[symfony-users] How do I exclude a directory from config scan?

2011-06-08 Thread Jesse Greathosuse
The problem is that I have my deployment cache in my ./build folder
and symfony is loading the config file from that folder every time the
kernel is booted.

Cannot import resource "'database_dev.yml'" from "'/home/jesse/

Is there some silver bullet config parameter that lets me exclude
directories from being scanned for config files?


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[symfony-users] Re: Reduce coupling in entities

2011-05-24 Thread Jesse Greathosuse
I've never had any success with extending entities because you always
end up with a class that cant be used after you extend the entity. I
see a lot of people using "Base" entities which is essentially the
same thing as a model which an entity extends.

Create a mapped super class which inherits your user model. Then
create the entity to extend that mapped super class. In the mapped
super class create mapping between your entity and user model.

You don't need the oneb ut it's nice to have a mapping layer in
between them in case the apps use different variable names.

namespace Models;

/** @MappedSuperclass */

class User

   protected $username;
   protected $userid;
   protected $groups;

public function __call($method, $args)
if (strpos($method, 'get') === 0) {
return $this->get(substr($method, 3));
} else if (strpos($method, 'set') === 0) {
$this->set(substr($method, 3), $args[0]);
} else {
throw new \Exception('Method '.$method.' not found in
class: ' . get_class($this));

public function get($name) {
return $this->{strtolower($name)};

public function set($name, $value)
$this->{strtolower($name)} = $value;

namespace Entities;
* User
* @Table(name="user")
* @Entity
class User extends \Models\User

public function __construct()
//parent::__construct doesn't exist by default
//it only exists if it's explicitly defined
if (is_callable('parent::__construct')) {

//set up default collections so it doesn't break on empty
$this->groups = new \Doctrine\Common\Collections

 * @var integer $id
 * @Column(name="id", type="integer", nullable=true)
 * @Id
 * @GeneratedValue(strategy="IDENTITY")
protected $id;

 * @var string $name
 * @Column(name="name", type="string", length=16, nullable=false)
  protected $name;


On May 23, 5:06 pm, Problematic  wrote:
> I'm looking for an appropriate way to reduce coupling in a messaging bundle
> I'm writing, so that I can easily use it between applications.
> Each instance of the Message entity should have a sender and a recipient,
> instanceof Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserInterface, which I can
> require just fine in the setters for the properties. However, in setting up
> the ORM relationships, it seems that I have to specifically set a
> targetEntity (Foo\BarBundle\Entity\User, for example), which means that all
> further uses of the Message entity in different applications will either
> require a code change, or shoehorn them into using a User entity, which
> doesn't seem to me to be in a messaging bundle's scope to require.
> Any suggestions/best practices on how I can reduce coupling in this
> instance?

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[symfony-users] [SF2] [forms] disabled attribute is needed -- distinction between read_only and disabled

2011-05-21 Thread Jesse Greathosuse
My company is re-doing our online forms with symfony2 and we've run
into a particular problem in the way that it handles disabled fields
aka read_only.

The problem, as we see it, is that often, some form fields need to
start out as disabled, but later based on user input, those form
fields may need to have user data binded to it, which is impossible
(very tricky)  if the field is rendered with read_only.

Take for example, we have a form that needs the military affiliation
only to be displayed, when certain occupational choices are selected.
If military is enabled out of context, it will be detrimental to our
business and therefore we cannot make military enabled by default,
however if the user picks certain occupational choices, military
affiliation is required, and therefore if it is rendered as read_only,
it cannot be bound when the user submits the form, and therefore is
also a problem for our business.

I am not looking for suggestions on how to produce this effect with
presentation and post rendered javascript solutions. I am trying to
point out that there is a flaw in producing a semantically correct
document with the current forms implementation as I see it.

I suggest that there should be a way to flag a field as disabled,
without making it read_only. Currently, the only way that I see of
flagging a field as disabled is by making it read_only which I think
there should be some distinction of purpose between the two terms.


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[symfony-users] Symfony Meetup tonight in NYC with Jonathan Wage of Doctrine. Topic is his Mongo (odm) and working with Mongo and Doctrine

2010-11-18 Thread Jesse
Free Pizza and Beer/Soda will be provided. As well as door prizes!

Come fill your brain and your stomach!

