profile?

I think it was the localstore.rdf, but neither deleting this nor the
xulstore.json helped.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Lightning Printing Oddity.

2009-12-05 Thread Stefan Sitter

[follow-up to:]

Rob Steinmetz wrote:

Print Preview is also grayed out. It could also be useful.

Lightning doesn't need it because you always get the custom calender
print preview dialog that includes preview.

Finally the Monthly Grid does not print Category Colors.

None of the built-in print layout does. There is an extension called 
"FG Printers" that add new print layouts that include printing 
categories. But I think it only support Thunderbird and Sunbird but 
not SeaMonkey.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey 2.0.1 and Lightning Update fialed

2009-12-17 Thread Stefan Sitter

Rex wrote:

Mine updated to 2.01 fine, but Lightning still doesn't work. We'll
probably have to wait for them to update.

If you are using an older nightly test build: Try the test build 6 of 
the Lightning 1.0 Beta 1 release. This version should support SeaMonkey 

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey 2.0.1 and Lightning Update fialed

2009-12-18 Thread Stefan Sitter

Martin Freitag wrote:

What's different in that release? (it's twice as large)

The nightly build packages only English (US) localization, the release 
builds packages all 38 localizations that were finished for the Beta.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Select all entries in SeaMonkey v2.0.x's error console?

2011-01-06 Thread Stefan Sitter

Ant wrote:

Is there a way to get all entries in SeaMonkey v2.0.x's error console
to copy and paste, or even save to a text file?

You can log all entries from error console to disk by setting

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Select all entries in SeaMonkey v2.0.x's error console?

2011-01-06 Thread Stefan Sitter

You stopped reading too early. Quoting from the given MDN page:

To log JS errors to disk, set the environment variable
"XRE_CONSOLE_LOG" to the path to the filename. i.e. export
XRE_CONSOLE_LOG=/path/to/logfile or set

If you set it globally it will apply to all applications based on the 
Mozilla Toolkit, e.g. SeaMonkey, Firefox, Thunderbird, Sunbird, ...

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Need testers for Lightning 1.0b4 for SeaMonkey 2.1

2011-05-26 Thread Stefan Sitter wrote:

 -  The "Settings" in the about:addons - Window can't be accessed
can't be found)

Known. It is still in discussion if the workaround from SeaMonkey 2.0 
will be ported to SeaMonkey 2.1

- Activating/Deactivating Calendars in the left Pane inside the
Calendar-Window doesn't work or somehow needs the same setting set
by right-clicking on the calendar and activating/deactivating
calendars in the Properties-Page.

This are actually different functions.

The checkbox next to the calendar name in the left pane toggles only the 
calendar display. If unchecked the calendar will still be loaded, you 
will get reminders for the events in the calendar but you won't see the 
events in the calendar or task view.

The checkbox in the properties dialog can be used to completely switch 
off the calendar. The calendar will not be loaded and therefore you will 
not see reminders or events.

Is there already a german version ?

Localized test builds can be downloaded from

Please note that if the localization is not up-to-date the test builds 
might not work at all and break in many ways. I think the page shows the 
localization status for Lightning 1.0b4pre.

Will there be keyboard-shortcuts for accessing the calendar-tab from
within the mail-window or from the main menu ? (ctrl+shift+C/D didn't
work here with Lightning 1.0b2 and SM 2.0.x) ?


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Need testers for Lightning 1.0b4 for SeaMonkey 2.1

2011-05-26 Thread Stefan Sitter

Francesco Presel wrote:

I have been using the "latest-comm-central" builds on SM2.1 rc1
(linux x64; I've also used lightning x64), without any problems.

I've noticed, though, that there's no l10n version for lightning
miramar for linux x64 (whereas, there is an English version for linux
x64, and there are localized versions for all other OSs), which I
find quite annoying, because it's not nice to have the mail and
newsgroups window half in Italian and half in English. Is there a
particular reason for that? Is there a way to get a localized linux64

I filed Bug 659992. Lets see if you get an answer :)

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Need testers for Lightning 1.0b4 for SeaMonkey 2.1

2011-05-29 Thread Stefan Sitter

Stéphane Grégoire wrote:

RSS still worked but I had a very curious bug, my user-agent in
mail, news, about: was correct but the user-agent sent to a web
server was Lightning 1.0b4pre!

Thanks for catching this error. I filed Bug 660522.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Need testers for Lightning 1.0b4 for SeaMonkey 2.1

2011-05-29 Thread Stefan Sitter

WLS wrote:

Seems Lightning 1.0b4pre has broken my UA, preventing me from using
Yahoo! Mail Beta. When Lightning is disabled Yahoo! Mail Beta loads

I suspected Lightning because I noticed my posts on the MozillaZine
forums only showed Lightning 1.04bpre as my UA instead of the full
build string.

Already reported by Stéphane Grégoire in this very same thread and filed 

Possible workaround: go to about:config and set the preference 
"calendar.useragent.extra" to an empty string.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Need testers for Lightning 1.0b4 for SeaMonkey 2.1

2011-06-04 Thread Stefan Sitter

Francesco Presel wrote:

BTW, is my UA correct (I've read somewhere that there were problems
with the seamonkey UA and lightning)? Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64;
rv:2.0.1) Gecko/20110511 Firefox/4.0.1 SeaMonkey/2.1

Yes, this was fixed with the 2011-06-04 Lightning nightly build.
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