Re: [biofuel] Re: BTU of WVO & 'Zine of the Times'

2003-04-09 Thread martin

No apology is necessary from anyone, though I realize I seemed like a 
jerk. Be it good or bad, I've been on discussion groups since I was 10 
yrs old - FidoNET, AOL, email lists, newsgroups. I've come to disregard 
demeanor unless it's someone I know. Communicating feelings via bytes 
and packets is an art, I am not an artist.

Keith Addison wrote:

>>To Whomever  has a problem,
>> I started this thread.
>>I received the manual. I was glad to have received it and have shared it with
>>several people. NOT EVERYONE HAS A DAMN COMPUTER! And do you really believe
>>that anyone is going to get rich off of selling a $5 booklet? Maybe enough to
>>buy some various parts or more methanol.  You don't like it? Go pester someone
>>else or better yet, do something half as good!
>Um, Martin has done something at least as good, as you might have 
>realized if you'd checked the url on his sig before attacking him. 
>Martin built and maintains this list's independent archives, and it's 
>extremely useful - fast, powerful search capabilities, infinitely 
>superior to Yahoo's clunky, ad-ridden, barely-useable effort. This 
>archives is a treasure-trove of biofuels information of all kinds, 
>nearly 24,000 messages over three years from thousands of members. 
>Martin does the same for other lists too, and he does it for nothing. 
>>There is PLENTY of stuff I have not seen on the web - yet! Overall, there is
>>an excellent representation of  the backyard biodiesel state of the 
>>art. I have
>>learned a number of "hints and kinks" that typically only comes from doing. So
>>my personal benefits include bypassing mistakes that I know I would have
>>encountered otherwise.
>>Whats my angle here? I appreciate real work and productivity. I have seen my
>>share of pure BULLSHIT,
>And you have just contravened several list directives, as well as 
>recent requests. Such as this one:
>You should post an apology to the list please. Best be quick about it.
>>caprice and greed. I think I know when something is
>>genuine.  To me the  booklet is a practical manual for producing and finishing
>> And I completely belive that when she put the material together she had
>>absolutely nothing but pure and good intentions of teaching others. I dare you
>>to meet that same standard.
>Martin does have just that same standard in running the archives.
>Keith Addison
>List owner

Martin Klingensmith

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Re: [biofuel] cost of the war in Iraq

2003-04-09 Thread Hakan Falk

Hi Keith,

The human costs are terrible and that made me wonder about
responsibility and as far as I understand it, the Geneva convention
are clear in this case.

Both US and UK are signatory and have to follow it. As I also
understand it, US/UK have not only taken on the military effort,
but also a range of other responsibilities that can be quite costly.
Contrary to the war in Afghanistan, that was a proxy war and only
involved assistance to one party in a civil war and by this excluded
US from some Geneva convention responsibilities, Iraq is not the
case and US/UK have to follow the Geneva convention. This means,

1. They are responsible for the humanitarian situation in Iraq
 and have to carry the cost for this. No wonder that they now
 are talking about involving UN.

2. They are responsible for the policing and security of Iraqi
 population and have to carry the cost for that.

3. Since they attacked and performed the war on Iraqi soil, they
 have some responsibility for reparation costs.

4. They have a legal responsibility for civilian casualties and
 subsequent costs. This not only for direct damages, but
 also for failures in the responsibilities under 1 and 2.

The war in Iraq and the tax breaks decided, have already wiped
out last decades improvements in the US national debt. I think that
President George W. Bush already is the most expensive of all
presidents and the total is far from summarized yet. The US and
UK population have to pay the bills and take the responsibilities
under the Geneva convention. No wonder that Blair wanted the
second resolution, which would have capped this. They do have
some company like Australia and others that contributed with
military active resources. This is what I figured out, maybe they
have some legal arguments to avoid the total costs, who knows.


At 04:27 AM 4/10/2003 +0900, you wrote:
>War in Iraq
>Boy bomb victim struggles against despair
>09.04.2003 [16:58]
>ALI Ismaeel Abbas, 12, was fast asleep when war shattered his life.
>A missile obliterated his home and most of his family, leaving him
>orphaned, badly burned - and blowing off both his arms.
>With tears running down his face he asked: "Can you help get my arms
>back? Do you think the doctors can get me another pair of hands? If I
>don't get a pair of hands I will commit suicide.
>"I wanted to be an army officer when I grow up but not any more. Now
>I want to be a doctor - but how can I? I don't have hands."
>Lying in a Baghdad hospital, an improvised metal cage over his chest
>to stop his burned flesh touching the bedclothes, he said: "It was
>midnight when the missile fell on us. My father, my mother and my
>brother died. My mother was five months pregnant.
>"Our neighbours pulled me out and brought me here unconscious.
>"Our house was just a poor shack. Why did they want to bomb us?"
>He did not know the area where he lived was surrounded by military
>Hospital staff were overwhelmed by the sharp rise in casualties since
>US troops moved on Baghdad and intensified the aerial assault.
>TRAGEDY: Ali was left orphaned and terribly injured in bombing raid
>Ambulances rushed in with victims, many carried in bedsheets after
>running out of stretchers.
>Doctors struggled to find them beds. Staff had no time to clean the
>blood from trolleys. Patients' screams and parents' cries echoed
>across the wards.
>With many staff unable to get there due to the bombing, doctors
>worked round the clock performing surgery, taking blood, giving
>injections and ferrying wounded.
>Dr Osama Saleh al-Duleimi, an orthopaedic surgeon and assistant
>director at Kindi, said they were overloaded and suffering shortages
>of anaesthetics and painkillers.
>The Red Cross has been touring hospitals with first aid and surgery
>kits. Spokesman Roland Huguenin-Benjamin said: "They were overwhelmed
>by sheer numbers - during fierce bombardment they received up to 100
>casualties an hour."
>Doctors who treated victims of the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war and the 1991
>Gulf War were taken aback by the injuries. Dr Duleimi, 48, said:
>"This is the worst I've seen in the number of casualties and fatal
>"This is a disaster because they're attacking civilians."
>Dr Sadek al-Mukhtar said: "In the previous battles the weapons seemed
>merely disabling. Now they're much more lethal.
>"Before the war I did not regard America as my enemy. Now I do. War
>should be against the military. America is killing civilians."
>Samia Nakhoul/The Mirror
>Amid Allied jubilation, a child lies in agony, clothes soaked in blood
>By Robert Fisk in Baghdad
>08 April 2003
>The Independent
>They lay in lines, the car salesman who'

Re: Using what I've learned Was:: [biofuel] The only "real" wealth

2003-04-09 Thread Kim & Garth Travis

Hi Curtis,

The first job is to get the family to agree that being a slave isn't where 
it is at.  Just one person trying to make changes without the support of 
the rest of the family, doesn't work.

