Re: [symfony-users] Auto-filling caches

2011-02-10 Thread Benoit Montuelle

I would make it using a task which uses sfBrowser on the ajax urls,
eventually using DB queries to generate them. If you use html cache it
should do the job. The only thing is to run the task with the good env
argument so it generates cache for 'prod'.

Now if you use sfViewCacheManager, it seems you can do it more naturally
when a new post is created, with setPageCache goog_277624711


2011/2/10 Robert Gründler


 Imagine a blog where each BlogEntry has one Author, and can be tagged with
 one ore more Tags.
 The mainpage displays a paginated list of all blogentries. Every entry
 displays the title, author and the tags. The pagination
 is implemented using AJAX.

 To display the paginated list using symfony + doctrine, 3 Database queries
 are needed:

 1. select count(*)  # get the total number of entries
 2. select distinct ... limit ... offset # get the actual ids of blog
 entries for that page
 3. select ... where in (...)  # retrieve the data to display for that page

 When the number of blogs and the authors + tags is getting large, these 3
 queries can take up to 800 - 1000 ms, which is
 not fast enough, if you want ajax pagination.

 If a single page is cached, the ajax request takes about 200 - 300 ms, but
 the uncached page takes over 1 second to load.

 What we're thinking about is to pre-fill the cache of every page in that
 list, so that no user ever hits an uncached page. This pre-fillling
 could take place in a cronjob, which is run every 5 minutes or so -
 frequent enough for this use case.

 What i was thinking about is to set the cache-lifetime of the partial for a
 single page to one day, and update the cached results
 in the background - which actually is the part i'm not sure how to

 Anyone knows if this kind of logic could be implemented using symfony +



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[symfony-users] No executed php code in component

2010-09-12 Thread Benoit Pr

I am facing a problem which is taotally driving me nuts!

I have some php code in a component (normal, you'll say), and I am
using values in php to inject them into some javascript.

But, each of this values is not correctly interpreted...

Example: I have a value defined in app.yml, I call it with
sfConfig::get('app_myvar') and null is returned.

Same thing with url_for: echo url_for('@login'); to have the routing
link of a login page. With url_for on this page, this is worst, the
all page turns blank.

In dev environement everything is working fine. In prod environment
nothing of written above is working.

I am under Symfony 1.4


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RE: [symfony-users] Re: IE8 and isXmlHttpRequest

2010-09-01 Thread Benoit Montuelle
I think most javascript frameworks add this header to the request 
automatically, I don't know if its done using plain javascript.

I once had this issue using mootools but it was a bug in our JS code 
overwriting all http header instead of adding the needed one, and not a symfony 


-Original Message-
From: Gábor Fási
Sent: mercredi 1 septembre 2010 12:25
Subject: Re: [symfony-users] Re: IE8 and isXmlHttpRequest

If you check the code of isXmlHttpRequest, you'll see it is very simple:

return ($this-getHttpHeader('X_REQUESTED_WITH') == 'XMLHttpRequest');

So check if your javascript code sets that header, also check if it
actually gets sent.

On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 12:11, HAUSa wrote:
 Yes, but is there someone who can reproduce this?
 Seems like a Symfony bug...!

 On 31 aug, 20:33, Stéphane wrote:
 Compare the http request headers of the firefox's xhr over the ie8's one

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 On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 8:20 PM, HAUSa wrote:
  In IE8, my isXmlHttpRequest function doesn't work.
  In my template, I use ?php if(!$sf_request-isXmlHttpRequest()): ?
  to hide content if it is an AJAX call.
  Firefox handles this okay, but IE8 shows the entire template, as well
  as the complete layout again!

  How is this possible? Bug?
  Anyone who knows a fix?

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RE: [symfony-users] mobile site strategy

2010-09-01 Thread Benoit Montuelle
I've done it by adding specific layout, templates and stylesheet to the 
existing app.

You can trigger events in your project configuration upon user agent to change 
templates and specific configuration. 

The strategy to use another app depends wether your mobile app should have the 
same functionnality as the 'classic' web app does, but it will be easier if 
most code still shared.

