[symfony-users] Problem with DoctrineMongoDBBundle

2011-06-04 Thread amit

 I am trying to use DoctrineMongoDBBundle but not able to create
documents using CLI. This is what I did.

- Downloaded symfony beta3
- Downloaded DoctrineMongoDBBundle from GIT
- Downloaded doctrine/common from git
- Downloaded doctrine/dbal from git
- Downloaded doctrine/mongodb from git
- Downloaded doctring/mongodb-odm

- AppKernel changes
new Symfony\Bundle\DoctrineMongoDBBundle\DoctrineMongoDBBundle(),

- autoload.php changes
'Doctrine\\MongoDB'   = __DIR__.'/../vendor/doctrine-mongodb/lib',
'Doctrine\\ODM\\MongoDB'   = __DIR__.'/../vendor/doctrine-mongodb-odm/
'Demo' = __DIR__.'/../src',

- config.yml changes
default_database: hello_%kernel.environment%
server: mongodb://localhost:27017
connect: true
DemoApiBundle: { type: yml  }

but when I run
php app/console doctrine:mongodb:generate:documents DemoApiBundle
I get
  Class Demo\ApiBundle\Document\Category does not exist

I have Demo.ApiBundle.Document.Category.mongodb.yml in Resources/
config/doctrine folder
  type: id
  id: true
  type: string

What am I doing wrong? Isn't the CLI command I am running supposed to
create Category class instead of complaining?

Kindly help.


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[symfony-users] DoctrineExtensions Timestampable with mongodb

2011-06-04 Thread amit
 I am following the instructions as given here

 I have symfony2 and mongoDB working fine and now I wanted to use
Timestampable using DoctrineExtensions

 Can someone please tell me how do I register the listener? I just
started with symfony2 two days back so any pointer will be

I am using following in config.yml is this correct?

class: Gedmo\Timestampable\TimestampableListener
- { name: doctrine.event_subscriber }

I have following in my document
 * @mongodb:Field(type=timestamp)
 * @gedmo:Timestampable(on=create)
private $createdAt;

 * @mongodb:Field(type=timestamp)
 * @gedmo:Timestampable
private $updatedAt;

and I am updating the record as following:
$user = new User();

$dm = $this-get('doctrine.odm.mongodb.document_manager');
TimestampableListener()); - I tried this but this gives an exception
complaining the .scm.yml mapping file is not present.

 so far I am not getting createdAt/updatedAt data.

Kindly help

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[symfony-users] How I can share some functionality between models

2010-05-06 Thread amit
How I can share some functionality between models?


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[symfony-users] Project level i18n directory

2010-04-30 Thread amit
Is there a project level i18n directory in symfony? If not, where do
translations shared by multiple applications live?

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security at symfony-project.com

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[symfony-users] Re: anybody using PHP 5.2.5?

2008-03-04 Thread amit

Did you try disabling the optimizer in php.ini?

On Mar 4, 4:20 am, Lee Bolding [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 OK, thanks to everybody so far (at this late hour!) - anybody using Plesk
 can confirm that is what is causing the error?

 I'm referring to the bug at the end of this 

 If that is the case, it looks like I'm going to have to advise them to
 revert back to 5.2.3

 -Original Message-
 From: symfony-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Behalf Of Charley Tiggs
 Sent: 03 March 2008 23:01
 To: symfony-users@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [symfony-users] Re: anybody using PHP 5.2.5?

 I just set up a box with Debian on it with php 5.2.5 and symfony 1.0.11.
 Works very well for me.


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] said on Monday, March 3, 2008:

 One of my clients has RHEL4 up2date running - it's just installed PHP
 and now all the Symfony applications are broken with the Creole/creole.php
 not found error.

 Not sure if this is due to PHP 5.2.5 in general, or 5.2.5 in conjunction
 with Plesk... Previously it was 5.2.3, which worked fine.

 I've got 5.2.5 running locally on WAMP (and it's OK), but haven't got 5.2.5
 running on any *nix machines... can anybody confirm Symfony is working with
 5.2.5 on *nix? (or that it's broken on 5.2.5 when Plesk is installed?)