It is not necessary or a good idea to make a complete change in lifestyle, 
all at once.  For one thing the learning curve will kill you.

While I do not know you in any way that will allow me to make accurate 
suggestions, my generic suggestions are as follows.

1. Cut down on eating out.

 a. When cooking, make enough for 2 nights dinner and freeze the 
second one, then, when  tempted to eat out, just thaw and cook.
 b. Sandwiches get old for lunch, which is why many people eat out 
for lunch.  If your work  place has a microwave, try hot cereal with 
1/2 of a can of fruit, instead.  Better for both the budget and 
your health.
 c. Kitchen gadgets can really save time and money.  I always told 
my kids convenience   comes in two forms, 1. buy the prepackaged foods 
and/or eat out, or 2. buy the toys thatallow you to cook so easy 
that you eat at home.  ex: bread machine bread costs about $0.75  per 
loaf vs $2.50 per loaf for the same quality of bread.

2.  This is a hard one with teenagers, but refuse to buy anything that 
is high fashion.  It always  looks dated in a very short time.  My parents 
made me pay for stuff like that out of my own pocket, and I did the 
same to my kids.  They quickly learn that classic styling lasts 
much  longer and they can afford to do something, not just look 

3.  Never pay full retail for anything.

If you want more and can't find it on the site Keith recommended, email me 
off list.

Bright Blessings,
At 01:59 PM 4/9/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>Aha!  You've come to the exact crossroad I am at now!! (LOL)
>Yes, I'm coming to that conclusion.   Unfortunately, 'Family's currently
>DEEP in the "debt game".Or as I would say to friends ... "Two or three
>Minimum Wage Jobs with rising prices".   We're now at the point of COMPLETE
>slavery!!   Where time clocks punch in and out for a total of 24 hours for
>each person ... and where wage minus bills equals ZERO (or slightly
>NEGATIVE).   Any suggestions how to get out?? (LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!)

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RE: [biofuel] cost of the war in Iraq

2003-04-09 Thread Kris Book


Unfortunately, that is exactly how the huge propaganda
machine works. First they bombard us with a huge portion of
Bs and then they mix in a little truth, and before you know
it everyone is confused and desensitized at the same time.
Take a look at:


--- Bryan Brah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Time actually published a photo of that boy in the latest
> issue.  The
> worst part is not the fact that he lost both arms, but
> that his whole
> family was also killed in the attack.  That morsel of
> information came
> from the caption under the photo in Time.  There wasn't
> even spin trying
> to blame him for living too close to a "valid" target. 
> Does this mean
> that the American "mainstream" media is reporting the
> whole story, or is
> it suppressing even worse atrocities?  
> -Original Message-
> From: Keith Addison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2003 11:27 PM
> To:
> Subject: [biofuel] cost of the war in Iraq
> Two American listers have sent me these links offlist,
> though not 
> both in the same post...
> >Date: Tue, 8 Apr 2003 11:07:02 -0600
> >Subject: the cost of the war in iraq
> >
> >
> >
> >Monday | April 07, 2003
> >
> >Ali Ismaeel Abbas, 12
> >
> >I don't have a picture of this young Iraqi boy, and
> perhaps it's for
> the best:
> ...
> Click it and weep. All in the name of justice and
> liberty... But I 
> suppose we're to accept that it's all the Iraqi
> anti-aircraft radar 
> units' fault for confusing the missiles...
> Meanwhile some people think it's funny:
> >Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 10:20 PM
> >Subject: Click this ontoo funny
> >
> >Bomb Iraq
> Sick.
> Keith
> Yahoo! Groups Sponsor

> g22lp?Target=mm/g22lp.tmpl> 
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> Biofuels list archives:
> Please do NOT send Unsubscribe messages to the list
> address.
> To unsubscribe, send an email to:
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms
> of Service
>  . 
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>  Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
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Re: Using what I've learned Was:: [biofuel] The only "real" wealth

2003-04-09 Thread Keith Addison

Try this Curtis:
The Simple Living Network

How to get off the treadmill.

Yes I know - you don't have Web access, so you'll have to go to the 
library, but it could be worth it.



>Aha!  You've come to the exact crossroad I am at now!! (LOL)
>The "books" I've been reading .. are all the ones that Big Oil CEO's read
>... and Governmental Dictator's read ... and so on.   I've accumulated those
>book .. as part of my trying to understand ... "why the world 'is' ... 'the
>way it is' ".   And as I've read these "books" ... it slowly started to make
>sense ... why
>global corporations do what they do .. and global governments do what they
>do ...
>I HAD to read these books you see  gotta know the "rules of the real
>game" ... before starting.
>And now  yes ... I've been coming to the conclusion that in order to
>(truly) "win" the game ... one must actually get OUT of the game.   Like you
>said ... with no debt.  Of ANY kind.  Money is only one kind of debt.
>There is "food debt".  And "energy debt".  Any kind of arrangement with you
>making "monthly payments" of ANY kind  I've found out ... is a kind of
>"debt" (Am I catching on or what??).  That's where the "self-reliant
>lifestyle" .. comes in.
>Yes, I'm coming to that conclusion.   Unfortunately, 'Family's currently
>DEEP in the "debt game".Or as I would say to friends ... "Two or three
>Minimum Wage Jobs with rising prices".   We're now at the point of COMPLETE
>slavery!!   Where time clocks punch in and out for a total of 24 hours for
>each person ... and where wage minus bills equals ZERO (or slightly
>NEGATIVE).   Any suggestions how to get out?? (LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!)
>Get your free newsletter at
>- Original Message -
>From: Kim & Garth Travis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sorry, but you have been reading the wrong books, the only real wealth is
>good health and to not be a slave.  What you are talking about is still
>slavery, because the second the commander quits paying attentions to all his
>schemes that got him there, he loses his 'control'.  His life is guided and
>controlled by the control he seeks.
>Real wealth, that is being healthy, happy and having the freedom to decide
>what you want to do that day, not what you have to do.  The road is a paid
>off mortgage, and a self reliant life style.  I  am well down that road and
>believe me, 2 SUV's in the driveway are not part of it.
>Bright Blessings,
>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>Biofuels list archives:
>Please do NOT send Unsubscribe messages to the list address.
>To unsubscribe, send an email to:
>Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to

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Re: [biofuel] cost of the war in Iraq

2003-04-09 Thread Keith Addison
War in Iraq

Boy bomb victim struggles against despair
09.04.2003 [16:58]

ALI Ismaeel Abbas, 12, was fast asleep when war shattered his life.

