Re: [Biofuel] New Coal Plants Bury 'Kyoto'

2007-01-16 Thread David Kramer
Keith Addison wrote:

KA President Bush says the U.S. will pursue its own policy of voluntary
KA carbon reductions and conduct research into technologies like carbon 
KA sequestration -- burying CO2 rather than emitting it.

The Bushies argue that there isn't a global warming problem, and that
America is doing more to address it than any other country.

Sequestration is a no-brainer. There is no certainty that the CO2
would remain under water or wherever else it was put. Pumping CO2 into
the deep ocean or underground caverns or whatever would require a
considerable energy input, which means more fossil fuels would need to be
burned per unit of electricity provided, which means electricity would
become much more expensive. Some might argue that this wouldn't
necessarily be a bad thing, but it would also accelerate fossil fuel

I have a lot of respect for Al Gore but I saw a video of a talk he
gave, in which he described sequestration as the killer app, which
was a great disappointment. There are much better ways to reduce


KA  To do that, 
KA the U.S. Department of Energy hopes to develop new technologies by 
KA 2012 that would economically capture the greenhouse gas before it 
KA leaves the power plant.

KA One approach -- called Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) 
KA technology -- aims to siphon off CO2 before it's sent up the stack. 
KA The largest U.S. power company, American Electric Power in Columbus, 
KA Ohio, plans to build at least one commercial IGCC plant by 2010. 
KA Another coal-burning power company, Cinergy, in Cincinnati, this 
KA month said it also would build an IGCC plant.

KA But funding for a key billion-dollar federal IGCC experimental 
KA program called FutureGen is lagging. And unless the U.S. sets a limit 
KA on CO2 emissions that creates a market for carbon-reducing 
KA technology, there is little financial incentive to invest in such 
KA technology, experts say. As a result, the technology appears unlikely 
KA to be deployed in time to make much difference in the coming surge of 
KA power-plant construction.

KA Without such technology, the impact on climate by the new coal plants 
KA would be significant, though not entirely unanticipated. They would 
KA boost CO2 emissions from fossil fuels by about 14 percent by 2012, 
KA Schmidt estimates. That's within the 1 to 2 percent annual range for 
KA CO2 growth expected in high-growth scenarios put forward by climate 
KA scientists. But it does not fall into the maximum scenario they use 
KA to evaluate the worst-case impact of greenhouse gases.

KA The power of six

KA The point is that a relatively small number of countries holds the 
KA fate of the planet in their hands in terms of climate change, says 
KA David Hawkins, director of the Natural Resources Defense Council's 
KA climate center. If the five or six countries building all these 
KA power plants were to come together to develop a strategy for carbon 
KA capture applied to coal, it would be a huge step toward cutting 
KA global warming.

KA Energy security is one factor driving the shift. With its 250-year 
KA supply of coal, the U.S. is often called the Saudi Arabia of coal. 
KA China, with similarly huge reserves, is even planning to convert coal 
KA into synthetic fuel for cars -- even though such processes typically 
KA produce large amounts of greenhouse gases.

KA Coal's low price has been a powerful incentive, too. Chinese 
KA authorities are pushing for cleaner power. But gas pipelines in China 
KA aren't fully utilized because of that fuel's higher cost, experts 
KA say. And in the U.S., utility companies are shifting focus from 
KA natural gas to coal instead.

KA There has been an abrupt about-face, says Robert McIlvaine, who 
KA heads his own Northfield, Ill., information company that tracks the 
KA construction of coal power plants globally. Utilities that would not 
KA consider a coal-fired plant a year or two ago are now moving forward 
KA with coal-fired projects.

KA With natural gas prices expected to continue rising, 58 other nations 
KA have 340 new coal-fired plants in various stages of development. They 
KA are expected to go online in a decade or so. Malaysia, Japan, 
KA Indonesia, Thailand, and Turkey are all planning significant new 
KA coal- fired power additions. Germany also plans to build eight coal 
KA plants with 6,000 megawatts capacity.

KA But China is the key. The Chinese will surpass the coal-fired 
KA generating capacity and the CO2 emissions of the U.S. in the next 
KA couple of years, Mr. McIlvaine says.

