t-and-f: M50 discus mystery solved: Brisbane messed up

2001-10-10 Thread TrackCEO

Greetings, all

Jacey Octigan of the Brisbane WAVA meet has informed us that the original 
results of the M50 discus -- as listed by National Masters News showing the 
Brits in first and fourth  -- are correct and that a subsequent posting on 
the official Brisbane Web site is incorrect. In other words, nobody was DQ'd.

This was Jacey's note to Tom Fahey of the United States:

We apologise for the error on the website - this file was posted incorrectly
and has now come to our attention.  The results are as per your medal
placing ie Peter received the gold and you the silver.  The correct file has
now been forwarded to the web master to be updated.

Kind regards

Jacey Octigan
Event Manager

Ken Stone

Re: t-and-f: M50 discus mystery solved: Brisbane messed up

2001-10-11 Thread GHTFNedit

In a message dated Thu, 11 Oct 2001  1:16:54 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 

> Greetings, all
> Jacey Octigan of the Brisbane WAVA meet has informed us that the original  results 
>of the M50 discus -- as listed by National Masters News showing the  Brits in first 
>and fourth  -- are correct and that a subsequent posting on  the official Brisbane 
>Web site is incorrect. In other words, nobody was DQ'd.>>

Congratulations, dickhead. Thanks to your earlier post, and I quote <>

There was no taint until you posted it for all the world to see. How about checking 
this kind of stuff in background before you put it out in b&w where search engines 
will be able to find it in perpetuity, with no guarantee that the subsequent post will 
also be read.

This is exactly the same kind of irresponsibility I pointed out w/ the "bonds on 
nandro" post the other day. It simply shouldn't be permitted on this list.


Re: t-and-f: M50 discus mystery solved: Brisbane messed up

2001-10-11 Thread koala

For most people on this list, the list itself is the only
route to resolve apparent anomalies and discrepancies.

Anybody who relies on information by using a search
engine to scout an "open" e-mail distribution list,
certainly does so at their own risk.

Not everybody has the same resources to call upon "off-line"
as T&FN.

Furthermore, this e-mail list does not have the same
unwritten "charter" as T&FN to "promote" the best aspects
of the sport, in order to sustain self-perpetuation.

And it is apparent that the realm of dickheadedness is
not reserved for those NOT employed by T&FN

The subject of whether Bonds is on nandro is probably
outside the realm of this list solely because the sport
involved is not T&F, XC or RR or RW,...
...NOT because it involves supposition, "what-if",
degree-of-likelihood, etc.  That is fair game.
There is PLENTY of anecdotal and subjective evidence
pointing directly at doping as a major contributor to
the explosion of record breaking in major league baseball.

The value of lists like this, or newsgroups, is that
people can argue a point on just about any angle they
like, and the only reflection is their ability to
succintly state their point, back it up, and so on,
in a convincing manner, the absense of which simply
reflects back on THEM and their credibility...
If I want to say athlete X is a jerk because he wears
a green singlet, I will just make myself look like a
jerk- ...SO WHAT

I don't want to ban any discussion of an allegation just
because the person mentioning it doesn't have the
absolute documentation and proof that would hold up in
a court of law.
This should be the same level of discussion that two
fans would have sitting next to each other in the
bleachers at a track meet.  Just about anything goes,
as long as you don't incite a riot or yell fire in a
crowded theater...:-)
If you don't like the discussion going on, you just
find some other friends to sit with, right?  (as D-W-I-G-H-T
chose to do)...or introduce a different topic, hoping that
the conversation will drift that way...
TO BE!!!

It will never be the impeccable, unarguable source of
perfect, unassailable information related to the sport-
and it SHOULDN'T TRY to be...


On Thu, 11 Oct 2001 12:14:16 EDT, you wrote:

>In a message dated Thu, 11 Oct 2001  1:16:54 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
>> Greetings, all
>> Jacey Octigan of the Brisbane WAVA meet has informed us that the original  results 
>of the M50 discus -- as listed by National Masters News showing the  Brits in first 
>and fourth  -- are correct and that a subsequent posting on  the official Brisbane 
>Web site is incorrect. In other words, nobody was DQ'd.>>
>Congratulations, dickhead. Thanks to your earlier post, and I quote and remove any suspicion of taint upon the "removed" athletes?>>
>There was no taint until you posted it for all the world to see. How about checking 
>this kind of stuff in background before you put it out in b&w where search engines 
>will be able to find it in perpetuity, with no guarantee that the subsequent post 
>will also be read.
>This is exactly the same kind of irresponsibility I pointed out w/ the "bonds on 
>nandro" post the other day. It simply shouldn't be permitted on this list.

Re: t-and-f: M50 discus mystery solved: Brisbane messed up

2001-10-11 Thread GHTFNedit

In a message dated Thu, 11 Oct 2001  3:47:56 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 


i would posit that this list is well down the road to becoming something nobody either 
intends it to be or wants it to be---DEAD

and i would posit that no end of people have become turned off by it simply becuase of 
endless mindless chatter on drug subjects. 

just like economics, where bad money drives out good.

IMHO, the poison is so deeply rooted that only intervention by the powers that be can 
help revitalize what was once an exciting site to visit.


Re: t-and-f: M50 discus mystery solved: Brisbane messed up

2001-10-11 Thread Roger Ruth

Randy wrote,


and Garry responded,

>i would posit that this list is well down the road to becoming something
>nobody either intends it to be or wants it to be---DEAD
>and i would posit that no end of people have become turned off by it
>simply becuase of endless mindless chatter on drug subjects.

Agreed, that nobody should intend or want the list to be dead (although
some apparently have pursued that course by even temporary withdrawal of
participation), it is surprising that anyone who has been a subscriber for
a few years would not remember that the fall season typically is one of
deadened activity.

As far as the reason for people "turning off," I would agree that it is in
part because of "endless chatter on drug subjects," but my own frustration
is with endless chatter on all subjects having replaced posting of results,
summary statistics, and meaningful submissions on training and technique.

I apologize for adding to the endless chatter, and promise that my next
submission will be data-based.


RE: t-and-f: M50 discus mystery solved: Brisbane messed up

2001-10-12 Thread Ben Hall

Actually, only in the past few years has the list been deadened in the fall.
Back in the day... ('93, '94, '95) when Pietri, Joe Lemay, Tyson Sacco, Joe
McVeigh were frequent contributors the list was a bustle in the fall.
Sometimes it got silly and excessive but it was fun and interesting.  But it
certainly wasn't dead.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Roger Ruth
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 11:22 PM
Subject: Re: t-and-f: M50 discus mystery solved: Brisbane messed up

Randy wrote,


and Garry responded,

>i would posit that this list is well down the road to becoming something
>nobody either intends it to be or wants it to be---DEAD
>and i would posit that no end of people have become turned off by it
>simply becuase of endless mindless chatter on drug subjects.

Agreed, that nobody should intend or want the list to be dead (although
some apparently have pursued that course by even temporary withdrawal of
participation), it is surprising that anyone who has been a subscriber for
a few years would not remember that the fall season typically is one of
deadened activity.

As far as the reason for people "turning off," I would agree that it is in
part because of "endless chatter on drug subjects," but my own frustration
is with endless chatter on all subjects having replaced posting of results,
summary statistics, and meaningful submissions on training and technique.

I apologize for adding to the endless chatter, and promise that my next
submission will be data-based.