A missile obliterated his home and most of his family, leaving him 
orphaned, badly burned - and blowing off both his arms.

With tears running down his face he asked: "Can you help get my arms 
back? Do you think the doctors can get me another pair of hands? If I 
don't get a pair of hands I will commit suicide.

"I wanted to be an army officer when I grow up but not any more. Now 
I want to be a doctor - but how can I? I don't have hands."

Lying in a Baghdad hospital, an improvised metal cage over his chest 
to stop his burned flesh touching the bedclothes, he said: "It was 
midnight when the missile fell on us. My father, my mother and my 
brother died. My mother was five months pregnant.

"Our neighbours pulled me out and brought me here unconscious.

"Our house was just a poor shack. Why did they want to bomb us?"

He did not know the area where he lived was surrounded by military 

Hospital staff were overwhelmed by the sharp rise in casualties since 
US troops moved on Baghdad and intensified the aerial assault.

TRAGEDY: Ali was left orphaned and terribly injured in bombing raid

Ambulances rushed in with victims, many carried in bedsheets after 
running out of stretchers.

Doctors struggled to find them beds. Staff had no time to clean the 
blood from trolleys. Patients' screams and parents' cries echoed 
across the wards.

With many staff unable to get there due to the bombing, doctors 
worked round the clock performing surgery, taking blood, giving 
injections and ferrying wounded.

Dr Osama Saleh al-Duleimi, an orthopaedic surgeon and assistant 
director at Kindi, said they were overloaded and suffering shortages 
of anaesthetics and painkillers.

The Red Cross has been touring hospitals with first aid and surgery 
kits. Spokesman Roland Huguenin-Benjamin said: "They were overwhelmed 
by sheer numbers - during fierce bombardment they received up to 100 
casualties an hour."

Doctors who treated victims of the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war and the 1991 
Gulf War were taken aback by the injuries. Dr Duleimi, 48, said: 
"This is the worst I've seen in the number of casualties and fatal 

"This is a disaster because they're attacking civilians."

Dr Sadek al-Mukhtar said: "In the previous battles the weapons seemed 
merely disabling. Now they're much more lethal.

"Before the war I did not regard America as my enemy. Now I do. War 
should be against the military. America is killing civilians."

Samia Nakhoul/The Mirror
Amid Allied jubilation, a child lies in agony, clothes soaked in blood
By Robert Fisk in Baghdad
08 April 2003
The Independent

They lay in lines, the car salesman who'd just lost his eye but whose 
feet were still dribbling blood, the motorcyclist who was shot by 
American troops near the Rashid Hotel, the 50-year-old female civil 
servant, her long dark hair spread over the towel she was lying on, 
her face, breasts, thighs, arms and feet pock-marked with shrapnel 
from an American cluster bomb. For the civilians of Baghdad, this is 
the real, immoral face of war, the direct result of America's clever 
little "probing missions" into Baghdad.

It looks very neat on television, the American marines on the banks 
of the Tigris, the oh-so-funny visit to the presidential palace, the 
videotape of Saddam Hussein's golden loo. But the innocent are 
bleeding and screaming with pain to bring us our exciting television 
pictures and to provide Messrs Bush and Blair with their boastful 
talk of victory. I watched two-and-a-half-year-old Ali Najour lying 
in agony on the bed, his clothes soaked with blood, a tube through 
his nose, until a relative walked up to me.

"I want to talk to you," he shouted, his voice rising in fury. "Why 
do you British want to kill this little boy? Why do you even want to 
look at him? You did this - you did it!"

The young man seized my arm, shaking it violently. "Are you going to 
make his mother and father come back? Can you bring them back to life 
for him? Get out! Get out!" In the yard outside, where the ambulance 
drivers deposit the dead, a middle-aged Shia woman in black was 
thumping her fists against her breasts and shrieking at me. "Help 
me," she cried. "Help me. My son is a martyr and all I want is a 
banner to cover him. I want a flag, an Iraqi flag, to put over his 
body. Dear God, help me!"

It's becoming harder to visit these places of pain, grief and anger. 
The International Committee of the Red Cross yesterday reported 
civilian victims of America's three-day offensive against Baghdad 
arriving at the hospitals now by the hundred. Yesterday, the K

Re: [biofuel] cost of the war in Iraq

2003-04-09 Thread csakima


What a concept to consider.


Get your free newsletter at

- Original Message -
From: Bryan Brah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Does this mean that the American "mainstream" media is reporting the whole
story, or is it suppressing even worse atrocities?

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Re: [biofuel] Re: BTU of WVO & 'Zine of the Times'

2003-04-09 Thread Keith Addison

>To Whomever  has a problem,
>  I started this thread.
> I received the manual. I was glad to have received it and have shared it with
>several people. NOT EVERYONE HAS A DAMN COMPUTER! And do you really believe
>that anyone is going to get rich off of selling a $5 booklet? Maybe enough to
>buy some various parts or more methanol.  You don't like it? Go pester someone
>else or better yet, do something half as good!

Um, Martin has done something at least as good, as you might have 
realized if you'd checked the url on his sig before attacking him. 
Martin built and maintains this list's independent archives, and it's 
extremely useful - fast, powerful search capabilities, infinitely 
superior to Yahoo's clunky, ad-ridden, barely-useable effort. This 
archives is a treasure-trove of biofuels information of all kinds, 
nearly 24,000 messages over three years from thousands of members. 
Martin does the same for other lists too, and he does it for nothing. 

