[swift-users] custom binding pattern matches

2017-08-15 Thread David Young via swift-users
Sometimes I wish for custom *binding* patterns in Swift.  Is something
like this already in the works?  Anyone else wishing for this?

I have attached some code where I fake it, but these examples
show what I'm really after:

/* Match complex numbers, let expressions with type qualification: */

for elt in [1.0 + î, 2.0 + 3.0 * î, 4.0 + 5.0 * î, 6.0 * î] {
switch elt {
case î * (let d: Double):
print("matched î * \(d)")
case 1 + î * (let a: Double):
print("matched 1 + î * \(a)")
case (let b: Double) + î * (let c: Double):
print("matched \(b) + î * \(c)")
print("no match")

/* Match complex numbers, let expressions with types inferred: */

for elt in [1.0 + î, 2.0 + 3.0 * î, 4.0 + 5.0 * î, 6.0 * î] {
switch elt {
case î * (let d):
print("matched î * \(d)")
case 1 + î * (let a):
print("matched 1 + î * \(a)")
case (let b) + î * (let c):
print("matched \(b) + î * \(c)")
print("no match")

/* Match strings, assigning substrings to numeric types a la scanf(3): */

if case "\(let a: Double) + \(let b: Double) î" = "1 + 2 î"  {
print("matched \(a) + \(b) î")

/* Approximately match strings; `fuzz` is an "edit distance" between
 * the pattern and the match.

if case ApproximateMatch("\(let a: Double) + \(let b: Double) î", let fuzz) = 
"1 + 2 * î", fuzz < 5 {
print("matched \(a) + \(b) î with fuzz \(d)")

/* Simplify an algebraic expression: n1 / d + n2 / d -> (n1 + n2) / d.
 * Original source:

if case .sum(.quotient(let ln, let ld),
 .quotient(let rn, let rd)) = expr, ld == rd {
return evaluate(.quotient(.sum(ln, rn), ld), env)

/* => with operator overloading (no custom binding patterns) becomes: */

if case .sum(.quotient(let ln, let ld),
 .quotient(let rn, let rd)) = expr, ld == rd {
return evaluate((ln + rn) / ld, env)

/* => with custom binding patterns and operator overloading becomes: */

if case (let ln: Expr) / (let ld: Expr) +
(let rn: Expr) / (let rd: Expr) = expr, ld == rd {
return evaluate((ln + rn) / ld, env)

/* => with type inference becomes: */

if case (let ln) / (let ld) + (let rn) / (let rd) = expr, ld == rd {
return evaluate((ln + rn) / ld, env)


David Young
dyo...@pobox.comUrbana, IL(217) 721-9981
enum Binds {
case constant(T)
case bind((T) -> Bool)
case matchless

extension Binds : CustomStringConvertible {
var description: String {
switch self {
case .bind(_):
return ".bind(_)"
case .constant(let x):
return ".constant(\(x))"
case .matchless:
return ".matchless"

func ~=(pattern: Binds, value: T) -> Bool {
switch pattern {
case .bind(let bind):
return bind(value)
case .constant(value):
return true
return false
/* a + b î */
struct Complex {
let a: A
let b: B
init(_ a: A, _ b: B) {
self.a = a
self.b = b

let î = Complex(0, 1)

func ~=(pattern: Complex, value: Complex) -> Bool {
return pattern.a ~= value.a && pattern.b ~= value.b

func +(l: Complex,
   r: Complex)
-> Complex {
return Complex(l.a + r.a, r.a + r.b)

func *(l: Complex,
   r: Complex)
-> Complex {
return Complex(l.a * r.a - l.b * r.b, l.a * r.b + l.b * r.a)

func +(l: Binds, r: Complex)
-> Complex {
return Complex(l + r.a, r.b)

func +(l: Double, r: Complex)
-> Complex {
return Complex(l + r.a, r.b)

func *(l: Double, r: Complex)
-> Complex {
return Complex(l * r.a, l * r.b)

func +(l: Double, r: Complex)
-> Complex {
return Complex(l + r.a, r.b)

func +(l: Float, r: Complex)
-> Complex {
return Complex(Double(l) + r.a, r.b)

func *(l: Complex, r: Binds)
-> Complex {
return Complex(l.a * r, l.b * r)

func *(l: Binds, r: Binds) -> Binds {
switch (l, r) {
case (.constant(let x), .constant(let y)):
return .constant(x * y)
case (.constant(0), _), (_, .constant(0)):
return .constant(0)
case (.constant(1), _):
return r
case (_, .constant(1)):
return l

Re: [swift-users] Swift kernel for Jupyter Notebook/IPython

2017-02-10 Thread David Young via swift-users
On Thu, Feb 09, 2017 at 12:31:00AM +, Jin Wang wrote:
> Hey David,
> I'm currently using the existing REPL to power the code execution.
> Eventually, when Swift becomes more stable and Linux gets more support, we
> might be able to do visualisations using UIKit or its alternatives. Right
> now, as far as I can see, the benefit to write notebook instead of using
> Playground would be:

I think that the way I asked my original question was not clear.

>- the ability to cooperate with people in real time

Suppose that you cooperate on a notebook with someone who injects some
Swift code that, say, uses Swift APIs to grovel in the filesystem and
POST personal files to a web server.  Using the REPL as the execution
environment, are you able to protect against the filesystem access, or
the web access?


David Young
dyo...@pobox.comUrbana, IL(217) 721-9981
swift-users mailing list

Re: [swift-users] Swift kernel for Jupyter Notebook/IPython

2017-02-10 Thread David Young via swift-users
On Thu, Feb 09, 2017 at 12:31:00AM +, Jin Wang wrote:
> Hey David,
> I'm currently using the existing REPL to power the code execution.
> Eventually, when Swift becomes more stable and Linux gets more support, we
> might be able to do visualisations using UIKit or its alternatives. Right
> now, as far as I can see, the benefit to write notebook instead of using
> Playground would be:

I think that the way I asked my original question was not clear.

>- the ability to cooperate with people in real time

Suppose that you cooperate on a notebook with someone who injects some
Swift code that, say, uses Swift APIs to grovel in the filesystem and
POST personal files to a web server.  Using the REPL as the execution
environment, are you able to protect against the filesystem access, or
the web access?


David Young
dyo...@pobox.comUrbana, IL(217) 721-9981
swift-users mailing list

Re: [swift-users] Plan to move swift-evolution and swift-users mailing lists to Discourse

2017-02-09 Thread David Young via swift-users
On Wed, Feb 08, 2017 at 04:03:39PM -0800, Ted kremenek via swift-users wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> There was a long thread on swift-evolution about whether we should use modern 
> forum software — like Discourse — as an alternative to the mailing lists we 
> have now.  After a long discussion, the Core Team has decided to move 
> swift-evolution and swift-users to Discourse.

Can you show us what the mailing list integration looks like?


David Young
dyo...@pobox.comUrbana, IL(217) 721-9981
swift-users mailing list

Re: [swift-users] Swift kernel for Jupyter Notebook/IPython

2017-02-09 Thread David Young via swift-users
On Wed, Feb 08, 2017 at 12:39:34PM +, Jin Wang via swift-users wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I'm building a swift kernel for Jupyter Notebook. If you haven't heard of
> it, *the Jupyter Notebook is a web application that allows you to create
> and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and
> explanatory text*.

Does the Swift code run with all of the privileges of the notebook
app or its user?

In general, I am curious if/how people are arranging to run Swift code
with a restricted execution environment.


David Young
dyo...@pobox.comUrbana, IL(217) 721-9981
swift-users mailing list