[Biofuel] Petition: Introduce tough rules to rein in food speculators

2012-01-07 Thread Midori Hiraga (JTF)
Hi all,

Let's support EU start regulating food speculation!

Best wishes, Midori

Petition: Introduce tough rules to rein in food speculators

The European commission has made some proposals to regulate reckless
food speculation. The lead MEP scrutinising the proposals, Markus
Ferber, wants input from ‘interested parties’ to inform the
discussions in the European parliament.

It’s vital that he hears from the public that we want strong rules to
rein in the speculators. The finance industry will be calling for the
proposals to be weakened.

We will be delivering the letter on the right to Markus Ferber on
Wednesday 11th January.

Please sign the petition now so that the voices of ordinary people,
and not just the banking sector, are heard.
What are we asking you to sign?

As we're writing to a policymaker in Brussels, and referring to very
technical proposals, we've purposefully made the language in the
letter technical too.

The letter essentially calls for three things. The first is for
commodity trading to be done in public instead of behind closed doors
(‘over the counter’) so regulators and the public, as well as big
financial players, know what’s going on. This means contracts will
need to be standardised instead of complex.

The second is proper reporting by traders of how many contracts they
own and whether they’re betting on rising or falling prices – so we
can see what’s really going on and regulators can step in when
speculators start creating bubbles.

And finally limits on how much of the market can be controlled by any
one type of trader (for example hedge funds) with no loopholes.
Regulators should be able to step in when speculators are swamping
markets with their huge bets.

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[Biofuel] Global Conference for a Nuclear Power Free World 2012 YOKOHAMA (January 14-15, 2012)

2012-01-03 Thread Midori Hiraga (JTF)
Hi all,

Wish you all a happy new year, although the Fukushima disasters still
continue; people are eating radioactive contaminated food, they are
getting sick already, more radioactive pollution went into the pacific
ocean than into Japan, some radioactive particles from Fukushima were
found in Europe, and the governments of both Japan and Belarus still
plan to continue nuclear power...

For your information,

Best wishes for 2012,

Global Conference for a Nuclear Power Free World 2012 YOKOHAMA

Creating the future, creating a new world
As damage inflicted by the radioactive contamination from the
Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant disaster spreads, we must think
in a global context about what we can learn and where we are headed.
It is time to say goodbye to nuclear power and create a new society
centered around natural energy sources. Let us gather together beyond
borders and generations, and take a step towards this new society.

Objectives of the Global Conference for a Nuclear Power Free World
To communicate a message from Japan: We must learn from Fukushima,
exchange lessons about nuclear power from around the world and make
clear the need to break away from nuclear power.
To propose action plans: We will bring together ideas from around the
globe and propose action plans that can be carried out by Japan and
other countries all over the world.
To discover kinds of action that can be taken: We will provide a venue
where people can learn about actions we can take in daily life, and
where new ideas and projects will be created and exchanged.

Conference Objectives
The Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, and accident at the
Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant that occurred on March 11, 2011
have had dramatic impact around the world. In response to this massive
disaster and its tragic consequences for people’s lives and
environment, the people of Japan are trying to take steps towards
recovery. ≫Read More

Event details
Title: Global Conference for a Nuclear Power Free World 2012 YOKOHAMA
Date: January 14-15, 2012
(A visit to Fukushima for international guests will also be held on
January 12-13, 2012. For enquiries regaring this part of the
programme, please contact the Secretariat.)
Venue: PACIFICO Yokohama - PACIFIC Convention Plaza Yokohama
   Minato Mirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama, Japan
Tickets are available for purchase online here.
For those coming from overseas, a different system for participating
in the conference is available. Please contact us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
if you are considering coming from overseas.

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[Biofuel] International Food Sovereignty Day to Cool Down the Earth

2011-11-30 Thread Midori Hiraga (JTF)
Hi, all, FYI. from Midori

5 December: International Food Sovereignty Day to Cool Down the Earth


5th December 2011, Durban, South Africa

We call on all farmers’ movements and organizations, rural workers,
landless people and all the food sovereignty movement to join us for
an international day of mass action on the 5th of December 2011,
during the COP 17 civil society mobilization in Durban, South Africa.

