[Biofuel] jatropha curcas

2005-12-04 Thread isabel taylor
Hi Keith
It seems as if you don't think it is a good idea to use Jatropha as a source to produce bio diesel from?
When I originally posed the question I only received a few messages and none of them was negative.
Maybe I missed something!
As I originally explained we know nothing about producing bio diesel and that is why we posted our original questions and gave a brief explanation why we though it would be best to use jatropha.
We have literally read every article we can find about producing bio diesel and to date  have not found in our opinion any crop better suited for us to produce bio diesel from, as a matter fact it seems from what we have read that jatropha is the number one choice world wide to produce bio diesel from.

You obviously have a lot of experience & knowledge regarding producing bio diesel as well as what to use to do so. Therefore If you believe jatropha is not the way to go it would be greatly appreciated if you would say so & why you think so, because as I have said before we are asking for advice and if you have reasons to believe that jatropha is unsuitable I would like to know about them so as to enable us to make a fully enlightened decision.

Kind regards.
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[Biofuel] Soybean based biodiesel

2005-12-04 Thread isabel taylor
The aspen Times is carrying a story about problems with buses running on 5% bio diesel mixture.
Is it normal to have your fuel tank etc. clogged up with a green algae substance, or has it to do with the 5% mixture?
Does the fact that the Bio diesel was manufactured from Soybeans have any thing to do with it?
Apart from our normal interest in Bio diesel in general, we are thinking of planting soybeans to manufacture bio diesel from.
Our number one choice to manufacture bio diesel from is Jatropha Curcas but we have been unable to obtain seeds locally or from any of the countries surrounding us.(South Africa)
Kind regards.
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[Biofuel] Jatropha Curcas

2005-10-19 Thread isabel taylor
We are thinking of planting  Jatropha Curcas trees & using earth worms to compost waste, the compost we get from the worms we will use for the Jatropha trees.
We  are think of only planting Jatropha because of the following reasons:
   1. Once planted the Jatropha trees bear for approximately 50 years.
   2. We have ordered seeds from India and we intend planting these seeds and once the trees are old enough we take cuttings from them, we will supply the local people with these cuttings so that they will be able to establish small plantations. Apparently Jatropha grows easily from cuttings and the cuttings produce fruits earlier than Jatropha planted from seeds. 

  3. Once again we will assist the local people to establish simple hand presses that would be able to  press the fruit and the oil once filtered can be used directly in there tractors and stationery engines. We will teach them to start up on normal diesel and then switch over to the Jatropha oil once the engines are warm and to switch back to diesel again before shutting off the engine so that none of the Jatropha oil is left inside the diesel pump and pipes, filter etc. of the engine. People who do not have tractors or engines can sell the oil or the fruit on the open market. 

  4. The compost that the worms produce for them they can use in their own plantations or gardens or sell on the open market.  
  5. Oh! I nearly forgot we are up in the north eastern section of South Africa (Limpopo province) the area were we are is supposed to be sub tropical but the last 4 years has been very dry and we have not received any where near our normal rainfall and this year so far is the worse. Limpopo is the poorest province in South Africa. One advantage we have is that there is large tracts of land that can be used for planting and the quality of the soil generally is not bad, now all we need is for our normal rainfall to return. 

  6.One of the reason we are thinking of using Jatropha is because we understand it grows in all conditions and will even grow in semi arid regions, it never goes below 8 degrees Celsius here.
  7. Locally there are no sources of used vegetable oils etc. to enable us to try and make bio diesel so we will wait until we are able to produce our own oil and them learn how to convert it to bio diesel.
 There are many other reasons that we are thinking of going exclusively with jatropha but you must understand that we are only going on what we have read and have no practical experience and would appreciate any input and advice from anyone as we do not want to disappoint the local people, to them it would be a tremendous boast if this plan can work. 

I hope I am allowed to post such a lengthy question and that it is relevant to the list?
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