Re: [Biofuel] Carter on Blair

2007-05-20 Thread fox mulder
Source: http://news. 2/hi/americas/
Saturday, 19 May 2007, 09:50 GMT 10:50 UK  

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Carter attacks Blair's Iraq role  
Jimmy Carter has won a Nobel Prize for his charitable

Carter on Blair  
Former US President Jimmy Carter has criticised
outgoing British Prime Minister Tony Blair for his
"blind" support of the war in Iraq. 
Mr Carter told the BBC Mr Blair's backing for US
President George W Bush had been "apparently
subservient" . 

He said the UK's "almost undeviating" support for "the
ill-advised policies of President Bush in Iraq had
been a major tragedy for the world". 

His comments came as Mr Blair paid what is likely to
be his last visit to Iraq. 

He flew into the capital, Baghdad, for talks with
President Jalal Talabani and Prime Minister Nouri
Maliki at which he is expected to push for greater
reconciliation between Iraq's Sunni and Shia factions.

Mr Blair is due to leave office at the end of next

'Global schisms' 

Mr Carter said that if Mr Blair had distanced himself
from the Bush administration' s policy during the
run-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq it might have made
a crucial difference to American political and public

"One of the defences of the Bush administration. ..
has been, okay, we must be more correct in our actions
than the world thinks because Great Britain is backing
us," he told the Today programme on Radio 4. 

"So I think the combination of Bush and Blair giving
their support to this tragedy in Iraq has strengthened
the effort and has made the opposition less effective
and prolonged the war and increased the tragedy that
has resulted." 

The war had "caused deep schisms on a global basis",
he said, and he hoped Mr Blair's successor, Gordon
Brown, would be less enthusiastic in his support for

The former US president has been a fierce critic of
the US-led war in Iraq. 

In an interview last year, he said he was
"disappointed" by Tony Blair's failure to use his
influence with President Bush more wisely. 

In 1976, Mr Carter unseated the incumbent Gerald Ford
to become the 39th US president, serving until 1981. 

He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002, for what
presenters cited as decades of work seeking peaceful
solutions and promoting social and economic justice.

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[Biofuel] GE Insects

2007-05-20 Thread Kirk McLoren
Not good. 
  As if GM crops arent a big enough disaster.

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[Biofuel] Ocean's CO2 absorption rate slows down, evidencing global warming's advance

2007-05-20 Thread AltEnergyNetwork
Ocean's CO2 absorption rate slows down,
evidencing global warming's advance

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Re: [Biofuel] Might is right?

2007-05-20 Thread Jesse Frayne
Hi Joe,
A worthy question indeed:  how to attain a fair
society?  That  John Seed guy has an enormous
following, including our daughter (who lives on
MorningGlory Farm, featured in today's Toronto Star,
and is also a student at U of W).  When she comes home
she always goes though an intense culture shock:  we
are wasteful, we don't listen carefully enough, we are
not as willing to pitch in on a daily project.  The
collective is a paradise for her of uplifting

Sounds like 'Multitude' is a must read...

The Borg you refer to at the end of your letter were
self-serving, weren't they?  And vulnerable to 
viruses...  (Same combat technique worked for Jeff
Goldblum in Independance Day.)  Think:  what would Neo


--- Joe Street <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Keith;
> I agree with you about the discussion around
> handguns in the US.  It 
> will not be a productive rant/argument anywhere and
> will quickly 
> degenerate into a shouting match.  But can we have a
> more general 
> discussion on the concept of force because it is a
> very important issue 
> to me in a more general sense.  I would consider
> myself a pacifist 
> (funny how that word contains 'fist') and I would
> also defend myself or 
> someone who needed help but I would prefer the world
> worked by 
> communication and care and consideration for each
> other. I have offered 
> my opinion here before that if ANYONE is to have
> nukes for example, that 
> everyone should have them, just out of a desire for
> everyone to have 
> equal consideration at the bargaining table. I'd
> rather they were 
> banished from existence on the planet and maybe one
> day we will. The 
> book I have been harping on called Multitude offers
> a shining ray of 
> hope for that world to exist through a new directly
> democratic social 
> order based on networking. I'd like to discuss the
> problem of how we get 
> from a world which is ruled by bullies where one
> could argue that you 
> better have might or get crushed, to the more
> advanced and mature 
> society which is based on things like compassion,
> consideration of 
> others, fairness for all, open communication, etc
> etc?  This is 
> definitely a question about sustainability.
> John Seed came to town recently on his global tour
> offering hope for 
> people needing motivation from dispair. We talked
> about many global 
> issues both social and environmental and I didn't
> come away from that 
> meeting feeling particularly inspired or that some
> really practical 
> information was offered on how to adress these
> issues in ways that have 
> real tangible results like today. My expectation did
> not match with the 
> reality of what was being offered there.  There have
> been some cases 
> where groups have organized in the style outlined in
> Multitude to 
> achieve a common purpose and in many cases it did
> unfortunately due to 
> the circumstances involve some violence.  There are
> many challenges that 
> face such a reorganization not the least of which is
> the presence of the 
> party which carries the big stick (and hasn't been
> walking so softly).  
> To my way of thinking in order for a more peaceful
> model to come about 
> and reach some sustainable steady state, one of the
> biggest  hurdles 
> that has to be overcome is how to deal with the
> power which is based in 
> violence.  It seems like having to get over the
> crest of a hill before 
> you can get to easy sailing on the way down the
> other side.  There are 
> many many challenges that we face on this planet as
> a species right 
> now.  These are the 'interesting times' refered to
> in that ancient 
> chinese curse I guess.  I feel quite confident that
> all of these issues 
> can be sorted out democratically on a global scale
> but before that can 
> happen power needs to be wrested away from those who
> hate the idea of 
> distributed power. Is there a non violent way to do
> this? Perhaps it is 
> the economic power of the consumer which is the
> ultimate weapon against 
> this hierarchical power structure afterall it is
> this very collective 
> force which has been the tool, or rather the pawn of
> the power brokers 
> in the first place, and that which has allowed them
> to seize such an 
> inordinate measure of might.
> If the hope for the future hinges on networking
> large numbers of 
> concerned and motivated individuals, then this ( the
> web) is an obvious 
> place for the power to grow.  There have been
> discussions about some 
> centralized groups aligning to seize control of
> information and the 
> network backbones.  I have been uneasy about this
> but lately I have been 
> having other thoughts.  In the mean time the googles
> and the you tubes 
> and cisco's of the world have been building the very
> infrastructure that 
> the multitude requires to grow and take shape into
> the entity Noam 
> Chomsky refers to as 'The other world superpower".
> Well that entity may 
> exist b

[Biofuel] [OT] When to pit olives

2007-05-20 Thread Andrew Lowe
Hi all,
I know a lot of people on this list are grow their own food types, 
pickling, preserving etc etc. Pardon the pun, but does anyone have the 
good oil on olives? I just bought 20kg of Kalamata olives that I intend 
to pickle and was wondering when do I pit them? I've been told that you 
should cut the olive before you begin the pickling process, I would 
assume so that the bittering agent can leach out, so instead of cutting, 
do I pit, or do I cut, pickle and then pit?

Any thoughts from those experienced in all things olive would be 
greatly appreciated.


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