Re: SeaMonkey Composer problems with setting colors, and text size etc, etc.

2014-08-08 Thread Ed Mullen

Geoff Welsh pounded out :

Patrick Turner wrote:

Daniel Aug 6 (12 hours ago) On 06/08/14 18:40, Patrick Turner wrote:


Looking at your coding of your home page, I see plenty ofbig's
and /big's but, at a casual glance, I don't see any base font
size declared, so if you have your SeaMonkey set up to use, say,
9pt font it would appear smaller if you had Chrome set up to use a
base font size of 12pt!!

Check Edit-Preferences-Appearance-Fonts to check your settings.

I just checked if I could get menu including appearance in an open
SeaMonkey page, and no, I cannot, I can go Edit-  preferences,
then nothing about appearances.

Patrick, when you click Edit, then click Preferences and new screen
should open up with several topics on the left, the top of these is
Appearance ... click the arrowhead to its left and four sub
sections will show up, the second of which is Fonts it and
then you should see where you can change your font sizes.

Yes, you're right. If I opened SM in composer mode without opening
one of my pages, I could adjust text size from 16 down to 12, and
that made my pages I'd composed recently look OK, BUT, In Firefox,
text looked too small, so I had to zoom out - a bit - and this
increases size of images to being too large, and so zoom applies
itself to images when i damn well don't want it to. Still no ability
to display colors of text or background while in SM composer.

And when trying to change text colors in SM, one can select some
text, select black, and save the change and yet that text appears
blue in Chrome. So I go back and the only way to change colors of the
small part of text is by 'select  all' and change all colors to
black, then change parts of text I want in different colors.

Programs are supposed to work so only a positive outcome is possible,
and use has consistent rules. So both Firefox and SM are still

that's completely backwards thinking.  You're not understanding that we
have complete control, as a user of a web browser, to change how web
pages appear, regardless of the authors intention.  eg you have
specified Arial font dozens of times throughout the page, but if I do
not select allow web pages to set fonts in the SM Preferences, I will
not see Arial.

Also, using a horrendously outdated product like the discontinued
Composer section of SM to edit a pages code is not helping matters.  If
you try to change a color or size using incorrect or outdated
syntax/code you cannot blame a modern browser for how it ends up.


Another problem is that the page has been edited in Microsoft Word.

p class=MsoNormal style=background: none repeat scroll 0% 50%
  rgb(255, 222, 173); -moz-background-inline-policy: continuous;
  font-family: Arial;

And further ...

Ed Mullen
All I ask is a chance to prove that money can't make me happy.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey Composer problems with setting colors, and text size etc, etc.

2014-08-07 Thread Patrick Turner
While everyone's comments are valid what I get is your using Mozilla
just for Composer?

Composer is ancient code that hasn't been maintained in a dog's age.
It spun off to the now abandoned Komposer/Nvu
That code was then abandoned and replaced with Blue Griffin.
Nothing much has happened with Blue Griffin for about a year now so I am
not sure what Daniel Glazman is up to these days.

If your wanting the composer like interface and heritage for composing
web sites than your best bet is probably to use Blue griffon or possibly
Nvu as it is much more up to date. 

Thanks for your advice. 
I downloaded Bluegriffon as you mentioned above but when I tried to use it 
there were more shortcomings than with SeaMonkey. For example, I could not set 
the size of text. Damn page I worked on was in its own separate sub window. 
There was much to dislike. Preferences are under tools menu, and quite useless.
What BG seemed to have are a shirttrouzer load of bells and whistles I don't 
need or want. Setting text colors worked, but color change didn't change on 
screen, changing text size wasn't possible - it just shows black text only. All 
basic stuff this, but no, Youse Carnt Avvit. 

So, seems I have to un-install the BG.

Meanwhile, the SM 2.26 which I'd downloaded recently wasn't in my program files.
BUT, when I went Control Panel, add/remove programs, there it was, listed, so I 
might assume its what the PC is using, and not mixed up with other earlier SM.

Maybe I can muddle through by using whatever settings it takes in SM composer 
so I get ALL my pages to open up OK in Chrome, with same size text, and 
regardless of how it looks in Firefox or SN browser mode. 
I can't try Internet Explorer any longer because if I do, the PC freezes, and 
must be lotsa shit behind the scenes with goodness knows what malware, none of 
which could be removed by anyt-malware programs or AVG.  

