[symfony-users] Name conflicts in Twig blocks

2011-06-22 Thread Kevin
Hey all,
I'm integrating the FOS UserBundle (many thanks to the bundle developers, 
btw) into an application, and I'm trying to find the cleanest way to 
integrate the bundle templates stylistically.

We have a base template that looks something like:

{# MyBundle::base.html.twig #}
{% block body %}

{% block content %}
{% endblock %}

{% endblock %}

For most of the user bundle templates, the default content is fine for our 
purposes, so my first thought would just be to override 
FOSUserBundle::layout.html.twig (which all the user bundle templates extend 
from) with something extending our base template.  However, I'd like the 
final result to look something like:

{# Overrides FOSUserBundle::layout.html.twig #}
{% extends 'MyBundle::base.html.twig %}
{% block content %}

{# 'content' block from user bundle templates goes here! #}

{% endblock %}

So the issue is that our base template already has a 'content' block that's 
serving a different purpose than the 'content' block in the user bundle 

Naturally we could override all the lower-level user bundle templates we're 
using, and just modify their 'content' blocks directly.  We could also 
rename the 'content' block of our base template and update our other 
templates which inherit from it.  Neither of these options would be terribly 
difficult, but I'm wondering if there's a cleaner way to do it.  I'm almost 
imagining something like:

{# Overrides FOSUserBundle::layout.html.twig #}
{% extends 'MyBundle::base.html.twig with { 'content': 'base_content' } %}
{% block base_content %}

{% block content %}
{% endblock %}

{% endblock %}

Anyone know if something like this is feasible, or if there's a better way 
to be handling this situation?


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[symfony-users] Re: getting a fatal error using swiftmailer

2011-06-03 Thread Kevin
I was also having this issue, updating to sf2 master cleared it up for

On Jun 2, 10:35 am, keymaster  wrote:
> Getting the identical error, also on Sf2 Beta3.
> *Fatal error*: Call to a member function clearAll() on a non-object in 
> *C:\Program
> Files
> (x86)\Zend\Apache2\htdocs\Symfony\vendor\swiftmailer\lib\classes\Swift\Mime\SimpleMimeEntity.php
> * on line *822
> Here is the code:
> *
> $message = \Swift_Message::newInstance()->setSubject( 'Contact Email' )
>                     ->setFrom( 's...@example.com' )
>                     ->setTo( 'recipi...@example.com' )
>                     ->setBody( 'Hi There' );
> $this->get( 'mailer' )->send( $message );

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[symfony-users] Re: Testing your Doctrine Entities and Repositories

2011-05-10 Thread Kevin
Would also like to know.

On Mar 17, 10:04 am, Justin Fortier  wrote:
> I'd like to know how to do this as well.
> On Mar 9, 9:33 am, "Don Pinkster"  wrote:
> > I amtestingmy services (controllers) with plain PHPUnit, this all works 
> > great. But now I want totestmy entities and repositories.
> > How can I specify the environment the tests are run in with PHPUnit without 
> > the Symfony webtest client?

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[symfony-users] Re: Seems to be some problem with swiftmailer?

2011-04-21 Thread Kevin
Hi Michael,
I had a similar problem - for me the issue was that the file
swift_init.php, which initializes the swiftmailer internal dependency
container, wasn't being included.

You could include it manually, but I think the cleaner way is to let
Symfony do it - basically you need to force the Symfony DIC to load
the 'mailer' service before you create a Swift_Message instance, and
then Symfony handles the include.  The best practice is probably to
inject the mailer into whatever service you're using to send mail.  If
you're sending mail directly from a controller, you could also just do
something quick and dirty like:

$mailer = $this->get('mailer');
// ... stuff with \Swift_Message

Hope this helps!

On Apr 19, 1:34 pm, hollo  wrote:
> Hi,
> I have found a weird problem, i dont really think it about
> swiftmailer, but with swiftmailer i can reproduce the error:
> When i initialize the swiftmailer class, i get an error.. i dont know
> if anyone can see if i does something wrong? As far as i can see it
> just as the manual says:
> http://symfony.com/doc/2.0/cookbook/email.html
> The "funny thing" is that i DONT see the error in my dev env, the
> class will be initialized just fine.. But when i initialize the class
> in prod env, i get an error saying:
> [Tue Apr 19 22:16:31 2011] [error] [client] PHP
> Catchable fatal error:  Argument 1 passed to
> Swift_Mime_SimpleMessage::__construct() must be an instance of
> Swift_Mime_HeaderSet, none given in /var/www/atk_reg/vendor/
> swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Mime/SimpleMessage.php on line 30
> [Tue Apr 19 22:16:31 2011] [error] [client] PHP Stack
> trace:
> [Tue Apr 19 22:16:31 2011] [error] [client] PHP   1.
> {main}() /var/www/atk_reg/web/app.php:0
> [Tue Apr 19 22:16:31 2011] [error] [client] PHP   2.
> Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Kernel->handle() /var/www/atk_reg/web/
> app.php:12
> [Tue Apr 19 22:16:31 2011] [error] [client] PHP   3.
> Symfony\\Bundle\\FrameworkBundle\\HttpKernel->handle() /var/www/
> atk_reg/app/bootstrap.php.cache:587
> [Tue Apr 19 22:16:31 2011] [error] [client] PHP   4.
> Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\HttpKernel->handle() /var/www/atk_reg/
> vendor/symfony/src/Symfony/Bundle/FrameworkBundle/HttpKernel.php:35
> [Tue Apr 19 22:16:31 2011] [error] [client] PHP   5.
> Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\HttpKernel->handleRaw() /var/www/
> atk_reg/app/bootstrap.php.cache:400
> [Tue Apr 19 22:16:31 2011] [error] [client] PHP   6.
> call_user_func_array() /var/www/atk_reg/app/bootstrap.php.cache:422
> [Tue Apr 19 22:16:31 2011] [error] [client] PHP   7. ATK
> \\QuickpayBundle\\Controller\\DefaultController->checkoutAction() /var/
> www/atk_reg/app/bootstrap.php.cache:422
> [Tue Apr 19 22:16:31 2011] [error] [client] PHP   8. ATK
> \\QuickpayBundle\\Controller\\DefaultController->sendMail() /var/www/
> atk_reg/src/ATK/QuickpayBundle/Controller/DefaultController.php:22
> [Tue Apr 19 22:16:31 2011] [error] [client] PHP   9.
> Swift_Message::newInstance() /var/www/atk_reg/src/ATK/QuickpayBundle/
> Controller/DefaultController.php:260
> [Tue Apr 19 22:16:31 2011] [error] [client] PHP  10.
> Swift_Message->__construct() /var/www/atk_reg/vendor/swiftmailer/lib/
> classes/Swift/Message.php:64
> [Tue Apr 19 22:16:31 2011] [error] [client] PHP  11.
> call_user_func_array() /var/www/atk_reg/vendor/swiftmailer/lib/classes/
> Swift/Message.php:36
> [Tue Apr 19 22:16:31 2011] [error] [client] PHP  12.
> Swift_Mime_SimpleMessage->__construct() /var/www/atk_reg/vendor/
> swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Message.php:36
> I can paste the code here, just for good practice:
>   public function sendMail($user)
>   {
>     $message = \Swift_Message::newInstance();
>     die('funny man');
>   }
> I have tried to find out what courses the problem, but i dont know.. i
> have tried on 2 different servers, running symfony PR11.. PHP 5.3,
> hope someone can help..
> Best regards,
> Michael Holm

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[symfony-users] Re: Recaptcha validation in symfony 2

2011-04-21 Thread Kevin
Working fine for me, and actually the author just updated the README on 
github with new instructions (not sure if there have also been other fixes 
recently).  What was missing from the README earlier was that you need to 
add validation metadata on the recaptcha form field.  This looks like:

 * @recaptcha:Recaptcha
public $recaptcha;

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[symfony-users] Re: [Symfony2] Session and Security Bundle questions

2011-04-13 Thread Kevin
I'm having the same problem; authentication works fine with native sessions, 
but user data isn't persisted when using PDO session storage.

I'm not sure if it's related, but when I switch to PDO storage, I also get 
sqlite database-locked errors when viewing multiple pages simultaneously 
(e.g. a page and it's Assetic assets) with the profiler enabled.  It seems 
strange, since my pdo_connection service is using a mysql connection.  But I 
don't get those errors with native session storage.

Any ideas would be much appreciated!

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[symfony-users] Re: Session and Security Bundle questions

2011-04-13 Thread Kevin
I'm having the same issue; native sessions work fine, but there's no
user data persisted in the PDO sessions.  Has anyone else figured out
a solution?

