RE: t-and-f: Re: Angry White Lesbians - The Final Chapter (chuh-che-che-che-che...hah-huh-ha-ha-ha)

2000-10-17 Thread malmo

Since I started this thread, I'm going to tie it up once and for all. And,
yes, there is still some track and field in this post:

So how should the AWLs feel about Steve Irwin's (Crocodile hunter) Federal
Express commercial which depicts a snakebite from the "most deadliest snike
in the woyld". Given that snakebites kill tens of thousands each year,
surely you must be horrified at this flippant treatment of such a serious

>As for whether people like the Texas Chainsaw murder exist, you only need
>watch discovery channel (The New Detectives, Forensic Science, Mind of a
>Serial Killer, etc) to know that they do.
>Kathy Rounds

I've seen all of those documentaries on serial killers and not one of them
used a chainsaw. Not Jack the Ripper, David Berkowitz, Ted Bundy, Kenneth
Bianchi and Angelo Buono, Aileen Wuornos, Henry Lee Lucas, Albert DeSalvo,
John Wayne Gacy Jr., Wayne Williams, Richard Speck, Richard Ramirez, Jeffrey
Dahmer -- not one of them!

That's the same educational Discovery Channel where children learn about how
brutally unfair natural selection in the animal kingdom is, isn't it? Which
image is more comforting than the Nike ad? The damn hyenas harassing the
lions until the male lion finally gets fed up and kills their leader? The
predator lioness lurking in the tall grass waiting to ambush and murder a
cute Thompsons Gazelle fawn? How about when a pride is taken over, all of
the males kill the cute, cuddly lion cubs? That's educational. What about
the mother Killer Whale teaching her young how to hunt and brutally batter
(cute) baby seals for food AND sport? Vivid reenactments of Grizzly bears
attacking unsuspecting hikers in our National Forests? Desmond Morris
documentary on human sexuality complete with a clinical "money shot"?
Cultural anthropologist Napoleon Chagnon's forays into the Amazon jungle to
study the social breakdown of the Yanomamo and REAL murder and mayhem? Sure
sheds a different light on those Nike ads, doesn't it?

Just change channels to PBS, right? Oh no, those damn Magruder Tapes again.
The humanity of it all, that's REAL people being barbecued in the Hindenburg
isn't it?

Turn off the TV, that's the solution, right? Reading is much better for them
isn't it? Nope. Lurking in the eerily quiet isles of the library are Homer,
Shakespeare, Nabokov, Hemingway and countless others with tales of rape,
murder, incest, torture, and war. Your history and sociology books aren't
much better, with the endless stories of pain and suffering.

OK, forget the library then, your daily newspaper is safe. But, noo!
Right there on the front page: airline, train, and auto accidents with all
the gory details on the front page to frighten them. I've never seen a Nike
ad try to parody a Mafia hit, but in Newsweek, Time and your daily newspaper
they've publishished photos of Paul Castellano in a pool of blood in front
of Sparks Steakhouse and Carmine Galante's bullet-riddled body with a cigar
still clenched in his teeth.

Well then, keep your kids away from the weighty periodicals -- let them read
PEOPLE and GLAMOUR. Another bad move. Nothing but photos of JFK Jr. and
Princess Diana, both dead. Of course the women's magazines will teach your
daughter "15 Summer sex tricks to get and keep a man!"

Don't count on the arts as being a safe harbor, either. Picasso's Guernica
is a sure cause of nightmares. Take up music lessons and they learn of the
horrors Jimmy Hendrix, Mamma Cass, Curt Cobain. Bye, Bye, Miss American Pie.

Sports are the answer then. Want chilling? How about the tragic death of
Austrian skier Ulrike Maier. On your television in prime time. Joe Theisman
breaks his leg again...and again...and again...and again! What could be more
horrific than to watch Dennis Miller commit professional suicide on Monday
Night Football? Since this list is about track and field, after all, aren't
you concerned with so many REAL DEATHS caused by throwing implements that
your child could be severely affected by the sight of one of these "weapons"
being used in the name of sport?

Kids have it so much tougher these days, with AIDS, Epstein-Barr, Carpal
Tunnel, Attention Deficit Disorder just waiting to grab them. They need to
be protected, coddled and numbed with Prozac and other psychotropic drugs.
They can't even ride a bike without a helmet under penalty of law. Have we
forgotten that kids fall down, go boom, get up and play again? Whose idea is
it to create a nation of sissies?

Is the innocuous Nike ad, which is a parody of an entire movie genre, really
as horrifying as any of the aforementioned REAL images that bombard children
every day?


