RE: [biofuel] has anyone made bio-diesel?--talk is cheap!

2001-12-22 Thread Mike Brownstone

Dear /.

I for one have been making quality biodiesel for many months now and use it
in my boat,car and house generator.  The knowledge to do this has come from
this site which provides a wide range of support for the myriad of technical
difficulties that arise.

Try to be constuctive in your criticism for if you will use abuse as the
starting point of your arguments then all you will achieve is to be removed
from this user group.


 -Original Message-
 From: / . [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, December 21, 2001 8:40 PM
 Subject: [biofuel] has anyone made bio-diesel?--talk is cheap!

 All I read is theoretical bullshit...Who in this group
 has actual experience producing bio-diesel? And what
 procedure do you use?

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[biofuel] Re:SVO/Cummins (long) (was SVO vs B-D) -

2001-12-22 Thread craig reece


My answers follow your questions:

Prairie Dog wrote:

 --Hey, Craig, why not let us *all* know how it goes with the
 direct-injected Rover?  :-)

Will do. Both initial results and long-term follow-up - I'll be checking the
injectors frequently for deposits, and probably getting periodic oil
analysis, per Ed Beggs (from Neoteric Biofuels - )
recommendation. (And if your Cummins is, as I'm almost sure, an
indirect-injection engine, you don't need to do either.)

 I just got a copy of Fryer.. in an eBay auction; it arrived yesterday
 in the mail.  I'm looking forward to reading all about the Veggie Van.

The main change I'm making to their approach - along with others in the
Biofuels Group - Ed and Dana among them - is that I'm going to run a return
line to both the dinodiesel (or biodiesel) tank *and* the SVO/WVO tank.
Reports from the field indicate that looping the SVO return back to the
injection pump can prevent air from getting bled from the system.

 Thanks for the encouraging words, in the event that my Cummins is IDI.
 As for the system desing, though, what I'd *really* like to do is to use
 the *main* fuel tank for WVO, and the second tank for the diesel.  My
 main tank is 40+ gallons, and since it is a commercial vehicle, I've got
 plenty of space for locating the second tank.  Plus, looks won't matter!

That's exactly what I'd do. My truck will have about 20-22 gallons in the
rear for SVO/WVO and 10-12 in front for bio or dinodiesel.

 The original tank has a tank cover of heavy guage steel around it, about
 3/4 away from it:  I wonder if I could effectively steal that space for
 wrapping copper coils and insulation around the main, WVO, tank?

If it's a skidlate  under the tank, you could sneak coils between the
skidplate and the tank, but they aren't going to heat the tank as well,
plus  you'll have more heat loss than if they were in-tank. I'm going to use
either the Webb Hot STK or Dana's design for an in-tank immersion heat
exchanger. Check the (recent) Archives for chat about both - Motie first
posted about the Webb a couple of weeks ago, followed by Dana's drawing of
his steel or copper design. Arctic Fox also makes immersion-type tank

 I might add a 110v plug-in heater, too, for keeping it warm overnight.
 Any recommendations?  For that matter, what is the best type of block
 warmer to use? : my truck doesn't have any heaters on it yet.

I don't have any recommendations, but your Dodge dealer might be able to
help you. I think that a block heater could be used to pre-warm the tank -
with a 2nd one to pre-warm the engine. And I've heard of 12V mat-type tank
heaters, but have never really done a websearch for them. It's been pointed
out that they'd probably suck a lot of amps from the batteries if you turned
them on prior to starting, and once the engine is running a good coolant
loop heat exchanger works pretty quickly.

 I'm also wondering what kinds of guages I need to add: I've read
 recommendations for pressure, vaccuum, and temp gauges: will they really
 tell me anything?  It's already got about 20 gauges more than any dude
 could ever need

I'm going to install  a coolant temp senders in my SVO/WVO tank, and maybe
plumb a 2nd one into the fuel line just before the injection pump, with
indicator lights on the dash. You can get coolant temp senders with a range
of pre-set temps at which they'll trigger a light - AutoMeter's ProLite
series makes them as giant idiot lights (and some would say we fit the
definition, putting salad dressing in our fuel tanks) but the sender could
trigger a small dash light instead. So, unlike the suggested
thermostatically-controlled (and automated) switchover from diesel to SVO
suggested in From the Fryer  with the added complexity, I'll just wait for
the indicator light tied to the temp sender in the tank to tell me the
SVO/WVO has reached 170 degrees, then I'll flip the switch. The 2nd sender
in the engine compartment will let me know if the SVO has cooled in transit
- and if so, I'll switch back to diesel and go shopping for some aux.
heating in the engine compartment - Neoterics $75 in-line 12V fuel-line
heater, maybe, or add Racor's 200 watt fuel filter bowl heaters.

