Re: Fwd: Re: Fwd: Re [Biofuel] "Let Them Eat Rocket Fuel"John Guttridge

2005-02-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello Keith, I used the words of the same author that Bob
Allen and Hakan used to have their say with me! Gosh, I
guess that it can get out of hand so quickly! I wasn't
demeaning the list but, it seems to me that you and several
others have taken great offense. Just as I had by Mr.
Guttridge's comment!  Was this enough ? Sincerly, Kim
- Original Message Follows -
> Hello Kim
> Hmm...
> >Keith, I'm sorry to see that you take my response using
> "jk >gasbag" at his word !
> You said it.
> >I'm just wondering if you in turn have
> >written to others about the continued rundown of anyone
> who >has a basic belief in GOD JESUS, United States of
> America >Etc ?
> Huh? What are you talking about? My message to you was
> about your  sneering at the freedom of discussion on this
> list, nothing else,  it's not possible to read anything
> else into it because nothing else  is there. Yet that is
> what you've done. I think you have a problem.
> This is what I said to you - it's below, though you cut
> it: I  reinstated it, but I think I'd better put it above
> too:
> >>>Bob & Hakan, "Much literary criticism comes from people
> for >>>whom extreme specialization is a cover for either
> grave >>>cerebal inadequacy or terminal laziness, the
> latter being a >>>much cherished aspect of academic
> freedom. JKG Thanks for >>>your reply, Kim
> >>
> >>What's that supposed to mean, Kim? There is freedom of
> discussion  >>at this list, it's something that has been
> established, built and  >>maintained over five years, and
> many of us set great store by it.  >>Are you saying that
> it's just terminal laziness, a cherished aspect  >>of
> academic freedom??? Because that it sure as hell isn't,
> other  >>than "cherished" perhaps. There's nothing merely
> academic about it,  >>and it's the very opposite of
> laziness - it's rigorous, as it has  >>to be else it would
> quickly succumb to the lowest common  >>denominator, which
> has happened elsewhere, but not here. Kindly  >>explain
> yourself.
> Hakan had said this:
> >>> > Since we many times enjoyed the freedom of
> discussion, I >>> > guess that we have to accept this kind
> of voodoo also.
> And you sneered at it. That's what my message to you was
> about, and  that's ALL it was about. It has NOTHING to do
> with your "continued  rundown of anyone who has a basic
> belief in GOD JESUS, United States  of America, etc",
> which is in the eye of the beholder and nowhere  else -
> not in my message to you and certainly not in the
> archives.
> Dave Shaw is an American, and he just wrote this:
> >Thank you Keith for reassuring all that we are welcome. I
> have certainly >been guilty of reacting to statements that
> I read as anti-American, only >to reread the further and
> find that the statement was of different >intent. It was I
> who was reading anti-American sentiments. How funny. >This
> is another important lesson that has been learned over the
> years, >and I largely credit this list for speeding up
> that learning process.
> I've just written this:
> >I don't think the system in the US is a good reflection
> of who you  >are as a people, you're much better than your
> system, and I think  >most people sense that in
> differentiating between Americans and  >Washington.
> And this, the day before:
> >Still, as I've said here a few times before, despite
> various foolish  >accusations of America-bashing and
> America hating (baseless  >slander), I still look to
> Americans to lead the way in countering  >this, and to
> take their country back. I'm sure I'm not alone here in 
> >thinking this way. Many of the most tireless and
> effective  >campaigners are indeed Americans, in this as
> in many other most  >pressing issues challenging the world
> today. In spite of everything,  >it's MUCH too soon to
> write them off as a lost cause. Washington,  >now... well,
> that's another matter.
> If you can't see the difference, that's your problem
> (another one).  There is no America-bashing here. There is
> CERTAINLY no Jesus-bashing  here! Good grief!
> >When I arrived here I was under the auspice that I was
> >fortunate enough to find a forum that won't have the
> typical >retrograde stances that you state that this forum
> shouldn't >have.   My first day here I was treated to some
> amazing >bashing of America !
> Nonsense. See the quote from Dave Shaw again: he can see
> it, you  can't. Why are you being blind? Shouldn't you ask
> yourself that?
> >I know that my country is a mess (look
> >at my first posting about "fuel" and look at my opinion
> >about the leadership)!
> Unless I'm much mistaken, your first post here was about a
> Briquette  press, your second was about Luc's processor,
> and your third about  abortions.
> Uh, you mean "What's all this off-topic political crap got
> to do with  biofuels?" LOL!
> Please

Re: Fwd: Re [Biofuel] "Let Them Eat Rocket Fuel"John Guttridge

2005-02-04 Thread robert luis rabello


This is interesting. I think that this is what really gets me about 
Christianity in general is the feeling that I am being pushed to repent 
for something that I do not believe to be sinful. as you point out here 
it is often the case that I am not being pushed into anything. I also 
frequently feel like I am being judged for my beliefs, (this man is a 
mirror) probably as I judge others I presume they must also judge me.

	I have a similar problem.  However, I think it was Plato who wrote: 
"The unexamined life is not worth living."  If "man is the measure of 
all things" (Protagorus, right?), your comment about the reflection of 
yourself in others is interesting.

there are a few other details though that I can't let fly, but they are 
not indemic to Christianity (homophobia and other forms of intolerance 
are an example) but are frequent symptoms so one tends to form an 
association. probably not fair, I apologize for pigeonholing.

	You were not the one who raised my hackles.  I understand what you're 
saying about intolerance.

With respect to the John Guttridge article, 

why is this the john guttridge article? I didn't write it, someone 
misinterpreted my comments about hypocrisy. whatever :)

	It's the "John Guttridge" article because your name appears in the 
thread's header.  I didn't intend to imply that you'd written the 
article, only that you'd posted it.  I've done a pretty poor job of 
communicating here in the last day or so.

I have to say that having a respectful conversation with someone who you 
disagree strongly with can be trying at times. the problem is that when 
the egos start to get involved people stop talking about what their 
words are about and very little gets accomplished. this tends to be a 
trap one falls into when they feel something that they care about deeply 
is being questioned, especially if it is something that they have some 
question about themselves.

Well stated, sir.

robert luis rabello
"The Edge of Justice"
Adventure for Your Mind>

Ranger Supercharger Project Page

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Re: Fwd: Re: Fwd: Re [Biofuel] "Let Them Eat Rocket Fuel"John Guttridge

2005-02-04 Thread robert luis rabello

Keith, I'm sorry to see that you take my response using "jk
gasbag" at his word ! I'm just wondering if you in turn have
written to others about the continued rundown of anyone who
has a basic belief in GOD JESUS, United States of America
Etc ?