RE: t-and-f: Re: Angry White Lesbians - The Final Chapter (chuh-che-che-che-che...hah-huh-ha-ha-ha)

2000-10-17 Thread Runtenkm


You missed one - how about the author J. L. Stine who's "Goosebumps" stories 
have basically been the tool that has taught my 7 year old daughter how to 
read at a 5th grade level. I'm going home tonight and rip them out of her 
hand and build a bonfire in the backyard. She'll be illiterate but safe from 
scary stories. 

Steve S

RE: t-and-f: Re: Angry White Lesbians - The Final Chapter (chuh-che-che-che-che...hah-huh-ha-ha-ha)

2000-10-17 Thread Mike Casey

Malmo said:

They can't even ride a bike without a helmet under penalty of law. Have we
forgotten that kids fall down, go boom, get up and play again? Whose idea is
it to create a nation of sissies?

Lets not start telling kids they're cissies because they wear appropriate
safety gear when cycling.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of malmo
Sent: 17 October 2000 08:30
Subject: RE: t-and-f: Re: Angry White Lesbians - The Final Chapter

Since I started this thread, I'm going to tie it up once and for all. And,
yes, there is still some track and field in this post:

So how should the AWLs feel about Steve Irwin's (Crocodile hunter) Federal
Express commercial which depicts a snakebite from the "most deadliest snike
in the woyld". Given that snakebites kill tens of thousands each year,
surely you must be horrified at this flippant treatment of such a serious

>As for whether people like the Texas Chainsaw murder exist, you only need
>watch discovery channel (The New Detectives, Forensic Science, Mind of a
>Serial Killer, etc) to know that they do.
>Kathy Rounds

I've seen all of those documentaries on serial killers and not one of them
used a chainsaw. Not Jack the Ripper, David Berkowitz, Ted Bundy, Kenneth
Bianchi and Angelo Buono, Aileen Wuornos, Henry Lee Lucas, Albert DeSalvo,
John Wayne Gacy Jr., Wayne Williams, Richard Speck, Richard Ramirez, Jeffrey
Dahmer -- not one of them!

That's the same educational Discovery Channel where children learn about how
brutally unfair natural selection in the animal kingdom is, isn't it? Which
image is more comforting than the Nike ad? The damn hyenas harassing the
lions until the male lion finally gets fed up and kills their leader? The
predator lioness lurking in the tall grass waiting to ambush and murder a
cute Thompsons Gazelle fawn? How about when a pride is taken over, all of
the males kill the cute, cuddly lion cubs? That's educational. What about
the mother Killer Whale teaching her young how to hunt and brutally batter
(cute) baby seals for food AND sport? Vivid reenactments of Grizzly bears
attacking unsuspecting hikers in our National Forests? Desmond Morris
documentary on human sexuality complete with a clinical "money shot"?
Cultural anthropologist Napoleon Chagnon's forays into the Amazon jungle to
study the social breakdown of the Yanomamo and REAL murder and mayhem? Sure
sheds a different light on those Nike ads, doesn't it?

Just change channels to PBS, right? Oh no, those damn Magruder Tapes again.
The humanity of it all, that's REAL people being barbecued in the Hindenburg
isn't it?

Turn off the TV, that's the solution, right? Reading is much better for them
isn't it? Nope. Lurking in the eerily quiet isles of the library are Homer,
Shakespeare, Nabokov, Hemingway and countless others with tales of rape,
murder, incest, torture, and war. Your history and sociology books aren't
much better, with the endless stories of pain and suffering.

OK, forget the library then, your daily newspaper is safe. But, noo!
Right there on the front page: airline, train, and auto accidents with all
the gory details on the front page to frighten them. I've never seen a Nike
ad try to parody a Mafia hit, but in Newsweek, Time and your daily newspaper
they've publishished photos of Paul Castellano in a pool of blood in front
of Sparks Steakhouse and Carmine Galante's bullet-riddled body with a cigar
still clenched in his teeth.

Well then, keep your kids away from the weighty periodicals -- let them read
PEOPLE and GLAMOUR. Another bad move. Nothing but photos of JFK Jr. and
Princess Diana, both dead. Of course the women's magazines will teach your
daughter "15 Summer sex tricks to get and keep a man!"

Don't count on the arts as being a safe harbor, either. Picasso's Guernica
is a sure cause of nightmares. Take up music lessons and they learn of the
horrors Jimmy Hendrix, Mamma Cass, Curt Cobain. Bye, Bye, Miss American Pie.

Sports are the answer then. Want chilling? How about the tragic death of
Austrian skier Ulrike Maier. On your television in prime time. Joe Theisman
breaks his leg again...and again...and again...and again! What could be more
horrific than to watch Dennis Miller commit professional suicide on Monday
Night Football? Since this list is about track and field, after all, aren't
you concerned with so many REAL DEATHS caused by throwing implements that
your child could be severely affected by the sight of one of these "weapons"
being used in the name of sport?