KA Hit by blackouts and power restrictions for 18 months, China has been 
KA scrambling to relieve that pressure. Scores of unauthorized power 
KA projects about which little is known have sprouted nationwide -- 
KA along with hundreds of official projects, McIlvaine says. Because of 
KA this, even careful estimates could be low, both he and Bergesen say.


Re: [Biofuel] New Coal Plants Bury 'Kyoto'

2007-01-16 Thread AltEnergyNetwork

Yes, what hypocrits.
I saw another interview with Gore where he mentioned that killer co2 
sequestering ap but 
he went on to infer if we get it right,(it would be)


  The Bushies argue that there isn't a global warming problem, and that
  America is doing more to address it than any other country.
  Sequestration is a no-brainer. There is no certainty that the CO2
  would remain under water or wherever else it was put. Pumping CO2 into
  the deep ocean or underground caverns or whatever would require a
  considerable energy input, which means more fossil fuels would need to be
  burned per unit of electricity provided, which means electricity would
  become much more expensive. Some might argue that this wouldn't
  necessarily be a bad thing, but it would also accelerate fossil fuel
  I have a lot of respect for Al Gore but I saw a video of a talk he
  gave, in which he described sequestration as the killer app, which
  was a great disappointment. There are much better ways to reduce

  ---Original Message---
  From: David Kramer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] New Coal Plants Bury 'Kyoto'
  Sent: 16 Jan '07 13:58
  Keith Addison wrote:
  KA President Bush says the U.S. will pursue its own policy of voluntary
  KA carbon reductions and conduct research into technologies like carbon
  KA sequestration -- burying CO2 rather than emitting it.
  The Bushies argue that there isn't a global warming problem, and that
  America is doing more to address it than any other country.
  Sequestration is a no-brainer. There is no certainty that the CO2
  would remain under water or wherever else it was put. Pumping CO2 into
  the deep ocean or underground caverns or whatever would require a
  considerable energy input, which means more fossil fuels would need to be
  burned per unit of electricity provided, which means electricity would
  become much more expensive. Some might argue that this wouldn't
  necessarily be a bad thing, but it would also accelerate fossil fuel
  I have a lot of respect for Al Gore but I saw a video of a talk he
  gave, in which he described sequestration as the killer app, which
  was a great disappointment. There are much better ways to reduce

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  KA  To do that,
  KA the U.S. Department of Energy hopes to develop new technologies by
  KA 2012 that would economically capture the greenhouse gas before it
  KA leaves the power plant.
  KA One approach -- called Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC)
  KA technology -- aims to siphon off CO2 before it's sent up the stack.
  KA The largest U.S. power company, American Electric Power in Columbus,
  KA Ohio, plans to build at least one commercial IGCC plant by 2010.
  KA Another coal-burning power company, Cinergy, in Cincinnati, this
  KA month said it also would build an IGCC plant.
  KA But funding for a key billion-dollar federal IGCC experimental
  KA program called FutureGen is lagging. And unless the U.S. sets a limit
  KA on CO2 emissions that creates a market for carbon-reducing
  KA technology, there is little financial incentive to invest in such
  KA technology, experts say. As a result, the technology appears unlikely
  KA to be deployed in time to make much difference in the coming surge of
  KA power-plant construction.
  KA Without such technology, the impact on climate by the new coal plants
  KA would be significant, though not entirely unanticipated. They would
  KA boost CO2 emissions from fossil fuels by about 14 percent by 2012,
  KA Schmidt estimates. That's within the 1 to 2 percent annual range for
  KA CO2 growth expected in high-growth scenarios put forward by climate
  KA scientists. But it does not fall into the maximum scenario they use
  KA to evaluate the worst-case impact of greenhouse gases.
  KA The power of six
  KA The point is that a relatively small number of countries holds the
  KA fate of the planet in their hands in terms of climate change, says
  KA David Hawkins, director of the Natural Resources Defense Council's
  KA climate center. If the five or six countries building all these
  KA power plants were to come together to develop a strategy for carbon
  KA capture applied to coal, it would be a huge step toward cutting
  KA global warming.
  KA Energy security is one factor driving

[Biofuel] New Coal Plants Bury 'Kyoto'

2007-01-15 Thread Keith Addison
From: Christian Science Monitor, Dec. 23, 2004 
 [Printer-friendly version]

New Coal Plants Bury 'Kyoto'

By Mark Clayton

So much for Kyoto.