-Original Message-
From: Kevin
Sent: mercredi 1 septembre 2010 12:51
To: symfony users
Subject: [symfony-users] mobile site strategy

I am wondering what others have done to create a mobile site for their
symfony projects (when more than just a handheld stylesheet is

What I am planning on doing is moving all my modules to a plugin and
creating another app called 'mobile'.  I can then override any modules
I need optimized for a mobile device.

What strategies have you come up with?  Is there an agreed upon best

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[symfony-users] htaccess 2 applications in /web: strange problem

2010-08-26 Thread Benoit Pr

I have 2 applications: app1  app2, which directory web files are both
in /web.

Here's my problem:while rewrite works perfectly for app1, rewrite
works partially for app2: css, img  js are not loaded.

When we both exchange app* places in .htaccess, app2 works perfectly,
then app1 works partially: no load of css img  js.

Here's my .htaccess, did I forgot something? I am on this since 2
days... :(


Options +FollowSymLinks +ExecCGI
ExpiresActive On

# 1 month
FilesMatch \.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|swf)$
#  Header set Cache-Control max-age=2592000, public
  ExpiresDefault access plus 1 month

# 1 month
FilesMatch \.(xml|txt|css|js)$
  Header set Cache-Control max-age=2592000, proxy-revalidate

# 2 month favicon
FilesMatch \.(favicon\.png)$
  Header set Cache-Control max-age=2592000, proxy-revalidate

# 1 MIN
FilesMatch \.(html|htm|php)$
 Header set Cache-Control max-age=60, private, proxy-revalidate

IfModule mod_rewrite.c
  RewriteEngine On

  # uncomment the following line, if you are having trouble
  # getting no_script_name to work
  RewriteBase /

  # we skip all files with .something
  #RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} \..+$
  #RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !\.html$
  #RewriteRule .* - [L]

  # we check if the .html version is here (caching)
  RewriteRule ^$ index.html [QSA]
  RewriteRule ^([^.]+)$ $1.html [QSA]
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f

  # no, so we redirect to our front web controller
  RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^hostapp1 [NC]
  RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php [QSA,L]

  RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^hostapp2 [NC]
  RewriteRule ^(.*)$ frontend.php [QSA,L]


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[symfony-users] Re: Symfony 1.4-compatible minifier for Symfony now included in Apostrophe, can be used in any Symfony project

2010-08-26 Thread Benoit Pr

I just implemented this plugin, which seems very interesting (1.4
compatible also).

However, when i use a_include*, I am collecting js and css which are
not in my project, like these one for example:

How do disable the call to thoses files?

Thanks by advance,

On 18 août, 16:34, Stéphane wrote:
 Done :,

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 On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 3:24 PM, Tom Boutell wrote:
  A specific task would be convenient for those who consider 'symfony
  cc' too heavy, and I could still invoke it automatically from a
  'symfony cc' hook. Would you mind opening a ticket on to remind me to look at this?

  On Aug 17, 9:54 am, Stéphane wrote:
   +1 for the specific task !

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   Avant d'Imprimer, Pensez à Votre Responsabilitée Environnementale!

   On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 3:52 PM, Daniel Lohse

Mhm, I somehow I knew that this would have been t easy. (:

But okay, so we do need to cache these relations array(bundle =
sha1sum.ccsgz) somewhere it gets loaded on every request and I'd guess
app.yml.php file is a good place. Still, using this approach does not
necessitate – or even need for that matter – manual cache invalidation
because we could send the far future Expires header everytime. If files
that bundle change, clear the files (not necessarily with a brute-force
symfony cc) and they are rebuilt on the next page refresh. Maybe we
provide a apostrophe:clear-minified-resources [--js] [--css] [--all]
[--env=dev|prod|staging] task so as to not need the brute-force
  symfony cc
or go hunting for these minified files manually?

Cheers, Daniel

On 17.08.2010, at 15:32, Tom Boutell wrote:

 Daniel, this almost works and I got pretty excited thinking about
 it... but there's a tragic flaw.

 On the first page access you slurp up all the CSS files, minify them,
 md5 that and create a cache file. Fine.