I'll do a Google to see what else might work as WYSIWYG. I recall that someone 
here tried to get me interested FrontPage, and someone else said Opera, and all 
these ppl telling me things which were worse than plain old Netscape Composer I 
used way back in 2001 for the 3 pages which formed Edition 1 of my then 
primitive website.
If it wasn't better than Netscape, I would not use it. I know I'm a dope 
though, I've tried lots of stuff I just didn't get, like simulation programs 
for circuitry. Most are so terribly awkward to use, and so much MORE DOPEY than 
I am, hell, NO, just work it out like they did in 1955, maybe do a bread board 
test, AND THEN I knew far more about a circuit's function than any CAD program 
could predict. Wot Ya Test Is Wot Ya get.Brain in my head does the rest.   

Regards to all.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey Composer problems with setting colors, and text size etc, etc.

2014-08-07 Thread Geoff Welsh

Patrick Turner wrote:

Daniel Aug 6 (12 hours ago) On 06/08/14 18:40, Patrick Turner wrote:


Looking at your coding of your home page, I see plenty ofbig's
and /big's but, at a casual glance, I don't see any base font
size declared, so if you have your SeaMonkey set up to use, say,
9pt font it would appear smaller if you had Chrome set up to use a
base font size of 12pt!!

Check Edit-Preferences-Appearance-Fonts to check your settings.

I just checked if I could get menu including appearance in an open
SeaMonkey page, and no, I cannot, I can go Edit-  preferences,
then nothing about appearances.

Patrick, when you click Edit, then click Preferences and new screen
should open up with several topics on the left, the top of these is
Appearance ... click the arrowhead to its left and four sub
sections will show up, the second of which is Fonts it and
then you should see where you can change your font sizes.

Yes, you're right. If I opened SM in composer mode without opening
one of my pages, I could adjust text size from 16 down to 12, and
that made my pages I'd composed recently look OK, BUT, In Firefox,
text looked too small, so I had to zoom out - a bit - and this
increases size of images to being too large, and so zoom applies
itself to images when i damn well don't want it to. Still no ability
to display colors of text or background while in SM composer.

And when trying to change text colors in SM, one can select some
text, select black, and save the change and yet that text appears
blue in Chrome. So I go back and the only way to change colors of the
small part of text is by 'select  all' and change all colors to
black, then change parts of text I want in different colors.

Programs are supposed to work so only a positive outcome is possible,
and use has consistent rules. So both Firefox and SM are still

that's completely backwards thinking.  You're not understanding that we 
have complete control, as a user of a web browser, to change how web 
pages appear, regardless of the authors intention.  eg you have 
specified Arial font dozens of times throughout the page, but if I do 
not select allow web pages to set fonts in the SM Preferences, I will 
not see Arial.

Also, using a horrendously outdated product like the discontinued 
Composer section of SM to edit a pages code is not helping matters.  If 
you try to change a color or size using incorrect or outdated 
syntax/code you cannot blame a modern browser for how it ends up.


support-seamonkey mailing list

SeaMonkey Composer problems with setting colors, and text size etc, etc.

2014-08-06 Thread Patrick Turner
Hi all,
I'm new here today, and I recently downloaded SeaMonkey 2.26, which seemed to 
download OK, and I could run it, and I assume its has replaced previous 
versions of SeaMonkey.

I only use SeaMonkey composer. I have a 50MB+ website which uses SeaMonkey.

I have problems controlling how both SeaMonkey and Firefox view my recently 
composed pages, and text and images are displayed too large so I try to set 
zoom to 80% and that makes it look right, but while in composer I can't change 
the size of everything, and colors don't appear.

If I use Firefox to browse my own pages to look for faults the different colors 
of text and background don't appear, and page is too big, everything enlarged 
too much.

If I use basic Chrome to view my pages, the text is OK but a size too small. 
But images look just right as they do when I view then in MS paint where I 
prepared many .gif schematics. 

I'm no html expert, but somehow SeaMonkey Composer just ain't working properly 
to give me colors and sizes to allow 100% predictable results which are the 
same when using Chrome, Firefox or SeaMonkey in browser mode.
They should be all the same. But I ain't getting to see what I really will get 
when I compose.

Should I uninstall all of existing SeaMonkey stuff, then start all over again 
with downloading SeaMonkey or should I just give up, and try some other WYSIWYG 
web page maker?