Humanity is confronted with a food, economic and ecological crisis
that is rooted in the neoliberal capitalist system of production,
distribution and consumption. These multiple crises highlight the
limits of neoliberal capitalist production. Today transnational
corporations and governments are presenting false solutions to climate
change, hijacking the United Nations Conference of Parties (COP17)
also referred to as the Conference of Polluters, to be held in Durban
South Africa.

These corporate elites, western governments and the neo liberal
capitalist system that is responsible for generating the crisis are
presenting us with false solutions. The countries of the South and
Africa in particular will be hard hit by climate change. Scientists
indicate that the African continent is expected to be drier and would
become warmer more quickly than other regions of the planet, despite
the fact that Africa has contributed the least to global warming. This
will hugely impact on agriculture, which is an important livelihood
source across Africa. There will be yield losses of the major staple
foods of the continent like maize, sorghum, millet, cassava etc. due
to temperature rises.

Industrial agriculture and production is responsible for global
warming, hunger, land dispossession, massive displacements of farmers,
rural workers and indigenous communities across the continent.

In South Africa the host country after 17 years of democracy, millions
of farm workers and dwellers have been evicted from commercial farms,
only 5% of agricultural land has been transferred to black people,
millions in rural and urban areas suffer from food and nutritional
insecurity. Today this country is the most unequal society in the
world. Particularly women in South Africa have felt the impact of
these unequal relations and exclusion more severely.

The solutions put forward by these corporations and governments are
already leading towards a re-colonization of Africa and the countries
of the global south with massive land grabs and the imposition of a
new green revolution.

Instead of finding real solutions to climate and ecological crisis
faced by humanity, the Durban COP17 meeting is a platform for
corporations through their governments to accelerate the complete
commodification of nature. These criminal schemes presented as
solutions include amongst other things the promotion of Genetically
Modified Seeds, Agro-fuels, carbon trading, climate smart agriculture,
Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD).

Why an Agro-ecology and Food Sovereignty Day

As farmers, farm workers, landless women and men we should mobilize
through direct action against these false solutions to expose its
criminal intent and catastrophic consequences for the continent and
the global south. At the World People’s Conference on Climate Change
and the Right of Mother Earth (April 2010) held in Bolivia resulted in
the People’s Agreement of Cochabamba real solutions to climate change
were offered which was totally ignored by governments. Food
Sovereignty and agro-ecology are the real solutions of farmers and
workers to climate change.

We call on all farmers, workers and the landless and all social
movements to join us in Durban and everywhere in the world on the 5th
of December 2011 to demand a change of the entire capitalist system.
The fight against climate change is a fight against neoliberal
capitalism, landlessness, dispossession, hunger, poverty and
inequality. The crisis of the planet requires that we take direct
action. During the agro-ecology and food sovereignty day we will have
public protest marches to the conference of the polluters, actions
against multinational corporations like Monsanto undermining our seed
sovereignty, which will cuminate in a massive Assembly of the
Oppressed to discuss ways of ending this unjust system. This will be a
day of continued actions where farmers and workers from the entire
African continent with social movements from the whole world will

Genuine agrarian reform for food sovereignty
Agro ecological revolution as the solution to climate change
Restructuring of the entire food system
Full and equal participation of women in the new food system and
in the society as a whole
Building of a food system based on human 

[Biofuel] Tainted Beef Hits Japanese Market - less than 1% has been tested

2011-07-16 Thread Midori Hiraga (JTF)
"the number of tests conducted on beef from Fukushima was 45―a sampling
that probably represents less than 1% of what has been shipped."

The point is, IMHO, beef has one of the best traceability system because
of BSE. When more than 99% of beef has been shipped out WITHOUT
radiation test, what do you expect to other food products? - Midori

Tainted Beef Hits Japanese Market Authorities Find Radioactive Cesium in
Shipments to Shops and Restaurants
wsj.com JULY 13, 2011

By PHRED DVORAKTOKYO―Japan grappled with a fresh radiation scare
Tuesday, as authorities found that beef contaminated with radioactive
cesium had been shipped to shops and restaurants throughout the country.
The beef, from six cattle raised on a farm near the stricken Fukushima
Daiichi nuclear plant, registered radioactive-cesium levels up to seven
times that permitted by Japanese food-safety standards. Some of the meat
had already likely been eaten, government officials said.