 On the second page access you... can't point to the cache file
 first doing all of that again (everything except actually writing the
 file) just to figure out what the filename is. (:

 Opening all of the files, slurping them in and md5'ing them on every
 page access is overhead we do not want. So it makes more sense to
 a cache key.

 On Aug 16, 9:13 am, Daniel Lohse
 Sorry for being a bit slow today: why would we need cache
If the filename of the compacted file(s) is a hash generated from the
contents of the file then after one file changes and the
are re-generated the filename changes. The browser then should just
the file because it doesn't about that file yet (filename is not the

 Am I missing something here?

 Cheers, Daniel

 Sent from my iPad

 On Aug 16, 2010, at 2:59 PM, Tom Boutell wrote:

 You're right, we do need cache invalidation. I just came up with a
 clean way to do it without tweaking app.yml settings, adding a
 or making glob() calls: just use a file in the asset-cache folder
 hold the current cache key. The OS should cache reads from that
 extremely well.

 It may even be possible to avoid the filesystem hit by writing it
  as a
 PHP file in cache/frontend/prod/config that just calls
 sfConfig::set(). Then with any luck it would be autoloaded and even
 cached by APC until its modification date changes just like an
 setting would. But plain old file_get_contents() calls to a simple
 file with an asset cache version number in it would also get cached
 nicely by the operating system so it might be overkill to try to
 it into Symfony's cache.

 On Aug 15, 11:44 am, pghoratiu wrote:
 It might be worthwhile to take things a step further by
 them in the URL so that they can be given an infinite cache

RE: [symfony-users] Application Desktop

2010-08-20 Thread Benoit Montuelle
You could achieve this with various commercial solutions, like those quoted by 
Jochem. Others exists but as far as I know none for free or opensource.

Another option is to go with a redistribuale VM (appliance) or create a custom 
ubuntu bootable cd that start servers and browser...

Good luck

-Original Message-
From: Jochen Daum
Sent: vendredi 20 août 2010 12:05
Subject: Re: [symfony-users] Application Desktop


On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 7:43 PM, Christopher 
Schnell wrote:
This would be also very interesting to me.
 What I like to know is: Is there a way to transfer a symfony app (online 
running on apache with MySQL) with small efford to a small local webserver 
distributed on cd with sqlite or something? has someone done such a thing 

I've used Microweb in 2001 for this 
purpose. Well worth the money for the developer licence and super easy to set 

The biggest problem was to get DNS sorted for the CD, in the end we settled to 
run on

Hope this helps,
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RE: [symfony-users] APPs vs Modules/Actions: Pro's and Con's????

2010-08-18 Thread Benoit Montuelle

If you have to share functionnality accross multiple apps / customers / access 
the best way imho is to put everithing in plugins.

As in symfony 1.4 the application is required to access plugins, you can use 3 
kinds of plugins :
- Application plugins : direct port from the current app. It contains routing, 
layout, etc.
- Functionnal plugins : organized by domain (admin, reporting,...) contains 
modules with templates, reusable components, etc
- Utility plugins : they can be either third party (db, formextra, 
generators,etc.) or business specific. They almost contains no modules.

With this organisation, Functionnal plugins uses Utilities plugins, and 
Application defines routes and navigation to the Functionnal modules.
The best is Application plugins can override Functionnal modules actions and 
templates to provide anything specific : presentation for one customer app, 
additional module, etc...

Using externals in your version control you can have a flexible organisation 
even with multiple similar projects.

This is just an example and relies on a lot of conventions. But whatever code 
organisation you choose, I think you should keep modules as small and 
independant from other ones as possible, it eases refactoring a lot.


-Original Message-
From: Kei Takahashi
Sent: mercredi 18 août 2010 06:39
To: symfony users
Subject: [symfony-users] APPs vs Modules/Actions: Pro's and Con's

Hi, I am seeking opinions.

We have a group of about 5 developers and we are engaging in a
discussion about how to structure a project. In the past, each
developer has made a separate configuration system for various
websites. One is reporting, one is configurations and settings, etc.