> There is PLENTY of stuff I have not seen on the web - yet! Overall, there is
>an excellent representation of  the backyard biodiesel state of the 
>art. I have
>learned a number of "hints and kinks" that typically only comes from doing. So
>my personal benefits include bypassing mistakes that I know I would have
>encountered otherwise.
> Whats my angle here? I appreciate real work and productivity. I have seen my
>share of pure BULLSHIT,

And you have just contravened several list directives, as well as 
recent requests. Such as this one:

You should post an apology to the list please. Best be quick about it.

>caprice and greed. I think I know when something is
>genuine.  To me the  booklet is a practical manual for producing and finishing
>  And I completely belive that when she put the material together she had
>absolutely nothing but pure and good intentions of teaching others. I dare you
>to meet that same standard.

Martin does have just that same standard in running the archives.

Keith Addison
List owner

> 88's
> Mark
>--- martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > It's interesting that you can tell my mood from a question, I was just
> > asking. I'm sorry if I appear hostile. (fer cryin' out loud)
> >
> >
> > mark manchester wrote:
> >
> > >Martin,
> > >Whew, what a cranky letter.  We ASKED her about her BD Guide, 
>fer cryin' out
> > >loud.
> > >Jesse
> > >
> > >From: martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >Reply-To:
> > >Date: Tue, 08 Apr 2003 01:04:45 -0400
> > >To:
> > >Subject: Re: [biofuel] Re: BTU of WVO & 'Zine of the Times'
> > >
> > >
> > >Why charge for something that can be had at dozens of different websites?
> > >And how does it being constantly reworked coincide with it not being
> > >available electronically?
> > >Do you give proper citations for all of your sources?
> > >
> > >girl_mark_fire wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >>I missed this message in the midst of all the raging war content and
> > >>Foltarz had to call me (a difficult thing to do considering I live
> > >>with 10 people and one phone line) for me to find out.
> > >>
> > >>Yeah, I've got a 50-page piece of print matter with the generic name
> > >>of Biodiesel Homebrewers' Guide,  about making biodiesel- nope, it's
> > >>not going to be available electronically, it's constantly getting
> > >>reworked and added to, and the price is $5 plus shipping which in the
> > >>US means it's $7 by mail. I guess I need to go online somewhere and
> > >>find out how much that'd be to Canada and all those other places.
> > >>Email me offlist for info.
> > >>
> > >>mark
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> > --
> > ---
> > Martin Klingensmith
> >
> >

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Using what I've learned Was:: [biofuel] The only "real" wealth

2003-04-09 Thread csakima

Aha!  You've come to the exact crossroad I am at now!! (LOL)

The "books" I've been reading .. are all the ones that Big Oil CEO's read
... and Governmental Dictator's read ... and so on.   I've accumulated those
book .. as part of my trying to understand ... "why the world 'is' ... 'the
way it is' ".   And as I've read these "books" ... it slowly started to make
sense ... why
global corporations do what they do .. and global governments do what they
do ...

I HAD to read these books you see  gotta know the "rules of the real
game" ... before starting.

And now  yes ... I've been coming to the conclusion that in order to
(truly) "win" the game ... one must actually get OUT of the game.   Like you
said ... with no debt.  Of ANY kind.  Money is only one kind of debt.
There is "food debt".  And "energy debt".  Any kind of arrangement with you
making "monthly payments" of ANY kind  I've found out ... is a kind of
"debt" (Am I catching on or what??).  That's where the "self-reliant
lifestyle" .. comes in.

Yes, I'm coming to that conclusion.   Unfortunately, 'Family's currently
DEEP in the "debt game".Or as I would say to friends ... "Two or three
Minimum Wage Jobs with rising prices".   We're now at the point of COMPLETE
slavery!!   Where time clocks punch in and out for a total of 24 hours for
each person ... and where wage minus bills equals ZERO (or slightly
NEGATIVE).   Any suggestions how to get out?? (LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!)


Get your free newsletter at

- Original Message -
From: Kim & Garth Travis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sorry, but you have been reading the wrong books, the only real wealth is
good health and to not be a slave.  What you are talking about is still
slavery, because the second the commander quits paying attentions to all his
schemes that got him there, he loses his 'control'.  His life is guided and
controlled by the control he seeks.

Real wealth, that is being healthy, happy and having the freedom to decide
what you want to do that day, not what you have to do.  The road is a paid
off mortgage, and a self reliant life style.  I  am well down that road and
believe me, 2 SUV's in the driveway are not part of it.

Bright Blessings,

 Yahoo! Groups Sponsor -~-->
Save Smiley. Help put Messenger back in the office.

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuels list archives:

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To unsubscribe, send an email to:

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RE: [biofuel] cost of the war in Iraq

2003-04-09 Thread Bryan Brah

Time actually published a photo of that boy in the latest issue.  The
worst part is not the fact that he lost both arms, but that his whole
family was also killed in the attack.  That morsel of information came
from the caption under the photo in Time.  There wasn't even spin trying
to blame him for living too close to a "valid" target.  Does this mean
that the American "mainstream" media is reporting the whole story, or is
it suppressing even worse atrocities?  



-Original Message-
From: Keith Addison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2003 11:27 PM
Subject: [biofuel] cost of the war in Iraq


Two American listers have sent me these links offlist, though not 
both in the same post...

>Date: Tue, 8 Apr 2003 11:07:02 -0600
>Subject: the cost of the war in iraq
>Monday | April 07, 2003
>Ali Ismaeel Abbas, 12
>I don't have a picture of this young Iraqi boy, and perhaps it's for
the best:


Click it and weep. All in the name of justice and liberty... But I 
suppose we're to accept that it's all the Iraqi anti-aircraft radar 
units' fault for confusing the missiles...

Meanwhile some people think it's funny:

>Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 10:20 PM
>Subject: Click this ontoo funny
>Bomb Iraq



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Re: [biofuel] Re: BTU of WVO & 'Zine of the Times'

2003-04-09 Thread Jim Wilson

I definitly want one as I do'nt have time to sit at my computer sorting thru
info. I do'nt need.
Please let me know where I can order one!