	Nobody runs me down.  I believe Jesus IS God, and I'm an American. 
This is a diverse list and we have NO topic police here.  I believe 
you are misunderstanding what other people have written.

robert luis rabello
"The Edge of Justice"
Adventure for Your Mind>

Ranger Supercharger Project Page

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: Re: Fwd: Re [Biofuel] "Let Them Eat Rocket Fuel"John Guttridge

2005-02-04 Thread Appal Energy

Just kidding. It's only the clique phrase "get over it" that's become so 
synonymous with republicans and their myopias that might give any hint as to 
what cloth you're persuasion is cut from. Well, that and the excessive use 
of caps in proper names. That should be God with one cap and Jesus with 
another. Either the cap lock on your keyboard got stuck or you're screaming.

FYI, some of us who once thumped the bible heavily have found that the best 
use for it these days is to thump (to be read "whallup hard") on the heads 
of those who would try and cram their beliefs down the throats of others. I 
don't remember the chapter or verse where Jesus accosted anyone with the 
intent to force feed them until they either aspirated or capitulated.

As for US of A bashing? Some of us are just sick and tired of seeing a 
country (supposedly "our" country) stumble around arrogantly while its 
trousers are wrapped around its ankles. You'd think that even a republican 
"leadership" (said with tongue in cheek) would know that. Then again,  I 
guess not.

Todd Swearingen

- Original Message - 

Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2005 1:55 PM
Subject: Fwd: Re: Fwd: Re [Biofuel] "Let Them Eat Rocket Fuel"John Guttridge

Keith, I'm sorry to see that you take my response using "jk
gasbag" at his word ! I'm just wondering if you in turn have
written to others about the continued rundown of anyone who
has a basic belief in GOD JESUS, United States of America
Etc ? When I arrived here I was under the auspice that I was
fortunate enough to find a forum that won't have the typical
retrograde stances that you state that this forum shouldn't
have.   My first day here I was treated to some amazing
bashing of America !  I know that my country is a mess (look
at my first posting about "fuel" and look at my opinion
about the leadership)! SO GET OVER IT AND LET'S TALK ABOUT
WHAT THIS IS SUPPOSTED TO BE !? When I gave you my interest
in this forum I thought that you stated that it would be
really good to stick to the biofuel interests in the forum
perimeters ?  I can go to hundreds of websites that are
great to vent whatever ! But, I won't sit by anymore and let
people throw out platant all encompassing trash about
something (right to life) that didn't need to be here.  If
this is unacceptable to you and the rest of the forum than I
apologize(I apologize if it is acceptable or not) for my
having the nerve to write my feelings. Thank you for your
time and consideration, Kim Wilde someone who uses my delete
button constantly.
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: Fwd: Re [Biofuel] "Let Them Eat Rocket Fuel"John Guttridge

2005-02-04 Thread Hakan Falk

Ooops, Peter,

This is a circular argument in, as many says i US, a Catch 22 situation. LOL


At 03:08 AM 2/4/2005, you wrote:

Hi Luc ;

> > there are a few other details though that I can't
> let fly, but they are
> > not indemic to Christianity (homophobia and other
> forms of intolerance are
> > an example)

What amazes me is how intolerant the people preaching
tolerance are to anyone who is intolerant.

Best Regards,

Peter G.

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: Fwd: Re [Biofuel] "Let Them Eat Rocket Fuel"John Guttridge

2005-02-04 Thread Guag Meister

Hi Luc ;

> > there are a few other details though that I can't
> let fly, but they are 
> > not indemic to Christianity (homophobia and other
> forms of intolerance are 
> > an example) 

What amazes me is how intolerant the people preaching
tolerance are to anyone who is intolerant. 

Best Regards,

Peter G.

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Re: Fwd: Re [Biofuel] "Let Them Eat Rocket Fuel"John Guttridge

2005-02-04 Thread Legal Eagle

Here's a interesting summary for you. You are a free moral agent, the way 
you were created, whether or not you belive that, and you and you alone can 
make decisions that you will have to live with, no one else can make or push 
you into making.
There are those of us here that are Christians, and, regardless of whether 
or not you like it, we are not ashamed of that belief, nor should we be.
On the same side of the same coin there are also others here who do not 
adhere to the basic Christian belief system, and if the only example is the 
neo-con American style of it, it is most understandable, however that does 
not hinder us from conducting a useful and meaningful dialogue that brings 
us all closer in our chosen ventures.
Most animosity that comes from an experience with someone in the Christian 
faith is that these same do not understand the devine principple of the 
Majesty of Choice and to simply live within the rhelm of those who have 
exercised that majesty letting things  go at that. You don't believe what I 
do? So what, that is your right. It is also my right to believe it without 
denigration or condesention.
I have much more issue with the neo-con so-called zionist christian than I 
do with someone who has, of his/her free will, chosen a religious (and 
everyone has one, it only remains to define what that form of worship is) 
avenue that is different to mine. i personally find more in common with true 
Islamic Muslims than I do with so-called American style neo-con so-called 
christian, however both groups have their problems with misinterpretation of 
what their respective "Holy Books" say. Some out of ignorance, others out of 
a pre-determined agenda.
Be definition a "phobia" is :  an exaggerated usually inexplicable and 
illogical fear of a particular object, class of objects, or situation - 
Webter's Dictionary.
I do not have a "phobia" about homosexuallity, I merely believe that it is 
repulsive. I do not fear it, I disdain it, there is a difference. Spiders 
are another matter, I am arachnaphobic, to a point :-) Move too fast, too 
often, creepy ... and in Australia HUGE !
Homosexuals, just like the rest of humanity, have utilised their God-given 
(yes, in the way I see it) Majesty of Choice and have adopted that way of 
life. Whatever. Fine, just don't expect me to adhere to it, encourage it, 
agree to it ect. It repulses me, simple, but then that is me and I have 
exercised my own Majesty of Choice to get there.
Do I refuse to have conversations with people I know are homosexual ? No. I 
said it before, I am in no phobia/fear of their choices.I do not have to 
answer for it, I answer for myself, as do we all. There is no group 
accountability, there is only individual responsibility. And the same is 
said of any position in life.
You choose to commit "sin", you answer for it. Almost every legal system in 
the world opperates on this principle, to a differing success rate.
All that to say this; you and you alone are responsible for the choices you 
make, no one else.


- Original Message - 
From: "John Guttridge" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2005 2:26 PM
Subject: Re: Fwd: Re [Biofuel] "Let Them Eat Rocket Fuel"John Guttridge


Robert Luis Rabello wrote:

Who is trying to proselytize you, sir?  I've not read a single 
message in this forum urging you to repent of your sins, or repudiate 
your atheism.  Perhaps that's what you believe we're trying to do; 
further illustrating my point that "reality" absolutely depends on the 
perspective of the individual.

This is interesting. I think that this is what really gets me about 
Christianity in general is the feeling that I am being pushed to repent 
for something that I do not believe to be sinful. as you point out here it 
is often the case that I am not being pushed into anything. I also 
frequently feel like I am being judged for my beliefs, (this man is a 
mirror) probably as I judge others I presume they must also judge me.

there are a few other details though that I can't let fly, but they are 
not indemic to Christianity (homophobia and other forms of intolerance are 
an example) but are frequent symptoms so one tends to form an association. 
probably not fair, I apologize for pigeonholing.