I'm not sure if it's relevant, but switching to PDO session storage
also causes sqlite database-locked errors to show up when accessing
multiple pages simultaneously (e.g a page and its assets) with the
profiler enabled.  This seems strange, since my pdo_connection service
uses a mysql connection.  But I don't get those errors when using
native session storage.

Any ideas would be much appreciated!

On Mar 18, 10:36 am, Gustavo Adrian 
> Hi all,
> I've configured my security environment successfully using "native" session
> storage type. But when I try to use the PDO session and I try to login, it
> logs OK, but when it redirects to homepage it suddenly goes back to the
> login page. My session data saved on DB:
> _symfony2|a:3:{s:6:"_flash";a:0:{}s:7:"_locale";s:2:"en";s:21:"_security.target_path";s:61:"http://hostname/myapp/web/app_dev.php/module/dashboard";}
> Did I forget something?
> BTW: Which would be the right way to add a "user_id" to the session row?
> should I extend the PDOSessionStorage class?
> Thanks in advance.

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[symfony-users] Re: Adding a global error if embedded forms have errors

2010-12-27 Thread Kevin Dew
you could just pass the errorSchema for the form to a post validator
like you suggested and then check if it has errors at the names of the
embedded form fields

On Dec 27, 10:40 am, Rytis Daugirdas 
> I wouldn't have asked the question if the solution was presented in
> the manual. I think you don't understand what I am asking about at
> all, otherwise, please indicate exactly where the solution is.
> On Dec 26, 6:42 pm, Gareth McCumskey  wrote:
> >http://www.symfony-project.org/forms/1_1/en/02-Form-Validation
> > On Sun, Dec 26, 2010 at 3:11 PM, Rytis Daugirdas
> > wrote:
> > > Hello,
> > > I have a form with some other forms embedded. I'd like to add a global
> > > error to the main form if any of the embedded forms have errors. How
> > > can I check for errors in embedded forms? Embedded forms are cloned
> > > and they're not bound themselves, so I cannot call hasErrors() on
> > > them. I was thinking about checking for entries in the error schema of
> > > the main form in a post validator, but this does not seem to be
> > > possible because the error schema is created after the validation
> > > process completes.
> > > Is there a straightforward way to do what I want?
> > > Regards,
> > > Rytis
> > > --
> > > If you want to report a vulnerability issue on symfony, please send it to
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> > > For more options, visit this group at
> > >http://groups.google.com/group/symfony-users?hl=en
> > --
> > Gareth McCumskeyhttp://garethmccumskey.blogspot.com
> > twitter: @garethmcc

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[symfony-users] moving symfony plugin from symfony svn to github

2010-12-08 Thread Kevin
I am moving a plugin of mine (sfAdminDashPlugin) from the symfony svn
to github, in the admin area on the plugin page I can't seem to change
the "Repository URL".  It just reverts back to:

When I uncheck "...host your plugin on the symfony-project.com
repository..." and save I get an error:

"An error occured while saving the metadata."


"The repository already exists for this plugin. To remove it, please
send an email to fabien.potenc...@symfony-project.org" over the

Anyone know what I should do?


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[symfony-users] Re: Package template/layout as a plugin to re-use across sites?

2010-11-02 Thread Kevin Dew
The approach I've taken to doing it (which i believe took inspiration
from apostrophe) was to set up a templates folder in my plugin and
then just have a require statement in the sites layout to use it. What
I also did was make the layout as thin as possible code wise and
mostly use partials from a module in my plugin that was solely for
global aspects of the layout. The advantages of this method are that
you've still got your templates directory available on your stite for
global layout stuff and because modules handle plugin hierachy ok you
can also overwrite parts of the global code where your project might
need it.

On Nov 2, 5:49 pm, rich_81  wrote:
> On Nov 1, 10:52 pm, John Kary  wrote:
> > Our University is using symfony 1.x for many different internal
> > applications, and we want to easily brand them with our University's
> > web template. I figured creating this inside a plugin would be best,
> > so we could easily update the plugin when we tweak the template design
> > instead of copying around a layout file to app/frontend/templates/
> > layout.php.
> > I looked through documentation and didn't see how I could package a
> > layout.php file as a plugin. Is this possible, or how would I go about
> > doing it?
> I'd like to know if there's an official "correct" way of doing it...
> in the meantime, I've been experimenting this week with the same
> thing.  I ended up creating a new plugin directory, and first of all
> adding in a config/ directory containing the following in the
> myPluginConfiguration.class.php file:
> class myPluginConfiguration extends sfPluginConfiguration
> {
>   public function initialize()
>   {
>     sfConfig::set("my_plugin_dir", $this->getRootDir());
>   }
> }
> Then created a directory in the plugin called 'layout' and placed my
> layout.php file inside.
> Finally in the view.yml in my application, I used:
>   layout:          layout"; ?>
> This seems to work OK, however it does seem a bit "hackish" so I'd be
> interested to know of better ways! :-)
> Rich

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[symfony-users] Re: sfAdminDashPlugin is not showed properly

2010-10-15 Thread Kevin
Also make sure the user is authenticated.

On Oct 15, 1:20 pm, Arnold Ispan  wrote:
> Hello,
> In your app/app_name/templates/layout.php you have to include:
> On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 7:45 PM, Javier Garci  wrote:
> >  Hi,
> > i have installed sfAdminDashPlugin but the interface is not like the Jobeet
> > one (see pic). I just follow the steps:
> > - Install sfAdminDashPlugin
> > - plugin:publish-assets and cc.
> > in the generator.yml i have added "css: nothing" so it is:
> > generator:
> >  class: sfDoctrineGenerator
> >  param:
> >    model_class:           sfGuardUser
> >    theme:                 admin
> >    non_verbose_templates: true
> >    with_show:             false
> >    singular:              ~
> >    plural:                ~
> >    route_prefix:          sf_guard_user
> >    with_doctrine_route:   true
> >    actions_base_class:    sfActions
> >    css:                   nothing
> > Any idea?
> > Javi
> > --
> > If you want to report a vulnerability issue on symfony, please send it to
> > security at symfony-project.com
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
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> >http://groups.google.com/group/symfony-users?hl=en

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[symfony-users] Admin Generator Yaml Merging

2010-09-22 Thread Kevin Dew
Hello all.

I'm having a bit of a problem having a module of a plugin where the
module uses the admin generator. The problem i'm having is that the
arrays in the generator.yml file are being merged with the parent file
and thus i can't seem to unset fields to view.


in plugin module generator.yml
display: [=name, description, created_at, updated_at]

in app module generator.yml
display: [=name, created_at]

which then ends up being parsed as:  [=name, created_at, created_at,

i was wondering if there was a way to override this fully or a better
technique? I've managed to get it working as i intended by just
duplicating fields so it's the same lenght of array and dupe fields
are ignored, but this feels a bit dirty.


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[symfony-users] Re: mobile site strategy

2010-09-08 Thread Kevin
I found also you can add .sf_format to a layout: layout.mobile.php to
automatically use that layout when sf_format is not html

(this was mentioned above my klemens_u)