Thu 7:00 PM

Meetup HQ
632 Broadway
NY, NY 10012

More info available:

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[symfony-users] Symfony now powering Startrek.com

2010-07-21 Thread Jesse
I would like to announce that Symfony is now under the hood of the
freshly re-launched startrek.com. Complete with a welcome letter from
Leonard Nimoy himself the new Startrek.com is running on a custom
Symfony backed CMS and frontend applications sitting on top of
Doctrine and mysql and behind Varnish and Nginx. The bulletin boards
which are really the focus of the fan base are a heavily modified
version of the sfSimpleForum plugin and sfGuard is used for all
authentication. A large portion of the development effort was actually
spent on data migration and getting the old IKON/oracle based
community content to play nice with our lovely Symfony driven app. If
anyone is in the new york city metro area and would like to hear more
about the history of this project from start to finish including
detailed technical info on the migration and customization efforts
please join the Symfony NYC meetup group tomorrow at 7pm in manhattan.
More info is provided here:


"Live Long and Prosper" Symfony community,
Jesse Sanford and the NYC-Symfony user group.

P.S. we got a call out on the late show (start at 7:20):


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[symfony-users] Symfony NYC user group

2010-01-27 Thread Jesse
I did a bit of searching and could not for the life of me find a
Symfony user group in the new york metro area. So I started one. How
many users on this list are interested in meeting every once in a
while to discuss Symfony and related topics?



I look forward to any and all help/suggestions/comments.


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[symfony-users] Re: How to declare an array of input field with sfForm?

2009-11-16 Thread Jesse B. Hannah

One way to do this is with embedded forms. A good example is available
at http://trac.symfony-project.org/ticket/4906#comment:13, but here's
a quick rundown of it:

$form = new sfForm();
for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) {
 $form->widgetSchema[$i] = new sfWidgetFormInputFile();
 $form->widgetSchema->setLabel($i, 'File ' . $i);
$this->embedForm('upload', $form);
$this->widgetSchema->setLabel('upload', 'Upload files');

How this will look in the view (you can use the debug inspector in
1.3) is there'll be a field $form['upload'], and then each file widget
will be $form['upload'][1] through $form['upload'][5]. You can also
start with just one input widget and then use jQuery to add more input
widgets to the embedded form (I can't give an example right now
because I'm still figuring out how to do this).

A couple more pages with some good discussion on embedded forms:

(focuses on multiple embedded forms using embedFormForEach, but still
a good overview of the concept)


Jesse B. Hannah

On Nov 14, 1:02 pm, Sid Bachtiar  wrote:
> Hi,
> How to declare an array of input field in sfForm? Is this where
> embedded form come in?
> In this case I want to use jquery MultiUpload library but it works by
> creating upload fields with the same field name, so when the form is
> uploaded, it will be as array.
> Cheers,
> Sid
> --
> Blue Horn Ltd - System Developmenthttp://bluehorn.co.nz

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[symfony-users] fcgi apache mod_rewrite problems aka No Input file specified.

2009-10-22 Thread Jesse

So we have the following problem when trying to switch over to fcgi
rather than mod_php

I can get all normal symfony routes etc working fine. The only issue
is when we try to do special rewrites for certain paths using
mod_rewrite. For instance: (from .htaccess in the webroot)

RewriteRule ^celebrities/$ index.php/celebrities [L]

What I think happens is that fcgi is set to catch anything ending
in .php

Mod_rewrite catches that url and then redirects apache to


When that happens apache fires off the fcgi process to parse index.php/

Then php responds with:

"No Input file specified."

Meaning it can't find the php file

I have tried forcing php to look for the index.php file in the webroot
by setting the


variable in the php.ini but that didn't do anything.

I have also tried to set the

cgi.fix_pathinfo=1 also in the php.ini (tried both 1 and 0)

And the

FcgidFixPathinfo 1 in the httpd.conf (again tried both 1 and 0)

And that didn't help either.

I think that php is finding the docroot fine though because going to
normal index.php or any route in symfony that does not have a
mod_rewrite rule pointing it to So we have the following problem when
trying to switch over to fcgi rather than mod_php

I can get all normal symfony routes etc working fine. The only issue
is when we try to do special rewrites for certain paths using
mod_rewrite. For instance: (from .htaccess in /www/web/)

RewriteRule ^celebrities/$ index.php/celebrities [L]

What I think happens is that fcgi is set to catch anything ending
in .php

Mod_rerite catches that url first and then redirects apache to


When that happens apache fires off the fcgi process to parse index.php/

Then php responds with:

No Input file specified.