With respect to the John Guttridge article,

why is this the john guttridge article? I didn't write it, someone 
misinterpreted my comments about hypocrisy. whatever :)

my belief in God
inspires a sense of stewardship over his creation.  This is what 
motivates my interest in environmental causes, and it's perfectly 
acceptable that you don't agree with my understanding.  You and I can 
arrive at the same conclusion from different points of view; a 
strengthening influence for both of us.

I have to say that having a res

Re: Fwd: Re: Fwd: Re [Biofuel] "Let Them Eat Rocket Fuel"John Guttridge

2005-02-03 Thread Hakan Falk


This list has members from over 100 countries, as Keith often
like to point out. It probably also have members from at least
3 basic religions and numerous variations of them. The only
ones who repeatedly involve as superior credentials their country
and Christianity as some superior religion, are the Americans.

No wonder that they are challenged on both accounts and
this especially with the foreign policies that their country stands
for. Their country that officially have freedom of speech and
freedom of religion, prove from time to time how little it means
for some Americans.

The only thing Bob actually did, was to tell you that as
arguments, your personal basic Christian beliefs was completely
irrelevant and you were intimidating and that this did not work
on him. I also told you that this did not work on me either. Since
this was your only arguments for the case you brought forward,
please try to find some more relevant ones.

If you search for a Christian forum or want to make us to
be Christians, your are in the wrong place. Your  references to
religion and nationality, make you more of a Sandwich woman,
than somebody with reasonable arguments.

If you wanted to discuss right of life, then do that and also
remember that you are living in one of the few countries that
belive in the basic right of taking life. You also have the rights
to have feelings and express them, it is also others right to
have feelings about what you are saying and express them.
It was said that somebody had a lack of respect, I cannot
really judge which one.


At 07:55 PM 2/3/2005, you wrote:

Keith, I'm sorry to see that you take my response using "jk
gasbag" at his word ! I'm just wondering if you in turn have
written to others about the continued rundown of anyone who
has a basic belief in GOD JESUS, United States of America
Etc ? When I arrived here I was under the auspice that I was
fortunate enough to find a forum that won't have the typical
retrograde stances that you state that this forum shouldn't
have.   My first day here I was treated to some amazing
bashing of America !  I know that my country is a mess (look
at my first posting about "fuel" and look at my opinion
about the leadership)! SO GET OVER IT AND LET'S TALK ABOUT
WHAT THIS IS SUPPOSTED TO BE !? When I gave you my interest
in this forum I thought that you stated that it would be
really good to stick to the biofuel interests in the forum
perimeters ?  I can go to hundreds of websites that are
great to vent whatever ! But, I won't sit by anymore and let
people throw out platant all encompassing trash about
something (right to life) that didn't need to be here.  If
this is unacceptable to you and the rest of the forum than I
apologize(I apologize if it is acceptable or not) for my
having the nerve to write my feelings. Thank you for your
time and consideration, Kim Wilde someone who uses my delete
button constantly.

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: Fwd: Re: Fwd: Re [Biofuel] "Let Them Eat Rocket Fuel"John Guttridge

2005-02-03 Thread Keith Addison


Keith, I'm sorry to see that you take my response using "jk
gasbag" at his word !

You said it.

I'm just wondering if you in turn have
written to others about the continued rundown of anyone who
has a basic belief in GOD JESUS, United States of America
Etc ?

Huh? What are you talking about? My message to you was about your 
sneering at the freedom of discussion on this list, nothing else, 
it's not possible to read anything else into it because nothing else 
is there. Yet that is what you've done. I think you have a problem.

This is what I said to you - it's below, though you cut it: I 
reinstated it, but I think I'd better put it above too:

Bob & Hakan, "Much literary criticism comes from people for
whom extreme specialization is a cover for either grave
cerebal inadequacy or terminal laziness, the latter being a
much cherished aspect of academic freedom. JKG Thanks for
your reply, Kim

What's that supposed to mean, Kim? There is freedom of discussion 
at this list, it's something that has been established, built and 
maintained over five years, and many of us set great store by it. 
Are you saying that it's just terminal laziness, a cherished aspect 
of academic freedom??? Because that it sure as hell isn't, other 
than "cherished" perhaps. There's nothing merely academic about it, 
and it's the very opposite of laziness - it's rigorous, as it has 
to be else it would quickly succumb to the lowest common 
denominator, which has happened elsewhere, but not here. Kindly 
explain yourself.

Hakan had said this:

> Since we many times enjoyed the freedom of discussion, I
> guess that we have to accept this kind of voodoo also.

And you sneered at it. That's what my message to you was about, and 
that's ALL it was about. It has NOTHING to do with your "continued 
rundown of anyone who has a basic belief in GOD JESUS, United States 
of America, etc", which is in the eye of the beholder and nowhere 
else - not in my message to you and certainly not in the archives.

Dave Shaw is an American, and he just wrote this:

Thank you Keith for reassuring all that we are welcome. I have certainly
been guilty of reacting to statements that I read as anti-American, only
to reread the further and find that the statement was of different
intent. It was I who was reading anti-American sentiments. How funny.
This is another important lesson that has been learned over the years,
and I largely credit this list for speeding up that learning process.

I've just written this:

I don't think the system in the US is a good reflection of who you 
are as a people, you're much better than your system, and I think 
most people sense that in differentiating between Americans and 

And this, the day before:

Still, as I've said here a few times before, despite various foolish 
accusations of America-bashing and America hating (baseless 
slander), I still look to Americans to lead the way in countering 
this, and to take their country back. I'm sure I'm not alone here in 
thinking this way. Many of the most tireless and effective 
campaigners are indeed Americans, in this as in many other most 
pressing issues challenging the world today. In spite of everything, 
it's MUCH too soon to write them off as a lost cause. Washington, 
now... well, that's another matter.

If you can't see the difference, that's your problem (another one). 
There is no America-bashing here. There is CERTAINLY no Jesus-bashing 
here! Good grief!

When I arrived here I was under the auspice that I was
fortunate enough to find a forum that won't have the typical
retrograde stances that you state that this forum shouldn't
have.   My first day here I was treated to some amazing
bashing of America !

Nonsense. See the quote from Dave Shaw again: he can see it, you 
can't. Why are you being blind? Shouldn't you ask yourself that?

I know that my country is a mess (look
at my first posting about "fuel" and look at my opinion
about the leadership)!

Unless I'm much mistaken, your first post here was about a Briquette 
press, your second was about Luc's processor, and your third about 


Uh, you mean "What's all this off-topic political crap got to do with 
biofuels?" LOL!

Please see these previous messages (there are others), and refer to 
the links posted there:

Also see the List rules about "Rights and obligations" and "Open 
discussion", and the "Note" at the end.