Now, we are adopting symfony as a framework as these systems are
refactored. We want a centralized administrative application, and we
want to refactor the old systems all together to be accessed by this
one administration system. Now, here is where I am seeking opinions,
as none of us are authority's on symfony. Do we:

- create a 'backend' and put all the functionality under modules and

- create a separate APP for each within the PROJECT, and manipulate
the routing and layout to be shared for a consistent back end, css,

That is the conversation that is taking place. Pro's and Con's for
keeping them separated by Application or by having everyone use the
same backend application and put their functionality into modules and

Opinions from experienced symfony developers is highly appreciated.
We're really just searching for information (IE: Pro's/Con's) so we
can make informed decisions in our planning process. Thanks.

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RE: [symfony-users] L18N helper not extracting strings in forms !

2010-08-09 Thread Benoit Montuelle

It seems to search to __ calls only in template/partials.

You can add them manually in xliff file, as long as you keep IDs incremented.


-Original Message-
From: Tristan
Sent: lundi 9 août 2010 19:49
To: symfony users
Subject: [symfony-users] L18N helper not extracting strings in forms !


i've followed an user advice with loading l18N helper this way :

class stPlayerCvForm extends BasestPlayerCvForm
public function configure()
ProjectConfiguration::getActive()-loadHelpers( array( 'I18N' ) 


'category'= __('Qui suis-je ?'),
 'game_id'   = __('Jeu'),
 'url_esl'   = __('URL profil détaillé'),


After a php symfony i18n:extract --auto-save  frontend en , no new
string found and i cannot find this strings in my /en/messages.xml

If anyone could help, it would be appreciated. Thanks

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Re: [symfony-users] not escaping some html code in a template

2010-05-26 Thread Benoit Montuelle

What i've done to keep escaping globally enabled but allow html rendering in
one specific part if using getRawValue() method from sfOutputEscaper class,
in the template /partial juste like this :
 echo $message-getRawValue()-getText()

I don't how it manages to keep doctrine (in my example $message is
Doctrine_Record instance) object methods functional, but it worked. If
needed source of version used is here


2010/5/26 l3ia-etu

 Hello everyone,

 I would like to insert some html code in my template.

 in the doc we've got:
 Listing 7-44 - Activating Output Escaping, in myapp/config/

escaping_strategy: both
escaping_method:   ESC_ENTITIES

 so putting
 escaping_strategy: off
 would resolve my problem, but i want this, just for one template.

 i've tried
 creating a file settings.yml in the config dir of the module:
 name of the template:
escaping_strategy: off

 like i've done for the security.yml:
  is_secure: true

  is_secure: false
  is_secure: false

 but that doesn't seem to works.

 if you could help me, i would be gratefully.

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Re: [symfony-users] MVC vs module in Symfony

2010-05-18 Thread Benoit Montuelle


Sorry I've never seen such a diagram.
There is an UML picture of symfony imternals.

A module covers view and controller tiers in mvc, and yes you can  
define filters and forms on each module, or overload the generated  
ones, just pût them in module/lib folders.

To disable filters in an admin module you should look at generator.yml  
file documentation.


Le 18 mai 2010 à 01:50, Dennis a écrit :

So anyone seen a definitive pictogram that shows all the elements of
Symfony in relation to an MVC implementation? Something like a Venn
diagram showing which element of symfony belongs in which part of pure

I'm kind of wondering  most of all:
What role in MVC does a module perform?
Is is possible to disable/enable/add filters per module?

TIA, Dennis

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Sorry I've never seen

Le 18 mai 2010 à 01:50, Dennis a écrit :

So anyone seen a definitive pictogram that shows all the elements of
Symfony in relation to an MVC implementation? Something like a Venn
diagram showing which element of symfony belongs in which part of pure

I'm kind of wondering  most of all:
What role in MVC does a module perform?
Is is possible to disable/enable/add filters per module?

TIA, Dennis

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Re: [symfony-users] about webservices

2010-04-07 Thread Benoit Montuelle
In your case it's a good to use web services to abstract database  
model B as you know it'll be modified soon.

Where I disagree is putting all on the same SF project, you should  
separate your app in 2 parts :
- The main project, embedding A database models and acting as web  
service consumer

- The web service provider project that contains DB B models

This way when DB schema for B Will change, you can refactor only one  
app/project. You can even switch framework or language ... as long as  
your  web service API behavior do not change you won't ne required to  
refactor the whole application.

