Re: Future of PPC support in Seamonkey

2011-03-27 Thread Ray_Net

PhillipJones wrote:

Ray_Net wrote:

Jens Hatlak wrote:

Adam Jimerson wrote:

Unless something has changed Seamonkey 2.1 is still no long
compatible with PPC correct?

Correct. The platform SM 2.1 will be based on, Mozilla 2.0, dropped PPC

1. Is this so important ... dropping PPC support ?
2. BTW What is PPC ?

PowerPC that used a RISC Processor from Motorola

Yes it important I just updated to Intel Machine only 3 weeks ago. And
it cost me a good 6 thousand to do so. Counting the Computer and the
Software. Just updating Software has cost me about 2-2.5 K. Not everyone
can afford to upgrade. I really can't I had to dig into my retirement
fund to do. When your 62 (Monday the 28th) and already.

10.7 Lion will be even more of a shock. there will be absolutely no
scintilla of PowerPC code. In fact Universal Binary will be a thing of
the pass as even Rosetta will be removed. So I ill have even more apps
That I will have to replace. Eventually this update will likely cost me
10K over time. But computer makers and software designers don't care
about financial hardships , what they do impose upon Users.

The days of using a Pencil and paper are gone. And its costly own a
Computer. Sure you can get a 2-400 dollar computer at WalMart. But if
you want to do more than get on the internet. You better have something
with some horsepower. And, horsepower takes Dough. Apple use to to the
most expensive Computers. But I've been in a computer store here that
sells Dell and other PCs and there are some Dells that cost as much Macs.

Thanks for this complete answer ... and Happy Birthday !
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Future of PPC support in Seamonkey

2011-03-26 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 27/03/11 00:34, PhillipJones wrote:

Ray_Net wrote:

Jens Hatlak wrote:

Adam Jimerson wrote:

Unless something has changed Seamonkey 2.1 is still no long
compatible with PPC correct?

Correct. The platform SM 2.1 will be based on, Mozilla 2.0, dropped PPC

1. Is this so important ... dropping PPC support ?
2. BTW What is PPC ?

PowerPC that used a RISC Processor from Motorola

Yes it important I just updated to Intel Machine only 3 weeks ago. And
it cost me a good 6 thousand to do so. Counting the Computer and the
Software. Just updating Software has cost me about 2-2.5 K. Not everyone
can afford to upgrade. I really can't I had to dig into my retirement
fund to do. When your 62 (Monday the 28th) and already.

Thousands? Dollars, presumably? Good gracious! Sounds totally out of 
proportion to me -- but what do I know? I don't use my computer to write 
synthetic music or to produce complex computer-assisted 3D drawings, not 
to mention animation movies. A week or two ago I upgraded my Linux tower 
to a twin-core 2.8 GHz x86_64 (Pentium 4) with 2GiB RAM in a somewhat 
smaller case than the older one and it cost me (including a laser 
printer) a mere couple of hundred euros. Yes, hundreds, not thousands; 
but I already had a working keyboard, screen and ADSL interface which 
could be fitted to the new machine. I even brought back into service a 
couple of speakers which had been collecting dust on top of a shelf for 
at least five years. Software cost me exactly 0.00€; even the download 
volume for the x86_64 version of the OS, and then for the next release, 
did not (and by far) exceed my monthly allowance (above which my 
pay-by-month Internet contract becomes 1€ per additional gigabyte). As 
for horsepower, this machine handles over 150 browser tabs, plus 
mailnews, chat, and CD audio playback, all at the same time with no 
apparent problem -- my CPUs seem to be typically some 60% idle.

10.7 Lion will be even more of a shock. there will be absolutely no
scintilla of PowerPC code. In fact Universal Binary will be a thing of
the pass as even Rosetta will be removed. So I ill have even more apps
That I will have to replace. Eventually this update will likely cost me
10K over time. But computer makers and software designers don't care
about financial hardships , what they do impose upon Users.

The days of using a Pencil and paper are gone. And its costly own a
Computer. Sure you can get a 2-400 dollar computer at WalMart. But if
you want to do more than get on the internet. You better have something
with some horsepower. And, horsepower takes Dough. Apple use to to the
most expensive Computers. But I've been in a computer store here that
sells Dell and other PCs and there are some Dells that cost as much Macs.

