[Biofuel] Paraguayans 'ill through GM crop pesticide' - 24 Aug 2008

2008-08-25 Thread doug swanson

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[Biofuel] Paraguayans 'ill through GM crop pesticide' - 24 Aug 2008

2008-08-25 Thread doug swanson
Scores of Paraguayan say that they are being driven from their 
communities by pesticides, but the government denies the claims.

Al Jazeera's Lucia Newman reports from San Pedro del Norte, Paraguay 
where locals are complaining that mass spraying of toxic chemicals on 
genetically modified crops near their homes is making them ill.



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Re: [Biofuel] Paraguayans 'ill through GM crop pesticide' - 24 Aug 2008 *#

2008-08-25 Thread yankeetrader
Dear Doug,

 I see you bought into Al Jazeera's headline.

 What is the Connection between the crop being GM and the harm caused by 
the pesticide?



>From: doug swanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: 2008/08/25 Mon AM 07:27:06 EDT
>To: Biofuel List 
>Subject: [Biofuel] Paraguayans 'ill through GM crop pesticide' - 24 Aug 2008

>Biofuel mailing list
>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] Paraguayans 'ill through GM crop pesticide' - 24 Aug 2008 *#

2008-08-25 Thread doug swanson
> Dear Doug,
>  I see you bought into Al Jazeera's headline.
>  What is the Connection between the crop being GM and the harm caused by 
> the pesticide?
> Regards,
> Wendell
Nope, I've not bought into anything, merely copy and pasted the title 
into the email.  True, there's no mention of GM in the video...  has to 
do more with the pesticides used on the crops.  It's my opinion that 
crops grown naturally will maintain a natural resistance to pests, and 
while the pests may consume a percentage of the crop, the pests are a 
lesser bane to both the farmers, and the consumers of food, than 
whatever pesticides might be used to control the pests, (and in the 
process, killing the organisms, earthworms, bacteria, mycelium, in the 
soil that make for a living substrate for crops grown in it.)

As far as getting my "news" from Al Jazeera, yes, I do read it, and CNN, 
and PressTV, and Haaretz, and Democracy Now, The Hindu, Voice of 
America, Reuters, the list goes on and on...  Each one has their own 
style of spin, and like religions, each has a small thread ot truth that 
winds through it.  Careful analysis will expose truth amongst the 
spins...  Unless I am there, and have seen with my own eyes, all reports 
arriving at my eyes are suspect...


Contentment comes not from having more, but from wanting less.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

All generalizations are false.  Including this one.

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[Biofuel] Jonathan Swift quote

2008-08-25 Thread Kirk McLoren

  For in reason, all government without the consent of the governed is the very 
definition of slavery. 
  -Jonathan Swift, satirist (1667-1745) 
  Understatement of the day: We have a lot of work to do to restore our 
Constitution &  get our country back into the hands of "we the people."
  Washington DC seems to be completely detached from the idea that they're 
there to serve and enhance public good. Examples abound:
  forced vaccinations
  routinely spying on all citizens
  huge corporate bailouts
  war or threat of war on all who disagree with Washington
  neglect of infrastructure
  corporate tax cuts
  weakening of environmental protection
  totally insufficient healthcare of military returning from mid-East wars
  irradiation of food
  sludge & pesticides used on crops
  aerial spraying of populated areas
  rigged elections
  extremely expensive healthcare plus total emphasis on drugs for all ailments
  media used as propaganda tool
  no bid contracts
  huge prison population (#1 in the world)
  ad infinitum

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[Biofuel] E85 Networking works!

2008-08-25 Thread Joe Street
I posted a message to both of these lists complaining about how I had 
such trouble buying ethanol 85 fuel on Friday.  Well, I'm not sure who 
my benefactor is but it had to be someone on one of these lists named 
Robin who got in touch with Greenfield Ethanol and I got a call from 
them today saying that I could get ethanol in research quantities from 
them. Or a tanker load!  Whomever you are Robin, I thank you and that 
was one hell of a great birthday present!


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Re: [Biofuel] Paraguayans 'ill through GM crop pesticide' - 24 Aug 2008 *#

2008-08-25 Thread Keith Addison
Most studies have found that use of pesticides with GM crops goes up, 
not down as promised by Monsanto et al.



>>  Dear Doug,
>>   I see you bought into Al Jazeera's headline.
>>   What is the Connection between the crop being GM and the harm 
>>caused by the pesticide?
>>  Regards,
>>  Wendell
>Nope, I've not bought into anything, merely copy and pasted the title
>into the email.  True, there's no mention of GM in the video...  has to
>do more with the pesticides used on the crops.  It's my opinion that
>crops grown naturally will maintain a natural resistance to pests, and
>while the pests may consume a percentage of the crop, the pests are a
>lesser bane to both the farmers, and the consumers of food, than
>whatever pesticides might be used to control the pests, (and in the
>process, killing the organisms, earthworms, bacteria, mycelium, in the
>soil that make for a living substrate for crops grown in it.)
>As far as getting my "news" from Al Jazeera, yes, I do read it, and CNN,
>and PressTV, and Haaretz, and Democracy Now, The Hindu, Voice of
>America, Reuters, the list goes on and on...  Each one has their own
>style of spin, and like religions, each has a small thread ot truth that
>winds through it.  Careful analysis will expose truth amongst the
>spins...  Unless I am there, and have seen with my own eyes, all reports
>arriving at my eyes are suspect...
>Contentment comes not from having more, but from wanting less.
>* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
>All generalizations are false.  Including this one.
>* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
>This email is constructed entirely with OpenSource Software.

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] Paraguayans 'ill through GM crop pesticide' - 24 Aug 2008 *#

2008-08-25 Thread SurpriseShan2
   My understanding was that  the 'poistive' attributes of GM crops/foods 
were supposed to be  that they got a higher yield, for insects didn't take as 
much, plus it was less  expensive to grow them for there was no need for 
pesticides, etc.  It seems  that even those traits are not panning out though. 
Or have 
I  misunderstood?
   best  wishes
In a message dated 25/08/2008 2:13:34 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

Most  studies have found that use of pesticides with GM crops goes up, 
not down  as promised by Monsanto et  al.



>>  Dear Doug,
>> I see you bought into Al Jazeera's  headline.
>>   What is the  Connection between the crop being GM and the harm 
>>caused by the  pesticide?
>>   Regards,
>>  Wendell
>Nope, I've not bought into anything, merely copy and pasted the  title
>into the email.  True, there's no mention of GM in the  video...  has to
>do more with the pesticides used on the  crops.  It's my opinion that
>crops grown naturally will maintain a  natural resistance to pests, and
>while the pests may consume a  percentage of the crop, the pests are a
>lesser bane to both the  farmers, and the consumers of food, than
>whatever pesticides might be  used to control the pests, (and in the
>process, killing the organisms,  earthworms, bacteria, mycelium, in the
>soil that make for a living  substrate for crops grown in it.)
>As far as getting my "news"  from Al Jazeera, yes, I do read it, and CNN,
>and PressTV, and Haaretz,  and Democracy Now, The Hindu, Voice of
>America, Reuters, the list goes  on and on...  Each one has their own
>style of spin, and like  religions, each has a small thread ot truth that
>winds through  it.  Careful analysis will expose truth amongst the
>spins...   Unless I am there, and have seen with my own eyes, all reports
>arriving  at my eyes are suspect...


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