Re: [Biofuel] bush and money.

2005-04-02 Thread stephan torak

tunnel and it is a train

Andrew  Tracey wrote:

I might be mistaken and probably are but it appears to me that now mr wolfowitz has his 
hands on a bottomless pit of money that he is going to give his buddy  ALL THAT IT 
TAKES to get rid of the baddies. When is the next election in the U.S.? It seems 
that there will be just enough time to duplicate the Iraq effort in Iran and N. Korea. 
Does anybody else think this is a possibility? or am i just paranoid. One way to achieve 
it would be to drive oil prices sky high so as to fill the coffers of your mates oil 
company's,then they in turn could produce more fuel reserves for just an action. But that 
couldn't be because that would mean the bosses have an alternative agenda to what they 
are telling all the gullible little people. The little back slapping bum licking bloke 
from Aust might just wake up to how he has been used. Well anyway i just thought i would 
air my paranoia. Keep your bomb shelters in order guys, cheers.  Andrew.
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Re: [Biofuel] bush and money.

2005-04-02 Thread Rick Littrell

The presidential election is in four years but the off election for 
congress is in two years and there will be a chance to weaken the 
Republican power in the congress at that time.  It gives us something to 
work for anyway. 

I suspect the role of Wolfowitz will be to assist international 
corporations in securing favorable (to them) deals in developing nations 
that will be to the detriment of the citizens of those nations and to 
use the power of the bank to pressure countries the administration 
doesn't like such as Venezuela to cooperate or change their government.  

I don't think the administration is going to go to war again for a long 
time.  Iran is not Iraq.  The government has much more popular support 
and a much stronger army than Iraq.  North Korea has nuclear weapons and 
if it looked like they were losing they might just use them out of 
desperation though I doubt they would start a war with them.   Unless 
the administration is willing to impose a draft, we are in no position 
to invade another country at this point and a draft would virtually 
eliminate the Republican party's chances in any future election.  There 
are serious manpower shortages in all of the services. 

This is a government with little understanding or interest in the 
outside world beyond what they can exploit and a naive belief that 
everyone wants to be just like us if only their leaders would let them.  
Remember Wolfowitz actually believed that the Iraqis would not openly 
welcome us for liberating them but would love to pay us out of their 
oil revenue for doing so.  Bush's approval rating continues to decline 
and he is having more and more difficulty domestically with his base.  
His initiatives have not been received well and his alleged mandate is 
fading fast.


Andrew  Tracey wrote:

I might be mistaken and probably are but it appears to me that now mr wolfowitz has his 
hands on a bottomless pit of money that he is going to give his buddy  ALL THAT IT 
TAKES to get rid of the baddies. When is the next election in the U.S.? It seems 
that there will be just enough time to duplicate the Iraq effort in Iran and N. Korea. 
Does anybody else think this is a possibility? or am i just paranoid. One way to achieve 
it would be to drive oil prices sky high so as to fill the coffers of your mates oil 
company's,then they in turn could produce more fuel reserves for just an action. But that 
couldn't be because that would mean the bosses have an alternative agenda to what they 
are telling all the gullible little people. The little back slapping bum licking bloke 
from Aust might just wake up to how he has been used. Well anyway i just thought i would 
air my paranoia. Keep your bomb shelters in order guys, cheers.  Andrew.
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RE: [Biofuel] bush and money.

2005-04-01 Thread Tom Irwin

Hi All,

I think it is far worse than even you picture it. But damn it's Friday and I
will not go home today depressed. I'll write more when I'm more
energetically pissed off.


-Original Message-
From: Andrew  Tracey
Sent: 3/31/05 8:34 PM
Subject: [Biofuel] bush and money.

I might be mistaken and probably are but it appears to me that now mr
wolfowitz has his hands on a bottomless pit of money that he is going to
give his buddy  ALL THAT IT TAKES to get rid of the baddies. When is
the next election in the U.S.? It seems that there will be just enough
time to duplicate the Iraq effort in Iran and N. Korea. Does anybody
else think this is a possibility? or am i just paranoid. One way to
achieve it would be to drive oil prices sky high so as to fill the
coffers of your mates oil company's,then they in turn could produce more
fuel reserves for just an action. But that couldn't be because that
would mean the bosses have an alternative agenda to what they are
telling all the gullible little people. The little back slapping bum
licking bloke from Aust might just wake up to how he has been used. Well
anyway i just thought i would air my paranoia. Keep your bomb shelters
in order guys, cheers.  Andrew.
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