Best regards,
Really heard in court in the U.S.A.:
Q.: Are you sexually active?
A.: No, I let my partner take the initiative.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Future of PPC support in Seamonkey

2011-03-26 Thread Rufus wrote:

Rufus wrote: I don't think there's a Linux version of Poser...or
Bryce...or any of my flight sims...or the support for my recording
studio. Or...

Are there no alternative apps?

What is "Poser"?

Poser is a 3D animation and figure/set editing, rigging, and rendering 
application.  Cheap and very powerful.  Tons of content available.

What is "Bryce"?

Bryce is a 3D terrain and landscape generation application - again, very 
cheap, but very powerful.  Often used in conjunction with Poser to do 
background mats and/or terrain, and to generate rudimentary geometric 
forms like buildings.  Some people consider the Bryce rendering engine 
superior to Poser's and so often import and cross-render scenes in Bryce.

I know there are audio and video apps, indeed there are a number
of Linux specialty distros that are optimized for those purposes
in commercial/professional contexts.

And that's fine for that purpose - like for running my AV center.  But 
the industry standard equipment for studio audio multi-tracking is 
Apple, really.  And that's what I use my studio for.

There are lots of Linux gamers and I seem to recall that there
are flight sims for Linux.

Maybe, but I want some very sophisticated ones - high fidelity and 
complexity, of specific aircraft.  Because that's what I do for a living.

Also, have you tried WINE or other interfaces to run non-Linux
apps in Linux?

No, but I have looked into WINE for running windose apps under OS X 
seeing as so much of what I'm after is available commercially, built to 
some industry standard - and that's my real driver for most of what I 
do; standardization.

No need to wave the white flag so quickly ... ;-)

From what I've seen Ubuntu looks and feels near to exactly like OS X, 
so if I could port my OS X apps to it that would work, but OS X runs OS's the legacy OS 9 stuff I (and others) worry about.  I've still 
got some file format converters for Poser that convert windose format 
models into Mac format models.

 - Rufus
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Future of PPC support in Seamonkey

2011-03-26 Thread

Rufus wrote: I don't think there's a Linux version of Poser...or
Bryce...or any of my flight sims...or the support for my recording
studio. Or...

Are there no alternative apps?

What is "Poser"?

What is "Bryce"?

I know there are audio and video apps, indeed there are a number
of Linux specialty distros that are optimized for those purposes
in commercial/professional contexts.

There are lots of Linux gamers and I seem to recall that there
are flight sims for Linux.

Also, have you tried WINE or other interfaces to run non-Linux
apps in Linux?

No need to wave the white flag so quickly ...  ;-)


Thanks! & 73, KD4E
David Colburn
SE-GA Tailgate - April 9th, 2011
Have an day
I don't google I SEARCH!
Shop Freedom-Friendly
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Future of PPC support in Seamonkey

2011-03-26 Thread Rufus wrote:

PhillipJones wrote:
Supposedly they can Use Linux. But I am too damned old to be learning a
new OS system. and There is no name brand software for Linux as well.
Best you can do is give to Goodwill or chunk it down the hill at the
back of your house.

Many of the Linux versions look just like a MS or Apple distro -
so the transition is pretty painless ... except for MS and Apple
losing market-share!

I will *never* have to spend a dime upgrading hardware because an
OS vendor makes code changes.

I will never understand anyone who gives away control of their
finances to a corporation like that.

I can think of nothing worth doing that cannot be done in Linux.

I don't think there's a Linux version of Poser...or Bryce...or any of my 
flight sims...or the support for my recording studio.  Or...

 - Rufus
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Future of PPC support in Seamonkey

2011-03-26 Thread

PhillipJones wrote:
Supposedly they can Use Linux. But I am too damned old to be learning a
new OS system. and There is no name brand software for Linux as well.
Best you can do is give to Goodwill or chunk it down the hill at the
back of your house.

Many of the Linux versions look just like a MS or Apple distro -
so the transition is pretty painless ... except for MS and Apple
losing market-share!

I will *never* have to spend a dime upgrading hardware because an
OS vendor makes code changes.

I will never understand anyone who gives away control of their
finances to a corporation like that.

I can think of nothing worth doing that cannot be done in Linux.