On Sep 8, 1:48 pm, Gustavo Adrian  wrote:
> You could create a custom layout for mobile sites. Then, in the action:
> $this->setLayout( 'myMobileLayout' );
> You could create a custom "base" action that extends from sfActions, where
> you check for the "sf_format" value for the request in the "preExecute"
> method. Then, based on that value, set the layout you need. Finally, extend
> every action from this "base" action. For example:
> *class myBaseAction extends sfActions
> {
>     public function preExecute()
>     {
>         if ( $this->getRequest()->getParameter( 'sf_format' ) == 'mobile' )
>         {
>             $this->setLayout( 'myMobileLayout' );
>         }
>     }}
> *
> Then in your action
> class myOwnAction extends myBaseAction
> {
>     public function preExecute()
>     {
>         parent::preExecute();
>         // More stuff
>     }
> }
> Regards.
> On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 2:26 PM, Kevin  wrote:
> > How do you get it to work for layouts?
> > On Sep 7, 8:40 am, Kevin  wrote:
> > > Thanks, this stuff is great.  Never thought of that.
> > > On Sep 7, 3:49 am, klemens_u  wrote:
> > > > Hi,
> > > > it's basically really just a question of view.
> > > > Here's an old blog post about creating an iphone view:
> >http://www.symfony-project.org/blog/2008/06/09/how-to-create-an-optim...
> > > > Most of it is still valid and it works.
> > > > But there is one serious drawback: You have to provide amobile
> > > > template for each action.
> > > > That's why we created a tiny patch (for our "ullright" platform) to
> > > > provide a fallback to normal templates in case there is no
> > specialmobileone.
> > > > Here are the required parts:
> > > > Mobiledetection: This belongs into your project configuration:
> >http://trac.ullright.org/browser/trunk/plugins/ullCorePlugin/config/u...
> > > > Symfony patch enabling fallback to html templates: (Patches
> > > > sfView.class.php)
> >http://trac.ullright.org/browser/trunk/plugins/ullCorePlugin/patch/sf...
> > > > Finally provide amobiletemplate (or not):
> > > > Normaly you would put your template in apps/frontend/modules/myModule/
> > > > templates/myActionSuccess.php
> > > > Now you can provide amobiletemplate by creating the following file:
> > > > apps/frontend/modules/myModule/templates/myActionSuccess.mobile.php
> > > > This also works for layouts, partials and components. Example: apps/
> > > > frontend/modules/myModule/templates/_head.mobile.php
> > > > Have a nice day,
> > > > Klemens
> > > > On 6 Sep., 00:29, Alexandre Salomé  wrote:
> > > > > It's just a question of view.
> > > > > You should create dedicated routes with a sf_format "mini"
> > > > > 2010/9/2 Dennis 
> > > > > > Rather than go the plugin route, why not use either a '.mobi' tld,
> > or
> > > > > > '.movi' subdomain, and symlinnk any directories that you need
> > between
> > > > > > the two projects?
> > > > > > On Sep 1, 4:57 am, Benoit Montuelle 
> > > > > > wrote:
> > > > > > > I've done it by adding specific layout, templates and stylesheet
> > to the
> > > > > > existing app.
> > > > > > > You can trigger events in your project configuration upon user
> > agent to
> > > > > > change templates and specific configuration.
> > > > > > > The strategy to use another app depends wether yourmobileapp
> > should
> > > > > > have the same functionnality as the 'classic' web app does, but it
> > will be
> > > > > > easier if most code still shared.
> > > > > > > -Original Message-
> > > > > > > From: Kevin 
> > > > > > > Sent: mercredi 1 septembre 2010 12:51
> > > > > > > To: symfony users 
> > > > > > > Subject: [symfony-users]mobilesite strategy
> > > > > > > I am wonderi

[symfony-users] Re: mobile site strategy

2010-09-08 Thread Kevin
How do you get it to work for layouts?

On Sep 7, 8:40 am, Kevin  wrote:
> Thanks, this stuff is great.  Never thought of that.
> On Sep 7, 3:49 am, klemens_u  wrote:
> > Hi,
> > it's basically really just a question of view.
> > Here's an old blog post about creating an iphone 
> > view:http://www.symfony-project.org/blog/2008/06/09/how-to-create-an-optim...
> > Most of it is still valid and it works.
> > But there is one serious drawback: You have to provide amobile
> > template for each action.
> > That's why we created a tiny patch (for our "ullright" platform) to
> > provide a fallback to normal templates in case there is no specialmobileone.
> > Here are the required parts:
> > Mobiledetection: This belongs into your project 
> > configuration:http://trac.ullright.org/browser/trunk/plugins/ullCorePlugin/config/u...
> > Symfony patch enabling fallback to html templates: (Patches
> > sfView.class.php)http://trac.ullright.org/browser/trunk/plugins/ullCorePlugin/patch/sf...
> > Finally provide amobiletemplate (or not):
> > Normaly you would put your template in apps/frontend/modules/myModule/
> > templates/myActionSuccess.php
> > Now you can provide amobiletemplate by creating the following file:
> > apps/frontend/modules/myModule/templates/myActionSuccess.mobile.php
> > This also works for layouts, partials and components. Example: apps/
> > frontend/modules/myModule/templates/_head.mobile.php
> > Have a nice day,
> > Klemens
> > On 6 Sep., 00:29, Alexandre Salomé  wrote:
> > > It's just a question of view.
> > > You should create dedicated routes with a sf_format "mini"
> > > 2010/9/2 Dennis 
> > > > Rather than go the plugin route, why not use either a '.mobi' tld, or
> > > > '.movi' subdomain, and symlinnk any directories that you need between
> > > > the two projects?
> > > > On Sep 1, 4:57 am, Benoit Montuelle 
> > > > wrote:
> > > > > I've done it by adding specific layout, templates and stylesheet to 
> > > > > the
> > > > existing app.
> > > > > You can trigger events in your project configuration upon user agent 
> > > > > to
> > > > change templates and specific configuration.
> > > > > The strategy to use another app depends wether yourmobileapp should
> > > > have the same functionnality as the 'classic' web app does, but it will 
> > > > be
> > > > easier if most code still shared.
> > > > > -Original Message-
> > > > > From: Kevin 
> > > > > Sent: mercredi 1 septembre 2010 12:51
> > > > > To: symfony users 
> > > > > Subject: [symfony-users]mobilesite strategy
> > > > > I am wondering what others have done to create amobilesite for their
> > > > > symfony projects (when more than just a handheld stylesheet is
> > > > > required).
> > > > > What I am planning on doing is moving all my modules to a plugin and
> > > > > creating another app called 'mobile'.  I can then override any modules
> > > > > I need optimized for amobiledevice.
> > > > > What strategies have you come up with?  Is there an agreed upon best
> > > > > practice?
> > > > > --
> > > > > If you want to report a vulnerability issue on symfony, please send 
> > > > > it to
> > > > security at symfony-project.com
> > > > > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> > > > > Groups "symfony users" group.
> > > > > To post to this group, send email to symfony-users@googlegroups.com
> > > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > > > > symfony-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> > > > > For more options, visit this group athttp://
> > > > groups.google.com/group/symfony-users?hl=en
> > > > --
> > > > If you want to report a vulnerability issue on symfony, please send it 
> > > > to
> > > > security at symfony-project.com
> > > > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> > > > Groups "symfony users" group.
> > > > To post to this group, send email to symfony-users@googlegroups.com
> > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > > > symfony-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> > > > For more options, visit this group at
> > > >http://groups.google.com/group/symfony-users?hl=en
> > > --
> > > Alexandre Saloméhttp://alexandre-salome.fr

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[symfony-users] Re: mobile site strategy

2010-09-07 Thread Kevin
Thanks, this stuff is great.  Never thought of that.

On Sep 7, 3:49 am, klemens_u  wrote:
> Hi,
> it's basically really just a question of view.
> Here's an old blog post about creating an iphone 
> view:http://www.symfony-project.org/blog/2008/06/09/how-to-create-an-optim...
> Most of it is still valid and it works.
> But there is one serious drawback: You have to provide amobile
> template for each action.
> That's why we created a tiny patch (for our "ullright" platform) to
> provide a fallback to normal templates in case there is no specialmobileone.
> Here are the required parts:
> Mobiledetection: This belongs into your project 
> configuration:http://trac.ullright.org/browser/trunk/plugins/ullCorePlugin/config/u...
> Symfony patch enabling fallback to html templates: (Patches
> sfView.class.php)http://trac.ullright.org/browser/trunk/plugins/ullCorePlugin/patch/sf...
> Finally provide amobiletemplate (or not):
> Normaly you would put your template in apps/frontend/modules/myModule/
> templates/myActionSuccess.php
> Now you can provide amobiletemplate by creating the following file:
> apps/frontend/modules/myModule/templates/myActionSuccess.mobile.php
> This also works for layouts, partials and components. Example: apps/
> frontend/modules/myModule/templates/_head.mobile.php
> Have a nice day,
> Klemens
> On 6 Sep., 00:29, Alexandre Salomé  wrote:
> > It's just a question of view.
> > You should create dedicated routes with a sf_format "mini"
> > 2010/9/2 Dennis 
> > > Rather than go the plugin route, why not use either a '.mobi' tld, or
> > > '.movi' subdomain, and symlinnk any directories that you need between
> > > the two projects?
> > > On Sep 1, 4:57 am, Benoit Montuelle 
> > > wrote:
> > > > I've done it by adding specific layout, templates and stylesheet to the
> > > existing app.
> > > > You can trigger events in your project configuration upon user agent to
> > > change templates and specific configuration.
> > > > The strategy to use another app depends wether yourmobileapp should
> > > have the same functionnality as the 'classic' web app does, but it will be
> > > easier if most code still shared.
> > > > -Original Message-
> > > > From: Kevin 
> > > > Sent: mercredi 1 septembre 2010 12:51
> > > > To: symfony users 
> > > > Subject: [symfony-users]mobilesite strategy
> > > > I am wondering what others have done to create amobilesite for their
> > > > symfony projects (when more than just a handheld stylesheet is
> > > > required).
> > > > What I am planning on doing is moving all my modules to a plugin and
> > > > creating another app called 'mobile'.  I can then override any modules
> > > > I need optimized for amobiledevice.
> > > > What strategies have you come up with?  Is there an agreed upon best
> > > > practice?
> > > > --
> > > > If you want to report a vulnerability issue on symfony, please send it 
> > > > to
> > > security at symfony-project.com
> > > > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> > > > Groups "symfony users" group.
> > > > To post to this group, send email to symfony-users@googlegroups.com
> > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > > > symfony-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> > > > For more options, visit this group athttp://
> > > groups.google.com/group/symfony-users?hl=en
> > > --
> > > If you want to report a vulnerability issue on symfony, please send it to
> > > security at symfony-project.com
> > > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> > > Groups "symfony users" group.
> > > To post to this group, send email to symfony-users@googlegroups.com
> > > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > > symfony-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> > > For more options, visit this group at
> > >http://groups.google.com/group/symfony-users?hl=en
> > --
> > Alexandre Saloméhttp://alexandre-salome.fr

