"C.E. Forman" wrote:
> Inception is hard to predict, though.  I've got maybe 4 of them complete and
> haven't had an offer in months.  But every now and then I'll get multiple
> requests in the same week, and once in awhile one fetches an insane price on
> eBay.  (Over $20, which I consider insane for Inception based on how
> mass-produced it was.)

Being an IBM-exclusive collector, I would definitely pay up to $25 for
an Inception with a pin.  Not much more, though.
> >Is the pin more than half of the
> >total "value" (sorry, tried hard not to use a subjective term) of the
> >package?
> From my experience, definitely yes.  Packages with the pin have consistently
> fetched upwards of $40, but it's hard to move even a complete Inception for
> more than $15 or so.

Stick one on auction (with a reasonable reserve to protect your
investment, of course) and I'd be more than happy to snip^H^H^H^Hbid on
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