Please DO do that.

When I gave you my interest
in this forum I thought that you stated that it would be
really good to stick to the biofuel interests in the forum
perimeters ?

I said that? Nope. Tell me where I said that - give me the exact 
quote and the reference, please. Don't ignore this: tell me where I 
said that.

I can go to hundreds of websites that are
great to vent whate

Re: Fwd: Re [Biofuel] "Let Them Eat Rocket Fuel"John Guttridge

2005-02-03 Thread John Guttridge

Robert Luis Rabello wrote:

Who is trying to proselytize you, sir?  I've not read a single 
message in this forum urging you to repent of your sins, or repudiate 
your atheism.  Perhaps that's what you believe we're trying to do; 
further illustrating my point that "reality" absolutely depends on the 
perspective of the individual.

This is interesting. I think that this is what really gets me about 
Christianity in general is the feeling that I am being pushed to repent 
for something that I do not believe to be sinful. as you point out here 
it is often the case that I am not being pushed into anything. I also 
frequently feel like I am being judged for my beliefs, (this man is a 
mirror) probably as I judge others I presume they must also judge me.

there are a few other details though that I can't let fly, but they are 
not indemic to Christianity (homophobia and other forms of intolerance 
are an example) but are frequent symptoms so one tends to form an 
association. probably not fair, I apologize for pigeonholing.

With respect to the John Guttridge article, 

why is this the john guttridge article? I didn't write it, someone 
misinterpreted my comments about hypocrisy. whatever :)

my belief in God
inspires a sense of stewardship over his creation.  This is what 
motivates my interest in environmental causes, and it's perfectly 
acceptable that you don't agree with my understanding.  You and I can 
arrive at the same conclusion from different points of view; a 
strengthening influence for both of us.

I have to say that having a respectful conversation with someone who you 
disagree strongly with can be trying at times. the problem is that when 
the egos start to get involved people stop talking about what their 
words are about and very little gets accomplished. this tends to be a 
trap one falls into when they feel something that they care about deeply 
is being questioned, especially if it is something that they have some 
question about themselves.

Joy, Peace, and Respect,
John Guttridge

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Fwd: Re: Fwd: Re [Biofuel] "Let Them Eat Rocket Fuel"John Guttridge

2005-02-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Keith, I'm sorry to see that you take my response using "jk
gasbag" at his word ! I'm just wondering if you in turn have
written to others about the continued rundown of anyone who
has a basic belief in GOD JESUS, United States of America
Etc ? When I arrived here I was under the auspice that I was
fortunate enough to find a forum that won't have the typical
retrograde stances that you state that this forum shouldn't
have.   My first day here I was treated to some amazing
bashing of America !  I know that my country is a mess (look
at my first posting about "fuel" and look at my opinion
about the leadership)! SO GET OVER IT AND LET'S TALK ABOUT
WHAT THIS IS SUPPOSTED TO BE !? When I gave you my interest
in this forum I thought that you stated that it would be
really good to stick to the biofuel interests in the forum
perimeters ?  I can go to hundreds of websites that are
great to vent whatever ! But, I won't sit by anymore and let
people throw out platant all encompassing trash about
something (right to life) that didn't need to be here.  If
this is unacceptable to you and the rest of the forum than I
apologize(I apologize if it is acceptable or not) for my
having the nerve to write my feelings. Thank you for your
time and consideration, Kim Wilde someone who uses my delete
button constantly.
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: Fwd: Re [Biofuel] "Let Them Eat Rocket Fuel"John Guttridge

2005-02-03 Thread Keith Addison

perspective? Or at least an animist or two? For one thing:

The term Voodoo (Vodun in Benin; also Vodou or other phonetically 
equivalent spellings in Haiti; Vudu in the Dominican Republic) is 
applied to the branches of a West African ancestor-based religious 
tradition with primary roots among the Fon-Ewe peoples of West 
Africa, in the country now known as Benin, formerly the Kingdom of 
Dahomey, where Vodun is today the national religion of more than 7 
million people.

So if you're going to show some respect, please be even-handed about it.

On the other hand, Bob, I have to agree with your sig: "Born just 
fine the first time." You used to have a Zappa quote in that sig, 
didn't you? Been listening to "You are what you is" recently? :-)



bob allen wrote:
And Howdy to you too Luc,  Actually I feel my position is much more 
respectful than a lot of the theists out there.

	You aren't outright rude, but respectful is not a word I 
would use to characterize your posts.

If a person wants to believe in the supernatural that is his or her 
business.  but how does that help us in our discussions?  The 
problem with the suspension of reality is it goes no where.

	But that all depends on the paradigm through which you view 
reality.  If my perspective seems as silly to you as does yours to 
me, then we can agree to disagree.  The discussion is furthered when 
we arrive at a greater understanding of one another.  Summarily 
dismissing a belief in God as "voodoo" certainly does not aid in 
sharpening anyone's mind.

>Anything is

possible, nothing is possible.
In the future I will try to restrain myself , but I reserve the 
right to take a swipe at the proselytizers once in awhile.  :0)

	Who is trying to proselytize you, sir?  I've not read a 
single message in this forum urging you to repent of your sins, or 
repudiate your atheism.  Perhaps that's what you believe we're 
trying to do; further illustrating my point that "reality" 
absolutely depends on the perspective of the individual.  If you 
think this is happening, I beg to differ.  The only action I have 
witnessed from you around here is the exercise of your "right' to 
"take a swipe" at people you think are proselytizers.

	With respect to the John Guttridge article, my belief in God 
inspires a sense of stewardship over his creation.  This is what 
motivates my interest in environmental causes, and it's perfectly 
acceptable that you don't agree with my understanding.  You and I 
can arrive at the same conclusion from different points of view; a 
strengthening influence for both of us.  If you can't comprehend 
this, then why participate in the discourse at all?

robert luis rabello
"The Edge of Justice"
Adventure for Your Mind>

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Re: Fwd: Re [Biofuel] "Let Them Eat Rocket Fuel"John Guttridge

2005-02-03 Thread robert luis rabello

And Howdy to you too Luc,  Actually I feel my position is much more 
respectful than a lot of the theists out there.

	You aren't outright rude, but respectful is not a word I would use to 
characterize your posts.

If a person wants to believe in the supernatural that is his or her 
business.  but how does that help us in our discussions?  The problem 
with the suspension of reality is it goes no where.

	But that all depends on the paradigm through which you view reality. 
 If my perspective seems as silly to you as does yours to me, then we 
can agree to disagree.  The discussion is furthered when we arrive at 
a greater understanding of one another.  Summarily dismissing a belief 
in God as "voodoo" certainly does not aid in sharpening anyone's mind.