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[symfony-users] mobile site strategy

2010-09-01 Thread Kevin
I am wondering what others have done to create a mobile site for their
symfony projects (when more than just a handheld stylesheet is

What I am planning on doing is moving all my modules to a plugin and
creating another app called 'mobile'.  I can then override any modules
I need optimized for a mobile device.

What strategies have you come up with?  Is there an agreed upon best

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security at symfony-project.com

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[symfony-users] Re: Urls in Javascript

2010-08-09 Thread Kevin
I have also run into this problem.  Using the href/action works great
for links and forms but isn't always applicable since some ajax calls
don't rely on those html items.  What I do is set a dummy meta tag
with the url in it and pull that in with javascript.  Not the best
solution but at least I can keep my javascript completely seperate...

I have discussed this before:

The ideal soltion would be to use the html5 data attribute:
http://ejohn.org/blog/html-5-data-attributes/ but using this breaks
xhtml validation...

- Kevin

On Aug 9, 1:16 am, "Sebastien Armand [Pink]"  wrote:
> In both your suggestions, if I get them correctly, the idea is that from a
> template, I should output some javascript to set some variables or any other
> way to get the url back from my javascript later. Which seems weird to me,
> and "wrong" on the side that I don't really want to add js in my templates
> and prefer to keep it separate.
> For an idea, my case goes like this: I have a form to enter some information
> of a sofa for example, and one of the fields allows me to chose a "design"
> for the sofa. This design has some default dimensions: width and length.
> Those are the information I want to bring back through ajax.
> So:
> 1. get to the form page to create a new sofa
> 2. choose a design
> 3. this triggers the JS to go look for the default size (from the design
> module) and fill it in the form.
> my js file is in the js folder and in it I have a url linking to
> "/design/:design_id.json" but for this to work on my dev environment, I need
> that url to be: "/frontend_dev.php/design/:design_id.json".
> So is there a way to output that url in the js through php and symfony?
> Or a way that I can get it through the dom but without already having to put
> it here by myself beforehand?
> 2010/8/7 Stéphane 
> > It shouldnt break.
> > You should do this:
> > Create a route to reach your module/action (/apps/$app/config/routing.yml,
> > check doc).
> > Then in a template, write something like:
> > 
> > window.myactionurl = "<?php echo url_for('@my_route')?>";
> > alert(window.myactionurl);
> > $.post(window.myactionurl, null, function(data){//...});
> > 
> > This is a stupid example (about the window.myactionurl, store this
> > somewhere else).
> > Before Printing, Think about Your Environmental Responsibility!
> > Avant d'Imprimer, Pensez à Votre Responsabilitée Environnementale!
> > On Sat, Aug 7, 2010 at 12:25 PM, Phennim  wrote:
> >> Get the url from the DOM using js.
> >> $('a.do-ajax').click(function(){
> >>  var url = $(this).attr('href');
> >>  $.post(url, function(data){
> >>    //do stuff
> >>  });
> >> });
> >> On Aug 7, 11:11 am, "Sebastien Armand [Pink]" 
> >> wrote:
> >> > Hello everyone,
> >> > I was wondering how to get an environment independent url in javascript
> >> > files. My js needs to connect to the server and get some JSON data and
> >> > update a form on certain actions. But putting that actions url in the js
> >> > directly breaks everything when you change environment...
> >> > I might be missing something here but don't see the light of how to do
> >> it,
> >> > any insight welcome ;-)
> >> --
> >> If you want to report a vulnerability issue on symfony, please send it to
> >> security at symfony-project.com
> >> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> >> Groups "symfony users" group.
> >> To post to this group, send email to symfony-users@googlegroups.com
> >> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> >> symfony-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> >> For more options, visit this group at
> >>http://groups.google.com/group/symfony-users?hl=en
> >  --
> > If you want to report a vulnerability issue on symfony, please send it to
> > security at symfony-project.com
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> > Groups "symfony users" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to symfony-users@googlegroups.com
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > symfony-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> > For more options, visit this group at
> >http://groups.google.com/group/symfony-users?hl=en

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[symfony-users] Re: upgrade sfDoctrineGuardPlugin from 4.0.1 to 4.0.2

2010-07-23 Thread Kevin
I would also appreciate a svn tag

On Jul 23, 5:25 am, Tom Ptacnik  wrote:
> I want to try a new version (5.0.0). Do you suggest to connect the
> trunk to my project (http://svn.symfony-project.com/plugins/
> sfDoctrineGuardPlugin/trunk/) via svn external or rather instal it
> like a package?
> I'm afraid of to much changes in the trunk in the future... What about
> creating a tag in the svn repository .. named like the package 5.0.0?
> Then I can use the svn:externals and don't worry about some future
> changes which wouldn't be compatible with my app.
> On 22 čnc, 18:12, Jonathan Wage  wrote:
> > We added the forgot password, register, etc. functionality. Everything
> > else stayed the way it was.
> > - Jon
> > On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 3:40 AM, Sela Yair  wrote:
> > > what actually did you change in the 5.0.0 release?
> > > On 18 July 2010 19:37, fizyk  wrote:
> > >> Hello,
> > >> I'm trying to upgrade sfDoctrineGuardPlugin to the new version, and at
> > >> first found that surprised that although in changelog said there was
> > >> only change (fix) to the Remember Me? key generator, I'm getting fatal
> > >> error whenever I make use something from sfDoctrineGuardPlugin after
> > >> upgrade.
> > >> But then I've started diff task and found that the whole set of
> > >> changes waiting in svn trunk was upgraded along ;) that's quite a
> > >> surprise.
> > >> Any thoughts on what I need to be carefull with upgrade to the new
> > >> sfDoctrineGuardPlugin version?
> > >> first thing is that I need to migrate my database,
> > >> second, modify schema.yml declaration, since existing users will have
> > >> empty email_address fields at first,
> > >> Anything more?
> > >> --
> > >> If you want to report a vulnerability issue on symfony, please send it to
> > >> security at symfony-project.com
> > >> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> > >> Groups "symfony users" group.
> > >> To post to this group, send email to symfony-users@googlegroups.com
> > >> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > >> symfony-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> > >> For more options, visit this group at
> > >>http://groups.google.com/group/symfony-users?hl=en
> > > --
> > > If you want to report a vulnerability issue on symfony, please send it to
> > > security at symfony-project.com
> > > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> > > Groups "symfony users" group.
> > > To post to this group, send email to symfony-users@googlegroups.com
> > > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > > symfony-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> > > For more options, visit this group at
> > >http://groups.google.com/group/symfony-users?hl=en
> > --
> > Jonathan H. Wagehttp://www.twitter.com/jwage

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[symfony-users] where to put ajax url

2010-07-08 Thread Kevin
In my fight to keep all my javascript unobtrusive I have been
wondering what the best practice to place the ajax urls so they work
in all environments (dev/staging/production).

There has been a discussion about this before but it mostly dealt with
link hrefs.  I am asking more about form widgets.  I don't like using
a custom widget for say an autocomplete because it breaks
unobtrusiveness.  I would rather use a simple text input widget.

What I have done is placed a meta tag in the layout:

and in the javascript something like:


Anybody have any other (better) suggestions?

- Kevin

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[symfony-users] Re: swift mailer - delivery_strategy: none

2010-03-12 Thread Kevin
great, thanks!