Experts said the level was too low to create health problems in people
who ate just one or two servings. But the discovery dominated local news
and TV shows, reminding Japanese consumers that they will be living with
the threat of radiation for a long time to come―and highlighting holes
in the way Japan is testing cattle for radioactive exposure.
The beef scare, coming after reports of radiation contamination in food
had largely died down, reignited worries that the damaged Fukushima
reactors could be poisoning staples from water to produce to fish. A
month ago Japanese testers found higher-than-permitted levels of
radioactive material in tea leaves that grew more than 200 miles from
the nuclear plant―a sign contamination had spread farther than
previously thought.
That contaminated beef had gotten into the food supply shocked the
public. The scramble to locate the meat started Saturday, when the Tokyo
government said it had found elevated radioactive-cesium levels in meat
from other cattle raised on the same farm in Minamisoma, around 18 miles
north of the Fukushima Daiichi plant. The six cattle―which had all
passed external radiation tests―had been shipped earlier to Tokyo
butchers, who had gone on to sell the meat to wholesalers and retail
shops in eight prefectures, or states, and metropolitan areas.
Some of the meat is still unaccounted for, but some appears already to
have been bought by consumers, said a spokeswoman from the Tokyo
metropolitan government's food-monitoring division. The impact on beef
sales is so far unclear.
Radioactive cesium emits gamma rays, which can damage cellular DNA and
raise the risk of cancer. The levels found in the beef, though, would
become a health concern only if a person ate large quantities every day
for a year, said Shizuko Kakinuma, a researcher at Japan's National
Institute of Radiological Sciences who sits on an independent committee
investigating the Fukushima Daiichi accident. "With a Japanese diet,
that's unlikely," she said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal.
One or two meals wouldn't have much effect.
Still, the government ought to increase its testing of cattle for
radiation contamination to at least one animal from each herd, said Ms.
Kakinuma, as it is possible to lower the amount of radioactive cesium in
contaminated animals to safe levels.

"It would be better not to rush them to the butcher," said Ms. Kakinuma.
Officials in Fukushima said the prefecture had performed external tests
on all cattle raised in zones near the nuclear plant where radiation
levels have been high. The cattle whose meat proved contaminated had
cleared those tests, said Yutaka Kashima, an official in the
prefecture's animal husbandry section.
The prefecture also asked farmers to fill out a questionnaire to help
determine the risk of exposure. Questions included what kind of water
the cattle drank, where they were housed and what kind of food they ate.
The farm that produced the contaminated meat had said it hadn't given
its cattle contaminated feed―which turned out to be untrue, Mr. Kashima
The farmer later admitted he had fed his cattle straw that had been
exposed to the elements―as well as radiation fallout―and that subsequent
tests found to contain extremely high levels of radioactive cesium. That
caused internal contamination that wasn't detectable by the prefecture's
Fukushima and other localities also test some meat from potentially
contaminated areas after the cattle are butchered. But only a few of
those time-consuming test have been done. A spokesman at the health
ministry said that prior to Saturday's discovery of contaminated meat,
the number of tests conducted on beef from Fukushima was 45―a sampling
that probably represents less than 1% of what has been shipped.

Write to Phred Dvorak at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


[Biofuel] The disastrous situation of the children in Fukushima

2011-07-12 Thread Midori Hiraga (JTF)
Dear all,

Some Japanese are trying hard to take children out of Fukushima.
These conscientious scientists are helping the team. Good for them!
You can read their English statements here, which also tell the
disastrous situation the children are going to face.


Prof. Dr Chris Busby

Professor Ernest J. Sternglass

Leuren Moret, Independent Scientist

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Re: [Biofuel] How the first 24 hours shaped Fukushima nuclear crisis

2011-07-10 Thread Midori Hiraga (JTF)

I wish the article focused more on what happened to the reactors BEFORE 
tsunami hit.
The Japanese government and their nuclear circle want to blame the 
tsunami for the disaster, but some experts here say the earthquakes 
themselves failed the reactors but the government is trying to hide it.


Because if the tsunami was the main cause, they just need to build 
higher walls to prevent future disaster.
But if the earthquakes are the main cause of reactor failures, most of 
all other nuclear power plants in Japan need to be stopped for the 
safety reason. The Japanese government and the nuclear promoters don't 
want that.