Meaning it can't find the php file

I have tried forcing php to look for the index.php file in the webroot
by setting the doc_root=/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/web

Variable but that didn't do anything.

I have also tried to set the

cgi.fix_pathinfo=1 in the php ini (tried both 1 and 0)

And the

FcgidFixPathinfo 1 in the httpd.conf (again tried both 1 and 0)

And that didn't help either.

I think that php is finding the docroot fine though because going to
normal index.php or any route in symfony that does NOT have a
mod_rewrite rule pointing it to index.php/blah works fine. I can only
imagine that php is confused by the index.phpSLASH (SLASH being /

Other people (using other frameworks software etc that use a
querystring ie index.php?path=blah are able to use the above settings
successfully albeit in a number of different combinations. All of
which I have tried)

Is there anyway to get symfony to work somehow with a ? Rather than
a / when NOT using "pretty/clean/nice/short" urls

Like could we setup symfony to recognize index.php?path=celebrities

I think if we can do that we are golden.

FYI the reason for the mod_rewrite rules in the first place is because
there are also DIRECTORIES in the webroot that have the same name as
those paths ie "/www/web/celebrities/". So without the rewrite rules
apache throws a blank page because there is no index file in those
 works fine. I can only imagine that php is confused by the
index.phpSLASH (SLASH being / obviously)

Other people (using other frameworks software etc that use a
querystring ie index.php?path=blah are able to use the above settings
successfully albeit in a number of different combinations. All of
which I have tried)

Is there anyway to get symfony to work somehow with a ? Rather than
a / when NOT using "pretty/clean/nice/short" urls

Like could we setup symfony to recognize index.php?path=celebrities

FYI the reason for the mod_rewrite rules in the first place is because
there are also DIRECTORIES in the webroot that have the same name as
those paths ie "/www/web/celebrities/". So without the rewrite rules
apache throws a blank page because there is no index file in those

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[symfony-users] Re: Synfony with smarty

2009-01-07 Thread Jesse

In the plugins config directory there is a file settings.yml

this file MUST BE

helpers: [SmartyEscaping, SmartyJavascript, SmartyTag]

this should NOT be changed.

Your applications settings.yml should also have a minimum set of

standard_helpers:   [Partial, Cache, Form]

should probably be minimum.

On Jan 5, 1:47 pm, Pavel  wrote:
> Guys,
> This is problem is due to a bug when no smarty helpers are loaded.
> The workaround is to load some helpers even if you do not need to, add
> the following line to settings.yml:
>     smarty_helpers:         [AppUrl, Helper]
> Pavel
> On Jan 5, 6:42 pm, Jesse  wrote:
> > Hi Saad,
> > Im the current lead developer of the smarty plugin.
> > I dont see your Symfony library path in that error which seems to be
> > the problem. I have symfony installed as an external under project
> > root/lib/vendor/symfony
> > the helper folder is project root/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/helper
> > im looking at your paths and I dont see your symfony data directory.
> > Its not in your path.
> > Jesse
> > On Jan 5, 4:21 am, saad  wrote:
> > > Dearest all,
> > > 1) I m using symfony1.2.1  and i configured smarty plugin for 1.2 from
> > > this link
> > >      http://www.symfony-project.org/plugins/sfSmartyPlugin
> > >       symfony plugin:install sfSmartyPlugin --release=0.3.0
> > > 2) I did change in app.xml and paste these lines
> > >    # default values
> > >   all:
> > >     sfSmarty:
> > >     class_path: lib/vendor/smarty/libs
> > >     template_extension: .tpl
> > >     template_security: false
> > > 3)  Also paste smarty in project root lib/vendor/
> > > 4)  Then i create module file in my specific module/config/
> > > module.yml   and paste these lines
> > >      default:
> > >          view_class: sfSmarty
> > >          partial_view_class: sfSmarty
> > > 5)  Also did change layout.php into layout.tpl but it gived
> > > error .
> > >     Unable to load "Helper.php" helper in: /var/www/media/apps/
> > > frontend/lib/helper, /var/www/media/lib/helper, /var/www/media/lib/
> > > symfony/plugins/sfProtoculousPlugin/lib/helper, /var/www/media/plugins/
> > > sfSWFUploadPlugin/lib/helper, /var/www/media/plugins/sfSmartyPlugin/
> > > lib/helper, /var/www/media/lib/symfony/helper, /var/www/media/lib/
> > > symfony/plugins/sfPropelPlugin/lib/vendor, /var/www/media, /var/www/
> > > media/lib/symfony, ., /usr/share/php, /usr/share/pear.
> > > plz help me that how i run my application using smarty .
> > > Is it version problem or other
> > > plz explain it and also reply on this email id  s...@softmatics.com
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[symfony-users] Re: a question about smarty plugin

2009-01-05 Thread Jesse


Make sure that the Symfony library is in your projects path. If it
cant finder your symfony helpers then its because you dont have
Symfony as part of your path.