 >Anything is

possible, nothing is possible.
In the future I will try to restrain myself , but I reserve the right to 
take a swipe at the proselytizers once in awhile.  :0)

	Who is trying to proselytize you, sir?  I've not read a single 
message in this forum urging you to repent of your sins, or repudiate 
your atheism.  Perhaps that's what you believe we're trying to do; 
further illustrating my point that "reality" absolutely depends on the 
perspective of the individual.  If you think this is happening, I beg 
to differ.  The only action I have witnessed from you around here is 
the exercise of your "right' to "take a swipe" at people you think are 

	With respect to the John Guttridge article, my belief in God inspires 
a sense of stewardship over his creation.  This is what motivates my 
interest in environmental causes, and it's perfectly acceptable that 
you don't agree with my understanding.  You and I can arrive at the 
same conclusion from different points of view; a strengthening 
influence for both of us.  If you can't comprehend this, then why 
participate in the discourse at all?

robert luis rabello
"The Edge of Justice"
Adventure for Your Mind>

Ranger Supercharger Project Page

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: Fwd: Re [Biofuel] "Let Them Eat Rocket Fuel"John Guttridge

2005-02-03 Thread bob allen

respectful than a lot of the theists out there.  I bet that a keyword 
search on god  with a capital  G comes up a whole lot more than voodoo.  
If a person wants to believe in the supernatural that is his or her 
business.  but how does that help us in our discussions?  The problem 
with the suspension of reality is it goes no where. Anything is 
possible, nothing is possible. 

In the future I will try to restrain myself , but I reserve the right to 
take a swipe at the proselytizers once in awhile.  :0)

Legal Eagle wrote:

G'day Bob;
Perhaps a moment to learn a little respect for beliefs other than your 
own might be in order.Or, should others treat you the way you treat them?

- Original Message - From: "bob allen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2005 8:42 AM
Subject: Re: Fwd: Re [Biofuel] "Let Them Eat Rocket Fuel"John Guttridge


Bob Allen,   
Born just fine the first time. 

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Re: Fwd: Re: [Biofuel] "Let Them Eat Rocket Fuel"John Guttridge

2005-02-02 Thread Appal Energy

No. Theoretically there's nothing wrong with money, only what it might 
represent - how a person acquires it and what one does with it.

I don't believe that anyone who gives much thought to the matter will find 
that "the love of money is the root (sole source) of all evil." Theological 
scholars would probably relay that something was lost in the translation, 
with money becoming the metaphoric medium for evil as barter and exchange of 
one's own talents were replaced with more "universal" systems of currency.

Gratifying one's own wants, ego and id over the basic existance and needs of 
others is probably a lot closer to "the root of all evil." Everything else 
just happens to be fruit from the same tree. Apparently that was too much to 
put on a bumper sticker when the King James was last revised.

"They" did have it largely right when the Seven Deadly Sins were penned. 
Note could be made that all are extremes of their own spectrums.

Pride, Avarice/Greed, Envy, Wrath/Anger, Lust, Gluttony and Sloth

Even their opposites - Humility, Generosity, Love, Kindness, Self Control, 
Temperance and Zeal - must necessarily be tempered with a focus on the needs 
and greater good of others. Elsewise they become nothing more than 
destructive manifestations of their counterparts.

Mohandas Gandhi was probably perfectly center on with his Seven Deadly Sins. 
One could note that they don't necessarily apply to the individual, becoming 
societal in context. Many would prefer not to look in either direction.

Wealth without Work
Pleasure without Conscience
Science without Humanity
Knowledge without Character
Politics without Principle
Commerce without Morality
Worship without Sacrifice

Like I said, all a bit more winded than a sound bite that will fit on a 
bumper sticker...

Todd Swearingen

- Original Message - 
From: "Legal Eagle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2005 10:14 PM
Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: [Biofuel] "Let Them Eat Rocket Fuel"John Guttridge

G'day Todd;
Nice to see you are well. What has been most misquoted is "Money is the 
root of all evil" as being from the Bible, but it is not so. What is so, 
is the correct quote, "The LOVE of money is the root of all evil". The 
mere possesion is not a problem however the LOVE of it is as it causes all 
the things you so apply describe as the sins of man embodied in his 
corporate greed, disregrarding the health and well being of countless 
millions for nothing other than a profit line.
How something of so little value could become such a motivator is left to 
those who wish to analyse such things, nevertheless a motivator it is, and 
unfortunately and unhealthy one unless kept in it's place behind the 
higher value of the life of the innocents it's influence affects.
No man is an island, we all have influence, some positive some negative, 
never neutral.

- Original Message ----- 
From: "Appal Energy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Monday, January 31, 2005 2:51 PM
Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: [Biofuel] "Let Them Eat Rocket Fuel"John Guttridge

I was going to comment on this earlier. Maybe better never than late. 
Maybe not.

Hypocrisy is not the birthright, political or genetic disposition of any 
given group, unless you define that group as "humans."

Ask yourself this:

Which is the greater "sin" (or substitute your word of preference)? To 
place a gun to someone's head and pull the
trigger or, as a practice of industry, to knowingly poison a drinking 
or air supply with chemicals that lead to deformities, disabilities 
death, whether sanctioned by statute/rule or not, to knowingly consume 

products with virtually no effort to curb personal consumption of them or
find an alternative, or to knowingly consume the products of industries 
that commit such practices but to reduce consumption and move towards 
complete cessation?

One is muder in the first person. One is murder by fiat. One is murder by 
apathy. One is murder by complicity.

Under a Christian doctrine, and probably most others, not A, B, C or D 
can stand in the presence of "God." But the backup in the sewer comes 
about with D, as as rationalizations and justifications begin to abound. 
Given enough time, the terlet backs up all the way to the corporate 
ladder, where the excuses become "We were only doing what consumers and 
the market demanded," or "God requires us to follow the rules of state."

Well, I'll leave it up to any reader to determine just how well such hog 
squat is going to fly in front of anyone's God of choice.

True that it seems some "sects" get washed over the gunwhales with their 
blatency. But hypocrisy is no mor

Re: Fwd: Re [Biofuel] "Let Them Eat Rocket Fuel"John Guttridge

2005-02-02 Thread Legal Eagle

Perhaps a moment to learn a little respect for beliefs other than your own 
might be in order.Or, should others treat you the way you treat them?

- Original Message - 
From: "bob allen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2005 8:42 AM
Subject: Re: Fwd: Re [Biofuel] "Let Them Eat Rocket Fuel"John Guttridge


   I might think it, 
but I leave that


you are presupposing that I give a tinker's dam about your belief in 
voodoo.  I don't and therefore your message is wasted on me.


