[Biofuel] Smacking the hornet's nest

2006-07-20 Thread Mike Weaver
I can't say I am always a fan of the Israeli government right or wrong, 
and let's be honest, they've made some mistakes (but then look at the US 
gov't), but they are
in an impossible spot.  Do they need some nudging to do they right 
thing? Yes, but we all do.

Let's stop and think, Why are they where they are?  - Because NO 
Western country would take then. Roosevelt turned away of boatload of 
Jewish refugees.  They really didn't have a lot of options.  In Poland, 
TWO YEARS after WWII ended, there was a massacre of Jews.  I can 
understand why one might gamble on a boat trip to (then) British 
Palestine rather than go home to Europe.

Personally, I think the whole idea was ill-conceived, and US should have 
settled the refugees in the largely unocupied American West.  Heck, a 
state even.

Besides, I think if you wait long enough, Fritz, you'll see the same 
behavior here anyway.  We're already denying blacks the right to vote in 
some states, and it's pretty much illegal to be black in a white area 
after dark already. 

 Step one is to confiscate the land owned by
African-Americans, [or Native Americans] evict them from it and use the land
to build massive new subdivisions. Only white
Protestant Christians may live in these subdivisions. - Check, doing 
that here.

I notice you're in Canada - do you live in a house?  Where did the land 
come from?  A friendly Algonkin 
give it to you?  I notice the Canadia Government has been
having a little trouble with its First Nation denizens - a few Mohawk 
lawsuits  here and there. 

Don't judge, so that you won't be judged.

http://bible.cc/matthew/7-2.htmFor with whatever judgment you judge, 
you will be judged; and with whatever measure you measure, it will be 
measured to you.

^3 http://bible.cc/matthew/7-3.htm Why do you see the speck that is in 
your brother's eye, but don't consider the beam that is in your own eye?

Or, let he who is free from sin cast the first stone.


Fritz Friesinger wrote:

 i bett you havent wread the report of www.btselem.org 
 you would not talk such rhubbish!

 - Original Message -
 *From:* Bob Molloy mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *To:* Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
 *Sent:* Wednesday, July 19, 2006 6:52 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [Biofuel] Check Your Beliefs

 Yo Fritz,
 Yeah, right on Fritz. And just to prove it your ethnic forebears
 killed off six million of these bloody Jews only to have the rest
 of us dumb westerners stop them just before they'd finished the
 job. Now it's up to the poor Palestinians with only suicide
 bombers and Katushya rockets to carry on where the rest of us left
 off. We need to force the Israelis to open these roads, tear down
 their walls and move back onto their own territory so that the
 bombers in civilian clothing have a fighting chance to get closer
 to Israeli settlements.  At least let's have a level playing field
 here. After it's all over and the Palestinians have finally
 established their Muslim state we can allow a few Israeli refugees
 into western countries just as long as they toe the line and run
 the garbage collection systems for us.
 Good one, Fritz,

 - Original Message -
 *From:* Fritz Friesinger mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *To:* Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
 *Sent:* Thursday, July 20, 2006 1:33 AM
 *Subject:* [Biofuel] Check Your Beliefs

 Forewardet by Fritz

 Check Your Beliefs

 By Charley Reese

 03/17/06 -- -- Let's play a fantasy game to check on
 our belief in human rights. Let's suppose that in a
 mythical state, a governor announced a campaign to
 punish African-Americans for alleged violence.

 Step one is to confiscate the land owned by
 African-Americans, evict them from it and use the land
 to build massive new subdivisions. Only white
 Protestant Christians may live in these subdivisions.

 Step two is to connect these all-white Protestant
 Christian settlements to each other by a highway on
 which African-Americans are forbidden to drive. To
 facilitate control, the automobile tags for
 African-Americans will be a different color from the
 tags issued to white motorists. Checkpoints would be
 set up all around the state capitol to search and
 harass African-Americans trying to enter.

