Re: [Biofuel] socialism, taxes, economics, comments please.

2010-04-21 Thread Ken Riznyk
I was browsing thru some of the old biofuel posts and saw this one and its 
thread. Sorry but I couldn't resist putting in my own jaded comments.
The proper resolution of the problems is to do what Bolivia did. Get a loan 
from the IMF to build a pipeline to the village. The IMF will require that the 
well no longer be communal but should be sold to a big water company like 
Bechtel. Bechtel will raise the price of water so high that those people on the 
lower end of the economic strata will not be able to afford it. Under pressure 
from lobbyists or from outright bribery the village will pass a law making it 
illegal to collect rainwater. What's better socialism or capitalism?

- Original Message 
> From: Chip Mefford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:
> Sent: Mon, September 18, 2006 2:16:21 PM
> Subject: [Biofuel] socialism, taxes, economics, comments please.
> Spent a lot of hours behind the wheel these last few weeks.
Driving from the 
> 'services' economy of the greater mid-atlantic
Washington DC USA region, 
> through rural WV, and Pa, up through
industrialized and agricultural southern 
> Canada, down through
agricultural and tourist economy of northern 
> Michigan/UP...

A model came to mind.

A Very Simple Economic 
> Model.

Albert, the blacksmith.
> the equiv of $24,000 US a year
plying his trade.

Beverly, the mortgage 
> banker.
Earns the equiv of $240,000 US a year,
plying her 
> trade.

Charles, the surgeon,
Earns the equiv of $2.400,000 US a 
> year
plying his trade

Emily, the CEO,
Earns the equiv of 
> $24,000,000 US a year
plying her trade.

In this community, folks work 
> 8 hours a day
to fulfill their trade obligations, no more,
> less.

In this community, folks work 5 days a week
to fulfill their 
> trade obligations, no more,
no less.

In this community, folks work 48 
> weeks a year
to fulfill their trade obligations, no more,
> less.

In this community where Albert, Beverly,
Charles and Emily live, 
> it takes 1 hour
to go the communal well, and draw the
water needed for the 
> day, and haul it
back to their respective 
> domiciles.


What is an 
> hours labour worth in this community?

Should the community 
> consider bringing in cheap labour
to haul their water?

> the community levee a tax and use the tax to
pay the cheap labour to haul the 
> water?
  If so, at what rate should Albert, Beverly, 
> Charles
and Emily be taxed?


What is this hour 
> devoted to drawing water worth?
Since there are 24 hours in the day, and all 
> the
hours are spoken for, doing the regular stuff,
like raising kids, 
> cleaning house, working,
fiddling about, and occasionally watching NFL
> world cup rallye, the only reason to do offload
the hauling of water duty 
> would be to gain an extra
hour of free time.

So, to Albert, an hour of 
> free time is essentially
worth $1000 over a year. To Beverly, $10,000, 
> to
Charles $100,000 and to Emily 
> $1,000,000.

> does the Nash Equilibrium bear on 
> this


> I'm sure this Very Simple Model is
already addressed. If someone could point 
> me to
a paper, I'd greatly appreciate it.

> please.


> mailing list

> href="";>

> at Journey to Forever:

> the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 
> messages):


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] socialism, taxes, economics, comments please.

2006-09-19 Thread Chip Mefford
> On Monday, September 18, 2006  1:16 PM, Chip Mefford wrote:
>> Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2006 14:16:21 -0400
>> From: Chip Mefford
>> To:
>> Subject: [Biofuel] socialism, taxes, economics, comments please.
>> Spent a lot of hours behind the wheel these last few weeks.
>> Q1.
>> What is an hours labour worth in this community?
> The "worth" of the water hour is the same to all.  
> While others may be able to "pay" someone else to fetch the water, 
> it still takes an hour and it still provides the same benefit.

Good point. Thanks

>> Q2.
>> Should the community consider bringing in cheap labour
>> to haul their water?
> No, bringing in a water hauler will not change the structure 
> only increase the cost (even if it is "cheap labor").