/ --

The modern conservative is engaged in one of Man's oldest exercises
in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral
justification for selfishness 

[This E-mail scanned for viruses by Declude Virus]

Biofuel mailing list

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Re: Fwd: Re: [Biofuel] "Let Them Eat Rocket Fuel"John Guttridge

2005-02-02 Thread Legal Eagle

Nice to see you are well. What has been most misquoted is "Money is the root 
of all evil" as being from the Bible, but it is not so. What is so, is the 
correct quote, "The LOVE of money is the root of all evil". The mere 
possesion is not a problem however the LOVE of it is as it causes all the 
things you so apply describe as the sins of man embodied in his corporate 
greed, disregrarding the health and well being of countless millions for 
nothing other than a profit line.
How something of so little value could become such a motivator is left to 
those who wish to analyse such things, nevertheless a motivator it is, and 
unfortunately and unhealthy one unless kept in it's place behind the higher 
value of the life of the innocents it's influence affects.
No man is an island, we all have influence, some positive some negative, 
never neutral.

- Original Message - 
From: "Appal Energy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Monday, January 31, 2005 2:51 PM
Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: [Biofuel] "Let Them Eat Rocket Fuel"John Guttridge

I was going to comment on this earlier. Maybe better never than late. Maybe 

Hypocrisy is not the birthright, political or genetic disposition of any 
given group, unless you define that group as "humans."

Ask yourself this:

Which is the greater "sin" (or substitute your word of preference)? To 
place a gun to someone's head and pull the
trigger or, as a practice of industry, to knowingly poison a drinking 

or air supply with chemicals that lead to deformities, disabilities and/or
death, whether sanctioned by statute/rule or not, to knowingly consume 

products with virtually no effort to curb personal consumption of them or
find an alternative, or to knowingly consume the products of industries 
that commit such practices but to reduce consumption and move towards 
complete cessation?

One is muder in the first person. One is murder by fiat. One is murder by 
apathy. One is murder by complicity.

Under a Christian doctrine, and probably most others, not A, B, C or D can 
stand in the presence of "God." But the backup in the sewer comes about 
with D, as as rationalizations and justifications begin to abound. Given 
enough time, the terlet backs up all the way to the corporate ladder, 
where the excuses become "We were only doing what consumers and the market 
demanded," or "God requires us to follow the rules of state."

Well, I'll leave it up to any reader to determine just how well such hog 
squat is going to fly in front of anyone's God of choice.

True that it seems some "sects" get washed over the gunwhales with their 
blatency. But hypocrisy is no more industry specific than it is gender, 
theology or polically based. Everyone is a participant to some degree, 
whether intentionally or swept along in an ancilliary fashion. Overall and 
in general, it's a programmed defect of the species - inordinately social 
and in some part perhaps genetic, What remains to be seen is how well 
humans can collectively and individually evolve above it and whether we'll 
survive to see the day.

In the interim, I still don't stop wondering when "right to life" is going 
to start meaning "all life"

Todd Swearingen

"The end of the human race will be that we eventually die of 

Ralph Waldo Emerson

- Original Message - 
From: "John Guttridge" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Monday, January 31, 2005 1:02 PM
Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: [Biofuel] "Let Them Eat Rocket Fuel"John Guttridge

Mr Wilde,

No large inclusive statement was intended to be made about right to 
lifers in general I was pointing out that he claims to be the champion of 
the life of an unborn child and yet seems to be the champion of poisoning 
unborn children. I never meant that all right to lifers were in favor of 
poisoning unborn children. Although I disagree with right to lifers I 
believe that their opinion on the subject comes from a place of caring, I 
just feel that they are misguided in their caring.


Please don't make LARGE
INCLUSIVE STATEMENTS about those of us who are fighting to
save the unborn child ! IF ONLY THOSE WHO DESIRE ABORTION
a very moot point.

I think that it is a highly confused point of view to suggest that anyone 
"desires abortion". Making the decision to abort one's unborn child is 
quite possibly the hardest thing that one will ever have to do. Those on 
the other side of this argument are simply desirous of the right to have 
an abortion. When abortion is illegal it is not eliminated, it becomes a 
coat hanger operation. We have seen thi

Re: Fwd: Re [Biofuel] "Let Them Eat Rocket Fuel"John Guttridge

2005-02-01 Thread Michael Redler

Whatever the reason, Many of those who practice "extreme specialization" in 
"literary criticism" are catalysts for social discourse and helps us transcend 
a society and culture which we might someday call archaic.
There is, at least, some value in everyone's opinion. To think otherwise, 
implies arrogance and ignorance -- (IMHO) the worst combination of human 


"It's good knowing he's out there. The Dude. Taking it easy for all us sinners."
...The Big Labowski
Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Bob & Hakan, "Much literary criticism comes from people for
>whom extreme specialization is a cover for either grave
>cerebal inadequacy or terminal laziness, the latter being a
>much cherished aspect of academic freedom. JKG Thanks for
>your reply, Kim

What's that supposed to mean, Kim? There is freedom of discussion at 
this list, it's something that has been established, built and 
maintained over five years, and many of us set great store by it. Are 
you saying that it's just terminal laziness, a cherished aspect of 
academic freedom??? Because that it sure as hell isn't, other than 
"cherished" perhaps. There's nothing merely academic about it, and 
it's the very opposite of laziness - it's rigorous, as it has to be 
else it would quickly succumb to the lowest common denominator, which 
has happened elsewhere, but not here. Kindly explain yourself.

Keith Addison
Journey to Forever
KYOTO Pref., Japan
Biofuel list owner

>- Original Message Follows -
> >
> >
> > Bob,
> >
> > Since we many times enjoyed the freedom of discussion, I
> > guess that we have to accept this kind of voodoo also.
> >
> > I had the same reaction to this, but it was too brutal.
> > Thanks that you so elegantly expressed my opinion also and
> > made it possible to only agree with what you are saying.
> >
> > Hakan
> >
> > At 02:42 PM 2/1/2005, you wrote:
> > >[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>I might think it, but I leave that
> > >>to GOD THE CREATOR !
> > >
> > >you are presupposing that I give a tinker's dam about
> > your belief in >voodoo. I don't and therefore your
> > message is wasted on me. >toodles
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >--
> > >-
> > - >Bob Allen,
> > >-
> > -
> > >-
> >  >The modern conservative is engaged in one of
> > Man's oldest exercises >in moral philosophy; that is, the
> > search for a superior moral >justification for selfishness
> > JKG
> > >-
> > --- >

Biofuel mailing list

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Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: Fwd: Re [Biofuel] "Let Them Eat Rocket Fuel"John Guttridge

2005-02-01 Thread Hakan Falk


I take your word for it, nothing is better than when it comes from "the 
horses mouth".


