Re: [Tagging] RFC proposed water property key 'ephemeral '

2018-05-30 Thread Warin

On 30/05/18 21:55, Mateusz Konieczny wrote:
30. May 2018 00:31 by 

In that case I would tag



The tags should 'make sense' without requiring further explanation
... as that generates these kind of problems. 

I strongly oppose bolting on additional unclear values to tag where 
99.99% values are yes/no.

See 98.68% 
for yes, 1.31% for no,

all other values together 0.01%.

Especially as intermittent=summer may easily mean:

"intermittent during summer, water present otherwise"

"intermittent during summer, no water otherwise"

Intermittent is nice, clean tag without overly complicated syntax and 
it should stay this way.

The question asked was 'how would you tag it'.

I answered how I would tag it. Note - with the increased use of 
'intermittent' as a way of having seasonal rendered I will not be using 
the 'intermittent' tag again.

In fact I see it as a nonsense tag due to its multiple OSM meanings.
So i will be using tags that are more tightly defined .. like seasonal 
(by it self).
If renders chose not to render the tag seasonal that is their choice, 
not up to mappers to use another tag to have it rendered.

I take it there are not further comments on the topic (the subject of 
this thread) of 'ephemeral'?

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] marking shop as street vendor

2018-05-30 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
28. May 2018 07:51 by :

> Three years ago I read about rules for street vendors in my city, Madrid. The 
> rules design as "street vendors" a mix of:
> a) Newsagent kiosks and similar (ONCE kiosks). Most of them are permanent, 
> not dismantled at night.

It reminds me that I was supposed to add some negative examples. Added one in

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] marking shop as street vendor

2018-05-30 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
28. May 2018 13:46 by :

> On Mon, May 28, 2018 at 12:37 AM, Graeme Fitzpatrick <> 
> > > wrote:
>> Would you tag the entire area eg >> 
>> >>  
>> as outdoor_vendor though?, or is that considered implicit in it being a 
>> marketplace?
> My understanding (which may be totally wrong) of the proposal is that 
> outdoor_vendor applies to
> individual "shops."  I see "marketplace" as being one of several collective 
> nouns for outdoor_vendor/
> street_vendor/whatever_we_call_it_vendor.  So, a marketplace of outdoor 
> vendors; a street of outdoor
> vendors, a public square of outdoor vendors, etc.

I have no considered it before but it may make sense to use it at 
amenity=marketplace in

some situations so I made an edit:

> Having thought about it some more, maybe we need something more than =yes to 
> distinguish between
> things like food vans that are driven away overnight and things like the 
> market stalls I posted pictures of
> where the structures are fixed but the goods for sale are removed overnight.  
> In the first case if you look
> at night you won't see any sign that a vendor is ever there; in the second 
> case you see a structure but
> (without map info) don't know what it sells.

 I am not convinced that spending time on defining values in such detail, but 
as I am not opposed to

that I will not explicitly define it as limited only to yes/no values.

If someone see value in additional values - feel free to propose something by 

(though I am not promising that I will use it in the final version).

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] RFC proposed water property key 'ephemeral '

2018-05-30 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
30. May 2018 00:31 by :

> In that case I would tag
> intermittent=summer 




> The tags should 'make sense' without requiring further explanation... as 
> that generates these kind of problems. 

I strongly oppose bolting on additional unclear values to tag where 99.99% 
values are yes/no.

 98.68% for yes, 
1.31% for no,

all other values together 0.01%.

Especially as intermittent=summer may easily mean:

"intermittent during summer, water present otherwise"

"intermittent during summer, no water otherwise"

Intermittent is nice, clean tag without overly complicated syntax and it should 
stay this way.

One may easily invent new tags to properly tag such detail.___
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] RFC proposed water property key 'ephemeral '

2018-05-30 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
30. May 2018 07:23 by 
> intermittent=summer
> In summer: explicit state = intermittent
> Otherwise: default state = not present

I strongly oppose bolting on additional unclear values to tag where 99.99% 
values are yes/no.

 98.68% for yes, 
1.31% for no,

all other values together 0.01%.

Especially as intermittent=summer may easily mean:

"intermittent during summer, water present otherwise"

"intermittent during summer, no water otherwise"

Intermittent is nice, clean tag without overly complicated syntax and it should 
stay this way.

One may easily invent new tags to properly tag such detail.

Tagging mailing list