Nice. I like it.
I nominate you as my representative!

>> Q3,
>> Should the community levee a tax and use the tax to
>> pay the cheap labour to haul the water?
> Same as above, just makes the cost distributed through a political structure.
>> Q3.1
>>  If so, at what rate should Albert, Beverly, Charles
>> and Emily be taxed?
> Emily would call for a flat tax, citing that she uses the 
> same amount of water as everyone else.  The others would argue 
> a progressive tax.  Neither of which is ideal.

Yeah, I should actually sit down and try to plug Nash into this.

Thanks for playing! good comments!

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] socialism, taxes, economics, comments please.

2006-09-19 Thread Randall
Do all households use the same amount of water?  If not, what limits are 
placed on how much water a household can use in a day?

- Original Message - 
From: "Chip Mefford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 12:49 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] socialism, taxes, economics, comments please.

> DHAJOGLO wrote:
>> On Monday, September 18, 2006  1:16 PM, Chip Mefford wrote:
>>> Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2006 14:16:21 -0400
>>> From: Chip Mefford
>>> To:
>>> Subject: [Biofuel] socialism, taxes, economics, comments please.
>>> Spent a lot of hours behind the wheel these last few weeks.
>>> Q1.
>>> What is an hours labour worth in this community?
>> The "worth" of the water hour is the same to all.
>> While others may be able to "pay" someone else to fetch the water,
>> it still takes an hour and it still provides the same benefit.
> Good point. Thanks
>>> Q2.
>>> Should the community consider bringing in cheap labour
>>> to haul their water?
>> No, bringing in a water hauler will not change the structure
>> only increase the cost (even if it is "cheap labor").
> Nice. I like it.
> I nominate you as my representative!
>>> Q3,
>>> Should the community levee a tax and use the tax to
>>> pay the cheap labour to haul the water?
>> Same as above, just makes the cost distributed through a political 
>> structure.
>>> Q3.1
>>>  If so, at what rate should Albert, Beverly, Charles
>>> and Emily be taxed?
>> Emily would call for a flat tax, citing that she uses the
>> same amount of water as everyone else.  The others would argue
>> a progressive tax.  Neither of which is ideal.
> Yeah, I should actually sit down and try to plug Nash into this.
> Thanks for playing! good comments!
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 
> messages):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] socialism, taxes, economics, comments please.

2006-09-19 Thread Chip Mefford
Joe Street wrote:
> Chip;
> Ok big deal.  I didn't mean to be anal about the numbers, and now I
> realize the accuracy of the numbers is not really important to the
> discussion.
.  I don't think
> you will solve it by reorganizing the money.
> Joe


Now *THATS* what I call a comment!
Thanks for the input.

Some of my thoughts on this Very Simple Model.

One thought, everyone's time is worth the same.
 Albert values his life just as much as Emily, as
do Beverly and Charles.

An hour has no intrinsic value, it's just how
they spend their days.

Before Enlightenment;
 Chop wood, Carry water.
After Enlightenment;
 Chop wood, Carry water.

Another thought, everyone's time is valued very
differently, across our powers of 10 monetary
reward for services rendered.

Carrying water is a big waste of otherwise productive
time. Should bring in cheap labour to do the job.
A flat tax is called for. Albert chafes,
"I can carry my own weight (water), and this tax is
too much on my quite limited financial resources."
Emily is quite content.
A scheduled tax is called for. Emily chafes,
"Albert only has to pay X, so I should only have
to pay X. After all, an hour is an hour is an hour"
Never mind that Emily's billable hours
scale at one thousand times what Albert's are. In one
regard, Emily receives a benefit equal to one thousand times
the benefit that Albert receives.

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] socialism, taxes, economics, comments please.

