Re: [SWCollect] Sniping

2001-08-30 Thread Jim Leonard

Chris Newman wrote:
 My peak lunacy was bidding $2500 for a flown-to-the-moon flag, framed by
 the crew of Apollo XIV. Fortunately I was outbid...

What did it finally go for?

My birthdate is August 1st, 1971.  For bonus points, can you tell me
what Apollo-related date of significance that is?

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Re: [SWCollect] Sniping

2001-08-30 Thread Lee K. Seitz

Chris Newman boldly stated:

My peak lunacy

Ouch, bad pun!

 was bidding $2500 for a flown-to-the-moon flag, framed by
the crew of Apollo XIV.

Lee K. Seitz  *  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *
   Wanted:  Vintage Pac-M*n necktie
   (The asterisk is to keep from mucking up people's Usenet search
results.  Replace it with an a, if you didn't know.)

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Re: [SWCollect] Sniping

2001-08-30 Thread Jim Leonard

C.E. Forman wrote:
  How did you get your bid in exactly 3 seconds before auction end?
 Because I'm very, very good.  B-)
 Actually I just do the standard procedure: Two windows open, one with a
 place bid button at the ready, the second my refresh window (with graphics
 turned off so it loads faster).  Hit Ctrl-R repeatedly in the last minute,
 switch windows and click when it gets down to about 10 seconds.
 Sometimes there's a bit of a lag, so you cut it a few seconds closer than
 planned.  I've actually had my bid time be the EXACT second the auction
 closed, and I still won.  (Runner-up was PISSED! B-)
 There are snipe services, such as and, that will
 connect to eBay a specified number of seconds before the auction's close and
 bid on your behalf.  You have to give them your user ID and password,
 though, plus you're relying on their servers being up in addition to eBay's.
 Personally I only use these if I'm not going to be home when the auction
 closes.  I enjoy the heart-ramming adrenaline high you can only get from
 sniping in person.

Good grief!  I asked the question tongue-in-cheek because I was half
expecting you to report which service (esnipe, etc.) you used.  As
frequently happens, I was very surprised by your answer.  :-)
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Re: [SWCollect] Shrinkwrap again

2001-08-30 Thread Jim Leonard

Chris Newman wrote:
  Congrats!  I recently played Time Pilots with my 2-yr-old (he plays
  better than my wife!) and my 4.5-yr-old enjoys playing Pac-Man,
  Pac-Mania, Marble Madness, and Crystal Castles, so old games definitely
  come in handy.  :)  Corrupt them when they're young, that's what I say!
 When did you start weaning your first on a computer? I don't think neural implants 
 yet a viable technology so the pedestrian route it is.

Ever since Sam (my firstborn) was 16 months I had been amusing him on
the computer by starting up DeluxePaint and making a big brush (usually
a circle) and just moving it around the screen in a funny way -- it made
him laugh.  When he turned two, I remembered I had an old pirated copy
of Putt-Putt Joins the Parade (first game from Humongous Entertainment,
founded by Ron Gilbert, uses SCUMM in fact) that I had kept because I
was struck at the time (1992) by how good the music was.  7 years later
I dusted the disks off and started it up one day to amuse Sam (then 2
yrs old) and played with the cursor again.  But then I clicked on some
object and made it do its thing, and he  immediately stopped laughing
and wanted to see more -- he was fascinated.  So that's how it began.  

The first month (maybe doing this for 15 minutes a day) I moved the
pointer.  The second month, he tried to make it move but he had trouble
with the mouse, which was exactly the excuse I needed to buy a Kingston
$99 trakball (I prefer trakballs infinitely over mice), which he loved. 
It was immediately obvious to me how much more appropriate it was for a
kid -- it has a big ball and can be lifted out for easy cleaning (of the
ball).  The third month, he was moving to something, then clicking on
it.  The fourth, he figured out dragging (with my help).  So, at 2.5 yrs
old, my son was playing Putt-Putt Joins The Parade by himself.  I was
elated -- I was hoping I could always teach him to read at age 2.5 like
my Dad had done for me, but this was just as good -- both are viable
skills needed for the future ;-)