On Mar 12, 3:42 am, Lea Hänsenberger  wrote:
> Additionally set transport class to Swift_NullTransport to avoid this:
> dev:
>   mailer:
>     param:
>       delivery_strategy: none
>       transport:
>         class: Swift_NullTransport
> Cheers,
> Lea
> On Mar 12, 2010, at 3:22 , Kevin wrote:
> > When the delivery strategy is set to none should swift mailer still be
> > trying to connect to the smtp server?  In my dev environment i don't
> > want it to.  I thought setting delivery_strategy to none prevented
> > this.
> > Is this expected?
> > Thanks,
> > Kevin
> > --
> > If you want to report a vulnerability issue on symfony, please send it to 
> > security at symfony-project.com
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> > Groups "symfony users" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to symfony-users@googlegroups.com
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > symfony-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> > For more options, visit this group at
> >http://groups.google.com/group/symfony-users?hl=en

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[symfony-users] swift mailer - delivery_strategy: none

2010-03-11 Thread Kevin
When the delivery strategy is set to none should swift mailer still be
trying to connect to the smtp server?  In my dev environment i don't
want it to.  I thought setting delivery_strategy to none prevented

Is this expected?


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[symfony-users] best practice change web directory

2010-03-11 Thread Kevin
Hello, just wondering if the following is considered the best practice
for changing the web directory from the default www to html?

class ProjectConfiguration extends sfProjectConfiguration
  public function setup()
/* change web dir to html */


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[symfony-users] Re: Can't install sfAdminDashPlugin :-(

2010-02-03 Thread Kevin
Thanks Eddie, I believe installing plugins with svn:externals is
considered best practice anyway.

On Jan 17, 6:07 pm, EddieG  wrote:
> Hi Kevin,
> thanx, that helped a lot! I now have it running, using svn:externals
> set to the 0.9.1. release.
> Works like charme and I think your plugin really rocks!
> Eddie

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[symfony-users] Re: Can't install sfAdminDashPlugin :-(

2010-01-17 Thread Kevin
min is set to 1.2.0 and max is 2.0.0

On Jan 17, 2:40 pm, Stéphane  wrote:
> You should take a look at the plugin's package.xml to check its required
> symfony version.
> Before Printing, Think about Your Environmental Responsibility!
> Avant d'Imprimer, Pensez à Votre Responsabilitée Environnementale!
> On Sun, Jan 17, 2010 at 8:31 PM, Kevin  wrote:
> > Hello Eddie,
> >http://groups.google.com/group/symfony-users/browse_thread/thread/cea...
> > Many others have had this problem with not just sfAdminDashPlugin - we
> > never did figure out how to fix it.  The thought was that is was an
> > issue with the symfony plugin system itself...
> > For now, the best way to install the plugin is by manually downloading
> > the package or with svn:externals.
> > If anyone else knows why this isn't working, please let me know.
> > Kevin
> > On Jan 17, 11:33 am, EddieG  wrote:
> > > Hi everybody,
> > > I tried almost everything to install the [url=http://www.symfony-
> > > project.org/plugins/sfAdminDashPlugin/0_9_1]sfAdminDashPlugin[/url],
> > > and obviously (so says Google) no one else has these problems.
> > > I tried all variations of the following command (under symfony
> > > 1.2) ...:
> > > ---
> > > symfony plugin:install
> > >  -s=beta
> > >  -r="0.9.1"
> > >  --force-license
> > >  http://plugins.symfony-project.org/get/sfAdminDashPlugin/sfAdminDashP.
> > ..
> > > ---
> > > ... always ending up in something like:
> > > ---
> > >   [sfPluginException]
> > >   You try to install a symfony 1.0 plugin.
> > >   Please read the help message of this task to know how to install a
> > > plugin for the current version of symfony.
> > > Exception trace:
> > >   at C:\xampp\php\PEAR\symfony\plugin\sfPluginManager.class.php:129
> > >  sfPluginManager->doInstallPlugin at C:\xampp\php\PEAR\symfony\plugin
> > > \sfPluginManager.class.php:110
> > >  sfPluginManager->installPlugin at C:\xampp\php\PEAR\symfony\task
> > > \plugin\sfPluginInstallTask.class.php:123
> > >  sfPluginInstallTask->execute at C:\xampp\php\PEAR\symfony\task
> > > \sfBaseTask.class.php:63
> > >  sfBaseTask->doRun at C:\xampp\php\PEAR\symfony\task\sfTask.class.php:
> > > 77
> > >  sfTask->runFromCLI at C:\xampp\php\PEAR\symfony\command
> > > \sfSymfonyCommandApplication.class.php:76
> > >  sfSymfonyCommandApplication->run at C:\xampp\php\PEAR\symfony\command
> > > \cli.php:20
> > >  include at E:\Workspaces\Eclipse\udw_v3\udw_v3\symfony:14
> > > ---
> > > If you have any idea, what I'm doing wrong, please give me hint!
> > > Eddie
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> > "symfony users" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to symfony-us...@googlegroups.com.
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > symfony-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> > .
> > For more options, visit this group at
> >http://groups.google.com/group/symfony-users?hl=en.
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[symfony-users] Re: Can't install sfAdminDashPlugin :-(

2010-01-17 Thread Kevin
Hello Eddie,


Many others have had this problem with not just sfAdminDashPlugin - we
never did figure out how to fix it.  The thought was that is was an
issue with the symfony plugin system itself...

For now, the best way to install the plugin is by manually downloading
the package or with svn:externals.

If anyone else knows why this isn't working, please let me know.


On Jan 17, 11:33 am, EddieG  wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I tried almost everything to install the [url=http://www.symfony-
> project.org/plugins/sfAdminDashPlugin/0_9_1]sfAdminDashPlugin[/url],
> and obviously (so says Google) no one else has these problems.
> I tried all variations of the following command (under symfony
> 1.2) ...:
> ---
> symfony plugin:install
>  -s=beta
>  -r="0.9.1"
>  --force-license
>  http://plugins.symfony-project.org/get/sfAdminDashPlugin/sfAdminDashP...
> ---
> ... always ending up in something like:
> ---
>   [sfPluginException]
>   You try to install a symfony 1.0 plugin.
>   Please read the help message of this task to know how to install a
> plugin for the current version of symfony.
> Exception trace:
>   at C:\xampp\php\PEAR\symfony\plugin\sfPluginManager.class.php:129
>  sfPluginManager->doInstallPlugin at C:\xampp\php\PEAR\symfony\plugin
> \sfPluginManager.class.php:110
>  sfPluginManager->installPlugin at C:\xampp\php\PEAR\symfony\task
> \plugin\sfPluginInstallTask.class.php:123
>  sfPluginInstallTask->execute at C:\xampp\php\PEAR\symfony\task
> \sfBaseTask.class.php:63
>  sfBaseTask->doRun at C:\xampp\php\PEAR\symfony\task\sfTask.class.php:
> 77
>  sfTask->runFromCLI at C:\xampp\php\PEAR\symfony\command
> \sfSymfonyCommandApplication.class.php:76
>  sfSymfonyCommandApplication->run at C:\xampp\php\PEAR\symfony\command
> \cli.php:20
>  include at E:\Workspaces\Eclipse\udw_v3\udw_v3\symfony:14
> ---
> If you have any idea, what I'm doing wrong, please give me hint!
> Eddie
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[symfony-users] Re: sf_user in url

2010-01-07 Thread Kevin
The reason I am looking to do this is so I can cache the drop-down
menu, it requires quite a few db calls and is pretty slow.  Since
different users see different options in the menu based on their
credentials I need a user-based cache.  By incorporating the username
in the url I could accomplish this but a way without having their name
in the url would be better.

On Jan 7, 1:41 pm, Kevin  wrote:
> I am building an intranet system and would like to have the user's
> username at the beginning of the url: example.com/username/foo/bar.
> I was able to accomplish this by creating a custom routing class but I
> am wondering if there is a better way, with filters or something... I
> don't want to have to set every route to the custom class.
> Any ideas?
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[symfony-users] sf_user in url

2010-01-07 Thread Kevin
I am building an intranet system and would like to have the user's
username at the beginning of the url: example.com/username/foo/bar.

I was able to accomplish this by creating a custom routing class but I
am wondering if there is a better way, with filters or something... I
don't want to have to set every route to the custom class.

Any ideas?
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[symfony-users] master security.yml file

2009-12-22 Thread Kevin
I have a bunch of modules I need to add credentials to, is is possible
to do this in the application's security.yml config file?  Or do I
have to create a security.yml in each module?


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[symfony-users] Re: plugin:install not working for 1.3/1.4?

2009-12-18 Thread Kevin
I should have clarified, all these plugins I am trying to install are
compatible with 1.3.