2006-09-19 Thread Joe Street


Ok big deal.  I didn't mean to be anal about the numbers, and now I
realize the accuracy of the numbers is not really important to the
discussion. The relative proportions of the earnings are still the same
and the big questions are still unanswered and I think it will be
impossible to answer them unless we had a common perspective on what it
means to be a member of the society and how that society is expected to
work.  What is it about Emily that makes her worth 24 megabucks a
year?  Or should I be asking, what is it about the other members of her
society that makes them believe they should support her making that
much by being part of the machine which is earning that for her?
Especially if that machine is unsustainable. For sure there are people
of different levels of capability in terms of what they can offer to
the rest of the society, take the surgeon for example. We are so
indoctrinated into the idea that we should be compensated in proportion
to what our capabilities are, that we cannot see it any other way in
our society so these questions seem real. Is it realistic to look at it
from a perspective of time equals money?  Does this mean that if Emily
spends 3.6 seconds with the bucket she has made the same contribution
to her community as Albert spending a full hour with it?  It really
depends on what Emily can be up to during that time which you have
valued 1000 times more.  I wouldn't want to be lying somewhere with a
severed artery waiting 36 seconds for Charlie to come back from his
water duties. That could mean my life. How we assign value to things is
pivotal to what our society is and how it works, and what we expect
when we live in it.  Clearly currency has solved some of the problems
that plagued a barter type system but valuing everything in terms of
dollar doesn't work very well either IMHO. It's hard to imagine
reorganizing on some other principle at this stage though. I don't know
that alternatives which have worked well for small isolated societies
(I don't want to use the word primitive) could work on a larger scale
but certainly our 'first' world view could do with a little maturing.
So now have a look at Q1 -Q3.1 and notice that the questions are framed
within this paradigm of value which is already biased toward a subset
of answers and precludes other ideas which the paradigm does not even
allow.  Sorry I didn't answer any of them but I'm not sure they are the
right questions to be asking. I'm not really sure that a person is
entitled to more than they need but ask a bunch of people to define
need. LOL. Pyrimidal type structures require a lot of crap at the
bottom to serve as a foundation for the soaring hights of the pinnacle.
It sucks if you ask me. Good luck convincing the average joe to soar
just for the joy of soaring or do the dishes just for the dishes. We
are conditioned and indoctrinated to see the world through gain
coloured glasses.  It suits our evil human nature. That's why we're all
sinners don't you know.  ROFL.  I do believe it can be different but
what it will take to bring about the change remains to be seen.  I
don't think you will solve it by reorganizing the money.


Chip Mefford wrote:

  Joe Street wrote:
u well, 1 hr at $12.50/hr times 5 days a week times 48 weeks comes
to $3000.00 unless my calulator is is a microsoft thingie
after all. Assuming he dehydrates over the weekend and Christmas of course.



Ahh sheesh.

Here, I tried to build a Very Simple Model.

Key point, Very Simple.

There are 24 hours in a day,
everyone earns on a factor of 24,

the unit under debate is one hour.

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] socialism, taxes, economics, comments please.

2006-09-19 Thread DHAJOGLO

On Monday, September 18, 2006  1:16 PM, Chip Mefford wrote:
>Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2006 14:16:21 -0400
>From: Chip Mefford
>Subject: [Biofuel] socialism, taxes, economics, comments please.
>Spent a lot of hours behind the wheel these last few weeks.
>Driving from the 'services' economy of the greater mid-atlantic
>Washington DC USA region, through rural WV, and Pa, up through
>industrialized and agricultural southern Canada, down through
>agricultural and tourist economy of northern Michigan/UP...
>A model came to mind.
>A Very Simple Economic Model.
>Albert, the blacksmith.
>Earns the equiv of $24,000 US a year
>plying his trade.
>Beverly, the mortgage banker.
>Earns the equiv of $240,000 US a year,
>plying her trade.
>Charles, the surgeon,
>Earns the equiv of $2.400,000 US a year
>plying his trade
>Emily, the CEO,
>Earns the equiv of $24,000,000 US a year
>plying her trade.
>In this community, folks work 8 hours a day
>to fulfill their trade obligations, no more,
>no less.
>In this community, folks work 5 days a week
>to fulfill their trade obligations, no more,
>no less.
>In this community, folks work 48 weeks a year
>to fulfill their trade obligations, no more,
>no less.
>In this community where Albert, Beverly,
>Charles and Emily live, it takes 1 hour
>to go the communal well, and draw the
>water needed for the day, and haul it
>back to their respective domiciles.
>What is an hours labour worth in this community?