For those thinking of introducing their kids to educational games, I am
more than happy to give advice -- hell, I should probably write an essay
on it.  For those interested:  Sam has his own gaming rig now, an old
Pentium Pro 200 that I'm not using.  The Kingston Trakball is mine, but
I got him a $29 Logitech optical trakball that is a much better choice
for him.  The ball is smaller, but the advantages outweigh that fact:  

- It's cheaper
- The unit is optical, so the only moving part you have to clean is the
ball itself, which lifts right out
- Being optical, there's no slipping due to, oh, say, peanut butter and
jelly gunk on it ;-)
- Being USB (high sample rate) and optical, you can get an exact 1:1
movement ratio if you disable pointer acceleration, which is the most
natural method of using a trakball and he just flys with it (I have
since moved to an optical+USB+no pointer acceleration setup myself and
love it)

He also starts his own games.  This magic was created by installing Win
98, turning ON the single-click-to-launch-an-icon option, and buying
CD Copier (Daemon tools does the same thing and is free, but limited)
and using it to dump all of his educational games to CD images on the
4GB disk I stuck in there.  I then mounted all of the CD images (which
act as real CDs) to about 15 drive letters and stuck the installed
games' icons on the desktop.  He sits down, clicks on an icon once, and
the game starts.
   I have about 200 or so other games I haven't yet
   listed for that reason. I suppose I could list them w/o a proper ad but I'm too
   compulsive to do that.
  Ah, more fuel for my fire of all software collectors have a
  neurological disorder.  :-D 

 I agree with you about the disorder too. At least it's a happy one, not so much a 
 but closer to a Ned Flanders belief in an optimistic world.

Now that's a quote.
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Re: [SWCollect] Shrinkwrap again

2001-08-30 Thread Jim Leonard

C.E. Forman wrote:
  L00K -- Crispy mint impossible to find Ultima with  a totally REAL
 moonthing! This
  game retailed
  for $69.95 and uses state of the art VGA graphics and Adlib sound. Get
 this TODAY. I've
  seen this go for like $200.
 This brings up something I've never understood:  Why in God's name do some
 sellers persist in using L@@K!!! in their auction titles?  Nobody ever
 searches on it.  It's not even a word.  Considering you only get 45
 characters in the title, it's a waste of 4 + however many exclamations you
 add after.

I c@uldn't agree with y@u m@re, Chris.  G@d, I hate that.
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Re: [SWCollect] Sniping

2001-08-30 Thread Jim Leonard

C.E. Forman wrote:
 There are snipe services, such as and, that will

I bought 500 points on eSnipe last night and started a watch on two

 connect to eBay a specified number of seconds before the auction's close and
 bid on your behalf.  You have to give them your user ID and password,
 though, plus you're relying on their servers being up in addition to eBay's.
 Personally I only use these if I'm not going to be home when the auction
 closes.  I enjoy the heart-ramming adrenaline high you can only get from
 sniping in person.

I don't (my high is *winning* the auction ;-) so I think I'll just merge
my existing practices with sniping and be done with all the stress.  :)

BTW:  I tried AuctionTamer last night and was pretty impressed.  It
still doesn't do some things that would help me specifically (like
automatically running an arbitrary number of searches every time I start
it up) but does do some nice things like automatically interact with
esnipe -- and when I use up my points with esnipe, it has its own
built-in sniping that is free (I have DSL so my machine is always on and
connected, so this is great for me -- wish I hadn't spent the money on
esnipe points).  It also automates some common tasks, like leave
feedback reminders and some other stuff that I'll explore in more
detail tonight.

Let's hope your little education on sniping proves true (or, as Hugh
Falk puts it, 100% guaranteed) because I'm sniping 2 things that I had
previously gotten into long drawn out bidding wars with some people --
and guess what, they've already placed their bids on the same items. 
I'll keep you guys posted on whether or not my first official sniping
practices work out for me.
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Re: [SWCollect] Sniping

2001-08-30 Thread Chris Newman

Jim Leonard wrote:

 Chris Newman wrote:
  My peak lunacy was bidding $2500 for a flown-to-the-moon flag, framed by
  the crew of Apollo XIV. Fortunately I was outbid...