- Original Message -
From: Mark Foltarz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2003 11:47 AM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Re: BTU of WVO & 'Zine of the Times'

> To Whomever  has a problem,
>   I started this thread.
>  I received the manual. I was glad to have received it and have shared it
> several people. NOT EVERYONE HAS A DAMN COMPUTER! And do you really
> that anyone is going to get rich off of selling a $5 booklet? Maybe enough
> buy some various parts or more methanol.  You don't like it? Go pester
> else or better yet, do something half as good!
>  There is PLENTY of stuff I have not seen on the web - yet! Overall, there
> an excellent representation of  the backyard biodiesel state of the art. I
> learned a number of "hints and kinks" that typically only comes from
doing. So
> my personal benefits include bypassing mistakes that I know I would have
> encountered otherwise.
>  Whats my angle here? I appreciate real work and productivity. I have seen
> share of pure BULLSHIT, caprice and greed. I think I know when something
> genuine.  To me the  booklet is a practical manual for producing and
> biodiesel.
>   And I completely belive that when she put the material together she had
> absolutely nothing but pure and good intentions of teaching others. I dare
> to meet that same standard.
>  88's
>  Mark
> --- martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > It's interesting that you can tell my mood from a question, I was just
> > asking. I'm sorry if I appear hostile. (fer cryin' out loud)
> >
> >
> > mark manchester wrote:
> >
> > >Martin,
> > >Whew, what a cranky letter.  We ASKED her about her BD Guide, fer
cryin' out
> > >loud.
> > >Jesse
> > >
> > >From: martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >Reply-To:
> > >Date: Tue, 08 Apr 2003 01:04:45 -0400
> > >To:
> > >Subject: Re: [biofuel] Re: BTU of WVO & 'Zine of the Times'
> > >
> > >
> > >Why charge for something that can be had at dozens of different
> > >And how does it being constantly reworked coincide with it not being
> > >available electronically?
> > >Do you give proper citations for all of your sources?
> > >
> > >girl_mark_fire wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >>I missed this message in the midst of all the raging war content and
> > >>Foltarz had to call me (a difficult thing to do considering I live
> > >>with 10 people and one phone line) for me to find out.
> > >>
> > >>Yeah, I've got a 50-page piece of print matter with the generic name
> > >>of Biodiesel Homebrewers' Guide,  about making biodiesel- nope, it's
> > >>not going to be available electronically, it's constantly getting
> > >>reworked and added to, and the price is $5 plus shipping which in the
> > >>US means it's $7 by mail. I guess I need to go online somewhere and
> > >>find out how much that'd be to Canada and all those other places.
> > >>Email me offlist for info.
> > >>
> > >>mark
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> > --
> > ---
> > Martin Klingensmith
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> __
> Do you Yahoo!?
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[biofuel] Shelf life of BioDiesel

2003-04-09 Thread Bryan Brah

Does anyone know the shelf life of biodiesel, or if fuel stabilizers
will work in it?  I believe that gasoline lasts a few months without
stabilizers, and up to two years with, and dinodiesel is about the same.
I 'd guess that ethanol will last indefinitely, but may eventually need
drying.  Is there a "homemade" additive that will stabilize BD?  Thanks,



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Re: [biofuel] The only "real" wealth Was: Bush's Energy Bill Marches On

2003-04-09 Thread Kim & Garth Travis

Sorry, but you have been reading the wrong books, the only real wealth is 
good health and to not be a slave.  What you are talking about is still 
slavery, because the second the commander quits paying attentions to all 
his schemes that got him there, he loses his 'control'.  His life is guided 
and controlled by the control he seeks.

Real wealth, that is being healthy, happy and having the freedom to decide 
what you want to do that day, not what you have to do.  The road is a paid 
off mortgage, and a self reliant life style.  I  am well down that road and 
believe me, 2 SUV's in the driveway are not part of it.

Bright Blessings,

At 08:42 PM 4/8/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>Over the last few year ... I have had a unusually unexpected opportunity to
>study this concept of so-called "wealth".  I've read all the books, attended
>all the lectures and seminars .. talked to a few "power/wealth holders" ...
>etc.   And in the end .. have come to the most "unholy" conclusion ...  as
>to what wealth is.  Or should I say ... what "real wealth" ... all comes
>down to.  After all is said and done.
>And that is .. that there is only ONE  ahem ... "REAL"  "wealth"
>that exists in the world.
>Unfortunately ... it's SLAVERY.   Or should I say .. THE OWNERSHIP OF
>SLAVES. The ability ... to raise one's hand .. and to say (god-like)
>"BEHOLD".  And having a thousand slaves march before your very eyes ... and
>proceed to move a mountain.   To say "BEHOLD" ... and have a thousand
>soldiers raise their guns in total loyalty ... ready to kill at your
>command.  To say "BEHOLD" ... and have a thousand soldiers march across a
>desert land .. and on your behalf ... TAKE ... what YOU (or your whims)
>want.   THAT'S what ... ahem ... WEALTH  all comes down to.
>All the "money" .. and "oil" ... and natural resources come into play ...
>only for one reason.   People get hungry (food).   They get thirsty (water).
>They get cold (energy/oil)..  They need.   They need.  And they need.  And
>therefore, whoever "owns" these resources  owns the souls of the world's
>people.   Won't do as I say??   Sure, then I simply will deny you
>sustainance.  You WILL (haha)  when YOU GET HUNGRY/THIRSTY/COLD ENOUGH!!
>Same with MONEY.   It's what you hold in your hand and say, "not listening
>to me??   Then I will simply not pay your paycheck!!  And you will not be
>able to buy food/pay rent/pay water bill".  Again ... be able to obtain your
>SUSTAINANCE.   And so you give your slave's loyalty and proceed to build
>your master's mountain.
>Depressing as it may sound, the ownership of WEALTH  seems to come down
>to the ownership of SLAVES.   So the "transfer of wealth" ... simply comes
>down to the "concentration of power".  Or more correctly, the "all slaves"
>(all of the world's citizens) ... all owned by "one person".
>Did I make any sense??
>Get your free newsletter at
>- Original Message -
>From: kirk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>I think a more perfect understanding of this can be gained by looking at who
>owns what. Enormous transfer of wealth is taking place.
>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
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Re: [biofuel] Re: BTU of WVO & 'Zine of the Times'

2003-04-09 Thread Mark Foltarz

To Whomever  has a problem,

  I started this thread.

 I received the manual. I was glad to have received it and have shared it with
several people. NOT EVERYONE HAS A DAMN COMPUTER! And do you really believe
that anyone is going to get rich off of selling a $5 booklet? Maybe enough to
buy some various parts or more methanol.  You don't like it? Go pester someone
else or better yet, do something half as good!