On Dec 18, 9:24 am, Stéphane  wrote:
> There are plugins not yet ready for sf1.3/1.4.
> You must install them manually and check their code by using symfony
> project:validate (to see used deprecated stuff).
> Before Printing, Think about Your Environmental Responsibility!
> Avant d'Imprimer, Pensez à Votre Responsabilitée Environnementale!
> On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 3:22 PM, Kevin  wrote:
> > I seem to be having trouble installing plugins through the
> > plugin:install command in sf1.3/4.
> > In a new project I run symfony plugin:install sfDoctrineGuardPlugin I
> > get:
> > Unable to get plugin licence information for plugin
> > "sfDoctrineGuardPlugin": Unknown package: "sfDoctrineGuardPlugin" in
> > channel ""
> > Debug: File
> >http://plugins.symfony-project.org:80/REST/p/sfdoctrineguardplugin/in...
> > not valid
> > (received: HTTP/1.0 404 No version available with the installed
> > symfony version) (use --force-license to force installation)
> > when I add --force-license I get:
> > Unable to get download information for plugin "sfDoctrineGuardPlugin |
> > 4.0.1 | stable": Package "sfDoctrineGuardPlugin" does not have REST
> > info xml available
> > I get the problem with other plugins, sfFormExtraPlugin for example.
> > When I try to install my own plugin, sfAdminDashPlugin (using: symfony
> > plugin:install -s beta --install_deps sfAdminDashPlugin), which
> > requires sfJqueryReloadedPlugin as a dependency,
> > sfJqueryReloadedPlugin installs fine but I get this error for
> > sfAdminDashPlugin:
> > Plugin "sfAdminDashPlugin" installation failed: Download failed
> > Anyone have any ideas? Something I am missing?
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> > "symfony users" group.
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> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > symfony-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> > .
> > For more options, visit this group at
> >http://groups.google.com/group/symfony-users?hl=en.


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[symfony-users] plugin:install not working for 1.3/1.4?

2009-12-18 Thread Kevin
I seem to be having trouble installing plugins through the
plugin:install command in sf1.3/4.

In a new project I run symfony plugin:install sfDoctrineGuardPlugin I

Unable to get plugin licence information for plugin
"sfDoctrineGuardPlugin": Unknown package: "sfDoctrineGuardPlugin" in
channel ""

Debug: File 
not valid
(received: HTTP/1.0 404 No version available with the installed
symfony version) (use --force-license to force installation)

when I add --force-license I get:

Unable to get download information for plugin "sfDoctrineGuardPlugin |
4.0.1 | stable": Package "sfDoctrineGuardPlugin" does not have REST
info xml available

I get the problem with other plugins, sfFormExtraPlugin for example.

When I try to install my own plugin, sfAdminDashPlugin (using: symfony
plugin:install -s beta --install_deps sfAdminDashPlugin), which
requires sfJqueryReloadedPlugin as a dependency,
sfJqueryReloadedPlugin installs fine but I get this error for

Plugin "sfAdminDashPlugin" installation failed: Download failed

Anyone have any ideas? Something I am missing?


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[symfony-users] Re: commit problem

2009-11-11 Thread Kevin

I see, am I able to get the account reactivated or do I have to create
a new one?


On Nov 10, 12:42 pm, Gareth McCumskey  wrote:
> Could be possible that if you haven't made a commit in a while your account
> might be falgged as inactive and removed
> On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 2:39 PM, Kevin Bond  wrote:
> > Hello, I am trying to commit some changes to the trunk of my plugin but am
> > getting this error:
> > Commit failed (details follow):
> > Server sent unexpected return value (403 Forbidden) in response to
> > request for '/!svn/act/00d58f1e-3870-3244-afb3-8f871d15ac4c'
> > Any ideas?  I can log into my trac account just fine.  Been a few months
> > since I have made any commits.
> > Thanks,
> > --
> > Kevin
> --
> Gareth McCumskeyhttp://garethmccumskey.blogspot.com
> twitter: @garethmcc
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[symfony-users] commit problem

2009-11-10 Thread Kevin Bond
Hello, I am trying to commit some changes to the trunk of my plugin but am
getting this error:

Commit failed (details follow):
Server sent unexpected return value (403 Forbidden) in response to
request for '/!svn/act/00d58f1e-3870-3244-afb3-8f871d15ac4c'

Any ideas?  I can log into my trac account just fine.  Been a few months
since I have made any commits.



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[symfony-users] Re: sfDoctrineActAsTaggablePlugin question

2009-09-03 Thread Kevin Bond
Yes, I get an error "Couldn't find class tg"

On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 1:32 PM, Andrei Dziahel wrote:

> Hi.
> Have you tried to pass to getPopulars() a query similar to this one?
>> $q = Doctrine_Query::create()->from('Article a')->where('a.active = ?',
>> true);
> 2009/9/1 Kevin Bond 
> Hi Guys,
>> I have a question about this plugin for anyone who knows about it.
>> I have an Article model that I have set as Taggable.  The article model
>> has an 'active?' column.  When selecting tags (ie using
>> TagTable::getPopulars) I only want tags that are attached to active Articles
>> to be returned.
>> I see the getPopulars method has the option to add a doctrine query but I
>> can't seem to figure out how to get it to work.  The documentation shows
>> that it can be done (I think) but it hasn't been translated from propel to
>> doctrine yet.
>> Anyone know how to do this?
>> --
>> Kevin
> --
> With the best regards, Andy.
> >


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[symfony-users] sfDoctrineActAsTaggablePlugin question

2009-09-01 Thread Kevin Bond
Hi Guys,

I have a question about this plugin for anyone who knows about it.

I have an Article model that I have set as Taggable.  The article model has
an 'active?' column.  When selecting tags (ie using TagTable::getPopulars) I
only want tags that are attached to active Articles to be returned.

I see the getPopulars method has the option to add a doctrine query but I
can't seem to figure out how to get it to work.  The documentation shows
that it can be done (I think) but it hasn't been translated from propel to
doctrine yet.

Anyone know how to do this?


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[symfony-users] new translation task

2009-08-12 Thread Kevin Bond
Hi guys,

I just released a new plugin (
http://www.symfony-project.org/plugins/zsI18nExtractTranslatePlugin).  It
adds a task which extends the functionality of i18n:extract to allow new
target strings to be automatically translated into their respected
languages.  This is done with Google's translation API.  There was a similar
plugin that was broken in 1.2 called i18nTranslatePlugin.  I would have
liked to patch it but was unable to get in contact with the developer.

I used symfony's MessageSource methods so the stores catalog you use should
not matter.  I have tested this plugin with both XLIFF and gettext.  I am
pretty sure there would be no issue with MySQL/SQLite.

Any feedback would be appreciated.


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[symfony-users] Best way to learn Symfony

2009-08-11 Thread Kevin

Hello Symfonians,

I am new to symfony and a little intimidated by the breath and scope
of symfony.  I like what I see, but I feel learning to use symfony
will be a long process.

To quicken the learning process and decrease the number of dead-ends I
pursue, could you please suggest the best way to learn Symfony?

I'm currently reading "The Definitive Guide to Symfony" and going
through the Jobeet tutorial.  What do you recommend next?

Thanks, Kevin

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[symfony-users] Re: sfDoctrineGuardPlugin strange behavior

2009-08-09 Thread Kevin Bond
Looking a little deeper into the sfGuardSecurityUser - specifically this

public function hasCredential($credential, $useAnd = true)
if (!$this->getGuardUser())
  return false;

There is no way to have an admin generated module with anonymous access with
sfGuardSecurityUser activated.