IMHO that's the key interest in using webservices.


Le 7 avr. 2010 à 16:54, jaubry a écrit :

Let me explain my problem.
My challenge (in fact, thanks to my client...) is to create a
application based on symfony.
It has multiple databases. One master, for the application, and
others, for reference tables.
I know that in symfony, I can enumerate multiple databases in the
I can also use the sfDoctrineMastSlavePlugin to get rapid access to
one or another DB.
I can describe the different DB schema in the schema.yml

But, some slave databases are meant to be replaced in short term. So
my client wish to use web services in order to access the data.
Furthermore, all the code (including webservices) has to be done in
one place (my symfony project)
Right now, i feel a bit perplex about this implementation.

Tell me if I am wrong.
My database B is the slave that might change in short term.
I make my connection to B in databases.yml
I have to describe my B database in the schema.yml
I create a module for all the webservice, and the methods to query the
I create some routes to access the methods, which will return lists in
In my application, I point to this methods to retrieve the data,
analyse the xml and publish it.

If the B database, has to change, I have to :
- modify databases.yml
- modify schema.yml
- rebuild --all (or a part of it)
- modify the code in the webservice module, because the fields might
be different...

Hope I'm right.

Thanks for your advices and your comments.


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[symfony-users] Cross app / system wide i18n files

2010-03-30 Thread Benoit

I had a translated project compouned by 2 apps : backend and frontend.
I use i18n even for one language projects, it avoid me redefining
sames labels in all backend generator.yml files and it allows further
evolution to internationalization.
Anyway, my problem is in these apps, certains terms (forms labels
mostly)  needs to be translated for both back and front office.

Is there any way to keep translation in a common XLIFF file ?  I
looked out documentation and tried putting files at project root, in
config dir, etc. without success.

If that wasn't an option, I would try putting translations in a


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Re: [symfony-users] Why i can not retrieve a constant from app.yml ?

2010-03-30 Thread Benoit Montuelle

Configuration files use an arborescent model,

Say you have a app.yml like this

You should be able to retrieve the value using
$class = sfConfig::get('app_sf_doctrineguard_plugin_form');

All you have to do is replacing subsequent levels with underscores in the
key name of config value

In your case, it returns 'sfGuardFormSignin' because you passed it to
sfConfig::get as default value (second parameter), and your config is not


2010/3/30 Javier Garcia


 this is my frontend/config/app.yml



 and i have this code in

 class BasesfGuardAuthActions extends sfActions
 function executeSignin($request)

$class = sfConfig::get('app_sf_guard_plugin_signin_form',

echo $class;

 When i execute the signin action, it always shows 'sfGuardFormSignin'
 instead of 'sfGuardFormSigninByEmail'.



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Re: [symfony-users] What is the difference of Module and ModuleTable?

2010-03-24 Thread Benoit Montuelle


In your example, user class is a Doctrine_Record descendant, so it's a  
row of the DB table.

Saving and deleting individual records are done within this class.

UserTable extends from Doctrine_Table and serve to execute queries,  
typically to return user instances.

Mass operations, searching for records are in this class.


Le 24 mars 2010 à 07:49, 張偉 a écrit :

Hello guys!

I'm a begainner of symfony and doctrine technology.

Yestoday, I set up
symfony1.4+netbeans6.8+php+doctrine+mysql+apache+windows and displayed
the http://localhost/frontend_dev.php/ . :-D

Today, I want to make doctrine work.

I used Doctrine:build tool to build forms, filters and modules like
User.class.php and UserTable.class.php from my existed database.

My question is:
What is the difference of User.class and UserTable.class?

in user.class I can use
Doctrine::getTable('User')-findOneByName($param); to get a user.
in usertable.class I can use $this-findOneBy('name', $param); to  

a user.

Thank you very much.

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Re: [symfony-users] Re: Saving some data during insert, update, and deleting object?

2010-03-22 Thread Benoit Montuelle

Look at doctrine event system.