They are trying hard to restart the suspended nuclear power plants even 
after THAT much of disaster.
If Japan does not restart any nuclear power reactor after the regular 
maintenance, there will be no nuclear reactor working in Japan by next 

Japanese people are working hard not to restart the reactors.


(2011/07/10 9:53), Keith Addison wrote:
> http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/nn20110707f1.html
> Thursday, July 7, 2011
> How the first 24 hours shaped Fukushima nuclear crisis
> Chaos, inadequate preparation, indecision, lack of forthrightness
> AP
> Fukushima - When unit 2 began to shake, Hiroyuki Kohno's first hunch
> was that something was wrong with the turbines. He paused for a
> moment, then went back to logging the day's radioactivity readings.
> He expected it to pass. Until the shakes became jolts.
> As sirens wailed, he ran to an open space, away from the walls, and
> raced down a long corridor with two colleagues. Parts of the ceiling
> fell around them. Outside, he found more pandemonium.
> "People were shouting about a tsunami," he said. "At that point, I
> really thought I might die."
> Breathless, Kohno climbed a small hill and turned to look back. Black
> plumes rose from the reactor units. The emergency diesel generators
> had kicked in.
> He saw the wave. It crashed over the plant's seawall, stopping only
> when it reached the foot of the slope about 460 meters from where he
> stood.
> Kohno watched, stunned.
> Unit 2, one of the six reactors at the Fukushima No. 1 power station,
> is ordinary by nuclear standards: a drab labyrinth of switches and
> valves, ladders and bulkheads, meters and gauges. That's how Kohno, a
> veteran radioactivity specialist, knew it.
> Now, nothing about what he saw was normal.
> He kept moving.
> The events of the next 24 hours brought the promise of nuclear power
> into question, both in Japan and around the world.
> Through interviews with dozens of officials, workers and experts, and
> hundreds of pages of newly released documents, AP found the early
> response to the crisis was marked by confusion, inadequate
> preparation, a lack of forthrightness with the public and a
> reluctance to make quick decisions. These problems set the tone for
> the troubled recovery effort since.
> On March 11, Prime Minister Naoto Kan was taking a beating in an
> Upper House committee meeting over whether he had taken campaign
> money from a foreign national, which is illegal.
> The questioning stopped suddenly when the entire Diet building
> started to rock. It was 2:46 p.m. All eyes rose to the huge crystal
> chandeliers above, clinking and shaking violently.
> "Everyone, please stay in a safe position," committee Chairman Yosuke
> Tsuruho said, grasping the armrests of his upholstered velvet chair.
> "Please duck under your desk."
> Within four minutes, a crisis headquarters was up and running across
> the street in the prime minister's office. Kan rushed there as soon
> as the shaking subsided. At 3:37 p.m. he convened a roundtable of his
> top advisers.
> Soon after the tsunami hit, Kan's task force was deluged by reports
> of massive damage up and down the coast, aerial photos and video
> showing entire villages gone.
> Kan, who majored in applied physics in college, was among the first
> whose attention went to the 40-year-old nuclear plant, according to
> Kenichi Shimomura, a senior aide who was with him. The prime minister
> demanded an assessment.
> The plant's operator was in disarray. Phone calls to Tokyo Electric
> Power Co. went unanswered, and what little information trickled out
> was conflicting.
> In those critical first hours, the government was flying blind.
> Tepco President Masataka Shimizu, who was traveling, boarded a
> military airlift from Nagoya after he heard the news. But the flight
> was turned around. The Defense Ministry bumped him to free up its
> planes for the emergency response.
> Kan quietly repea

Re: [Biofuel] Italy's Voters Scrap Nuclear Energy

2011-06-17 Thread Midori Hiraga (JTF)

"Nobuteru Ishihara characterized Italian voters' decision as a product 
of "mass hysteria.""

People in Italy, please get angry on this insult!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Italy's anti-nuclear power vote
In a referendum Monday, an overwhelming 94 percent of Italian voters 
rejected Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's plan to have Italy return to 
nuclear power generation. They also rejected water supply privatization 
and a law exempting him and other ministers from appearance in courts.

Clearly the people of Italy take a serious view of the accidents at the 
crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, which was badly damaged in 
the March 11 quake and tsunami.