Thanks! & 73, KD4E
David Colburn
SE-GA Tailgate - April 9th, 2011
Have an day
I don't google I SEARCH!
Shop Freedom-Friendly
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Future of PPC support in Seamonkey

2011-03-26 Thread PhillipJones

Rufus wrote:

PhillipJones wrote:

Ray_Net wrote:

Jens Hatlak wrote:

Adam Jimerson wrote:

Unless something has changed Seamonkey 2.1 is still no long
compatible with PPC correct?

Correct. The platform SM 2.1 will be based on, Mozilla 2.0, dropped PPC

1. Is this so important ... dropping PPC support ?
2. BTW What is PPC ?

PowerPC that used a RISC Processor from Motorola

Yes it important I just updated to Intel Machine only 3 weeks ago. And
it cost me a good 6 thousand to do so. Counting the Computer and the
Software. Just updating Software has cost me about 2-2.5 K. Not everyone
can afford to upgrade. I really can't I had to dig into my retirement
fund to do. When your 62 (Monday the 28th) and already.

10.7 Lion will be even more of a shock. there will be absolutely no
scintilla of PowerPC code. In fact Universal Binary will be a thing of
the pass as even Rosetta will be removed. So I ill have even more apps
That I will have to replace. Eventually this update will likely cost me
10K over time. But computer makers and software designers don't care
about financial hardships , what they do impose upon Users.

The days of using a Pencil and paper are gone. And its costly own a
Computer. Sure you can get a 2-400 dollar computer at WalMart. But if
you want to do more than get on the internet. You better have something
with some horsepower. And, horsepower takes Dough. Apple use to to the
most expensive Computers. But I've been in a computer store here that
sells Dell and other PCs and there are some Dells that cost as much Macs.

I'm bracing for this myself...I think what it's going to do is drive me
away from my iMacs and into the arms of a Mac Pro when I next
upgrade...which as you point out will cost me about as much as another

At least my main iMac and my Macbook Pro are Intel and should live
awhile. I'm not quite sure what to do with my G5 and G4 machines - which
still both run quite nicely.

Supposedly they can Use Linux. But I am too damned old to be learning a 
new OS system. and There is no name brand software for Linux as well. 
Best you can do is give to Goodwill or chunk it down the hill at the 
back of your house.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T."If it's Fixed, Don't Break it"
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Future of PPC support in Seamonkey

2011-03-26 Thread Rufus

PhillipJones wrote:

Ray_Net wrote:

Jens Hatlak wrote:

Adam Jimerson wrote:

Unless something has changed Seamonkey 2.1 is still no long
compatible with PPC correct?

Correct. The platform SM 2.1 will be based on, Mozilla 2.0, dropped PPC

1. Is this so important ... dropping PPC support ?
2. BTW What is PPC ?

PowerPC that used a RISC Processor from Motorola

Yes it important I just updated to Intel Machine only 3 weeks ago. And
it cost me a good 6 thousand to do so. Counting the Computer and the
Software. Just updating Software has cost me about 2-2.5 K. Not everyone
can afford to upgrade. I really can't I had to dig into my retirement
fund to do. When your 62 (Monday the 28th) and already.

10.7 Lion will be even more of a shock. there will be absolutely no
scintilla of PowerPC code. In fact Universal Binary will be a thing of
the pass as even Rosetta will be removed. So I ill have even more apps
That I will have to replace. Eventually this update will likely cost me
10K over time. But computer makers and software designers don't care
about financial hardships , what they do impose upon Users.

The days of using a Pencil and paper are gone. And its costly own a
Computer. Sure you can get a 2-400 dollar computer at WalMart. But if
you want to do more than get on the internet. You better have something
with some horsepower. And, horsepower takes Dough. Apple use to to the
most expensive Computers. But I've been in a computer store here that
sells Dell and other PCs and there are some Dells that cost as much Macs.

I'm bracing for this myself...I think what it's going to do is drive me 
away from my iMacs and into the arms of a Mac Pro when I next 
upgrade...which as you point out will cost me about as much as another 

At least my main iMac and my Macbook Pro are Intel and should live 
awhile.  I'm not quite sure what to do with my G5 and G4 machines - 
which still both run quite nicely.