Kids have it so much tougher these days, with AIDS, Epstein-Barr, Carpal
Tunnel, Attention Deficit Disorder just waiting to grab them. They need to

RE: t-and-f: Re: Angry White Lesbians - The Final Chapter (chuh-che-che-che-che...hah-huh-ha-ha-ha)

2000-10-17 Thread Kurt Bray

For murder and sin-ridden literature, don't forget the Bible.  It's full of 
that kind of stuff.  However, in the Bible the good triumphs over the evil 
in the end - just like in the Nike ad.

And the most horrifying picture shown recently on TV during prime time is 
that footage of that terrified Palestinian kid and his dad crouching for 
cover in the middle of a gun battle but getting shot anyway.  That was a 
real kid getting killed for real - I never heard Ellen DeGeneres protest 
about THAT image being shown.

That footage kind of exposes that Nike ad as the silly bit of make-believe 
that actually it is.  It also shows how misplaced all the indignation and 
outrage over the ad is when contrasted with the lack of similar outcry over 
the televising of a real-life horror scene.

Kurt Bray

>Since I started this thread, I'm going to tie it up once and for all. And,
>yes, there is still some track and field in this post:
>So how should the AWLs feel about Steve Irwin's (Crocodile hunter) Federal
>Express commercial which depicts a snakebite from the "most deadliest snike
>in the woyld". Given that snakebites kill tens of thousands each year,
>surely you must be horrified at this flippant treatment of such a serious
> >As for whether people like the Texas Chainsaw murder exist, you only need
> >watch discovery channel (The New Detectives, Forensic Science, Mind of a
> >Serial Killer, etc) to know that they do.
> >
> >Kathy Rounds
>I've seen all of those documentaries on serial killers and not one of them
>used a chainsaw. Not Jack the Ripper, David Berkowitz, Ted Bundy, Kenneth
>Bianchi and Angelo Buono, Aileen Wuornos, Henry Lee Lucas, Albert DeSalvo,
>John Wayne Gacy Jr., Wayne Williams, Richard Speck, Richard Ramirez, 
>Dahmer -- not one of them!
>That's the same educational Discovery Channel where children learn about 
>brutally unfair natural selection in the animal kingdom is, isn't it? Which
>image is more comforting than the Nike ad? The damn hyenas harassing the
>lions until the male lion finally gets fed up and kills their leader? The
>predator lioness lurking in the tall grass waiting to ambush and murder a
>cute Thompsons Gazelle fawn? How about when a pride is taken over, all of
>the males kill the cute, cuddly lion cubs? That's educational. What about
>the mother Killer Whale teaching her young how to hunt and brutally batter
>(cute) baby seals for food AND sport? Vivid reenactments of Grizzly bears
>attacking unsuspecting hikers in our National Forests? Desmond Morris
>documentary on human sexuality complete with a clinical "money shot"?
>Cultural anthropologist Napoleon Chagnon's forays into the Amazon jungle to
>study the social breakdown of the Yanomamo and REAL murder and mayhem? Sure
>sheds a different light on those Nike ads, doesn't it?
>Just change channels to PBS, right? Oh no, those damn Magruder Tapes again.
>The humanity of it all, that's REAL people being barbecued in the 
>isn't it?
>Turn off the TV, that's the solution, right? Reading is much better for 
>isn't it? Nope. Lurking in the eerily quiet isles of the library are Homer,
>Shakespeare, Nabokov, Hemingway and countless others with tales of rape,
>murder, incest, torture, and war. Your history and sociology books aren't
>much better, with the endless stories of pain and suffering.
>OK, forget the library then, your daily newspaper is safe. But, 
>Right there on the front page: airline, train, and auto accidents with all
>the gory details on the front page to frighten them. I've never seen a Nike
>ad try to parody a Mafia hit, but in Newsweek, Time and your daily 
>they've publishished photos of Paul Castellano in a pool of blood in front
>of Sparks Steakhouse and Carmine Galante's bullet-riddled body with a cigar
>still clenched in his teeth.
>Well then, keep your kids away from the weighty periodicals -- let them 
>PEOPLE and GLAMOUR. Another bad move. Nothing but photos of JFK Jr. and
>Princess Diana, both dead. Of course the women's magazines will teach your
>daughter "15 Summer sex tricks to get and keep a man!"
>Don't count on the arts as being a safe harbor, either. Picasso's Guernica
>is a sure cause of nightmares. Take up music lessons and they learn of the
>horrors Jimmy Hendrix, Mamma Cass, Curt Cobain. Bye, Bye, Miss American 
>Sports are the answer then. Want chilling? How about the tragic death of
>Austrian skier Ulrike Maier. On your television in prime time. Joe Theisman
>breaks his leg again...and again...and again...and again! What could be 
>horrific than to watch Dennis Miller commit professional suicide on Monday
>Night Football? Since this list is about track and field, after all, aren't
>you concerned with so many REAL DEATHS caused by throwing implements that
>your child could be severely affected by the sight of one of these 
>being used in the name of sport?
>Kids have it so

RE: t-and-f: Re: Angry White Lesbians - The Final Chapter (chuh-che-che-che-che...hah-huh-ha-ha-ha)

2000-10-17 Thread Mike Casey


I agree with you. I was saying that most certainly kids should wear their
I was replying to Malmo's post which suggested that such behaviour was
building a nation of cissies.