Patrick Turner. 

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey Composer problems with setting colors, and text size etc, etc.

2014-08-06 Thread Ray_Net

Patrick Turner wrote, On 06/08/2014 07:55:

Hi all,
I'm new here today, and I recently downloaded SeaMonkey 2.26, which seemed to 
download OK, and I could run it, and I assume its has replaced previous 
versions of SeaMonkey.

Why did you not uninstall the previous version before installing the new 
one ?

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey Composer problems with setting colors, and text size etc, etc.

2014-08-06 Thread Daniel

On 06/08/14 15:55, Patrick Turner wrote:

Hi all,
I'm new here today, and I recently downloaded SeaMonkey 2.26, which seemed to 
download OK, and I could run it, and I assume its has replaced previous 
versions of SeaMonkey.

I only use SeaMonkey composer. I have a 50MB+ website which uses SeaMonkey.

I have problems controlling how both SeaMonkey and Firefox view my recently 
composed pages, and text and images are displayed too large so I try to set 
zoom to 80% and that makes it look right, but while in composer I can't change 
the size of everything, and colors don't appear.

If I use Firefox to browse my own pages to look for faults the different colors 
of text and background don't appear, and page is too big, everything enlarged 
too much.

If I use basic Chrome to view my pages, the text is OK but a size too small. 
But images look just right as they do when I view then in MS paint where I 
prepared many .gif schematics.

I'm no html expert, but somehow SeaMonkey Composer just ain't working properly 
to give me colors and sizes to allow 100% predictable results which are the 
same when using Chrome, Firefox or SeaMonkey in browser mode.
They should be all the same. But I ain't getting to see what I really will get 
when I compose.

Should I uninstall all of existing SeaMonkey stuff, then start all over again 
with downloading SeaMonkey or should I just give up, and try some other WYSIWYG web page 

Patrick Turner.

Valves, Valves, Valves!! (I did my Electronic training just as 
transistors were taking over from Valves, at least at low power levels. 

Looking at your coding of your home page, I see plenty of big's  and 
/big's but, at a casual glance, I don't see any base font size 
declared, so if you have your SeaMonkey set up to use, say, 9pt font it 
would appear smaller if you had Chrome set up to use a base font size of 

Check Edit-Preferences-Appearance-Fonts to check your settings.

Living just South of you, on the Mighty Murray River!!

User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:29.0) Gecko/20100101 
Firefox/29.0 SeaMonkey/2.26 Build identifier: 20140415200419

User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:29.0) Gecko/20100101 
SeaMonkey/2.26 Build identifier: 20140408191805

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey Composer problems with setting colors, and text size etc, etc.

2014-08-06 Thread Patrick Turner
16:19 (1 hour ago)
Patrick Turner wrote, On 06/08/2014 07:55:
 Hi all,
 I'm new here today, and I recently downloaded SeaMonkey 2.26, which seemed to 
 download OK, and I could run it, and I assume its has replaced previous 
 versions of SeaMonkey.

Why did you not uninstall the previous version before installing the new
one ? 

I did not see any instructions to download at the SeaMonkey site. I assumed the 
new would replace the old, or upgrade it. But with PC matters I am usually 
wrong until proven otherwise, and probably I should have assumed I should get 
rid of all SeaMonkey before downloading the 2.26.
But just what to assume? OK, so I tell of my experience to others who may know 
more than me, and see what happens..

Patrick Turner  

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey Composer problems with setting colors, and text size etc, etc.

2014-08-06 Thread Patrick Turner
Valves, Valves, Valves!! (I did my Electronic training just as
transistors were taking over from Valves, at least at low power levels.

I spent an interesting 18 years making audio systems which appealed to some 
very fussy customers who mostly preferred tube powered amplifiers. 
I gained whatever insight I might along the way and posted up the results and 
despite vacuum tubes being old tech like steam engines, the tubes do wonders 
with music, so I have been told so often.  

Looking at your coding of your home page, I see plenty of big's  and
/big's but, at a casual glance, I don't see any base font size
declared, so if you have your SeaMonkey set up to use, say, 9pt font it
would appear smaller if you had Chrome set up to use a base font size of

Check Edit-Preferences-Appearance-Fonts to check your settings.