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[symfony-users] any documentation for sfValidatorSchemaCompare

2008-03-03 Thread amit

 Is there any doc/example of how to use sfValidatorSchemaCompare in

 In an admin generated module I want to ensure that user doesn't fill
same value in two fields.

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[symfony-users] Re: Need your help for take off from google list

2008-02-10 Thread amit

S/He's actually done her/himself a
 disservice by mentioning those keywords AGAIN in this list, as now
 there's even more relevance in groups.google.com for those keywords.
Interesting, now we have two google group threads for 'that' keyword
on top of google search
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[symfony-users] dimensions plugin name changed

2008-01-16 Thread Amit Rana


 I just noticed that that sfDimensionsPlugin is now
ysfDimensionsPlugin, whats the motivation behdind changing of name?
Only name has changed or anything else too?

 Just curious as I was updating symfony version so thought of checking
if new updates are available for the plugins I use.


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[symfony-users] Re: mod_rewrite on my production server

2007-10-28 Thread Amit Rana

can you also post frontend's settings.yml?

On 10/28/07, cleve [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi everyone,

 Im having real trouble trying to get URL Rewriting working on my
 redhat apache2 prod server.

 When going to:

 it just displays
 Not Found
 The requested URL /chart was not found on this server.

 But http://fuzzed/index.php/static/watch works fine.

 mod_rewrite is built-in so don't need to load it,  it comes up on
 phpinfo() so is definatly there.

 Any help would be much appreciated!

 John Cleveley

 Here's my configs...

 .htaccess -  tried messing with permissions but still no go

 Options +FollowSymLinks +ExecCGI

 IfModule mod_rewrite.c
   RewriteEngine On

   # uncomment the following line, if you are having trouble
   # getting no_script_name to work
   RewriteBase /

   # we skip all files with .something
   RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} \..+$
   RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !\.html$
   RewriteRule .* - [L]

   # we check if the .html version is here (caching)
   RewriteRule ^$ index.html [QSA]
   RewriteRule ^([^.]+)$ $1.html [QSA]
   RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f

   # no, so we redirect to our front web controller
   RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php [QSA,L]

 # big crash from our front web controller
 ErrorDocument 500 h2Application error/h2symfony application
 to star$

 virtual host - at end of httpd.conf

 VirtualHost fuzzed:80

ServerName fuzzed:80
DocumentRoot /home/html/fuzzed/web
DirectoryIndex index.php
#Using simlink for sf files
#ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error.log
#CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access.log combined

Directory /home/html/fuzed/web/sf
  AllowOverride All
  Allow from All

Directory /home/html/fuzzed/web
  AllowOverride All
  Allow from All



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[symfony-users] Re: Developer tools / Task / Team Managment

2007-10-22 Thread Amit Rana

eclipse + mylyn

On 10/22/07, Jon Busby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 While we're on the subject of developer tools - what does everyone use
 for their team / task management...

 we're currently using activecollab 0.71, but now they've switched to a
 paid model we're reassessing basecamp/goplan as alternatives...

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[symfony-users] Re: Developer tools

2007-10-20 Thread Amit Rana
Platform: Fedora Core 8
IDE- Eclipse with phpeclipse
Browser: Firefox with firebug and web developer toolbar

On 10/20/07, Nicolas Perriault [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Platform:Mac OS X, Gutsy, Etch
 IDE: Aptana + PHPEclipse
 Editor:  Vim
 Browser: FF2 and Safari


 2007/10/20, Nicolas Vollmar [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Platform: Gentoo Linux
  Editor/IDE:  Eclipse w/ PDT or Quanta Plus
  Browser: Konqueror/Firefox (because TinyMCE doesn't work with Konqi)

 Nicolas Perriaulthttp://www.clever-age.com
 Clever Age - conseil en architecture technique
 GSM: +33 6 60 92 08 67  T�l: +33 1 53 34 66 10


w: www.techjini.com | www.valuejini.com | www.techjini.org

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[symfony-users] Re: Very, very slow app?symfony(not really)?server??