On Jan 5, 2:46 am, Asif  wrote:
>  i have installed the symfony version 1.2.1 on my server and also
> Smarty Plugin --release=0.2.3 for symfony but it is not working... i m
> facing some errors like "it is not able to load helper.php " from
> almost 10 paths..so plz help me that what is the problem
> regards
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[symfony-users] Re: Synfony with smarty

2009-01-05 Thread Jesse

Hi Saad,

Im the current lead developer of the smarty plugin.

I dont see your Symfony library path in that error which seems to be
the problem. I have symfony installed as an external under project

the helper folder is project root/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/helper

im looking at your paths and I dont see your symfony data directory.
Its not in your path.


On Jan 5, 4:21 am, saad  wrote:
> Dearest all,
> 1) I m using symfony1.2.1  and i configured smarty plugin for 1.2 from
> this link
>      http://www.symfony-project.org/plugins/sfSmartyPlugin
>       symfony plugin:install sfSmartyPlugin --release=0.3.0
> 2) I did change in app.xml and paste these lines
>    # default values
>   all:
>     sfSmarty:
>     class_path: lib/vendor/smarty/libs
>     template_extension: .tpl
>     template_security: false
> 3)  Also paste smarty in project root lib/vendor/
> 4)  Then i create module file in my specific module/config/
> module.yml   and paste these lines
>      default:
>          view_class: sfSmarty
>          partial_view_class: sfSmarty
> 5)  Also did change layout.php into layout.tpl but it gived
> error .
>     Unable to load "Helper.php" helper in: /var/www/media/apps/
> frontend/lib/helper, /var/www/media/lib/helper, /var/www/media/lib/
> symfony/plugins/sfProtoculousPlugin/lib/helper, /var/www/media/plugins/
> sfSWFUploadPlugin/lib/helper, /var/www/media/plugins/sfSmartyPlugin/
> lib/helper, /var/www/media/lib/symfony/helper, /var/www/media/lib/
> symfony/plugins/sfPropelPlugin/lib/vendor, /var/www/media, /var/www/
> media/lib/symfony, ., /usr/share/php, /usr/share/pear.
> plz help me that how i run my application using smarty .
> Is it version problem or other
> plz explain it and also reply on this email id  s...@softmatics.com
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[symfony-users] Re: disable smarty

2008-12-22 Thread Jesse

you can try to create a module.yml for the specific module you want to
disable smarty..


  view_class: sfPHP

On Dec 22, 5:56 am, Prashanth  wrote:
> Hi,
>       I am working on a project where people has used smaty for the
> view class, I want to disable that for specific or the new module. How
> to do that?
> app.yml:
> all:
>   sfSmartyView:
>     class_path: /usr/local/apache/htdocs/smarty/libs
>     template_extension: .htm
> module.yml
> all:
>   view_class: sfSmarty
> --
> regards,
> Prashanth
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[symfony-users] Sf1.2 and setDefault .. on page refresh the value doesnt get reset.. is this a browser issue?

2008-12-20 Thread Jesse

OK so here is the problem.. I have a simple country / state
selector ..

$this->setWidget('state_id', new 
'model' => 'State',
'query' => 
('country_id = ?', DEFAULT_COUNTRY_ID)

$this->setDefault('country_id', DEFAULT_COUNTRY_ID);

using ajax.. upon selection of a country.. states dropdown gets
updated.. easy.
The problem here is when I hit refresh for the page.. the setDefault
for country_id has no effect.. the country will show for instance
US .. but the states listed will be for Canada.

Could this be a browser issue?  i have only tried this on Firefox
(3.0.5)  .  On first page hit though.. the correct country is
defaulted.. Canada. If I change this .. then hit page refresh.. the
selected Country is the one before I hit refresh.. but the states is
updated to back to default...

Any help is appreciated.. cheers

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