 - Rufus
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Future of PPC support in Seamonkey

2011-03-26 Thread PhillipJones

Ray_Net wrote:

Jens Hatlak wrote:

Adam Jimerson wrote:

Unless something has changed Seamonkey 2.1 is still no long
compatible with PPC correct?

Correct. The platform SM 2.1 will be based on, Mozilla 2.0, dropped PPC

1. Is this so important ... dropping PPC support ?
2. BTW What is PPC ?

PowerPC that used a RISC Processor from Motorola

Yes it important I just updated to Intel Machine only 3 weeks ago. And 
it cost me a good 6 thousand to do so. Counting the Computer and the 
Software. Just updating Software has cost me about 2-2.5 K. Not everyone 
can afford to upgrade. I really can't I had to dig into my retirement 
fund to do. When your 62 (Monday the 28th) and already.

10.7 Lion will be even more of a shock. there will be absolutely no 
scintilla of PowerPC code. In fact Universal Binary will be a thing of 
the pass as even Rosetta will be removed.  So I ill have even more apps 
That I will have to replace. Eventually this update will likely cost me 
10K over time. But computer makers and software designers don't care 
about  financial hardships , what they do impose upon Users.

The days of using a Pencil and paper are gone. And its costly own a 
Computer. Sure you can get a 2-400 dollar computer at WalMart. But if 
you want to do more than get on the internet. You better have something 
with some horsepower. And, horsepower takes Dough. Apple use to to the 
most expensive Computers. But I've been in a computer store here that 
sells Dell and other PCs and there are some Dells that cost as much Macs.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T."If it's Fixed, Don't Break it"
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Future of PPC support in Seamonkey

2011-03-26 Thread Rufus

Ray_Net wrote:

Jens Hatlak wrote:

Adam Jimerson wrote:

Unless something has changed Seamonkey 2.1 is still no long
compatible with PPC correct?

Correct. The platform SM 2.1 will be based on, Mozilla 2.0, dropped PPC

1. Is this so important ... dropping PPC support ?

Yes - to a lot of Mac users whom can't or won't drop for a new machine 
for any reason.  No PPC support, no more SM (or other software) updates 
for them.

2. BTW What is PPC ?

PPC = Power PC.  It's a CPU nomenclature/architecture.

 - Rufus
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Future of PPC support in Seamonkey

2011-03-26 Thread Ray_Net

Jens Hatlak wrote:

Adam Jimerson wrote:

Unless something has changed Seamonkey 2.1 is still no long
compatible with PPC correct?

Correct. The platform SM 2.1 will be based on, Mozilla 2.0, dropped PPC

1. Is this so important ... dropping PPC support ?
2. BTW What is PPC ?
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Future of PPC support in Seamonkey

2011-03-26 Thread Rufus

Tony Mechelynck wrote:

On 26/03/11 02:12, Rufus wrote:

No, but I will - thanks for the pointer.

I think I'd prefer Safari to FireFox, and TB would be a fair companion
to it as a newsreader. Right now I use SM...and I may just hang in there
with it once PPC support vanishes. I imagine Apple will do the same with
Safari at some point.

Hm... Have you tinkered with your user-agent, or are you maybe on a
different machine? Your newsreader identifies itself as

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; en-US;
rv: Gecko/20110320 SeaMonkey/2.0.13

i.e., as running on an Intel Mac.

Best regards,

I'm on a different machine - I maintain four working Macs at present; 
two Intel, one G4 and one G5 PPC.  I'm only concerned about the one G5 
iMac I use in my recording studio that will now remain stuck at OS 
10.5.8.  I'll likely retire the G4 soon.

 - Rufus
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Future of PPC support in Seamonkey

2011-03-26 Thread Rufus

Philipp van Hüllen wrote:

Robert Kaiser schrieb:

Not really, they just won't deliver updates for it or Leopard any more
(they have already stopped delivering updates for Tiger a long time ago)
but they have a habit of just not talking about such end-of-line
decisions and just silently not do any updates any more.

AFAIK the strategy on OS side is rather clear: Active support for the
current OS (the minor releases), security support for the last major
release, no support for older stuff.
Thus I currently expect them to drop PPC support this summer, when 10.7
is released.
(Also got a PPC still running around here (7 years old) - works as
nicely as any of todays' netbooks.)

I still have a G4 Sawtooth (close to 15 years old?) running, and it's 
still a nice living room terminal.