It implement pseudo event methods (pre/postSave, preDelete,  
postHydrate ,etc) in Doctrine_Record class, you can easily override  
them, they are call at right time to modify values on object


Le 22 mars 2010 à 12:56, verox a écrit :

Any ideas guys?

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Re: [symfony-users] UML diagram of Symfony

2010-02-12 Thread Benoit Montuelle

I found this .
 It has 1 year old, so I think it is 1.0 or 1.2 framework.

2010/2/12 Maxim Tsepkov

 Does anyone have any sort of UML diagram of Symfony internals, interfaces,
 It would be very helpful, if there is exist step-by-step execution scheme.

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Re: [symfony-users] actAs Timestampable requiring created_at in update

2010-01-20 Thread Benoit Montuelle

It's perfectly normal. These 2 field added by actAsTimestampable  
Behavior are not to be editable by users.

You should remove them in your form class configure() method :

Hope this helps


Le 20 janv. 2010 à 06:09, diogobaeder a  
écrit :

Hi, guys,

I don't know why, but a website I'm developing started to pass the
created_at field in the update query when I try to save an edited
admin form with a null value, so I cannot save the data anymore. Any
idea of what might be wrong? I'm using Symfony 1.4.


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Re: [symfony-users] Open an Excel file

2010-01-15 Thread Benoit Montuelle

I think there may be at least 2 solutions :

- Make for form so user can upload one or more file
- Modify that file in php, this point may be though, as php excel writers
have generally limited support. You can try something like this , or if possible use
xlsx which is XML data.
- Redirect the browser and force downloading the file, the user will have to
accept the download and choose place where to put it.

2nd) As your clients are IE6 you can use some kind of activeX to handle xls
files directly on user's computer, if you're not fluent in php but are in
C#, VB or C++ this can be a better solultion.
Somme dll's already exists to modify/generate excel files But the main
disadvantage is that it will never work on any other browser than IE. As far
as I know with activeX autorised by browser you can have access to full
computer ressources, as a regular windows program.
Once I saw an app that can : interact with scanner device on local computer,
process picture to pdf on local computer, then upload it back to the server.
The server was PHP5 (without OSS framework) and client were winXP+IE6

I Know generally PHP developers avoid solution like this because of its
compatibility problem, but it still exists and being used by many intranet

Last but not least, if you're starting a new app, don't use symfony 1.0,
you'll find more reliable ressources for symfony 1.4 now.


2010/1/14 bibijosh

 Hi, I'm quite new to Symfony, and not really good at php in the first
 place. So if someone could give me a hand here.

 Here is what my website does for now :
  - Open an explorer window so the user can upload an excel file
  - Modify that file
  - Save it on my server.

 Here is what I would like to do :
  - Open an explorer window so the user can upload an excel file
  - Modify that file AND THEN open it in an Excel Window. (I can only
 manage to display it in my webpage, whichdoesn't look good at all,
 I heard it could be because of the mime type actions...)
  - Save it on the user's computer, where it was first uploaded from,
 without the user having to do anything.

 I'll welcome any advice.

 I'm using php5, Symfony 1.0 and IE 6

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[symfony-users] SfForm embed different forms with the same model behind

2010-01-08 Thread Benoit Montuelle
Hi list,

I am working with symfony 1.4 to build a simple registration form, I got 2
models for this part : Registration and Person, which works with standalone
generated modules.

The registration model has 2 one to one relations with person for recording
2 contact information (respectively named Participant and Contact). I want
to bring both contact informaiton in the same form, tied to registration
form in registration module. Altough registration records cannot be modified
directly in form, it has to be timestampped and update status once the form
user has registered.

I defined my form class like with this only method :
class FrontEndRegistrationForm extends BaseRegistrationForm
  public function configure()
//delete everything
 $this-setValidatorSchema(new sfValidatorSchema());

 //adding 2 persons forms
 $participant = $this-getObject()-getParticipantPerson();
 $this-embedForm(participant, new

 $contact = $this-getObject()-getContactPerson();
 $this-embedForm(contact, new ContactPersonForm($contact));

ParticipantPersonForm and ContactPersonForm are both derivating from
BasePersonForm and aim to remove different unused fields.