At 07:39 PM 2/1/2005, you wrote:

Bob & Hakan, "Much literary criticism comes from people for
whom extreme specialization is a cover for either grave
cerebal inadequacy or terminal laziness, the latter being a
much cherished aspect of academic freedom. JKG Thanks for
your reply, Kim

- Original Message Follows -
> Bob,
> Since we many times enjoyed the freedom of discussion, I
> guess that we have to accept this kind of voodoo also.
> I had the same reaction to this, but it was too brutal.
> Thanks that you so elegantly expressed my opinion also and
> made it possible to only agree with what you are saying.
> Hakan
> At 02:42 PM 2/1/2005, you wrote:
> >
> >
> >>
> >>
> >>I might think it, but I leave that
> >
> >you are presupposing that I give a tinker's dam about
> your belief in  >voodoo.  I don't and therefore your
> message is wasted on me. >toodles
> >
> >
> >
> >--
> >-
> - >Bob Allen,
> >-
> -
> >-
>  >The modern conservative is engaged in one of
> Man's oldest exercises >in moral philosophy; that is, the
> search for a superior moral >justification for selfishness
>  JKG
> >-
> ---  >
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> Biofuel archives at (searchable):
Biofuel mailing list

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Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: Fwd: Re [Biofuel] "Let Them Eat Rocket Fuel"John Guttridge

2005-02-01 Thread Keith Addison

whom extreme specialization is a cover for either grave
cerebal inadequacy or terminal laziness, the latter being a
much cherished aspect of academic freedom. JKG Thanks for
your reply, Kim

What's that supposed to mean, Kim? There is freedom of discussion at 
this list, it's something that has been established, built and 
maintained over five years, and many of us set great store by it. Are 
you saying that it's just terminal laziness, a cherished aspect of 
academic freedom??? Because that it sure as hell isn't, other than 
"cherished" perhaps. There's nothing merely academic about it, and 
it's the very opposite of laziness - it's rigorous, as it has to be 
else it would quickly succumb to the lowest common denominator, which 
has happened elsewhere, but not here. Kindly explain yourself.

Keith Addison
Journey to Forever
KYOTO Pref., Japan
Biofuel list owner

- Original Message Follows -
> Bob,
> Since we many times enjoyed the freedom of discussion, I
> guess that we have to accept this kind of voodoo also.
> I had the same reaction to this, but it was too brutal.
> Thanks that you so elegantly expressed my opinion also and
> made it possible to only agree with what you are saying.
> Hakan
> At 02:42 PM 2/1/2005, you wrote:
> >
> >
> >>
> >>
> >>I might think it, but I leave that
> >
> >you are presupposing that I give a tinker's dam about
> your belief in  >voodoo.  I don't and therefore your
> message is wasted on me. >toodles
> >
> >
> >
> >--
> >-
> - >Bob Allen,
> >-
> -
> >-
>  >The modern conservative is engaged in one of
> Man's oldest exercises >in moral philosophy; that is, the
> search for a superior moral >justification for selfishness
>  JKG
> >-
> ---  >

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: Fwd: Re [Biofuel] "Let Them Eat Rocket Fuel"John Guttridge

2005-02-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bob & Hakan, "Much literary criticism comes from people for
whom extreme specialization is a cover for either grave
cerebal inadequacy or terminal laziness, the latter being a
much cherished aspect of academic freedom. JKG Thanks for
your reply, Kim

- Original Message Follows -
> Bob,
> Since we many times enjoyed the freedom of discussion, I
> guess that we have to accept this kind of voodoo also.
> I had the same reaction to this, but it was too brutal.
> Thanks that you so elegantly expressed my opinion also and
> made it possible to only agree with what you are saying.
> Hakan
> At 02:42 PM 2/1/2005, you wrote:
> >
> >
> >>
> >>
> >>I might think it, but I leave that
> >
> >you are presupposing that I give a tinker's dam about
> your belief in  >voodoo.  I don't and therefore your
> message is wasted on me. >toodles
> >
> >
> >
> >--
> >-
> - >Bob Allen,
> >-
> -
> >-
>  >The modern conservative is engaged in one of
> Man's oldest exercises >in moral philosophy; that is, the
> search for a superior moral >justification for selfishness
>  JKG
> >-
> ---  >
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> Biofuel archives at (searchable):
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: Fwd: Re [Biofuel] "Let Them Eat Rocket Fuel"John Guttridge

2005-02-01 Thread Hakan Falk


Since we many times enjoyed the freedom of discussion, I guess
that we have to accept this kind of voodoo also.

I had the same reaction to this, but it was too brutal. Thanks that
you so elegantly expressed my opinion also and made it possible
to only agree with what you are saying.


At 02:42 PM 2/1/2005, you wrote:


I might think it, but I leave that

you are presupposing that I give a tinker's dam about your belief in 
voodoo.  I don't and therefore your message is wasted on me.


Bob Allen,
The modern conservative is engaged in one of Man's oldest exercises
in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral
justification for selfishness  JKG

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: Fwd: Re [Biofuel] "Let Them Eat Rocket Fuel"John Guttridge

2005-02-01 Thread bob allen


I might think it, but I leave that


you are presupposing that I give a tinker's dam about your belief in 
voodoo.  I don't and therefore your message is wasted on me.


Bob Allen, 

The modern conservative is engaged in one of Man's oldest exercises
in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral
justification for selfishness  JKG 

[This E-mail scanned for viruses by Declude Virus]

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: Fwd: Re: [Biofuel] "Let Them Eat Rocket Fuel"John Guttridge

2005-02-01 Thread Lyn Gerry

Hi All,

'Scuse me for the post below. I've been lurking for a while and never 
expected my first post on the biofuel list to be on the topic of a 
woman's control over her physical sovereignty, but...

Speaking from personal experience, deciding to have an abortion 
was not a difficult decision, and I have never regretted it. I am rather 
sceptical about the people who claim to care about the "unborn" as 
most of then show complete unconcern about the children who 
born, and then dying, under the bombs rained down by their 
precious flag-waving troops,  troops who also, incidentally, display 
their great "moral values" by perpetrating vicious and perverted 
torture on people in other countries because their vicious flag-
waving, bible-brandishing politicians are salivating for the oil and 
other resources located in the country (counties) where those 
unfortunate children happen to be. And while we're at it, no concern 
at all for the children in their own country who are miserable, 
especially if those children have dark skin. In fact, based on the 
historyy of this in America, I tend to suspect that if some of these 
people people who so love the "unborn" succeeded in gaining the 
hegemony over the US a la Margaret Atwood's novel, "the 
Handmaid's Tale", they would forcibly sterilize the Black women, 
and force the white women to become breeding machines. Unborn, 

How about if those so concerned about fetuses allow the fetuses to 
be removed from women who don't want babies and have them 
implanted in their own bodies? When they start taking some 
personal responsibility for the "unborn' they love so much, instead 
of just using this issue as a mask for an agenda for the subjugation 
of women and the imposition of theocracy, I would have some belief 
that they actually venerate human human life.