The "worth" of the water hour is the same to all.  While others may be able to 
"pay" someone else to fetch the water, it still takes an hour and it still 
provides the same benefit.

>Should the community consider bringing in cheap labour
>to haul their water?

No, bringing in a water hauler will not change the structure only increase the 
cost (even if it is "cheap labor").  

>Should the community levee a tax and use the tax to
>pay the cheap labour to haul the water?

Same as above, just makes the cost distributed through a political structure.

>  If so, at what rate should Albert, Beverly, Charles
>and Emily be taxed?

Emily would call for a flat tax, citing that she uses the same amount of water 
as everyone else.  The others would argue a progressive tax.  Neither of which 
is ideal.


The simple analysis, in my opinion, would not look at the water but look at the 
disparate nature of the economic structure...  If they all earned the same or 
if all but one earned the same the water equation would not change.  Thus, the 
water structure isn't a problem, it diverts attention from the problem.

>What is this hour devoted to drawing water worth?
>Since there are 24 hours in the day, and all the
>hours are spoken for, doing the regular stuff,
>like raising kids, cleaning house, working,
>fiddling about, and occasionally watching NFL
>or world cup rallye, the only reason to do offload
>the hauling of water duty would be to gain an extra
>hour of free time.
>So, to Albert, an hour of free time is essentially
>worth $1000 over a year. To Beverly, $10,000, to
>Charles $100,000 and to Emily $1,000,000.
>How does the Nash Equilibrium bear on this
>Somewhere, I'm sure this Very Simple Model is
>already addressed. If someone could point me to
>a paper, I'd greatly appreciate it.
>Comments please.
>Biofuel mailing list
>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] socialism, taxes, economics, comments please.

2006-09-19 Thread Randall
> Here, I tried to build a Very Simple Model.
> Key point, Very Simple.
> There are 24 hours in a day,
> everyone earns on a factor of 24,
> the unit under debate is one hour.

Paid by whom?  They are paid even for sleeping?

- Original Message - 
From: "Chip Mefford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 7:42 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] socialism, taxes, economics, comments please.

> Joe Street wrote:
>> u well, 1 hr at $12.50/hr times 5 days a week times 48 weeks comes
>> to $3000.00 unless my calulator is is a microsoft thingie
>> after all. Assuming he dehydrates over the weekend and Christmas of 
>> course.
>> Joe
> Ahh sheesh.
> Here, I tried to build a Very Simple Model.
> Key point, Very Simple.
> There are 24 hours in a day,
> everyone earns on a factor of 24,
> the unit under debate is one hour.
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 
> messages):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] socialism, taxes, economics, comments please.

2006-09-19 Thread Chip Mefford
Hey Mike, thanks for playing.

Mike Weaver wrote:

>> Q1.
>> What is an hours labour worth in this community?
> 1 hour of a person's time.  You're confusing the community obligations 
> with "work worth"


Hauling water isn't a community obligation, it's a personal obligation.
Keep the model simple.
The only time that is up for modification is work time.
In this Very Simple Model, if one person, (Keep it simple)
doesn't haul water, they drop dead or something.

If one is going to make 2 water hauls, one gives up an hour
of worktime. Therefore an extra water haul is one less
work hour.

Come on, it's a simple model.

> FWIW - labor to cut grass is about 15.00 hour here in Arlington VA.
>> Q2.
>> Should the community consider bringing in cheap labour
>> to haul their water?
> Depends.  Does communal work bind the community together?