Germany decided June 6 to abolish its 17 reactors by 2022 and 
Switzerland decided June 8 to stop its five reactors by 2034. Italy had 
stopped the operation of its five reactors at four locations by 1990, 
following the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear accident.

After the Italian referendum, industry minister Banri Kaieda expressed 
his intention of continuing nuclear power generation by saying that 
nuclear power is an important pillar of Japan's energy policy. Liberal 
Democratic Party Secretary General Nobuteru Ishihara characterized 
Italian voters' decision as a product of "mass hysteria."

Japan may have to rely on nuclear power as a short-term policy to secure 
energy supply, since it cannot import electricity as European countries 
do. But these factors should not be used as an excuse to maintain 
reliance on nuclear power.

The Fukushima nuclear crisis has shown the risks of nuclear power 
generation. It is an unstable provider of electricity and is costly if 
indirect outlays, such as accident compensation, subsidies for host 
municipalities and the costs of disposing of spent nuclear fuel, are 

Japan should accelerate the development of renewable sources for power 
generation, on which the policy pushed by the nuclear power 
establishment has put a brake for more than 10 years. The nation should 
strive to make full use of geothermal, solar and wind power sources, and 
to exploit the potential of biomass derived from wood and grass. Japan 
should also improve energy conservation and heat insulation of 
buildings. These efforts will help open a new frontier in technological 
innovation and create new job opportunities.

The monopoly in the power market must be broken so that small-scale 
green power generation can flourish. The process to make energy policy 
decisions must be made transparent to fully expose moves of the nuclear 
power lobby.

(2011/06/14 22:28), Keith Addison posted:
> http://www.commondreams.org/view/2011/06/13-5
> Published on Monday, June 13, 2011 by CommonDreams.org
> Italy's Voters Scrap Nuclear Energy!
> by Tina Gerhardt
> BERLIN, Germany - As polls closed today in Italy, voters had turned
> out in droves to scrap nuclear energy and water privatization.

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Re: [Biofuel] Are We on the Brink of Burying Nuke Power Forever?

2011-06-17 Thread Midori Hiraga (JTF)
(2011/06/17 2:29), Keith Addison posted:
> http://blog.buzzflash.com/node/12772
> Are We on the Brink of Burying Nuke Power Forever? Let Us Hope So
> Wed, 06/15/2011
>   From well-reasoned fear, Japan, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Israel
> and other critical players have announced they will build no more
> reactors.  Some will start shutting the ones they have.
That's not the case in Japan, I'm afraid.

Even after that disaster - or even when it has been getting worse, Japan 
is still trying to restart its suspended reactors.
If we let this Genkai reactor to restart in a coming month or two - then 
nuclear power is going to be "business as usual", I'm afraid.

On the other hand, IF Japan prohibits restarting of any reactors from 
now on - all the nuclear power plants in Japan will be stopped in 1.5 
years, I heard.

Would you put pressure from outside to never let Japan to restart any of 
its nuclear reactors?

If we could kill the Japanese nuclear industry, that can give a massive 
damage to the world nuclear, as Japan has long been at the core of the 
reactor industry, as the article says.

Many thanks and best wishes,

Midori in Kyoto

Thursday, June 9, 2011
Saga town may be first to see reactor restart
SAGA — The town of Genkai in Saga Prefecture plans to agree by early 
July to restart the Genkai nuclear plant's two reactors that have been 
suspended for checkups, becoming the first municipality to give such a 
go-ahead amid the ongoing nuclear crisis.

While it is not legally required, Kyushu Electric Power Co. makes it a 
rule to obtain approval from municipal and prefectural governments 
before restarting reactors after regular inspections. The consent by 
Genkai will put the onus on Saga Gov. Yasushi Furukawa, who has 
expressed qualms about restarting the reactors.

Restarting the Nos. 2 and 3 reactors was postponed amid the nuclear 
accident at the Fukushima No. 1 plant.

Genkai intends to summon Kyushu Electric officials around July 1 so the 
mayor can hand them conditions for restarting the reactors, including 
taking steps to guard against tsunami.