 Would you support such a plan? Would you hail that
 mythical governor as a man of peace? Would you go to
 your church congregation and ask the members to send
 money to 

Re: [Biofuel] Smacking the hornet's nest

2006-07-20 Thread Fritz Friesinger

what you are saying is,Palestine was British then? 
so how it became British?and thas this make the whole thing less hard for the 
What happened a hundred years ago should not 
happening anymore today!
We came a long way to realize the wrongs of the 
past but instaed of garding that those attrocytis cant be repeatet we are 
turning a blind eye and excuse things with old rethoric.Your analysis sucks but 
then you are US Citicen and what can we expect from such!
To my very own situation,i live in Quebec Canada on 
a piece of Land (a former open pit Graphit mine) nobody wantet so i got it 
fairly cheep.But then i am cleaning up the mess a US Mining companie had left 
and this for seven years now!
i have put trouts in my lakes and had spent a lot 
of money for topsoil and plant trees and garden!And once i be finished (probably 
never) people will come and ask if the could live on my land and i will refuse 
the request if the show me the same attitude as you

  - Original Message - 
  Mike Weaver 
  To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org 
  Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2006 9:18 
  Subject: [Biofuel] Smacking the hornet's 
  I can't say I am always a fan of the Israeli government right 
  or wrong, and let's be honest, they've made some mistakes (but then look 
  at the US gov't), but they arein an impossible spot. Do they 
  need some nudging to do they right thing? Yes, but we all do.Let's 
  stop and think, "Why are they where they are? - Because NO Western 
  country would take then. Roosevelt turned away of boatload of Jewish 
  refugees. They really didn't have a lot of options. In Poland, 
  TWO YEARS after WWII ended, there was a massacre of Jews. I can 
  understand why one might gamble on a boat trip to (then) British 
  Palestine rather than go "home" to Europe.Personally, I think the 
  whole idea was ill-conceived, and US should have settled the refugees in 
  the largely unocupied American West. Heck, a state 
  even.Besides, I think if you wait long enough, Fritz, you'll see the 
  same behavior here anyway. We're already denying blacks the right to 
  vote in some states, and it's pretty much illegal to be black in a white 
  area after dark already. Step one is to confiscate 
  the land owned byAfrican-Americans, [or Native Americans] evict them from 
  it and use the landto build massive new subdivisions. Only 
  whiteProtestant Christians may live in these subdivisions. - Check, doing 
  that here.I notice you're in Canada - do you live in a 
  house? Where did the land come from? A friendly Algonkin 
  give it to you? I notice the Canadia Government has beenhaving a 
  little trouble with its First Nation denizens - a few Mohawk 
  lawsuits here and there. "Don't judge, so that you won't be 
  with whatever judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with whatever 
  measure you measure, it will be measured to you.^3 http://bible.cc/matthew/7-3.htm 
  Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but don't consider 
  the beam that is in your own eye?Or, let he who is free from sin cast 
  the first stone.-MikeFritz Friesinger wrote: 
  Bob, i bett you havent wread the report of www.btselem.org  http://www.btselem.org you would 
  not talk such rhubbish! Fritz 
  - Original Message - *From:* Bob 
  Molloy mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  *To:* Biofuel@sustainablelists.org 
  *Sent:* Wednesday, July 19, 2006 6:52 PM 
  *Subject:* Re: [Biofuel] Check Your 
  Beliefs Yo 
  Fritz, Yeah, right on Fritz. And just to prove 
  it your ethnic forebears killed off six 
  million of these bloody Jews only to have the 
  rest of us dumb westerners stop them just 
  before they'd finished the job. Now it's up to 
  the poor Palestinians with only suicide 
  bombers and Katushya rockets to carry on where the rest of us 
  left off. We need to force the Israelis to 
  open these roads, tear down their walls and 
  move back onto their own territory so that the 
  bombers in civilian clothing have a fighting chance to get 
  closer to Israeli settlements. At least 
  let's have a level playing field here. After 
  it's all over and the Palestinians have 
  finally established their Muslim state we can 
  allow a few Israeli refugees into western 
  countries just as long as they toe the line and 
  run the garbage collection systems for 
  us. Good one, 
  Fritz, Bob. 
  Original Message - 
  *From:* Fritz Friesinger mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  *To:* Biofuel@sustainablelists.org 
  *Sent:* Thursday, July 20, 2006 1:33 
  AM *Subject:* 
  [Biofuel] Check Your 
  Forewardet by 
  Check Your 
  Beliefs By 