It's not communal work.

The key point being, some folks *might* be willing to trade some
of their dollars in exchange for gaining a free hour to do something
else, like Tivo survivor or something.

>> Q3,
>> Should the community levee a tax and use the tax to
>> pay the cheap labour to haul the water?
> Towards what end?

Umm, to gain an hour of free time.

>> Q3.1
>>  If so, at what rate should Albert, Beverly, Charles
>> and Emily be taxed?
> By whom?

By Dinsdale the Hedgehog.

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] socialism, taxes, economics, comments please.

2006-09-19 Thread Chip Mefford
Joe Street wrote:
> u well, 1 hr at $12.50/hr times 5 days a week times 48 weeks comes
> to $3000.00 unless my calulator is is a microsoft thingie
> after all. Assuming he dehydrates over the weekend and Christmas of course.
> Joe

Ahh sheesh.

Here, I tried to build a Very Simple Model.

Key point, Very Simple.

There are 24 hours in a day,
everyone earns on a factor of 24,

the unit under debate is one hour.

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] socialism, taxes, economics, comments please.

2006-09-18 Thread Randall
A few questions:

Are non-wage earner family members able to help haul water? (ie. children, 
spouses, etc)

Does everyone live equally far from the community well?  If so, why?

What if someone "wants" to get excercise by getting their own water and not 
be taxed to have someone else do it for them?

Can someone pay another person (perhaps someone from outside the community) 
to fetch their own water, do lawn maintence, etc?

What do the people in the community do for water 2 days a week during their 
working weeks, and for the other 6 weeks when they are not working?

> Q1.
> What is an hours labour worth in this community?
A1:  I guess it depends on what is being done and by whom.

> Q2.
> Should the community consider bringing in cheap labour
> to haul their water?
A2:  No.  The community has obviously been functioning reasonably well with 
the current scheme for water collection and use.

> Q3,
> Should the community levee a tax and use the tax to
> pay the cheap labour to haul the water?
A3:No.  The community doesn't have the available free-time to fill out 
tax returns.

> Q3.1
>  If so, at what rate should Albert, Beverly, Charles
> and Emily be taxed?
A3.1:   It depends on what the person processing, collecting, and disbursing 
the funds collected is going to be paid and if anyone has the ability to 
opt-out and haul their own water.

- Original Message - 
From: "Chip Mefford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2006 2:16 PM
Subject: [Biofuel] socialism, taxes, economics, comments please.

> Spent a lot of hours behind the wheel these last few weeks.
> Driving from the 'services' economy of the greater mid-atlantic
> Washington DC USA region, through rural WV, and Pa, up through
> industrialized and agricultural southern Canada, down through
> agricultural and tourist economy of northern Michigan/UP...
> A model came to mind.
> A Very Simple Economic Model.
> -
> Albert, the blacksmith.
> Earns the equiv of $24,000 US a year
> plying his trade.
> Beverly, the mortgage banker.
> Earns the equiv of $240,000 US a year,
> plying her trade.
> Charles, the surgeon,
> Earns the equiv of $2.400,000 US a year
> plying his trade
> Emily, the CEO,
> Earns the equiv of $24,000,000 US a year
> plying her trade.
> In this community, folks work 8 hours a day
> to fulfill their trade obligations, no more,
> no less.
> In this community, folks work 5 days a week
> to fulfill their trade obligations, no more,
> no less.
> In this community, folks work 48 weeks a year
> to fulfill their trade obligations, no more,
> no less.
> In this community where Albert, Beverly,
> Charles and Emily live, it takes 1 hour
> to go the communal well, and draw the
> water needed for the day, and haul it
> back to their respective domiciles.
> ---
> Q1.
> What is an hours labour worth in this community?
> Q2.
> Should the community consider bringing in cheap labour
> to haul their water?
> Q3,
> Should the community levee a tax and use the tax to
> pay the cheap labour to haul the water?
> Q3.1
>  If so, at what rate should Albert, Beverly, Charles
> and Emily be taxed?
> Discussion.
> What is this hour devoted to drawing water worth?
> Since there are 24 hours in the day, and all the
> hours are spoken for, doing the regular stuff,
> like raising kids, cleaning house, working,
> fiddling about, and occasionally watching NFL
> or world cup rallye, the only reason to do offload
> the hauling of water duty would be to gain an extra
> hour of free time.
> So, to Albert, an hour of free time is essentially
> worth $1000 over a year. To Beverly, $10,000, to
> Charles $100,000 and to Emily $1,000,000.
> Discussion
> How does the Nash Equilibrium bear on this
> scenario?
> -
> Somewhere, I'm sure this Very Simple Model is
> already addressed. If someone could point me to
> a paper, I'd greatly appreciate it.
> Comments please.
> thanks.
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 
> messages):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] socialism, taxes, economics, comments please.