-Original Message-
From: Justin Clouder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 17 October 2000 16:05
To: 'Mike Casey'
Subject: RE: t-and-f: Re: Angry White Lesbians - The Final Chapter


Not all kids' heads bounce off concrete. In fact, several thousand kids (and
adults) suffer terrible head injuries falling off bikes.

I've never had a fire in my home - am I being a sissy in having a fire

I've never been mugged - does that mean I can stop avoiding dangerous

My girlfriend has never been raped - does that mean she shouldn't carry a
rape alarm?

I've never been in a car crash - does that mean I'm a sissy for having

My neighbour's kids have never been attacked by a paedophile - does that
mean they should be encouraged to talk to strangers?

Your post, in general terms, contains a valid point in that there is always
risk of over-protecting kids. However, your apparently contemptuous
dismissal of a law which saves dozens of lives and hundreds of serious
injuries a year is terrifying. You need to find a much better example.

Best wishes,


> --
> From: Mike Casey
> Reply To: Mike Casey
> Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 3:41 pm
> To:   malmo
> Subject:      RE: t-and-f: Re: Angry White Lesbians - The Final Chapter
> (chuh-che-che-che-che...hah-huh-ha-ha-ha)
> Malmo said:
> They can't even ride a bike without a helmet under penalty of law. Have we
> forgotten that kids fall down, go boom, get up and play again? Whose idea
> is
> it to create a nation of sissies?
> Lets not start telling kids they're cissies because they wear appropriate
> safety gear when cycling.
> Mike
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of malmo
> Sent: 17 October 2000 08:30
> To: mike fanelli; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; R.T.; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: t-and-f: Re: Angry White Lesbians - The Final Chapter
> (chuh-che-che-che-che...hah-huh-ha-ha-ha)
> Since I started this thread, I'm going to tie it up once and for all. And,
> yes, there is still some track and field in this post:
> So how should the AWLs feel about Steve Irwin's (Crocodile hunter) Federal
> Express commercial which depicts a snakebite from the "most deadliest
> snike
> in the woyld". Given that snakebites kill tens of thousands each year,
> surely you must be horrified at this flippant treatment of such a serious
> matter?
> >As for whether people like the Texas Chainsaw murder exist, you only need
> to
> >watch discovery channel (The New Detectives, Forensic Science, Mind of a
> >Serial Killer, etc) to know that they do.
> >
> >Kathy Rounds
> I've seen all of those documentaries on serial killers and not one of them
> used a chainsaw. Not Jack the Ripper, David Berkowitz, Ted Bundy, Kenneth
> Bianchi and Angelo Buono, Aileen Wuornos, Henry Lee Lucas, Albert DeSalvo,
> John Wayne Gacy Jr., Wayne Williams, Richard Speck, Richard Ramirez,
> Jeffrey
> Dahmer -- not one of them!
> That's the same educational Discovery Channel where children learn about
> how
> brutally unfair natural selection in the animal kingdom is, isn't it?
> Which
> image is more comforting than the Nike ad? The damn hyenas harassing the
> lions until the male lion finally gets fed up and kills their leader? The
> predator lioness lurking in the tall grass waiting to ambush and murder a
> cute Thompsons Gazelle fawn? How about when a pride is taken over, all of
> the males kill the cute, cuddly lion cubs? That's educational. What about
> the mother Killer Whale teaching her young how to hunt and brutally batter
> (cute) baby seals for food AND sport? Vivid reenactments of Grizzly bears
> attacking unsuspecting hikers in our National Forests? Desmond Morris
> documentary on human sexuality complete with a clinical "money shot"?
> Cultural anthropologist Napoleon Chagnon's forays into the Amazon jungle
> to
> study the social breakdown of the Yanomamo and REAL murder and mayhem?
> Sure
> sheds a different light on those Nike ads, doesn't it?
> Just change channels to PBS, right? Oh no, those damn Magruder Tapes
> again.
> The humanity of it all, that's REAL people being barbecued in the
> Hindenburg
> isn't it?
> Turn off the TV, that's the solution, right? Reading is much better for
> them