Re: Password managers

2021-03-18 Thread Szymon Stryczek

NFN Smith wrote:
I use a mix of KeePass and the manager that's built into Seamonkey.  I 
consider my KeePass store to be primary, but I let the built-in one 
remember passwords for sites that I use regularly.  If you use the 
Seamonkey mail client and let it remember passwords, you're already 
using the Seamonkey password manager, especially for sending mail.

Well, nothing special from me, but you can go one step further.

I use KeePass for everything including replacement of built-in manager.
KeePass integrates well with SM -> requires KeePassHttp plugin for 
KeePass and PassIFox for SM.
You can have it at the same time for FF/Chrome/Edge -> KeePassRPC (for 
KeePass) and Kee (for browsers).

Additionally I keep my database remotely accessible (for me cloud, but 
can be any webdav/sftp...), so every device I need to have with access, 
has access to it and syncs almost smoothly (desktop Keepass is bit picky 
when I change password over phone).
To achieve that for desktop KeePass I had to use KeeAnywhere plugin, 
Android (Keepass2Android) and iOS (I forgot the name) had the support 
for remote built in.


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: High Memory Usage 2.53.3 64 bit

2020-09-16 Thread Szymon Stryczek

I have exactly the same experience (just on 64-bit Windows).
Slowdowns start to happen around Seamonkey reaching 2GB of RAM usage and 
they extend for me not only to tab switching but all, site scrolling, 
mail sending etc.
"about:memory" + GC seems to help a little bit but honestly the only 
option that really helps me is brutal kill of process and my beloved 
"restore previous session" functionality - that does the trick for few 
next hours.

bdelmee wrote:

Unfortunately this is my experience, too (on 64-bit linux)

I typically keep 8-10 tabs open, which a t the end of a day
typically means SM2.49.5 uses about 1-1.2 GB RAM.
With SM2.53.3 this balloons to 2.5-3GB - much higher.
There are also perceivable delays to switch between tabs.

I am not complaining - i have been using the Mozilla suite since before 
its 1.0
release and am very thankful to the developers who have kept SeaMonkey 

Perhaps if I (and other users) spent more time with betas, things would be
better but the trend is worrying.

 Mr. Ed  wrote on 2020-09-10 02:06:

I noticed today while running FaceBook and trying to turn off  Messenger
Active Status the screen went slightly blurry, the "X" in upper right 
turned RED and the pointer became a spinning  circle. Everything 
froze.  I was

able to open Task Manager via the "Control-Alt-Delete" and checked
SeanMonkey.  Memory was just running up the scale.  Was a little 
over1GB when
opened Task Manager and was increase like crazy.  In about 30 seconds 
it was

almost to 3GB.  I then 'stopped' SeaMonkey.

I tried this again - same results.  Then I disabled Java Script.  
Tried again

- same results.

Anyone else experience this with FaceBook?  Sending SM into a loop?  

or FaceBook or (heaven forbid) my problem?

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Seamonkey 2.53 vs KeePass - FIX

2020-02-07 Thread Szymon Stryczek


Szymon Stryczek wrote:

I'm looking for anyone who tried to integrate Seamonkey > 2.49 with 
Up to version 2.53 I was using but it 
got last update 3 years ago and it does not work anymore 


Seems like fix for Passifox was quite simple, after version 2.49 order 
of things in chrome.manifest is really important, like having contract 
defined before referencing it - end it works.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Seamonkey 2.53 vs KeePass

2019-10-01 Thread Szymon Stryczek

Mark B wrote:

Windows 10
SM 2.53a1
User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:56.0) 
Gecko/20100101 SeaMonkey/2.53a1

Build identifier: 20170731233559
KeePass 2.43

I too tried to get keepasshttp-connector to work, but it didn't put a 
button in the customize window.

Would like to figure out any way to get KP to work with SM.  Any ideas?

For now I can only see use of Autotype feature of KeePass.
It is not a real integration, just KeePass feature to simulate keyboard 
action on any currently active window after you press choosen keyboard 
With WebAutoType plugin Keepass recognizes entries by url quite well, 
but autotype is ... not exactly what I need...

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Seamonkey 2.53 vs KeePass

2019-09-26 Thread Szymon Stryczek

EE wrote:

Szymon Stryczek wrote:

Frank-Rainer Grahl wrote:

keepasshttp-connector - some other Firefox vs Seamonkey diffs (like 
toolbars to put icons and so one...) that can no longer be solved with 
converters like

You realize that you can make new toolbars with SeaMonkey, right?  Does 
that extension not put a toolbar button in the customize window?

I do, but it is simply not there.
I'll just wait for either some other version or me myself finally take 
time to learn and code it.

Thank you.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Seamonkey 2.53 vs KeePass

2019-09-23 Thread Szymon Stryczek

Frank-Rainer Grahl wrote:

You have your versions mixed up. 2.53 is basically based on 56 but with 
many backports. Add-On compatibility is not so much a problem here. 
There might be some breaking because of bookmark api changes and older 
js featurces removed but overall they should be fine if they are not 
totally ancient.

That is the case, to be exact (to the level I understand SM):
Passifox - fails because of password api deprecation
keepasshttp-connector - some other Firefox vs Seamonkey diffs (like 
toolbars to put icons and so one...) that can no longer be solved with 
converters like

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Seamonkey 2.53 vs KeePass

2019-09-23 Thread Szymon Stryczek

NFN Smith wrote:

I have 2.59.3 (20190815 build) installed on a virtual machine along with 
a stock 2.43 installation of KeePass, and everything working correctly, 
especially the auto-type function.

Let's cut rest of stuff, time is only moving forward so should I.
Then could you please tell me how you are making Seamonkey 2.59.3 to 
integrate with stock KeePass ?

Thanks in advance.


support-seamonkey mailing list

Seamonkey 2.53 vs KeePass

2019-09-12 Thread Szymon Stryczek


I'm looking for anyone who tried to integrate Seamonkey > 2.49 with KeePass.
Up to version 2.53 I was using but it 
got last update 3 years ago and it does not work anymore (looks like 
some changes in password storage issue).

For firefox I managed to switch to and it even installs in 
Seamonkey 2.53 but does not work (no credentials suggestions or even 
toolbar icon).

Any hint for working plugin would be very welcomed.

Thanks in advance

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Getting news messages issue

2012-10-17 Thread Szymon Stryczek

Just in case anybody looks for tips/solutions

Szymon Stryczek wrote:

I'm subscribed to pl.regionalne.krakow on and sometime
ago I've noticed no new news there.

News serwer answers to GROUP command does not need to be reliable one so 
the XOVER command cannot get any headers... or simply it is admin's geek 
way to say I do not like this group;)

support-seamonkey mailing list

Getting news messages issue

2012-08-18 Thread Szymon Stryczek


I've got strange issue with SM [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:16.0) 
Gecko/20120815 Firefox/16.0 SeaMonkey/2.13a2
Build identifier: 20120815013003 - currently, but it was the same from 
at least 2.11]

I'm subscribed to pl.regionalne.krakow on and sometime 
ago I've noticed no new news there.

I've tried unsubscribe/subscribe, repairing folders, changing retention 
policies, copying msf/dat from other machine and as a result I currently 
cannot get ANY messsage from that group.

Going deeper I've checked that there are some groups on that news server 
which work for me, but I cannot narrow down the difference beside 
message count.

Can You tip me any advice what else to try ?

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Receive Excel files as dat files - solved

2012-06-11 Thread Szymon Stryczek

Mike C wrote:

Outlook meeting invitations!

Here's another one:

And a plugin for thunderbird 

Partially works for SM.

support-seamonkey mailing list