 What did it finally go for?

I think it sold for close to $3000. What makes it tragic, and also a good
indication of how newbies are vulnerable on ebay, is the condition. The scum
seller included a picture of the item, from about 2 feet away at an oblique angle.
You could not make out any detail. I e-mailed him asking for a close-up picture.
He sent one blurry shot from a foot away, and at a 45 degree angle. You could not
make out any detail. So I called him:

Hi, I'm calling about your Apollo XIV flag you have for sale on ebay.

Oh. How did you get my number?

It's a service ebay has, in case you need to ask questions.
(More silence).


I was wondering if I could see the item before I bought it. I know you're based
in Florida, and I'm in New York, but for such a high-value item it might be worth
a trip.

(TOTAL silence -- does not encourage my halting request to see the thing).

The conversation went on a little longer. Afterwards, ignoring the warning bells
giving me a migraine from all the clanging, I made my bid. Afterwards I wrote the
winner to asked how he liked it. The item was is such BAD shape he actually
created an auction of the same item -- not to sell it -- but to show the world
what he paid three grand for. The frame was rotted, the statement of authenticity
signed by the crew was covered with moth holes, as was the flag, and the flag was
stained! It looked like it was baked in the Florida sunlight for 30 years.


 My birthdate is August 1st, 1971.  For bonus points, can you tell me
 what Apollo-related date of significance that is?

Hmmm, well 13 was in April 1970, and 17 was in December 1972. That leaves
14,15,16. 14 was delayed about 10 months because of the accident, so I'll guess
that it was when Apollo XV touched down on Hadley Rille? I'm bad with dates.

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Re: [SWCollect] Sniping

2001-08-30 Thread Jim Leonard

Chris Newman wrote:
 what he paid three grand for. The frame was rotted, the statement of authenticity
 signed by the crew was covered with moth holes, as was the flag, and the flag was
 stained! It looked like it was baked in the Florida sunlight for 30 years.

Aren't you glad you lost the bid then?

BTW:  An update for the rest of you:  I did eventually get my sound card
from the guy who had extremely poor communication skills.  He mailed it
IN IT'S ORIGINAL BOX with just some mailing labels slapped on the
outside of the shrinkwrap.  Argh!  However, lucky for him, it arrived in
astonishingly good condition, so I left him a neutral instead of a
  My birthdate is August 1st, 1971.  For bonus points, can you tell me
  what Apollo-related date of significance that is?
 Hmmm, well 13 was in April 1970, and 17 was in December 1972. That leaves
 14,15,16. 14 was delayed about 10 months because of the accident, so I'll guess
 that it was when Apollo XV touched down on Hadley Rille? I'm bad with dates.

It was the first use of the moon buggy on the surface of the moon!
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Re: [SWCollect] Inception

2001-08-30 Thread C.E. Forman

 Quickies:  Does Battle Hawks' Inception fetch more for C64 or IBM?  Was
 it released for any other platform(s)?  Is the pin more than half of the
 total value (sorry, tried hard not to use a subjective term) of the

Like just about everything else, I've noticed higher prices for the IBM
version.  It was also available for Apple II, Amiga, and I think there was a
Mac version.

Inception is hard to predict, though.  I've got maybe 4 of them complete and
haven't had an offer in months.  But every now and then I'll get multiple
requests in the same week, and once in awhile one fetches an insane price on
eBay.  (Over $20, which I consider insane for Inception based on how
mass-produced it was.)

Is the pin more than half of the
total value (sorry, tried hard not to use a subjective term) of the

From my experience, definitely yes.  Packages with the pin have consistently
fetched upwards of $40, but it's hard to move even a complete Inception for
more than $15 or so.

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Re: [SWCollect] Inception

2001-08-30 Thread Jim Leonard

C.E. Forman wrote:
 Inception is hard to predict, though.  I've got maybe 4 of them complete and
 haven't had an offer in months.  But every now and then I'll get multiple
 requests in the same week, and once in awhile one fetches an insane price on
 eBay.  (Over $20, which I consider insane for Inception based on how
 mass-produced it was.)