Otherwise they usually perform some creeping death for legacy items:
10.5 last OS on PPC, 10.6 last OS with PPC emulation, 10.7 no PPC
support at all. It was similar with the "classic" environment.

Actually, 10.5.x was the last Classic supporting release - had I 
realized that I wouldn't have upgraded my G5 iMac to 10.5.8.  And I 
can't set that machine up for dual boot, which would have been a nice 

Positively speaking: they like to focus on using the new stuff. ;-)
(New HW, new APIs, ... - makes better/leaner technology and better
sales, as long as users go along with it. You need recent/supported OS X
(10.5+) to support iOS 4 devices - WinXP is still supporting those. Funny?)

Sorry for the off-topic post...


OK by me...

 - Rufus
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Future of PPC support in Seamonkey

2011-03-26 Thread Rufus

Philip Chee wrote:

On Fri, 25 Mar 2011 17:22:21 -0700, Rufus wrote:

Jens Hatlak wrote:

Adam Jimerson wrote:

Unless something has changed Seamonkey 2.1 is still no long
compatible with PPC correct?

Correct. The platform SM 2.1 will be based on, Mozilla 2.0, dropped PPC

If that is so how long after Seamonkey 2.1 is released will support
for 2.0 be dropped?

SM 2.0 is released off the Mozilla 1.9.1 branch which is where Firefox
3.5 was released from. Meanwhile there has been FF 3.6 (from Mozilla
1.9.2) and now FF 4.0 (from Mozilla 2.0). Since maintaining multiple
branches in parallel is costly (think build and test machines, testers
etc.), Mozilla 1.9.1 (and inevitably with it SM 2.0, since it depends on
the platform for security fixes and the SeaMonkey project lacks the
manpower to maintain it by themselves) will be discontinued rather
sooner than later. I do not know how many more SM 2.0 releases there
will be but probably very few. That makes releasing SM 2.1 ASAP all the
more important, but of course that last part doesn't make much of a
difference for PPC.



...guess I'm gonna get forced to use Safari on one of my machines
eventually...whither Thunderbird?

You could try one of the community supported PPC Firefox4.0 builds:


Mostly I'm concerned about maintaining a newsreader - I actually prefer 
Safari to Firefox now that I've taken a closer look at it, and it's 
interface is nicely complemented by Thunderbird.  I wish they were 
integrated like SM, though.  Or that I could find a Safari add-on to do so.

 - Rufus
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Future of PPC support in Seamonkey

2011-03-26 Thread PhillipJones

Philipp van Hüllen wrote:

Robert Kaiser schrieb:

Not really, they just won't deliver updates for it or Leopard any more
(they have already stopped delivering updates for Tiger a long time ago)
but they have a habit of just not talking about such end-of-line
decisions and just silently not do any updates any more.

AFAIK the strategy on OS side is rather clear: Active support for the
current OS (the minor releases), security support for the last major
release, no support for older stuff.
Thus I currently expect them to drop PPC support this summer, when 10.7
is released.
(Also got a PPC still running around here (7 years old) - works as
nicely as any of todays' netbooks.)

Otherwise they usually perform some creeping death for legacy items:
10.5 last OS on PPC, 10.6 last OS with PPC emulation, 10.7 no PPC
support at all. It was similar with the "classic" environment.

Positively speaking: they like to focus on using the new stuff. ;-)
(New HW, new APIs, ... - makes better/leaner technology and better
sales, as long as users go along with it. You need recent/supported OS X
(10.5+) to support iOS 4 devices - WinXP is still supporting those. Funny?)

Sorry for the off-topic post...


I've just replaced my 5 year old PowerBook Pro 17 with a brand new 
MacBook Pro 17. took a good chunk of my retirement to do so.  My worry 
is SeaMonkey is going to use the FF4 design. in 2.1 FF4 has killed half 
of my extension and even from other software installed plugins no loger 
work. But then I've update Acrobat to X and several things that worked 
in my Website no longer work when using Mozilla Products. and My 
upgraded DreamWeaver doesn't work the same. Everyone is in this stupid 
silly kick of removing menus when they don't take up much space and only 
come into play when used. FF4 has even removed the status bar. a lot of 
my extensions depend upon status bars to work so they are useless.

