Re: [swinog] Swiss VoIP providers

2014-08-29 Diskussionsfäden Michael Horn
On Fri, 29 Aug 2014 15:34:49 -0700
Stanislav Sinyagin wrote:

 Jeroen, once we started talking about FreeSWITCH, here's my
 minimalist configuration, quite handy to start a new installation:

Thanks a lot! I was keeping something like that in my private drawer for
quite some time as the default-configuration fs comes with is a verbose
example but by no means adequate or reasonable for generic deployments.

I'd even move the definitions for sip-profile parameters from vars to
the relevant profiles because fs-newbies are often confused by this
separation and indirection which might lead to insecure setups.

Anyway... your configuration seems a much easier starting point for
most users. Will keep the URL to the repo in my bookmarks for sure :-)


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Re: [swinog] Swiss VoIP providers

2014-08-28 Diskussionsfäden Michael Horn
On Thu, 28 Aug 2014 19:45:43 +0200 (CEST)
Ralph Krämer wrote:

 I suggest to run your own Asterisk (or Callmanager)

...or freeswitch, if you like reliability and predictable behaviour.

I've managed quite a few freeswitch deployments until now and did some
migrations from Asterisk to freeswitch due to issues with reliability or
flexibility. As an office/corporate pbx I'd select freeswitch over
asterisk any time. If something more specialized is needed, yate is
worth a try.

 through a redundant SIP-Trunk to an VoIP Provider.

Curious however about recommendations for VoIP providers in .ch
there aren't that many around unfortunately. would love to hear some
suggestions (backed by experiece).


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Re: [swinog] Extraction fees

2011-11-14 Diskussionsfäden Michael Horn
On Mon, 14 Nov 2011 09:40:34 + wrote:

 Don't stand for this, Mate! Contact an attourney straightaway.

What Vinnie says. Don't fall for it. It's unusual, unethical and likely
illegal too. If you have proof of ownership for the hardware, try
to get it out without overpaying.
Paying for somebody to come to the colo to assist you getting your
stuff out... ok. but 4kCHF is at least ten times more than reasonable.
- Get proper legal help.

Back then when AS42366 tried to extort money out of A250, I fell for it
as I needed to get the servers out ASAP (unencrypted backup volumes
which they threatened to sell off on ebay if I didn't pay what they
demanded) and I'm still paying off today. (we fought in court and lost,
bottom line: you signed that, you didn't have to. no proof you were
forced/threatened, bad lawyer plus tech illiterate judge...).
Don't repeat my mistake! :-)


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Re: [swinog] Notice of Copyright Infringement - How do you proceed?

2008-03-14 Diskussionsfäden Michael Horn

Benoit, List,

On Fri, 14 Mar 2008, Benoit Panizzon wrote:

So ist this true? Do most of you guys issue warning to your users if you get
such messages?

Sure, and as a customer I'd expect from my ISP to do the very same.
As long as they just want you to be notified about this incident
everything is fine. What you however should underline in your conversation
with them is that you have no possibilities to prove or falsify their
claim. (this might set you free from any liablity since they can not
claim that 'you knew'). Passing the notice to your customer without
interacting with the entity that sends you the notice would be the
way I'd go. It is of course also important to inform your customer
that you can won't verify this claim as it is none of your business
as an ISP to check what data your customers are exchanging.

After all it is very likely that your customer doesn't even know
about this problem as many of those requests i have seen
have been for boxes that have been abused by third parties due
to security issues for random undesired stuff.

As concerns requests like these in general I stick to the policy
as long as there is no official document like a search warrant i
advise the enquiring entity to use the regular correct legal process
if there is such thing like a search warrant i comply politely and
do whatever is stated there with caring for the most minimal impact

my experience as netmaster for several isps and the project
showed me that this is some sort of the golden way to keep your
customers satisfied as well as to comply politely with the law where

kind regards,
swinog mailing list

Re: [swinog] Notice of Copyright Infringement - How do you proceed?

2008-03-14 Diskussionsfäden Michael Horn

On Fri, 14 Mar 2008, Viktor Steinmann wrote:

As an ISP, you do...

- what a customers pays for
- what the law requires

Thanks for summing things up in two simple lines,
what i were not able to express shorter ;-)

Is either the case here? Nope. If anybody wants you to do work for them - and 
forwarding messages to people, who's IP you'll have to grep out of Logfiles 
first (in the worst case) *is* work - this entity should pay for it.

If it concerns dynamically allocated IP addresses I second this opinion, 
however if it costs you no work to identify the customer, why not forward

the message? As long as it is not too much work, the customer will be
happy or at least ammused about the mail. So if it costs you
significant work to find out who had the ip address, silently discarding
the mail is the way to go in deed.
swinog mailing list

Re: Re: [swinog] Notice of Copyright Infringement - How do you proceed?

2008-03-14 Diskussionsfäden Michael Horn

Hi Vincent,

On Sat, 15 Mar 2008, Vincent Magnin wrote:

Michael Horn [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

As you have already seen in this thread, an ISP have to give information
to UVEK-DBA only.

That is what i meant to express - until you are forced by law to comply,
don't do anything that might harm you or your customer. If this is the 
case - e.g. in the above stated UVEK-DBA - comply politely as far as

minimally needed. I think we agree on that point.

I'm not a lawyer, but if the ISP forward the information to the client,
and if the client contacts the original sender of the mail, it's somthing
like an indirect leak of information.

Which would be in deed a very dumb thing to do as the customer.
But I sometimes forget, that - at least some - customers don't always act
very wisely. You got a point there in deed.

There is no clear law on this subject (at least on Switzerland).

As an ISP, I would ask my lawyer before doing something.

Which costs money - often considerable amounts. So best thing until
more evil things than anoying people sending you emails happen:
Mail - Rundablage.

swinog mailing list

Re: AW: [swinog] Skype

2007-08-20 Diskussionsfäden Michael Horn

On Mon, 20 Aug 2007, Benoit Panizzon wrote:

I once had 100Fr./Month free Swisscom calls. So I started announcing the whole
Swiss FixNet ranges. This did work pretty well, many other Asterisk users
made good use of my ISDN lines :-)

How did you take care of correct callerid for outbound calls?

To my knowledge DUNDI is just meant for usage with your own numbers.

Maybe that's why i use ENUM instead.

swinog mailing list

Re: [swinog] BGP hint required

2007-06-07 Diskussionsfäden Michael Horn

Hi Fredy,

On Thu, 7 Jun 2007, Fredy Kuenzler wrote:

I'm building the CDN for Zattoo and as it's some sort of 'anycast' 
infrastructure (refer to the presentation @ SwiNOG #14), I have several 
geographically dispersed network islands, not connected via a layer-2 link.

Each network island propagates one or more /24 networks, using AS8302.

Now, BGP mechanism prevents AS-pathes like


in my case


if I'm AS8302 myself.

I know there is some tweak to prevent this default behaviour. Could anyone 
give a hint for Foundry and Cisco gear?

you may want to use the allowas-in statement in the neighbor 
configuration (at least on cisco)

  allowas-in Accept as-path with my AS present in it

- neighbor allowas-in

Kind regards,

Michael Horn Network Consulting | | I route, therefore you are
Po.Box 810221 | 90247 Nuremberg | GSM: +4916 | FAX: +49162345
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