 There is PLENTY of stuff I have not seen on the web - yet! Overall, there is
an excellent representation of  the backyard biodiesel state of the art. I have
learned a number of "hints and kinks" that typically only comes from doing. So
my personal benefits include bypassing mistakes that I know I would have
encountered otherwise.

 Whats my angle here? I appreciate real work and productivity. I have seen my
share of pure BULLSHIT, caprice and greed. I think I know when something is
genuine.  To me the  booklet is a practical manual for producing and finishing

  And I completely belive that when she put the material together she had
absolutely nothing but pure and good intentions of teaching others. I dare you
to meet that same standard.



--- martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It's interesting that you can tell my mood from a question, I was just 
> asking. I'm sorry if I appear hostile. (fer cryin' out loud)
> mark manchester wrote:
> >Martin,
> >Whew, what a cranky letter.  We ASKED her about her BD Guide, fer cryin' out
> >loud.
> >Jesse
> >
> >From: martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Reply-To:
> >Date: Tue, 08 Apr 2003 01:04:45 -0400
> >To:
> >Subject: Re: [biofuel] Re: BTU of WVO & 'Zine of the Times'
> >
> >
> >Why charge for something that can be had at dozens of different websites?
> >And how does it being constantly reworked coincide with it not being
> >available electronically?
> >Do you give proper citations for all of your sources?
> >
> >girl_mark_fire wrote:
> >
> >  
> >
> >>I missed this message in the midst of all the raging war content and
> >>Foltarz had to call me (a difficult thing to do considering I live
> >>with 10 people and one phone line) for me to find out.
> >>
> >>Yeah, I've got a 50-page piece of print matter with the generic name
> >>of Biodiesel Homebrewers' Guide,  about making biodiesel- nope, it's
> >>not going to be available electronically, it's constantly getting
> >>reworked and added to, and the price is $5 plus shipping which in the
> >>US means it's $7 by mail. I guess I need to go online somewhere and
> >>find out how much that'd be to Canada and all those other places.
> >>Email me offlist for info.
> >>
> >>mark
> >>
> >>
> >> 
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >  
> >
> -- 
> ---
> Martin Klingensmith

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[biofuels-biz] EERE Network News -- 04/09/03

2003-04-09 Thread EERE

EERE NETWORK NEWS -- April 9, 2003
A weekly newsletter from the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE)
Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE).


*News and Events
   DOE Awards $130.6 Million to 32 States for Weatherization
   Fuel Economy For Light Trucks to Increase 7 Percent by 2007
   California's Small, Clean Power Generators Avoid Extra Fees
   Connecticut Clean Energy Fund Picks Seven Solar Projects
   Michigan Energy Center to Combine Fuel Cell, Solar, and More
   Nevada PUC Approves Solar Thermal Power Plant Contract

*Site News
   Oklahoma Wind Power Initiative

*Energy Facts and Tips
   EIA: U.S. Natural Gas Supply Adequate but Tight for 2003

*About this Newsletter

DOE Awards $130.6 Million to 32 States for Weatherization

DOE announced on April 4th its award of $130.6 million to 32 states
for energy efficiency improvements to the homes of low-income
families. Low-income families spend an average of 14 percent of their
income on energy, compared with 3.5 percent for the average American.
Weatherization reduces an average home's energy costs by $224 a year.
The program gives a priority to low-income families that include
children, the elderly, or people with disabilities.

The Congressional appropriation for the Weatherization Assistance
Program is $223.5 million in fiscal year (FY) 2003 -- enough to
weatherize about 93,750 homes. The FY 2003 funding is down slightly
from $230 million in FY 2002, but President Bush has requested an
increase of nearly 30 percent for FY 2004. The program performs energy
audits to identify the most cost-effective measures for each home,
including such measures as adding insulation, reducing air
infiltration, servicing the heating and cooling systems, and providing
health and safety diagnostic services. For every dollar spent,
weatherization returns $1.30 in energy savings over the life of the
weatherized home. See the DOE press release, including a list of the
grants to each of the 32 states, at:

See also the Weatherization Assistance Program Web site at:

Fuel Economy For Light Trucks to Increase 7 Percent by 2007

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) announced
on April 1st that it will increase the corporate average fuel economy
(CAFE) standards for light trucks by 1.5 miles per gallon (mpg) over
the next three years, as it had proposed in December 2002. The current
standard of 20.7 mpg for pickup trucks, vans, and sport utility
vehicles (SUVs) will increase to 21.0 mpg for Model Year (MY) 2005,
21.6 mpg for MY 2006, and 22.2 mpg for MY 2007. According to the
NHTSA, this is the first increase in CAFE standards since MY 1996 and
is the largest increase in fuel economy standards in the last
20 years. The new rule is expected to save more than 3.6 billion
gallons of gas over the lifetime of the new vehicles. See the
April 1st press release from the NHTSA at:

Many of the technical options that could be used by automakers to
improve the fuel efficiency of light trucks are now being explored by
teams of engineering students at 15 universities across the United
States. The 2003 FutureTruck competition, to be held in early June,
will pit 15 university teams against each other in an effort to boost
the fuel efficiency of a Ford Explorer SUV by 25 percent while cutting
emissions and maintaining performance, utility, safety, and
affordability. With less than two months remaining, the teams are
confident that they will exceed the fuel-efficiency goal. Last year,
the University of Wisconsin at Madison used advanced materials to
increase their vehicle's fuel economy by 45 percent. DOE and the Ford
Motor Company sponsor the competition. See the FutureTruck press
release at: .

California's Small, Clean Power Generators Avoid Extra Fees

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) approved a decision
last week that will exempt customers using small, clean power
generators -- including solar, wind, and fuel-cell systems -- from
extra power surcharges. In creating the exemption, the CPUC noted that
it was "removing barriers to installation of clean customer-owned
generation and removing the cloud of uncertainty that has been
discouraging customers from investing in systems."

In late 2002, the state instituted a surcharge on so-called "direct
access" customers -- customers that had left their traditional
utilities to b

[biofuel] EERE Network News -- 04/09/03

2003-04-09 Thread EERE

EERE NETWORK NEWS -- April 9, 2003
A weekly newsletter from the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE)
Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE).