Getting tired of this changing things just because someone thinks it 
looks neat looking it not efficient I am spending a lot more doing stuff 
know in DreamWeaver, Acrobat, Word, PowerPoint, FF4 and others. Instead 
of upgrading saving me time its causing me to waste more time.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T."If it's Fixed, Don't Break it"
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Future of PPC support in Seamonkey

2011-03-26 Thread Philipp van Hüllen

Robert Kaiser schrieb:

Not really, they just won't deliver updates for it or Leopard any more
(they have already stopped delivering updates for Tiger a long time ago)
but they have a habit of just not talking about such end-of-line
decisions and just silently not do any updates any more.

AFAIK the strategy on OS side is rather clear: Active support for the 
current OS (the minor releases), security support for the last major 
release, no support for older stuff.
Thus I currently expect them to drop PPC support this summer, when 10.7 
is released.
(Also got a PPC still running around here (7 years old) - works as 
nicely as any of todays' netbooks.)

Otherwise they usually perform some creeping death for legacy items: 
10.5 last OS on PPC, 10.6 last OS with PPC emulation, 10.7 no PPC 
support at all. It was similar with the "classic" environment.

Positively speaking: they like to focus on using the new stuff. ;-)
(New HW, new APIs, ... - makes better/leaner technology and better 
sales, as long as users go along with it. You need recent/supported OS X 
(10.5+) to support iOS 4 devices - WinXP is still supporting those. Funny?)

Sorry for the off-topic post...

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Future of PPC support in Seamonkey

2011-03-26 Thread Tony Mechelynck

On 26/03/11 02:12, Rufus wrote:

No, but I will - thanks for the pointer.

I think I'd prefer Safari to FireFox, and TB would be a fair companion
to it as a newsreader. Right now I use SM...and I may just hang in there
with it once PPC support vanishes. I imagine Apple will do the same with
Safari at some point.

Hm... Have you tinkered with your user-agent, or are you maybe on a 
different machine? Your newsreader identifies itself as

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; en-US; 
rv: Gecko/20110320 SeaMonkey/2.0.13

i.e., as running on an Intel Mac.

Best regards,
It is better for civilization to be going down the drain than to be
coming up it.
-- Henry Allen
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Future of PPC support in Seamonkey

2011-03-26 Thread Philip Chee
On Fri, 25 Mar 2011 17:22:21 -0700, Rufus wrote:
> Jens Hatlak wrote:
>> Adam Jimerson wrote:
>>> Unless something has changed Seamonkey 2.1 is still no long
>>> compatible with PPC correct?
>> Correct. The platform SM 2.1 will be based on, Mozilla 2.0, dropped PPC
>> support.
>>> If that is so how long after Seamonkey 2.1 is released will support
>>> for 2.0 be dropped?
>> SM 2.0 is released off the Mozilla 1.9.1 branch which is where Firefox
>> 3.5 was released from. Meanwhile there has been FF 3.6 (from Mozilla
>> 1.9.2) and now FF 4.0 (from Mozilla 2.0). Since maintaining multiple
>> branches in parallel is costly (think build and test machines, testers
>> etc.), Mozilla 1.9.1 (and inevitably with it SM 2.0, since it depends on
>> the platform for security fixes and the SeaMonkey project lacks the
>> manpower to maintain it by themselves) will be discontinued rather
>> sooner than later. I do not know how many more SM 2.0 releases there
>> will be but probably very few. That makes releasing SM 2.1 ASAP all the
>> more important, but of course that last part doesn't make much of a
>> difference for PPC.
>> HTH
>> Jens
> ...guess I'm gonna get forced to use Safari on one of my machines 
> eventually...whither Thunderbird?

You could try one of the community supported PPC Firefox4.0 builds:


Philip Chee ,
Guard us from the she-wolf and the wolf, and guard us from the thief,
oh Night, and so be good for us to pass.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Future of PPC support in Seamonkey

2011-03-25 Thread Robert Kaiser

Rufus schrieb:

No, but I will - thanks for the pointer.

I think I'd prefer Safari to FireFox, and TB would be a fair companion
to it as a newsreader. Right now I use SM...and I may just hang in there
with it once PPC support vanishes. I imagine Apple will do the same with
Safari at some point.