My problem is the embeded forms are both named with the model name, which is
the same in this case (Person) . I though the first argument of the
embedForm method was use to prefix fields name in HTML rendering, but
apparently not.

Also, I tried adding in my sub-forms configure method the statement

$this-setOption('name_format', 'participant[%s]');

And $this-setOption('name_format', 'contact[%s]');

Nothing to do, I am stuck with field named contact[%s] and unable to
properly save forms data.
In my view file, I dumped the form vars and checked them, they seem ok for
widgets/validators and using the right classes (ParticipantPersonForm 
ContactPersonForm) But both have the default option for 'name_format'
whatever I tried.

Did I do something wrong in the implementation ?
Is there any other way to get this working ?

Best regards,

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[symfony-users] Re: SfForm embed different forms with the same model behind

2010-01-08 Thread Benoit Montuelle
2010/1/8 Benoit Montuelle

 Hi list,

 I am working with symfony 1.4 to build a simple registration form, I got 2
 models for this part : Registration and Person, which works with standalone
 generated modules.

 The registration model has 2 one to one relations with person for recording
 2 contact information (respectively named Participant and Contact). I want
 to bring both contact informaiton in the same form, tied to registration
 form in registration module. Altough registration records cannot be modified
 directly in form, it has to be timestampped and update status once the form
 user has registered.

 I defined my form class like with this only method :
 class FrontEndRegistrationForm extends BaseRegistrationForm
   public function configure()
 //delete everything
  $this-setValidatorSchema(new sfValidatorSchema());

  //adding 2 persons forms
  $participant = $this-getObject()-getParticipantPerson();
  $this-embedForm(participant, new

  $contact = $this-getObject()-getContactPerson();
  $this-embedForm(contact, new ContactPersonForm($contact));

 ParticipantPersonForm and ContactPersonForm are both derivating from
 BasePersonForm and aim to remove different unused fields.

 My problem is the embeded forms are both named with the model name, which
 is the same in this case (Person) . I though the first argument of the
 embedForm method was use to prefix fields name in HTML rendering, but
 apparently not.

 Also, I tried adding in my sub-forms configure method the statement

 $this-setOption('name_format', 'participant[%s]');

 And $this-setOption('name_format', 'contact[%s]');

 Nothing to do, I am stuck with field named contact[%s] and unable to
 properly save forms data.
 In my view file, I dumped the form vars and checked them, they seem ok for
 widgets/validators and using the right classes (ParticipantPersonForm 
 ContactPersonForm) But both have the default option for 'name_format'
 whatever I tried.

 Did I do something wrong in the implementation ?
 Is there any other way to get this working ?

 Best regards,

To be precise, I need my form to be edited by designers, so almost all HTML
accessible in the view file.
In my view I had
$participantForm = $form-getEmbeddedForm('participant');
and rendering fields labels and errrors with :
echo $participantForm['first_name']-renderLabel();
echo $participantForm['first_name']-renderError();
echo $participantForm['first_name'];

But I just tried a simple echo $form to render the whole form at once and
this time, fields name are the correct ones.

I think of a problem with configuration order, or name collision when using
$form-getEmbeddedForm method

thank you

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Re: [symfony-users] OT: Create PHPCod comments automatically

2009-12-17 Thread Benoit Montuelle

Eclipse with PDT plugin does this too, what I do is writing first the empty
method with only its arguments and above its declaration type /** + RETURN
it will fill phpdoc with arguments and types.

You can also define empty class templates prefilled with phpdoc empty bloc
on top of it


2009/12/17 Georg Gell

 Hello list,

 just a quick OT post:

 I am looking for a way to auto add auto prefilled PHPDoc comments on my
 PHP files.
 For example if I have a method like this:

 public function doSomething($var){

 then it should add above (if no PHPDoc comment is already existing)

 * doSomething
 * @author Me
 * @param $var
 * @return

 Even better if the content of the created PHPDocs could be configured. I
 was using PHPEdit once, and this IDE had that kind of functionality, but
 I am missing it in Netbeans.

 How do you add those PHPDocs?