I am not suggesting that the writer of the post to which I am 
responding necessarily holds any or all of these agendas, since I 
simply know nothing about him, but I have seen enough for quite a 
long time to know that others in the so-called "pro-life" movement 


> Mr Wilde,
> No large inclusive statement was intended to be made about right to 
> lifers in general I was pointing out that he claims to be the champion 
> of the life of an unborn child and yet seems to be the champion of 
> poisoning unborn children. I never meant that all right to lifers were 
> in favor of poisoning unborn children. Although I disagree with right to 
> lifers I believe that their opinion on the subject comes from a place of 
> caring, I just feel that they are misguided in their caring.
> > Please don't make LARGE
> > INCLUSIVE STATEMENTS about those of us who are fighting to
> > save the unborn child ! IF ONLY THOSE WHO DESIRE ABORTION
> > a very moot point. 
> I think that it is a highly confused point of view to suggest that 
> anyone "desires abortion". Making the decision to abort one's unborn 
> child is quite possibly the hardest thing that one will ever have to do. 
>   Those on the other side of this argument are simply desirous of the 
> right to have an abortion. When abortion is illegal it is not 
> eliminated, it becomes a coat hanger operation. We have seen this in our 
> own country. Abortion is never something that should be taken lightly 
> but it is also not something that should be banned.
> Further, suggestions that those that are in favor of abortions should 
> have been aborted are pretty heinous. You should take a deep look into 
> yourself that you would wish that on someone else for disagreeing with 
> your political/ethical views. This is the kind of sentiment that 
> justifies killing abortion clinic doctors.  Based on this kind of 
> sentiment I should kill you, and you me. Doesn't that sound wrong?
> >Having made the worst of life decisions
> > to participate in abortion of my own flesh and others, I
> > pray for no others to experience my own deceit. 
> All of us who have been through this kind of an experience share this 
> prayer, regardless of which side of the issue we are on. Deceit is not 
> the word I would assign.
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> Biofuel archives at (searchable):

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Re: Fwd: Re: [Biofuel] "Let Them Eat Rocket Fuel"John Guttridge

2005-01-31 Thread Appal Energy


Hypocrisy is not the birthright, political or genetic disposition of any 
given group, unless you define that group as "humans."

Ask yourself this:

Which is the greater "sin" (or substitute your word of preference)? To place 
a gun to someone's head and pull the

trigger or, as a practice of industry, to knowingly poison a drinking water
or air supply with chemicals that lead to deformities, disabilities and/or
death, whether sanctioned by statute/rule or not, to knowingly consume such
products with virtually no effort to curb personal consumption of them or
find an alternative, or to knowingly consume the products of industries that 
commit such practices but to reduce consumption and move towards complete 

One is muder in the first person. One is murder by fiat. One is murder by 
apathy. One is murder by complicity.

Under a Christian doctrine, and probably most others, not A, B, C or D can 
stand in the presence of "God." But the backup in the sewer comes about with 
D, as as rationalizations and justifications begin to abound. Given enough 
time, the terlet backs up all the way to the corporate ladder, where the 
excuses become "We were only doing what consumers and the market demanded," 
or "God requires us to follow the rules of state."

Well, I'll leave it up to any reader to determine just how well such hog 
squat is going to fly in front of anyone's God of choice.

True that it seems some "sects" get washed over the gunwhales with their 
blatency. But hypocrisy is no more industry specific than it is gender, 
theology or polically based. Everyone is a participant to some degree, 
whether intentionally or swept along in an ancilliary fashion. Overall and 
in general, it's a programmed defect of the species - inordinately social 
and in some part perhaps genetic, What remains to be seen is how well humans 
can collectively and individually evolve above it and whether we'll survive 
to see the day.

In the interim, I still don't stop wondering when "right to life" is going 
to start meaning "all life"

Todd Swearingen

"The end of the human race will be that we eventually die of civilization."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Guttridge" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Monday, January 31, 2005 1:02 PM
Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: [Biofuel] "Let Them Eat Rocket Fuel"John Guttridge

Mr Wilde,

No large inclusive statement was intended to be made about right to lifers 
in general I was pointing out that he claims to be the champion of the 
life of an unborn child and yet seems to be the champion of poisoning 
unborn children. I never meant that all right to lifers were in favor of 
poisoning unborn children. Although I disagree with right to lifers I 
believe that their opinion on the subject comes from a place of caring, I 
just feel that they are misguided in their caring.


Please don't make LARGE
INCLUSIVE STATEMENTS about those of us who are fighting to
save the unborn child ! IF ONLY THOSE WHO DESIRE ABORTION
a very moot point.

I think that it is a highly confused point of view to suggest that anyone 
"desires abortion". Making the decision to abort one's unborn child is 
quite possibly the hardest thing that one will ever have to do. Those on 
the other side of this argument are simply desirous of the right to have 
an abortion. When abortion is illegal it is not eliminated, it becomes a 
coat hanger operation. We have seen this in our own country. Abortion is 
never something that should be taken lightly but it is also not something 
that should be banned.

Further, suggestions that those that are in favor of abortions should have 
been aborted are pretty heinous. You should take a deep look into yourself 
that you would wish that on someone else for disagreeing with your 
political/ethical views. This is the kind of sentiment that justifies 
killing abortion clinic doctors.  Based on this kind of sentiment I should 
kill you, and you me. Doesn't that sound wrong?

Having made the worst of life decisions
to participate in abortion of my own flesh and others, I
pray for no others to experience my own deceit.

All of us who have been through this kind of an experience share this 
prayer, regardless of which side of the issue we are on. Deceit is not the 
word I would assign.

Biofuel mailing list

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Re: Fwd: Re: [Biofuel] "Let Them Eat Rocket Fuel"John Guttridge

2005-01-31 Thread John Guttridge

No large inclusive statement was intended to be made about right to 
lifers in general I was pointing out that he claims to be the champion 
of the life of an unborn child and yet seems to be the champion of 
poisoning unborn children. I never meant that all right to lifers were 
in favor of poisoning unborn children. Although I disagree with right to 
lifers I believe that their opinion on the subject comes from a place of 
caring, I just feel that they are misguided in their caring.


Please don't make LARGE
INCLUSIVE STATEMENTS about those of us who are fighting to
save the unborn child ! IF ONLY THOSE WHO DESIRE ABORTION
a very moot point. 

I think that it is a highly confused point of view to suggest that 
anyone "desires abortion". Making the decision to abort one's unborn 
child is quite possibly the hardest thing that one will ever have to do. 
 Those on the other side of this argument are simply desirous of the 
right to have an abortion. When abortion is illegal it is not 
eliminated, it becomes a coat hanger operation. We have seen this in our 
own country. Abortion is never something that should be taken lightly 
but it is also not something that should be banned.

Further, suggestions that those that are in favor of abortions should 
have been aborted are pretty heinous. You should take a deep look into 
yourself that you would wish that on someone else for disagreeing with 
your political/ethical views. This is the kind of sentiment that 
justifies killing abortion clinic doctors.  Based on this kind of 
sentiment I should kill you, and you me. Doesn't that sound wrong?

Having made the worst of life decisions
to participate in abortion of my own flesh and others, I
pray for no others to experience my own deceit. 

All of us who have been through this kind of an experience share this 
prayer, regardless of which side of the issue we are on. Deceit is not 
the word I would assign.

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):