2007-09-27 Thread Amit Rana

1. How many tables do you have? If there are lots of tables then
opcode caching really helps.
2. Whats your server load?
3. Also can you tell your RAM usage

In my opinion shared hosting is the culprit but still if its a simple
application it should perform well assuming it being an admin backend
there shouldnt be lot of load.

On 9/27/07, nini [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 i have a big trouble - i've installed my symfony app on the hosting
 provider (strato.de) server and now i'm notes, that it is incredible
 My app is an admin backend, so i've used propel-init-admin and
 modificated it. On my laptop (IBM X30, 1,2Ghz, 512MB) its loading in
 0,5-0,7sek, on provider server - 2,5-6sek. (Tested in prod. mode).
 Here are the timers stats:

 Configuration 12172.91
 Action vertrag/list   1   571.49
 Database2   3.36
 View Success for vertrag/list   1   989.31
 Partial vertrag/_list_header  1   14.71
 Partial vertrag/_list_messages1   9.04
 Partial vertrag/_list 1   564.60
 Partial vertrag/_list_th_tabular  1   36.87
 Partial vertrag/_list_td_tabular  5   58.68
 Partial vertrag/_list_td_actions  5   131.98
 Partial vertrag/_list_actions 1   11.74
 Partial vertrag/_list_footer  1   8.81

 I've tested the sf_sanbox on this server too. The default frontpage is
 loading in 1,5sek.

 Is it normal? Is there someway to optimize it?
 Any help is appropriated!

 I've shared hosting, so there is no way to install acp, eaccelerator
 etc (Nope of them is installed((( )

 P.S.: I've tested joomla on this server - admin startpage (and all
 others) is loading in max. 2,5 sek


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[symfony-users] Re: How to get metas_title param (view.yml) ?

2007-09-26 Thread Amit Rana

 How to get metas_title param from view.yml ?
getMetas() doesnt work?


On 9/26/07, Sylvain - Com-Océan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have the same question :

 How to get metas_title param from view.yml ?

 I'm designing a CMS (merge of my own Symfony CMS and SimpleCMS) which is
 nearly finished.
 Then it is nice to compose page titles with the title of the website
 from view.yml and the title of the page from the CMS.

 Thanks a lot, I hope I will publish a new CMS plugin soon.
 It is called sfDynamicCMS (I don't know which name to give to this
 plugin), it permits to manage easily navigation with CMS module and you
 own modules dynamicaly : without writing a line in routing.yml). Then
 there are 3 tables : nav, page, slots.
 It permit also to manage slots and templates like simpleCMS but in a
 backend with admin generator (template and slots yml config are like
 generator yml config).


 Sylvain Papet - Développeur Web
 Agence de communication Com-Océan
 www.com-ocean.com / +33 4 90 66 48 82

 Nicolas CHARLOT a écrit :
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :
  Maybe you can use :
  $this-getParameterHolder()-getParameter('title', '', 'helper/asset/
  Bon courage,
  It doesn't seems to work in an action...
  I've add my own param in app.yml : html_title_suffix...


w: www.techjini.com | www.cheermyteam.com | www.valuejini.com

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[symfony-users] Re: wanna give seminar but have no ideas

2007-09-10 Thread Amit Rana

It depends what do you want to cover. Following are some of the suggestions:
1. What are frameworks? Why use them?
2. Compare a few available
3. php symfony
4. main features - how it helps
5. sample application
6. small talk on plugins and some available ones.
7. can end with some success stories.

On 9/9/07, nitin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I m in final year IT branch student.I wanna give seminar on
 symfony.But don't have enough idea to deal with.what should i do?


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[symfony-users] Re: Dynamic config

2007-08-20 Thread Amit Rana

Not sure whats the symfony way but in one of our projects I did this

We had a separate project.yml file which had application wide
parameters (somethings used in all apps), we added parameters from
that file to sfConfig and used below to update it.

This example is for adding new parameter, you can modify for changing too.