2006-09-18 Thread Mike Weaver

>A Very Simple Economic Model.
>Albert, the blacksmith.
>Earns the equiv of $24,000 US a year
>plying his trade.
>Beverly, the mortgage banker.
>Earns the equiv of $240,000 US a year,
>plying her trade.
>Charles, the surgeon,
>Earns the equiv of $2.400,000 US a year
>plying his trade
>Emily, the CEO,
>Earns the equiv of $24,000,000 US a year
>plying her trade.
>In this community, folks work 8 hours a day
>to fulfill their trade obligations, no more,
>no less.
>In this community, folks work 5 days a week
>to fulfill their trade obligations, no more,
>no less.
>In this community, folks work 48 weeks a year
>to fulfill their trade obligations, no more,
>no less.
>In this community where Albert, Beverly,
>Charles and Emily live, it takes 1 hour
>to go the communal well, and draw the
>water needed for the day, and haul it
>back to their respective domiciles.
>What is an hours labour worth in this community?
1 hour of a person's time.  You're confusing the community obligations 
with "work worth"
FWIW - labor to cut grass is about 15.00 hour here in Arlington VA.

>Should the community consider bringing in cheap labour
>to haul their water?
Depends.  Does communal work bind the community together?

>Should the community levee a tax and use the tax to
>pay the cheap labour to haul the water?
Towards what end?

>  If so, at what rate should Albert, Beverly, Charles
>and Emily be taxed?
By whom?

>What is this hour devoted to drawing water worth?
>Since there are 24 hours in the day, and all the
>hours are spoken for, doing the regular stuff,
>like raising kids, cleaning house, working,
>fiddling about, and occasionally watching NFL
>or world cup rallye, the only reason to do offload
>the hauling of water duty would be to gain an extra
>hour of free time.
>So, to Albert, an hour of free time is essentially
>worth $1000 over a year. To Beverly, $10,000, to
>Charles $100,000 and to Emily $1,000,000.
>How does the Nash Equilibrium bear on this
>Somewhere, I'm sure this Very Simple Model is
>already addressed. If someone could point me to
>a paper, I'd greatly appreciate it.
>Comments please.
>Biofuel mailing list
>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] socialism, taxes, economics, comments please.

2006-09-18 Thread Joe Street

u well, 1 hr at $12.50/hr times 5 days a week times 48 weeks comes
to $3000.00 unless my calulator is is a microsoft thingie
after all. Assuming he dehydrates over the weekend and Christmas of


Chip Mefford wrote:

  Joe Street wrote:
Hey Chip yer off by a factor of three there aren't you?


All 24 hours are spoken for.
Can't peel an hour from anywhere, and it's work
time that is at issue.

So, if Albert (the likely candidate, being lowest
on the payscale) were to trade an hour of his labour
for an extra hour of hauling water for Beverly,
he'd be trading $1000 of his time over a year,
saving Beverly one hour, or $10,000.


PS Emily makes too much! I think she's a witch.  BURN HER!