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[Biofuel] Fukushima media cover-up - PR success, public health disaster

2011-06-14 Thread Midori Hiraga (JTF)
Dear all,

I think he is describing the situation here quite well.

from ENE News:
'Fukushima media cover-up -- PR success, public health disaster’,
RussiaToday, June 11, 2011: At 1:15 in

Dr. Robert Jacobs, Professor of nuclear history, at the Hiroshima Peace
- Massive entry of radiation into groundwater in Fukushima
- Will spread throughout water table in the area of Northern Japan
- Effect could be quite wide and large

on youtube:
'Fukushima media cover-up - PR success, public health disaster'

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Re: [Biofuel] Japan Doubles Fukushima Radiation Leak Estimate

2011-06-08 Thread Midori Hiraga (JTF)
Dear all,

2011/6/8 Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2011/06/07-1

> According to the latest estimates, 770,000 terabequerels - about 20%
> as much as the official estimate for Chernobyl - of radiation seeped
> from the plant in the week after the tsunami, more than double the
> initial estimate of 370,000.

That's the amount only to the air. 770,000 terabequerels doesn't
include the amount which has been leaking (or poured intentionally)
into the ocean.


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[Biofuel] Japan just biding its time to restart more Nuclear plants

2011-06-01 Thread Midori Hiraga (JTF)
Dear all,

Even after Fukushima, Japan has not terminated its plan to start or
build more nuclear plants - they just postpone or suspend, just biding
its time until the voice of anti-nuke reduces a bit, I would say.

We suppose many overseas media are planning to write three-month
anniversary features on Fukushima for June 11th. I helped Aileen Smith
of Green Action to assemble this media pack, hoping pressures from
outside can help terminate any attempt for starting more nuke in

Please forward this message to anybody who can help the islanders of Iwaishima.
(They are lovely grannies and grandpas - you can see them in trailers below)

Many thanks!

2 June 2011

To: Foreign Media in Japan

Japanese Utility Still Committed to New Nuclear Reactors

Amid calls to halt all nuclear development in Japan, following the
unprecedented disaster in Fukushima, Hiroshima-based utility Chugoku
Electric is pushing ahead with a total of three new nuclear reactors
in Matsue and Kaminoseki, the latter despite three decades of
opposition by local island residents, and recent warnings on the need
to safeguard biodiversity in Kaminoseki’s “Kiseki-no-Umi” - "Sea of

Chugoku Electric Power Co. Inc. (head office, Hiroshima city) has a
new reactor (No. 3) nearing completion at the Shimane Power Plant,
close by Matsue city. Two more reactors are planned for the new
Kaminoseki Nuclear Power Plant, located on the Seto Inland Sea coast
70 km south-west of Hiroshima, a project which has been actively
opposed by nearby islanders for the last 30 years.

Iwaishima is a small island 3.5 km offshore from the site of the
plant. Its residents, mostly grandmothers and grandfathers now, have
refused to accept 1 billion yen as compensation. In weekly protest
demonstrations, they have used their boats and their own bodies to try
to block construction. Many young people from around Japan have come
to support them, including a kayak team working with the local people
trying to prevent planned landfill from proceeding. The company has
retaliated by obtaining a Supreme Court ruling setting a penalty of 5
million yen per day if work is obstructed.

International academics and scientists have expressed deep concern
over the plant’s threat to the biodiversity of the nearby sea, and
recent documentaries have depicted the islanders’ hard-fought campaign
against the plant, and highlighted the island’s beautiful environment.

On March 17th, the governor of Yamaguchi Prefecture requested Chugoku
Electric to temporarily suspend the project. However, parties opposed
to the construction of Kaminoseki Nuclear Power Plant demand its
complete termination. The triple meltdown and resulting emissions of
high levels of radioactivity into the air, land and ocean in Fukushima
has proved beyond doubt that the safety of nuclear power cannot be
guaranteed, and its threat to the environment cannot be ignored.

The grandfathers and grandmothers of Iwaishima are not interested in
the company’s promises of safety and financial prosperity. They
understand real wealth. All that they want is to pass on to their
successors the traditional cultural heritage and unspoilt natural
environment that they have known all their lives. They want the
Kaminoseki Nuclear Plant project terminated, permanently.