$arr = sfYAML::Load(sfConfig :: get('project_config_dir').'/project.yml');
$arr['test'] = 200;
sfConfig::set('test',200); //You need this so that parameter is available
$yaml = sfYaml::dump($arr);
file_put_contents(sfConfig :: get('project_config_dir').'/project.yml', $yaml);


On 8/20/07, Greg Freeman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is it possible to just do something like

 sfConfig::set('var', 'value');

 and then save it somehow? I just want to be able to write to the


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[symfony-users] Re: www.e4s.co.uk built on symfony

2007-08-13 Thread Amit Rana

I am sorry I didnt quite understand the question.

We had to do lot of optimization to be able to cope up to that much
traffic. We started with a very bad server P3(1.1GHz) hosting both db
and web, which was not able to cope up at all and server load was
always above 10 and above 60 during peak time. This made site
completely useless. We work on following items as part of optimisation
(some before, some after separatin db and web on different servers):
1. Apache configuration (connections, caching, mod_expires, gzip etc)
2. Mysql configuration ( cache, tmp tables, innodb buffer, join buffer etc)
3. Symfony ( Everything from the docs...using caching efficiently
helped a lot, gzip, etc)
4. We already had APC

The UI design that was given to us had LOTS of images so one page
request resulted in over 30 server requests, which was a very bad
idea. Our current setup is:
P3(1.1GHz), 4GM RAM
P4(3GHz), 3GM RAM

Server load on both the servers are below 1 (except few spikes) all
the time after optimization.

On 8/13/07, Hung Dao [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 That's good for a startup plan, what kind of server do you use? and how can
 your bandwidth keep up with the 500k hits like that?

 On 7/21/07, Amit Rana [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  We regularly get over 500,000 hits per day. 80-90% of our visitors are
  new users.
  Currently our traffic is almost half of that. We are using Mysql (with
  propel), 5 queries per second.
  On 7/20/07, Eric Greene [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
   hey, nice site!  What type database did you use?
   When you say very high traffic, how high are you talking about?
   On 7/20/07, amit  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I am happy to announce release of  http://www.e4s.co.uk , another
symfony success story. This is a very high traffic site getting
thousands of unique users every day.
From: http://www.e4s.co.uk/docs/aboutus.htm
www.e4s.co.uk http://www.e4s.co.uk is essentially an online job
board that enables employers to advertise job vacancies to thousands
of job seekers via our comprehensive job search facilities.
Comments and feedback are welcome. As always thanks everyone for
helping us on the way.
Amit Rana.
w: www.valuejini.com | blog.techjini.com | www.cheermyteam.com
  w: www.techjini.com | www.cheermyteam.com | www.valuejini.com

w: www.techjini.com | www.cheermyteam.com | www.valuejini.com

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[symfony-users] Re: www.e4s.co.uk built on symfony

2007-08-13 Thread Amit Rana

We are using vBulletin, we did not play a lot with trying to integrate
symfony and the forum. Following is what we have done.
1. All UI customisation is from vBulletin admin panel.
2. We have disabled sign-in and login from the forum directly. You
have to come via job seeker panel.
3. All session checking and menu display code is still part of symfony
app, vBulletin simply calls it.
4. We have api calls to update forum db whenever a new user is created
or changed on our db.




 I am interested in how you did the forum integration? Which forum
 software do you use? Do you synchronize the user databases? Can you
 use the same layout to decorate your symfony pages and your forum


 On Jul 20, 12:28 pm, amit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am happy to announce release of  http://www.e4s.co.uk, another
  symfony success story. This is a very high traffic site getting
  thousands of unique users every day.
   is essentially an online job
  board that enables employers to advertise job vacancies to thousands
  of job seekers via our comprehensive job search facilities.
  Comments and feedback are welcome. As always thanks everyone for
  helping us on the way.
  Amit Rana.
  w:www.valuejini.com| blog.techjini.com |www.cheermyteam.com


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[symfony-users] enabling error_404_modules, all other pages start giving 404

2007-07-26 Thread Amit Rana

 I am facing a strange problem which I am unable to debug.

If I enable error_404_module and actions for an app I start getting
404 for all the pages. Although website is working as expected but
instead of 200 symfony is sending 404 for all pages. Below are symfony

Any advice? what am I doing wrong?

Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfRouting} connect /docs/:page (.htm suffix)
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfRouting} connect /all-jobs/:page
(.htm suffix)
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfRouting} connect
/gap-year-jobs/:page (.htm suffix)
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfRouting} connect
/graduate-jobs/:page (.htm suffix)
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfRouting} connect
/internship-jobs/:page (.htm suffix)
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfRouting} connect
/part-time-jobs/:page (.htm suffix)
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfRouting} connect /jobs/:page (.htm suffix)
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfRouting} connect /search/all-jobs
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfRouting} connect /search/part-time-jobs
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfRouting} connect /search/gap-jobs
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfRouting} connect /search/graduate-jobs
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfRouting} connect /search/internship-jobs
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfRouting} connect /
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfRouting} connect /symfony/:action/*
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfRouting} connect /:module
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfRouting} connect /:module/:action/*
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfContext} initialization
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfController} initialization
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfRouting} match route [homepage] /
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfRequest} request parameters array (
'module' = 'home',  'action' = 'index',)
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfRouting} connect
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfController} dispatch request
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfFilter} executing filter sfRenderingFilter
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfFilter} executing filter sfWebDebugFilter
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfFilter} executing filter sfCacheFilter
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfFilter} executing filter sfCommonFilter
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfFilter} executing filter sfFlashFilter
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfFilter} executing filter sfExecutionFilter
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfAction} call homeActions-executeIndex()
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfView} initialize view for home/index
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfViewConfig} set component myleftmenu (/)
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfView} render
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfViewCacheManager} cache for
home/index?_sf_cache_key=quicksearch does not exist
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfCreole} connect(): DSN: array (
--removed-- ), FLAGS: 0
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfCreole} prepareStatement(): --removed qry -
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfCreole} executeQuery(): [0.96 ms]
--removed qry-
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfViewCacheManager} save cache for
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfView} decorate content with
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfView} render
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfView} initialize view for menu/_topmenu
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfView} render
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfView} initialize view for menu/_loginbox
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfView} render
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfViewCacheManager} cache for
does not exist
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {PartialHelper} call
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfCreole} prepareStatement(): --removed qry--
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfCreole} applyLimit(): --removed qry--
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfCreole} executeQuery(): [0.63 ms]
--removed qry--
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfView} initialize view for
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfView} render
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfViewCacheManager} save cache for
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfFilter} render to client
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfResponse} send status HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfResponse} send header Status: 404
Not Found
Jul 26 07:16:04 symfony [info] {sfResponse} send header
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Jul 26 

[symfony-users] www.e4s.co.uk built on symfony

2007-07-20 Thread amit


   I am happy to announce release of  http://www.e4s.co.uk , another
symfony success story. This is a very high traffic site getting
thousands of unique users every day.

From: http://www.e4s.co.uk/docs/aboutus.htm
www.e4s.co.uk http://www.e4s.co.uk is essentially an online job
board that enables employers to advertise job vacancies to thousands
of job seekers via our comprehensive job search facilities.

Comments and feedback are welcome. As always thanks everyone for
helping us on the way.

Amit Rana.

w: www.valuejini.com | blog.techjini.com | www.cheermyteam.com

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[symfony-users] Re: www.e4s.co.uk built on symfony

2007-07-20 Thread Amit Rana

We regularly get over 500,000 hits per day. 80-90% of our visitors are
new users.

Currently our traffic is almost half of that. We are using Mysql (with
propel), 5 queries per second.

On 7/20/07, Eric Greene [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hey, nice site!  What type database did you use?

 When you say very high traffic, how high are you talking about?

 On 7/20/07, amit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am happy to announce release of  http://www.e4s.co.uk , another
  symfony success story. This is a very high traffic site getting
  thousands of unique users every day.
  From: http://www.e4s.co.uk/docs/aboutus.htm
  www.e4s.co.uk http://www.e4s.co.uk is essentially an online job
  board that enables employers to advertise job vacancies to thousands
  of job seekers via our comprehensive job search facilities.
  Comments and feedback are welcome. As always thanks everyone for
  helping us on the way.
  Amit Rana.
  w: www.valuejini.com | blog.techjini.com | www.cheermyteam.com

w: www.techjini.com | www.cheermyteam.com | www.valuejini.com

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[symfony-users] not compressing output of specific action/module

2007-07-19 Thread Amit Rana

 I am following

 Is it possible to disable compressing on module or action level?