Not really, they just won't deliver updates for it or Leopard any more 
(they have already stopped delivering updates for Tiger a long time ago) 
but they have a habit of just not talking about such end-of-line 
decisions and just silently not do any updates any more.

Robert Kaiser

Note that any statements of mine - no matter how passionate - are never 
meant to be offensive but very often as food for thought or possible 
arguments that we as a community needs answers to. And most of the time, 
I even appreciate irony and fun! :)

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Future of PPC support in Seamonkey

2011-03-25 Thread Rufus

No, but I will - thanks for the pointer.

I think I'd prefer Safari to FireFox, and TB would be a fair companion 
to it as a newsreader.  Right now I use SM...and I may just hang in 
there with it once PPC support vanishes.  I imagine Apple will do the 
same with Safari at some point.

 - Rufus wrote:

Have you looked at Midori and Claws?

I think Midori identifies as Safari.

Rufus wrote:
...guess I'm gonna get forced to use Safari on one of my machines
eventually...whither Thunderbird?

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Future of PPC support in Seamonkey

2011-03-25 Thread

Have you looked at Midori and Claws?

I think Midori identifies as Safari.

Rufus wrote:
...guess I'm gonna get forced to use Safari on one of my machines
eventually...whither Thunderbird?


Thanks! & 73, KD4E
David Colburn
SE-GA Tailgate - April 9th, 2011
Have an day
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support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Future of PPC support in Seamonkey

2011-03-25 Thread Rufus

Jens Hatlak wrote:

Adam Jimerson wrote:

Unless something has changed Seamonkey 2.1 is still no long
compatible with PPC correct?

Correct. The platform SM 2.1 will be based on, Mozilla 2.0, dropped PPC

If that is so how long after Seamonkey 2.1 is released will support
for 2.0 be dropped?

SM 2.0 is released off the Mozilla 1.9.1 branch which is where Firefox
3.5 was released from. Meanwhile there has been FF 3.6 (from Mozilla
1.9.2) and now FF 4.0 (from Mozilla 2.0). Since maintaining multiple
branches in parallel is costly (think build and test machines, testers
etc.), Mozilla 1.9.1 (and inevitably with it SM 2.0, since it depends on
the platform for security fixes and the SeaMonkey project lacks the
manpower to maintain it by themselves) will be discontinued rather
sooner than later. I do not know how many more SM 2.0 releases there
will be but probably very few. That makes releasing SM 2.1 ASAP all the
more important, but of course that last part doesn't make much of a
difference for PPC.



...guess I'm gonna get forced to use Safari on one of my machines 
eventually...whither Thunderbird?

 - Rufus
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Future of PPC support in Seamonkey

2011-03-25 Thread Jens Hatlak

Adam Jimerson wrote:

Unless something has changed Seamonkey 2.1 is still no long
compatible with PPC correct?

Correct. The platform SM 2.1 will be based on, Mozilla 2.0, dropped PPC

If that is so how long after Seamonkey 2.1 is released will support
for 2.0 be dropped?

SM 2.0 is released off the Mozilla 1.9.1 branch which is where Firefox 
3.5 was released from. Meanwhile there has been FF 3.6 (from Mozilla 
1.9.2) and now FF 4.0 (from Mozilla 2.0). Since maintaining multiple 
branches in parallel is costly (think build and test machines, testers 
etc.), Mozilla 1.9.1 (and inevitably with it SM 2.0, since it depends on 
the platform for security fixes and the SeaMonkey project lacks the 
manpower to maintain it by themselves) will be discontinued rather 
sooner than later. I do not know how many more SM 2.0 releases there 
will be but probably very few. That makes releasing SM 2.1 ASAP all the 
more important, but of course that last part doesn't make much of a 
difference for PPC.



Jens Hatlak 
SeaMonkey Trunk Tracker 
support-seamonkey mailing list

Future of PPC support in Seamonkey

2011-03-23 Thread Adam Jimerson
Unless something has changed Seamonkey 2.1 is still no long compatible
with PPC correct?  If that is so how long after Seamonkey 2.1 is
released will support for 2.0 be dropped?  I know that the Seamonkey
project is a volunteer project so the ability to support multiple
version maybe limited or impossible...  The reason I am asking is I am
just wondering where PPC users stand support wise in the Seamonkey world.
support-seamonkey mailing list