I just checked if I could get menu including appearance in an open SeaMonkey
page, and no, I cannot, I can go Edit- preferences, then nothing about 
appearances. The page appearance while in SM Composer or Browse is too large, 
and is I use Format - Font - size, and adjust the composed page to look 
right, then it looks tiny in Chrome. But in Firefox, the text also looks too 
small, and all images are enlarged, and I cannot keep the settings right.

The trouble is that my PC does not have a little bloke inside the PC box with a 
ruler to check the height of all normal print in body of texts, and then when 
text varies in size regardless of where it came, he gets out the whip to punish 
naughty little programs who just don't get what ordinary ppl want.
Something MUST enforce the idea that all images are not enlarged, or reduced. 
and appear the same size as I see them during composing. 
Chrome does seem to display my website better than Firefox and SM. But my basic 
Chrome does not have setable size of appearance. 

Living just South of you, on the Mighty Murray River!!

Hmm, I'm in ACT, and I guess ppl along Mississippi are laughing about Murray 
Creek. Call that a river? Now here's a river! No offense, Mr Dundee.

Patrick Turner. 

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey Composer problems with setting colors, and text size etc, etc.

2014-08-06 Thread Daniel

On 06/08/14 18:16, Patrick Turner wrote:

16:19 (1 hour ago)
Patrick Turner wrote, On 06/08/2014 07:55:

Hi all,
I'm new here today, and I recently downloaded SeaMonkey 2.26, which seemed to 
download OK, and I could run it, and I assume its has replaced previous 
versions of SeaMonkey.

Why did you not uninstall the previous version before installing the new
one ?

I did not see any instructions to download at the SeaMonkey site. I assumed the 
new would replace the old, or upgrade it. But with PC matters I am usually 
wrong until proven otherwise, and probably I should have assumed I should get 
rid of all SeaMonkey before downloading the 2.26.
But just what to assume? OK, so I tell of my experience to others who may know 
more than me, and see what happens..

Patrick Turner

Patrick, if you install a new version over the top of the old, there may 
be some files that existed in the old that don't appear in the new (e.g. 
file name change, maybe), so your directory might get filed up with all 
sorts of un-used rubbish!

Better way to do it might be to *update* your SM from one version to the 
next! Check out Help-Check for updates...

Then others who may know more than me will have done what is required 
for you.


User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:29.0) Gecko/20100101 
Firefox/29.0 SeaMonkey/2.26 Build identifier: 20140415200419

User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:29.0) Gecko/20100101 
SeaMonkey/2.26 Build identifier: 20140408191805

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey Composer problems with setting colors, and text size etc, etc.

2014-08-06 Thread Trane Francks

On 8/6/14 2:55 PM, Patrick Turner wrote:

Hi all,
I'm new here today, and I recently downloaded SeaMonkey 2.26, which seemed to 
download OK, and I could run it, and I assume its has replaced previous 
versions of SeaMonkey.

I only use SeaMonkey composer. I have a 50MB+ website which uses SeaMonkey.

I have problems controlling how both SeaMonkey and Firefox view my recently 
composed pages, and text and images are displayed too large so I try to set 
zoom to 80% and that makes it look right, but while in composer I can't change 
the size of everything, and colors don't appear.

If I use Firefox to browse my own pages to look for faults the different colors 
of text and background don't appear, and page is too big, everything enlarged 
too much.

If I use basic Chrome to view my pages, the text is OK but a size too small. 
But images look just right as they do when I view then in MS paint where I 
prepared many .gif schematics.

I'm no html expert, but somehow SeaMonkey Composer just ain't working properly 
to give me colors and sizes to allow 100% predictable results which are the 
same when using Chrome, Firefox or SeaMonkey in browser mode.
They should be all the same. But I ain't getting to see what I really will get 
when I compose.

Should I uninstall all of existing SeaMonkey stuff, then start all over again 
with downloading SeaMonkey or should I just give up, and try some other WYSIWYG web page 

Patrick Turner.

I checked your page with Safari 6.1.5, SeaMonkey 2.26.1 and Firefox 
30.0. The differences in your front page were minimal, only differing 
slightly in how each browser treats the Arial font family. The images 
were all displayed identically.

Whatever size issue you think you're having isn't what you think it is. 
It's not a Composer problem. Try checking your zoom level for that page 
in SeaMonkey and Firefox. Ctrl-0 would be a good start.