I tried putting settings.yml in modules/mymodule/config folder but it
didnt work.

Am I doing something wrong?

compressed:  off


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[symfony-users] Re: encoders and/or obfuscators and symfony

2007-07-15 Thread Amit Rana

 We use APC 3.0.14 and PHP 5.2.3

Tried but not able to run eAccelerator 0.9.3 and0.9.5 with php 5.1.6
or 5.2.0 or 5.2.1.
(Havent tried with 5.2.3). when using eAccelerator we get php fatal
error complaining of accessing protected fields in symfony files (lots
of them)

APC works fine with 5.1.6 some seg faults now and then but no affect on site.
APC did work with 5.2.0 and 5.2.1 but lots of seg faults.

APC works perfectly fine with 5.2.3, we have 100% hits coming from APC
and 0 seg faults so far.


On 7/11/07, Razvan Popa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Does anybody have any success stories with encoders and symfony?
 I tried symfony + eaccelerator but I can't figure out why it's not working.
 What are you using to protect your code?



w: www.techjini.com | www.cheermyteam.com | www.valuejini.com

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[symfony-users] Re: Tracking down a problem..

2007-07-02 Thread Amit Rana

I 'always' have to add
in lib/symfony/symfony.php just before

 I am not sure whats the reason but default symfony.php never works
for me. I posted about this on the list but got no response so I guess
it only happens with me :) May be you want to try this.


On 7/2/07, Ian P. Christian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've recently tried to upgrade an application, and found that the
 production controller no longer works - it just dies silently.

 # ./symfony cc
 # tail log/* -f /var/log/apache2/*_log

 == /var/log/apache2/suphp_log ==
 [Mon Jul 02 12:52:17 2007] [info] Executing
 /var/www/admin.site.co.uk/web/index.php as UID 81, GID 81

 == log/admin_prod.log ==
 Jul 02 12:52:18 symfony [info] {sfRouting} connect /
 Jul 02 12:52:18 symfony [info] {sfRouting} connect /symfony/:action/*
 Jul 02 12:52:18 symfony [info] {sfRouting} connect /:module
 Jul 02 12:52:18 symfony [info] {sfRouting} connect /:module/:action/*

 == /var/log/apache2/access_log ==
 x.x.x.x - pookey [02/Jul/2007:12:52:17 +0100] GET /index.php/ HTTP/1.1
 200 - http://admin.site.co.uk/index.php/ftp; Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U;
 Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070623 Firefox/


 If I change SF_DEBUG to true in my index.php , it works fine.

 This is making it a little tricky for me to figure out what's happening
 - anyone have any ideas?


 Ian P. Christian ~ http://pookey.co.uk

w: www.techjini.com | www.cheermyteam.com | www.valuejini.com

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[symfony-users] Re: eaccelerator 0.9.5 and php-5.2.x

2007-06-30 Thread amit

 Thanks for the response. I have already tried APC but it keeps giving
me segmentation fault.
[notice] child pid 27139 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)

 I will play with it more.

On Jun 30, 8:24 am, Kiril Angov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I suggest you go with APC (pecl install apc)


 Joby Walker wrote:
  Eaccelerator and php-5.2.x don't mix well.  Version works
  better -- but you still have to turn off the optimizer.