Re: [Biofuel] Smacking the hornet's nest

2006-07-20 Thread Mike Weaver

1.  No, I said it was then called British Palestine.
2.  It was then ruled by the British as part of the British Empire.  
But, than does not make it British.  The people living there were 
primarily Muslim Arabs, a few Christians and, surprisingly, some Jewish 
3.  I am not saying things are not hard for Palestinians under the 
Israeli government, not to mention the PA is likely the most corrupt 
government in the world.
4.  I am also not saying I approve of everything the Israeli Gov't does.
5.  I also never said I approve of the way Israel is handling the 
current situation.
6.  My being an American does not impair my thinking; ad hominem attacks 
usually indicate that you are out of intellectual ammo.
7. My point with the land is that most of us in North America are 
arguably living on land that was home to Native Americans.  I'm fairly 
sure my huse is on land once occupied by the Algonkian nation.  If you 
are in Quebec, you are probably living on Abenaki land.
8. I offer no defense of US mining companies.  Most of what they do is 
9.  I am saying I think blowing each other to bits won't solve anything.

Nowhere in my post do I say I defend what is going on in Palestine and 
Israel.  I did say I think it was a mistake to drop all the Jewish 
refugees into that area.
But, no one else wanted them.  I personally think the US should have 
taken them in. 

I am not quite sure what you mean by your last sentance.


Fritz Friesinger wrote:

 what you are saying is,Palestine was British then? so how it became 
 British?and thas this make the whole thing less hard for the Palestinians?
 What happened a hundred years ago should not happening anymore today!
 We came a long way to realize the wrongs of the past but instaed of 
 garding that those attrocytis cant be repeatet we are turning a blind 
 eye and excuse things with old rethoric.Your analysis sucks but then 
 you are US Citicen and what can we expect from such!
 To my very own situation,i live in Quebec Canada on a piece of Land (a 
 former open pit Graphit mine) nobody wantet so i got it fairly 
 cheep.But then i am cleaning up the mess a US Mining companie had left 
 and this for seven years now!
 i have put trouts in my lakes and had spent a lot of money for topsoil 
 and plant trees and garden!And once i be finished (probably never) 
 people will come and ask if the could live on my land and i will 
 refuse the request if the show me the same attitude as you

 - Original Message -
 *From:* Mike Weaver mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *To:* biofuel@sustainablelists.org
 *Sent:* Thursday, July 20, 2006 9:18 AM
 *Subject:* [Biofuel] Smacking the hornet's nest

 I can't say I am always a fan of the Israeli government right or
 and let's be honest, they've made some mistakes (but then look at
 the US
 gov't), but they are
 in an impossible spot.  Do they need some nudging to do they right
 thing? Yes, but we all do.

 Let's stop and think, Why are they where they are?  - Because NO
 Western country would take then. Roosevelt turned away of boatload of
 Jewish refugees.  They really didn't have a lot of options.  In
 TWO YEARS after WWII ended, there was a massacre of Jews.  I can
 understand why one might gamble on a boat trip to (then) British
 Palestine rather than go home to Europe.

 Personally, I think the whole idea was ill-conceived, and US
 should have
 settled the refugees in the largely unocupied American West.  Heck, a
 state even.

 Besides, I think if you wait long enough, Fritz, you'll see the same
 behavior here anyway.  We're already denying blacks the right to
 vote in
 some states, and it's pretty much illegal to be black in a white area
 after dark already.

  Step one is to confiscate the land owned by
 African-Americans, [or Native Americans] evict them from it and
 use the land
 to build massive new subdivisions. Only white
 Protestant Christians may live in these subdivisions. - Check, doing
 that here.

 I notice you're in Canada - do you live in a house?  Where did the
 come from?  A friendly Algonkin

 give it to you?  I notice the Canadia Government has been
 having a little trouble with its First Nation denizens - a few Mohawk
 lawsuits  here and there.

 Don't judge, so that you won't be judged.

 http://bible.cc/matthew/7-2.htm%3EFor with whatever judgment you
 you will be judged; and with whatever measure you measure, it will be
 measured to you.