■Information available in English
●Chugoku Electric Power
(Head Office)   
4-33 Komachi,Naka-ku,Hiroshima-shi,Hiroshima
Tel: +81-82-241-0211 Fax: +81-82-523-6185
★General meeting of stockholders is scheduled for June 29, 2011. Local
citizen’s organizations (“Iwaijima-citizens against building the
Kaminoseki Nuclear Power Plant <http://shimabito.net/>” and “the
Anti-Nuclear Citizens of Kaminoseki”) along with the anti-nuclear
shareholders of the Chugoku Electric Power Co. Inc. have been
organizing sit-ins in front of the Chugoku Electric Power Co. Inc.
headquarters building and writing up appeals to the shareholders every

●English leaflet from Iwaishima islanders
"No Nuclear Power Plant in Our Community! Iwaishima says no to nuclear power"

●Kaminoseki: Nuclear Power Plant, Human Rights and Biodiversity
English Blog by ANKEI Yuji, Professor of area studies in Yamaguchi
Prefectural University. Head of the Comittee for Conservation of
Kaminoseki Biodiversity, Ecological Society of Japan. A member of the
Amnesty International. Sc. D., Ecological Anthropologist.

●Recent blog post at Ten Thousand Things
“Amidst hopeful signs, activists continue impassioned efforts to stop
nuclear power plant in gorgeous Seto Inland Sea”

●Recent news article in Japan Times
May 15, 2011 "Utility and opponents lock horns over planned N-plant"

[Biofuel] Japanese are eating food contaminated by radioactivity

2011-06-01 Thread Midori Hiraga (JTF)
Dear all,

This is what Japanese government say about food after Fukushima.
Food goes in the market (and people's stomach) if it has less than
500Bq/kg of Radioactive cesium.

The German Society for Radiation Protection recommends no more than 4
Bq/kg of Cesium 137 for children, and no more than 8 Bq/kg for adults.
Original text here (in German).

What would you say?


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[Biofuel] A new website

2005-10-23 Thread midori
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[Biofuel] SPAM:(L1) Good day

2005-08-28 Thread midori
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Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

[biofuel] Not much Tempura oil

2001-06-07 Thread Midori Hiraga

Dear listers,

Sorry I've been quiet for such a long time. Lots of catch up to do.

Last night Keith and I visited some of the restaurants around here in this 
suburb near Tokyo to collect some used cooking oil. To our surprise, we 
found that many of restaurants that smelled of cooking oil had little or no 
used oil for us.

The proprietor of the tofu shop we visited first, who also sells deep-fried 
tofu and other cooked food, told us: "We don't produce used cooking oil 
anymore. We bought this nice frying machine which cleans the oil by just 
adding some water, so we can use it again and again. It cost 1.5 million 
yen [US$14,000], but we don't have to deal with used cooking oil anymore!" 
When we left the shop I told Keith: "I will never buy food from this shop, 

Then we visited a Chinese-style restaurant. The chef told us: "We have no 
cooking oil, we use lard."

"Lard is okay," I said.

"No," he said, "we use it all up so there isn't any to give away."

Another place we won't be eating at!

At the third, a Japanese food and Sake restaurant, the chef told us: "We 
just throw the old oil down the drain so we don't have any." He looked a 
bit ashamed.

We did find a couple of other restaurants that gave us some used cooking 
oil, and promised us more. But the whole experience discouraged us even 
more from eating out at restaurants.

Quite many "environmentally aware" Japanese recommend that people should 
use Tempura oil over and over, and then use it up in stir frying to the 
end. They feel good about not throwing it down the drain, but their bodies 
surely don't like it.

Of course what goes down the drain is never counted when people calculate 
how much, or how little, biodiesel could be produced to meet a country's 

Best wishes,

Midori Hiraga

Handmade Projects
Journey to Forever

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
Please do NOT send "unsubscribe" messages to the list address. 
To unsubscribe, send an email to:

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/ 

wanting to know about blue prints?

2000-04-28 Thread Midori Hiraga

What shall we do about this?
I would write to him "What kind of still? Can you tell us more?"


> Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 19:51:55 -0400
> From: Jerry Lamey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> X-Accept-Language: en
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Subject: wanting to know about blue prints?
> We do sell copies of the still blueprints, and this will go to
>  help support Journey to Forever and the new
> BioFuels
>  project/newletter.