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[symfony-users] Re: Doctrine custom theme

2009-12-16 Thread Benoit
Alternatively, you can put it in a plugin, we use  something like this

This way you can reuse the theme in any new project you got.


On Dec 16, 10:02 am, Daniel Londero wrote:
 On 16 Dic, 09:54, Daniel Lohse wrote:

  Put it here in your symfony project:


  Symfony will never force you to put things inside the core folders!

 Yeah!! Thank you so much :)



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[symfony-users] Re: symfony - WINDOWS path

2009-12-16 Thread Benoit
That's because you're using windows. You can convert backslashes to
slash without trouble, windows handle both for a while now.

But, this will not work yet because you're using file system path
instead of URI for image src. At the end you should have image written
like this img src=uploads/image1.jpg /

On Dec 16, 8:08 am, dziobacz wrote:
 img src=/uploads/?php echo $z-getThumb() ? /
 img src=/uploads/image1.jpg /

 img src=?php echo sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir') ?/?php echo 
 $z-getThumb() ? /

 img src=C:\Program Files\WebServ\httpd\cms\web\uploads/image1.jpg /

 and I don't see a picture - sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir') gives
 backslash, but it should be slash !! What can I do with that ??


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Re: [symfony-users] Symfony developer per hour salary

2009-12-14 Thread Benoit Montuelle
This is true, but depends on context and client.

For instance here in France, for a contract employee it may be around  
20€ per hour, once charges and taxes deducted.

A freelancer should charge at least twice to cover taxes, so almost  

Le 14 déc. 2009 à 15:21, Eno a écrit :

 On Sun, 13 Dec 2009, [ISO-8859-2] £ukasz Wojciechowski wrote:

 I know the value of my work but this is my first job outside of my
 country so I have no idea what is per hour rating (in USD) for such

 Two additional points:

 1) The only reason to outsource to developer's in another country  
 would be
 to save money.

 2) Canadian salaries are lower than the US and taxes are higher.



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[symfony-users] Re: How can I custom the default css path

2009-08-25 Thread Benoit

Thank you for this idea, but if I write a new helper - with a new
function to use instead stylesheet_path() -, I'll have to replace all
uses of stylesheet_path() in the framework.

On Aug 24, 9:02 pm, David Wang wrote:
 you could probably write a new helper include it as default and use  
 that instead of the AssetHelper class

 ..oO  David Wang  Oo..
 ..oO  blog  -
 ..oO  JennieBot helping you be a better you!

 On Aug 24, 2009, at 11:06 AM, Benoit wrote:


  I want to change the default path to css directory, but in the
  function stylesheet_path (AssetHelper.php) the directory name css
  is hard coded. (I'm working with Symfony 1.2.5)

  I don't want to have to specify another directory in each use of

  Any idea to perform this ?

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[symfony-users] How can I custom the default css path

2009-08-24 Thread Benoit


I want to change the default path to css directory, but in the
function stylesheet_path (AssetHelper.php) the directory name css
is hard coded. (I'm working with Symfony 1.2.5)

I don't want to have to specify another directory in each use of

Any idea to perform this ?


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[symfony-users] Re: sfSimpleBlog, sfConfigCache

2007-04-17 Thread Benoit Masson

Does it work witht he lastest 1.0.2 ? or is it still with the trunk ?
Le 9 avr. 07 à 20:50, Francois Zaninotto a écrit :


 Perhaps you missed this line in the wiki page:

 The symfony version must be at least r3703 (trunk version for now).

 You are not using the latest version of symfony, hence the plugin  


 -Message d'origine-
 De : [mailto:symfony- 
 De la part de Goran Tusek
 Envoyé : dimanche 8 avril 2007 20:04
 À : symfony-users
 Objet : [symfony-users] sfSimpleBlog, sfConfigCache


 I tryed to use the sfSimpleBlog - Plugin. I followed the steps on:

 I'm now getting the error message:
 *Fatal error*: Call to undefined method
 sfConfigCache::registerConfigHandler() in
 *F:\wamp\www\na01\plugins\sfSimpleBlogPlugin\config\config.php* on  
 line *5

 *Can anybody help me with that? Thx.


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