 ^3 http://bible.cc/matthew/7-3.htm Why do you see the speck that
 is in
 your brother's eye, but don't consider the beam that is in your
 own eye

Re: [Biofuel] Smacking the hornet's nest

2006-07-20 Thread Fritz Friesinger

your point,that it was british Palestine and so 
make things sound,it was not real Palestine!
Than,if you say,the Israeli Gvnmt.hade made some 
mistakes it souns like: everyone is entitled to some Mistakes and 
But you are so far of reality as if you would say 
Hitler made some Mistakes and this is making my final point in my last 
After all it is your Gvnmt. who supplies the Arms 
to Israel and therefor you are as guilty as my Parents have been in the 
Simon Wiesenthal said :you have to make a stand 
!What an emty Phrase considering the murder going on in Palestine,an occupation 
lasting now 40 Years
To you point 6. I doo think that you beeing an US 
American impairs your thinking
and the lack of my intellectual capacity is more my 
lack of good english
get the picture?

  - Original Message - 
  Mike Weaver 
  To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org 
  Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2006 1:19 
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Smacking the 
  hornet's nest
  Fritz,1. No, I said it was then called British 
  Palestine.2. It was then ruled by the British as part of the British 
  Empire. But, than does not make it British. The people living 
  there were primarily Muslim Arabs, a few Christians and, surprisingly, 
  some Jewish people.3. I am not saying things are not hard for 
  Palestinians under the Israeli government, not to mention the PA is likely 
  the most corrupt government in the world.4. I am also not saying 
  I approve of everything the Israeli Gov't does.5. I also never said 
  I approve of the way Israel is handling the current situation.6. 
  My being an American does not impair my thinking; ad hominem attacks 
  usually indicate that you are out of intellectual ammo.7. My point 
  with the land is that most of us in North America are arguably living on 
  land that was home to Native Americans. I'm fairly sure my huse is 
  on land once occupied by the Algonkian nation. If you are in Quebec, 
  you are probably living on Abenaki land.8. I offer no defense of US mining 
  companies. Most of what they do is indefensible.9. I am 
  saying I think blowing each other to bits won't solve anything.Nowhere 
  in my post do I say I defend what is going on in Palestine and 
  Israel. I did say I think it was a mistake to drop all the Jewish 
  refugees into that area.But, no one else wanted them. I 
  personally think the US should have taken them in. I am not quite 
  sure what you mean by your last sentance.-MikeFritz Friesinger 
  wrote: Mike, what you are saying is,Palestine was British 
  then? so how it became  British?and thas this make the whole thing 
  less hard for the Palestinians? What happened a hundred years ago 
  should not happening anymore today! We came a long way to realize the 
  wrongs of the past but instaed of  garding that those attrocytis cant 
  be repeatet we are turning a blind  eye and excuse things with old 
  rethoric.Your analysis sucks but then  you are US Citicen and what can 
  we expect from such! To my very own situation,i live in Quebec Canada 
  on a piece of Land (a  former open pit Graphit mine) nobody wantet so 
  i got it fairly  cheep.But then i am cleaning up the mess a US Mining 
  companie had left  and this for seven years now! i have put 
  trouts in my lakes and had spent a lot of money for topsoil  and plant 
  trees and garden!And once i be finished (probably never)  people will 
  come and ask if the could live on my land and i will  refuse the 
  request if the show me the same attitude as you 
  Fritz - Original Message 
  - *From:* Mike Weaver mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  *To:* biofuel@sustainablelists.org 
  *Sent:* Thursday, July 20, 2006 9:18 AM 
  *Subject:* [Biofuel] Smacking the hornet's 
  nest I can't say I am always a fan of 
  the Israeli government right or 
  wrong, and let's be honest, they've made some 
  mistakes (but then look at the 
  US gov't), but they 
  are in an impossible spot. Do they need 
  some nudging to do they right thing? Yes, but 
  we all do. Let's stop and think, "Why 
  are they where they are? - Because NO 
  Western country would take then. Roosevelt turned away of boatload 
  of Jewish refugees. They really didn't 
  have a lot of options. In 
  Poland, TWO YEARS after WWII ended, there was 
  a massacre of Jews. I can understand why 
  one might gamble on a boat trip to (then) 
  British Palestine rather than go "home" to 
  Europe. Personally, I think the whole 
  idea was ill-conceived, and US should 
  have settled the refugees in the largely 
  unocupied American West. Heck, a state 
  even. Besides, I think if you wait 
  long enough, Fritz, you'll see the same 
  behavior here anyway. We're already denying blacks the right 
  to vote in 
  some states, and it's pretty much illegal to be black in a white 
  area after dark 
  already. Step one is to 
  confiscate the land owned by 

