Re: [Biofuel] super cheap batteries

2006-06-06 Thread Johnathan Corgan
Jason Katie wrote:

 anybody need small 12V batteries? where i work, we install fire alarms, and 
 there is a 24 hour failsafe requirement, but our company changes out the 
 batteries every 3 years regardless of condition and we have a pretty big 
 stack of batteries just laying around. normally they are hauled off to be 
 recycled, but the recyclers charge by weight. they are about a hand length 
 from end to end, and as wide as a playing card 7.5Ah, or double length for 
 the 15Ah. we have 3Ah ones, but very few. 

Check your local amateur radio organizations; hams love these size
batteries for portable transmitter/receiver operation during emergencies.


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Re: [Biofuel] Late Night in US

2006-05-25 Thread Johnathan Corgan
Mike Redler wrote:
 This person clearly has a case of Encephalomalacia with extreme back 
 strain and trauma to the lower GI tract (further explanation upon request).

This must be closely related to recto-cranial inversion syndrome.


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Re: [Biofuel] JtF website?

2006-05-01 Thread Johnathan Corgan
Michael Gian wrote:

 What happened to
 Has it been hijacked? 

Working fine here @ 9:24AM PST.


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Re: [Biofuel] [SPAM] Re: New American Bumper stickers - Oh boy

2006-04-12 Thread Johnathan Corgan

 The Pres ended up dying in a 
 plane crash and the VP immigrated to Mexico, the only place in 
 North America warm enough to live in.

Funniest line: In a case of reverse immigration... -Newscaster,
describing the flow of American refugees across the Rio Grande into Mexico.


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Re: [Biofuel] The Accidental Farmer

2006-04-12 Thread Johnathan Corgan
Thanks for the replies and information regarding rice - ethanol conversion.

We're looking at local market supply, demand, and prices for fuel,
crops, feedstock, labor, etc.

Trying to figure out some web of inputs/processing/outputs that results
in a higher income than the existing rice production on the farm, and
that is sustainable over time, is a very interesting and complex problem.


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[Biofuel] The Accidental Farmer

2006-04-10 Thread Johnathan Corgan
I've recently acquired through inheritance about 20 acres of farm land
in rural Philippines.  It's currently being used for rice and I think
some tobacco.  My wife's extended family works the land and the
operation has now passed into our hands.

Being a professional engineer and California-based city boy, I have no
clue whatsoever about anything to do with farming.  My lifetime
agricultural experience is watching seeds sprout in egg carton planters
as a child in an elementary school science project.

By pure coincidence, I've recently begun experimenting with WVO-based
biodiesel production, currently at the successful 1L batch stage.

In addition, we've thought of building a vacation/retirement home on
this land, emphasizing off the grid energy--PV, wind, battery-based
power leveling, and diesel-generator backup.

So all this adds up to a grand opportunity--can the land be made
sufficiently productive to support methanol or ethanol based biodiesel
manufacture for a small community, for a suitable definition of small?

My understanding is that the climate is suitable for several different
types of oilseed crops, but I don't even know the right questions to
ask.  I do know, though, that rural Philippines has many interesting
logistical issues, not to mention some geopolitical instability and poor

I have many ideas, but little understanding of practicalities :-)

(Not to mention the livelihoods of a number of members of my wife's
family, so this is more serious than mere experimentation.)


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Re: [Biofuel] acids

2006-04-04 Thread Johnathan Corgan

 thsi is true that pool dealers mostly deal in muratic acid and not 
 sulphuric. in my youth as a pool boy i have never seen sulphuric acid 
 used in a pool. so it gets back to my problem of purchasing 
 concentrated sulphuric acid since i am an individual and have no tax 
 i.d. number.

In my search for local sources of lye, I came across several hardware
stores (Home Depot, ACE, OSH) which carry concentrated sulfuric acid.
 If memory serves (I didn't pay close attention) it was for cleaning
septic tank lines, not drains, but was in the drain cleaner section of
the store.

I don't know if the label concentrated sulfuric acid is standardized,
but I thought it meant 95%-98%.  It was a liquid in a dark plastic
bottle with a further sealed plastic bag around it, with a warning label
affixed to the outer bag.

Something to check out, anyway.


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Re: [Biofuel] Around Skagit Valley

2006-03-25 Thread Johnathan Corgan
Kenji James Fuse wrote:

 Anyways, if you haven't made a litre of biodiesel in a pop bottle, I
 highly recommend that as a learning test. No fumes, small amounts of
 caustic methoxide, quick and easy to see your results; satisfying! THere's
 lots of instructions on the web; many call it the Dr. Pepper method.

Just to throw in my two cents--I'm brand new to biodiesel, and just
started my first one liter batch.  It's got about a quarter inch of
glycerin on the bottom after a half hour of settling.  Pretty neat.

I'll wash it in the morning and see if I made biodiesel or mayonnaise.


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