// Trane Francks   Tokyo, Japan
// Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey Composer problems with setting colors, and text size etc, etc.

2014-08-06 Thread Daniel

On 06/08/14 18:40, Patrick Turner wrote:


Looking at your coding of your home page, I see plenty of big's  and
/big's but, at a casual glance, I don't see any base font size
declared, so if you have your SeaMonkey set up to use, say, 9pt font it
would appear smaller if you had Chrome set up to use a base font size of

Check Edit-Preferences-Appearance-Fonts to check your settings.

I just checked if I could get menu including appearance in an open SeaMonkey
page, and no, I cannot, I can go Edit- preferences, then nothing about 

Patrick, when you click Edit, then click Preferences and new screen 
should open up with several topics on the left, the top of these is 
Appearance ... click the arrowhead to its left and four sub sections 
will show up, the second of which is Fonts it and then you 
should see where you can change your font sizes.

No Murray Creek around here.

User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:29.0) Gecko/20100101 
Firefox/29.0 SeaMonkey/2.26 Build identifier: 20140415200419

User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:29.0) Gecko/20100101 
SeaMonkey/2.26 Build identifier: 20140408191805

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey Composer problems with setting colors, and text size etc, etc.

2014-08-06 Thread Daniel

On 06/08/14 22:07, Trane Francks wrote:

On 8/6/14 2:55 PM, Patrick Turner wrote:

Hi all,
I'm new here today, and I recently downloaded SeaMonkey 2.26, which
seemed to download OK, and I could run it, and I assume its has
replaced previous versions of SeaMonkey.

I only use SeaMonkey composer. I have a 50MB+ website which uses

I have problems controlling how both SeaMonkey and Firefox view my
recently composed pages, and text and images are displayed too large
so I try to set zoom to 80% and that makes it look right, but while in
composer I can't change the size of everything, and colors don't appear.

If I use Firefox to browse my own pages to look for faults the
different colors of text and background don't appear, and page is too
big, everything enlarged too much.

If I use basic Chrome to view my pages, the text is OK but a size too
small. But images look just right as they do when I view then in MS
paint where I prepared many .gif schematics.

I'm no html expert, but somehow SeaMonkey Composer just ain't working
properly to give me colors and sizes to allow 100% predictable results
which are the same when using Chrome, Firefox or SeaMonkey in browser
They should be all the same. But I ain't getting to see what I really
will get when I compose.

Should I uninstall all of existing SeaMonkey stuff, then start all
over again with downloading SeaMonkey or should I just give up, and
try some other WYSIWYG web page maker?

Patrick Turner.

I checked your page with Safari 6.1.5, SeaMonkey 2.26.1 and Firefox
30.0. The differences in your front page were minimal, only differing
slightly in how each browser treats the Arial font family. The images
were all displayed identically.

Whatever size issue you think you're having isn't what you think it is.
It's not a Composer problem. Try checking your zoom level for that page
in SeaMonkey and Firefox. Ctrl-0 would be a good start.

Trane, I'm thinking Patrick has his SeaMonkey set up for larger size 
fonts than he has for Firefox or Chrome so needs to reduce his size on 
the fly (he mentions having to set Zoom to 80%).

Hence, my trying to get him to check SM prefs.


User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:29.0) Gecko/20100101 
Firefox/29.0 SeaMonkey/2.26 Build identifier: 20140415200419

User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:29.0) Gecko/20100101 
SeaMonkey/2.26 Build identifier: 20140408191805

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey Composer problems with setting colors, and text size etc, etc.

2014-08-06 Thread Ray_Net

Patrick Turner wrote, On 06/08/2014 10:16:

16:19 (1 hour ago)
Patrick Turner wrote, On 06/08/2014 07:55:

Hi all,
I'm new here today, and I recently downloaded SeaMonkey 2.26, which seemed to 
download OK, and I could run it, and I assume its has replaced previous 
versions of SeaMonkey.

Why did you not uninstall the previous version before installing the new
one ?

I did not see any instructions to download at the SeaMonkey site. I assumed the 
new would replace the old, or upgrade it. But with PC matters I am usually 
wrong until proven otherwise, and probably I should have assumed I should get 
rid of all SeaMonkey before downloading the 2.26.
But just what to assume? OK, so I tell of my experience to others who may know 
more than me, and see what happens..