  On 6/29/07, amit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   I am having same problem as mentioned here

  (Fatal error: Cannot access protected property sfConfig::$config in /
  usr/local/lib/php/symfony/config/sfConfig.class.php on line 61 )

   Is anyone using eaccelerator 0.9.5 and php-5.2.x. combination with


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[symfony-users] Re: eaccelerator 0.9.5 and php-5.2.x

2007-06-30 Thread Amit Rana


On 6/30/07, Kiril Angov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Some string functions were segfaulting in 5.2.1 what version exatly are
 you running with APC?


 amit wrote:
   Thanks for the response. I have already tried APC but it keeps giving
  me segmentation fault.
  [notice] child pid 27139 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)
   I will play with it more.
  On Jun 30, 8:24 am, Kiril Angov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I suggest you go with APC (pecl install apc)
  Joby Walker wrote:
  Eaccelerator and php-5.2.x don't mix well.  Version works
  better -- but you still have to turn off the optimizer.
  On 6/29/07, amit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I am having same problem as mentioned here
  (Fatal error: Cannot access protected property sfConfig::$config in /
  usr/local/lib/php/symfony/config/sfConfig.class.php on line 61 )
   Is anyone using eaccelerator 0.9.5 and php-5.2.x. combination with


w: www.techjini.com | www.cheermyteam.com | www.valuejini.com

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[symfony-users] eaccelerator 0.9.5 and php-5.2.x

2007-06-29 Thread amit


 I am having same problem as mentioned here

(Fatal error: Cannot access protected property sfConfig::$config in /
usr/local/lib/php/symfony/config/sfConfig.class.php on line 61 )

 Is anyone using eaccelerator 0.9.5 and php-5.2.x. combination with


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[symfony-users] Re: New Site on Symfony

2007-06-27 Thread Amit Rana

 nice site.

 you should remove index.php
 http://www.indiademocracy.org/index.php/home so it can be accessed as
http://www.indiademocracy.org/home read about no_script_name

my 2 cents.

On 6/27/07, Muhammad Asif Ali [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All,

  we have successfully launched our new Symfony Powered website
 User Blog http://asif.indiademocracy.org

 Please let me know your views and any flaws(major / minor) in this. If found
 any major plz PM me.

 Thank you very much

 Muhammad Asif Ali


w: www.techjini.com | www.cheermyteam.com | www.valuejini.com

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[symfony-users] Re: symfony 1.0.5 released (security fix)

2007-06-26 Thread amit

 I took latest version from trunk (svn co http://svn.symfony-project.com/trunk/
.) but it says version as 1.1.0-DEV
revision was 4401.

 Is this ok?

On Jun 25, 10:10 pm, Fabien POTENCIER [EMAIL PROTECTED]
project.com wrote:
 I've just released symfony 1.0.5. If you use the symfony built-in
 phpmailer (and you do if you use the -sendMail() method in your
 actions), you must upgrade to this release or apply the following 

 PHPMailer has a remote command execution vulnerability if you have
 configured it to use sendmail. You can find more information about this
 issue here:http://larholm.com/2007/06/11/phpmailer-0day-remote-execution/

 Here are all bugs fixed in this release:

 * r4387: fixed input_date_range_tag - Illegal attributes in input tags
 * r4385: fixed issue relating to lock files (#1874)
 * r4380: fixed vulnerability in phpmailer with sender (#1871)
 * r4323: fixed DOMDocument E_STRICT warning and trans-unit max id in
 XLIFF support
 * r4320: fixed sfToolkit::isUTF8() broken for strings larger than some
 * r4305: added i18n schema for MySQL and SQLite in API documentation

 As for every 1.0.X release, after upgrading to 1.0.5, don't forget to
 clear the cache of your projects.


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[symfony-users] Re: [symfony-users]

2007-06-18 Thread Amit Rana


On 6/18/07, Kiril Angov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Which is done how?

 Francois Zaninotto wrote:
  Hi Birchanda,
  Could you add your site to the list of symfony-powered websites in the
  By the way, you should deactivate the default module or override it in
  your application so that the symfony default pages don't show up. For
  instance, if a user tries:
  He will see that your application is built with symfony, which you may
  not want.
  *De :* symfony-users@googlegroups.com
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *De la part de* Birchandra Singh
  *Envoyé :* lundi 18 juin 2007 07:34
  *À :* symfony-users@googlegroups.com
  *Objet :* [symfony-users]
  Dear all,
  I have launched steelguru.com http://steelguru.com/ phase-II.
  It is my first project developed on symfony framwork.
  Please visit on this site and give me feedback.
  Birchandra Sanasam
  Web Developer  Analyst
  # +91 9810 194978


w: www.techjini.com | www.cheermyteam.com

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[symfony-users] Re: [symfony-users]

2007-06-18 Thread Amit Rana

sorry if that confused you. I thought that was good enough pointer if
you have documentation link or wanted to really search about it.