Some folks add vacuum gauges so they can monitor clogging of the fuel
filter. The old-fashioned way is to wait until you notice a lack of power,
then change the filter element.

 And a final (?) question: this truck will be used on a route, so most of
 the time it will be idling, not driving.  Does that affect the choice of
 WVO vs BD?

I'd think that depending upon where you drive and how cold it gets, stop and
go driving might increase your need for heating past the tank.

Good question s- keep them coming.


  Thanks, all!
 -Joel R.

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Re: [biofuel] has anyone made bio-diesel?--talk is cheap!

2001-12-22 Thread bpol

Dear Elite, then quite reading

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[biofuel] VIRUS ALERT

2001-12-22 Thread Larry D. Barr

I've received two emails from Rick Lubrick, one through the email link on my 
site and the other through this group. Both contained the Badtrans W32 virus. 
Fortunately, Norton caught it and I think I'm OK. I really hope I'm OK. I don't 
back up as often as I should.

Rick's email address was given as: [EMAIL PROTECTED], but when I attempted to 
reply and advise him of the problem the address was rejected as unknown 

The message I got through this group was Re: Engine Problem which is a 
message I sent to Adrian about his Rover problems. Just wanted to give 
everybody a heads up on this. If Rick is actually getting messages from our 
group, hopefully he'll be able to get the virus out of his computer.

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[biofuel] I GOT A VIRUS TOO

2001-12-22 Thread George Lola Wesel

I got a virus from [EMAIL PROTECTED], as well.
Mine had a different Subject,  Re:Biofuel from biomass (cellulose)

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Re: [biofuel] Re:SVO/Cummins (long) (was SVO vs B-D) -

2001-12-22 Thread George Lola Wesel

I know a fellow who  has a White-Freightliner and he has a diesel heater 
in his diesel tank that keep his tank warm.  Don't know if it's 12 or 
120.  Don't know what it looks like, have never seen it.  A guy could 
ask a White dealer about it


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[biofuel] Biodiesel vs Dino diesel

2001-12-22 Thread George Lola Wesel

Where BD has no additives to make it more lubricating or real smooth did 
it have more or less wear on the pump, valves and the like.  Does it do 
as good a job of lubing the motor as dino diesel.

Do any of you know anybody who has put on a lot of miles with BD?

Did his motor and pump hold up as could have been expected from diesel?

Was he as happy with BD as with dino diesel in a overall picture?


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[biofuel] Re: 2 stroke attachement virus warning

2001-12-22 Thread Prairie Dog

I also received a message from a list member's computer containing the
W32(.)BadtransB(@)MM   !!  You may have received it as well.
Here's how to find out if you have it, and how to get rid of it:

This worm sends itself out from your email to any email addresses stored
on your computer. It then allows others on the net to access your
computer and your security codes, etc..
 You need to get rid of it right away before there is damage to your
computer and it spreads to very many more.  It does NOT need to be
opened to infect your computer!  Merely reading the original message
will do it!
  Here's a good message to send along if you have it, with info for you
and your recipients, on how to see if you have it, and how to remove it:
WE RECEIVED A VIRUS: W32 Badtrans (dot) B(@)mm [ignore the parens they
are there to keep this from being a valid virus name.
The virus (actually a worm) not only attaches itself to outgoing mail
but it installs a program in the operating system that tracks
keystrokes. If infected, hackers could have access to all your passwords
and more!
For information:
For a program to automatically remove the virus:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
You can download and run this program to see if you have the worm. It
will fix it if there and will let you know if it is not found. DO THIS
NOW   Caution to Windows ME users- the fix is more complicated.

If you are not running a virus scanner, you should really do so, for
your own protection and for those you communicate with.  Also, I would
recommend getting a firewall program, too.  (ZoneAlarm works well, and
is a free download!)  Each time this worm hit *my* computer, ZoneAlarm
caught it before the virus checker did.
I suggest that all the list members might want to check their computer!
If the removal tool says you have it, please send a message to the folks
in your address book, so they will know to check for this!
(It's hit my computer three times in the past month, but I keep uptodate
on virii!)
-Joel R.

Subject: Re: 2 stroke attachement virus warning


I just received a virus from a member of the Biofuel
list on an attachment. It was sent directly to me and
had no had an attachment text file snip

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