Being an IBM-exclusive collector, I would definitely pay up to $25 for
an Inception with a pin.  Not much more, though.
 Is the pin more than half of the
 total value (sorry, tried hard not to use a subjective term) of the
 From my experience, definitely yes.  Packages with the pin have consistently
 fetched upwards of $40, but it's hard to move even a complete Inception for
 more than $15 or so.

Stick one on auction (with a reasonable reserve to protect your
investment, of course) and I'd be more than happy to snip^H^H^H^Hbid on
The world's most comprehensive gaming database project.

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Re: [SWCollect] Inception

2001-08-30 Thread C.E. Forman

 Being an IBM-exclusive collector, I would definitely pay up to $25 for
 an Inception with a pin.  Not much more, though.

Heh, good luck there.  Not saying you won't ever get one, but they were
limited to the first 5000 copies of Inception, and just about every Infocom
collector wants one.

 Stick one on auction (with a reasonable reserve to protect your
 investment, of course) and I'd be more than happy to snip^H^H^H^Hbid on

I probably will, in the coming weeks.

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Re: [SWCollect] $1 Games, Starting This Weekend

2001-08-30 Thread Stephen S. Lee

On Thu, 30 Aug 2001, C.E. Forman wrote:
 (Jim, I particularly wanted to let you know, since you have a definite
 interest in what the rest of us tend to dismiss as crap.)

*sniffle* Hey, I like this crap too!  Though I suppose not nearly as
much as Jim, considering I focus most of my efforts on adventures, RPG's,
strategy games, puzzle games, and a handful of other games (especially the
Wing Commander series).  I'd happily pay $2-3 for a completely random IBM
game I don't own, though.

-- Stephen

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Re: [SWCollect] $1 Games, Starting This Weekend

2001-08-30 Thread Jim Leonard

C.E. Forman wrote:
 I know advertising isn't the primary function of this list, but I tust
 wanted to announce the start of Ye Olde Infocomme Shoppe's $1 Games sale:
 Starting this weekend, I'll be liquidating a large number of old games on
 eBay, in an effort to free up some space.  All platforms, all genres.
 Everything I list will have low BuyItNow prices ($10.00 max) and a starting
 bid of $1.00.  Winning 4 or more games gets you free media-rate shipping in
 the U.S., half-price shipping anywhere else.
 (Jim, I particularly wanted to let you know, since you have a definite
 interest in what the rest of us tend to dismiss as crap.)

I appreciate the thought -- I think ;-)  What username should I search
for?  Morrodox?
 That's all; Please don't bash me like the r.*.i-f snots do to sellers.  B-)

I think you've earned yourself enough of a reputation that this post is
completely warranted.  No worries, mate.

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Re: [SWCollect] $1 Games, Starting This Weekend

2001-08-30 Thread Jim Leonard

Stephen S. Lee wrote:
 On Thu, 30 Aug 2001, C.E. Forman wrote:
  (Jim, I particularly wanted to let you know, since you have a definite
  interest in what the rest of us tend to dismiss as crap.)
 *sniffle* Hey, I like this crap too!  Though I suppose not nearly as
 much as Jim, considering I focus most of my efforts on adventures, RPG's,
 strategy games, puzzle games, and a handful of other games (especially the
 Wing Commander series).  I'd happily pay $2-3 for a completely random IBM
 game I don't own, though.

Bizarro Software Collectors of the world unite!

Yes, I will be bidding.  No, I won't be sniping ;-)

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Re: [SWCollect] Inception

2001-08-30 Thread Jim Leonard

C.E. Forman wrote:
  Being an IBM-exclusive collector, I would definitely pay up to $25 for
  an Inception with a pin.  Not much more, though.
 Heh, good luck there.  Not saying you won't ever get one, but they were
 limited to the first 5000 copies of Inception, and just about every Infocom
 collector wants one.

Oh, I'm not interested -- that's just want I'd pay.  I'd pay $15-$20 for
one without a pin.
  Stick one on auction (with a reasonable reserve to protect your
  investment, of course) and I'd be more than happy to snip^H^H^H^Hbid on
 I probably will, in the coming weeks.

Let me know when you do.

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