Alcohol Fuel Manual

2000-04-16 Thread Midori Hiraga

Alcohol Fuel Manual Ch1-2

Alcohol Fuel Manual Ch3

Alcohol Fuel Manual Ch4-5

Alcohol Fuel Manual Ch6-7

Alcohol Fuel Manual Ch8-10

Are you receiving mails from Biofuel mailing list?

2000-04-02 Thread Midori Hiraga


I'm Midori, a moderator of the Biofuel mailing list you are subscribing to.
It seems the mailing list server failed to deliver messages to your address
for 3 consecutive days so it stopped sending messages to you.

You can check the list archive on the ONElist website, and see if you've
missed any messages.  Please let me know if your email account is working
fine so that I can reset your member profile to receive the message.

Thank you.

Midori Hiraga
Handmade Projects "Journey to Forever"

New biofuel member

2000-03-31 Thread Midori Hiraga

It seems he registered again with another email address.  M

> X-eGroups-Return: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Date: 30 Mar 2000 13:50:29 -
> From: ONElist Notification <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: New biofuel member
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> X-eGroups-Moderators: biofuel
> Hello,
> This is an automated email message to let you know that
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] joined your biofuel
> group.
> Your group is currently configured to send you email
> notification whenever a new member joins.  To turn off
> notification, visit
> http://www.onelist.com/subscribe/biofuel
> Thank you for choosing ONElist as your email group
> service for the biofuel group.
> Regards,
> ONElist Customer Support

Re: [biofuel] Alcohol Fuel Manual

2000-03-29 Thread Midori Hiraga

From: Midori Hiraga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> From: "Nilsson Family" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> having trouble opening these files.  please send more detailed info.rom:


Could you tell us more about your trouble?  These files are made of simple
html, so you should be able to see the page same way as any other homepages
without downloading it.  But we are not sure what happens on the process of
uploading these files on ONElist and when you open the file on their
website.  We can make the files with Word document, but we are afraid it
would cause more troubles to open it.

How about other files in the group's file section, like "ethanol_faq.html"
or "autostill.rtf"?  Could you open them?

I write the procedure of accessing the Alcohol Fuel Manuals below, although
this may not be a problem with you.  This procedure varies a bit depending
on how your browser is set as well.

When you go to
and log in to ONElist if your browser hasn't saved the cookies, then you
will find the "biofuel" group listed as your subscribing mailing list. So
you click it and go to the "ONElist: biofuel" page (URL is

On the left side, you see the navigation list, and "Files" should be
highlighted in blue letters because you are a member of this group (it will
be black and no link added for those people who haven't signed up email
address and password for the ONElist).  Clicking it leads you to "biofuel
Files" page and you find the list of files there.

Because this manual is put in a folder, you click the folder's name "manual"
and goes to the http://www.onelist.com/files/biofuel/manual/.  Then, if you
click the manual's file name (like "manual4-5.html") you should be able to
see the page as an ordinary website page on your browser.  You can do
whatever you do with other website with your browser: copy it, save it as
text or save it as html, etc.

ONElist, or almost all the mailing list services, use cookies.  So it may
not work well if you have set your browser to reject all the cookies (if you
haven't heard of cookies, don't worry then - browsers are set to accept
cookies by default nowadays).  We hate cookies and we looked hard for a
mailing list service which doesn't use them, but couldn't find any good

I hope this can help you.  Could you open the file now?

Midori Hiraga
Handmade Projects "Journey to Forever"

You have a voice mail message waiting for you at iHello.com:

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

To unsubscribe, send an email to:

You are already added to the mailing list

2000-03-23 Thread Midori Hiraga

(BI can see your name on the list membership.

Re: tst message

2000-03-23 Thread Midori Hiraga

(BYou sent the message to the "owner" that is me.  Please check the post
(Bmessage address.  I've already posted one message in the archive, see the
(Bbelow URL.
(BI'm sorry, but I just get sick of all these people saying "Oh, it's so easy
(Bto make your mailing list" which isn't at all!  Why can't they make things
(Bwork properly?  
(BPost message: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(BUnsubscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(BList owner: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(BURL to this page: http://www.onelist.com/group/biofuel-journeytoforever
(BAt 7:43 PM 2000/03/23 +0800, Keith Addison wrote:
(B>tst message