Patrick Turner

I should get rid of all SeaMonkey   not all Seamonkey stuff must 
disappear, you just need to go in the control panel then ADD/REMOVE 
PROGRAMS and then just uninstall SM before installing the new version.. 
(If you were afraid to remove you may copy the profile as a backup 

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey Composer problems with setting colors, and text size etc, etc.

2014-08-06 Thread hawker

On 8/6/2014 1:55 AM, Patrick Turner wrote:

Hi all,
I'm new here today, and I recently downloaded SeaMonkey 2.26, which seemed to 
download OK, and I could run it, and I assume its has replaced previous 
versions of SeaMonkey.

I only use SeaMonkey composer. I have a 50MB+ website which uses SeaMonkey.

I have problems controlling how both SeaMonkey and Firefox view my recently 
composed pages, and text and images are displayed too large so I try to set 
zoom to 80% and that makes it look right, but while in composer I can't change 
the size of everything, and colors don't appear.

If I use Firefox to browse my own pages to look for faults the different colors 
of text and background don't appear, and page is too big, everything enlarged 
too much.

If I use basic Chrome to view my pages, the text is OK but a size too small. 
But images look just right as they do when I view then in MS paint where I 
prepared many .gif schematics.

I'm no html expert, but somehow SeaMonkey Composer just ain't working properly 
to give me colors and sizes to allow 100% predictable results which are the 
same when using Chrome, Firefox or SeaMonkey in browser mode.
They should be all the same. But I ain't getting to see what I really will get 
when I compose.

Should I uninstall all of existing SeaMonkey stuff, then start all over again 
with downloading SeaMonkey or should I just give up, and try some other WYSIWYG web page 

Patrick Turner.

While everyone's comments are valid what I get is your using Mozilla 
just for Composer?

Composer is ancient code that hasn't been maintained in a dog's age.
It spun off to the now abandoned Komposer/Nvu
That code was then abandoned and replaced with Blue Griffin.
Nothing much has happened with Blue Griffin for about a year now so I am 
not sure what Daniel Glazman is up to these days.

If your wanting the composer like interface and heritage for composing 
web sites than your best bet is probably to use Blue Griffen or possibly 
Nvu as it is much more up to date.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey Composer problems with setting colors, and text size etc, etc.

2014-08-06 Thread Patrick Turner
Aug 6 (12 hours ago)
On 06/08/14 18:40, Patrick Turner wrote:


 Looking at your coding of your home page, I see plenty of big's  and
 /big's but, at a casual glance, I don't see any base font size
 declared, so if you have your SeaMonkey set up to use, say, 9pt font it
 would appear smaller if you had Chrome set up to use a base font size of

 Check Edit-Preferences-Appearance-Fonts to check your settings.

 I just checked if I could get menu including appearance in an open SeaMonkey
 page, and no, I cannot, I can go Edit- preferences, then nothing about 

Patrick, when you click Edit, then click Preferences and new screen
should open up with several topics on the left, the top of these is
Appearance ... click the arrowhead to its left and four sub sections
will show up, the second of which is Fonts it and then you
should see where you can change your font sizes.

Yes, you're right. If I opened SM in composer mode without opening one of my 
pages, I could adjust text size from 16 down to 12, and that made my pages I'd 
composed recently look OK, BUT, In Firefox, text looked too small, so I had to 
zoom out - a bit - and this increases size of images to being too large, and so 
zoom applies itself to images when i damn well don't want it to. Still no 
ability to display colors of text or background while in SM composer.

And when trying to change text colors in SM, one can select some text, select 
black, and save the change and yet that text appears blue in Chrome. So I go 
back and the only way to change colors of the small part of text is by 'select  
all' and change all colors to black, then change parts of text I want in 
different colors. 

Programs are supposed to work so only a positive outcome is possible, and use 
has consistent rules. 
So both Firefox and SM are still primitive. Maybe I try to uninstall all 
existing SM and download 2.26 again with everything fresh. 

But meanwhile, when I use Chrome to see my pages, its like a miracle, all nice 
colors show up, and text is really good, yet its basic Chrome where nothing 
seems adjustable for browsing.
No Murray Creek around here.

We have Murrumbidgee Creek here. Walk along the creek bed after a bitova dry 
spell :-). 
support-seamonkey mailing list