On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 9:51 AM, Kevin Bond  wrote:

> No none, made no changes to the default generator.yml
> On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 5:35 PM, Michael Smith  wrote:
>> Do you have any credentials declared in your generator.yml?
>> http://www.symfony-project.org/book/1_2/14-Generators#chapter_14_sub_restricting_user_actions_using_credentials
>> On Aug 7, 11:43 am, Kevin Bond  wrote:
>> > Having some odd behavior with this plugin.
>> >
>> > Here is what happens:
>> > - new project with doctrine orm
>> > - create backend app
>> > - create a simple model (called article)
>> > - generate admin module in backend for model (works fine, can
>> > add/remove/list items)
>> > - install sfDoctrineGuardPlugin
>> > - rebuild db
>> > - admin generated module still works fine
>> > - change sfUser to extend sfGuardSecurityUser (this seems to create the
>> > problem)
>> > - admin generated module now goes to credentials required page.
>> >
>> > not sure why this is.  I havent declared any credentials in security.yml
>> (it
>> > has is_secure: false set).  It is my understanding that this module
>> should
>> > still be public.  If I generate a blank module I can get to it just
>> fine.
>> > Just the admin generated ones i can't.
>> >
>> > anyone have any idea.
>> >
>> > --
>> > Kevin
>> >>
> --
> Kevin


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[symfony-users] Re: sfDoctrineGuardPlugin strange behavior

2009-08-08 Thread Kevin Bond
No none, made no changes to the default generator.yml

On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 5:35 PM, Michael Smith  wrote:

> Do you have any credentials declared in your generator.yml?
> http://www.symfony-project.org/book/1_2/14-Generators#chapter_14_sub_restricting_user_actions_using_credentials
> On Aug 7, 11:43 am, Kevin Bond  wrote:
> > Having some odd behavior with this plugin.
> >
> > Here is what happens:
> > - new project with doctrine orm
> > - create backend app
> > - create a simple model (called article)
> > - generate admin module in backend for model (works fine, can
> > add/remove/list items)
> > - install sfDoctrineGuardPlugin
> > - rebuild db
> > - admin generated module still works fine
> > - change sfUser to extend sfGuardSecurityUser (this seems to create the
> > problem)
> > - admin generated module now goes to credentials required page.
> >
> > not sure why this is.  I havent declared any credentials in security.yml
> (it
> > has is_secure: false set).  It is my understanding that this module
> should
> > still be public.  If I generate a blank module I can get to it just fine.
> > Just the admin generated ones i can't.
> >
> > anyone have any idea.
> >
> > --
> > Kevin
> >


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[symfony-users] sfDoctrineGuardPlugin strange behavior

2009-08-07 Thread Kevin Bond
Having some odd behavior with this plugin.

Here is what happens:
- new project with doctrine orm
- create backend app
- create a simple model (called article)
- generate admin module in backend for model (works fine, can
add/remove/list items)
- install sfDoctrineGuardPlugin
- rebuild db
- admin generated module still works fine
- change sfUser to extend sfGuardSecurityUser (this seems to create the
- admin generated module now goes to credentials required page.

not sure why this is.  I havent declared any credentials in security.yml (it
has is_secure: false set).  It is my understanding that this module should
still be public.  If I generate a blank module I can get to it just fine.
Just the admin generated ones i can't.

anyone have any idea.


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[symfony-users] 'package' and doctrine

2009-08-06 Thread Kevin Bond

I couldn't find a real definitive answer to when a propel-like package
attribute in the yaml will be available.  I noticed in symfony 1.3 you can
use it to override plugin schemas but not for independently grouping models.

Is something like this in the works?


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[symfony-users] Media Library Plugin

2009-08-06 Thread Kevin Bond
Hi Guys,

Wondering if there is a media library plugin that is in development that is
friendly with symfony 1.2 and doctrine (similar to sfMediaLibraryPlugin /


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[symfony-users] Good Propel HOWTO with examples?

2009-05-06 Thread Kevin Barsotti

I'm wondering if anyone's familiar with a good resource for working with 
the Criteria() object to perform database interactions within the object 

Something that showed SQL query syntax followed by the instantiations 
and functions needed to perform the same task with Propel would be 
ideal.  I've been browsing the Symfony code snippets, but what I'm 
looking for is more of a quick general reference rather than specific 
problem resolutions.

Kevin Barsotti
Operations Director
Tribal Dawn, LLC 

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[symfony-users] Re: Template being used twice...

2009-05-05 Thread Kevin Barsotti

Cancel that, it turns out there was a versioning issue at play and an 
old/defunct version of the template, containing the same text content 
twice, was somehow resident despite an apparently successful deploy.  

Kevin Barsotti wrote:
> The contents of a template file are being rendered twice, and I cannot 
> seem to figure out why.  The following example is a
> In this application I've got a module, "contact" and an action, 
> "thankYou".
> In /modules/contact/actions/actions.class.php, executeThankYou() is 
> empty, as it performs no logic, only displaying a message.
> In /modules/contact/templates/thankYouSuccess.php it says "Thank you!".
> When one navigates to the application's frontend and reaches this page 
> (via successfully submitting a contact form that passes validation), 
> the resultant page says "Thank you!Thank you!".
> For some reason it's loading the contents of thankYouSuccess.php 
> /twice/.  Any idea what could cause this?

Kevin Barsotti
Operations Director
Tribal Dawn, LLC 

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[symfony-users] Template being used twice...

2009-05-05 Thread Kevin Barsotti

The contents of a template file are being rendered twice, and I cannot 
seem to figure out why.  The following example is a

In this application I've got a module, "contact" and an action, "thankYou".

In /modules/contact/actions/actions.class.php, executeThankYou() is 
empty, as it performs no logic, only displaying a message.

In /modules/contact/templates/thankYouSuccess.php it says "Thank you!".

When one navigates to the application's frontend and reaches this page 
(via successfully submitting a contact form that passes validation), the 
resultant page says "Thank you!Thank you!".

For some reason it's loading the contents of thankYouSuccess.php 
/twice/.  Any idea what could cause this?

Kevin Barsotti
Operations Director
Tribal Dawn, LLC 

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[symfony-users] Re: i get a blank white screen, even in dev mode, even with sfErrorHandler installed

2009-04-20 Thread Kevin Barsotti

I'm honestly not sure what to tell you; if there's a PHP syntax error 
that Symfony is catching, there should be something in the 
/log/appname.dev.log file (or something similar), and likewise it 
shouldn't be displaying a blank page unless the template it's attempting 
to load is nonexistent or blank.

But my understanding of the framework is far from perfect.

Lawrence Krubner wrote:
> On Apr 20, 1:01 am, Lawrence Krubner  wrote:
>> Just setting up a new site. Was working and now it isn't. I forget
>> what I did to break it. I now get a blank white screen when I go here:
>> http://lawrence.sds5.com/esociety/web/test_dev.php/weblog/index
>> I tried installing sfErrorHandler so I could get more intelligent
>> error messages. I installed the files of sfErrorHandler (copied them
>> over from another project, and I modified settings.yml so it now has
>> this:
>> all:
>>   .settings:
>> enabled_modules:   [default, sfMediaLibrary, sfFormExtra,
>> sfErrorHandler]
>> I still get a plain white screen. Can anyone suggest what I do next?
>> This error reminds of what I face when I have a syntax error in a yml
>> file. Does anyone know where I can test my yml files for parse errors?
> Here are some of the things I'm assuming. Someone please tell me where
> I might be wrong.
> Given a blank white screen, there are 3 main things I should check:
> 1.) clear the cache
> 2.) look for parse errors in yml files
> 3.) look for permission errors
> but I have done all these things. So what is next? What 4th area
> typically causes problems?
> >

Kevin Barsotti
Operations Director
Tribal Dawn, LLC 

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[symfony-users] Re: i get a blank white screen, even in dev mode, even with sfErrorHandler installed

2009-04-19 Thread Kevin Barsotti

This happened to me once due to a permissions problem, Symfony (or 
whatever user Symfony/PHP/Apache is running as) could not write to the 
cache directories, producing a system error that, in production, was an 
empty screen.  When you run "cc" do you see any permission errors fly by 
along with all the output?

Lawrence Krubner wrote:
> Wow, this just keeps getting weirder. I went into Subversion and
> rolled the site back to a version that I know used to work. Then I ran
> this command:
> php symfony cc
> And yet I'm still getting a blank white screen. And yet, the whole
> site is in Subversion and this version used to work.
> On Apr 20, 1:11 am, Lawrence Krubner  wrote:
>> and, I should add, when I look in my PHP error logs, the last entry is
>> from 2 weeks ago. There are no errors from tonight. How can that be?
>> How can I get a blank white screen, yet nothing gets recorded to the
>> error logs?
>> and yes, I've cleared the cache. many times.
>> On Apr 20, 1:01 am, Lawrence Krubner  wrote:
>>> Just setting up a new site. Was working and now it isn't. I forget
>>> what I did to break it. I now get a blank white screen when I go here:
>>> http://lawrence.sds5.com/esociety/web/test_dev.php/weblog/index
>>> I tried installing sfErrorHandler so I could get more intelligent
>>> error messages. I installed the files of sfErrorHandler (copied them
>>> over from another project, and I modified settings.yml so it now has
>>> this:
>>> all:
>>>   .settings:
>>> enabled_modules:   [default, sfMediaLibrary, sfFormExtra,
>>> sfErrorHandler]
>>> I still get a plain white screen. Can anyone suggest what I do next?
>>> This error reminds of what I face when I have a syntax error in a yml
>>> file. Does anyone know where I can test my yml files for parse errors?
> >

Kevin Barsotti
Operations Director
Tribal Dawn, LLC 

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[symfony-users] Re: Multiple actions, one template?