*News and Events
   DOE Awards $130.6 Million to 32 States for Weatherization
   Fuel Economy For Light Trucks to Increase 7 Percent by 2007
   California's Small, Clean Power Generators Avoid Extra Fees
   Connecticut Clean Energy Fund Picks Seven Solar Projects
   Michigan Energy Center to Combine Fuel Cell, Solar, and More
   Nevada PUC Approves Solar Thermal Power Plant Contract

*Site News
   Oklahoma Wind Power Initiative

*Energy Facts and Tips
   EIA: U.S. Natural Gas Supply Adequate but Tight for 2003

*About this Newsletter

DOE Awards $130.6 Million to 32 States for Weatherization

DOE announced on April 4th its award of $130.6 million to 32 states
for energy efficiency improvements to the homes of low-income
families. Low-income families spend an average of 14 percent of their
income on energy, compared with 3.5 percent for the average American.
Weatherization reduces an average home's energy costs by $224 a year.
The program gives a priority to low-income families that include
children, the elderly, or people with disabilities.

The Congressional appropriation for the Weatherization Assistance
Program is $223.5 million in fiscal year (FY) 2003 -- enough to
weatherize about 93,750 homes. The FY 2003 funding is down slightly
from $230 million in FY 2002, but President Bush has requested an
increase of nearly 30 percent for FY 2004. The program performs energy
audits to identify the most cost-effective measures for each home,
including such measures as adding insulation, reducing air
infiltration, servicing the heating and cooling systems, and providing
health and safety diagnostic services. For every dollar spent,
weatherization returns $1.30 in energy savings over the life of the
weatherized home. See the DOE press release, including a list of the
grants to each of the 32 states, at:

See also the Weatherization Assistance Program Web site at:

Fuel Economy For Light Trucks to Increase 7 Percent by 2007

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) announced
on April 1st that it will increase the corporate average fuel economy
(CAFE) standards for light trucks by 1.5 miles per gallon (mpg) over
the next three years, as it had proposed in December 2002. The current
standard of 20.7 mpg for pickup trucks, vans, and sport utility
vehicles (SUVs) will increase to 21.0 mpg for Model Year (MY) 2005,
21.6 mpg for MY 2006, and 22.2 mpg for MY 2007. According to the
NHTSA, this is the first increase in CAFE standards since MY 1996 and
is the largest increase in fuel economy standards in the last
20 years. The new rule is expected to save more than 3.6 billion
gallons of gas over the lifetime of the new vehicles. See the
April 1st press release from the NHTSA at:

Many of the technical options that could be used by automakers to
improve the fuel efficiency of light trucks are now being explored by
teams of engineering students at 15 universities across the United
States. The 2003 FutureTruck competition, to be held in early June,
will pit 15 university teams against each other in an effort to boost
the fuel efficiency of a Ford Explorer SUV by 25 percent while cutting
emissions and maintaining performance, utility, safety, and
affordability. With less than two months remaining, the teams are
confident that they will exceed the fuel-efficiency goal. Last year,
the University of Wisconsin at Madison used advanced materials to
increase their vehicle's fuel economy by 45 percent. DOE and the Ford
Motor Company sponsor the competition. See the FutureTruck press
release at: .

California's Small, Clean Power Generators Avoid Extra Fees

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) approved a decision
last week that will exempt customers using small, clean power
generators -- including solar, wind, and fuel-cell systems -- from
extra power surcharges. In creating the exemption, the CPUC noted that
it was "removing barriers to installation of clean customer-owned
generation and removing the cloud of uncertainty that has been
discouraging customers from investing in systems."

In late 2002, the state instituted a surcharge on so-called "direct
access" customers -- customers that had left their traditional
utilities to b

[biofuel] Re: Biofuel business in developing countries is published

2003-04-09 Thread Keith Addison

k5farms wrote:

>--- In, Hakan Falk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > After Darryl and Keith helped me with language, as foreigner I try
> > to make it as good as possible, but I am really grateful and in need
> > of help.
> >
> > Levent, Mauro and others came with very good comments and as
> > it is a web publication, I am open for other valuable suggestion and
> > changes.
> >
> >
> >
>I would like to see your diatribute start with something like:
>Biofuels are usable in almost all current critical needs for
>agriculture, food processing, industry, housing, transport, water
>supplies, waste management, electricity and heating.
>Biofuels has low startup costs and are scalable.
>Biofuels are local economy solutions and therefore not sensitive to
>world market prices, trade balances and international pricing.
>Biofuels will follow the relative and local models for food and labor
>costs. Development of a sustainable agriculture and growing energy
>will help each other and provide for sustainability and security.
>Biofuels are cost-efficient, "ready for use" technologies that,
>together with energy saving, solar energy and electricity from wind
>generators, can give rapid relief to the mounting energy problem and
>the power to get out of the poverty trap.
>Biofuels provides for very large reduction in pollution. The
>pollution for fossil fuels or wood burning are significant today and
>biofuels will provide for rapid improvements.
>If a solution can be simple and implemented by many small producers
>with profits and employment opportunities, it is almost a crime
>against humanity not to do it as fast as possible in developing
>intstead of the viewpoints about North America, Maybe someone is
>looking for the positive side of biofuels and already knows why they
>want to use them. Instead of your opinions and such. Put that all in
>another link and add other US bashing and that way you could check
>which links get more hits.
>Or else change the title as it sure doesn't start out about
>developing countries.

It starts like this:

"To implement and introduce biofuels in the market for a developing 
country should be both easier and give larger benefits than for a 
developed country."

That's not about developing countries? I'd say it makes all the right 
points very economically.

On the other hand, your proposed beginning doesn't mention developing 
countries directly until the end of the sixth paragraph - unless 
you're going to claim that "development of a sustainable agriculture" 
and avoiding the poverty trap are exclusively developing-country 
issues and don't apply to North America and the West.

I think it's a well-structured article and should stay as it is - 
well, I'm sure Hakan will evolve it over time, but I don't think it 
should be changed. What you dub "US bashing" and "opinion" is not 
superfluous, it's relevant, it fits in with the structure and the 
thrust of the piece, and it carries its own weight.

>intstead of the viewpoints about North America, Maybe someone is
>looking for the positive side of biofuels and already knows why they
>want to use them. Instead of your opinions and such.

If they already know why they want to use biofuels then they already 
know the positive side, no? - and will be more likely to respond to 
your proposed beginning with "I know all this already - what's this 
got to do with developing countries?"