Re: [Biofuel] Smacking the hornet's nest

2006-07-20 Thread Mike Weaver
No.  I find your logic hard to follow.
I also did not say being called British Palestine made it British.  At 
that time it was ruled by Britain. 
I never mentioned Hitler nor the Nazis.
Yes, I said the government of Israel has made mistakes and will most 
certainly continue to do so, as will the US. 
I just don't understand your 3rd sentance.  I am not talking about Hitler.
 After all it is your Gvnmt. who supplies the Arms to Israel and 
therefor you are as guilty as my Parents have been in the Holocaust
Canada sell $900,000,000 worth of arms annually.
Canada sell arms to Israel also: ** Canada exported military goods 
valued at $100,000 or more to seven countries hosting armed conflicts in 
2002: Algeria , Colombia  India , Israel , Nigeria, the Philippines , 
and Sri Lanka . The value of arms exports to these countries totaled 
$8-million. -Wikipedia
So, as your government is selling arms to Israel that makes you as 
guilty as the rest of us?  By your logic you've got blood on your hands.
Also, I have to say, what's the difference between saying my thinking is 
impaired because I'm a citizen of the US, and saying that my thinking is 
impaired because I'm a citizen of Zambia?  That sounds like a bigoted 
statement to me. 

Fritz Friesinger wrote:

 your point,that it was british Palestine and so make things sound,it 
 was not real Palestine!
 Than,if you say,the Israeli Gvnmt.hade made some mistakes it souns 
 like: everyone is entitled to some Mistakes and so
 But you are so far of reality as if you would say Hitler made some 
 Mistakes and this is making my final point in my last Mail!
 After all it is your Gvnmt. who supplies the Arms to Israel and 
 therefor you are as guilty as my Parents have been in the Holocaust
 Simon Wiesenthal said :you have to make a stand !What an emty Phrase 
 considering the murder going on in Palestine,an occupation lasting now 
 40 Years
 To you point 6. I doo think that you beeing an US American impairs 
 your thinking
 and the lack of my intellectual capacity is more my lack of good english
 get the picture?

 - Original Message -
 *From:* Mike Weaver mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *To:* biofuel@sustainablelists.org
 *Sent:* Thursday, July 20, 2006 1:19 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [Biofuel] Smacking the hornet's nest


 1.  No, I said it was then called British Palestine.
 2.  It was then ruled by the British as part of the British Empire. 
 But, than does not make it British.  The people living there were
 primarily Muslim Arabs, a few Christians and, surprisingly, some
 3.  I am not saying things are not hard for Palestinians under the
 Israeli government, not to mention the PA is likely the most corrupt
 government in the world.
 4.  I am also not saying I approve of everything the Israeli Gov't
 5.  I also never said I approve of the way Israel is handling the
 current situation.
 6.  My being an American does not impair my thinking; ad hominem
 usually indicate that you are out of intellectual ammo.
 7. My point with the land is that most of us in North America are
 arguably living on land that was home to Native Americans.  I'm
 sure my huse is on land once occupied by the Algonkian nation.  If
 are in Quebec, you are probably living on Abenaki land.
 8. I offer no defense of US mining companies.  Most of what they
 do is
 9.  I am saying I think blowing each other to bits won't solve

 Nowhere in my post do I say I defend what is going on in Palestine
 Israel.  I did say I think it was a mistake to drop all the Jewish
 refugees into that area.
 But, no one else wanted them.  I personally think the US should have
 taken them in.

 I am not quite sure what you mean by your last sentance.


 Fritz Friesinger wrote:

  what you are saying is,Palestine was British then? so how it became
  British?and thas this make the whole thing less hard for the
  What happened a hundred years ago should not happening anymore
  We came a long way to realize the wrongs of the past but instaed of
  garding that those attrocytis cant be repeatet we are turning a
  eye and excuse things with old rethoric.Your analysis sucks but
  you are US Citicen and what can we expect from such!
  To my very own situation,i live in Quebec Canada on a piece of
 Land (a
  former open pit Graphit mine) nobody wantet so i got it fairly
  cheep.But then i am cleaning up the mess a US Mining companie
 had left
  and this for seven years now!
  i have put trouts in my lakes and had spent a lot of money for
  and plant trees and garden!And once i be finished