You can find it here

You need to read default_module, default_action

I will keep your advice in mind :) I guess RTFM was a better answer.

On 6/18/07, Kiril Angov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Either give precise answer or do not answer at all...

 Amit Rana wrote:
  On 6/18/07, Kiril Angov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Which is done how?
  Francois Zaninotto wrote:
  Hi Birchanda,
  Could you add your site to the list of symfony-powered websites in the
  By the way, you should deactivate the default module or override it in
  your application so that the symfony default pages don't show up. For
  instance, if a user tries:
  He will see that your application is built with symfony, which you may
  not want.
  *De :* symfony-users@googlegroups.com
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *De la part de* Birchandra Singh
  *Envoyé :* lundi 18 juin 2007 07:34
  *À :* symfony-users@googlegroups.com
  *Objet :* [symfony-users]
  Dear all,
  I have launched steelguru.com http://steelguru.com/ phase-II.
  It is my first project developed on symfony framwork.
  Please visit on this site and give me feedback.
  Birchandra Sanasam
  Web Developer  Analyst
  # +91 9810 194978


w: www.techjini.com | www.cheermyteam.com

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[symfony-users] Re: W3Counter v4 Built on Symfony

2007-05-22 Thread Amit Rana

Very good design. Nice work.

Did you leave customization of symfony 404 page intentionally?

I have a generic question to all, (I know this might be more of a
personal preference thing)
Which one do you prefer
http://www.w3counter.com/online-now/2/recent/20/0 (using routing.yml)

or it really doesn't matter. Definitely not in this case as the
application will be visible after some authentication so not too
much worried about search engine friendly urls.

This is a very nice change after having same design for 3 years (or more?) :)

On 5/22/07, Dan Grossman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Just felt like sending a note that W3Counter v4
 (http://www.w3counter.com) is now online. The latest version of this
 popular service is built on the Symfony framework (1.0), providing
 detailed web stats to nearly 5,000 websites. That's over 300 database
 queries per second, over a billion page views being analyzed, over 28
 real-time reports for each site, AJAX, RSS feeds, and lots more running
 on this framework. All on a single server.

 Thanks Symfony for making it so painless.

 Dan Grossman


w: www.techjini.com | www.cheermyteam.com

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[symfony-users] Re: sfTestBrowser - redirect loses session variables?

2007-03-22 Thread amit . rana

 I noticed same thing happens with flash variables too. When I set
flash variable and redirect it, tests fail but I can see the variable
value if I access using the browser.

 Can anyone guide?


On Mar 22, 11:01 am, Amit Rana [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I have a very simple page page1 which checks for a condition if not
 true it puts a message in the session and redirects to page2 which
 picks that message from session and displays it.

  When I perform this action using a browser all is well and I see the
 message in page2 but doing same using sfTestBrowser doesnt work. This
 is what I am doing.

 --some other stuff--
   responseContains('Incorrect prod name') //this tests keeps failing

 Using brwoser I to gohttp://server/myapp/tests/prodtest, it shows
 text box, I fill it press enter, I get redirected tohttp://server/myappwhich 
 shows the message

 Whats wrong in my test?



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[symfony-users] sfTestBrowser - redirect loses session variables?

2007-03-21 Thread Amit Rana


 I have a very simple page page1 which checks for a condition if not
true it puts a message in the session and redirects to page2 which
picks that message from session and displays it.

 When I perform this action using a browser all is well and I see the
message in page2 but doing same using sfTestBrowser doesnt work. This
is what I am doing.

--some other stuff--
  responseContains('Incorrect prod name') //this tests keeps failing

Using brwoser I to go http://server/myapp/tests/prodtest , it shows
text box, I fill it press enter, I get redirected to
http://server/myapp which shows the message

Whats wrong in my test?



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