The official treaty to curb greenhouse-gas emissions hasn't gone into 
effect yet and already three countries are planning to build nearly 
850 new coal-fired plants, which would pump up to five times as much 
carbon dioxide into the atmosphere as the Kyoto Protocol aims to 

The magnitude of that imbalance is staggering. Environmentalists have 
long called the treaty a symbolic rather than practical victory in 
the fight against global warming. But even many of them do not appear 
aware of the coming tidal wave of greenhouse-gas emissions by nations 
not under Kyoto restrictions.

By 2012, the plants in three key countries -- China, India, and the 
United States -- are expected to emit as much as an extra 2.7 billion 
tons of carbon dioxide, according to a Monitor analysis of 
power-plant construction data. In contrast, Kyoto countries by that 
year are supposed to have cut their CO2 emissions by some 483 million 

The findings suggest that critics of the treaty, including the Bush 
administration, may be correct when they claim the treaty is 
hopelessly flawed because it doesn't limit emissions from the 
developing world. But they also suggest that the world is on the cusp 
of creating a huge new infrastructure that will pump out enormous 
amounts of CO2 for the next six decades.

Without strong U.S. leadership, it's unlikely that technology to cut 
CO2 emissions will be ready in time for the power-plant construction 
boom, many say.

If all those power plants are online by 2012, then obviously it 
completely cancels out any gains from Kyoto, says Gavin Schmidt, a 
climate modeler with the Goddard Institute for Space Studies, part of 
the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

The reason for the dramatic imbalance is coal. Just a few years ago, 
economists and environmentalists still pictured a world shifting 
steadily from dirty coal-fired power plants to cleaner 
natural-gas turbines. But the fast-rising price of natural gas and 
other factors abruptly changed that picture. Now the world is facing 
a tidal wave of new power plants fired by coal, experts say. China 
and India are building coal-fired capacity as fast as they can, says 
Christopher Bergesen, who tracks power plant construction for Platts, 
the energy publishing division of McGraw- Hill.

China is the dominant player. The country is on track to add 562 
coal- fired plants -- nearly half the world total of plants expected 
to come online in the next eight years. India could add 213such 
plants; the U.S., 72. (See chart below.)

Altogether, those three nations are set to add up to 327,000 
megawatts by 2012 -- three quarters of the new capacity in the global 
pipeline and roughly equal to the output of today's U.S. coal-fired 
generating fleet.

The new coal plants from the three nations would burn about 900 
million extra tons of coal each year. That, in turn, would emit in 
the neighborhood of 2.5 billion tons of CO2 into the atmosphere, Dr. 
Schmidt estimates.

I'm not hugely optimistic we are going to slow the rate of carbon 
emission overall any time soon, says Schmidt of the Goddard 
institute. If this sort of thing continues unchecked, we won't be 
arguing about climate change in 2100, because the changes will be all 
too obvious.

But several uncertainties remain. First, not all of the plants may be 
built. In the U.S., for example, local opposition may halt 
construction of some of the 100 coal-fired plants now in various 
stages of development. According to Mr. Bergesen's numbers, 72 plants 
could be added, the basis for the Monitor's estimates.

Another uncertainty: Slightly less than half of the new plants Platts 
forecasts for China and India have an official start date. If only 
those plants with start dates are built, then the expected emissions 
from the three nations would total only 1.2 billion tons of CO2, 
still more than double the required reduction from Kyoto. But that 
estimate is conservative, experts say, because Chinese and Indian 
leaders face few political barriers to power-plant construction and 
big demands for more power.

Efficiency a key

Although U.S. coal-fired plants are far more efficient than those in 
China or India, all three countries, presumably, would install state- 
of-the-art technology. The Monitor's estimates are based on the 
assumption that the new plants in all three nations will be 10 
percent more efficient than today's U.S. average -- a conservative 
estimate, experts say.

The third uncertainty involves new technology. Having rejected Kyoto, 
President Bush says the U.S. will pursue its own policy of voluntary 
carbon reductions and conduct research into technologies like carbon 
sequestration -- burying CO2 rather than emitting it. To do that, 