2009-04-16 Thread Kevin Barsotti

Thank you, that's exactly what I was looking for!

Dheeraj Kumar Aggarwal wrote:
> hi
> you can do this by using
> $this->setTemplate('my'); in actions class
> On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 11:18 PM, Kevin Barsotti 
> mailto:kevin.barso...@tribaldawn.com>> 
> wrote:
> I'm working on making an existing module more efficient, and presently
> it has numerous (dozens) of actions which call upon an equal number of
> templates that are for all intents and purposes identical, but with
> differing data, i.e.
> executeA()-> aSuccess.php
> executeB()-> bSuccess.php
> executeC()-> cSuccess.php
> etc...
> Ideally I'd like to just use a single template, let's call it
> mySuccess.php, for numerous actions of this module (but not all of
> them!).  What would you recommend as the best way to handle this?
> --
> Kevin Barsotti
> Operations Director
> Tribal Dawn, LLC http://www.tribaldawn.com>>
> 412.736.1357
> -- 
> Regards,
> Dheeraj
> >

Kevin Barsotti
Operations Director
Tribal Dawn, LLC 

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[symfony-users] Multiple actions, one template?

2009-04-16 Thread Kevin Barsotti

I'm working on making an existing module more efficient, and presently 
it has numerous (dozens) of actions which call upon an equal number of 
templates that are for all intents and purposes identical, but with 
differing data, i.e.

executeA()-> aSuccess.php
executeB()-> bSuccess.php
executeC()-> cSuccess.php

Ideally I'd like to just use a single template, let's call it 
mySuccess.php, for numerous actions of this module (but not all of 
them!).  What would you recommend as the best way to handle this?

Kevin Barsotti
Operations Director
Tribal Dawn, LLC 

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[symfony-users] Re: Tricky date format requirements...

2009-04-15 Thread Kevin Barsotti

Ooh, I didn't know I could do that with the accessor methods.  Thanks!

Jacob Coby wrote:
> On Apr 15, 2009, at 3:17 PM, Kevin Barsotti wrote:
>> Oh, here's something weird: for some reason it is displaying a
>> particular set of DATETIME values as "2012-31-1969".  Does this value
>> mean anything to you?
> 12-31-1969 is the unix epoch (timestamp 0) at a negative gmt  
> timezone.  i suspect the 20 is coming from something else (the hour  
> maybe if you're in gmt-4).
> if you're using propel, you can pass in the standard date() parameters  
> to format the returned datetime:
> $obj->getCreatedAt('r') would give you the created_at column in rfc  
> 2822 format.
>> FÁSI Gábor wrote:
>>> One of the basic symfony principles is "don't reinvent the wheel", do
>>> it's highly unlikely they do something that can be done with a single
>>> php function.
>>> On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 19:29, Kevin Barsotti
>>>  wrote:
>>>> There's no way to do this within the Symfony framework's available
>>>> functionality?  I really don't like stepping out of the framework  
>>>> unless
>>>> it's absolutely necessary, once I'm working within it.
>>>> Lee Bolding wrote:
>>>>> Why not use the built in PHP date_format function?
>>>>> http://uk3.php.net/manual/en/function.date-format.php
>>>>> On 15 Apr 2009, at 09:03, Kevin Barsotti wrote:
>>>>>> I'm working on an application that deals with a large amount of  
>>>>>> data,
>>>>>> including DATETIME format dates.  These dates have different
>>>>>> formatting
>>>>>> requirements from column to column and even within the same module
>>>>>> view,
>>>>>> i.e. a DATETIME might need to appear as 01-20-2009 in one place  
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> again as 1/20/09 in another, on the same page.
>>>>>> The date format information I've managed to find for Symfony  
>>>>>> doesn't
>>>>>> seem to encompass situations like this, and I was wondering if  
>>>>>> anyone
>>>>>> might be able to advise me on the matter or direct me to  
>>>>>> information
>>>>>> that could help me with my implementation.
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Kevin Barsotti
>>>>>> Operations Director
>>>>>> Tribal Dawn, LLC 
>>>>>> 412.736.1357
>>>> --
>>>> Kevin Barsotti
>>>> Operations Director
>>>> Tribal Dawn, LLC 
>>>> 412.736.1357
>> -- 
>> Kevin Barsotti
>> Operations Director
>> Tribal Dawn, LLC 
>> 412.736.1357
> --
> Jacob Coby
> >

Kevin Barsotti
Operations Director
Tribal Dawn, LLC 

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"symfony users" group.
To post to this group, send email to symfony-users@googlegroups.com
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[symfony-users] Re: Tricky date format requirements...

2009-04-15 Thread Kevin Barsotti

I understand, but Symfony is already to some degree modifying the date 
formatting by default, and I'm unsure how to get it to stop doing that 
if I'm going to handle all date formatting in this module solely through 
the various PHP date/time functions.

Oh, here's something weird: for some reason it is displaying a 
particular set of DATETIME values as "2012-31-1969".  Does this value 
mean anything to you?

FÁSI Gábor wrote:
> One of the basic symfony principles is "don't reinvent the wheel", do
> it's highly unlikely they do something that can be done with a single
> php function.
> On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 19:29, Kevin Barsotti
>  wrote:
>> There's no way to do this within the Symfony framework's available
>> functionality?  I really don't like stepping out of the framework unless
>> it's absolutely necessary, once I'm working within it.
>> Lee Bolding wrote:
>>> Why not use the built in PHP date_format function?
>>> http://uk3.php.net/manual/en/function.date-format.php
>>> On 15 Apr 2009, at 09:03, Kevin Barsotti wrote:
>>>> I'm working on an application that deals with a large amount of data,
>>>> including DATETIME format dates.  These dates have different
>>>> formatting
>>>> requirements from column to column and even within the same module
>>>> view,
>>>> i.e. a DATETIME might need to appear as 01-20-2009 in one place and
>>>> again as 1/20/09 in another, on the same page.
>>>> The date format information I've managed to find for Symfony doesn't
>>>> seem to encompass situations like this, and I was wondering if anyone
>>>> might be able to advise me on the matter or direct me to information
>>>> that could help me with my implementation.
>>>> --
>>>> Kevin Barsotti
>>>> Operations Director
>>>> Tribal Dawn, LLC 
>>>> 412.736.1357
>> --
>> Kevin Barsotti
>> Operations Director
>> Tribal Dawn, LLC 
>> 412.736.1357
> >

Kevin Barsotti
Operations Director
Tribal Dawn, LLC 

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"symfony users" group.
To post to this group, send email to symfony-users@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

[symfony-users] Re: Tricky date format requirements...

2009-04-15 Thread Kevin Barsotti

There's no way to do this within the Symfony framework's available 
functionality?  I really don't like stepping out of the framework unless 
it's absolutely necessary, once I'm working within it.

Lee Bolding wrote:
> Why not use the built in PHP date_format function?
> http://uk3.php.net/manual/en/function.date-format.php
> On 15 Apr 2009, at 09:03, Kevin Barsotti wrote:
>> I'm working on an application that deals with a large amount of data,
>> including DATETIME format dates.  These dates have different  
>> formatting
>> requirements from column to column and even within the same module  
>> view,
>> i.e. a DATETIME might need to appear as 01-20-2009 in one place and
>> again as 1/20/09 in another, on the same page.
>> The date format information I've managed to find for Symfony doesn't
>> seem to encompass situations like this, and I was wondering if anyone
>> might be able to advise me on the matter or direct me to information
>> that could help me with my implementation.
>> -- 
>> Kevin Barsotti
>> Operations Director
>> Tribal Dawn, LLC 
>> 412.736.1357
> >

Kevin Barsotti
Operations Director
Tribal Dawn, LLC 

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"symfony users" group.
To post to this group, send email to symfony-users@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

[symfony-users] Tricky date format requirements...

2009-04-15 Thread Kevin Barsotti

I'm working on an application that deals with a large amount of data, 
including DATETIME format dates.  These dates have different formatting 
requirements from column to column and even within the same module view, 
i.e. a DATETIME might need to appear as 01-20-2009 in one place and 
again as 1/20/09 in another, on the same page.

The date format information I've managed to find for Symfony doesn't 
seem to encompass situations like this, and I was wondering if anyone 
might be able to advise me on the matter or direct me to information 
that could help me with my implementation.

Kevin Barsotti
Operations Director
Tribal Dawn, LLC 

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"symfony users" group.
To post to this group, send email to symfony-users@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
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