Need to check and see if she weighs the same as
a duck first, but assuming so, yeah, go for it!

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] socialism, taxes, economics, comments please.

2006-09-18 Thread Chip Mefford
Joe Street wrote:
> Hey Chip yer off by a factor of three there aren't you?


All 24 hours are spoken for.
Can't peel an hour from anywhere, and it's work
time that is at issue.

So, if Albert (the likely candidate, being lowest
on the payscale) were to trade an hour of his labour
for an extra hour of hauling water for Beverly,
he'd be trading $1000 of his time over a year,
saving Beverly one hour, or $10,000.

> Joe
> PS Emily makes too much! I think she's a witch.  BURN HER!

Need to check and see if she weighs the same as
a duck first, but assuming so, yeah, go for it!

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Re: [Biofuel] socialism, taxes, economics, comments please.

2006-09-18 Thread Joe Street
Hey Chip yer off by a factor of three there aren't you?


PS Emily makes too much! I think she's a witch.  BURN HER!

Chip Mefford wrote: 


>Albert, the blacksmith.
>Earns the equiv of $24,000 US a year
>plying his trade.
>In this community, folks work 8 hours a day
>to fulfill their trade obligations, no more,
>no less.
>In this community, folks work 5 days a week
>to fulfill their trade obligations, no more,
>no less.
>In this community, folks work 48 weeks a year
>to fulfill their trade obligations, no more,
>no less.
>In this community where Albert, Beverly,
>Charles and Emily live, it takes 1 hour
>to go the communal well, and draw the
>water needed for the day, and haul it
>back to their respective domiciles.
snip snip


>So, to Albert, an hour of free time is essentially
>worth $1000 over a year. To Beverly, $10,000, to
>Charles $100,000 and to Emily $1,000,000.
snip snip snip

>Comments please.

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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[Biofuel] socialism, taxes, economics, comments please.

2006-09-18 Thread Chip Mefford
Spent a lot of hours behind the wheel these last few weeks.
Driving from the 'services' economy of the greater mid-atlantic
Washington DC USA region, through rural WV, and Pa, up through
industrialized and agricultural southern Canada, down through
agricultural and tourist economy of northern Michigan/UP...

A model came to mind.

A Very Simple Economic Model.

Albert, the blacksmith.
Earns the equiv of $24,000 US a year
plying his trade.

Beverly, the mortgage banker.
Earns the equiv of $240,000 US a year,
plying her trade.

Charles, the surgeon,
Earns the equiv of $2.400,000 US a year
plying his trade

Emily, the CEO,
Earns the equiv of $24,000,000 US a year
plying her trade.

In this community, folks work 8 hours a day
to fulfill their trade obligations, no more,
no less.

In this community, folks work 5 days a week
to fulfill their trade obligations, no more,
no less.

In this community, folks work 48 weeks a year
to fulfill their trade obligations, no more,
no less.

In this community where Albert, Beverly,
Charles and Emily live, it takes 1 hour
to go the communal well, and draw the
water needed for the day, and haul it
back to their respective domiciles.


What is an hours labour worth in this community?

Should the community consider bringing in cheap labour
to haul their water?

Should the community levee a tax and use the tax to
pay the cheap labour to haul the water?
  If so, at what rate should Albert, Beverly, Charles
and Emily be taxed?


What is this hour devoted to drawing water worth?
Since there are 24 hours in the day, and all the
hours are spoken for, doing the regular stuff,
like raising kids, cleaning house, working,
fiddling about, and occasionally watching NFL
or world cup rallye, the only reason to do offload
the hauling of water duty would be to gain an extra
hour of free time.

So, to Albert, an hour of free time is essentially
worth $1000 over a year. To Beverly, $10,000, to
Charles $100,000 and to Emily $1,000,000.

How does the Nash Equilibrium bear on this


Somewhere, I'm sure this Very Simple Model is
already addressed. If someone could point me to
a paper, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Comments please.


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