perspective? Or at least an animist or two? For one thing:

The term Voodoo (Vodun in Benin; also Vodou or other phonetically equivalent spellings in Haiti; Vudu in the Dominican Republic) is applied to the branches of a West African ancestor-based religious tradition with primary roots among the Fon-Ewe peoples of West Africa, in the country now known as Benin, formerly the Kingdom of Dahomey, where Vodun is today the national religion of more than 7 million people.

So if you're going to show some respect, please be even-handed about it.

On the other hand, Bob, I have to agree with your sig: "Born just fine the first time." You used to have a Zappa quote in that sig, didn't you? Been listening to "You are what you is" recently? :-)



bob allen wrote:
And Howdy to you too Luc, Actually I feel my position is much more respectful than a lot of the theists out there.

You aren't outright rude, but respectful is not a word I would use to characterize your posts.

If a person wants to believe in the supernatural that is his or her business. but how does that help us in our discussions? The problem with the suspension of reality is it goes no where.

But that all depends on the paradigm through which you view reality. If my perspective seems as silly to you as does yours to me, then we can agree to disagree. The discussion is furthered when we arrive at a greater understanding of one another. Summarily dismissing a belief in God as "voodoo" certainly does not aid in sharpening anyone's mind.

>Anything is
possible, nothing is possible.
In the future I will try to restrain myself , but I reserve the right to take a swipe at the proselytizers once in awhile. :0)

Who is trying to proselytize you, sir? I've not read a single message in this forum urging you to repent of your sins, or repudiate your atheism. Perhaps that's what you believe we're trying to do; further illustrating my point that "reality" absolutely depends on the perspective of the individual. If you think this is happening, I beg to differ. The only action I have witnessed from you around here is the exercise of your "right' to "take a swipe" at people you think are proselytizers.

With respect to the John Guttridge article, my belief in God inspires a sense of stewardship over his creation. This is what motivates my interest in environmental causes, and it's perfectly acceptable that you don't agree with my understanding. You and I can arrive at the same conclusion from different points of view; a strengthening influence for both of us. If you can't comprehend this, then why participate in the discourse at all?

robert luis rabello
"The Edge of Justice"
Adventure for Your Mind>

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