Re: Add-ons

2017-02-14 Thread dev
Chris Ilias wrote:
> On 13/02/2017 3:56 AM, dev wrote:
>> Updates for security are needed.  But, after warning of risks, impairing
>> or disabling add-ons - whether signed or not - should IMO be left to the
>> user's discretion.
>> The signed Research Word add on shortcuts feature - a staple here for
>> years - no longer functions in FF 51.x versions.
>> Thus, no more upgrades here as the tradeoff between security (if that's
>> the reason for the failure) and functionality has been tipped.
> If I understand correctly, you're referring to this add-on: 
> <>, correct?
> According to that page, it should work on the latest version. The last 
> time the developer updated it was over 6 years ago, so maybe the current 
> code hasn't been tested on the latest version of Firefox. When you say 
> that it no longer functions, what exactly do you mean?
Try a shortcut, Chris.  For example, "di" in the URL bar followed by
a word should trigger to define that word.  That's but
one of many 'shortcuts.'
In pre-51.x versions they worked.  Perhaps there's a config toggle
to enable them in 51.x.

Yes, I realize that the developer appears to be long gone.  And I
can also relate to other views expressed in this thread.  Those
notwithstanding, the main reason for
sticking with FF has been plug in capabilities.  As they are
crippled, the FF advantage erodes and the competition inches up.  Even
EDGE has sprouted unique and useful features.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Windows Live Mail generated error

2010-04-08 Thread dev
In mail that contains clickable image thumbnails, generated by the
Windows Live Mail client and stored on their servers, there is a SLIDE
SHOW feature.

Clicking on Play Slide Show displays the images in that form,
full-sized.  Works as well with Firefox, I.E. and Yahoo! WEB mail.

But now in SeaMonkey this error appears when Slide Show is chosen...

"XML Parsing Error: not well-formed

Line Number 72, Column 166:

Vimeo Flash videos won't play...

2011-09-08 Thread dev
in SeaMonkey 2.3.3.   They do in F.F. 6.02.

FlashBlock is off.
Cookies have been cleared an acceptance setting is normal.

A Net search mentions the problem, but not recently.
A search of this group reveals nothing.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Vimeo Flash videos won't play... ***FIXED***

2011-09-08 Thread dev
IPC must be enabled in about:config (the plug-in container)

/dev/ said:
> in SeaMonkey 2.3.3.   They do in F.F. 6.02.
> FlashBlock is off.
> Cookies have been cleared an acceptance setting is normal.
> A Net search mentions the problem, but not recently.
> A search of this group reveals nothing.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Composer bug?

2010-12-23 Thread dev
I created a new file in Composer, opened the INSERT|HTML box and
inserted this...";>

The file was saved, then double-clicked.  It opened in the browser and
the widget.

However, when the file was published from composer, the script would not
from the http server.  Looking at VIEW|HTML SOURCE, the script had been

Re: Streaming Broadcasts

2010-12-23 Thread dev
/David E. Ross/ said:
> I'm finding more and more Web sites with streaming broadcasts that
> use Flash or some application embedded in a Web page to play the
> stream. This means that, as soon as I go to another Web page or
> change my profile, I lose the broadcast.  Sometimes, this also
> happens with Windows Media Player, for which I recently disabled the
> plugin.
> Is there some way (perhaps an extension) that forces such a stream
> into an application external to SeaMonkey (e.g., Winamp, RealPlayer)
> so that playing the stream is no longer tied to a particular Web
> page?


The new window won't disturb the old.

Or try clicking on the SM icon in the taskbar.  That should start
another instance, which will open browser, mail, composer or the address
book, depending upon which you have SM configured to open, under
support-seamonkey mailing list

Getting closer...

2011-08-04 Thread dev
Now if SM only supported ALL the extensions that work in FF I could use
it exclusively. ^_^
support-seamonkey mailing list

Send To SM mail

2011-08-05 Thread dev
How can a file be attached automatically to a SM compose window via
Windows SEND TO?

I have tried...
"C:\Program Files\Mozilla\SeaMonkey\seamonkey.exe" -compose "%1%"

This open the compose window, but the file (a .jpg) is not attached.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Send To SM mail

2011-08-05 Thread dev
Corrected command line...

/dev/ said:
> How can a file be attached automatically to a SM compose window via
> Windows SEND TO?
> I have tried...
> "C:\Program Files\Mozilla\SeaMonkey\seamonkey.exe" -compose "%1"
> This open the compose window, but the file (a .jpg) is not attached.
> Thanks

support-seamonkey mailing list