You seem to think some data about North America and energy that you 
apparently don't like puts biofuels in a negative light, but I can't 
see how you make that connection and certainly wouldn't upset a 
rationally structured article because of it.


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Re: [biofuel] Re: Biofuel business in developing countries is published

2003-04-09 Thread Hakan Falk


I do not really understand what you are trying to tell me and
I cannot see any US bashing. I read my description of the
current situation and I think that it is without any emotional
references to US, only statements of known facts.

I am trying to explain the real situation and why it is important
to adopt biofuels in developing countries. In the fossil energy
equation it is no space for growth in developing countries, the
developed countries will take it all. To hide or trying to make
belive, that this is not the situation, would be a big disservice
to the developing countries. If only China over night started
to use energy per capita as the developed countries, the
current oil reserves would be finished in 5 years.


At 11:20 AM 4/9/2003 +, you wrote:
>--- In, Hakan Falk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > After Darryl and Keith helped me with language, as foreigner I try
> > to make it as good as possible, but I am really grateful and in need
> > of help.
> >
> > Levent, Mauro and others came with very good comments and as
> > it is a web publication, I am open for other valuable suggestion and
> > changes.
> >
> >
> >
>I would like to see your diatribute start with something like:
>Biofuels are usable in almost all current critical needs for
>agriculture, food processing, industry, housing, transport, water
>supplies, waste management, electricity and heating.
>Biofuels has low startup costs and are scalable.
>Biofuels are local economy solutions and therefore not sensitive to
>world market prices, trade balances and international pricing.
>Biofuels will follow the relative and local models for food and labor
>costs. Development of a sustainable agriculture and growing energy
>will help each other and provide for sustainability and security.
>Biofuels are cost-efficient, "ready for use" technologies that,
>together with energy saving, solar energy and electricity from wind
>generators, can give rapid relief to the mounting energy problem and
>the power to get out of the poverty trap.
>Biofuels provides for very large reduction in pollution. The
>pollution for fossil fuels or wood burning are significant today and
>biofuels will provide for rapid improvements.
>If a solution can be simple and implemented by many small producers
>with profits and employment opportunities, it is almost a crime
>against humanity not to do it as fast as possible in developing
>intstead of the viewpoints about North America, Maybe someone is
>looking for the positive side of biofuels and already knows why they
>want to use them. Instead of your opinions and such. Put that all in
>another link and add other US bashing and that way you could check
>which links get more hits.
>Or else change the title as it sure doesn't start out about
>developing countries.
>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>Biofuels list archives:
>Please do NOT send Unsubscribe messages to the list address.
>To unsubscribe, send an email to:
>Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to

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[biofuel] Re: Biofuel business in developing countries is published

2003-04-09 Thread k5farms

--- In, Hakan Falk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> After Darryl and Keith helped me with language, as foreigner I try
> to make it as good as possible, but I am really grateful and in need
> of help.
> Levent, Mauro and others came with very good comments and as
> it is a web publication, I am open for other valuable suggestion and
> changes.
I would like to see your diatribute start with something like:

Biofuels are usable in almost all current critical needs for 
agriculture, food processing, industry, housing, transport, water 
supplies, waste management, electricity and heating. 

Biofuels has low startup costs and are scalable. 

Biofuels are local economy solutions and therefore not sensitive to 
world market prices, trade balances and international pricing. 
Biofuels will follow the relative and local models for food and labor 
costs. Development of a sustainable agriculture and growing energy 
will help each other and provide for sustainability and security. 

Biofuels are cost-efficient, "ready for use" technologies that, 
together with energy saving, solar energy and electricity from wind 
generators, can give rapid relief to the mounting energy problem and 
the power to get out of the poverty trap. 

Biofuels provides for very large reduction in pollution. The 
pollution for fossil fuels or wood burning are significant today and 
biofuels will provide for rapid improvements. 

If a solution can be simple and implemented by many small producers 
with profits and employment opportunities, it is almost a crime 
against humanity not to do it as fast as possible in developing 

intstead of the viewpoints about North America, Maybe someone is 
looking for the positive side of biofuels and already knows why they 
want to use them. Instead of your opinions and such. Put that all in 
another link and add other US bashing and that way you could check 
which links get more hits. 

Or else change the title as it sure doesn't start out about 
developing countries.

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Re: [biofuel] Turkey plant finds high-tech pollution solution

2003-04-09 Thread MH

 Anything Into Oil

 The May issue of Discover Magazine (not up on their site yet)
 has an article about a new process that could provide a way to 
 process waste into oil at a profit.  It can use sewage, biomass,
 plastic waste, tires, etc as a feed stock.  Imagine.  Getting rid
 of the waste problem by turning it into high quality oil.

 If that oil is burned as a fuel, it won't add any additional CO2
 to the air, because the feed stock is not a fossil fuel.
 Letting it rot in the old way would have returned the CO2
 anyway.  But biomass and the like is already part of the
 carbon cycle.

 First the material is finely ground, then heated to crack the
 polymer chains.  At this point the extracted water is drawn
 off and used for preheating.  Without the water, the stock
 is heated again more economically, then distilled into oil,
 gas, and carbon solids.  The gas is used in the heating
 process.  It is claimed to be 85% efficient!

 100 # of feedstock =
 plastic bottles ->   70# oil, 16# gas,   6# carbon solids,   8# H2O.
 sewage ->26# oil,  9# gas,   8# carbon+minerals, 57# H2O
 tires ->44# oil, 10# gas, 42# carbon+metal solids,  4# H2O
 heavy oil ->  74# oil, 17# gas,  9# carbon solids. 
 Medical waste ->  65# oil, 10# gas,  5# carbon+metal,  20# H2O.

 "The longest carbon chains are C-18 or so. That's a very light oil.
 It is essentially the same as a mix of half fuel oil, half gasoline."

 "Gory refuse from a Butterball Turkey plant in Carthage, Missouri,
 will no longer go to waste.  Each day 200 tons of turkey offal will
 be carted to the first industrial-scale thermal de-polymerization
 plant, recently completed in an adjacent lot, and be transformed 
 into various useful products, including 600 barrels of light oil.
 The offal derived oil is chemically almost identical to a number
 two fuel oil used to heat homes."

 The process can also be used to refine coal or to process
 oil shale.  The big energy companies appear to be interested.

 Could this be the economic opportunity that will also reduce
 the danger of global warming?   Stay tuned.  


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